How to use a hairpin with wire inside. How to make a bun using a twister

Girls with early childhood I like beautiful hairstyles. First with a bunch of bows, multi-colored elastic bands and hairpins, and then with unrivaled Hollywood curls and bouffants. Do beautiful styling You can only use good styling products in a salon, but if you don’t have time to visit one, you can use a handy device - a Twister hairpin.

With the help of this functional accessory you can not only style a protruding strand, but also create a hairstyle worthy of an evening out. Twister, in skillful hands, easily replaces Babette, a tiara, and indeed any solid hair decoration. You can pin your hair with it, using shells instead of traditional hairpins. In other words, this is a universal accessory for all occasions.

What it is

The Twister hairpin gained particular popularity in the 90s, just at the time when the fashion for non-standard and varied hairstyles appeared. The girls wanted to change without making any effort to do so. special effort, and a hairpin with a wire that bends in any direction contributed to this perfectly.

The advantage of this hairpin was that it perfectly fixed even the longest hair, and in appearance it looked like a stylish decoration. It could be covered with velvet, silk, lace, decorated with beads and rhinestones, and supplemented with foam rubber for volume.

The hairpin has styling functions because after many hours of wear you can get curled strands. With the help of Twister, girls learned how to do more than twenty hairstyles, radically changing their looks. Today, this stylish accessory has returned to the fashion arsenal and every self-respecting girl should learn how to use it correctly.

How to use

To begin with, I would like to note that the Twister hair clip is intended exclusively for long hair and if their length does not reach at least the shoulder blades, a normal hairstyle is unlikely to work. A presentable hairstyle can only be achieved if the hair is carefully combed along its entire length. If the previous condition is met and the hair length is suitable, you can proceed to the most important thing - creating a hairstyle.

It is better to do this according to the instructions:

  1. We collect the hair at the back of the head as if we wanted to make a ponytail, but do not secure it with an elastic band. We make sure that the hair is well smoothed at the back of the head, otherwise the hairstyle will not look very neat.
  2. We take a hairpin and pull the hair through a special hole. We take into account that the hair should be neatly distributed along the entire perimeter of the hole - from edge to edge.
  3. If you have a “cascade” hairstyle and the hair in different areas differs in length, the hairpin will have to be brought to the place where the shortest strand ends and then fixed.
  4. We begin to scroll the Twister, thus tightly fixing them in the hole. We carry the hairpin from the back of the head to the ends, gradually scrolling, and then go back, twisting the hair itself underneath.
  5. When we finally bring the hairpin to the base of the ponytail, all that remains is to secure it beautifully and neatly in the hairstyle. You can do this in the shape of a bun or a bagel - whatever you like.

This hairstyle option can be called the simplest and most homely because it is unlikely to be suitable for an evening out.


Using the Twister hairpin, you can create two dozen hairstyles, but only a few of them are the most popular:

  • Bun. We collect carefully combed hair into a ponytail at the level of the future bun and thread it through the hole of the hairpin. We twist the hair, trying to prevent the strands from falling out, and when we reach the edge, we bend the ends. You can twist them together under or over the bun.

  • Tail with harness. First, we make a horizontal parting, dividing the occipital and crown areas in half. The tourniquet will consist of hair that was left on the back of the head. We temporarily secure the hair on the top of the head with a hairpin, and in the meantime, twist part of the hair from the back of the head into a Twister. After this, remove the hairpin and thread the “top” hair through the Twister ring.

  • Shell. We comb the hair and thread it through the hairpin, placing it vertically. From the same position we begin to twist the hair, and when the hairpin moves to the back of the head, we firmly fix the ends of the Twister.

  • Malvina. We comb all the strands and form a parting that visually divides the crown and back of the head into two halves. We fix the lower part of the hair with a shell, and begin to wind the upper part with a Twister. When the hairpin is brought to the back of the head, its edges will need to be fixed. The hair from the bottom should be left loose.

As you can see, the second and fourth hairstyles are created according to a similar principle, only you need to act in exactly the opposite way. Evening looks with Twister are created like Malvina, but with some changes. So, you can simply curl the lower part of your hair and twist the upper part into a rope.

You can create Hollywood curls using Twister. To do this, you just need to twist your damp hair into a hairpin and undo it after drying. It is worth considering that the result will completely depend on how the hair was curled, so you will not be able to get the perfect result the first time.

How to make a hairpin yourself

You can also make a Twister hairpin with your own hands. To do this, you just need to get copper wire, tape, wire cutters, and a piece of velvet fabric.

The creation process covers several stages:

  1. First, a ring is created from wire, the diameter of which is selected based on the length and volume of the hair.
  2. The wire is tightly wrapped with tape to create a fairly reliable frame.
  3. The cover for the hairpin is sewn in advance according to a pattern that can be found on the Internet.
  4. The hole in the case is made based on the diameter of the frame and the volume of the hair itself.

Basically, the cost finished product It’s not big enough to bother making your own hairpin, but if you want something exclusive, go for it.


