It's a secret: breastfeeding is good for mothers. About the benefits of breastfeeding

I am one of those unfortunate types of mothers who quickly ran out of milk after giving birth. Alas. I won’t touch on the reasons for this really major problem; they are different, and mine is not necessarily relevant for you. But the consequences are no different

- What are the benefits of breastfeeding for a child?

I asked my questions to nutritionist and pediatrician Ketevan Leontievna Tsivtsivadze.

The benefits of breastfeeding are particularly unique composition mother's milk. A composition that changes not only as the baby grows, but even from feeding to feeding, and each time is the best of all possible for a particular child. This is an amazing fact, did you know about it? For example, if you give birth to a seven-month-old, your milk for some time (strictly necessary) will be close in composition to colostrum. If you gave birth to twins, then the milk in different glands will differ, just as the needs of your two babies differ. And so on. Nature and its gifts are much more wonderful than we can imagine.

Mother's milk is, without exaggeration, a magical food: it is “alive”, “smart” and “responsive” to all the needs of a little person. And this is a miraculous and unique miracle.

Another feature of breast milk is that it digests itself, that is, nature included special “additives” in its composition to facilitate its absorption.

— What is the composition of breast milk?

Most useful product nutrition for a newborn contains a comprehensive set of nutrients, vitamins, enzymes, etc. necessary for development.


Milk is primarily 87% water. But not just water, but biologically active water - fully meeting the child’s fluid needs and being best absorbed.

It turns out that the child is not at risk of dehydration, even if he ends up in the desert with him?

Exactly! In terms of its composition, the milk of a nursing mother is the most precious “water” created by nature, the most nutritious, tasty and healing. This includes food, drink, vitamins with minerals and enzymes.


The fat content of mother's milk is 4%. Fats are perfectly balanced. This means that they have an optimal ratio of saturated and unsaturated fats, of which there should be more unsaturated fats.

Fats provide a child with up to 50% of his daily energy requirement. In general, the arithmetic is as follows: in the first year of life, mother’s milk meets the child’s needs for fats and carbohydrates by 100%, in the next two years - by 50%. Breast-feeding after a year - this is a good decision for a caring mother.

Breast milk fats are microscopic balls - even the size is “thought out” by nature in order to make it easier for the baby to absorb what he needs. To help break down fats, milk also contains a special enzyme - lipase.

Among the unsaturated fats in breast milk there are the so-called essential fatty acids - linoleic and arachidonic - extremely important for the construction of nerve fibers, brain development and many physiological functions, especially digestive. The content of linoleic and arachidonic acids in human milk is 4 times higher than their concentration in cow's milk, so they are truly irreplaceable. In addition, the child receives cholesterol from fats, the quantity and quality of which determines the production of hormones, bile and vitamin D.

Why do they say that not all milk is fatty, and that you need to know how to feed, and that even feeding can be “empty” and useless for a child? What is “proper breastfeeding” anyway?

As for useless feeding, this is a clear exaggeration. And regarding the ability to feed, you need to know the following.

The most fat is found in “early” milk - colostrum, as well as in “hind” milk (this is the name of the milk received by the baby at the end of feeding). “The leftovers are sweet” is just about the last, most delicious and fatty drops of milk - the satiating “cream” that the child receives at the end of feeding. Therefore, it is important not to interrupt the process arbitrarily - the child himself knows when he has enough fat, and therefore calories. And the baby should also be fed according to his first request, and not according to a “schedule” - then he will really be provided with the necessary energy. Trust nature in this matter - this is the most correct breastfeeding.

The mother's breast and the child are a single system: both parts are equally involved in the “production” of milk.

Why, then, are early complementary feedings so popular and why do women give up breastfeeding after a year?

Early complementary foods are early complementary foods, let's talk about them another time. As for refusals, there is psychology and, alas, all sorts of needs - like going to work and so on. This is bad, of course.


Interestingly, there is 4 times less protein in breast milk than fat - only 1%, and as the baby grows older, its amount decreases (a one-year-old and a newborn need different amounts). Nature has shown concern here too: she gives the child with mother’s milk exactly as much building material as is needed, and not a drop more. Excess protein can harm the kidneys and even lead to diabetes mellitus and obesity. The composition of breast milk is perfectly balanced.

