Procedure for driving through roundabouts. Traffic regulations: driving through roundabouts

In this article we will talk about the ring, as well as the rules for passing it.

The ring (or the section of road intersection), along which traffic is carried out in a circular manner, due to established traditions, has become one of the most dangerous places on a non-roadway. The main reason lies in the fact that when driving around the ring, driving rules fade into the background for drivers. And they are the most elementary ones.

Advantage when driving around a circle

In order to ensure safer passage within such intersections, the Rules traffic Corresponding amendments have been made to provide for the installation of several signs before entering the roundabout. In addition to the already familiar designation “Moving in a circle”, it also became possible to see the label “Give way”, “STOP”. If you see these signs in front of your car, then you should keep in mind that the right of way is given to the vehicle that is currently moving within the intersection area, it must be given the right of way, and only after completing the maneuver of this vehicle you are allowed to start movement.

Additional sign: “Main road direction”

In order to ensure greater information content of the designating combinations: “Give way”, “Moving in a circle”, as well as their meaning being clearer to drivers, traffic regulations sometimes integrate a third symbolic designation in the form of a label “Main Road” and a sign “Direction of the Main Road”. At the same time, the main road can occupy both the entire ring road and part of it (one and three quarters). If the trajectory of the main road covers only part of the circular drive, moving within this section of the intersection, the driver must remember the road intersection layout in order to have an idea of ​​who will be able to cross the circle first.

Sign indicating movement in a circle

If there is only a designation that is deciphered in the traffic rules as circular movement, then in this case you need to rely on the principle that the traffic rules provide for an obstacle on the right. Then there is a need to give way to the transport that is currently entering the intersection of tracks along which the circular movement takes place.

According to the traffic rules, the presence of a traffic light in front of the intersection along which there is a circular movement indicates that this intersection of tracks is regulated. In this regard, questions about priority in movement can be considered closed. Because in the traffic rules, such a situation is similar to an ordinary intersection, therefore travel within this intersection of paths is regulated by the same rules as at an ordinary intersection.

Which lane should I take?

A question like this is important. Which lane should you use to drive around? It all depends on where you want to go. Making a turning maneuver to the right, to the left, or driving in a forward direction. The extreme lane on the right is intended for maneuvering to the right. The leftmost bar corresponds to a maneuver to the left. When making direct passage, you must proceed from the number of lanes on the roadway, and continue moving either within the central lane, or take the far right, provided that there are only two lanes - this is what the Rules indicate.

In order to make a turn in the opposite direction, the Rules advise taking the lane in the far left lane, after which we go around the circular intersection along the full trajectory.

Light indicators

Traffic regulations require that turn indicator lights be turned on in such a way as not to confuse other traffic participants. When making a potential left turn, you should display a left turn signal. When you begin to enter an intersection, first indicate your actions with the appropriate turn signal.

Leaving the intersection

It is necessary to understand how to exit the ring. Traffic regulations indicate exiting exclusively from the far right lane, even if you started entering it from the left. Thus, if the entry was from the left lane, then when driving already within the circle there is a need to change lanes and provide the right of passage to those cars that the Rules designate as an obstacle on the right. Therefore, leaving the intersection causes numerous accidents.
Bottom line

  • you need to drive around the circle counterclockwise;
  • the designation of a roundabout according to the traffic rules means that at the intersection there are equal powers for participants in transport traffic, and passage is possible only using the rule of interference on the right;
  • traffic rules signs indicating movement in a circle, as well as “Give way” give priority to the vehicle that passes within the circle. At the same time, in the ring itself the interference rules on the right are active;
  • designations of roundabouts, requirements to give way, and directions of the main road give priority to those vehicles driving on the main road;
  • light indicators turn on before the actual maneuver on the ring;
  • Exit from the roundabout is only possible in the far right lane.

As it became clear from the above, moving around the ring is not a difficult task. You just need to follow the basic rules for traveling within the ring, and also give passage to vehicles that have priority in movement.

Having learned to drive on motorways and around the house, everyone sets off on the road with the hope of safe and comfortable driving on the roads. But without knowing the traffic rules, this is almost impossible, especially at intersections.

