Crafts from kinder and plasticine. Master class on modeling from plasticine using containers from Kinder surprises “Giraffe”

This activity is creative - children can show independence, use their imagination in the manufacture and design of crafts. To enliven and diversify the activity, before performing practical work in a fabulous form the children are given problematic situation. Creative tasks are also used: to come up with or remember poems, stories about the animals and birds being made, so that at the end of the lesson they can defend their craft.



Extracurricular activity

"Home Zoo"

Subject : The magical transformation of a kinder surprise.

This activity is creative - children can show independence and use their imagination in the manufacture and design of crafts.

If types of work with plasticine and natural material have known each other for a long time, then working with waste material is a relatively new type of work, and is part of environmental education and education.

To enliven and diversify the lesson, before performing practical work in a fairy-tale form, the children are given a problem situation. Creative tasks are also used: to come up with or remember poems, stories about the animals and birds being made, so that at the end of the lesson they can defend their craft.

Target: create conditions for the development of practical skills among students; learn to apply acquired knowledge in practice.


1. Educational – Strengthen the ability to sculpt animals using non-traditional materials, using familiar sculpting techniques. Activate children's knowledge about pets

2. Developmental - Develop fine motor skills fingers, sense of volume and shape, Creative skills, spatial imagination.

3. Educational – To cultivate a love for pets, respect for nature, work culture, and develop qualities such as accuracy and perseverance.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Psychological attitude “Kind animal”:Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The teacher says in a quiet voice: “We are one big, kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes! Everyone listens to their breathing and the breathing of their neighbors. “Now let’s listen together!” Inhale - everyone takes a step forward, exhale - take a step back. “This is how the animal not only breathes, its big, kind heart beats just as smoothly.”
  2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson:I want to read you a very sad fairy tale now. (An excerpt from H.H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” is read, the reading is accompanied by a slide show)Guys, we need to help Duckling. We need to make a new home ourselves for him and for all the animals that are kind, and place the Duckling there. We will call this new house “Home Zoo”.

Let's meet guys:

Animals live here:

Small, big,

Cute, funny.

The yard is like home for them.

They want to play with you.

  1. Riddles about animals:

You will find out who will live there with the Duckling if you guess the riddles:

1.Although velvet paws,
But they call me “scratchy”
I catch mice deftly,
I drink milk from a saucer.(cat)

2. I serve my master,

The master's house is a watchman.

I growl and bark loudly

And I drive away strangers.(dog )

3. In front - a snout, in the back - a hook,

In the middle of the back

on the back - bristles(pig)

4. Dense grasses are intertwined,

3 the meadows were curled up,

And I myself am all curly,

Even a curl of a horn. ( Ram).

5.I'm small and white
Fluffy, timid,
I give wool to my owner
For scarves and sweatshirts.(sheep)

6. I’ll eat a worm, drink some water, look for bread crumbs,

And then I’ll lay an egg -

I'll treat the kids.(chicken)

7. Scarlet comb,
The pockmarked caftan,
Double beard
An important gait.
He gets up before everyone else
Sings loudly.

8.Bearded and horned
Will climb into the garden
Eat cabbage and dill. (goat)

9.Guess for yourself who I am.
I pull a sleigh in winter,
Which glide easily through the snow,
In the summer I pull a cart.(horse )

10. And sour cream and kefir,

Milk and delicious cheese,

So that we can be healthy

The motley one will give us...( cow)

  1. Talk about pets:Well done! You guessed all the riddles correctly and now you know what animals will live in our zoo. Who knows other riddles about these animals and birds? Guys, why do you think the new home for the Duckling is called “Home Zoo”? What animals can you see in the village? How can they be called in one word? (children's answers)
  2. Fizminutka: - And now you and I will close our eyes and turn into pets.

One - jump, two - squat:
Charging for my friends.
How will the puppies wake up?
(Rub your eyes with your fists)
They like to stretch for a long time
Be sure to yawn
(yawn covering your mouth with your palm)
Well, wag your tail
(movement of hips to the sides)
And the kittens arch their backs
(bend your back forward)
And jump slightly.
(light jump up)
And the duckling is clubfooted,
(arms bent at elbows, hands on hips)
Paws spread wide
(feet shoulder width apart)
First one, then both together,
(stepping from foot to foot)
Marks time for a long time
(swinging the body to the sides)
And for those who don’t have enough charging -
Starts all over again!
(spread your arms out to the sides at waist level, palms up)

  1. Briefing before completing the task:Guys, look at what objects are in front of you? (plasticine, capsules from kinder surprises, etc.) Guys, what shape does a kinder surprise have? (oval – correct and elongated shape shaped like an egg)

Is it possible to imagine a kinder surprise in the form of the body of some animal or bird? ( Can )

Look how many figures of animals, fish, birds can be made using a kinder surprise as a body, and it can be positioned in different ways: both in a vertical position and in a horizontal position. (simultaneous display of manufactured and drawn samples)

This means that if you add to the Kinder Surprise the missing parts of the intended animal figurine, your imagination and creativity, then your Kinder Surprise will be transformed, and you will become real wizards.

