Beautiful DIY felt crafts. DIY felt crafts: interesting ideas, diagrams and templates

The world of handicrafts has no bottom; craftswomen use everything they can get their hands on for their masterpieces. If you want to learn a new hobby, then get started!

Creating crafts from felt is a pleasure - this material is pleasant to hold in your hands, it is very easy to handle. And its most important advantage is that even the most simple products look bright and attractive. Once you pick up warm pieces of this material, you won’t be able to stop. This handicraft is an excellent antidepressant, because when you hold soft, cozy scraps of rich flowers in your hands, you involuntarily relax and tune in to a positive mood.

What is felt - a brief educational program

Before you dive into a new hobby, it's worth learning what felt is and what types of felt are best for crafting.

Felt is a fibrous non-woven material. Traditionally it is made from wool, but modern industry produces many types of felt from natural to synthetic with different densities.

Before you run to the store for everything you need, first decide what kind of felt crafts you plan to make with your own hands, because different types of material are suitable for different purposes. The most common types are:

Acrylic felt. Made entirely from synthetics. The surface of this felt is slippery and shiny. You can find almost any color of acrylic felt on sale, and it is inexpensive, so for beginners this is the best choice. Acrylic felt makes wonderful flowers, souvenirs, keychains, cases for tablets and mobile phones.

Bamboo felt. Made from bamboo fiber mixed with viscose. This material is durable, wear-resistant, but quite expensive.

Wool blend felt. Consists of one third wool and two thirds synthetics. Soft, flexible, holds its shape well, but falls apart when washed. It is not recommended to make voluminous stuffed toys from it, but it is ideal for small decoration.

Wool felt. Absolutely natural material. Very thick, dense. Not suitable for small crafts and decoration. Slippers, booties, and hats are usually made from it. Now many people do it themselves, having mastered it.

What you need to work with felt

In addition to felt, for crafts you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • threads (regular sewing threads, or bright, thick ones, such as floss or iris, will do);
  • scissors - regular and zigzag;
  • needles, pins;
  • ballpoint pen or marker for marking parts;
  • glue gun;
  • decorative accessories such as buttons, beads, etc.;
  • thick paper for patterns.

Various bright or delicate buds pastel colors can decorate our daughters’ clothes and hairstyles. You can also decorate photo frames with growing suns.

  • Felt animals
Which animal does your baby love? Or maybe you want to introduce him to the diversity of fauna for the first time?
Then you can sew on many small representatives, which the baby will touch with his hands.

And here are the diagrams of some cuties : eagle owl, hippopotamus, panda, cat, giraffe. These images will always be loved.

If the child is older, crafts in the shape of animals will help them learn counting or the alphabet.
But larger toys (that fit in the palm of your hand) will also be interesting.
And here interesting option- travel pillow.

For 6 – 7 summer girls You can offer patterns made independently or in ready-made kits.
We used to sew toys from fabric during labor lessons. It didn't always work out neatly.
And felt has a number of advantages:

  • Easy to process material.
  • Doesn't crumble.
  • Has a wide range of colors.
  • The density of the material varies.
In some cases, when making a toy, you don’t even need to sew 2 parts together. It will be enough to use one of the thick sheets of this thick fabric. For example, in the manufacture of an airplane. My little son loves flying technology. Sometimes he strives to go to bed with her. And with felt soft toy it will be quite safe.
  • Felt baby books
An educational book for your baby, what could be better?
For a baby it is enough to use 2-4 spreads.
In addition to the basic material, you will need a lot of imagination and desire to develop the child.
Anything can be a topic for a book. : seasons, flora or fauna, colors, and maybe a Russian fairy tale.
A friend made a mini theater for the kids. The result was a very small, but interesting, in my opinion, book “Three Bears”.

  • Applications
Most often, this type of product will be multi-layered with cutouts. One color should be visible from under the other.
Felt appliques can be used in different ways:
1. As an independent subject
The child plays with a flat specimen made of thick felt.
Letters can be such a great toy for learning. If with reverse side sew on Velcro, you can use the set on a textile plane.

An application of circles with numbers will be a good help in getting to know the world of mathematics.