The Twister hairpin always has the same design - oblong in shape, thin, with a hole in the center. But some types of such hairpins differ from each other and this is due not only to external characteristics.

So, for longer hair, massive types of Twister with a wide hole in the center are intended. For hair of shorter length, hairpins that are smaller in diameter and have a miniature hole in the center are suitable. And one and the same type of hairpin looks different in different hairstyles.

Long, well-groomed hair is always a real decoration for any woman. In addition, many additionally emphasize their attractiveness with the help of additional accessories. Moreover, in modern stores you can buy hairpins, combs, barrettes and other jewelry for every taste.

Manufacturers are not asleep and periodically offer young ladies new interesting and convenient accessories. One of them was the twister hairpin. She gained wide popularity back in the 90s. And now the accessory is coming back into fashion. And for good reason. After all, with its help you can quickly and easily create a neat, elegant hairstyle. Also read the article about an equally interesting device for creating hairstyles for every day.

How to use a hair twister?

Overall, the design of this interesting hairpin is quite simple. It is made of soft wire that bends easily even with minimal effort. On top it is torn by fabric of different textures. It can be either regular plain cotton for everyday hairstyles, or a more elegant and festive velvet.

Some models have foam inside. Thanks to him, the hairstyle becomes more voluminous and voluminous. In the assortment of stores today you can find such a hairpin even made of plastic.

Every woman can create a hairstyle using the discussed accessory easily and quickly. Even a child can learn to use it. Moreover, most manufacturers include instructions in the product on how to use it correctly. By the way, this is possible even for short hair.

Hairdressers have calculated that with the help of a twister you can build almost two dozen completely different hairstyles. Among them there are options both for a festive evening and for work in the office. Due to the fact that the twister holds hair perfectly, it can be used even during sports. For this case, a simple, laconic hair bun is best suited.

  • At the first stage, you will need to carefully collect all the hair at the back of your head according to the principle of a ponytail hairstyle, but do not secure it with an elastic band. Only if an evening holiday option is being built, may it be necessary to leave a few loose strands for curls. The tail should be neat. To do this, the hair all over your head should be thoroughly combed and smoothed.
  • Next, the hairpin is straightened and lowered to the ends of the hair. In the middle there is a special hole into which you will need to insert curls. This also needs to be done carefully. It is important to ensure that not a single strand is left outside the hairpin.
  • Now you can begin to wind your hair on the twister, gradually twisting it and slightly lifting it towards the base of the ponytail.
  • The last stage is connecting the ends of the hairpin. This must be done when the twister is near the head. The height of the hairstyle can be adjusted in this way. If you want to make a very low bun, then at the very beginning you should not put your hair in a ponytail, but just leave it loose.

But there are other relevant options for using the accessory under discussion. It can replace a girl’s usual a. Unlike the latter, the soft surface of the twister will not tighten the hair too much and injure it. In addition, many elastic bands are not able to hold the ponytail for a long time (especially on thick hair) and gradually begin to slip. With Twister everything is different. He holds his tail firmly and at the same time gently for several hours.

By the way, owners of soft, thin hair have noticed that the twister is also capable of creating light curls. When you undo your hair after a couple of hours, you can notice this effect on your strands.

Conveniently, today you can buy this accessory in different colors and styles. There are even hairpins on sale with a variety of additional decorations on the surface - with beads, rhinestones, patterns, embroidery, etc.

Hairstyles with a twister - step-by-step photos and video instructions

There are a huge number of twister hairstyle options. The most popular of them are the “Classic Bun” and “Twist”.

"Classic bun"

Step 1. To begin with, all hair must be carefully combed and gathered together, without securing it with an elastic band. Next, insert the hairpin into the slot in the middle and distribute it over it.

Step 2. You should carefully, but quite tightly twist your hair using a twister, moving upwards towards the back of your head.

Step 3. As soon as the accessory stands with its edge to the surface of the head, you need to stop.

Step 4. The ends of the twister go down. Elegant feminine bun ready.


Step 1. To begin with, the entire mass of hair will need to be divided into two parts. You can simply draw a border in the middle of the head with a comb. The more hair there is in the lower part, the thicker the finished “harness” will be.

Step 2. It is better to temporarily stab the upper part with a “crab” and move it forward. Work is on the lower part. It must be twisted into a twister according to the standard scheme. There is no need to bend the ends yet.

Step 3. The upper part of the hair is lowered onto a hairpin with the lower part twisted into it. Now the ends of the twister can be connected. Thus, it turns out that the original “braid” of hair frames the tail.

In this video, a model with long hair clearly demonstrates how you can build an elegant beautiful hairstyle using a twister hairpin. A simple and understandable scheme even for beginners.

How to make such a hairpin with your own hands?

If you wish, you can not only buy a twister, but also make it yourself. It will turn out to be no less high-quality and attractive, and, in addition, it will be as budget-friendly as possible.

