Legal issues of family and raising children. State legislative documents on the unity of family and preschool public education


State legislative documents on the unity of family and preschool public education



Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of education of the younger generation have developed: family and public.

There has long been a debate about what is more important in the development of personality: family or public education? Some great teachers leaned in favor of the family, others gave the palm to public institutions. Meanwhile, modern science has numerous data indicating that without harming the development of the child’s personality, it is impossible to abandon family education, since its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified education in kindergarten.

Preschool plays an important role in the development of a child. Here he receives an education, acquires the ability to interact with other children and adults, and organize his own activities. However, how effectively a child will master these skills depends on the family’s attitude towards the preschool institution. The harmonious development of preschool children without the active participation of their parents in the educational process is hardly possible.

Profound changes in the interaction between family and preschool institution occurred in the 90s of the twentieth century. This was due to the education reform, which also affected the system preschool education. Changes in state policy in the field of education have entailed the recognition of the positive role of the family in raising children and the need to interact with it.

The importance of family education in the development of children determines the importance of interaction between the family and the preschool institution.

Purpose of the work: to study and briefly characterize the main state legislative documents on the unity of family and preschool public education.

State legislative documents on the unity of family and preschool public education

Family and preschool educational institution are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for his entry into the world of social relations; public preschool education was created as an institution to help the family in the upbringing and education of the child.

In accordance with this, the position of the preschool institution in working with families is also changing. Every preschool educational institution not only raises the child, but also advises parents on issues of raising children. A preschool teacher is not only a teacher of children, but also a partner of parents in their upbringing.

The idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education is reflected in a number of legal documents.

The main legislative documents within which the unity of family and preschool public education is noted include:

) Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

) UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

) Constitution of the Russian Federation.

) Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in Russian Federation».

) Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1.

) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated November 23, 2009. No. 655 “On approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program preschool education».

) Concepts of preschool education.

) Standard provision on preschool educational institutions, etc.

). Charter of the preschool educational institution.

Performed analysis regulatory documents regulating the succession of family and public education, revealed the following.

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child is the first international document. The 10 principles set out in the Declaration proclaim the rights of children: to a name, citizenship, love, understanding, material security, social protection and the opportunity to receive education, develop physically, morally and spiritually in conditions of freedom and dignity.

The Declaration pays special attention to the protection of the child. Based on the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, an international document was developed - the Convention on the Rights of the Child, guaranteeing the life and health of children. In accordance with it, parents guarantee the freedom and dignity of their children, creating conditions in the family under which they can flourish as individuals and citizens, providing the prerequisites for their free creative life.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child links the rights of the child with the rights and responsibilities of parents and other persons responsible for the lives of children, their development and protection, and provides the child with the right to participate in decisions that affect his or her present and future.

The Convention emphasizes that children have the right to special care and assistance, for which the necessary protection must be ensured in the family as a natural environment for the living and well-being of all its members and especially children. It is recognized that for complete and harmonious development The child’s personality must be raised in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. Only such conditions can prepare children for independent life in society and educate them in the spirit of universal ideals.

The Convention warns parents about authoritarianism in family education. She encourages them to build relationships with children on a high moral and legal basis. Respect for the opinions, views, and personality of the child as a whole should become in the family not only a manifestation of the norm of universal human culture, but also a norm of law. Family pedagogy should be built by parents on the basis of relations between equal individuals, equal subjects of law, and not on the basis of the demands of elders, not on the blind submission of one to another. Parents should strive to ensure that the core in the formation of a growing personality becomes the cultivation of a respectful attitude towards the law, towards the rights of other people, of every person.

On the basis of the Convention, regulatory documents at the federal and regional levels of the Russian Federation are being developed. The basic legal foundations of family education and the implementation of the child’s rights to protection declared in the Convention are based on the relevant articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Constitution obliges parents to take care of the upbringing of their children, involve them in work and instill in them diligence (Article 38). One of the basic principles of raising children in a family, enshrined in law, is granting father and mother equal rights and responsibilities in relation to their children. This principle provides the best conditions for respecting the interests of children, guarantees protection against manifestations of parental egoism, and serves as the basis for objective, reasonable decisions.

Parents are obliged to support their minor children, as well as children who are disabled and in need of help. Financial support for children is a necessary prerequisite for ensuring all other parental rights and responsibilities. Material support for children is the moral duty of parents. Parents who do not fulfill their duty to support and raise them may be subject to a strict moral measure - deprivation of parental rights.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation is designed to resolve difficult situations in raising children, which determined the rights and responsibilities of parents in raising children, streamlined the amount of alimony payments for child support, etc.

Family Code of the Russian Federation - a document regulating legal issues family relations based on the current Constitution of the Russian Federation and new civil legislation. The Family Code of the Russian Federation legally enshrines the generally recognized principles and norms of international law: “a child’s right to life and upbringing in a family, to protection, to the opportunity to freely express his opinion.”