Each of you received technological map, which shows the order in which the product should be made. You and I already knowbasic techniques for working with plasticine.

1. Work begins with rolling small balls.

2. Roll out the balls into columns - you will get legs, and if you roll out a thin sausage, you will get a tail.

3. To make wings or beaks, flatten or flatten the columns or balls.

4. We attach the sculpted parts to the Kinder Surprise capsule in the form of paws, wings, tails, ears, eyes, noses.

5. We decorate the object with small details from plasticine (horns, spots on the body, etc.).

  1. Lesson safety precautions;But, before we get started, let's remember the rules for working with plasticine. (the guys remember the rules of work).

1. Work with plasticine on a stand.

2. Wipe your hands with a rag.

3. Use the stack carefully.

  1. Independent work.Help and advice from the teacher to children as needed.
  2. Fairy tale therapy: Guys, as we see, you have created wonderful animals. Now let's all come up with a funny continuation of the sad fairy tale that you heard at the beginning of our lesson.(Playing out the plot of a fairy tale using your crafts).Each child puts his craft into a model of his home zoo.
  3. Reflection: Guys, tell me, what did we do today? Have you learned anything new for yourself? Do you think you did a good job today? Look, there are trees growing near our home zoo. The first of them is a miracle tree of creativity, magic and fantasy. It is for those guys who today felt like a wizard and were able to turn an ordinary thing into a wonderful animal. The second is the tree of boredom, failure and disappointment. It is for those guys who could not fulfill their plans. Each person approach the tree you have chosen.
  4. End of class:Thanks everyone for your work. We are waiting for you in our workshop of wonderful transformations. (rewarding participants with kinder surprises)


Annex 1

An excerpt from H.H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling.”

Soon the duck family reached the poultry yard. Fathers! What was that noise! The other ducks looked at them and said loudly:

Well, here's another whole horde! As if we weren't enough? And one is so ugly! We won’t tolerate him!

And now one duck flew up and pecked him on the back of the head.

So the ducklings made themselves at home. Only the poor duckling, who hatched later than everyone else and was so ugly, was pecked, pushed and teased by absolutely everyone - both ducks and chickens.

Too big! - they said.

And the Indian rooster, who was born with spurs on his legs and therefore imagined himself to be an emperor, pouted and, like a ship in full sail, flew up to the duckling, looked at him and began to babble angrily; his comb was filled with blood.

The poor duckling simply did not know what to do, where to go. And he had to be so ugly that the whole poultry yard laughs at him!..

That's how the first day went, and then things got even worse. Everyone chased the poor duckling, even his brothers and sisters angrily told him:

If only the cat would drag you away, you obnoxious freak!

And the mother added:

Eyes wouldn't look at you!

The ducks plucked him, the chickens pecked him, and the girl who gave food to the birds kicked him.

The duckling couldn't stand it, he ran across the yard - and through the fence!

Appendix 2

Poems about animals

The cow has a son, a calf ,
A very polite child.
Mom teaches baby
Eat grass slowly.

And the chickens in a laying hen
Everyone looks alike.
Both girls and boys
Like dandelions.

Stupid little one kid !
He butts everyone from the cradle.
What should we do when
His horns will grow.

Donkey , albeit small,
But already stubborn.
He doesn't listen to his mom -
Doesn't eat anything.

The horse has a foal ,
A very playful shooter.
He loves to jump and jump
And bounce your hooves.

The main one is a coward,
Gray small bunny .
He loves carrots very much.
Yes, and he jumps very deftly.

Children of the ducks - ducklings ,
Very friendly guys.
They walk in formation very friendly
And they behave obediently.

Squealed with happiness

Spinning at my feet.

Poor thing, I miss you

Puppy without me.

Fluffy toys,

Softer than a pillow

But still an imp -

Cheerful kitten.

Curls and rings

Without beginning, without end.

Be-e - the sheep bleated,

Mom we need a sheep!

Where are the chickens? Ko-ko-ko,

Come back from the street!

Is it possible, somehow,

Disturb the chicken?

To mom, to mom! Breakfast coming soon!

Wash your beaks and fluff!

Crowed strictly, strictly

For small children rooster.

At home, in the field, on the road

This is a jack of all trades.