Next to the numbers you can stick bright elements corresponding to the serial number. Let the child not only see the image, but also be able to count the flowers and circles.
And berries, fruits and vegetables are interesting to use for board games.
2. The element is attached to the product: clothes, accessories, pillows, New Year's bags.
I decided to decorate my youngest son’s knitted suit.
Boys love technology. This is what happened.

  • Felt pillows
We have a lot of small decorative pillows in our house. Children can also have their own “thoughts”. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to adhere to the standard form: rectangle or square.
Decoration is done both with applique and three-dimensional elements.
  • Felt slippers
Soft and warm spatulas look great on a child’s foot. Quite easy to sew. Although here you can show your imagination.

What do we need?

  • Felt of various densities . For bulky products and toys, a thin, soft option is suitable. It is easy to sew together and, if desired, filled with padding polyester or holofiber balls.
  • Threads . We select them in color or contrast. It all depends on the idea.
  • Needles . I recommend having several prickly representatives in your arsenal. Thick felt can be processed more quickly with a good large needle. But for a soft sheet, a thin little helper is convenient.
  • Pencil (sewing chalk, bar of soap). It will be required for cutting the future product.
  • Scissors . It is better to use sharp, large specimens.
  • Awl . Sometimes it may be necessary to make a neat little hole.
  • Glue gun . Although it is not at all necessary if you are just a beginner needleworker.
  • Decoration materials : beads, buttons, clasps, fasteners, decorative stones, ribbons.

How to make an original felt craft - step-by-step master class with photos

I decided to make a gift for my friends baby. I think you will like the developing soft cube. 6 different sides, both in color and subject.
  • The felt is thin and thick.
  • Filler.
  • Needle.
  • Threads , you will need different, bright colors.
  • Laces.
  • Decorative buttons . I liked the cars and decided to use them. Even a girl will be interested in automotive technology.
  • – clasp.
  • Ribbon – Velcro.
  • Wool threads.
  • Lightning small size.

Necessary materials

Ideas are drawn. Let's start cutting out the details.
Stage 1
Cut into squares. In my case, these are pieces of felt measuring 12 x 12 cm. You will need 6 of them.

Step 1. Cut the material into squares for the background

Stage 2
We begin to make 1 square: a flower meadow with butterflies.
In a bright green meadow, I decided to make 3 flowers and a butterfly.
All elements have small Velcro stripes on the back side. The fluttering beauty can fly from one flower to another.
I had ready-made insects, but I think it would be more interesting to make them yourself. I have butterflies different shapes. In lilac flowers, purchased blanks were also used (middle layer with small petals).

Step 2. Attach ready-made flowers and butterflies

Stage 3
Garden behind the fence. What's hiding behind the gate? The child will know when he unties the string. And then you can put the ribbon back into the holes and hide the secret from prying eyes.
Garden gates. The felt for the gate is thick, as they must keep their shape.
The remaining elements are made of thin fabric:
  • I cut the drawing diagram into parts. I cut out all the elements using stencils.

Step 2-1. Cut out colored parts

  • I'm posting a picture first.

Step 2-2. Laying out the details on the background

  • I am gradually sewing on each detail. I start with the tree crowns. I decided to use two-color thread for the edging. I process it with an overcast stitch.

Step 2-3. Sew on every detail

  • I sew on flower buds - buttons.
  • I'm working on a fence
  • Gates. I cut holes and trim each sash. Then I sew it to the base.
  • I thread the prepared lace through the holes.

Step 2-4. Thread the lace

Step 2-5. Laced picture

Stage 4
Cat with balls. The animal sits surrounded by colored circles. But if we open the corner... we will see a little mouse!
I was thinking of using buttons on this side. There are several of them for added interest.
  • I divide the preliminary sketch on paper into components and transfer it to felt pieces.

Step 4-1. Transferring sketches to fabric

  • I sew the mouse to the main plane.
  • Then I make a piece of fabric to hide the surprise. I use an overcast stitch on 3 sides of the piece. The fourth will then be sewn into the edge of the cube.
  • I sew on a button. It is necessary to accurately verify the location of the fastened parts.

