Cristiano Ronaldo admitted that he is gay. Rumors about gay Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano is gay

During his career, Cristiano Ronaldo became the most famous player of the Portuguese national team, received several dozen awards and turned the heads of many women. Among his chosen ones were the Spanish model Nereida Gallardo, the Russian beauty Irina Shayk and even the American actress Paris Hilton.

Despite numerous novels, long-term relationships and the presence of four children, Ronaldo is haunted by rumors about his sexuality. It is not surprising that many foreign publications from time to time began to raise one eternal question: “Is Cristiano Ronaldo gay?”

When discussing personal life famous people The public doesn't care much about facts; sometimes just one small spark is enough for suspicions to flare up.

In 2013, such a spark was a photograph published by singer Rihanna.

It was the most ordinary photo in which the football player hugged his long-time girlfriend, but either through negligence or malicious intent, the girl called her fan “a good gay friend.” Despite the fact that this statement spread across all news sites in the world, the athlete did not react in any way to the event.

Cristiano Ronaldo and Badr Hari

Next loud scandal, associated with the sexual preferences of a young football player, occurred at the end of 2015.

One of Cristiano’s friends, Moroccan athlete Badr Hari, posted a photo on his Instagram in which he was holding him in his arms, signing with a grin that they were almost married.

The discussion of their relationship continued on French television, with the presenters arguing whether frequent dates with a friend would have an impact on the athlete’s performance.

The journalists were not stopped by the fact that the discussion of the relationship between friends was clearly conducted in a joking manner - the British tabloid The Sun published a scandalous headline in which it announced: the football player is in love relationships with her Moroccan kickboxer boyfriend.

Although the celebrity did not react to the event in any way, the scandal had consequences: the coach forbade the football player from flying to Morocco so often.

Cristiano Ronaldo: "Yes, I'm gay"

Later, Russian media wrote that Cristiano came out, admitting his gay. There was a conflict between Ronaldo and Spanish midfielder Koke. During the altercation, Koke called his colleague gay, to which he allegedly received the answer: “I may be gay, but I have money.”

Although there is a nuance here that the media chose to remain silent about. Koke called Ronaldo not “gay” or “queer”, but “c**k”, which is a crude curse word, but does not necessarily indicate sexuality.

Even the Russian media could not ignore this incident:

Provocative behavior

Let us remember that the Portuguese has been under attack from the very beginning of his career at Manchester United. English fans disliked the young striker for his earring and streaked hair.

Not a single match took place without mocking whistles and insulting shouts. Of course, over time the situation has changed. But even now, Cristiano’s behavior often raises questions among journalists.

Some people don’t like his metrosexuality, others see sexual connotations in the actions of the national team captain on the field: they say, he often feigns injuries, which does not fit in with male behavior.

What about the girls?

The athlete himself is of little concern about rumors about his sexuality. Of course, he has four children. Not every man can boast of such a quantity. The first child was born in 2010, presumably from a surrogate mother (Cristiano Ronaldo Jr.), and seven years later another surrogate mother gave birth to twins for the football player.

By resorting to surrogacy, Ronaldo again gave reason to doubt his sexuality to the general public, because he was credited with affairs with many beauties, and he was in a long-term relationship with the Russian model Irina Shayk.

In 2016, Cristiano met his new love, Spanish dancer Georgina Rodriguez, who worked as a saleswoman in a boutique.

The girl was liked not only by Ronaldo himself - son and mother young man We were delighted too. In 2017, it became known that Georgina was pregnant.

The girl, who was born in the fall, was named Alana Martina.

Thus, the relationship between Cristiano and Georgina became the most productive in the entire love career of the Portuguese national team striker.

The couple is planning to get married and an engagement ring has already been seen on Jojina's finger. If this happens, rumors about Ronaldo being gay will be too exaggerated.

Everyone says that Christiano Ronaldo is gay, but in reality these are all rumors from people who are jealous. That's what all Ronaldo fans thought until she appeared reliable information. After Christiano Ronaldo's trip to Miami, photos spread all over the Internet, where allegedly Cristiano Ronaldo and his boyfriend hugged and touched each other, enjoying it.

His boyfriend in the photo is the Dutch boxer Badra Hari, who has more than once posted photos with Christiano on his Instagram account. And the famous Real Madrid football player visited his boyfriend three times a week, while spending large sums of money on flights to Morocco to see Hari. After this, the leadership of the cream team forbade Cristiano to leave Madrid in order to protect themselves from losing the prestige of the football club.

This is not the first time they have talked about this, since before that he was seen in other relationships with guys. Is the best football player in the world actually gay?

Cristiano Ronaldo admitted that he is gay

After the scandal, when everyone said that Cristiano Ronaldo was gay, after some time even more interesting news appeared, where Cristiano Ronaldo admitted that he is gay. This happened in the match of the 12th round of the Spanish Primera, where "" played with Atlético.

When the game ended, one of the Atletico Madrid players said that Cristiano Ronaldo's 2017 hairstyle looks like blue. After this, Cristiano Ronaldo admitted that he is gay, answering in a serious manner. Krish actually quoted it like this:

Footballer Koke called me blue, to which I replied: I’m blue, with a bag of money.

It was after this quote that everyone was torn by such a statement. Although Cristiano Ronaldo and his boyfriend also caused a stir before this statement. Now we will wait for the next ridiculous trick on the part of KriRo.

The Internet is excited: is the three-time Ballon d'Or winner, one of the best football players of our time, gay or not?

It seems that the handsome man himself admitted it, but fans still have doubts.

The word is not a sparrow

The word that is not a sparrow came out of Ronaldo’s mouth the day before, during the 12th round of the Spanish championship, when the Real Madrid star had an altercation with the Atlético midfielder. Coke.

After the game, which ended 3-0 in favor of the royal club, in which Ronaldo scored a hat-trick, he spoke about the clash with Koke to his teammates:

“Koke called me gay,” Ronaldo complained.

And what did you do? - asked one of the players.

Nothing, what can I do? He called me gay, I replied: “Yes, I’m gay, but I’m filled with money, and you / bad person/».

Note that for Cristiano Ronaldo, the match with Atlético was his 39th game for Real.

Believe it or not

“Cristiano Ronaldo admitted that he is gay. But he is a cool player, he doesn’t disgrace his team, he doesn’t upset the fans,” wrote one Twitter user, adding an unflattering epithet referring to the play of the Russian national team.

Gay or not gay?

This question has long tormented fans of the Portuguese football player. Even Ronaldo’s romances with interesting ladies can’t save him: some suggest that the athlete only dates women as a diversion.

"Wedding" of Ronaldo with Badr Hari

In December 2015, one of the participants in a sports TV show on French television unexpectedly announced that Ronaldo was dating a Moroccan kickboxer, and not platonically. Badrom Hari. Photos were also found on social networks of half-naked Ronaldo and Hari hugging near the pool. In one of the photos, Hari even held Cristiano in his arms.

However, many users then doubted that the athletes were not fooling around, but were seriously pursuing their unconventional relationship.

Ronaldo and Sheik

Ronaldo always had beautiful girlfriends: in particular, he had a long affair with a Russian supermodel Irina Shayk, with whom they broke up in January last year.

“Cristiano Ronaldo lived with a Russian woman and realized that he was gay,” joked one Twitter user/

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