Kinder surprise templates for eggs. Big Kinder Surprise with your own hands

Elena Volozhanina

Large Kinder SURPRISE with your own hands

Big Kinder Surprise is the dream of every child. Today I want to tell you how to make a large Kinder Surprise with your own hands. In fact, it is very simple to make, and the joy from such an egg will know no bounds. And the most important thing is that you can fill the egg with those toys and sweets that will be interesting to your child.

For work we will need:

PVA glue;


Paper (A4 format, newspaper;

Ball (regular pear-shaped, the larger the ball, the larger the kinder you will get);

I used a printout of the inscription “Kinder surprise” in color (I found the inscription on the Internet).

Manufacturing process:

Making the egg preparation (papier-mâché):

1. Inflate the balloon to the size you want to make Kinder, place the balloon on some kind of stand (I used a cup).

2. Pour water into a plate and dip our newspaper leaves (pre-cut into squares) in water.

3. Glue the wet leaves onto the ball in one layer (without glue).

4. Then dilute the PVA glue with water 1:1.

5. Coat the 1st layer with glue, and glue the 2nd layer, but with white paper.

6. Coat the second layer with glue, and glue the third layer.

7. Now let the egg dry (it took me 2 days).

Egg decoration:

1. First, we cut out our pre-printed inscription “Kinder Surprise”, it is not necessary to cut out by letter, you can cut out the entire inscription “Kinder” and separately the entire “Surprise”, and then a blue rectangle with the inscription “milk-cocoa”.

2. We try on our inscriptions and, with a simple pencil, outline where we will draw the orange “Skirt” of the egg.

3. Draw a “skirt” with a simple pencil (you can take a real kinder egg and draw from it or look it up on the Internet) and draw a drop on the skirt, then take orange paint (I mixed red and orange for a more accurate color). Carefully trace the outline of the skirt and the droplet (we leave the droplet white, there is no need to paint it, we paint over the skirt with paint.

4. Leave the paint on the egg to dry.

5. Once everything has dried, we glue our Kinder Surprise inscription with PVA glue (again, look at a real egg and glue it according to the model).

The whole egg is ready! All that remains is to fill it with gifts; to do this, we cut out the door at the back, put the gifts and sweets and secure it with ribbon.

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It’s not difficult to understand how to make a big kinder surprise with your own hands. It is enough to carefully study the instructions and work slowly. The simplest option is an egg made using the papier-mâché technique, filled with a variety of sweets and toys.

Tools and materials

An egg using the papier-mâché technique is durable. It can be used as reusable packaging for any gifts: candies, other sweets, toys. An original solution is to fill a homemade egg with real Kinder surprises.

To work you will need:

  • scissors;
  • balloon;
  • thin paper (writing, cigarette, newspaper);
  • PVA glue;
  • gouache;
  • printed inscriptions for registration;
  • threads;
  • brush;
  • water container.

The inscriptions that will be used to decorate the finished eggs are printed on a printer using ready-made templates from the Internet. You can complicate the task by making the surprise personalized.

Master class for beginners

  1. Inflate the balloon; it should take the shape of an egg. Tie the neck tightly with a thick thread to prevent air from escaping. Place the ball in a suitable sized bowl for greater stability.
  2. Cut the paper into small pieces of arbitrary shape. The main thickness of the product can be created using newspapers, but the top paper layer should be white.
  3. Wetting the pieces in water one by one, apply them to the surface of the inflated ball. This must be done quickly, otherwise the paper will not stick together.
  4. After applying the first layer, let it dry for a few minutes. Coat the surface of the egg with glue. The thicker the coating, the stronger the finished egg will be.
  5. Glue the second layer of paper, trying to distribute the paper pieces evenly. Cover them with glue and leave to dry for several hours.
  6. When the egg is dry, glue on 1 or 2 more layers of paper. The thickness of the egg depends on the gifts inside. The heavier the filling, the more durable the packaging should be.
  7. Cut off the bottom part of the ball with thread, seal the resulting hole with paper.
  8. Paint the egg with gouache mixed with a small amount of PVA glue. Take a real Kinder Surprise as an example. Glue the printed inscriptions.
  9. Cut a rectangular window in the back and fill the egg with gifts. Glue the resulting door or tie it with tape.