The first thing you have to determine quickly and accurately on a real journey is: who is in charge, who has what priority on which road, and only then instantly assess your rights to direction, speed and movement.

Traffic rules: roundabout. Who's in charge

Traffic rules say that a roundabout is practically no different from any other road intersection.

Traffic regulations pay attention to intersections, but their importance is equivalent to straight sections of roads and various options rounding on them. Instructors often say that if you look at a circle from above and straighten it out, it will still be the same straight road with turns.

From any point of view, it is road signs that change the state of priorities of road users that are of primary importance on any road. It is especially spelled out in the traffic rules. Who is in charge is determined by road signs 4.3, 2.4, 2.5, and plate 8.13.

You don't need to know much to get it right:

  • enter the circle;
  • drive along it (and this is again a straight road);
  • leave the circle in the right direction.

The simplest and first rule: move from the far right lane to the far right, unless signs or road markings indicate otherwise. Drive only in your own lane and show only the right turn in time. On the roundabout, only to change lanes to the left you need to indicate a left turn. Only leave the right lane with a right turn unless signs and road markings indicate a different driving option.

On particularly dangerous sections of the roadway, road signs are necessarily repeated - this is further confirmation that of the two important concepts in traffic rules: “circular traffic”, “who is in charge”, the emphasis is on the latter.

Roundabout intersection

By general rule An intersection is where two roads intersect. When one of them is the main one, the question of priority is obvious. When roads of equal importance intersect, priority is determined by the standard formula: and it is always right." The presence of road signs changes the priority.

In PPD, movement in a circle when it is roundabout, is determined by sign 4.3 "Circular movement". At such a road intersection there is always an island, and movement is directly impossible. Both the road and the ring can have several lanes.

As a general rule, entry into a roundabout is made only to the right, only from the far right lane of the road to the far right lane of the roundabout. may indicate other movement options.

Typically, before a roundabout there is a sign 8.13 “Main Road Direction”, as well as signs 2.4 and 2.5.

Thus, in the vast majority of cases, it is difficult to make a mistake in determining priority, since traffic rules around the ring regulate traffic in full. Despite this, there are many nuances.

Psychological aspects of priority

Moving along a familiar route rarely causes difficulties, however, as in any other situation, there is always a chance of being faced with a difficult choice. The road, like an airliner, like an ocean ship, like any other massive structure, harbors the power of cruel objectivity - it does not forgive mistakes, but it always provides enough options for safe movement.

You should never assume that all road users are in a balanced state, not only have high-quality knowledge of traffic rules, but also intend to follow them. “Driving” to a conflict, rather than on the road, is an all too common problem today.

Therefore, it is always important to know, as described in Who's in Charge? The new rules make this clear. It’s just that old habits, which are too strong among experienced drivers to this day, can be a problem for a beginner who finds himself on the right, especially in a difficult situation on the ring.

When choosing a route and determining the behavior of other road users, you should strictly follow the rules and expect that others will do the same, but you should never lose sight of the possibility of an unforeseen situation.

Determining priority in any matter rarely causes difficulties for a person. Here's the time to take the right decision practically not required. On the road, the scale of values ​​comes to a grinding halt, and everything changes significantly.

Strange roundabout

A roundabout isn't anything special compared to other road crossing options, but it never hurts to be vigilant and prioritize correctly.

Such a circle is difficult to notice; here, entering (and not passing by) the roundabout is carried out in a straight line. It is not always made in the form of a circle. Various tangent options appear in the most unexpected places. Therefore, it is very important to pay close attention to the signs.

Entering a roundabout

On the road, you need to take into account all the nuances. To drive through a roundabout safely and comfortably, first of all, you need to pay attention to the road signs in front of the intersection. If there is only a 4.3 road sign, it is best to choose the right lane, show a right turn, make sure that the cars on the circle remember that they have an obstacle on the right instead of priority, and boldly enter. But as soon as the vehicle is on the circle, everyone has equal rights until the first intersection, at which the one on the right will be right.