For this you will need: copper wire, a piece of velvet fabric, wire cutters, and tape.

  • To begin with, a ring is created from wire, the diameter of which should be approximately 25 centimeters. The number of skeins of wire depends on the type of hair. If your hair is long and thick, then it is better to make it larger. The frame of the future hairpin should be dense.
  • The resulting copper ring should now be carefully wrapped with tape, connecting all layers of wire and thereby increasing the thickness of the accessory.
  • The case for the twister should be sewn in advance, looking at a sample from the original product. It is important to take into account the parameters of the wire frame. You need to make a hole in the middle of the cover for hair.
  • The hairpin is completely ready. All that remains is to add decorative elements to the accessory if desired. You can use it to create the most intricate hairstyles.

The number of women who are interested in how to use a hair twister is rapidly growing; it is impossible to resist the temptation to create original models with my own hands. Unforeseen circumstances will not take you by surprise; a few minutes are enough to create a masterpiece from long hair. The twister consists of wire and fabric (silk, velvet); beads, lace, rhinestones are used for decoration; accessories filled with foam rubber are intended for fans of voluminous hairstyles. The popularity of the twister is ensured by its affordable price. The accessory allows you to experiment with creating original hairstyles at home.

How to use a hair twister and achieve perfection in creating original hairstyles? Ease of use is a strong argument in favor of hairpins, representatives of the fair sex without vocational training master the art of creating original hairstyles. Twister is a favorite of young fashionistas; it allows you to surprise with exclusive looks and emphasize your individuality without the help of adults. Traditionally, the sale of an accessory is accompanied by instructions. It is practiced to use a hairpin for short hair, it’s enough to give free rein to your creative fantasies and take advantage of the advice of hairdressers. Using a twister you can create hairstyles for work and school; special events; walks; sports activities.


Bun. A stylish hairstyle - a bun, is relevant at any age, suits owners of various body types, and favorably emphasizes the oval of the face. The hair is gathered into a ponytail (without an elastic band) and gently smoothed. The ends of the hair are placed in the middle of the twister and twisted towards the back of the head, similar to curlers. The final stage is connecting the ends of the hairpin, fixing the bun, the height of the hairstyle depends on personal preferences and can be easily adjusted. If you want to make a bun in a classic style, do not collect the hair in a ponytail, just connect the ends and form a hairstyle.

Tail. Compared to elastic bands and classic hairpins, a twister holds the ponytail more reliably, without damaging the hair. Fans of curls leave the bun overnight, enjoy the result in the morning, and the curls effectively complement the look. Twister is the best option for owners voluminous hair, holds the tail for a long period, even after training in the gym, does not slip, does not cause pain.

tourniquet. will favorably emphasize the beauty of long hair "plait". First of all, you need to divide the hair into two parts, secure the upper part with a crab or an elastic band, leave loose hair on the back of the head, which should be carefully twisted in the same way as a bun, lower two parts of hair from the top of the head onto the ends of the twister, frame the central part, and fix it.

Shell. This is a classic creation option romantic image, ideal for a restaurant, for an exhibition. The hair is carefully combed and collected into a ponytail similar to a bun, a twister is fixed at the ends of the hair in a vertical position, twisted to the back of the head, the shell is secured with the ends of a hairpin, and if desired, the shell is decorated with rhinestones, small hairpins, and flowers to emphasize individuality.

Bunch - bump. High hairstyles visually correct the oval of the face and help short girls appear taller. The stylish hairstyle with a bump on the top of the head harmoniously combines with modern clothing styles and has gained the status of a favorite of young girls who prefer to look impressive in any setting without sacrificing a sense of comfort. The hair is gathered into a ponytail on the top of the head, secured with a hairpin or elastic band, the ends of the ponytail are placed in the hole of the twister, twisted similarly to a bun, and formed into a ball.

Bun with fringe. Fringe is associated with feelings of inner freedom; it looks stylish with jeans, original jackets, and blouses. The hairstyle is done in the same way as a bun, only the twister is fixed in the middle of the tail, a bun is carefully formed, and framed with fringe.

Malvina. The combination of loose hair and a bun is “Malvina”. The hair is divided into two parts, the upper part is collected into a ponytail, a bun is formed using a twister, and secured.

Models with two twisters

Compositions of two buns and shells look impressive; they will sufficiently divide the hair into two parts. Cost will not be an obstacle to replenishing your arsenal of hair accessories with several twisters. A set of multi-colored hairpins will allow you to create original everyday and holiday hairstyles that complement your outfit.

Forming an ideal bun and shell without the use of a special accessory is accompanied by a significant time investment, “roosters”, uneven distribution of hair negatively affects the mood of the fair sex. Twister allows you to save money on visiting a professional hairdresser and protect nervous system from stress. It is important to look impeccable on a holiday and maintain a great mood.


This is a concern for beauty, the fabric protects hair from damage and gives a pleasant sensation when in contact with the skin. The wire securely fixes the hairstyle, regardless of the thickness of the hair.