Among the proteins there is the so-called whey protein. It, along with casein, is also found in cow's milk. But the child absorbs casein poorly, and whey, which is part of the mother’s casein, absorbs it effortlessly, like another protein - taurine, which is indispensable for development nervous system and brain. Breast milk contains essential amino acids such as cystine and methionine, as well as antibiotic proteins. Among them are lactoferin, nucleotides, secretory immunoglobulin and lysozymes, which protect the small organism from bacteria, viruses and maintain a healthy ecology in the intestines.

If anyone doesn’t know about the importance of immunoglobulins and other “protectors”: up to a year, a child has a completely immature immune system, and the little body is vulnerable without the help of the mother. Female nature carries out its mission in different ways: first, it transmits protective antibodies through the placenta, and then, when their amount decreases in the blood, it begins to transmit through milk. In general, everything is arranged amazingly subtly and wisely.

Since we are talking about the protective properties of breast milk, I note that up to 6 months it contains leukocytes that destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Their concentration corresponds to the required age and development of the child, as he grows older, it decreases, and so does the immune system! By the way, the most antibodies and leukocytes are in colostrum when maternal protection is most needed.

No artificial formula can protect a child from diseases, but breastfeeding does! And from diarrhea, and from allergies, and from the virus! And it also helps you get better! Treatment while breastfeeding goes much faster and more efficiently. Therefore, during illness, you should definitely continue to breastfeed.

That we are all about the benefits of breastfeeding! How about "sweetie"? They say that for a child there is nothing sweeter than mother's milk...

I mean carbohydrates, of course.


Carbohydrates make up 7% of milk composition. They will challenge the palm of mythological nectar and ambrosia, the sweetness of which nourished the angels themselves. Mother's milk has a high content of lactose, from which galactose is produced - a building component for “gray cells” (definitely, Agatha Christie’s Poirot, who was proud of these very cells, had a wonderful nurse). In addition, lactose is a “condition” necessary for calcium to be absorbed. And - a component that stimulates the proliferation of Lactobacilla bufidus - intestinal bacteria on which the well-being of the intestinal flora depends. And if a child is deprived of them in childhood, he will subsequently be forced to be treated for dysbiosis. In addition to lactose, carbohydrates are represented by milk sugar, fructose and oligosaccharides.

Along with lactose, human milk contains lactase, an enzyme that helps digest lactose. What is curious: lactase is found in hind milk, that is, only those babies receive it whose nutrition is organized in a natural way- we return again to the issue of proper breastfeeding. A skill, alas, lost by modern women. Today we have to learn natural feeding: learn to give the breast on demand, give it so that the baby grasps it correctly, be able to extract lactase by placing the baby on the same breast, let him suck during a long night's sleep, etc.

Microelements, mineral salts, vitamins

Many of them are not and cannot be in any mixture; they simply will not be added. For a very simple reason - they cannot be dosed correctly and safely. For example, how can you experiment with hormones? There are more than 15 types of them in mother's milk! Or numerous growth factors that we have not yet learned to synthesize and on which such subtleties as cell division (and not only) depend.

Recent studies have proven that there is a connection between intellectual development baby and the hormones and growth factors contained in breast milk. A child fed by a woman will give a head start to a child of the same age who was fed from a pacifier.

As for the synthesized components, they are still in the best form for absorption in breast milk. The same iron is absorbed up to 70% from mother's milk and no more than 30% from formula. Therefore, iron deficiency anemia is a frequent companion of artificially born babies and a problem that does not occur in infants. Calcium is also extremely well absorbed, thanks to the ideal ratio of calcium and phosphorus - a ratio not achievable in mixtures.

- What conclusions suggest themselves about the benefits of breastfeeding?

- What conclusions can there be? Milk is unique, there can be no two opinions. Breast milk heals, nourishes and even develops intelligence! The components that it contains are either unique or are in the most favorable proportion with others. No mixture, even the most “advanced” and high-quality one, can imitate them. Total, breast milk contains 400 components that do not and cannot be in the mixture in principle.