If 2.4 or 2.5 is added to sign 4.3, you will have to give way or stop altogether.

If the road in front of and at the intersection is divided into traffic lanes, and there are road markings or signs of special regulations on them, then priority and actions should be determined taking this into account.

Driving through the intersection

We should never forget what is defined as driving on a straight road. When changing to a lane to the left, you need to show a turn, to a lane to the right - too, but a right turn does not give any right to turn right if the car is in the second lane. Even if there are road markings on the second lane allowing a right turn, you should make sure that the car to the right will not go straight.

An important point: the rules for driving around the ring require you to remember where the main road begins and ends. Where this is important, an appropriate version of the 8.13 sign indicating the direction of the main road is displayed at each entrance.

Leaving the intersection

As a general rule, it begins with an indication of a right turn, made from the right lane to the right lane. If there are signs and markings and there is no obstacle on the right, then you can turn from the second or even third lane. Although the third, fourth or more stripes on the ring are intended for other purposes.

All changes in lanes inside the ring are carried out similarly to driving on a straight road, taking into account those moments (usually only the right lane) that are imposed by the priority of drivers entering the ring at the place where their main road is.

Before leaving the roundabout in the wrong lane, you need to be absolutely sure that there is no obstacle moving straight ahead on the right.

Bon Voyage!

Knowing the rules and following them is important and necessary, but after 2010 it is advisable to re-read the section in the traffic rules “Circular Traffic”. Who is in charge on the ring, the rules are described in detail. This is just one paragraph, but many experienced drivers can, out of habit, drive like the good old days, and this is already creating an emergency situation.

Just don’t take this as a basis. The road is the road, and it's not a matter of roundabouts, and certainly not new changes in the rules.

You need to know the traffic rules and apply them correctly, you need to drive carefully and carefully, and set your priorities correctly. Then the journey will be safe and comfortable, and passengers and cargo will be delivered to the right point at the right time.

To avoid getting into trouble, the driver should be aware that not all roundabout intersections have a roundabout. Driving rules corresponding to roundabouts apply only at those intersections where these road signs are installed. Thus, if a 4.3 traffic rules road sign is not installed in front of an intersection, then you must drive through it in accordance with the general requirements for driving through street intersections.

Road sign 4.3 “Roundabout”

Roundabout: driving rules

At intersections with organized roundabouts, the direction of movement along the circular road is set counterclockwise, which, by the way, is indicated by arrows on the road sign. If the arrows on the sign are directed clockwise, this means that the sign is “homemade” and its effect has no legal force. In this case, you need to cross the roundabout like a regular uncontrolled intersection, if there are no other priority signs.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on October 26, 2017 changing the priority of cars at a roundabout intersection. New rules for driving around roundabouts come into force on November 8th. According to the decree, now priority will be given to those who move in the circle itself, and those entering will have to give way. The new rules apply only to equivalent intersections, which are indicated only by sign 4.3 and are installed in all directions. At unequal intersections, priority signs are additionally installed and drivers are required to follow the requirements of the signs. Read more about this below.

After the introduction of amendments to the existing traffic requirements of the ring, many drivers do not know how to behave on this section or doubt the correctness of their actions.

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Since precise control of vehicles is a necessity, you should be aware of the assigned priority when being on such road places. Take a closer look at the rules for driving around roundabouts.

What is such a crossroads?

An intersection is a place where roads cross, join, or branch on a single-level plane, which can be limited in imagination. It is worth considering that interchanges with bridge platforms do not belong to intersections and different driving rules are observed at them.

There is a certain classification of intersections:

  • adjustable;
  • unregulated;
  • with circular motion.

When considering each type separately, it is possible to identify differences in the use of these road intersections. Currently, there has been increased interest in roundabouts, where traffic is regulated according to new rules as of November 8, 2017.

When a roundabout is established at a road intersection, there are no traffic lights.

Such an area is marked out as an island where vehicles move in a counterclockwise direction (valid for right-hand traffic). When leaving the circle, drivers follow the usual pattern of movement.