The accessory allows you to create voluminous hairstyles, headache will not spoil the holiday, the woman does not feel the accessory.

Information on how to use a hair twister for schoolgirls and students will be useful; laconic hairstyles using a twister comply with the rules established in schools and universities.

Twister - " ambulance" For business women, hairstyles created with the help of a compact accessory comply with the rules of the dress code. An active lifestyle does not interfere with looking impeccable; an elegant business woman will make a worthy impression on partners and clients. Neat hairstyles are ideal for an interview.

The use of a soft accessory eliminates injury to the scalp; the formation of an original hairstyle is accompanied exclusively by positive emotions. The twister retains its unchanged shape as a result of long-term use, easily fits in a cosmetic bag, and accompanies fans of original images on vacation and business trips.

Lovers of exclusive jewelry buy a twister and decorate it with rhinestones, beads, seed beads, and ribbons. A hairstyle created “in haste” with the help of a special accessory cannot be distinguished from the results of the work of a professional hairdresser, providing a unique opportunity to feel like an experienced stylist.

Truly, elegantly styled hair is the adornment of any woman. Therefore, you want to look original and beautiful every day, but where can you get it? free time, because in the modern rhythm of life there is a lot to be done.

Beauty experts have greatly simplified this task by developing sets of all kinds of hairpins. These are amazing, one might even say, magical tools that allow you to constantly.

Now fashionistas have a wide selection of various accessories to create a stylish, beautiful hairstyle. One of them is the Twister hair clip. This convenient accessory allows you to create an original bun in just a few minutes without much effort. The Twister hair clip is suitable not only for everyday use, but will also go perfectly with an elegant cocktail outfit. The bun obtained with the help of such an accessory will not fall apart and will look very original.

The hairstyle that the Twister hair clip allows you to achieve looks perfect. This is a great alternative to banal stiletto heels, invisible ones, and elastic bands. An important advantage of the hairpin is its lightness, thanks to which the hairstyle can be worn throughout the day without your head getting tired at all. Despite the fact that hair tension is not required, it will hold well and will not fray.

Hairstyles with a Twister hairpin

To create an original beam, several steps must be taken. The entire procedure will take no more than seven minutes. So, firstly, you need to collect the ponytail using an elastic band. Secondly, place the ends of the hair into the hole of the clip and press them. Thirdly, raise the resulting ponytail above your head, while holding the ends of the twister in your hands. Fourth, twist the hair towards the head and connect the ends of the hairpin together. The last stage is the distribution of the resulting “sausage” evenly throughout the entire bunch.

The Twister hair clip also provides other styling options. For example, if the bun is placed not in the middle, but closer to the edge of the head, and the lower part of the hair is loosened, the result will be “Malvina’s hairstyle.” You can also twist a spiral bun or simulate a shell. You just need to try it.

Thus, the Twister hair clip has a number of undeniable advantages. First of all, accessibility. This accessory does not require large expenditures. It is impossible not to note the simplicity and ease of use. Thanks to the “Twister” hairpin, any girl can create a beautiful and original bun without leaving home and without resorting to outside help, which is important. After all, it is often difficult to create a neat and elegant bun on your own. A bun made using “Twister” turns out to be voluminous. Therefore, the hair appears much thicker. It should be noted that the hairpin itself is made of a flexible plastic hoop, on top of which there is foam rubber. Outwardly, it is not noticeable on the head, since it has many different color shades.

How to create hairstyles with a sophist-twist hairpin that will emphasize the beauty and elegance of the image? This question worries many women. Sofista twists were popular in the nineties and are now back in fashion. The sophista twist combines several qualities of different hair accessories; it is also called a twister. This accessory performs aesthetic and practical functions.

Chic hairstyles with a sophist twist

Stylish hairstyles with a twister clip are ideal for both an office work environment and an informal party. You can create them yourself at home.
The twist hairstyle is extremely convenient for daily use. This unusual hair accessory turns even a banal ponytail into a real masterpiece.

And a regular bun will look chic with a twister hairpin. In addition, it will last much longer than with other hair accessories, and will not cause the slightest harm to the hair. Quite an interesting hairstyle with a flamenco twister; it won’t be difficult to create, and it makes a colossal impression.

When styling with a twister, you need to keep in mind a few instructions that do not require special knowledge of hairdressing.

As they say, everything ingenious is simple. But in the end they come out with beautiful, stylish models.

Creating models with twister

How to create incredible hairstyles with a sophist twist? Making beautiful models with such an interesting hairpin will not require any special skills and will not take a lot of time. What is a twister hairpin? This is a fairly simple but entertaining mechanism. Here are a couple of twister hairstyles that you can DIY in just a few easy steps. The most popular option based on the sophist twist is a regular bun.

