Karl Lagerfeld quotes.

Hobby An eccentric gray-haired monsieur, with glasses covering half of his face, in a sophisticated suit, all the time accompanied by bodyguards, fans and a halo of scandalous fame. The most influential, the most mysterious, the most talented. His name is always on the newspaper pages, budding designers and journalists are hunting for his revelations. Meet the fashion guru, Karl Lagerfeld quotes

  1. which is on the lips of the entire fashion world.
  2. Usually, I wake up around half past six and read until about nine, lying in my golden bed. Then I want to sleep again, but I can’t because I have to work. In any case, I love these morning hours more than others, especially if I’m outside the city. When I was little, my nanny once told me, “People who don’t wake up early in the morning will never become successful.”
  3. Yes, some people tell me that I'm too skinny. But I hear this from the lips of people who themselves could use losing a few kilograms. And never from those who are thin.
  4. I hate the smell of cooking. Some people love to eat, but I'm indifferent to it. I don't eat sweets. I don't eat fatty foods. And I like fish more than meat. My doctor encourages me to eat meat twice a week as if we were cannibals.
  5. Yes, she (Gabrielle Coco Chanel) said that fashion dies, but style is immortal. But style must adapt, adapt to fashion. Keep up with fashion. I am generally wary of some of her statements.
  6. In fashion, the concept of “success” means nothing, because every 6 months you have to start all over again. Either you have to turn into a “classic”, but who wants to be one?
  7. Nobody needs women with curves. I know who says skinny models are ugly. These are unkempt women sitting in front of the TV screen with packets of chips.
  8. I write letters! I love writing by hand! I hate phones, I hate email...
  9. Thank God, there are no people who remember me as a little boy. Yes, I forgot about it myself.
  10. I live in undeniable isolation. I never take it in the morning. I leave the house only after lunch. I don't want to have a social life. I had plenty of it. It's unfashionable. This is a different era. Perhaps people are still attracted to that era, but not me. It's not interesting today. Doesn't say anything. Boring, pretentious and vulgar...
  11. Even charity, people pay. I try to avoid charity. This is not for me. I'm rich enough not to accept this. Thank God I don't need this. I do a lot of unnecessary things for free, but I'm very against it. Money itself is not interesting, but its use is interesting.
  12. Genius is the only thing that cannot be bought, that cannot be taught, that cannot be controlled. She either exists or she doesn’t.
  13. I almost never travel for pleasure, only for business. The only place I go with great joy is Italy. Over the past twenty years I have been to Rome 154 times and Milan 123 times (quote 1979 - note S).
  14. Life is not a beauty contest because some ugly people are great. What I hate is unpleasant, unkempt people.
  15. Happiness is when there is no need to ask yourself the question: “Am I happy or am I unhappy?
  16. I don't have any human feelings.
  17. I've been keeping a diary for the last twenty years. It's very exciting to read what happened to you many years ago, we forget so many details! Some things that seemed insignificant become of great importance over the years.
  18. I am most likely pro-prostitution. I admire people who do this. Because this is not the most fun activity. People need to somehow relax, otherwise they will become murderers.
  19. I love the physical act of writing by hand, I love letters much more than phones, they scare me. Thank God, I have a sixth sense and can guess who is calling and whether I should answer this call. The saddest thing about phones is that all the details of communication are forgotten. I love receiving letters and always treasure them.
  20. Don't sacrifice yourself too much, because then you won't have anything left to give later. And no one will care about you.

The life of Karl Lagerfeld is a series of ovations, ups and scandals at fashion shows. Quotes by Karl Lagerfeld immediately become revelations for many. A bright, noble and gray-haired gentleman in dark glasses who adheres to his image, he cannot live without special attention to his person. His name is associated with an example of refined Parisian taste and French style, although he is German. He became one of the most influential couturiers of our time.


It is better to be a split personality than not to be a personality at all.


You can't look too chic or too modest in a little black dress.

When you start criticizing the time you live in, your time is up.

(time, epoch)

Sweatpants are a sign of defeat. If you acquired them, it means that you have completely lost control over your life.

Vanity is the healthiest thing in life.


Don't be fake, racist, sexist or judge people based on their background.

I think tattoos are terrible. It's like living your whole life in a Pucci dress. If you are young and thin, then fine. But if not...

I have more books than shelves for them. And I read them all. I'm like Schwarzenegger, just shaking my brains. I'm a brain builder.

My main problem in life is indifference to the outside world.

Happiness is a matter of order and discipline.


Do what makes you happy. Forget about money or other traps that are considered success. If you're happy working in a village store, work. Remember that you only have one life.

(happiness, work)

Fashion designers are dictators of taste.


Strive for excellence in everything. If your body is imperfect, for example, go on a diet and buy smaller sizes.

I've never smoked. I never got drunk or did drugs. It's funny that people like my nerdiness. But for me this is a normal state of affairs. Most of my friends at least smoke or drink.

A woman devoid of good taste will look tasteless even in a stylish dress.

