Calculation of body mass ratio online calculator. How to calculate your ideal weight

Everyone who is losing weight is interested in the question of normalcy. What weight is considered normal for yourself? There are a number of formulas that you can use to determine the extent to which your body weight corresponds to one or another statistical average. After all, all these formulas are based on the average person. Therefore, when resorting to them, one must clearly realize that any formula for normal weight is conditional.

In reality, each of us has our own individual genetically predetermined value of optimal body weight, which depends on the totality of innate structural features of tissues and organs of the body as a whole.

For example, there are three body types - asthenic (thin-boned/ectomorph), normosthenic (normal/mesomorph) and hypersthenic (broad-boned/endomorph).

To determine your type, you need to measure your wrist circumference.

  • Less than 16 cm - asthenic;
  • 16-18.5 cm - normosthenic;
  • More than 18.5 cm - hypersthenic.
  • Less than 17 cm - asthenic;
  • 17-20 cm - normosthenic;
  • More than 20 cm - hypersthenic.

In addition to body types, each of us is programmed to have a certain weight. This program is activated by the mother during pregnancy. It is believed that if she gained weight during pregnancy excess weight, then the child may have difficulty controlling body weight in the future. Over the course of our lives, we also lay down a different program with our wrong ones. When losing weight, many are faced with the so-called balance point or set point, when they use healthy methods, and if they succeed, they cannot maintain it.

For example, you weighed 90 kg, lost weight to 55 kg, want to lose another 5 kg, but no matter what you do, it doesn’t work. At the same time, even taking a break from the diet and small holidays, you do not gain more than 3-5 kg, which you then easily lose. You may have reached your point of balance, and overcoming it may cost you dearly. When the body is under constant stress, and dieting, training and high demands on oneself are constant stress, the risk increases. It is important to listen to yourself and your body's needs.

If you do not take into account the individuality of the body and physique, then in approximate calculations you can use the following simple formulas (author P.P. Broca, 1871):

For men

(Height in cm - 100) x 0.9 = ideal weight.

For women

(Height in cm - 100) x 0.85 = ideal weight.

There is another formula that can be used for both men and women:

(Height in cm - 100) = ideal weight.

Example: If your height is 152 cm, your weight should be 152 - 100 = 52 kg.

There is another formula:

Height in cm x Bust volume in cm / 240 = ideal weight.

Example: (155 x 96) / 240 = 62 kg.

Do not forget that it is still necessary to take into account your body type; women naturally have more fat than men.

Therefore, you can use the following data to determine your ideal weight:

For men

Height, cm Body type
Thin (asthenic)
155 49 kg 56 kg 62 kg
160 53.5 kg 60 kg 66 kg
165 57 kg 63.5 kg 69.5 kg
170 60.5 kg 68 kg 74 kg
175 65 kg 72 kg 78 kg
180 69 kg 75 kg 81 kg
185 73.5 kg 79 kg 85 kg

For women

Height, cm Body type
Thin (asthenic) Normal (normosthenic) Wide bone (hypersthenic)
150 47 kg 52 kg 56.5 kg
155 49 kg 55 kg 62 kg
160 52 kg 58.5 kg 65 kg
165 55 kg 62 kg 68 kg
170 58 kg 64 kg 70 kg
175 60 kg 66 kg 72.5 kg
180 63 kg 69 kg 75 kg

Ideal weight formulas help you figure out how long you can lose weight. However, it is important to understand that two people with exactly the same weight can look completely different. The point here is not about height or body type, but about body composition - the ratio of muscle to fat. Look at the photo.

Adipose tissue is more voluminous than muscle tissue. That's why the girl on the left looks curvier than the girl on the right, even though they have the same weight. And that’s why it’s so important to strive not so much to lose weight, but to strengthen muscles through strength training and.

It is important for a woman of any age to be beautiful and healthy. Without knowing your ideal weight, it is difficult to control it and prevent obesity or, on the contrary, underweight. In the article below, we will tell you how to determine your ideal weight ( BMI based on age), and we will also talk about many important nuances related to the figure.