Step 4-2. We accurately measure the distance of all planned distances

  • I cut out a large orange ball from a thick piece and leave a tail like a thread. This ball is on the button. There is a green landline nearby. The lilac circle is also on the button.
  • The longest work was a cat figure. I attach the entire body to a plane. I not only walk around the perimeter, but also don’t forget to highlight the front legs. On top there are stripes in a contrasting color: muzzle, collar. The eyes and nose are embroidered with thread.

Step 4-3. Collecting cat parts

Step 4-4. Sew on buttons

Stage 5
Cars on the road. I decided to use buttons. They can be moved using a string. It's a pity that the manufacturers didn't think through the correct position of the leg. Therefore, cars will move up and down.
I sew two strips of road surface onto the main part of the square. I pull the lace with the clippers.

Step 5-1. We sew on road surfaces, and we pull cars on a string

Felt is a material from which it is very easy to make various crafts. It is not only comfortable and dense for this purpose, but also very pleasant to the touch, so once you start, it is impossible to stop. Simple felt crafts for beginners will help you understand the technique, and a few completed crafts will allow you to get your hands on and move on to more complex products that require more skill and patience.

This material is widely sold in specialized stores, so there should be no problems with access to it.

Tools for work

In addition to diagrams and templates for felt crafts, you will need some tools that will be impossible to do without. Among them, you will need felt, which will be of different densities, since it will be easy to fill the toy with contents, you need to select the thinnest material.

You also need threads of different colors, which will be required to make multi-colored crafts. A few needles will also not be superfluous, since you will have to stitch the product. You will also need a pencil with which to cut the material. An awl is important if you want to make holes in the felt.

It is better to take sharp and large scissors, as they will be easier to work with. A glue gun will also not be superfluous, since some decorative elements will have to be glued rather than sewn on. And the last element is decoration items, without which not a single craft can do.

The best felt craft ideas for kids

Crafts that are made especially for children with their own hands help them become addicted to needlework themselves. To do this, you can make products together with your children, so they will not only learn something new, but also have fun.


Soft letters can be used as toys, and later as a teaching aid for learning the letters of the alphabet. Find letter patterns that are not the most complex in design and start cutting.

When all parts of the letters are cut out, you can move on to the most labor-intensive process in this matter - stitching. When the product is almost completely sewn, start filling the contents; for this you can use padding polyester. This process can now be completely entrusted to even the smallest children.

By the way, this approach will allow you not only to make wonderful crafts, but also to make some small piece of furniture. If you want your child to do this with you, we recommend that you think about making soft books from this material.

At first glance it may seem difficult, but after a few hours of study, you will be able to do it without any problems. Photos of such felt crafts can be viewed on the Internet to have a complete idea of ​​the appearance of the products.


The next instruction on how to make a felt craft can be a remarkable brooch that can easily be attached to any outfit and it will look quite harmonious with it. For this you will also need patterns that can be found on the Internet.

This craft can be complemented with many decorative elements, but one of the best is the addition of a lightning bolt, so if you have one lying around at home, feel free to sew it on your brooch.


You can find a master class on making your own crafts from felt in the form of food. Believe me, such a product from a distance very closely resembles real food, so crafts can be used to play with children, as well as teach them certain foods.

Manufacturing follows the general principle, so there are no difficulties, but only joy from the resulting process. Having prepared several dozen different products, vegetables or fruits, you can move on to whole dishes.


In addition to the indicated items, felt can be used to make completely various crafts. These can be various keychains, hairpins, pincushions and even jewelry. You can even create a whole bouquet of multi-colored flowers from felt, which will look very realistic, voluminous and beautiful.

Remember that crafts made with love are sophisticated and unique; they can be given as gifts or used by yourself to add color to your home. We wish you creative success.


Photos of felt crafts



Felt is a type of felt made by felting animal hair. DIY felt crafts are soft and pleasant to the touch.

This material is used to make a variety of original jewelry, keychains, bags, appliqués on clothes, decorative elements, toys and much more.

How to choose felt for crafts

Why is felt so popular among craftswomen of all ages? There are a number of reasons for this:

  • the material is easy to process, it can be stitched and glued;
  • cut edges do not fray;
  • there is no front and back side;
  • keeps its shape;
  • Manufacturers produce material of different densities;
  • a wide range of colors is available.

Important! Felt is available in thicknesses from 1 to 5 mm in sheets and rolls.

