What is the fetus at 7 months? Seventh month of pregnancy: fetal development, examinations and other features

Pregnancy at 7 months opens the third trimester, which brings the woman to the finish line before meeting the baby. By this period, the belly has already grown to an impressive size, and every movement is difficult for mommy. In the seventh month, working pregnant women legally go on maternity leave, during which they begin to actively prepare for childbirth.

7 months of pregnancy is how many weeks?

The seventh month begins on the 28th and ends on the 31st obstetric week. According to the pregnancy table by month, in calendar terms this period is 30 weeks and 6 days.

It is believed that the 7th month is the period of “building the nest”, since at this time the expectant mother is already aware of the approaching birth, which just a few months ago seemed to her only an event from the distant future.

Belly at 7 months pregnant

By the seventh month, the belly reaches an impressive size. The uterus already rises 28-30 cm above the womb, as a result of which all internal organs are squeezed and supported. Due to the active growth of the baby and the increase in the volume of the uterus, the lower abdomen begins to hurt more often and pull - this physical discomfort can be eliminated with the help of a special bandage. If the pain does not go away, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to eliminate the threat of premature birth.

By the 30th week, the fetus continues to actively gain weight and already completely fills the uterus. His movements become more noticeable. Due to the baby's kicks, the uterus is becoming more and more toned, the stomach is becoming very hard - this is a normal phenomenon that should not cause cause for concern.

The appearance of the abdomen also changes - a dark stripe appears, running in the middle from the chest to the pubis, and stretch marks form on the skin. These processes are associated with hormonal changes, which reduce the elasticity of the skin, as well as with the characteristics interesting situation(large fetus, polyhydramnios, large weight gain).

There are often cases when by the 7th month the tummy remains small, which worries women. There is no reason to panic if your weight and fundal height are normal. In this case, the doctor may prescribe an additional ultrasound to exclude fetal growth retardation and oligohydramnios.

Pregnancy 7 months: fetal development

By the 28th week, the baby has already fully formed and can already live outside the mother’s tummy. His weight reaches 1.5 kg, and his height is 38-40 cm, the skin acquires a pink tint, and adipose tissue continues to accumulate.

Fetal development:

  • the pulmonary system is completing its formation - the baby can already make the first breathing movements, but the pulmonary ventilation system is not yet sufficiently developed;
  • the fetus has fully formed genitals;
  • the baby already hears and distinguishes voices well;
  • the first hairs appear on its head;
  • the brain and nerve cells are actively functioning, due to which the baby can feel pain;
  • the full range of senses is well developed - touch, smell, taste and vision;
  • the child is very energetic and sometimes even hyperactive.
By the seventh month, the baby already occupies correct posture before childbirth, lies head down. By the 32nd week, he becomes cramped in his mother’s tummy and begins to gain strength before the birth process, and therefore pushes less often.

Most often, increased activity or quietness of the baby in the mother’s tummy is considered normal, but the gynecologist may prescribe an additional ultrasound to make sure there is no fetal hypoxia and delays in its development.

7 months pregnant: what's happening

The seventh month has its own “whims”, fraught with discomfort and inconvenience. Its main symptoms are false contractions, heartburn and constipation, which occur against the background of a rapid increase in the abdomen.

Signs of the seventh month:

  1. By the 30th week, symptoms of the first trimester may return - mild nausea and dizziness.
  2. Increased sweating, increased heart rate.
  3. Increasing “sluggishness” - the mother’s movements become clumsy.
  4. Increased pain in the back and lower back.
  5. The appearance of edema.
  6. Insomnia.
  7. Haemorrhoids.
  8. Dizziness.
  9. Colic in the side.
  10. Frequent urination.
All these symptoms are normal if they appear in a mild form and pass quickly. Vomiting and constant nausea should cause alarm - they can signal poisoning or late toxicosis, which are dangerous for the fetus.

Childbirth at 7 months of pregnancy: consequences, causes

The main danger of the seventh month is premature birth, which occurs from the 28th to the 36th week. They become a real test for mother and baby, who is not yet fully ready for independent life. After birth, premature babies need long-term and careful care, since their “immature” lungs are not able to breathe fully.