How to move correctly

Before the Government Decree of November 8, 2017, at roundabout intersections, drivers were guided by the following requirements:

  1. If there are unequal intersecting roads, priority is given to the car approaching along the main one. Drivers driving vehicles on a secondary road give way to vehicles with priority. The direction of vehicles on the main road is not taken into account.
  2. Tram vehicles have an advantage over other traffic participants moving in the same or a different direction along an equivalent road. Moreover, the direction of movement of the tram is not taken into account.
  3. If intersecting roads are of equal importance, drivers of trackless vehicles must yield to cars approaching from the right (rule right hand). But if there is a tram, you should stop and give it priority.
  4. If combined signs 4.3 and 2.4 (2.5) are installed in front of the roundabout, vehicles on the roundabout have priority over other vehicles that wish to enter the intersection.

After updating the traffic rules, amendments began to work in November 2017:

  • the right-hand rule is omitted, implying the fact that vehicle drivers do not give way to cars on the right (a similar amendment works for trams);
  • If sign 3 is present, drivers must give priority to cars on the roundabout.

Thus, in 2020, traffic participants do not have priority when entering the roundabout. Priority is given to vehicles already located at the intersection. You should familiarize yourself with the nuances of proper movement on the ring.

Band selection

DD rules stipulate that entry into the circle can be made from any lane of the adjacent road.

With regard to the need to overcome the ring, it is advisable to give preference to a certain lane:

  • turning right or moving in a straight direction - it is recommended to occupy the right lane;
  • turn left (U-turn) - it is better to change lanes to the left;
  • straight-line crossing - occupying the central lane.

If you want to make a right turn, you should slow down and turn on the appropriate turn signal to change lanes. The rule that the driver makes sure that there are no other vehicles or that they are allowed to pass is not omitted. Such rules of behavior help to avoid creating interference.

Turning left or making a U-turn requires you to first enter the left lane (the presence of several lanes means occupying the far left lane).

You should assess the presence of other road users and turn on the necessary turn signals. After passing the first, second or third exit in the case of a three-lane split, it is recommended to take the right lane.

Straight-line movement is facilitated by a three-lane road division. In this situation, drivers move to the center lane. When two-lane traffic is maintained, the general situation is assessed and the driver is convinced of the legality of his actions.

It is allowed to move in the right lane with a further choice of a straight direction, but then the risk of an accident increases due to the fact that vehicles from the middle lane can signal the start of a right turn maneuver.

Therefore, preliminary occupation of the middle row or one of the central lanes allows you to overcome the ring without creating interference.

Please note: Before entering the roundabout, you should let pedestrians pass if the appropriate sign is installed.

Rules for exiting a roundabout

Guided by the rules of the road, every driver should know that entering the roundabout can be done from any lane, but should only be driven out from the right lane.

It must be remembered that special travel conditions must be observed:

  • objective assessment of the road situation and the presence of other traffic participants;
  • If there are vehicles moving on the right, you need to give them priority.

If the conditions are met by all drivers, then the likelihood of getting into an accident is reduced significantly.

Regarding overtaking and stopping at roundabouts, the following requirements are established:

  • drivers are allowed to overtake other vehicles when driving through roundabouts;
  • You should stop 5 m from the border between the road and the intersection area.

Knowing about the peculiarities of entering, exiting, overtaking and stopping within the ring traffic area, drivers of cars and other vehicles can reduce the statistics of emergency situations on the roads.

Liability for traffic violations

Violation of traffic rules in Russia involves administrative liability. Based on the nature of the detected offense and the consequences that resulted, different amounts of fines are imposed. The decision to pay is made by the traffic police officer who established the fact of the violation.

The following circumstances are possible at roundabouts, the occurrence of which entails payments:

  • entering the intersection with a prohibiting traffic light;
  • the driver did not give priority to another participant who should use it;
  • moving in the direction of oncoming traffic;
  • no turn signal on when changing lanes;
  • leaving the intersection area is not from the required lane;
  • the vehicle has stopped or parked for a long time within the boundaries of the ring.

Currently the following fines apply:

Therefore, when marking an intersection with a roundabout sign (sign 4.3), certain rules must be followed to prevent an emergency situation and avoid penalties.

