Enlarge your eyes with makeup. How to enlarge your eyes with makeup? Classic eye enlargement with makeup: step by step

What could be better than large, expressive eyes with a captivating gaze? But nature has not endowed everyone with perfect beauty. Therefore, women use makeup to enlarge their eyes in order to get as close to the ideal as possible.

Basic techniques for enlarging eyes

To enlarge your eyes, it is not enough just to apply eyelashes or eyebrows. Shadows are also needed, and several shades. To do this, you will have to purchase an eyeshadow palette, better than natural shades. Having learned how to do makeup, in the future you will be able to create your own look.

    With dark shadows you can visually darken a certain area, and with light shadows you can bring it closer and make it more prominent. That is why you should not line the entire lower eyelid with black eyeliner. For this they use white pencil, lead along the entire length of the mucosa;

    If you want to correct the shape of your eye, apply eyeliner along the entire length of the upper eyelid. To make the eye more rounded, you need to widen the line in the middle. If you widen the arrow, you will visually lengthen the shape of the eye;

    Without eyelashes, no makeup will work. If you curl them, your eyes will become wide and Brown color mascara will simply enlarge your eyes;

    The best “enlarging” eye makeup is light gray shadows on the upper eyelid, silver on the lower eyelid, and gray mascara on the eyelashes. This make-up is not suitable only for brown-eyed people. They can do similar makeup in brown tones;

    You can enlarge your eyes not only with the help of cosmetics. Eat special exercises, which open the eye more strongly and strengthen the annular muscle. Eyes become larger once and for all. It should be done as follows: place your middle fingers under the eyebrows, index fingers to the inner corners of the eyes, and then close your eyes ten times. You need to repeat it two to three times a day, while not putting too much pressure on your eyes.

It is better to follow all the notes together, and then the result will be noticeable immediately. The exercises are simple and even a beginner can do them.

Correcting eyebrows to make eyes bigger

The fact that eyebrows should be neat, combed, without protruding hairs is not even discussed; this rule applies to absolutely all women. Those with small eyes, eyebrows, and especially their shape should pay maximum attention. Remember, the higher they are located, or create such an illusion, the more wide and open the eyes will look. To achieve this effect, the eyebrows must be corrected correctly - eliminate the maximum possible number of hairs in the lower part.

To make your eyes appear larger, you need to properly shape your eyebrows. They act as a “frame” for the eyes.

You don’t need to make your eyebrows thicker than the ones you already have or shamelessly pluck thick ones.

Those eyebrows that you naturally have have the most advantageous thickness and density. They just need to be adjusted a little.

In order to shape your eyebrows, you need to take a pencil and eyebrow or eye shadow:

    Use a pencil to draw the lower part of the eyebrow, separating its beginning from the eyelid;

    Carefully draw the tip and continue the line from above, slightly short of the head of the eyebrow;

    Fill the inner area of ​​the eyebrow with shadows without going beyond the boundaries;

    Using an angled brush or brush, carefully shade the edges, especially carefully at the head of the eyebrow.

As you can see, eyebrow shaping is not like that difficult process, you just need to choose the right shade of pencil and eye shadow.

Common mistakes when enlarging your eyes with makeup

  1. It is not recommended to sketch the visible part of the lower eyelid mucosa with a brown or black pencil - this will make the eyes appear narrower and smaller.
  2. When choosing light shades of eyeshadow that really make your eyes appear larger, apply pearlescent eyeshadow as carefully as possible. Glitter is allowed only in the center of the eyelid, in its inner corner or under the eyebrow. When making up with drooping eyelids, the eyes also become larger due to highlighting under the eyebrow space.
  3. Avoid false eyelashes that are too long and fluffy, which give a doll-like effect to the eyes.
  4. You should also be careful with mascara - extra layers of makeup will make the makeup too provocative and vulgar.

How to visually enlarge your eyes with eyeliner

Using the right techniques will open your eyes and make your eyes appear larger.