The finished egg can be packaged in transparent cellophane: the gift will look even more festive. All that remains is to present a surprise to the child and enjoy his delight.

There are probably no children who don’t love Kinder Surprise. And, of course, there are no parents who don’t love their kids. To please your child, you can, on occasion, or even just like that, do big Kinder surprise in today's paper master class.

We create a big Kinder surprise out of paper with our own hands

To work you will need brushes, paints, water, a lot of newspapers and white A4 paper, a bowl, stencils with letters or a printout with the inscription “Kinder Surprise”. You also need PVA glue (you can use paste instead of glue, but it is inconvenient to cook and it is more difficult to work with). A large balloon will also come in handy.

It should be strong and elastic; a helium balloon works well. We will work using the papier-mâché technique, so you should prepare your workplace by covering it with newspapers or oilcloth.

Stages of work.

  1. Inflate the balloon to the size you want to make the kinder. Tie the ponytail tightly. If you tie it too tightly, you will have to pierce the ball at the end of the work.
  2. We tear the paper into pieces, and, after dipping it a little in water, apply it to the ball. Cover the entire first layer evenly so that there are no empty spaces left. At this stage, it is better to use regular newspapers - they are softer to work with and will not peel off immediately.
  3. Now take a brush and dip it in glue. We carefully brush over the first layer of paper, thoroughly coating all areas. It is worth noting that it is best to choose a brush made of artificial fibers, quite soft but elastic - this will pick up glue well, but will not tear wet paper.
  4. Now we again apply pieces of paper, now white, to the surface of the ball.
  5. We repeat the steps described above 3-4 times. Not worth it anymore. If you heavily saturate the paper with glue, it will take a long time to dry. And when it dries, it can warp and become ugly.
  6. We leave our workpiece to dry for the day. To do this, you can hang it by a string from a ball. We carefully check with our hands whether the outer layer of glue is dry. You should cover it with paper so that there is a small gap at the tail of the ball, so that later you can lower the ball and take it out.
  7. These steps can be repeated 3-4 times. So you can make a large kinder with your own hands.
  8. When a sufficient number of layers have been applied, carefully untie the ball and remove it from the workpiece. Repeat the steps again to seal the hole.
  9. Let's start sanding. This stage can be omitted, but if you smooth out all the corners, the kinder will be just like a real one - even and smooth.
  10. We take the finest sandpaper and carefully process it in a circular motion the entire surface of the toy. This should be done without strong pressure, so as not to tear many layers of paper. We repeat just enough to erase the existing transitions between the sheets of paper.
  11. Using a cloth, we wipe the dust formed during sanding from the workpiece, and cover our egg with a layer of glue. Let it dry.
  12. When the glue has dried, we paint our future kinder surprise in White color. For work, you can use gouache paints - they are not harmful to the child. In the lower part (this is the opposite part of the part where the tail of the ball was. It is wider, like in a real egg.) We draw a pattern in red, as in a real toy. You can do this right away with paint, you can use a stencil, or first draw a wavy line with a pencil, and then carefully fill it with color.
  13. Let's start coloring the inscription. You can take a printed blank. In this case, simply glue it to the workpiece. It will also look good if you cut out the letters from the printout and glue the inscription. If you have a stencil, use it. Trace the letters, forming an inscription, directly on the workpiece, and color them with paints.
  14. The final stage. Cover the resulting egg with a layer of varnish from a can, so the paints will not flow and will not stain your hands (gouache paints are prone to crumbling and will smudge when touched, and watercolors do not provide such a rich and dense covering layer).
  15. The toy is ready! You don't have to remove the ball, this will allow you to hang the toy. If you get the ball, just put the resulting kinder on the floor.
  16. To fill the toy with surprises, do not seal the hole from the ball. Instead, make a small cut to put candy or gifts inside, and then seal it.