Detailed instructions:

  1. The first thing to do is tie the curls with an elastic band at the required height.
  2. Comb the resulting ponytail thoroughly.
  3. Insert the ends of your hair into the twister slot and press them tightly.
  4. Twist the entire mop onto the sophist twist, holding it at both ends in the meantime. You should twist from bottom to top, and not vice versa.
  5. After twisting as far as possible, hook the ends of the hairpin together from below.
  6. Place the hair evenly in a circle, covering those areas through which the hairpin is visible.

The next way to create a hairstyle with a twister is quite funny. To make such a model, you will need two identical sophist-twist hairpins.


  1. Comb cleanly washed hair well.
  2. Divide the hair into two equal parts, and the parting should go from one ear to the other along the back of the head.
  3. Catch the hair at the top with something for a while.
  4. Press the ends of the curls at the bottom with a twister.
  5. Curl your hair in a sophist twist, holding it in a horizontal position. It is necessary to twist it deeply, towards the neck.
  6. Having twisted to the base, connect the ends together at the top.
  7. Take the hair located at the top of the head, pull it up as much as possible and hook the ends with a hairpin.
  8. Curl the curls forward, towards the forehead.
  9. Having twisted to the end, move the ends down, under the finished styling.

A similar model can be made before any meeting, after adding appropriate decorative elements to it.

Incredible bohemian kitsch. To create this hairstyle using a sophist twist, you need to follow simple instructions:

  1. First, tie the entire head of hair with an elastic band.
  2. Pull the resulting tail out through the twister hole.
  3. Take the hairpin by the edges and make one turn upwards.
  4. Move it halfway along the entire length towards the ends of the hair.
  5. At the same time, twist the edges of the twister upward, then secure them at the bottom and bend them towards the middle of the bun.
  6. Carefully distribute the ends that are not included in the bun around it.


Hairstyles with such a hairpin can be done quickly and easily, resulting in incredibly attractive and luxurious styling. With the help of a twister hairpin, models for owners of medium or long hair always look amazingly beautiful.

The twister or sophist twist hair clip first appeared in the 90s of the last century. Currently, this hair accessory is once again winning the hearts of fashionistas. Girls all over the world fell in love with it for its ease of use, time saving, and variety of images created with its help.



Twister allows you to create more than 20 hairstyle options that will last all day. In this case, the length of the curls, as a rule, does not matter.

The appearance and material from which this accessory is made may vary, and the color range is also varied. Cotton, silk, velvet and even plastic are used as the basis for the miracle hairpin. You can often find a sophisto twist decorated with decorative elements such as beads, lace flowers, rhinestones, and stones.

What is a twister? This is a fairly simple structure made of bendable wire, covered various materials. Sometimes, to create voluminous hairstyles, foam rubber is inserted into the twister.

The twist sophista is indispensable during sports and dancing, as it allows securely fix the strands without injuring them. The styling created with this accessory will last all day without requiring additional correction. The undeniable advantage of the hairpin is the light, seductive curls that appear on soft hair after wearing it for several hours.

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Hairstyle options

With this fashion accessory You can create both a strict, formal and romantic evening hairstyle. Next, let's look at the most popular hairstyle options.

Shell (Flamenco)

First way:

  1. Pre-combed curls are threaded into the hole of the fashion accessory, after which it is carefully moved towards the ends.
  2. Next, the twister rotates to a vertical position along the head.
  3. Then the strands are gradually twisted to the right or to left side, and the ends of the hairpins are bent.

Second way:

  1. The combed strands are also threaded into a sophistic twist, then it moves almost to the ends.
  2. After this, we begin to gradually twist the curls inward. In this case, you need to ensure that their ends do not slip off the hairpin.
  3. Turning the bun on one side, form a shell, while the ends of the sophist twist are secured together. Below are photos.


  1. Combed curls must be pulled into a high ponytail using a hairpin.
  2. Then move it closer to the ends, and then begin gradually twisting towards the top of the head until the twister edges towards the surface of the head.
  3. Secure the ends of the accessory together.

  1. The curls, as described in the previous hairstyle, need to be gathered into a ponytail and placed in the hole of the accessory.
  2. After that, move it to the middle of the length of the strands, gradually twisting.
  3. Next, the ends of the hairpin are connected to each other, and a fringe of hair is formed around the bun. The hairstyle is ready.


The combed strands should be divided horizontally into 2 parts. It should be borne in mind that the larger the lower part you leave, the thicker the tourniquet will be.

It is better to temporarily remove the upper part with a “crab” so that it does not interfere with us. The lower one is threaded through the hole in the accessory and screwed according to the standard pattern.

When the sophist of the twist approaches the head with its edge, the upper strands fall on it. After this, the ends of the hairpins are secured to each other.

Malvina's hairstyle

The strands, as in the previous hairstyle, are divided into 2 parts horizontally. The lower one remains loose, the upper one is gathered into a bun.

You can experiment with a twister hairpin every day, embodying already known ones and inventing new hairstyles yourself. At the same time, an excellent result is visible almost immediately.