  1. Apply concealer to the area around the eyes and gently tap it in with your fingertips. As a base, we will choose caramel shades.
  2. Using eyeliner, draw an arrow along the lash line on the upper eyelid and lift it towards the eyebrow. We carefully draw the outer part of the lower eyelid with a pencil.

“How to visually enlarge your eyes?” - every young lady who takes care of herself and her appearance wants to know the answer to this question. The desire to improve yourself is always commendable, because the hardest thing is to work on yourself. And awareness of your problem and regular work to eliminate it deserves respect.

Anyone can do professional makeup to enlarge their eyes at home, just take a little time for yourself and be patient. Don't be upset if everything doesn't work out right away, because good makeup is just a matter of practice. You also need to know the advice of professional makeup artists on how to visually enlarge your eyes and try on yourself the recommended technique for performing everyday makeup.

Makeup for enlarging eyes step by step photo

  1. When starting the makeup itself, start by correcting dark circles and age spots, If there are any. Any corrective means are suitable for this: concealers, pencils, creams. Use shades that suit your skin type.
  2. Use eyeshadow in at least two different shades - light and dark. Apply light ones to the inner corner and middle of the moving part of the eyelid, under the eyebrow. Matte shadows are the most versatile; pearlescent ones diffuse light well, but they can emphasize wrinkles. Use beige and peach colors. Apply dark shadows to the outer edge of the eyelid above the hollow and to the lower one up to the pupil, blend with the applicator towards the outer end of the eyebrow. For daytime makeup, use medium-dark shades. neutral shades, for an evening look, choose colors that match your outfit. You can use color transitions at the borders, then the composition will be the brightest and deepest, which is ideal for an evening look.
  3. We draw arrows. When you apply makeup to make your eyes look bigger, don't overuse thick lines! This is the most common mistake. The arrow should start thin at the inner part of the upper eyelid and thicken towards the outer edge. The tail should not stick out much. Then the eye makeup will be organic. The lower eyelid should be drawn only at the outer edge; this line should be well shaded. A shading effect will be created and the eyes will appear larger. There are different variants application of the arrows: very thickened, brought to the middle of the century, “ cat eye" etc.
  4. We apply mascara. For a natural effect, use natural colors - black, brown, dark blue. For daytime makeup, apply mascara in one or two layers, carefully covering the upper and slightly lower eyelashes. Before the procedure, you can twist them to create the effect of wide eyes.

Makeup for enlarging eyes step by step photo

Eye enlargement is a technique used by women for a long time. This type of makeup allows you to make your eyes more expressive. To perform it correctly, you must follow professional advice.


Eyeliners to enlarge the eyes are made using special cosmetics, pencil and eyeliner. The latter are divided into different kinds. Their main difference is the applicator, which allows you to make a line of arrows. The coloring base varies in color, but black, brown, and blue are often used. The foundation is divided into liquid, gel and soft pencil.

The applicator looks like a thin brush or marker. When lowered into the contents of the tube, it is saturated with the coloring base. There is a dispenser on the neck that allows you to take the required amount of product.

Application options

To make arrows to enlarge your eyes, you need to familiarize yourself with the technique of drawing lines. The design options for the arrows differ, it all depends on the eyeliner and applicator. A felt-tip eyeliner or pencil is used to draw arrows, since eyeliners are not entirely liquid. The line comes out quickly and clearly.

Brush eyeliners are convenient, but they require makeup skills to use because the foundation is liquid and the brush is soft and thin. The lines drawn with brushes turn out neat and sophisticated. Eyeliners for enlarging the eyes come in different shapes. With them you can visually change the shape and size of your eyes.

If you create an arrow so that its end is further than the outer corner of the eye, then its shape will visually lengthen. The end of the arrow on the outer corner of the eyelid can be raised upward, and on the inner corner the line will be located downwards. This will create a cat's eye effect.

Thin arrows look impressive, although they are not noticeable. They are difficult to apply; you need experience in obtaining such makeup. But if you learn how to draw them, this option can be used for strict makeup and for daily use.