Small parts and appliqués are cut out of thin material; thick felt is used for the base.

Types of material:

  1. Woolen. Used for decorations. It has a high cost. Dense, but loose, may shrink when washed. Thickness 2.5-5 mm.
  2. Wool blend. Contains at least 50% wool fibers. Suitable for making dolls because... It easily takes shape, is flexible, and has a rich color palette.
  3. Viscose. Soft, breathable and absorbs moisture, used for clothing decoration.
  4. Synthetic (polyester, acrylic). Acrylic felt is quite hard and quickly loses its original appearance. It's cheap. The polyester craft keeps its given shape and does not fade. This good material for making children's toys. Its low cost is attractive. Produced in thicknesses of 1-4 mm.
  5. Simulated. It can be shaped by wetting it. After drying, the product retains its desired shape.


Important! Before you start making crafts, you need to prepare templates.

You can download them on the Internet, copy them from a book, or create them yourself.

If you are planning a multi-color craft, then the diagrams in life size it must be done in duplicate: one is cut into elements, the other remains intact until the end of the work.

What do you need for work?

So that things don’t stop at the most interesting place, you need to prepare tools and materials:

  • felt;
  • depending on whether the product will be glued or stitched, you need thread (preferably floss) or glue (Moment-crystal);
  • pencil or disappearing marker;
  • scissors (large and small, as well as curly ones are useful);
  • decorative elements.

If the product will be sewn, you will need needles different thicknesses. A glue gun is useful for gluing. Holofiber or padding polyester will be needed for stuffing a voluminous product.

Felt decorations for children and adults

The most popular accessories are flowers. This could be hair jewelry or brooches. You will need a pattern, felt of the desired shades and decorative elements (rhinestones, beads, beads, satin ribbons). Brooches require a special pin.

The pattern of the flower you like is transferred to felt, the parts are cut out, sewn or glued together, decorated with decor. The decoration is sewn to clothing, secured with an elastic band, headband or hairpin.

Flowers can be an independent gift for March 8 or a birthday. In this case, the base is decorated with embroidery or buttons, different tones of felt are sewn on in layers, then mounted on a stick-stand and assembled into a bouquet.

The cat brooch looks good. Made in a laconic style from black and white felt, it will become the highlight of the costume. The cat can be decorated with antique lace or Swarovski crystals. The flower brooch is finished with beads, zippers, and hanging stones.

The brooches, which are a small embroidered picture, look like real works of art. Such a hand-made product will become a good gift for adults.

Bracelets are made from simulated felt.


Now it's fashionable to put Cell phones in felt covers made by yourself. This is enough simple craft, requiring minimal skills.


  1. Pattern. 2 parts are made according to the size of the phone, an allowance is added for the thickness of the phone in double size. If there is a valve on the cover, you need to cut it out in 2 parts.
  2. The front side is decorated. This can be a thermal image or rhinestones, embroidery, felt and fabric applique. Even sewn multi-colored buttons will make the case unusual.
  3. On the wrong side you can sew a pocket for credit cards or travel cards.
  4. If the case has a flap, then first the flap is sewn onto the back side, a magnetic button is placed on it, and the second part of the button is installed on the front part. It is important to accurately calculate the connection location of the magnetic fastener.
  5. Sew both parts either by machine or by hand.

A felt keychain looks good on a backpack or youth bag. Figures of raccoons, foxes, hares, cats, owls, as well as fantasy weirdos, donuts and ice cream are popular. To work you will need:

  • threads;
  • stuffing material;
  • keychain ring;
  • braid.

All details of the selected figure are cut out and sewn together with a buttonhole stitch. Filling is placed inside the craft, and a loop is made from the braid into which the ring is attached.

You can make many original home accessories from felt:

  • hot stand;
  • cover for the cup to preserve heat;
  • basket for needlework;
  • newspaper girl;
  • pencil holder, etc.

Toys for babies

Felt can be used to make excellent educational toys, such as:

  • finger theater;
  • numbers and letters;
  • educational book;
  • searcher;
  • game food, transportation, etc.

Theater on your finger

To do this, you will need thick felt for the base and soft felt for making figures. As a first step, you need to decide what fairy tales can be performed in the theater. Usually they choose 1-2, among them “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Mitten”.