Section IV of the Family Code of the Russian Federation is entirely devoted to the rights and responsibilities of parents and children. Of particular interest are Chapter 11, “Rights of Minor Children,” and Chapter 12, “Rights and Responsibilities of Parents.”

In order to “create legal, socio-economic conditions for the realization of the rights and legitimate interests of the child” provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” was adopted. This law identifies a special category of children in need of protection from the state (children with disabilities, victims of armed and ethnic conflicts, children with behavioral problems, children whose livelihoods are disrupted as a result of current circumstances and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of families).

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states that teachers and parents should become not only equal, but also equally responsible participants in the educational process. Verse 18 says:

parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development personality of a child in early childhood.

for raising children preschool age, protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of these children, a network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family.

local governments organize and coordinate methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to families raising preschool children at home.

The Law “On Education” affirms the right of children exposed to radiation in all educational institutions to “respect for their human dignity” (Article 5) and provides for administrative punishment teaching staff for physical and mental “violence against the personality of a student or pupil” (Article 56).

A network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family and the upbringing of preschool children, the protection and strengthening of their health, the development of individual characteristics and the necessary correction of developmental disorders. In its activities, the preschool educational institution is guided by the relevant federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution and other decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, decisions of the relevant education management body.

The “Concept of Preschool Education” reflects new approaches to cooperation with parents, which are based on the relationship between two systems - preschool and family, the community of family and kindergarten. The essence of this approach is to combine the efforts of preschool institutions and families to develop the personality of both children and adults, taking into account the interests and characteristics of each member of the community, his rights and responsibilities.

The Concept focuses on the following provision: “The family and kindergarten, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other. An important condition for continuity is the establishment of trusting, business-like contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of parents and teachers is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school.”

In accordance with the “Concept of Preschool Education”, every child has the right to happiness. The family and kindergarten are connected by a form of continuity, which ensures continuity in the upbringing and education of children. However, a preschooler is not a baton that the family passes into the hands of the teachers of the child care institution. What is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions. Kindergarten should become the center for the restructuring of the entire pedagogical policy in the country and the spontaneously developed systems of education.

Family and kindergarten have their own special functions and cannot replace each other. An important condition for continuity is the establishment of trusting business contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of the parents and teacher is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school.

In the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 23, 2009. No. 655 “On the approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general education program of preschool education” it is noted that the volume of the compulsory part of the main general education program is calculated taking into account the focus of the program, in accordance with the age of the students, the main directions of their development, the specifics of preschool education and includes time allocated, among other things, for interaction with children’s families on the implementation of the basic general education program of preschool education.

“Model regulations on a preschool educational institution” is a by-law that defines the activities of all kindergartens on the territory of the Russian Federation. Its main provisions are specified in the regulatory documents of each preschool institution.

The standard provision defines one of the main tasks facing the preschool educational institution - “interaction with the family to ensure full development child." Therefore, an active course is needed to create a unified space for the development of the child, both in preschool educational institutions and in the family.

The Regulations say: participants in the educational process of a preschool educational institution are pupils, their parents (legal representatives), teaching staff:

When admitting children to a preschool educational institution, the latter is obliged to familiarize parents (legal representatives) with the charter, license to carry out educational activities and other documents regulating the organization of the educational process.

relations between a preschool educational institution and parents (legal representatives) are governed by an agreement between them, which cannot limit the rights of the parties established by law.

The relationship between the pupil and the staff of a preschool educational institution is built on the basis of cooperation, respect for the personality of the pupil and providing him with freedom of development in accordance with individual characteristics

The main objectives of a preschool educational institution are:

protecting the lives and strengthening the physical and mental health of pupils;

providing cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical development pupils;

education, taking into account the age categories of pupils, citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, Motherland, family;

interaction with families of pupils to ensure the full development of children;

providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on issues of upbringing, education and development of children.

In accordance with the Law “On Education” and the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions, the Charter of the kindergarten presents the rights and responsibilities of all participants in the educational process: children, teachers, parents.

IN employment contract, and the agreement with the parents stipulates the conditions for maintaining the protection of the rights and dignity of the child.

preschool children education parent


Family and preschool are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but their interaction is necessary for the comprehensive development of the child.

The processes of democratization in the education system, its variability, and innovative programs have influenced the nature of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.

The rights and dignity of the child, both in the family and in preschool educational institutions, are protected by international and Russian legislation.

Let us note the main legislative documents regulating the unity of family and preschool public education: Declaration of the Rights of the Child. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Family Code of the Russian Federation. Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation.” Education Act". Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 23, 2009. No. 655 “On the approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.” Preschool education concepts. Model regulations on preschool educational institutions, Charter of preschool educational institutions, etc.


1.Declaration of the Rights of the Child (Adopted by resolution 1386 (XIV) of the UN General Assembly of November 20, 1959).

.UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989) (came into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990) // Collection of international treaties of the USSR. - Issue XLVI. - 1993.

.Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993) // Parliamentary newspaper. - 23-29.01.2009. - No. 4 (As amended).