What is BMI

BMI – body mass index. There are normal indicators for each age group:

Calculation formula

Classic calculation formula:

BMI = your weight: (height*height)

Example No. 1

  • Height – 160, weight – 55, age – 34
  • BMI = 55: (160*160)= 0.002148
  • Round the number, leaving only the first 4 digits after the zeros. It turns out that BMI = 21.48
  • 21.48 – falls within the range between 20-25, following the table. This means that the body mass index is normal, there is no threat to health

Example No. 2

  • Height – 178, weight – 79, age – 22
  • BMI = 85: (178*178)= 0.00268274
  • Round the number, leaving the first 4 digits after zero. Therefore, BMI = 26.82
  • 26,82 – last stage before obesity, urgent action is necessary, high health risk

Example No. 3

  • Height – 182, weight – 98, age – 44
  • BMI = 98: (172*172)= 0.0033125
  • Round the number, leaving the first 4 digits after zero. BMI = 33.12
  • 33.12 – first stage of obesity, high health risk

Calculate ideal weight based on body type

In medicine, there is a concept of normal weight, based on the calculation of mass, age and physique. This is necessary to monitor your general health. Doctors have identified several popular methods; we will consider the most popular of them, including the classic one, which we wrote about above.

1 Tables of Egorov and Levitsky

There are 3 body types:

  • Asthenics – thin build, elongated parts of the body.
  • Normosthenics – slim body, endurance, developed muscles.
  • Hypersthenics have a round body, muscles are poorly developed.

According to the age:

Overweight and obesity: causes


A person is depressed, or is going through severe stressful stages in life, trying to eat away all the problems. Psychologists identify this disorder as compulsive overeating. Such problems can only be treated by visiting a psychotherapist, using special medications.

Poor eating habits

Often people who are obese have relatives of approximately the same weight. This is due to incorrect eating habits in the family from the series “if you drink tea, then it must be with bagels and pies.” When a person grows up in such a culture, he transfers it to adult life, subsequently suffering from excess weight.

Wrong lifestyle

A person sleeps and moves little, but eats a lot. This problem often occurs among workers with a sedentary lifestyle, or unemployed people who sit in front of the TV or computer all day.

How to lose weight once and for all

If the result shows obesity or overweight, then it’s time to start losing weight. Obesity occurs not only at the external level, but also at the internal level - organs also suffer from obesity, which disrupts their functioning.

Effective methods

1 Healthy eating

You don't have to go hungry, and your mental health won't get hurt. If you are a lover of sweet and unhealthy foods, then pay attention to recipes for healthy pizzas and hamburgers - they are just as tasty, but made from healthy ingredients.

By eating healthy food you lose weight more slowly but more effectively– by changing your lifestyle, you will no longer be drawn to the usual fast food and other harmful things, your appearance will improve significantly, and your energy will increase several times!

2 Drink plenty of fluids

Goes in addition to a healthy diet. Often dehydration causes extra meals, as well as tea parties with cookies and chocolates.

Ineffective methods

1 Diets

You will read the reasons for ineffectiveness below in the “myths” section.

2 Dietary restrictions up to several foods

If the body does not receive the necessary vitamins and microelements, hair loss begins, problems with the skin and teeth, and a bunch of other consequences appear.

3 Losing weight with drugs

4 Losing weight by cleansing the body after each meal (vomiting or diarrhea).

They are fraught with loss of teeth, hair and ulcers.

5 Water restrictions

The maximum you will achieve is dehydration, which will negatively affect the functioning of organs and facial skin.

6 Daily exercise

To be effective, strength training must be distributed so that the muscles have time to recover. If this does not happen, the body begins to work for wear and tear, without producing bright results.


1 “I’ll go on a diet first, and then I’ll start eating right.”

Many people want instant results when resorting to diets, since proper nutrition will not give results in the first days. The truth is that more than 50% of those who practice such tactics often break down or give up on the matter altogether.

Let's look at the terms in more detail:

Proper nutrition

Balanced diet, rich useful vitamins and microelements. If a person adheres to such a lifestyle, then he maintains a healthy weight and his metabolism is well accelerated. The body is healthy, there is a lot of energy.