Making a sophist twist hairpin with your own hands

It is possible to fully express your imagination when creating such an accessory with your own hands. In addition, it can become original and an inexpensive gift to your loved ones.

To create a hairpin we will need:

  • copper wire;
  • scotch;
  • wire cutters;
  • material.

  1. Copper wire will form the basis of our future design. The number of skeins depends on the density of the curls. The greater their number, the more securely it will be attached to the hair. So, our future hairpin should be approximately 20-30 cm in diameter.
  2. Carefully wrap the resulting ring with tape around the perimeter.
  3. We insert wire into the pre-sewn case of our future twister. Don't forget about the hole. Our hairpin is ready. If desired, it can be decorated with various decorative elements.

Truly, elegantly styled hair is the adornment of any woman. Therefore, you want to look original and beautiful every day, but where can you find free time, because in the modern rhythm of life you need to do a lot. Beauty experts have greatly simplified this task by developing sets of all kinds of hairpins. These are amazing, one might even say, magical tools that allow you to constantly.

Now fashionistas have a wide selection of various accessories to create a stylish, beautiful hairstyle. One of them is the Twister hair clip. This convenient accessory allows you to create an original bun in just a few minutes without much effort. The Twister hair clip is suitable not only for everyday use, but will also go perfectly with an elegant cocktail outfit. The bun obtained with the help of such an accessory will not fall apart and will look very original.

The hairstyle that the Twister hair clip allows you to achieve looks perfect. This is a great alternative to banal stiletto heels, invisible ones, and elastic bands. An important advantage of the hairpin is its lightness, thanks to which the hairstyle can be worn throughout the day without your head getting tired at all. Despite the fact that hair tension is not required, it will hold well and will not fray.

Hairstyles with a Twister hairpin

To create an original beam, several steps must be taken. The entire procedure will take no more than seven minutes. So, firstly, you need to collect the ponytail using an elastic band. Secondly, place the ends of the hair into the hole of the clip and press them. Thirdly, raise the resulting ponytail above your head, while holding the ends of the twister in your hands. Fourth, twist the hair towards the head and connect the ends of the hairpin together. The last stage is the distribution of the resulting “sausage” evenly throughout the entire bunch.

The Twister hair clip also provides other styling options. For example, if the bun is placed not in the middle, but closer to the edge of the head, and the lower part of the hair is loosened, the result will be “Malvina’s hairstyle.” You can also twist a spiral bun or simulate a shell. You just need to try it.

Thus, the Twister hair clip has a number of undeniable advantages. First of all, accessibility. This accessory does not require large expenditures. It is impossible not to note the simplicity and ease of use. Thanks to the “Twister” hairpin, any girl can create a beautiful and original bun without leaving home and without resorting to outside help, which is important. After all, it is often difficult to create a neat and elegant bun on your own. A bun made using “Twister” turns out to be voluminous. Therefore, the hair appears much thicker. It should be noted that the hairpin itself is made of a flexible plastic hoop, on top of which there is foam rubber. Outwardly, it is not noticeable on the head, since it has many different color shades.

Long, well-groomed hair is always a real decoration for any woman. In addition, many additionally emphasize their attractiveness with the help of additional accessories. Moreover, in modern stores you can buy hairpins, combs, barrettes and other jewelry for every taste.

Manufacturers are not asleep and periodically offer young ladies new interesting and convenient accessories. One of them was the twister hairpin. She gained wide popularity back in the 90s. And now the accessory is coming back into fashion. And for good reason. After all, with its help you can quickly and easily create a neat, elegant hairstyle. Also read the article about an equally interesting device for creating hairstyles for every day.

How to use a hair twister?

Overall, the design of this interesting hairpin is quite simple. It is made of soft wire that bends easily even with minimal effort. On top it is torn by fabric of different textures. It can be either ordinary plain cotton for, or more elegant and festive velvet.

Some models have foam inside. Thanks to him, the hairstyle becomes more voluminous and voluminous. In the assortment of stores today you can find such a hairpin even made of plastic.

Every woman can create a hairstyle using the discussed accessory easily and quickly. Even a child can learn to use it. Moreover, most manufacturers include instructions in the product on how to use it correctly. By the way, this is possible even for short hair.

Hairdressers have calculated that with the help of a twister you can create almost two dozen completely different hairstyles. Among them there are options both for a festive evening and for work in the office. Due to the fact that the twister holds hair perfectly, it can be used even during sports. For this case, a simple, laconic hair bun is best suited.

  • At the first stage, you will need to carefully collect all the hair at the back of your head according to the principle of a ponytail hairstyle, but do not secure it with an elastic band. Only if an evening holiday option is being built, may it be necessary to leave a few loose strands for curls. The tail should be neat. To do this, the hair all over your head should be thoroughly combed and smoothed.
  • Next, the hairpin is straightened and lowered to the ends of the hair. In the middle there is a special hole into which you will need to insert curls. This also needs to be done carefully. It is important to ensure that not a single strand is left outside the hairpin.
  • Now you can begin to wind your hair on the twister, gradually twisting it and slightly lifting it towards the base of the ponytail.
  • The last stage is connecting the ends of the hairpin. This must be done when the twister is near the head. The height of the hairstyle can be adjusted in this way. If you want to make a very low bun, then at the very beginning you should not put your hair in a ponytail, but just leave it loose.