Arrows in makeup have great importance. But to make the look attractive, you need to choose their shape. Everything must match the appearance. The shape of arrows to enlarge the eyes varies. If you choose the famous Egyptian version, it will be perfect for evening makeup.

How to visually enlarge your eyes with arrows? To do this, you need to select lines that follow the shape of the wings. They are ideal for creative ladies. With them you can make your look attractive. Thick lines emphasizing the upper eyelid are ideal for social parties and celebrations. They will enlarge your eyes, making them expressive.

A thin liner to increase the shape of the eyes is suitable for the office. Although this option seems simple, it is the one that is difficult to implement and requires practical experience. You can visually enlarge your eyes with them.

If your eyes are round, then thin arrows drawn with a pencil are more suitable. They should be on the lash line, so a little shading is necessary. Otherwise it won't turn out very nice. There is no need to use eyeliner for the lower eyelid, and to lengthen the shape of the eyes, you need to line the inner corner.

To enlarge round eyes, several manipulations are necessary. The pencil used to obtain the contour is applied from the middle of the upper eyelid. The line should be outside the natural crease of the eye. Dark shadows are applied on top, and then the contour is shaded. Then you need to apply mascara that increases volume.

There is no need to make arrows on the lower eyelid, as this will further reduce them. Visual enlargement will be achieved using lines of light colors. Gray and metallic eyeliners are suitable. Narrow eyes will be enlarged by wide arrows. You should not go beyond the boundaries of the eye. The line is necessary Suitable shape Eye magnification arrow will make your look more expressive.

Using a pencil

The easiest way to draw arrows to make your eyes bigger is with a pencil. Step by step description will allow you to perform the procedure correctly. Using a pencil, the lines are shaded, which becomes soft, and the color can be selected to suit the desired image.

Black arrows are not suitable for everyone. Eg, Brown eyes will look great with a brown or green pencil, gray and blue - blue or silver, and green - purple.

Working with a pencil

The procedure involves performing the following steps:

  1. Choose a comfortable position in front of the mirror. The eye remains half open, and the elbow should be placed on the table.
  2. Draw a thin line near the growth of the eyelashes, drawing it from the middle of the eyelid to the outer and inner corner.
  3. On the outer corner, the tip of the arrow must be moved beyond the edge, lifting it up.
  4. If there are irregularities, they must be eliminated cotton swab.
  5. To make the arrow thick and the eyelashes voluminous, you need to paint over the area between the eyelashes.
  6. To get a neat arrow, you need to go through it several times.

Using liquid eyeliner

You can draw arrows in an original way using liquid eyeliner. Although the procedure seems simple, it is actually complex. Therefore, in order for the result to please you, you need to use professional advice:

  1. It is necessary to determine the place where the tail of the arrow will go.
  2. You need to squint your eyelid and put a dot in the designated place.
  3. To create an even line, the point must be connected to the base of the eyelashes, and then stretch the line from the outer to the inner corner by 2/3 of the length.
  4. It is necessary to make a thin line, since a wide one can be drawn at any time. You can stretch it to the end of the inner corner. This is a great option for an evening look.
  5. At the end you need to draw a tail. To do this, take the eyeliner brush so that its tip is directed towards the temple, and apply it to the edge of the line so that there is an imprint of the brush on the eyelid.

This method allows you to create an even tail of the arrow. The distance between the eyelashes must be painted over so that there are no noticeable gaps, and then the shape will be perfect.

Types of shadows

To create arrows, shadows are also used, which come in the following types:

  1. Creamy.
  2. Powder.
  3. Crumbly.
  4. Baked.

Each of the means has its advantages. You need to use shadows correctly. To draw beautiful arrows, you need to follow the instructions.

Drawing with shadows

Multi-colored shadows can make your eyes look bigger. This method is simple and quick to perform, and the contour is flawless. The shade of the shadows should be chosen according to the color of the eyes. For makeup, use a dry natural bristle brush with an angled tip.