Intentional restriction in food intake, where the main goal is to lose extra pounds. Metabolism does not accelerate, the body is under stress, energy decreases.

For a person who is obese or overweight, dieting is a terrible measure. When the body consumed daily a large number of carbohydrates and sugar, eating two or three foods for a long time is unbearably difficult psychologically and a huge stress for the body.

2 Tablets, powders and teas will speed up your metabolism and help you lose excess weight

All of the above is ineffective or helps you lose weight at the cost of your own health. What do you want more: to be healthy and slim or slim, but with a lot of problems?

3 Sugar is good in small quantities

The body needs glucose, but it needs the right kind. Most chocolates and bars, many of them considered dietary, are made with regular sugar. Glucose, according to research results, causes drowsiness, slows down metabolism and worsens thought processes. Healthy “sugar” is found in fruits and substitutes.

4 “You can achieve results without sports”

If you have to lose more than 5-10 kilograms of weight, then you can’t do without sports and body care. Otherwise, stretch marks will appear, which will subsequently be difficult to remove completely.

5 On proper nutrition don't lose weight

Strict healthy eating accelerates metabolism - the body receives the necessary energy and microelements through consumption clean products. Metabolism accelerates - excess weight goes away.

How to avoid stretch marks while losing weight

If you like to think ahead and not chase quick results, then you are acting wisely, because rapid weight loss is fraught with stretch marks.

Stretch marks are scars that become flesh-colored over time, as in the photo above.

How to avoid:

1 No diets

Diets involve rapid weight loss. When you need to lose a couple of kilograms, the likelihood of stretch marks is negligible, but losing weight by 5-10 kilograms or more is fraught with their appearance. Balanced diet - the right way speed up your metabolism and lose weight without risks.

2 Sports – required

Calories will be burned evenly, without microtrauma. Don't forget to focus on cardio if your main goal is to burn excess fat.

3 Accuracy is paramount

No sudden movements when exfoliating with a brush. There is no need to stretch the skin with all your might and overdo it, because stretch marks are microtraumas. Love your body!

4 Body care is important

Many people underestimate body care, considering it unnecessary, but this is not so. Our body, like our facial skin, needs hydration and nutrition, so be sure to apply a nourishing body cream or oil after every shower.

5 Avoid sudden changes in weight

There is no need to suddenly lose weight or gain weight; act gradually, without fanaticism, so that the body can more easily adapt to the changes.

Weight deficiency: what to do if I’m satisfied with my figure

If you have your period and the tests show a positive result, then you shouldn’t worry about being underweight, since a certain category of people have a very fast metabolism - they can eat at night, they can eat fatty foods, but it’s all quickly processed and burned .

Also, if you eat well and get this result, then don’t be upset - if you have good tests and feel well, continue in the same spirit. For many who eat right, their metabolism accelerates so much that, without starving, the weight quickly comes off.

Read also: Kettlebell training at home: TOP 21 most effective exercises

Weight deficit: when to panic

Sports results

You need to focus on strength exercises. Before you start training, make a clear plan for changes so as not to turn into a terminator, and control the training process.

If you have the opportunity, it is advisable to hire a good trainer who will create a full-fledged program.

Sample workouts are demonstrated in the videos below:

VIDEO: Gaining muscle mass

● TOP 10 ● Rules for Increasing MUSCLE MASS for Girls!

Many people now have a goal to gain muscle mass and I want to give you 10 tips on how to do it correctly and with maximum impact!

2 Food

The key role in gaining weight is nutrition. Your daily diet must contain protein and carbohydrates. To speed up the process, you can buy protein and make shakes. Protein helps muscles recover and grow. Combined with training, the effects of protein consumption will be especially noticeable.

Approximate diet:

Do you want to know your ideal weight based on just two parameters, height and gender?

Convenient navigation through the article:

Ideal weight formula

In classical terminology, “ideal weight” is the weight at which normal interaction of body functions occurs.

An incredible number of classic formulas have been created that determine optimal body weight.

Briefly about them.

Cooper's formula for determining ideal

We calculate: multiply height in cm by 3.5, divide by 2.54 and subtract 108, multiply the resulting figure by 0.453.