.Family Code dated December 29, 1995 No. 223-FZ (as amended on November 30, 2011) // Russian newspaper dated January 27, 1996. - No. 17.

.Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 23, 2009. No. 655 “On the approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general educational program of preschool education” // Russian newspaper dated 03/05/2010. No. 46.

.Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 27, 2011. No. 2562 “On approval of the Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution” // RG - Federal Issue dated January 26, 2012. No. 5688.

.Concept of preschool education (1989) // Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy: Textbook. Benefit. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2000. pp. 389-399.

.Danilina T. Contemporary issues interaction between a preschool institution and the family / T. Danilina // Preschool education. - 2000. - No. 1. - P. 41-44; No. 2. pp. 44-49.

.Social Institute education in modern Russia: modernization, dynamics and development strategy: Collection of materials of the International scientific-practical conference 7-9.12.2011. - M.: Institute of Family and Education RAO, 2012. - 240 p.

Family education is based on family law, which is enshrined in the country’s constitution, legislative and regulatory documents on marriage, family, child rights and child protection.

An important place among the documents guaranteeing the life and health of children is occupied by International Convention on the Rights of the Child. In accordance with it, parents guarantee the freedom and dignity of their children, creating conditions in the family under which they can flourish as individuals and citizens, providing the prerequisites for their free creative life.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasizes that children have the right to special care and assistance, for which the necessary protection must be ensured in the family as a natural environment for the living and well-being of all its members and especially children. It is recognized that for the full and harmonious development of a child’s personality, it is necessary to raise him in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. Only such conditions can prepare children for independent life in society and educate them in the spirit of universal ideals.

The Convention warns parents about authoritarianism in family education. She encourages them to build relationships with children on a high moral and legal basis. Respect for the opinions, views, and personality of the child as a whole should become in the family not only a manifestation of the norm of universal human culture, but also a norm of law.

Family pedagogy should be built by parents on the basis of relations between equal individuals, equal subjects of law, and not on the basis of the demands of elders, not on the blind submission of one to another. Parents should strive to ensure that the core in the formation of a growing personality becomes the cultivation of a respectful attitude towards the law, towards the rights of other people, of every person.

In the Russian Federation, the legal foundations of family education are based on the relevant articles Constitution of the Russian Federation And Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. The public education system provides general educational and professional training for citizens, their spiritual and physical development. The Constitution obliges parents to take care of the upbringing of their children, involve them in work and instill in them diligence (Article 38). One of the basic principles of raising children in a family, enshrined in law, is granting father and mother equal rights and responsibilities in relation to their children. This principle provides the best conditions for respecting the interests of children, guarantees protection against manifestations of parental egoism, and serves as the basis for objective, reasonable decisions.

Parents are obliged to support their minor children, as well as children who are disabled and in need of help. Financial support for children is a necessary prerequisite for ensuring all other parental rights and responsibilities. Material support for children is the moral duty of parents. Parents who do not fulfill their duty to support and raise them may be subject to a strict moral measure - deprivation of parental rights.

It is designed to resolve difficult situations in raising children Family Code of the Russian Federation, which determined the rights and responsibilities of parents in raising children, regulated the amount of alimony payments for child support, etc.

The family is connected by thousands of threads with society, government and public organizations and institutions. She is sensitive to all changes that occur in the state and public life of the country. Intrafamily processes, in turn, have an impact on society. Therefore, constant care of the state and society about the family is necessary. At the same time, the family must be guided not only by narrow family interests, but also by public interests. The basis of family education is family law, which is enshrined in the Constitution of the country, legislative and regulatory documents on marriage, family, child rights and child protection. An important place among the documents guaranteeing the life and health of children is occupied by the UN International Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1989. This is a high-class global document. In accordance with it, parents guarantee the freedom and dignity of their children, creating conditions in the family under which they can flourish as individuals and citizens, providing the prerequisites for a free creative life. program real action Two more documents signed in the interests of children in 1990 at the UN at the World Summit are dedicated to children: the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children and the Action Plan for the implementation of this declaration in the 90s. These two documents developed community measures to protect the rights of the child, protect his health, provide food and nutrition, and protect guarantees of family opportunities. Two more documents signed in the interests of children at the UN World Summit in 1990 are dedicated to the program of real action for children: the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children and the Action Plan for the implementation of this declaration in the 90s . These two documents developed community measures to protect the rights of the child, protect his health, provide food and nutrition, and protect guarantees of family opportunities. The Convention warns parents against authoritarianism in family education. She encourages them to build relationships with children on a high moral and legal basis. Respect for the opinions, views, and personality of the child as a whole should become in the family not only a manifestation of the norm of universal human culture, but also a norm of law. Family pedagogy should be built by parents on the basis of relations between equal individuals, equal subjects of law, and not on the basis of the demands of elders, not on the blind submission of one to another. Parents should strive to ensure that the core in the formation of a growing personality becomes the cultivation of a respectful attitude towards the law, towards the rights of other people, of every person.