Shadows are applied as follows:

  1. Apply foundation or shadow to the eyelids.
  2. The line should be drawn from the inner corner to the middle of the eyelid, forming an even contour.
  3. You need to aim for eyelash growth so that there are no gaps.
  4. The symmetry of the arrows should be checked. If there are imperfections, they are removed with a makeup remover.

If the lines you get are not quite beautiful, then you should turn them into fashion makeup, shading along the eyelid so that there is no clear edging. This technique will allow you to create beautiful arrows for different types makeup.

Before drawing lines, you need to determine what form and technique will highlight the natural beauty. You also need to choose a suitable product for applying eyeliner: liquid, dry, gel, or pencil. Make-up should be carried out with a division into daytime and evening, and then you will always be on top.

Having big and expressive eyes is every girl’s dream, but what to do if nature has not endowed you with them and you have to be content with what you have? Such girls should not be upset about this, since there are ways to visually enlarge their eyes to the desired size. Correct makeup eye, can make any look more open and expressive.

Let's consider a basic makeup option that copes with the task perfectly and clearly demonstrates all the necessary techniques and techniques that can be used to create the effect of big eyes.

To do this makeup yourself, follow these rules:

  • Any makeup should begin with evening out the tone of the face.

Without this action, any makeup, even the most professional one, will not look perfect. If there are any inflammations on the face or bruises and bags under the eyes, be sure to use concealer. By brightening the skin around your eyes, you will not only visually expand your look, but also give your face a fresh, rested look.

  • Use a light pencil (it can be completely white) under the lower eyelid and in the inner corner of the eye. This technique will visually expand your eyes, making your look more rested and fresh.

  • Don't ignore the area above your eyebrows. Apply light, shimmery shadows there. Without this simple action, the makeup will look unfinished and the look will be heavier.
  • To visually enlarge the shape of the eyes, use shadows of light and dark shades.

Light shadows must be applied to the entire eyelid, in the corners of the eyes, and even to the entire area under the eyebrows. The most the best option choosing a light shade, the shadows will become shiny or pearlescent.

  • A dark shade of eyeshadow should be applied to the outer part of the upper eyelid under the crease, as well as to the outer part of the lower eyelid, but not reaching the level of the pupil. In this matter, the main thing is not to overdo it with color.

When creating daytime makeup, it is best to use more natural shades of eyeshadow, for example, dark brown or gray.

  • Use voluminous mascara. Don't be afraid to color your lower lashes well, as this technique will make your look more open and eye-catching.

How to make your eyes look bigger with liquid eyeliner?

Another win-win way to add expressiveness to your look is to use liquid eyeliner in your makeup. With its help you can do any makeup that visually enlarges your eyes. The main thing is to be able to draw the right arrows.

A correctly and accurately drawn arrow will make your look more attractive and help visually enlarge the shape of your eyes, while an incorrect one will only aggravate the situation. Which arrow will be considered correct?

The correct arrow should be drawn very carefully and barely noticeable on the inside of the eye, gradually thickening towards its outside.

  • Another option is to start drawing an arrow from the middle of the upper eyelid
  • Don’t get carried away with drawing the arrow and don’t make it too long, as you risk visually narrowing the shape of your eyes
  • The correct arrow should be slightly longer than the eye shape and should be directed towards the outer end of the eyebrow

If you draw an arrow with liquid eyeliner, then it is best to lightly treat the lower eyelid with shadows of dark shades, also drawing the outer corners of the eyes, gradually reducing the line to nothing. This option is most suitable for evening, brighter makeup.

For daytime makeup, you can leave the lower eyelid untouched, or use light, shimmering shadows in the inner area of ​​the eye. Don't forget to coat your upper and lower lashes well. This will make your look look more open.

How to enlarge your eyes with a pencil?

Many girls and women prefer pencils rather than liquid eyeliner. Firstly, a pencil does not require such clarity and accuracy when drawing arrows, and secondly, it can be shaded, creating various options makeup. Besides, liquid eyeliner Most suitable for evening eye makeup, while the pencil can be used at any time.