But there are other relevant options for using the accessory under discussion. It can replace a girl’s usual a. Unlike the latter, the soft surface of the twister will not tighten the hair too much and injure it. In addition, many elastic bands are not able to hold the ponytail for a long time (especially on thick hair) and gradually begin to slip. With Twister everything is different. He holds his tail firmly and at the same time gently for several hours.

By the way, owners of soft, thin hair have noticed that the twister is also capable of creating light curls. When you undo your hair after a couple of hours, you can notice this effect on your strands.

Conveniently, today you can buy this accessory in different colors and styles. There are even hairpins on sale with a variety of additional decorations on the surface - beads, rhinestones, patterns, embroidery, etc.

Hairstyles with a twister - step-by-step photos and video instructions

There are a huge number of twister hairstyle options. The most popular of them are the “Classic Bun” and “Twist”.

"Classic bun"

Step 1. To begin with, all hair must be carefully combed and gathered together, without securing it with an elastic band. Next, insert the hairpin into the slot in the middle and distribute it over it.

Step 2. You should carefully, but quite tightly twist your hair using a twister, moving upwards towards the back of your head.

Step 3. As soon as the accessory stands with its edge to the surface of the head, you need to stop.

Step 4. The ends of the twister go down. An elegant feminine bun is ready.


Step 1. To begin with, the entire mass of hair will need to be divided into two parts. You can simply draw a border in the middle of the head with a comb. The more hair there is in the lower part, the thicker the finished “harness” will be.

Step 2. It is better to temporarily stab the upper part with a “crab” and move it forward. Work is on the lower part. It must be twisted into a twister according to the standard scheme. There is no need to bend the ends yet.

Step 3. The upper part of the hair is lowered onto a hairpin with the lower part twisted into it. Now the ends of the twister can be connected. Thus, it turns out that the original “braid” of hair frames the tail.

In this video, a model with long hair clearly demonstrates how you can create an elegant, beautiful hairstyle in a couple of minutes using a twister hairpin. A simple and understandable scheme even for beginners.

How to make such a hairpin with your own hands?

If you wish, you can not only buy a twister, but also make it yourself. It will turn out to be no less high-quality and attractive, and, in addition, it will be as budget-friendly as possible.

For this you will need: copper wire, a piece of velvet fabric, wire cutters, and tape.

  • To begin with, a ring is created from wire, the diameter of which should be approximately 25 centimeters. The number of skeins of wire depends on the type of hair. If your hair is long and thick, then it is better to make it larger. The frame of the future hairpin should be dense.
  • The resulting copper ring should now be carefully wrapped with tape, connecting all layers of wire and thereby increasing the thickness of the accessory.
  • The case for the twister should be sewn in advance, looking at a sample from the original product. It is important to take into account the parameters of the wire frame. You need to make a hole in the middle of the cover for hair.
  • The hairpin is completely ready. All that remains is to add decorative elements to the accessory if desired. You can use it to create the most intricate hairstyles.

Quick and neat styling in a matter of seconds is the dream of many girls. To make it a reality, hairdressers come up with special accessories and devices that make creating a hairstyle easier and more convenient. This is how the twister hair clip for long hair appeared, which was very popular in the 90s of the last century. Due to the fact that many fakes were sold on store shelves at that time, interest in this device faded. But now, fashion trend styling your hair with a twister is back.

How to use a hair twister

A twister is a fabric with a copper wire inside – it holds the strands in the hairstyle. The hairpin can be covered with velvet, silk or other material, decorated with lace flowers, beads, rhinestones, and often foam rubber is placed inside. There are plastic twisters that are suitable for daily wear. This device is an easy way to create an elegant hairstyle. Purchasing a hairpin will cost a pittance, but it will last a long time if you handle it carefully.

This original hair clip is suitable for different occasions: it will decorate during a special event, it will help to create a comfortable hairstyle during sports or when active work. Thanks to its special structure, the twister will allow its owner to create many different styles, about 20 types. Instructions for using twister hair clips:

  • Comb your curls well so that your fingers can pass freely between the strands, then gather them into a ponytail at the back of your head, but do not fix it. Make sure that there are no “roosters” left on your head, otherwise the hairstyle will not look too neat. Smooth your hair.
  • Take a twister. There is a special hole in it into which you need to pull the ponytail. Gently part your hair from edge to edge, then begin to gently pull the clip out towards the ends. Make sure that the strands do not fall out of it. If your hair is of different lengths, pull the twister to the place where the longest one almost ends. short strand. If you wish, you can let some of your hair forward to give your hair a romantic look by curling the curls, or a messy look by lightly fluffing it up.
  • Start gradually twisting your hair from the ends to the back of the head, slightly pulling the hairpin so that the strands are distributed evenly and fit tightly to the twister.
  • When you rest the edge of the hairpin on the base of the ponytail, you need to secure it correctly. Adjust the height of the hairstyle by moving the hair up or down the back of the head. Twist the ends of the twister into a bun or bagel shape, tightly fixing the strands. The hairstyle is ready!