Is it possible to challenge

You have 10 days to appeal. During this time, it is necessary to file a complaint with the court or inspection department to which the traffic police officer who imposed the fine is attached.

But there must be a good reason to challenge:

  1. Absence of violation - when an inspector issues a fine, but he has no evidence, then in court such cases are rarely resolved in favor of the culprit. Officials justify the refusal by the fact that the actions of the traffic police officer comply with the terms of the oath. Such a reason can be supplemented by another reason, which brings a positive outcome.
  2. The crime has not been identified - guilt has not been admitted, the culprit has not been identified, there is no danger to society. This reason may be considered, for example, when the car was driven by a minor.
  3. The fact of the violation was revealed in circumstances of extreme necessity - serious conditions and the infliction of damage less significant than when the violation was prevented, entail the cancellation of the punishment or prosecution under another article. For example, a driver had to turn from the wrong lane and take the right of way because otherwise a fatal outcome was likely.

Each case of violation should be considered individually and have evidence of innocence or confirmation of preventing a situation with more serious consequences.

To avoid long delays in filing an appeal, you should drive carefully and navigate the designated roundabouts correctly.

Driving around the roundabout is a problem for some drivers, with many not even realizing that they are navigating roundabouts incorrectly. Thus, they create emergency situations and make other road users nervous, who are forced to maneuver to avoid accidents. We will help you understand what the 2018 Traffic Regulations will say about driving through roundabouts and how they will be fined for it next year.

It is especially important to understand all the nuances and rules for beginners who have recently gotten behind the wheel of a car and have not yet gained experience. Before entering the roundabout, many of them find themselves confused and don’t know which lane to start driving from, which turn signals to turn on, how to change lanes correctly and leave the roundabout?

Roundabout - what does it look like?

A roundabout, commonly called a circle or ring, is a section of road along which cars move counterclockwise. This principle applies in countries with right-hand traffic. On left-hand roads, cars enter the ring from the opposite side and move clockwise. Traffic around the roundabout continues until the driver leaves it, and this can last indefinitely - this is not a traffic violation.

Roundabouts are not regulated - they do not have traffic lights. Priority for entry/exit is determined by road signs and corresponding markings. When entering the roundabout, you don’t have to turn on your turn signals. They must be used when changing lanes into adjacent rows.

Often large roundabouts are placed around squares and other large areas, and pedestrian crossings are placed on them - they are unregulated. Drivers driving around the roundabout are required to give way to pedestrians crossing the roadway.

How to choose a band?

The traffic rules of the Russian Federation for 2018 do not have a strict provision regarding entry into a roundabout intersection. At the same time, paragraph 8.5 states how to change the direction of movement on different sections of the road, making maneuvers with turns to the left and right. It also explains how a U-turn is performed according to the rules. In all these cases, drivers are required to perform maneuvers from the outer lanes.

It is not necessary to enter the roundabout from the right, but it is allowed to do so from any lane. The main thing is to do everything so that the lane does not change. Accordingly, if you are moving in the leftmost lane, you cannot immediately occupy the right lane on the ring - this is a serious violation that can lead to accidents. You need to take the same lane, and during the roundabout, change lanes if necessary.

If the number of lanes on the circle does not coincide with their number on the supply sections of the road, you need to maneuver in advance and change lanes into the desired lane. When changing lanes on a circle, be careful and let other road users pass before the maneuver. The interference on the right has no effect in this situation.

Entering the ring correctly

How to start driving along the ring with the main road? As we said, according to the 2018 traffic rules, you can enter the ring from any lanes. This must be done from an equivalent lane, that is, from the right side only to the right, and from the left to the left.

If you choose a straight path or need to make a right turn, stay in the right/center lane. If you need to make a left turn or a U-turn, stay in the left lane.

In real road conditions, when entering a circle, turning on the right turn signal can confuse other road users. They will assume that you are planning to change lanes. If the driver decides to continue driving around the roundabout, he turns left, but this is against the rules of the road - don't do it.