Legal relations between the family and the state are regulated by normative documents, decrees and resolutions. The family is under the protection of the state, which takes care of it through the creation and development of a network of educational institutions, payment of benefits on the occasion of the birth of a child, for child care, provision of allowances and benefits large families, providing assistance in education and medical care, as well as by providing other types of benefits and assistance to the family. The legal foundations of family education are based on the relevant articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”. One of the basic principles of raising children in a family, enshrined in law, is granting father and mother equal rights and responsibilities in relation to their children. Parents are obliged to support their minor children, as well as children who are disabled and in need of help. Financial support for children is a necessary prerequisite for ensuring all other parental rights and responsibilities. Material support for children is the moral duty of parents. Mothers and fathers who do not fulfill their duty to their children in terms of their maintenance and upbringing may be subject to a strict moral measure - deprivation of parental rights. The basis for such a decision may be cruel treatment of children, the exerting of harmful, immoral influence on them, antisocial behavior of parents: alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, hooliganism, severe mental disorders. Unfair fulfillment of parental responsibilities in raising children does not leave its mark; it will certainly affect the child’s personality. In these cases, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities exercise supervision and regulate the relations of parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and other relatives, if the situation is complicated, difficult situation on raising children. To legally resolve such situations that arise in the new conditions of society, the Family Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted, which outlined measures to strengthen the family, determined the rights and responsibilities of parents in raising children, streamlined the amount of alimony payments for the maintenance of children, etc.

Legal foundations of family education

The basis of family education is family law, which is enshrined in the Constitution of the country, legislative and regulatory documents on marriage, family, child rights and the protection of motherhood and childhood. An important place among the documents guaranteeing the life and health of children is occupied by the UN International Convention on the Rights of the Child. Thus, Russia recognized the priority of generally recognized principles of international law and the importance of international cooperation to improve the lives of children in the country, and also committed itself to reform those norms of national legislation that affect the rights and interests of children, in order to create a legal framework for the real implementation of the entire range of civil rights , political, economic, social and cultural rights of the child without any discrimination.

In accordance with the convention, parents guarantee the freedom and dignity of their children by creating conditions in the family under which they can develop as individuals and citizens, providing the preconditions for their free creative life. The Convention is a document addressed not only to the future, but also to the present, because children, first of all, are our today's world, and only then our future. This document is very timely for our country. Children especially need social and parental care and care. The Convention provides a new opportunity to show concrete love for children. Modern civilization and its humanistic prerequisites are acquiring a universal human character these days. At the same time, a fairly significant number of facts of deprivation and abuse of which children become victims are known. That is why parents in every family need to understand such provisions of the Convention as the child’s right to life and the child’s right to parents. They also need to understand the three principles of implementation of the Convention,the first of which is knowledge of its basic provisions; the second is an understanding of the rights proclaimed in it; the third is support and specific measures and actions to turn them into reality.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasizes that children have the right to special care and assistance, for which the necessary protection must be provided in the family, as the basic unit of society and the natural environment for the growth and well-being of all members and, especially, children. It is recognized that for the full and harmonious development of personality, a child needs to grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. Only such conditions can prepare children for independent life in society and educate them in the spirit of universal human ideals, in the spirit of peace and self-dignity.

The Convention warns parents against authoritarianism in family education. She encourages them to build relationships with children on a high moral and legal basis. Respect for the opinions, views, and personality of the child as a whole should become in the family not only a manifestation of the norm of universal human culture, but also a norm of law. Family pedagogy should be built by parents on the basis of relations between equal individuals, equal subjects of law, and not on the basis of the demands of elders, not on the blind submission of one to another. Parents should strive to ensure that the core in the formation of a growing personality becomes the cultivation of a respectful attitude towards the law, towards the rights of other people, of every person.

If parents abuse a child or do not care for him, if, voluntarily or unwittingly, they harm the physical or moral health of children, the relevant competent authorities, on the basis of a court decision, deprive them of parental rights, and the children are assigned to be raised in state institutions.

The program of real action for children is the focus of two documents signed in the interests of children in 1990 at the UN World Summit: the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children and the Action Plan for the implementation of this declaration in the 90s . These two documents developed community measures to protect the rights of the child, protect his health, provide food and nutrition, and protect guarantees of family opportunities. These international documents should become fundamental for parents, so that in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, when the harshness of life overwhelms them, they do not lose the height of parental feelings and responsibility, so that today parents can focus not only on the child’s present, but also on his future. The role of the family is especially emphasized: “The family begins to introduce children to the culture, values ​​and norms of society. The family has the primary responsibility for feeding and protecting children from infancy to adolescence.”

Significant assistance to the family is provided by government measures to protect the rights of motherhood and childhood. One of the basic principles of raising children in a family, enshrined in law, is granting father and mother equal rights and responsibilities in relation to their children. It covers all aspects of the life of children in the family and means that all issues concerning children are decided jointly by parents, none of them has an advantage over each other. This principle provides the best conditions for respecting the interests of children, guarantees protection against manifestations of parental egoism, and serves as the basis for objective, reasonable decisions.