The reasons for the birth of a child at 7 months can be:

  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • cold accompanied by cough;
  • excessive weight gain (normally, by this time a pregnant woman has gained 8-10 kg);
  • infection;
  • active sex life, lifting weights;
  • stress and poor nutrition;
  • pathologies of the cervix and placenta previa.
The consequences of premature birth are serious and dangerous for the woman and baby. For the mother, they result in postpartum depression, and for the baby they are fraught with various pathologies.

In any case, there is no need to panic. Modern maternity hospitals are equipped with intensive care wards for premature babies- they contain special devices that provide ventilation, nutrition and vital activity of a child born ahead of schedule. And although the mother and neonatologists will have to spend a lot of time and effort delivering the baby, the outcome in most cases is positive - over time, the baby will fully recover and will be no different from full-term babies.

Abortion at 7 months of pregnancy

Abortion (induced childbirth) at 7 months is carried out only for medical reasons. In any other case, it is impossible to carry out it legally - termination of pregnancy at later prosecuted by law.

The main indication for medical abortion at a later stage there is a miscarriage or fetal death, genetic pathologies and dangerous infectious diseases mothers in front of whom to bear healthy child impossible.

Discharge during pregnancy at 7 months

At the 7th month, the discharge begins to literally “flood” the woman. This phenomenon is considered normal if the discharge does not have a pronounced color or odor, does not foam or become curdled.

It is worth paying attention if you have:

  • spotting, they can be a symptom of premature birth or placental abruption;
  • pink discharge, which may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • brown discharge, signaling pathologies in the fetus;
  • yellow or green discharge is a sign of infection.
In all these cases, an urgent consultation with a gynecologist is necessary, who, even if bleeding occurs, will be able to promptly carry out appropriate therapy aimed at preventing the onset of the labor process.

Often, by the 30th week, discharge appears in the breasts - this is colostrum, which has a yellowish tint and a thick, stretchy consistency. The appearance of colostrum indicates that the preparatory process for the upcoming birth and feeding of the baby has begun in the breast.

If you do not produce colostrum, then this is also considered normal and does not mean that milk will not appear after the birth of the baby. This process is individual in nature, so it is not worth judging the “milkiness” of the expectant mother.

Nausea at 7 months pregnant

Bloating and mild nausea are almost constant companions of a pregnant woman at 30 weeks. In most cases, these symptoms appear due to physiological changes associated with an increase in the volume of the uterus, which does not allow the internal organs of the pregnant woman to function normally. Sensible nausea in the later stages is not dangerous and is quite easily tolerated by mothers.

You should immediately sound the alarm if nausea is severe, appears constantly and is accompanied by vomiting. These may be signs of late toxicosis, which is dangerous for the baby.

Why might late toxicosis occur? Because of not proper nutrition containing insufficient amounts of protein and vitamins, kidney and liver failure, unhealthy image life.

Pain at 7 months of pregnancy

In the later stages, the body is actively preparing for childbirth, so it actively conducts “pain exercises.” Most often, during the period 28-32 weeks, pain can occur in the lower back, back and abdomen. They are a consequence of the pressure of the uterus on the woman’s internal organs and joints. Don't worry and worry about everyone unpleasant sensation- if the pain is unexpressed and short-lived, then it is considered normal.

Often, by the seventh month, the navel begins to hurt. This is also a normal phenomenon caused by the active growth of the uterus. Pain in the middle of the abdomen can also be caused by weakening of the abdominal muscles, which can even cause the navel to turn outward. There is no reason to panic - after childbirth everything will fall into place and the pain will go away.

Sex at 7 months pregnant

It is best to stop sexual activity in the late stages, since any careless movement or contraction of the uterus during orgasm can provoke premature birth.

But if sexual desire does not allow you to live in peace, then the issue of the permissibility of sex can be discussed with a gynecologist - the doctor will be able to adequately assess your condition, eliminate possible threats, and give recommendations on your intimate life.

It is not uncommon for women to think about masturbation during pregnancy, especially if their spouse categorically refuses “contact”, worrying about the baby. There is also no clear answer to this question - psychologists believe that pregnant women can and even need to masturbate, since everything that gives pleasure to the mother is good for the fetus, but gynecologists warn that even self-pleasure is permissible only in the absence of contraindications.