The master class described in the article is very clear. This craft can be made by an adult, or you can involve a child in making it. It is easy to hide small gifts, sweets, and holiday souvenirs in the resulting toy.

Video tutorials on making kinder

If you want to make your child original and amazing sweet gift, you need to find out how to make a big kinder surprise with your own hands.

All children love sweets and surprises, and a huge chocolate egg with gifts inside is sure to cause delight and a whole storm of emotions. This craft is quite easy to make yourself, and it will make a wonderful gift wrapping. Inside the huge egg you can put chocolates, sweets, toys and various pleasant surprises.

Papier-mâché technique

To create a package in the shape of a large egg, you will need to make papier-mâché. This technique involves gluing paper onto a template - an object whose shape needs to be repeated. In this case, you will need the shape of a huge egg, which can be achieved using a balloon.

The papier-mâché technique was invented in China, from where it spread to France and became famous throughout the world. Initially, it became popular in France thanks to decorative items from China and Japan, which quickly attracted attention and became popular in Europe.

What items were created

This simple and accessible technique made it possible to create various three-dimensional objects that were decorated with painting, embossing and varnishing.

Thanks to this technique, the following items were made:

Currently, this technique is often used in theater and cinema. Dummies of various objects are made that look almost no different from the real thing, as well as parts of stage costumes. This technique is also used for the production of factory products, for example, some types of lamps.

Ways to use technology

There are several methods that are used to create various products:

To make papier-mâché Kinder Surprise, the method of gluing paper pieces onto a ball is suitable.

Master class paper eggs

The master class will tell you how to make a huge kinder surprise from papier-mâché. It should be noted that working on papier-mâché will take several days, since the layers of glued paper will need to be dried well, otherwise the craft will be deformed. So, how to make a kinder surprise out of paper?

To make it you will need the following materials::

It is worth noting that it is better not to use newspapers to make papier-mâché. Soaked paint will appear on the top layer of the product. And this can greatly ruin the work. It's better to use regular printer paper or paper towels.


The next step is to seal the hole. To do this, you need to cut out several white strips from paper, which should be glued crosswise. After the strips have dried, paper squares are glued on to form the top of the egg.

After drying, you should start decorating the craft. To do this, you need to bring the resulting craft as close in appearance as possible to the original..

Now you need to make a hole in the blank through which you can put gifts and sweets inside. To do this, you need to cut a hole on the opposite side of the craft, where there is no inscription, that will open like a door. To ensure that the lid opens and closes well, you can attach ribbons. Or you can simply seal the lid with tape to prevent the sweets from spilling out.

Large chocolate egg

Another great option involves creating an egg out of chocolate. It takes a lot of patience and effort to prepare such a delicious masterpiece, but the result is worth it.

To create a huge chocolate egg you will need:

Stages of work:

Now you need to create the packaging. To do this, wrap the egg in foil and paint it white and red, like a real kinder surprise. To complete, you need to find the inscription for printing “Kinder surprise”, print it and stick it with tape. The gift is ready. You can pack it in transparent cellophane and tie it with a bow.

Sweets are always a welcome gift for kids. A huge egg with sweets and toys will be the most wonderful and amazing gift for a child on any occasion. A surprise of this size will definitely delight its owner and will be remembered for a long time.

Attention, TODAY only!

To surprise your baby for any holiday, you need to turn on your imagination ☺️. Original version there will be a presentation in a very large Kinder surprise egg made by with my own hands. This craft is empty inside and you can put various sweets or a toy in it ✨️.

Homemade kinder surprise made from paper

✔️ In this version, the egg is made from a ball that needs to be covered with paper. For gluing, you can use PVA glue or prepare a homemade paste.

To prepare the paste, you need:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. corn starch and 2 tbsp. l. tap water.
  2. To stir thoroughly.
  3. Take half a glass of boiling water and pour it over the mixture.
  4. Stir and put the mixture on fire.
  5. Stir continuously until thickened.
  6. Remove from heat and stir a little more.
  7. Refrigerate before use.

You can first add water to PVA glue.