The principle of drawing arrows with a pencil is exactly the same as when applying liquid eyeliner. It is important not to make too thick lines on the inside of the eye, and it is best to draw the lower eyelid only from the outside, gradually thinning the line without bringing it to the middle of the eye.

If you want to completely draw the lower eyelid, then in this case you should lower the arrow line below the level of eyelash growth. Don't forget to highlight the inside of your eyelid.

How to enlarge your eyes with eyelashes

Long and thick eyelashes significantly increase the shape of the eyes, making them more open. If you do not have such richness by nature, then do not hesitate to use mascara, creating the effect of lush and long eyelashes. Paint the eyelashes well from the outer corners of the eyes, lengthening the eye line as much as possible. Richly colored and long eyelashes along their entire growth line create the effect of open and large eyes.

Another trick for creating a more open look is well-colored and elongated lower lashes. You can also enlarge your eyes using false eyelashes.

How to enlarge your eyes with eyebrows?

Low and too thick eyebrows noticeably weigh down the look, making it less attractive. It is very important to choose the eyebrow shape that suits you. Wide and voluminous eyebrows will help to visually enlarge your eyes. It is worth considering that such eyebrows are not suitable for all girls.

If you are the owner of thin lips, a neat nose and small eyes, then such eyebrows will clearly not decorate you. In this case, the best choice would be fairly thin and arched eyebrows. This eyebrow shape will not only highlight the beauty of your eyes, but will also noticeably make you look younger by several years.

It is also very important how far the eyebrows are from each other. Close-set eyebrows make the look more aggressive and even a little frowning. Don't mistakenly assume that such eyebrows are absolutely not suitable for you. On the contrary, many girls preferred just such eyebrows, since they give the look a certain mystery and even sexuality.

Eyebrows spaced far apart are suitable for older women. They not only visually rejuvenate the face, but also make it more open and friendly.

Little tricks for a more expressive look

In order to make your look more expressive and open, it is important to consider some tricks.

  • To hide visible imperfections around the eyes, use correctors with a reflective effect.
  • When applying makeup, use light and dark shades of eyeshadow.
  • Use a white pencil to draw the lower inner eyelid.
  • Don't be afraid to highlight the inner corners of your eyes.
  • Draw only arrows that visually enlarge the eyes.
  • Don't overload your eyes. Be sure to use a light highlighter under the eyebrow.
  • Watch the shape of your eyebrows. Remember that the wrong eyebrow shape can ruin not only your eyes, but also the appearance of your face as a whole.

All of the above methods of applying makeup will help you visually make your look more expressive and attractive.

Video: Makeup for small eyes

Makeup should highlight beautiful facial features, highlighting them and making them expressive. Those whom nature has endowed with large eyes do not need to worry - they just need to tint their eyelashes a little, and the look is ready. What should the owners of small eyes do in this case? You can draw arrows to make your eyes appear larger and attract male attention. It’s very easy to do, you just need to stock up on the necessary cosmetics and take a minute to theory.

Why draw arrows

Eyes are the mirror of the soul, in addition, they are also a woman’s weapon that defeats men on the spot. Even in Ancient Egypt they knew how much makeup can change a person’s appearance; just remember Cleopatra’s wide arrows. If before people They also invested mystical meaning in makeup, but nowadays makeup has become a way of expressing one’s inner world, that very soul, the mirror of which the eyes are considered to be. That is why Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor and other famous beauties did not neglect expressive and bright makeup.

Visual enlargement of the eyes not only gives femininity. The chosen type of makeup can tell a lot about its wearer: some try to achieve the image of a vamp, others try to look tender and youthful. Any image is available if you choose the right means and method of application.

How to visually enlarge your eyes

Arrows for small eyes are applied depending on the chosen image and the girl’s external characteristics. One rule remains the same for all options: the cosmetics used must be of high quality and long-lasting.