The good news is that even today, despite the disgusting ecology and “civilizational habits” that have distorted the female essence, more than 90% of women can feed. Including nulliparous and old women! And this is not a paradox, but a fundamental desire of living life. Therefore, do not rush to give up your right to breastfeed and do everything to breastfeed for as long as possible. Not only will your child be healthier, you will be healthier too. Breastfeed, mommies!

Not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

I can’t even tell you how glad I am that more and more attention is being paid to breastfeeding, or rather its importance and benefits! And for both the baby and the mother!

Breast milk is loaded with nutrients and protective antibodies that help your baby grow and develop, strengthening his immune system and overall health. And scientists are discovering more and more new possibilities of this substance literally every day!

But unfortunately, not all women know how important it is to breastfeed their baby. Many people still think that formula is a simpler and more convenient breast replacement. This is wrong. I came across an expression that seems to me to very clearly convey the difference between mother's milk and formula: “Feeding with formula is like going to McDonalds every day and trying to find the healthiest food there, while all the products there are “dead”, fat. chemicals and preservatives, from GMOs.”

Of course, it cannot be denied that formula becomes the only choice for feeding the baby in certain situations, for example, when the mother is seriously ill or taking incompatible medications, and so on. I just want to emphasize that no formula, organic or not, can replace mother's milk, no matter what anyone tells you.

In this post, I have collected the most important reasons, in my opinion, why you should breastfeed your baby!

Benefits of Breastfeeding

1. It's more than just baby food

Breast milk is a living substance. Milk contains a variety of living organisms that protect the baby’s still undeveloped immunity. Just imagine that 1 drop contains about 1 million white blood cells!

Mother's milk envelops the not yet fully developed intestinal tract baby, which prevents the development of allergies and possibly even autoimmune conditions!

2. This is the perfect food for your baby

Starting with super-nutrient-rich colostrum in the first 24 hours after baby's birth and beyond, breast milk is tailored to your baby's needs, giving him everything he needs to develop and grow.

3. Reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases

I found a study that claims that babies who have been on breastfeeding for at least a year:

  • 9% lower risk of future cardiovascular disease
  • by 12% hypertension
  • 20% diabetes

They will also have a lower body mass index in the future. They are better protected against celiac disease, asthma and childhood cancers than children on formula.

4. Immunity

Breastfeeding provides your baby with more than just perfect nutrition. It gives him something more, namely, it gives him protection against many pathogenic microorganisms. Breast milk contains particles that strengthen the baby's immune system, helping him fight viruses and bacteria.

5. Reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

This syndrome is expressed in the sudden stop of breathing and, accordingly, the death of the baby for no apparent reason. This syndrome occurs from birth to 6 months, but most often occurs between 2 and 4 months after birth.

A German study published in 2009 found that babies who were breastfed or at least partially breastfed (+formula) had a significantly reduced risk of SIDS. And a New Zealand study says that the risk of this syndrome is 3 times higher in children who did not receive mother's milk.

6. Better baby development

Breastfed children show themselves better in general development. They quickly begin to hold their heads, sit, crawl, walk and talk. They also have higher IQs than children who were raised on formula.

7. Less depression and more joy

During breastfeeding, our body begins to release the hormone Oxytocin, which is also called the love hormone! But in addition to affection, it also gives us peace of mind. It has been proven that breastfeeding mothers have a much lower risk of developing postpartum depression. Our body also releases endorphins or happy hormones during feeding, which improve our mood and overall well-being.

8. Forms deep attachment

When we feed our baby, we ourselves, without knowing it, form a kind of connection - attachment. This is reinforced not only by the closeness during feeding, but also by the release of hormones such as Oxytocin, the love hormone.

9. The baby won’t be picky about food.

This is perhaps one of the main problems of the younger generation. I’ve heard 1000 times from mothers that you can’t force a baby to eat salad or broccoli or fish.

It turns out that if you are breastfeeding, your risk of developing a food bug is much lower. This is explained by the fact that our milk repeats the taste of what we eat. And if mommy ate a variety of foods, her baby also seemed to taste it through milk.

10. Reduces the risk of developing breast cancer

Moreover, the risk is reduced by approximately 25% and this applies to cancer that develops both before and after menopause. But the most interesting thing is that this applies to both those who are breastfeeding and their daughters who received breast milk.