Broca's formula

From your height in centimeters, minus 110 (if you are under 40 years old) or 100 if you are older.

Quetelet formula (index)

Weight in kilograms divided by your height in meters squared.

Lorentz formulas

(Height in centimeters minus 100) – (height in centimeters minus 150)/2.

Solovyov's ideal weight index

Measure your wrist at its narrowest point.

  1. Asthenic (thin) type: less than 18 cm in men, less than 15 cm in women.
  2. Normosthenic (normal) type: 18-20 cm in men, 15-17 in women.
  3. Hypersthenic (big-boned) type: more than 20 cm in men, more than 17 cm in women.

Cooper's formula

Height in centimeters multiplied by 3.5, divided by 2.54 and subtracted 108, and the resulting value multiplied by 0.453.

Pay attention to the indicators that determine the weight range where health problems begin:

  1. Fold on the stomach. Measure it. For women, the norm is 2-4 cm, for men – 1-2 cm. 5 cm or more is considered obese.
  2. Step on the scale, have you gone over the kilos? Start losing weight.

Various types of calculations do not answer the question “what is ideal weight.” They advise what limits of your weight should not be crossed.

Advice - to feel ideal, you need to have a “comfortable” mass in which a person feels great, nothing prevents him from enjoying everyday life. The main thing is that you are happy with your body the way it is, and there is no feeling of embarrassment. Therefore, love your physique the way nature created it, keep it healthy and without going overboard in the direction of losing weight.

Dr. Myasnikov talks about the body mass index:

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Let's imagine a picture: we wake up in the morning, take a shower, and have breakfast. And when the time comes to put on your favorite jeans, we realize with horror that we cannot button them - our stomach is in the way. We crawl under the sofa, find dusty bathroom scales, stand on them and... A familiar story, right?

Whatever number is displayed on the scale, frustration and depression are achieved - you can’t wear jeans now. What to do? You can just score. Throw your pants in the trash or push them into the farthest corner of the chest of drawers - let them lie there until better times. Or you can go the other way - lose a couple of extra pounds - maybe the trousers will fit.

The second option is more difficult - you need to do something, spend time, make efforts. However, we clench our will and decide to lose weight. But before starting, one more question arises - what to strive for, how many kilograms you need to lose in order to feel completely good: so that your pants fit, and you can breathe easier, and so that you won’t be ashamed to go to the beach in the summer. We are thinking and trying to figure out how to calculate our ideal weight?

It turns out that ideal (correct) weight is an abstract concept, and it means the average value obtained on the basis of a set of given physiological parameters of a person, such as height, age, gender characteristics, and body features. But the state of health, level of physical activity, percentage of fat mass in relation to muscle mass and other individual indicators of an individual person are not taken into account here.

This means that it will not be possible to find the exact value of your weight using known formulas. However, we will get an approximate guideline that you can rely on when losing or gaining body weight.

The most famous types of weight calculation using formulas:

  • Calculation of weight by height
  • Calculation of weight by age and height
  • Weight calculation by BMI (body mass index)

Calculate weight by height

A simple method better known as Brocca's formula. A simplified version looks like this:

  • For women: Ideal weight = Height (cm) - 110
  • For men: Ideal weight = Height (cm) - 100

Example: normal weight men with a height of 180 cm is equal to 80 kg, and women with a height of 170 cm - 60 kg

The modern version of the same formula looks a little different, but is considered more accurate:

  • For women: Ideal weight = (Height (cm) - 110)*1.15
  • For men: Ideal weight = (Height (cm) - 100)*1.15

Example: the normal weight of a man with a height of 180 cm is 92 kg, and a woman with a height of 170 cm is 69 kg

Calculate weight by age and height

The following weight determination method is not a calculation formula. This is a ready-made table with which you can calculate the correct weight by age. And if the previous version gives an approximate norm of human body weight, then the Egorov-Levitsky table, as it is also called, displays the maximum permissible weight value, exceeding which is considered unacceptable for a given height and age group.