Cosmetics for drawing arrows that enlarge the eyes are selected individually. The cosmetics market offers the following product options:

  1. Liquid eyeliner. It is sold in a jar with a brush that is used to apply lines. They turn out clear, glossy, very graphic and expressive. In addition, such cosmetics have a high level of durability, do not flow or smear. It can be used both as a final touch for evening makeup and as an independent accent on the eyes for daytime. The only disadvantage of liquid eyeliner is that it is unlikely to be suitable for beginners. In order to get smooth and symmetrical arrows for enlarging your eyes, you will have to practice for a long time.
  2. Pencil. A simpler drawing tool. Its longevity is far from smooth - throughout the day you will have to repeatedly correct a smudged or faded arrow. This is especially true for girls with skin fatty type. Drooping eyelids can also become an obstacle to keeping lines firm. If you first cover the eyelid with beige shadows, mark the arrows and top them with dark-colored shadows, then such a make-up will last quite a long time. The advantage of the pencil is its softness and ease of shading. The drawn strokes will be neat, gentle and perfect for everyday makeup.
  3. Marker. An eyeliner option that has already become a favorite of many girls. Thanks to the tube, which looks like a regular marker with a hard core, you can easily draw neat, thin arrows. They are not inferior to those drawn with liquid eyeliner either in durability or color saturation. However, the marker dries quite quickly; after about 1.5-2 months of use, you will have to buy a new one.
  4. Gel eyeliner. A beauty innovation that is suitable even for beginners. A small jar of eyeliner, to which you will have to buy an additional brush, will be useful for those who care about the longevity of their cosmetics. This product is very difficult to wash off with water. Unfortunately, this convenient cosmetic product will not “live” for long either - with frequent use, gel eyeliner dries out quickly.
  5. Shadows. Regular eye shadow, if applied with a thin brush, completely replaces any pencil and eyeliner. The resulting arrow will not be too bright and clear, the blurred contours will visually enlarge the eyes, which is what was required from the makeup. If you want more color saturation, you can try moistening the shadows a little and applying them as an eyeliner.

Important! There is another interesting beauty product - dry eyeliner. It is similar to ordinary shadows and, if desired, can be used as one. If you moisten the dry substance, it will turn into a full-fledged, fairly bright eyeliner.


To draw increasing arrows, you will need:

  • Mirror without magnifying effect;
  • A sharpener for a pencil, which must be sharp;
  • Cotton swabs and sponges to quickly remove makeup mistakes;
  • Foundation product and eyeshadow palette, which contains nude and neutral colors;
  • A thin, long brush that allows you to draw both thin and wide arrows;
  • A curved brush, the tail of which does not differ from the tip of a thin long brush, due to the shape of the handle, it is more convenient to paint with such a tool;
  • An angled brush that is indispensable in makeup. The thin edge allows the tip of the arrow to be perfectly straight and sharp.

Which of these tools will be useful depends on the makeup features and habits of the girl herself. For those who want to try different options and practice the process of applying cosmetics, it is advisable to acquire all of the above.

Application stages

Arrows are the central part of makeup for enlarging the eyes. Their application is preceded by preliminary stages of makeup.

Applying cosmetics to visually enlarge the eyes step by step:

  1. The foundation is applied to the upper eyelid. You can spread it with your fingers or a brush, as is convenient. The main thing is to carefully blend the product from the moving eyelid to the eyebrows. If the base seems too sticky, you can apply a thin layer of beige eye shadow or powder on top of it.
  2. The outer corner of the eye is slightly darkened. To do this, a little dark shadow is applied to the eyelid at the edge of the eye, which extends slightly upward, beyond the orbital line, and to the side, towards the temple. A light stroke of eyeshadow of the same color should be applied to the outer edge of the lower eyelid, blending it so that it covers about a third of the space under the lower eyelashes.
  3. Where the border of dark shadows lies (towards the inner corner of the eye), apply a little lighter shadow. Carefully blend, slightly going beyond the orbital line and smoothing out the transition between tones. Shadows should be matte.
  4. Apply a little shadow with shimmer to the middle of the eyelid and blend. This step will help refresh your look and visually expand your upper eyelid. To make the shadows play brighter, they can be driven into the skin with your fingers, without using a brush. If desired, you can add a shining accent to the inner corner of the eye.
  5. Next, you need to take a beige or light brown pencil and run it along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. This is one of the main techniques that helps make your eyes visually larger. It is not recommended to use a pure white pencil for this purpose - it often looks unnatural.
  6. Curl your eyelashes with a curler, add false buns, or properly color your hair with mascara. Bright curled eyelashes visually open up the eyes, making them larger.