The peculiarity of the twister is that the soft surface of the device does not injure the hair structure and holds it tightly. Therefore, even a classic ponytail, secured with this hairpin, will remain in one position all day long without slipping down. The twister has a styling effect: if you twist your hair into a bun for several hours, then when you undo it, the girl will see beautiful soft waves that hold well on thin hair.

Hairstyles with a twister: step-by-step instructions

With twister it’s easy to create interesting hairstyles, having first studied. Below is a description of popular hairstyles that are perfect for a walk or a business meeting: an original bun, an exquisite braid, an elegant shell or a romantic Malvina. Using master classes, you can do strict hairstyles, where the hair is adjacent one to one, or more loose, slightly disheveled options.


  • To create an elegant bun, comb your hair well. Gather the ponytail in the place where you want to see your future hairstyle. Carefully thread the tail through the twister hole and spread over the entire area. If you are doing the classic version, make sure that no extra strands are knocked out.

  • Gently begin twisting your hair, pulling it onto the clip to prevent strands from falling out.

  • Stop just before the back of your head when the edge of the hairpin rests against it.
  • Bend the ends of the device down and connect them together, forming an elegant bun.


  • A plait is an original hairstyle that adds variety. First you need to make a vertical parting, separating the occipital area and part of the hair on the crown. The more strands left below, the more voluminous the bundle will be. When creating a parting, it is not necessary to follow only clear lines; you can use a comb to delimit the zones.

  • Use an elastic band or crab clip to hold the top of your hair in place, pushing it forward to easily create a braid. Twist the hair at the back of your head with a twister without pinning the ends.

  • Remove the fasteners from the top collected part, and then wrap it with a twister with twisted hair, forming a ring around the ponytail. The “plait” hairstyle is ready!


  1. Comb your hair well, it is important that there are no tangled areas left. Place the twister vertically, unlike in previous cases, and start twisting your hair on it.
  2. Depending on which direction is more convenient, form a shell on the left or right when moving the device to the back of the head.
  3. Firmly fix the ends of the twister. The shell is ready!

Hairstyle Malvina

  1. To create a romantic Malvina, comb all the strands well. Using a comb, make a vertical parting, leaving the main body of hair at the bottom, back of the head.
  2. Fix the hair at the bottom with a crab so that it is convenient to wind the strands onto the plait.
  3. Thread the upper part of the hair into the hole of the twister, spreading it along the entire length. Start winding them onto the hairpin, pulling slightly.
  4. When the hairpin touches the edge of the head, connect the ends of the device, fixing them.

How to make a hairpin with your own hands

A woman can not only purchase a convenient, functional accessory in a store, but also make it herself at home. The hairpin should be of high quality and on a budget. To create a twister, a needlewoman will need copper wire, tape, wire cutters, and a piece of velvet fabric. Manufacturing instructions stylish decoration for hair:

  • Take the wire and make several skeins in a circle with a radius of about 25 centimeters. The thicker and heavier the hair, the more wire you will need for the base of the clip. Make sure that the structure is tight.
  • Take the tape and wrap it tightly around the wire circle to make the future accessory even tighter.

  • Sew a velvet cover in advance, taking into account the size of the future device. Make a hole there and sew up the edges.
  • Complete the accessory with decorations - beads, ribbons, lace, and other elements as desired. The hairpin is ready!

Where to buy and how much does a hair twister cost?

A girl can buy a twister in a shopping center or on the Internet, having first read the reviews of those who have already purchased the hairpin. Accessories are often sold in sets in several colors and with different decorative elements, so that you can choose a device for each occasion. The cost of an individual copy starts from 100 rubles; if you buy in bulk, the price for one hairpin will be less.

Video tutorial on creating a hairstyle using a sophist twist

For those who want to learn how to create beautiful hairstyles using a convenient hairpin with wire and foam rubber, a training video will help. In it, a woman is doing her daughter’s hair: to make the bun strong and elegant, a fixing elastic band is used. Next, the presenter tightly fixes the strands in the twister and twists the tail onto it, at the end slightly fluffing the bun, making it a little more careless. The result is a stylish side hairstyle that is suitable for a special event and will decorate any look. How to create a beautiful hairstyle using a twister hairpin:

Photo of twister hair clips

The hairpin will allow every girl to easily create collected hairstyles without the use of additional attributes (hairpins, elastic bands, crabs, bobby pins). In addition to its undeniable convenience, the twister has another important advantage - good appearance. To see this, look at the selection of photographs with hairstyles secured with a stylish device.

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