11. Healthy teeth and more

Babies on breastfeeding can boast better development facial muscles due to breastfeeding than bottle-fed babies.

12. Iron reserves

After the birth of the baby, all women do not menstruate for at least 4-6 weeks. But for those who are breastfeeding, it lasts much longer! The absence of menstruation helps restore iron levels that were wasted during pregnancy and childbirth!

13. Health of the reproductive system

Increasingly, you can find studies concentrating on the fact that women who did not breastfeed have a higher risk of developing malignant tumors of the ovaries, uterus and breasts. This may be explained by the fact that estrogen levels in non-lactating women are off the charts. According to this study (Lyde, 1989), breastfeeding for 6-24 months reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by 11-25%.

When a woman is expecting a child, she imagines what he will be like, how she will raise him and play. And the choice of type of feeding occupies an important place in the plans. Most women plan to breastfeed their baby. After all, the benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby are undeniable. But for those who still doubt it for some reason, this article was written.

Breast milk is the best food for a baby

Mother's breast milk is the best food for a baby in the first year of life.

  1. It is ideally balanced in composition, it contains the most suitable ratio of macro and microelements for babies.
  2. Milk from farm animals should not be used in the nutrition of infants in the first year of life, since it is poorly digestible and can even lead to rickets.
  3. Breast milk contains substances that promote the maturation and development of the brain and nervous system, as well as vision.
  4. Breast milk contains fatty acids that are easily digested by the baby's still immature digestive system. Milk contains lipase, an enzyme that makes it easily digestible. This same enzyme protects babies from constipation.
  5. Among carbohydrates, milk contains mainly lactose, which creates the necessary acidic environment in the intestines, which prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. Mother's milk helps populate the baby's intestines with beneficial microflora.

Breastfeeding creates the foundation for lifelong health

  1. In the first months of life, the baby's immune system is not yet sufficiently developed. But breast milk contains antibodies to diseases that the mother has had or is suffering from. Babies who are breastfed with the help of immune factors from mother's milk get sick less viral infections, they are easier to bear and recover faster. In winter, breast milk protects against colds, and in summer against intestinal infections.
  2. Breastfed babies develop strong immunity. And as they grow up, they are less prone to arthritis, diabetes, obesity and some forms of cancer.
  3. A child's sucking on the breast forms the correct bite and prevents caries.

Breastfeeding helps establish contact between mother and baby

When a newly born baby is immediately placed on the mother's breast, the imprinting mechanism begins to operate. The child immediately remembers the woman as a mother. But the mother also develops love for the child, since it is completely natural from the point of view of nature that the born baby ends up on the mother’s chest, and not on the neonatologist’s table. In this case, the maternal instinct arises completely naturally, it comes from nature, from the heart, and not from the brain with its rationality and logic.

When eating his mother, the baby feels her warmth, hears the beat of her heart, he feels protected in this new world for him. The baby feels as good as she did in her mother’s tummy. And the child develops the right attitude towards the world and people. He does not develop fear of them, which is reflected in his entire subsequent life.

A trusting relationship and a close connection with the mother are absolutely necessary for the baby in the first three years of life. They provide proper development mental health, facilitate upbringing, and in adulthood contribute to the establishment of strong emotional ties with other people.

Of course, even with a child on artificial feeding, can be built right relationship, but this is much more difficult to do than with GW.

Breastfeeding helps a woman recover after childbirth

When a baby nurses, the mother produces the hormone oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract.

Feeding a newborn in the first minutes after birth helps the separation of the placenta and reduces the likelihood of postpartum hemorrhage, preventing anemia.

If a mother breastfeeds her baby in the first 2 months after birth, this helps the uterus to completely restore its pre-pregnancy shape, and all organs abdominal cavity return to your seats.

Breastfeeding is a good method of combating postpartum depression

When a mother breastfeeds her baby, she produces a huge amount of endorphins, joy hormones, which helps maintain Have a good mood at a difficult time for many mothers. The mother is less likely to be angry with both the baby and those around her and calms down, and this is the key to a favorable microclimate in the family.