And when sometimes it’s hard,

Igo-go-go, - shouts horse

The house has run out of water,

But I heard: - Eeyore.

The cheerful tail waved,

The donkey went to fetch water.

As children, many of us wore a Kinder Surprise egg around our necks, where caring mothers and grandmothers put killer doses of garlic so that the child would not get sick. However, you can make much nicer accessories and toys from plastic eggs with your own hands. We are offering to you large selection master classes, with the help of which you and your children can make a lot of interesting things.

Most of the lessons will be very simple, so preschoolers and children of age can handle crafts from Kinder surprises primary school. Some tutorials will be more complex and you will have to do most of the work yourself. You probably already have all the craft materials on hand, so pick something you particularly like and get started.

Crafts with plasticine

If your child is not too old, then you will like this simple master class. To make a funny chicken from a kinder surprise with your own hands, you will only need plasticine and blank plastic eyes.

If your child already knows how to work with plasticine, just show him this picture and ask him to repeat it - he should be able to do it himself. Please note that the Kinder egg has two eyes; they are attached to a small piece of plasticine. If you don’t have anything suitable, you can cut them out of paper, or you can simply draw them with a permanent marker or make them entirely out of plasticine.

Developmental rattle

You can make this craft from Kinder Surprises yourself, and your child will already play with it. This toy is good for developing ingenuity and logic. Making a rattle from an egg is quite simple.

Make a small hole in the bottom and insert either a pencil or pen, or a lollipop stick into it. You can secure it in the inside with superglue or simply push it all the way so that it goes through the entire egg.

For the educational game you will need several types of cereals of different formats: millet, rice, peas, etc. You need to pour cereal into the egg and shake it - the child will guess what is inside. It is very useful.

A Kinder egg can be painted to make the toy even more interesting. And if you don’t want to make a rattle, and you just need a regular rattle, tie a kinder with thread - it will turn out very beautiful.

Knitted animals

This master class is no longer for children: how to do knitted toys You will be the one to make the most of the Kinder surprises. Although, of course, your child will play with these funny dolls.

Additionally, you will need thin threads or felt, as well as artificial eyes made of plastic or beads, plus any decor.

The Kinder egg needs to be crocheted from top to bottom using regular circular knitting. Try to change colors to make the toy look more colorful. However, the choice of thread depends on who you are going to make.

Take a look at the proposed ideas - they are quite easy to repeat. Try making your child's favorite fairy-tale characters or any animals.

If you don’t like to knit, you can cover a Kinder Surprise egg with felt or woolen fabric. Add some decor to it and you will have a great toy.


If you have a lot of empty Kinder eggs, you can make an entire army of minions from them with your own hands - heroes of the popular children's cartoon. If your child likes these funny creatures, he will definitely appreciate their miniature versions.

To make a minion, we need to take blue and black materials, as well as an artificial eye.

You can paint the material with whatever you have on hand. These can be acrylic paints, permanent markers or even nail polish. If there is nothing like that, take pieces of fabric and glue them onto kinder surprises. If this option is also not suitable, you can stick regular plasticine on plastic eggs.

An inexpensive set of acrylic paints can be ordered on AliExpress (check this link). Bright colors, excellent quality, high durability - a universal option for a wide variety of crafts.

You need to shape the overalls, hairstyle, arms and legs. By the way, if you want, you can poke two holes in the bottom of the egg, insert lollipop sticks, and then mold shoes from plasticine - you’ll get a long-legged minion.

The eye can be made from pill backing and a tiny piece of black fabric and then glued on with superglue.

If you have a lot of kinders, make the whole “army” at once - it will be easier. If your imagination runs wild, you can make the leader Gru for this company.


From Kinder eggs you can make a large toy beehive with your own hands, which will be interesting for your child to play with. Additionally, you will need a sleeve or cardboard, paints, threads and a few more accessories.

Bees can be different. How to make them from Kinder eggs depends on what you have on hand. Stripes on the bee’s body can be made from “fluffy” decorative wire, black thread or thin colored tape, or simply drawn acrylic paints or a marker.

Glue the eyes onto the Kinder egg using plasticine or glue, or you can simply draw them. The basis here can be plastic blanks, beads, fabric or paper. We make wings from paper, plastic folder or wire.

To make the honeycomb to which we will then attach our Kinder Surprise bees, we need to divide the sleeve into rings of equal width. Place 5 pieces in the center, then a row of 4 pieces on top and bottom, and then a row of three - glued with PVA or stapled, and then painted with yellow paint.

You can also make artificial paper flowers for bees to explain to your child how these creatures turn pollen into honey and organize for him interesting game.