For example, for the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” you will need:

  • figurines of a wolf and 3 piglets;
  • decoration of 3 houses;
  • Apple tree.

You can draw animal patterns yourself or take ready-made ones, the main thing is to maintain the proportions. The size of the wolf and piglets depends on who will be the actor and on whose hands the figures will be put. The pattern is transferred to felt, 2 parts are cut out, and a muzzle is drawn or embroidered on the front side. Then the edges of the parts are sewn together, while sewing in the tail and ears.

The diagram of the house is first drawn on paper, correlating the dimensions with the figures of the characters. Then the template is transferred to felt, cut out, and interesting details are added (straw, brick, stove, door or window). An apple tree is made in the same way.


An educational book is suitable for children over one year old. It is made according to the same principle as the theater, but all the figures are made flat. The theme of the book will be suggested by the imagination of the parents and the emerging interests of the child. This could be the sea with its inhabitants, seasons, plants and animals, big and small. geometric figures, alphabet, counting, etc.

The base is made of hard felt, onto which fastening elements are sewn (the reverse side of the adhesive tape, buttons, loops, laces with stringed beads). The removable parts on the reverse side are equipped with Velcro or another element that will help the child secure the figurine in the book.


Food crafts are also a hit with kids. After all, such products look realistic and tasty, they are fun to play with, and they can also be used as a keychain.

To make felt ice cream you will need:

  • wooden stick;
  • felt (white, red, pink);
  • black and red threads;
  • filler.

Step by step work:

  1. According to the diagram, 2 parts are cut out of white felt - the base of the popsicle ice cream.
  2. A strip of red felt is sewn to the bottom, which imitates a fruit layer. Its height is ¼ of the entire height.
  3. Unevenly cut pink felt is sewn on top of the white felt to imitate icing, decorated with beads or a cherry is sewn on.
  4. Eyes and a mouth are embroidered on the central part of white felt.
  5. Sew the front and back parts of the “popsicle” with a seam “through the top”, not forgetting to leave an unsewn space at the bottom.
  6. Fill the product with holofiber, sew it up by inserting an ice cream stick.

This work is easy for beginners.

You can make pizza, burger, vegetables, fruits, and cakes from felt.

If you provide the “food” with Velcro on the back side, and make a kitchen out of hard felt, then it will be interesting for little housewives to learn the basics of housekeeping while playing.

You can also collect exciting versions of “tic-tac-toe”.

New Year's crafts

Felt makes great New Year's toys. Both adults and children can make them. You can decorate your apartment with felt toys, decorate a Christmas tree, or add them to a gift.

New Year's simple crafts:

  1. Mitten.
  2. Gift sock.
  3. Snowman.
  4. Snowflake.
  5. Snowy house.

From several of these figures you can assemble a garland, alternating toys with flags or bows. The toys packed in a box will make a wonderful gift.

Volumetric ball

  1. 8-10 identical circles are cut out of felt of the same color.
  2. Bend in half.
  3. 2 circles are sewn along the central fold, and the rest are added using the same principle.
  4. Attach a ribbon to the top.


The easiest option is to cut out squares different sizes from green felt or white and string them on a thread, decorating the loop on top with a bead.

You can cut out the details of the Christmas tree using the template and sew them together - this will work Christmas tree decoration, pendant or decor for a gift. The main thing is not to forget to decorate the Christmas tree with curly braid, beads or seed beads.

A wonderful accessory for the New Year is a “skirt” under the Christmas tree, which will protect the floor and carpet from drops of resin. The “skirt” can be sewn from cotton fabric, reinforced with non-woven fabric or thin padding polyester, but appliqués are best made from felt.

Felt is a wonderful material. Working with him calms you down and brings you the joy of creativity. Even without sewing skills, you can make a wonderful craft with your own hands.

Felt is a unique material that is widely used in needlework. Its fairly dense structure allows the production of a wide variety of products. Once you try to make felt crafts with your own hands at least once, it’s impossible to stop. This activity is very exciting, you want to create again and again.

So where to start? What felt products are easiest to make and what can you do with kids? For beginners, we recommend choosing the simplest schemes creating hairpins, brooches, bags. You can easily make felt patterns yourself. Pay attention to the master class containing step-by-step pictures and templates, this will make it easier to understand the sequence of actions.