Lactation gives the reproductive system a rest

During the first 6 months after the baby is born, with completely natural feeding, prolactin produced in the mother’s body suppresses the production of progesterone and estrogen, which causes the phenomenon of lactational amenorrhea. Most often, a woman does not ovulate and does not menstruate. Many mothers who feed their baby on demand are unable to conceive, sometimes even during the entire lactation period.

Breastfeeding a child - preventing osteoporosis in women

Each breastfed baby reduces the likelihood of this disease by 25%. After all, calcium is best absorbed by the body during pregnancy, lactation and about six months after its completion. Many people know that dental problems arise as a result of not proper nutrition moms. After all, no matter how well calcium is absorbed, it must come from foods. A gap between pregnancies that is too short, less than 3 years, can also create a problem.

Breastfeeding prevents breast cancer

Breast and ovarian cancer are closely linked to the hormone estrogen. Prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, suppresses estrogen production and generally slows down cell growth. Research shows that breastfeeding even one child for at least 3 months reduces the risk of breast cancer by 50% and ovarian cancer by 25%.

Breastfeeding after one year

In recent decades, the number of people suffering from allergies has been increasing. Whether a child will have problems at an older age largely depends on his nutrition in the first months and years of life. It is known that many children give allergic reactions on the proteins of cow's and goat's milk, therefore it is undesirable to introduce these products into the diet of babies not only in the first, but also in the second year of life.

Most mixtures for baby food are produced on the basis cow's milk and, although they are more balanced in the ratio of micro and macroelements compared to whole milk, they also contain foreign proteins. But long-term breastfeeding makes it possible not to introduce cow's milk into the diet of babies even in the second year of life. This avoids putting unnecessary strain on the immune system and reduces the risk of allergies in the future.

After a year, breast milk continues to support the child’s immunity. And although a grown-up baby’s own defenses are significantly higher than those of a newborn, additional support will not hurt.

Breastfeeding is especially important for the prevention of intestinal diseases in the summer, so it is necessary to extend the feeding of spring and summer babies at least until the fall.

We hope that after reading this article, expectant mothers will have no doubt about the benefits of breastfeeding. And the baby will receive the milk he needs so much, and the mother will receive the pleasure of the closeness of her small, dear, warm baby, comfortably nestled at her chest.

Publication date 06/06/2016

Undoubtedly, breast milk is natural food intended by nature for a child. But, besides this, breast milk helps improve the baby’s health, develop his brain and provides closer emotional contact with his mother. Let's look at the benefits of breastfeeding for your baby in more detail.

- Protects against infections. In the first years of life, the baby's immune system is not yet developed and cannot fight infection as effectively as the immune system of older children or adults. Breast milk contains white blood cells and a number of anti-infective factors that protect the baby from disease, as well as antibodies against pathogens suffered by the mother in the past. If a mother gets sick, for example, with ARVI, then her body will begin to produce antibodies to the virus, which will pass into breast milk and be passed on to the baby, protecting him from this disease.

- It is well absorbed and used very effectively by the child’s body. For example, breast milk contains a special enzyme - lipase, thanks to which fats are absorbed faster and used more fully. This enzyme is not found either in animal milk or in baby food. And the proteins of human breast milk (mostly light, whey) are easily and quickly digested in the baby’s stomach, unlike the protein of cow’s or goat’s milk - casein. This is noticeable in the baby’s stool: a baby’s stool is looser and has a mild odor, while a bottle-fed baby’s stool is thicker and has a pronounced odor.

- Improves mental development indicators: For example, a study published in the journal Pediatrics analyzed the mental development of about 12,000 children aged 5 years. Children completed vocabulary and recognition tests. As a result of children's performance of these tests, it was found that babies who were breastfed for at least 6 months showed higher scores than their formula-fed peers. One hypothesis to explain this fact is that breast milk contains essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, which can affect brain development.

- Promotes closer emotional intimacy between mother and child: Hormones released during breastfeeding enhance maternal instinct. In addition, breastfeeding forms a close, affectionate relationship, from which the mother receives deep emotional satisfaction and is less likely to be angry with her baby.

- Serves as a universal sedative: Breastfed babies cry less and, accordingly, have more time to explore the world.