Parents are obliged to support their minor children, as well as children who are disabled and in need of help. Financial support for children is a necessary prerequisite for ensuring all other parental rights and responsibilities. Material support for children is the moral duty of parents. Mothers and fathers who do not fulfill their duty to their children in terms of their maintenance and upbringing may be subject to a strict moral measure - deprivation of parental rights. The basis for such a decision may be cruel treatment of children, the exerting of harmful, immoral influence on them, antisocial behavior of parents: alcoholism, drug addiction, prostitution, hooliganism, severe mental disorders. Unfair fulfillment of parental responsibilities in raising children does not leave its mark; it will certainly affect the child’s personality. In these cases, the guardianship and trusteeship authorities exercise supervision, regulating the relationships of parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and other relatives if a difficult situation arises regarding the upbringing of children. To legally resolve such situations that arise in the new conditions of society, the Code on Marriage and Family is used. The Code established the position that the family is the natural and basic unit of society, and imposed on the state the obligation to fully protect it: create conditions for economic independence and growth, establish preferential tax policies and various payments of state benefits to families with children, etc. .

Family and preschool education are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for his entry into the world of social relations; public preschool education was created as an institution to help the family in the upbringing and education of the child.

In accordance with this, the position of the preschool institution in working with families is also changing. Each preschool educational institution not only educates the child, but also advises parents on issues of raising children. A preschool teacher is not only a teacher of children, but also a partner of parents in their upbringing.

The idea of ​​the relationship between public and family education is reflected in a number of legal documents.

The main legislative documents within which the unity of family and preschool public education is noted include:

) Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

) UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

) Constitution of the Russian Federation.

) Family code.

) Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation.”

) Federal Law 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”

) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated November 23, 2009. No. 655 “On the approval and implementation of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education.”

) Concepts of preschool education.

) Standard provision on preschool educational institutions, etc.

). Charter of the preschool educational institution.

The analysis of normative documents regulating the continuity of family and public education revealed the following.

Declaration of the Rights of the Child is the first international document. The 10 principles set out in the Declaration proclaim the rights of children: to a name, citizenship, love, understanding, material security, social protection and the opportunity to receive education, develop physically, morally and spiritually in conditions of freedom and dignity.

The Declaration pays special attention to the protection of the child. Based on the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, an international document was developed - Convention on the Rights of the Child guaranteeing the life and health of children. In accordance with it, parents guarantee the freedom and dignity of their children, creating conditions in the family under which they can flourish as individuals and citizens, providing the prerequisites for their free creative life.

Convention on the Rights of the Child links the rights of the child with the rights and responsibilities of parents and other persons responsible for the lives of children, their development and protection, and provides the child with the right to participate in decisions affecting his present and future.

The Convention emphasizes that children have the right to special care and assistance, for which the necessary protection must be provided in the family as a natural environment for the living and well-being of all its members and especially children. It is recognized that for the full and harmonious development of a child’s personality, it is necessary to raise him in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. Only such conditions can prepare children for independent life in society and educate them in the spirit of universal ideals.

Convention warns parents about authoritarianism in family education. She encourages them to build relationships with children on a high moral and legal basis. Respect for the opinions, views, and personality of the child as a whole should become in the family not only a manifestation of the norm of universal human culture, but also a norm of law. Family pedagogy should be built by parents on the basis of relations between equal individuals, equal subjects of law, and not on the basis of the demands of elders, not on the blind submission of one to another. Parents should strive to The core in the formation of a growing personality has become the cultivation of a respectful attitude towards the law, towards the rights of other people, of every person.

On the basis of the Convention, regulatory documents at the federal and regional levels of the Russian Federation are being developed. The basic legal foundations of family education, the implementation of the child’s rights to protection declared in the Convention are based on the relevant articles Constitution of the Russian Federation. Constitution obliges parents to take care of their children’s upbringing, involve them in work and instill in them diligence(v. 38). One of the basic principles of raising children in a family, enshrined in law, is providing father and mother with equal rights and responsibilities in relation to their children. This principle provides the best conditions for respecting the interests of children, guarantees protection against manifestations of parental egoism, and serves as the basis for objective, reasonable decisions.

Parents are obliged to support their minor children, as well as children who are disabled and in need of help.. Financial support for children is a necessary prerequisite for ensuring all other parental rights and responsibilities. Material support for children is the moral duty of parents. Parents who do not fulfill their duty to support and raise them may be subject to a strict moral measure - deprivation of parental rights.

It is designed to resolve difficult situations in raising children Family Code of the Russian Federation, which determined the rights and responsibilities of parents in raising children, regulated the amount of alimony payments for child support, etc.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation is a document regulating legal issues of family relations on the basis of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation and new civil legislation. The Family Code of the Russian Federation legally enshrines the generally recognized principles and norms of international law: “a child’s right to life and upbringing in a family, to protection, to the opportunity to freely express his opinion.”