All you need is to know your height, age and current weight. Look for the intersection of these parameters in the table and understand how far you are from the maximum permissible value. If the number in the table is higher than your existing weight, good, if lower, there is reason to think about the gym and dietary restrictions.

Example: A woman with a height of 170 cm, 35 years old, weight 75 kg. The intersection of the table shows a maximum weight value of 75.8. The woman is one step away from this value. Therefore, close control of body weight is necessary, otherwise it is possible to go beyond the permissible limits.

Calculate weight using BMI (Quetelet body mass index)

table for calculating optimal weight using Quetelet body mass index

Using the Body Mass Index, you can find out in what predetermined range a person’s current weight is: deficit, normal or obese (all BMI values ​​are shown in the table).

BMI is calculated using a formula that takes into account the initial values ​​of height in meters and weight in kilograms. The formula looks like this: KMT = weight in kilograms: (height in meters * height in meters).

Example: a man with a height of 185 cm (1.85 m) and a weight of 88 kg will have a BMI = 88: (1.85 * 1.85) = 27.7. We look for the value in the table and understand that the index is in the range of Overweight (pre-obesity).

Important point: calculation correct weight BMI does not take into account gender and age-related changes in the body.


It is important to remember, no matter which method of calculating the correct weight you choose, the result of the calculations should not be taken as the absolute truth. All figures will be approximate and indicative. And these calculations still won’t fit your jeans. So, put dumbbells in your hands, put your feet in sneakers, put a lock on the refrigerator and go ahead - towards the result.

Do you know your ideal weight? Worried about your health? Do you want to maintain optimal body proportions? In order to start changing your lifestyle, play sports or introduce healthy foods, you need to calculate weight based on height and age. This will become a starting point, a kind of guideline in developing a weight loss program, selecting a set of exercises or drawing up the “right” menu.

  • 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
  • 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
  • Women Husband


  • Body Mass Index (BMI)::
  • Weight should be in the range:
  • Your ideal weight:
  • Body fat:

We calculate BMI in the online program

Do you want to know the indicator in a matter of seconds?
For calculations you need:
  • 1. Indicate height;
  • 2. Enter body weight data;
  • 3. Select gender;
  • 4. Indicate age;
  • 5. Click the “calculate” button;
  • 6. Get the result.

Calculating the ideal weight for women using a calculator from the site is a way to determine the normal body weight, which will help you always maintain your physical shape and monitor its changes.

BMI: what is it and why calculate it

In the mid-19th century, practicing physicians and doctors of medical sciences noticed that the ratio of height and weight affects health. And in 1869 Adolphe Quetelet (a famous scientist at that time) defined it as the “body mass index” (BMI). It is designed to determine the compliance of these parameters.

It is calculated for both men and girls using the same formula:

where M is the weight indicated in kilograms; R - height squared. Take the value in meters.

Let's calculate the body mass index of a representative of the fairer sex with a height of 167 cm and 74 kg, convert the height from centimeters to meters: 167 cm = 1.67 m. Then square this value: 1.67 * 1.67 = 2.8. We substitute the numbers into the formula: M = 74/2.8 = 26.4.

The BMI for this woman would be 27.4. What does this mean? By itself it is just a number, but with the BMI interpretation table it is useful knowledge. By checking it with the indicators available in it, you will determine how much your current weight corresponds to the norm.

Body Mass Index (BMI) What does it indicate? Recommendations
>40 3rd degree obesity It is worth rectifying the situation as soon as possible. Because the risk of acquiring a particular disease (hypertension, for example) is increased. Seek help from a nutritionist.
From 35 to 30 2nd degree obesity There may be problems with the cardiovascular and other body systems.
From 30 to 25 1st degree obesity There is a chance to quickly and without consequences for the body to lose extra pounds, which will help avoid illness.
From 24.99 to 18.5 norm Weight is in the optimal range for your age and height. Try to keep your weight within this limit and your chances of staying healthy will increase significantly.
From 18.5 to 16 and below underweight Increase the amount of food you eat. Make an appointment with an endocrinologist. Review your diet.

The concept of “ideal weight” is a generally accepted framework, the limits of which become the designation of the optimal height/total ratio. We are all different, and the body weight of a person depends on such factors.

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