To make a huge egg you will need:

  • printed inscription;
  • water;
  • balloon;
  • A4 paper;
  • newspaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints (gouache);
  • water;
  • to prepare the paste, starch or flour;
  • brush.

Steps to make an egg:

  1. The balloon is inflated to the required size and tied with thread so that it can be untied later.
  2. To make it more convenient to work with the ball, it must be placed in some container.
  3. Apply the first layer, which consists of water and paper. The paper is cut into small squares. Then dip each square in water and place it on the ball. This is how the entire surface is covered. All actions must be carried out at a fast pace, as the water dries quickly and the sheets of paper will begin to fall off. Instead of paper, you can use newspapers. Then the ball is covered with white paper last.
  4. After the entire ball is covered, you need to let it stand for 5 minutes to dry.
  5. The next layer consists of glue or homemade paste and paper. The ball is generously coated with adhesive and a second layer of paper is glued on. In order for the paper to be well saturated, you need a lot of glue or paste.
  6. Next, the future egg is also generously coated with glue and a third layer of paper is glued on.
  7. Leave the egg overnight to dry completely. It is best to dry near the radiator.
  8. After the paper has completely dried, the stage of removing the ball begins. To do this, the tail is untied or cut off, and then the ball is carefully removed. The resulting hole must be sealed.
  9. The next day, three layers are glued again and dried again.
  10. Then you should paint the egg: to do this, draw a wavy line on the lower part with a simple pencil, and then paint it with red gouache. The upper part is painted white gouache. Instead of gouache, you can use acrylic paints or water-based emulsion. It is worth adding PVA glue to gouache paints, then the paint will not crack or stick to your hands while it dries.
  11. Next step: make an inscription. You can print it on a color printer or draw the letters yourself and color them. In your own performance it will look more real. You can attach a piece of paper to the monitor and trace the letters. Then cut each word and glue it individually.
  12. Next, a “door” is made in the egg. Its shape can be square or round. Cut with a stationery knife. Inside is filled with a gift.

You can write the child's name on the egg or stick your favorite cartoon characters on it, or you can make it in the form of a smiley face or mmdms. By applying varnish the surface can be made glossy.

Huge egg made of plaster and paper

This version of the egg will be stronger and smoother.

To create a kinder you will need:

  • printed inscription;
  • water;
  • balloon;
  • A4 paper;
  • newspaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints (acrylic);
  • water;
  • to prepare the paste - starch or flour;
  • brush;
  • gypsum;
  • sandpaper;
  • for a magnetic door: magnet, cardboard;
  • putty or self-hardening clay.

Manufacturing steps:

  1. The balloon is also inflated, covered with paper and dried. The description is given in the previous method. Pasted in three layers.
  2. After the workpiece has completely dried, the balloon bursts and is removed through the hole. The hole is sealed.
  3. Next comes the priming stage. For this, putty or plaster is used. The layer should be applied evenly.
  4. After the putty or plaster has completely dried, the stage of making a hole in order to put the gifts is carried out. The hole will be a door that can be removed. A stationery knife is used to cut it out.
  5. To make it possible to remove the door, a magnet is glued into it, and the top is sealed with paper in several layers. Cardboard is glued into the base, then a magnet is placed, and paper is placed on top. Gluing is done using PVA glue.
  6. The egg and door are sanded with coarse sandpaper. This gives the egg perfect smoothness.
  7. After sanding, pits and depressions appear on the egg. In those places where they are deeper, plaster is re-applied, time is waited for drying and sanded with fine-grain sandpaper.
  8. Next is the painting stage. At the bottom of the red acrylic paint waves are drawn, and the upper part is painted white. Then the inscription is printed on a color printer, each letter is cut out and pasted onto the “kinder”. It is also possible to write letters with a simple pencil and paint them with colored acrylic paints.

✔️ This gift, created by our own efforts, will be suitable for any holiday ✨️ . It will be original and unusual. Not a single child will remain indifferent to him. Any gift can be placed inside such an egg: sweets, toys, etc. This egg with a gift can also be presented to an adult.

Video instruction: Do-it-yourself Kinder surprise

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