Section IV of the Family Code of the Russian Federation is entirely devoted to the rights and responsibilities of parents and children. Of particular interest are Chapter 11, “Rights of Minor Children,” and Chapter 12, “Rights and Responsibilities of Parents.”

The Family Code of the Russian Federation is the 3rd document in which the principles of family legislation are consistent with the basic principles and provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Code is the result of large-scale work to create new progressive legal norms for regulating intrafamily relations, which should form the most important part of family legislation. The Code establishes the conditions and procedure for entering into marriage, terminating a marriage and declaring it invalid, and regulates personal non-property and property relations between family members. Legislative confirmation of traditional moral values: voluntariness of marriage based on mutual trust, respect, love and mutual support, monogamy, equality of spouses in the family.

For the first time in the current Family Code, a child is recognized as an independent subject of law, and not as a dependent object of parental authority. Basic principle of domestic legislation priority of family education of children, protection of their rights and interests. The Code is built on the principle of respect for the rights of parents, equality of rights and responsibilities of father and mother. This means that all issues related to children are decided by parents together, no one has an advantage over each other. The principle of common and equal responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child has been introduced for both parents. Upon divorce, parental rights and responsibilities remain. Financial support for children until they reach adulthood (and for those who are disabled and beyond) the moral duty of parents, a necessary prerequisite for other parental rights and responsibilities.

Article 61 states that parents have equal rights and responsibilities. Parents have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities towards their children (parental rights). Parental rights provided for in this chapter are terminated when children reach the age of eighteen (the age of majority), as well as when minor children marry and in other cases established by law when children acquire full legal capacity before they reach adulthood.

Article 64 defines the rights and responsibilities of parents to protect the rights and interests of children. Parents are the legal representatives of their children and act in defense of their rights and interests in relations with any individuals and legal entities, including in the courts, without special powers. Parents do not have the right to represent the interests of their children if the guardianship and trusteeship authority determines that there are contradictions between the interests of parents and children.

Ensuring the interests of children is a matter of special concern for parents. Parental rights cannot be exercised in conflict with the interests of children. Ensuring the interests of children should be the main concern of their parents. When exercising parental rights, parents do not have the right to cause harm to physical or mental health children and their moral development. Methods of raising children must exclude neglectful, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, insult or exploitation of children.

Parents who exercise parental rights to the detriment of the rights and interests of children are liable in accordance with the procedure established by law. All issues related to the upbringing and education of children are resolved by parents by mutual consent based on the interests of the children and taking into account the opinions of the children. If there are disagreements, parents have the right to apply to the guardianship and trusteeship authority or the court for resolution of these disagreements.

Article 67 defines the right of grandparents, brothers, sisters and other relatives to communicate with the child. According to it, grandparents, brothers, sisters and other relatives have the right to communicate with the child. If the parents (one of them) refuse to provide the child’s close relatives with the opportunity to communicate with him, the guardianship and trusteeship authority may oblige the parents (one of them) not to interfere with this communication. If the parents (one of them) do not obey the decision of the guardianship and trusteeship authority, close relatives of the child or the guardianship and trusteeship authority have the right to file a lawsuit to remove obstacles to communication with the child. The court resolves the dispute based on the interests of the child and taking into account the child’s opinion.

The child's rights to protection, expression of his opinion, protection of property rights, and protection of his interests in case of inappropriate treatment are determined. Divorce of the parents' marriage, recognition of its invalidity or separation of parents does not affect the rights of the child.

Article 66 defines the exercise of parental rights by a parent living separately from the child. Thus, a parent living separately from the child has the right to communicate with the child, participate in his upbringing and resolve issues regarding the child’s education. The parent with whom the child lives should not interfere with the child’s communication with the other parent, if such communication does not harm the child’s physical and mental health or his moral development. A parent living separately from the child has the right to receive information about his child from educational institutions, medical institutions, social welfare institutions and other similar institutions.

The Code defines the grounds for deprivation and restriction of parental rights of fathers and mothers (evasion of material support and upbringing of children, cruel treatment of children, antisocial behavior, severe mental illness of parents, their immoral influence on children).

Article 69 defines the procedure for depriving parental rights. Parents (one of them) may be deprived of parental rights if they:

– evade the fulfillment of parental responsibilities, including malicious evasion of child support payments;

– refuse, without good reason, to take their child from a maternity hospital (ward) or from another medical institution, educational institution, social welfare institution or other similar institutions;

– abuse their parental rights;

– children are cruelly treated, including physical or mental violence against them, and attacks on their sexual integrity;

– are patients with chronic alcoholism or drug addiction;

– committed a deliberate crime against the life or health of their children or against the life or health of their spouse.

Parents deprived of parental rights lose all rights based on kinship with the child in respect of whom they were deprived of parental rights, including the right to receive maintenance from him (Article 87 of this Code), as well as the right to benefits and allowances established for citizens with children. At the same time, deprivation of parental rights does not relieve parents from the obligation to support their child.