Important! Having collected the shadows on the brush, you need to run it along the back of your hand. This will help remove excess cosmetics, which, when applied to the eyelid, would inevitably begin to crumble.

How to draw arrows

When the preliminary stage is completed, it's time to move on to drawing the arrows. It is more convenient to do this when the eyelashes are not yet painted, so there is no need to rush to apply mascara. First you will need a pencil, eyeliner or shadow.


Stages of drawing pencil arrows:

  • Take a comfortable position in front of the mirror. The elbow of the hand that holds the hand must lie on a solid support;
  • Draw a thin line along the eyelash line with a sharp pencil. You need to start from the middle, moving first to the outer corner of the eye, then to the inner;
  • On the outer corner, mark the tail of the arrow by drawing a line beyond the eyelash line and “raising” it upward, towards the tail of the eyebrow;
  • Having removed possible irregularities with a cotton swab, you need to carefully draw the space between the eyelashes and once again go over the arrows with a pencil, making them clearer and wider.


How to draw arrows to make your eyes look bigger using eyeliner:

  • To begin, mark the place where the tail of the future arrow will go. Half-close your eye and put a dot in this place;
  • Draw a line from the point to the outer corner. Then draw an arrow on 2/3 of the upper eyelid, along the eyelash growth line. You can bring the arrow to the inner edge of the eye, gradually making it thinner;
  • Take the eyeliner brush so that its tip is located towards the temple. Apply it to the edge of the line so that the left imprint fills in the gap between the tail and the main line along the edge of the eyelid.

by shadows

Increasing arrows using shadows step by step:

  • Apply makeup base;
  • Apply dark shadows to an angled brush and draw a line from the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the eyelid. At the same time, it’s worth carefully filling the space between eyelashes with shadows;
  • Continue to draw a line from the middle to the outer corner, slightly expanding it.

Note! If the shadow arrows are not too even and neat, you can shade them. This will hide imperfections and allow the eyes to appear larger.

Arrows for different eye shapes

Different arrow options are appropriate in different cases. Each of them is capable of making the eyes visually larger and the gaze more attractive.

Large, wide Egyptian wings are suitable for evening makeup, focusing all the attention on the look.

The arrows, reminiscent of bird wings, with a tail bent upward, reflect the creative character of their owner. They look original and at the same time are not considered too daring.

Another a win-win for evening makeup - a thick arrow on the upper eyelid. For everyday make-up, you can make the lines thin, this will also visually enlarge your eyes, but will require more skill.

Pencil arrows with shading are suitable for those with round eyes. In this case, the line should extend slightly beyond the outer edge of the eyelid, as if lengthening them.

You can find out which eyeliners are suitable for small or narrow eyes and how to visually correct eyes that are too round or too close-set by taking a closer look at the photos below.

Varieties for different forms eye:

  • Round eyes. The arrow should start from the middle of the eyelid and extend slightly beyond the edge;
  • Small eyes. Under no circumstances should you outline the lower eyelid together with the upper eyelid, otherwise the eyes will visually become even smaller. It is better to avoid charcoal eyeliner in favor of a metallic or gray shade;
  • Narrow eyes. The arrow for this eye shape should occupy 2/3 of the upper eyelid. You can make wide graphic lines or shaded pencil lines. The fold of the eyelid may hang over it without closing it;
  • Wide or close set eyes. In the first case, the arrow line should be continued to the bridge of the nose, without lengthening the outer tip. In the second, on the contrary, slightly extend the tip of the arrow in length, starting the inner edge, slightly retreating from the beginning of the eyelash growth line.