- Protects against tummy problems and allergies: for example, Philippine scientists conducted a study which found that artificially-bred children are 17 times more likely to suffer from diarrheal diseases than infants. Children receiving artificial formulas made mainly from cow's milk are much more likely to suffer from allergies, since it has been proven that cow's milk protein is currently one of the most powerful allergens.

And finally, breast milk free, Unlike artificial mixtures, the costs of which occupy a significant place in the family budget. In addition, breastfeeding is much more convenient– no need to wash and sterilize bottles, no need to dilute the formula (by the way, when preparing the formula, germs can get into it, but breast milk is always safe!).

Now we know how beneficial breastfeeding is for a baby. What benefits does it bring to mom? Let's figure it out.

If a mother begins to breastfeed immediately after childbirth, her body produces large quantities of the hormone oxytocin, which promotes faster contractions of the uterus, which reduces bleeding and prevents anemia.

Typically, a woman no menstruation(this condition is called lactational amenorrhea) while she is exclusively breastfeeding (before the start of complementary feeding and even longer). This helps delay the onset of the next pregnancy naturally. Scientific research shows that the lactational amenorrhea method is a reliable method contraception(its effectiveness is 98-99% in the first 6 months after birth).

Milk production consumes approximately 200-500 calories per day. A non-breastfeeding woman would need to swim at least 30 laps in a pool or bike uphill every day for an hour to burn the same amount of calories. It turns out that breastfeeding mothers have a better chance lose weight faster, gained during pregnancy. Of course, losing weight also depends on other factors - proper nutrition of the mother, the presence or absence of hormonal disorders.

Numerous studies have found that women who breastfeed less susceptible to ovarian and uterine cancer. These terrible diseases often affect women who did not breastfeed. This is likely due to repeated ovulation cycles and the influence of the hormone estrogen, which is higher in non-breastfeeding women.

The situation with mastopathy improves: Doctors recommend a natural treatment for this disease - breastfeeding the baby until 3 years old.

Breastfeeding helps overcome postpartum depression: in the body of a lactating woman are present in large quantities neuropeptide hormones, including endorphin – the hormone of joy. The mother happily takes care of the baby and radiates emotional satisfaction. Let us make a reservation that this situation is only possible with successful breastfeeding.

The hormone prolactin, found in breast milk, is a natural sedative. Nursing mother less susceptible to stress, endures various everyday troubles more easily.

We can talk a lot more about the benefits of breastfeeding for the mother and her baby, but it’s enough to look at happy mom holding her baby at her breast, and the contented suckling baby, receiving the best in the world, nutrition designed especially for him, the strongest protection and the strongest love.

Natalya Lebedeva, Breastfeeding consultant of the Nizhny Novgorod breastfeeding support group “Boat of Childhood”

Breast milk is a unique baby food product. Today, not a single analogue has yet been invented that fully corresponds to it, because its composition was approved by nature itself. Only this food satisfies needs infants at 100%. The composition of the natural product contains up to 500 necessary for the baby substances, many of them cannot be created artificially. The mother's body begins to work on creating a food product even before a new person comes into this world.


The appearance of milk in the mammary glands of women is due to the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for its secretion. The basis of breast milk is lymph and blood, where nutrients, modified during the digestion process, enter from the body.

Composition of breast milk

Each woman’s milk is unique, just like herself, but the set of components of this product is the same for all nursing mothers. Composition of breast milk:

  • Biologically active water (88%) – the main component, perfectly absorbed by infants. If the baby is completely breastfed, then there is no need to give him additional water;
  • Carbohydrates (7%) presented in the form of lactose (milk sugar), which accelerates the development of the brain and nervous system, promotes the full absorption of iron and calcium and bifidum factor with an antifungal and antibacterial effect that normalizes intestinal function;
  • Fats (4%) – a source of strength for the baby: thanks to them, the immune system is strengthened and a full-fledged central nervous system is formed. Fats contain cholesterol (for the production of vitamin D), bile and major hormones. The balance of fats and carbohydrates in breast milk is ideal for a growing baby;
  • Squirrels (1%) - the basis for the growth of infants who quickly gain weight. They contain whey protein, taurine (for the development of the central nervous system and brain), lactoferrin (a source of iron), nucleotides (building material for DNA), lactase (for the breakdown of lactose), lipase (for complete absorption of fats);
  • Remaining components (0,2%) - iron, vitamins, minerals, 20 types of hormones (growth factors), antibodies, leukocytes (protection of the immune system).