Kinder Zoo

Perhaps the most favorite children's toys made from Kinder eggs are various animals from which you can assemble a whole zoo. Take a look at this photo - you can easily make any of these heroes with your own hands!

To make a cat out of a Kinder egg, you can paint the body with acrylic paints or markers, and then make plasticine ears, paws and a tail for it.

All other animals are completely sculpted from plasticine, and the basis of their eyes are black beads. We advise you to choose plasticine for such crafts, which does not stain your hands and surfaces - now there are a lot of such options in craft stores.

Of course, these toys will not be durable (if you sculpt them on a plastic egg and do not paint the body), but it is easy to clean off the plasticine and cover the Kinder Surprise with a new layer to get a new “zoo” resident.


You can make some very funny, beautiful keychains with your own hands from Kinder Surprise eggs. In this video master class you will find simple instructions, with which you can easily repeat the craft.

By the way, if you are one of those who likes to ward off colds from your child with garlic, you can repeat this lesson, but make a pendant out of a Kinder egg - just insert a longer chain or thread. In addition, you can add any interesting design to the craft and make a character that your children like the most.

Choose any of the proposed master classes and stock up on Kinders! Of course, your child will really enjoy such lessons, because he will receive a delicious dessert and two toys at once: one ready-made, and the second homemade. Imagine, experiment and change any lesson to suit you.

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Chocolate eggs are a favorite treat for children. Of course, inside Kinder Surprise there is not only sweet candy, but also a tiny toy. Guys collect entire collections of cartoon characters, vehicles or girly jewelry.

However, do not forget about the container in which the toy surprise is stored. Do not rush to immediately throw it away as unnecessary. From this scrap material and plasticine you can make wonderful crafts, for example, an orange pig.

In addition to the container and plasticine, we will also need doll eyes and a button for our work.

To attract the child's attention and increase interest in creative activity, you can remember fairy tales in which piglets are the main characters.

So, first, using plasticine or PVA glue, we will attach doll eyes and a button on the lid of a Kinder Surprise container. The result is a funny little pig's face with a pink spot. By the way, real animals have weak eyesight, but a keen sense of smell. The pig's flat snout is used to dig the ground in search of edible plant roots, acorns and other food.

There is an opinion among scientists that domestic and wild piglets have excellent hearing, just like dogs. Of course, looking at such ear sizes, the desire to argue disappears by itself. We attach the ears, the head is ready.

Now let's roll four small ovals - the hooves of the craft.

We attach the limbs and don’t forget about the tail. Thus, from Kinder Surprise we got a well-fed pig. Looking at this animal, it is difficult to imagine that pigs can swim. However, this is a fact.

Kinder Surprise is a favorite treat for many children, because its wrapper hides not only milk chocolate, but also small toys. Many of which can be collected into collections for fun and funny games. Having appeared on the domestic market in the distant nineties of the last century, today Kinder remains on the list of the most favorite children's sweets, and the number of its different analogues is difficult to count.

Few people know, but this delicacy has its own mascot - a small egg-shaped man wearing a worker’s helmet. This toy was popular in the early days of Kinder, and today it can be found in the collections of only the most avid admirers of this Italian delicacy. But don’t be upset, because you can make such a toy yourself using ordinary plasticine.

Making a kinder with your own hands is very simple. This will require just a little material and 15-20 minutes of free time. The craft is quite simple, so you can do it not only on your own, but also together with your baby, and the resulting figurine of a little man can decorate the interior of any children's room.

It should be noted that such a figurine contains a number of small parts, so it is better to distribute the process of its manufacture as follows:

  • prepare the mass by first kneading it well;
  • entrust the child with making only the simplest elements of the figurine, for example, the body, as well as blanks for arms and legs;
  • make all the small Kinder parts yourself;
  • prepare a stack for cutting out small parts, including toy fingers, mouth and other elements.

So, how to make Kinder from plasticine.

PHOTO step by step - DIY surprise

First, let's take the material white and, having kneaded it well, give it the shape of an egg.

On top of the mouth we will attach a well-rolled layer of white plasticine, thus making the nose of a man, and above we will form the eyes: the base for the eyes will be white, and the pupils will be black.

We will also wrap the lower part of Kinder's torso (about a third of the egg's height) in red plasticine, which will act as the upper part of his pants.

Let's make white blanks for the arms and attach them to the middle of the toy man's body.

Let's make the gloves red and attach them to the hands.

All that remains is to make the legs for the toy, which will be red (dressed in pants). Let's make the feet white. At the same time, for better stability of the figurine, it is better to attach the legs to toothpicks pre-inserted into the body.

That's all, all that remains is to carefully make the inscription “Kinder” just above the man’s pants. The craft is ready.

How to make a kinder updated: April 30, 2019 by: i7allia

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