Photo examples of makeup to enlarge eyes

Thick arrows are not difficult to draw, but they look 100%.

Fine lines visibly open up the eye, leaving the overall look natural.

Graceful and original options They look beautiful and make you admire the sparkle of their owner’s eyes.

For girls with an Asian type of appearance, wide arrows are irreplaceable.

Extension arrows

To lengthen the eyes, the arrows should be wider than usual.

The eyes appear larger if the line is drawn only on the upper eyelid.

Knowing how to enlarge your eyes using arrows, you can radically change your usual image. A beautiful and attractive look is available to any girl, you just have to choose the right way to apply cosmetics.


Let's look at several makeup techniques and choose the option that will work in your case.

Tools and materials

Here is a list of what you will need:

  • concealer;
  • tonic;
  • Base makeup;
  • shadows or wax for eyebrows;
  • tweezers;
  • eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara and waterproof pencil.


  1. Cleanse your eyelids with a toner or cream that suits your skin type.
  2. Cover them with a silicone makeup base. If, despite your efforts, bags are visible, then use a product with a tightening effect. For example, a serum with a lifting effect.
  3. Tint the skin under the eyelid with concealer, blending it well. Your concealer should be a slightly yellower color than your skin. After this, dust your skin with translucent loose powder. Remove any excess with a large brush. These simple steps will help hide dark circles, redness, fine wrinkles and other blemishes.

Eyebrow shaping

  1. Pluck the hairs evenly from the bottom of the eyebrows without disturbing the natural line of their growth.
  2. Tint them with eye shadow or colored wax.

The color must be selected very carefully, preferably a little darker than natural. If you take a tone that is too dark, the eyebrow will “hang” and make the eyelids appear even smaller.

Drawing the contour of the eyes

  1. The outline is drawn with a pencil - gray or brown. It is better to use a black pencil as little as possible.
  2. If the eyes are narrow, then the drawn line should not extend beyond its outer corner. Moreover, when circling the upper eyelid, apply the contour not along the lash line, but slightly higher. This will expand the look and allow you to correctly apply the arrows, if required.
  3. In the case of close and deep-set eyes, when making a stroke, go slightly beyond the outer contour. Determine for yourself how far you can go, experiment.
  4. If the eyelids are visually too wide, then the inner corner should be emphasized with a contour.
  5. If the corners are raised up, when drawing an outline, select the upper inner and lower outer parts of it.
  6. After applying the contour, blend it moderately.

Next, choose your base shadows: the base color will depend on your eye color. Classic combinations: for green – moss or light ocher, for blue – gray and ashy shades, for brown ones - khaki, olive and coffee.

The texture of the shadows does not play a special role and is selected according to your skin type. They can be gel, powder or cream.

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Step-by-step video instructions

Use every opportunity to make your look more expressive. To do this, follow the plan below. It includes to some extent all the methods described above.

  1. From the palette you will use, select medium light tone and cover the upper eyelid with this tone. It can be beige, pinkish, apricot or other similar. Blend the borders thoroughly.
  2. Use a darker shade to highlight the outer third of the upper eyelid. Apply it to the lower eyelid at the outer edge.
  3. Draw an arrow. Draw it along the contour that you drew earlier. Paint with a liner or a thin, flat brush with an angled tip. Which tool to choose depends on your level of skill in this matter. For beginners, the liner is preferable.
  4. Correct any mistakes that are bound to happen with concealer.
  5. Strongly blend the edges of the arrows. All that was done before was preparation before applying glitter shadows.
  6. Place glitter or pearlescent shadows on the applicator and pull over upper eyelid, and then along the bottom into the inner corner. The lightest tone should be in the center of the upper eyelid. Finish with powder for a smooth transition.
  7. Lighten the skin under the eyebrow with a small applicator or a beige contour pencil.
  8. Apply eyelashes while curling and lifting them. Before this, you can use an eyelash curler.

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