The quality of breast milk in a nursing mother is not constant; its composition can change under the influence of many factors:

  1. Time of day - more dense during the day than at night.
  2. Weather - in the heat milk is liquid, in the cold it thickens.
  3. Mom’s health – if you have a weakened immune system or are taking medications, the composition of the product is different.
  4. The baby's activity - at first the milk is liquid (instead of water), with intensive sucking it thickens and becomes fatty.

A mother breastfeeding twins may have a different composition of milk food, because it must be adapted to the needs of each baby. The volume and quality of milk largely depends on the health of the nursing mother, adequate nutrition, sleep and rest patterns, medication intake, bad habits(nicotine, alcohol).

It is important to know: the more often you put your baby to your breast, the more invaluable product it produces. There will be exactly as much of it as the baby needs, so you need to feed him on demand! Read about which feeding method to choose — .

Types of milk by age

  • Colostrum – a thick sticky yellowish liquid is produced in small quantities in the first 4 days. Its composition is close to the baby's blood serum - a significant amount of proteins, leukocytes, vitamins, immunoglobulin, and salts. Promotes rapid adaptation of the newborn to a new way of eating. This is why it is so important to put your baby to the breast in the first hours after birth. If the baby was born premature, mother's milk for 2 weeks is close in composition to colostrum, since this is exactly the food the baby needs during this period. On this topic: ;
  • Transition milk produced in the first 2-3 weeks. In composition, it is more nutritious and less protein, adapted to a growing body and new products;
  • Mature milk appears from the third week. It is more oily and watery. Protein is produced less and less with age; mature milk contains mainly fatty acids, which are responsible for normal brain function. Normally, a woman produces up to 1.5 liters of mature breast milk per day. A distinction is made between foremilk and hindmilk:
    • Front - bluish and liquid - released in the first minutes of feeding, it contains carbohydrates, salts and water, serves to quench thirst.
    • Rear– yellowish and thick – complete food for a baby.

Benefits of breast milk

Breast milk is unique not only in its composition, but also in its properties. For a baby, nutrition from the mother's breast means active mental development, normal digestion, strengthening the immune system, prevention of pneumonia, diabetes, obesity, allergies, atherosclerosis, diarrhea and many other dangerous diseases.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Mother's milk is an excellent antidepressant for the nurse herself. Here we are not talking about a food product, but about the benefits of the processes of its formation and feeding, which develop maternal instinct and tender feelings for the child.

According to Swedish scientists, alpha-lactalbumin in breast milk can successfully fight 40 types of cancer.

Breastfeeding can enhance the immune system's response to vaccinations.

Milk forms the baby's defenses, protecting against allergies and infections. The presence of stem cells in it ensures regeneration and protection, as a source of antibodies, resistant even to diseases that the baby could receive from the mother.

The antibacterial properties of milk can be used for treatment, eye drops for conjunctivitis, or healing cracked nipples in a nursing mother.

For a baby, breast milk is not just food, the very ritual of communication with the mother is important for him: the opportunity to calm down, get rid of ailments, fears, and sleep sweetly.

IN breastfeeding You can also see the economic benefits: mother's milk is always suitable for consumption, it does not need to be prepared, it has no expiration date. Invaluable milk is free, for the family budget of a young family the savings on formula are significant.

NUK nutritionist consultant Petra Fricke: Why is breast milk the best food for my baby in the first months of life?

Perfect color and taste

Many new mothers are concerned about the color and taste of their milk. The color, as already mentioned, depends on the fat content and time of feeding: the front (liquid) is bluish, the back (thick and fatty) is white or yellow.

The taste of the milk will change depending on the mother's diet. It is especially affected by salty, spicy, smoked foods, consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and medications. A certain taste appears depending on the emotional and physical state of the nursing woman.

According to the observations of scientists, babies who are breastfed from the first days of life grow up strong, sociable, and kind. As they get older, they develop resistance to stress. From the first days expectant mother she must be determined that she must breastfeed her child. Then the baby will always be fed and healthy, and the mother will be calm and happy.


Block of links on the topic of breastfeeding:

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

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