If you need to immediately take the right exit, turn on the right turn, and if you plan to go further towards other exits, you need a left turn. Immediately before the exit - right signal.

Difference between right and left lanes

When entering the roundabout from the rightmost lane, it will be more convenient for you to take the first exit to the right. Use your right turn signal to inform other drivers about your planned maneuver so that they understand that you do not plan to drive further along the roundabout.

If you continue to drive in a circle, you can stay in the right lane and move out of it by turning on the right turn signal. Moreover, such behavior can cause some inconvenience to the driver himself. If you need to move along the ring for a long time, it is better to change lanes to the inner lane, since on the right side you will likely intersect with the trajectories of other cars.

Please note that when entering the ring from the right lane, you can initially stay on the right side, but later you can change lanes - this is not prohibited by the rules.

We enter the circle from the left lane

In this situation, you must let traffic already on the circle pass and continue driving in the same lane inside the intersection. Departure is carried out according to the following scheme: first we change lanes to the right, then we let traffic approaching from the outside roads from the right pass (in the right lane).

Accidents on the roundabout usually occur as a result of a driver on the inner circle forgetting to give way to drivers on the outer circle when leaving.

To drive through a roundabout safely for yourself and other motorists, you need to understand who, where and how should exit. Everything is quite logically determined by the factor of who is in which row. For example, if the driver is moving in the first or second rows, then he is preparing to move out, and if in the middle or left, he is planning to move on. However, there are exceptions, so be guided by the turn signals that are turned on and do not forget about them yourself.

To maneuver in order to exit the circle, you need to change into the right lane in a timely manner. If you are standing and driving in the center lane, change lanes to the far right to exit onto the adjacent road.

When two cars change lanes at the same time, you must give way to the one moving on the right, in accordance with the traffic rules regarding the corresponding obstacle.

Leaving the circle

You must exit the roundabout only from the rightmost lane. This is the most important rule for this maneuver, since the road you plan to enter may have up to five lanes. In this regard, first take the right lane, and then, if necessary, change into any other lane in accordance with traffic rules.

Perform the maneuver in such a way as not to drive into oncoming traffic. From the far right lane, drivers exit the roundabout, but no one forbids them from continuing to drive straight. From the left lane you are only allowed to drive in a circle, without leaving until you change lanes. In general, does the rule apply to all intersections, including roundabouts? You can turn right only from the extreme right position.

As for the “main road” and “roundabout” signs, they indicate that you don’t have to let other cars pass before leaving - the one on the roundabout has priority.

How to use turn signals?

It is important to know when and which turn signals need to be turned on when driving around roundabouts. Subject to the 2018 traffic regulations, every driver is required to use them, although many people forget about this and in vain. In general, the circle is not fundamentally different from ordinary intersections at which you make turns.

In order not to violate traffic rules, turn signals on the roundabout should be used as follows:

  • when entering a circle, turn on the right one;
  • when changing lanes into an adjacent row, turn on the right or left turn signal, respectively;
  • When leaving the roundabout, we use the right turn signal again.

In general, an elementary rule for all motorists applies here: where you turn the steering wheel, you turn on the turn signal.

General rules useful for drivers

To summarize, I would like to list the key rules and subtleties that motorists should remember when driving at roundabouts. Remember them, and you will not have problems on the following sections of roads:

  • Driver traffic priorities are determined by markings and road signs.
  • Drivers on secondary roads are required to yield to traffic moving from the main road.
  • Follow the signs before the roundabout. In most cases, the circle is the main one.
  • Pedestrian crossings without regulation are also found at roundabouts - be careful.
  • If there is a traffic light, start driving according to its signal.
  • When entering the roundabout, turn on the right turn signal, regardless of the planned trajectory and the lane you are going to occupy.
  • Once on the circle, you only need to turn left when changing lanes to the adjacent lane on the left.
  • As you approach the desired exit, move into the right lane if you are not already in it.
  • When there are STOP or Yield signs in front of the roundabout, traffic in the roundabout has priority. Otherwise, cars entering the ring have an advantage.
  • It is prohibited to turn around before entering the roundabout - you must enter the roundabout.

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