A child in respect of whom the parents (one of them) are deprived of parental rights retains the right of ownership of residential premises or the right to use residential premises, and also retains property rights based on the fact of kinship, including the right to receive an inheritance.

Parents can be restored to parental rights in cases where they have changed their behavior, lifestyle and (or) attitude towards raising a child (Article 72). Restoration of parental rights is carried out in court at the request of a parent deprived of parental rights. Restoration of parental rights is not allowed if the child is adopted and the adoption has not been canceled (Article 140 of this Code).

Article 73 defines the limitation of parental rights. Restriction of parental rights is permitted if leaving a child with his parents (one of them) is dangerous for the child due to circumstances beyond the control of the parents (one of them) (mental disorder or other chronic illness, a combination of difficult circumstances, etc.). Restriction of parental rights is also permitted in cases where leaving a child with the parents (one of them) due to their behavior is dangerous for the child, but sufficient grounds for depriving the parents of parental rights have not been established.

The Family Code specifically stipulates the rights of orphans and children left without parental care. The Code defines the forms of upbringing of children left without parental care, establishes the procedural identification and placement of such children, and introduces a new institution of family education for this category of children - a foster family. Other forms of placement for children left without parental care have also been preserved: adoption, guardianship and guardianship supervision, education in a boarding school.

In order to “create legal, socio-economic conditions for the realization of the rights and legitimate interests of the child” provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law was adopted “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation.” This law identifies a special category of children in need of protection from the state(children with disabilities, victims of armed and ethnic conflicts, children with behavioral problems, children whose life activity is disrupted as a result of current circumstances and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of their family).

IN Federal Law 273 -FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” Article 44 defines the rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of education of parents (legal representatives) of minor students:

1. Parents of minor students have a priority right to the education and upbringing of their children over all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality...

2. ...have the right:

2) provide the child with preschool, primary general, basic general, and secondary general education in the family. A child receiving education in a family, by decision of his parents, taking into account his opinion at any stage of education, has the right to continue his education in an educational organization...

6) receive information about all types of planned examinations (psychological, psychological and pedagogical) of students, give consent to conduct such examinations or participate in such examinations, refuse to conduct them or participate in them, receive information about the results of examinations of students...

Article 45 defines measures to protect the rights of parents of minor students...

Send appeals to the management bodies of the organization carrying out educational activities regarding the application to employees of these organizations who violate and (or) infringe on the rights of students...

Article 17 defines forms of education and forms of training

In the Russian Federation, education can be obtained:

1) in organizations carrying out educational activities;

2) outside organizations carrying out ML.

Learning in form family education and self-education is carried out with the right to subsequently undergo intermediate and final certification in organizations carrying out OA.

"The concept of preschool education" about reflects new approaches to cooperation with parents, which are based on the relationship between two systems - preschool and family, the community of family and kindergarten. The essence of this approach is to combine the efforts of preschool institutions and families to develop the personality of both children and adults, taking into account the interests and characteristics of each member of the community, his rights and responsibilities.

The Concept focuses on the following provision: “ Family and kindergarten, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other. An important condition for continuity is the establishment of trusting, business-like contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of parents and teachers is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school».

In accordance with "The concept of preschool education" every child has the right to happiness. The family and kindergarten are connected by a form of continuity, which ensures continuity in the upbringing and education of children. However A preschooler is not a baton that the family passes into the hands of the teachers of a child care institution. What is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions. The kindergarten should become the center for the restructuring of the entire pedagogical policy in the country and the spontaneously developed educational systems.

Family and kindergarten have their own special functions and cannot replace each other. An important condition for continuity is the establishment of trusting business contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of the parents and teacher is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school.

In accordance with the Law “On Education” and the Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions, in Charter of the kindergarten the rights and responsibilities of all participants in the educational process are presented: children, teachers, parents.

In the employment contract, and the agreement with the parents stipulates the conditions for maintaining the protection of the rights and dignity of the child.

In the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2012 No. 761 “On the national strategy of action in the interests of children for 2012-2017” it is said that “the most vulnerable are children from 1.5 to 3 years old, children from large and single-parent families and children of unemployed parents.” Particular attention is paid to vulnerable categories of children. It is stated that “it is necessary to develop and implement forms of work with such children that allow them to overcome their social exclusion and contribute to rehabilitation and full integration into society”

In the Federal State Educational Standard it is indicated that one of the conditions necessary for creating a social situation for the development of children that corresponds to the specifics of preschool age is “interaction with parents on issues of the child’s education, their direct involvement in OD, incl. by creating educational projects together with the family based on identifying the needs and supporting the family’s educational initiatives.” The document highlights the basic principles of preschool education, including:

· cooperation of the Organization with the family;

· familiarizing children with sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state;

The standard is aimed at solving certain problems, including:

· providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family

· increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health

· creating conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities.