(woman, taste)

Forget about the past. If you are nostalgic, then your time is over. We ourselves must adapt to the present, since it does not adapt to us.

(nostalgia, past)

If I were a Russian woman, I would become a lesbian.

I'm shocked. Only two days in Moscow, and so many beautiful women I’ve never seen ugly men in my life. Probably all Russians are lesbians?

Nobody needs these “natural” women of yours. And in general: who are the judges? Fat moms with bags of chips sit in front of the TV and say that skinny models are ugly! Let them look at themselves.

My mother said: “Never sacrifice yourself for others.” Over the years, I realized the deep meaning of this phrase: if you sacrifice yourself to the end, there will be nothing left of you. By saving yourself and your energy, you are able to give a little, but to a lot. To those who will need you tomorrow. And after. Giving yourself completely will leave you empty. And then, not everyone is destined to be born Mother Teresa.

On February 19, the legendary Karl Lagerfeld, a cynic and a genius, a connoisseur of beauty and a sharp critic of everything that did not fit into his ideas of ideal beauty, died (details: The great couturier Karl Lagerfeld passed away). The fashionable Kaiser went down in history not only with his magnificent collections, but also with his sharp and sometimes even harsh comments, and not only about fashion. Several years ago, as a gift for the 100th anniversary of the House of Chanel, the French publisher Flammarion collected all the statements of the famous designer in one book called “The World According to Karl.” We have compiled a quote book from the most poignant statements of Karl Lagerfeld, which today might sound differently. But that’s what the Kaiser is all about: he always says what he thinks (take, for example, how Karl Lagerfeld provokes the British monarchs).

About the outfits of the guests at the wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William: “Bad proportions, ugly hats, short skirts on thick legs.”

On the changing world of fashion:“What I did, Coco Chanel would never have done. She would hate it."

About the fashion experiments of the Chanel house:“I’m kind of a fashion nymphomaniac who just can’t reach orgasm.”

About women who disagree with the image of thin models in glossy magazines:"They're fat mummies sitting on their sofas in front of the TV with a bag of chips and saying models are scary."

About male height:“Life is not a beauty contest, some ugly people are wonderful. What I hate is ugly, ugly people... The worst of all are the ugly little guys. Women can be short, but this is not acceptable for men. This is something they will never be able to accept... they are evil and they want to kill you.”

“Sweatpants are a symbol of defeat. You lost control over your life and so you bought yourself sports trousers»

Cara Delevingne as a model at the Chanel FW2015 show, wearing sweatpants

About diets:“The body must be flawless. If not, buy clothes in small sizes and eat less."

About using fur:“Farmers are kind to cows and pigs, but then they are killed anyway. They are even more hypocritical than hunters. At least hunters don't give animals affection... I don't like people slaughtering animals, but I also don't like people being killed, which seems to be very popular in the world."

About freedom of communication: “Be politically correct, but please don't bore others with talking about political correctness, because that's the end of everything. Want to create boredom? Be politically correct during the conversation."

About competitors:“I remember one designer who said that smart women don’t wear her dresses. Apparently she went bankrupt."

Karl Lagerfeld has superhuman performance and irrepressible energy. This allows him not only to oversee the fashion houses Chanel and Fendi, but also to have his own brand. In addition, the great designer owns the Parisian...

Karl Lagerfeld has superhuman performance and irrepressible energy. This allows him not only to oversee the fashion houses Chanel and Fendi, but also to have his own brand. In addition, the great designer owns a Parisian bookstore, runs a publishing house and works as a fashion photographer.

The fashion designer also has an impressive collection of art, houses (!) and iPods. A wild pedant and a terrible misanthrope, of which there are few, does not go out without his favorite gloves. Invariably dark sunglasses, endlessly white long hair gathered in a ponytail - he is crazy about himself and loves only himself. The most famous designer in the world and his sparkling and caustic statements, read and be inspired!:)

  • “Vanity is the healthiest feeling in life.”
  • “Life is not a beauty contest because some ugly people are great. What I hate is unpleasant, unkempt people.”
  • “Nobody wants women with curves. I know who says skinny models are ugly. These are unkempt women sitting in front of the TV screen with packets of chips.”

  • “I never condemned women who want a good life, I just didn’t understand men who complain that women only need money... But they themselves look at well-groomed, in beautiful dresses, With long hair, who smell nice of perfume and whose hands have a neat manicure... They say that beauty requires sacrifice... Nonsense! Beauty requires money!”
  • “When you hear designers complaining about the problems of their profession, say: “Don’t get carried away, they’re just dresses.”
  • “It’s better to be a split personality than not to be a personality at all.”
  • “I've never smoked. I never got drunk or did drugs. It's funny that people like my nerdiness. But for me this is a normal state of affairs. Most of my friends at least smoke or drink."

  • “A woman devoid of good taste will be tasteless even in a stylish dress.”
  • "I don't have any human feelings."
  • “Don’t sacrifice yourself too much, because then you won’t have anything left to give later. And no one will take care of you."

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