You can purchase felt for making felt crafts in special craft stores. With your children, choose beautiful and bright materials; using felt, crafts will turn out original, very unusual.

  1. Felt of different densities. For voluminous felt crafts and toys, choose a thinner material. It can be sewn without any difficulty and subsequently filled with holofiber or padding polyester.
  2. Threads. Choose colors that best match the color tone of the felt or contrasting shades.
  3. Needles. Take several different needles; you will need them to work with felt of different densities.
  4. Pencil. It will be necessary for cutting the material.
  5. Awl. This auxiliary tool will help you make small and neat holes in the felt.
  6. Scissors. Use sharp and large ones.
  7. Glue gun. It will be useful for beginning needlewomen.
  8. Elements for decoration. All kinds of pebbles, buttons, fasteners and beads will help give felt crafts a special appearance.

So let's get to work. Let's start with children's crafts made from felt.

Crafts for kids

A variety of toys, educational books, which are created with your own hands, turn out to be special and arouse great interest among children.

Make unique, easy felt crafts for children, every day you will improve your acquired skills!


Soft felt letters can be used first for playing with the baby, and later for learning. Use simple patterns, carefully cutting out the outline of each letter of the alphabet. After the work with scissors is completed, you can begin the longest stage - sewing together the parts of the letters.

Letter patterns:

Exciting activities with children can be done using fabric books. Making books from felt is not as labor-intensive a process as it might seem at first glance.


A bright brooch draws attention to your outfit, so many women carefully select this accessory for a particular look. Make a felt brooch using the step-by-step instructions below, and you will see that it is quite possible to create them yourself using scrap materials.

Snail patterns (click on the picture, it will enlarge and then download it):

If you have an old zipper and felting wool on hand, you will need them to make a felt brooch. The stylish finish of the accessory is a unique detail of your look.

Ideas for inspiration:


An original felt bag will complement the elegant look of every girl. A small and bright accessory is easy to make yourself. We have prepared a master class for you that will show you step by step how to create a felt bag. To work, you will need to take not only felt, but also cotton fabric, which will be used to create an applique and a handle.

It is worth noting that a felt bag can be detailed with buttons and embroidery (ornament). Focus on the accessory through the use of metal elements.


Even food made from felt looks realistic; almost any vegetable or fruit can be imitated thanks to a special technique for finishing the material. Undoubtedly, such work will be interesting for children; involve them in this process.

Our step-by-step instruction with a photo will help you create a “delicious dish”. Surprise your family an unusual craft, the felt food “cooked” by you will be perceived as a real masterpiece.


Romantic felt hair clips will decorate any little girl's hairstyle. Graceful roses in rich pink and red shades will look great in your hair.

You will spend a minimum of time making hairpins with floral motifs and will delight your child with an excellent hand-made gift.

A few more ideas:

Mobile phone cases

Today, a felt phone case is a unique accessory. But there is no need to purchase it if you have some felt on hand and step-by-step instructions for implementation.

We present to you original design children's cover with the well-known Om-Nom. Below are instructions for creating a case for glasses or pens with a cute dog and a bunny; a small owl can also be attached. The craft turns out alive and bright.

This case is designed for phone size: 12.5 cm by 6.5 cm. To download the instructions in large size- click on the picture and only then click save.

Let's create an unusual case for glasses and a fashionable phone case from felt together, you will definitely succeed!

More ideas:

Additionally, keychains can be made from felt.

Owl pattern:

Pattern for keychains (first click on the picture and then save):

More keychain options:


For a needlewoman, even a pincushion should be special! We suggest you make it from soft felt. As a result of simple but exciting work, you will get an unusual felt pincushion that will store all your needles.

Fantasize, detail your crafts, you might want to give some to a friend, sister or mother.


Delicate, romantic and elegant earrings, as well as necklaces, can be made not only from metal. We invite you to learn how wonderful felt jewelry is created. Such a craft will become a great gift mother for her child's birthday.

Schemes and interesting ideas

Below we have attached diagrams that will help you with your needlework. Make crafts with your children, it will be a lot of fun. For convenience, you can enlarge the diagram to the desired size, which will make your work easier.

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