Consolidation of the studied material (orally answer test tasks):

Complete test tasks:

1) Name the legislative document regulating the conditions and procedure for marriage and its dissolution; personal property and non-property relations between family members; priority of family education; the right of a child to live and be raised in a family:

2) Name a legislative document indicating that one of the basic principles of raising children in a family is to provide father and mother with equal rights and responsibilities in relation to their children, ensuring the best conditions to respect the interests of children and protect against manifestations of parental selfishness.

a) Constitution of the Russian Federation, c) Family Code of the Russian Federation, d) Federal Law 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, e) Concept of preschool education.
3) Name the legislative document containing these provisions: Parents (legal representatives) of minor students have a priority right to educate and raise children over all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality:

4) Which document links the rights of the child with the rights and responsibilities of parents and other persons responsible for the lives of children, their development and protection, and gives the child the right to participate in decisions affecting his present and future?

a) Constitution of the Russian Federation, b) Convention on the Rights of the Child, c) Family Code of the Russian Federation, d) Federal Law 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, e) Concept of preschool education.

5) Which document states that “The family and the kindergarten are chronologically connected by a form of continuity, which ensures the continuity of the upbringing and communication of children, but the preschooler is not a baton that the family passes into the hands of the teachers of the child care institution. What is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions.”

a) Constitution of the Russian Federation,

b) Convention on the Rights of the Child,

c) Family Code of the Russian Federation,

d) Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”,

e) The concept of preschool education.

6) Name the legislative document containing these provisions: the right of children to special care and assistance; For the full and harmonious development of his personality, a child must grow up in a family environment; the family must have the necessary protection and assistance in order to fully assume its responsibilities within society:
a) Constitution of the Russian Federation, b) Convention on the Rights of the Child, c) Family Code of the Russian Federation, d) Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.
7) Choose the correct answer: Document in which the following conditions are highlighted: interaction with parents (legal representatives) on issues of the child’s education, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the family’s educational initiatives
a) The Constitution of the Russian Federation, b) On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation. c) Federal State Educational Standard for Education, d) Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

8) This law for the first time raised the question that the protection of the child’s rights to education and development is ensured through the interaction of various organizations and institutions; a special category of children is identified who need protection from the state

a) Constitution of the Russian Federation,

b) Convention on the Rights of the Child,

c) Family Code of the Russian Federation,

d) Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”,

d) On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation.

9) This document warns parents about authoritarianism in family education. Indicates that “respect for the opinions, views, and personality of the child as a whole should become in the family not only a manifestation of the norm of universal human culture, but also a norm of law.”

a) Constitution of the Russian Federation, b) Convention on the Rights of the Child, c) Family Code of the Russian Federation, d) Federal Law 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, e) Concept of preschool education.

10) Which document contains the following provisions: “Parents are obliged to support their minor children, as well as children who are disabled and in need of help. Financial support for children is a necessary prerequisite for ensuring all other parental rights and responsibilities. Is the material maintenance of children a moral duty of parents?

a) Constitution of the Russian Federation, b) Convention on the Rights of the Child, c) Family Code of the Russian Federation, d) Federal Law 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, e) Concept of preschool education.

11) Which document legislates the generally recognized principles and norms of international law “a child’s right to life and upbringing in a family, to protection; the right to live and be raised in one’s own family; know your parents, take care of them; right to Cohabitation with parents, to communicate with both parents... the right to express one’s opinion when resolving any issue in the family that affects one’s interests... Parents have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities in relation to their children.”

a) Constitution of the Russian Federation, b) Convention on the Rights of the Child, c) Family Code of the Russian Federation, d) Federal Law 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, e) Concept of preschool education.

12) This document focuses on the following provision: “Family and kindergarten, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other. An important condition for continuity is the establishment of trusting, business-like contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of parents and teachers is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school.” The kindergarten should become the center for the restructuring of the entire pedagogical policy in the country and the spontaneously developed educational systems.

a) Constitution of the Russian Federation, b) Convention on the Rights of the Child, c) Family Code of the Russian Federation, d) Federal Law 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, e) Concept of preschool education.

13) This document states that “the most vulnerable are children from 1.5 to 3 years old, children from large and single-parent families and children of unemployed parents.” Particular attention is paid to vulnerable categories of children. It is stated that “it is necessary to develop and implement forms of work with such children that allow them to overcome their social exclusion and contribute to rehabilitation and full integration into society”

a) Decree “On the national strategy of action in the interests of children for 2012-2017”

B) Convention on the Rights of the Child, c) Family Code of the Russian Federation, d) Federal Law 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

14) In what document forms of education and forms of training have been determined , it is indicated that education in the form of family education and self-education is carried out with the right to subsequently undergo intermediate and state final certification in organizations carrying out educational activities.

a) Constitution of the Russian Federation, b) Convention on the Rights of the Child, c) Family Code of the Russian Federation, d) Federal Law 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, e) Concept of preschool education.

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