Is it possible to fly while 7 months pregnant?

By the seventh month, when the long-awaited maternity leave has arrived, many mothers are planning a trip, realizing that in the near future they will not have to rest to take care of the baby. Is it possible to travel and fly at a later date? There is no definite answer to this question - it all depends on the course of pregnancy.

Dangers of flying at 28-32 weeks:

  1. pressure changes that can lead to premature birth;
  2. lack of oxygen that occurs on the plane during the flight;
  3. blood stagnation during prolonged sitting;
  4. possible exposure to radiation;
  5. injury hazard.
Trips to the sea are also undesirable at this time. The sun and exoticism are considered not the best by the 30th week. best friends pregnant.

Nutrition at 7 months of pregnancy

The menu in the later stages is practically no different from the general pregnant menu, which women are recommended to switch to immediately after conceiving a child. Nevertheless, the expectant mother must understand that now she must eat for two, but not in quantitative, but in qualitative format.

The diet should include:

  • complete proteins;
  • foods rich in fatty acids;
  • iron-containing products;
  • “correct” carbohydrates;
  • "suppliers" of fiber.
All kinds of “snacks” are acceptable at this time: ice cream, chocolate bar, cake - all this is possible, but carefully, without abuse.

Do's and Don'ts at 7 months pregnant

By the 30th week after registration maternity leave expectant mothers begin to actively prepare for childbirth - making repairs in the nursery, rearranging furniture, “generalizing” the apartment, forgetting about basic safety rules.

Remember! Proper rest and walks in the later stages are more important for you and your baby than cleaning. Therefore, it is better to devote this time to choosing a wardrobe for the future heir, visiting a school for pregnant women, where you will be mentally prepared for the upcoming process.

Categorical “no” of the seventh month:

  1. smoking and alcohol;
  2. physical exercise;
  3. overwork and stress;
  4. taking medications without a doctor's prescription;
  5. tight clothes and high heels;
  6. contact with household chemicals;
  7. lifting weights.
And most importantly, remember - pregnancy at 7 months means that there are only 8-10 weeks left before meeting the long-awaited baby. After this period, you will have to forget about peace and tranquility for a long time. Therefore, enjoy this blessed time, relax and save your strength before the upcoming birth.

7 months of pregnancy is the beginning of the third trimester. Future mom she already knows who she carries under her heart, a boy or a girl, and increasingly thinks about what she will name her child. The most difficult stage lies ahead, both physically and mentally. From the 30th week of pregnancy, mothers take maternity leave and have the opportunity to fully devote their time to preparing for childbirth. Despite all the difficulties, the 7th month of pregnancy is the happiest period in a woman’s life.

Women 7 months pregnant

In the seventh month of pregnancy, ailments characteristic of the late period appear. Most often these are stomach upsets, cramps and constipation. Activation of metabolism causes excessive sweating; the expectant mother feels hot, regardless of the time of year and weather. Another problem is anemia, which develops due to the consumption of foods rich in iron. Oblong red spots appear on the stomach, the breasts at the 7th month of pregnancy are covered with a network of small vessels, and fat is deposited on the buttocks and thighs. Feels like high blood pressure on the bladder, sometimes there is pain in the right hypochondrium.

Discharge at 7 months of pregnancy

7 months of pregnancy in weeks is considered with a shift - it starts from the middle of the 29th week. In the seventh month of pregnancy, discharge varies in consistency and depends on the menstrual cycle. By their character one can judge the health of the expectant mother. Normally, normal discharge is odorless and colorless, sometimes abundant, sometimes not. Brownish discharge indicates problems with the placenta; discharge that resembles water indicates partial release of amniotic fluid. In both cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Ultrasound at 7 months of pregnancy

An ultrasound scan at this time is prescribed only if there are special medical indications; you can undergo the examination on your own initiative. It will allow you to determine the degree of development of the child, the condition of his organs, heartbeat, amount of amniotic fluid and the thickness of the placenta. You can see on an ultrasound at 7 months of pregnancy what is happening to the uterus, how the fetus is located, and determine its gender. Outwardly, he is a mature child, but he is not yet ready for independent life outside the mother’s womb.

Belly at 7 months pregnant

The abdomen rises even higher, the uterus is located above the womb at a height of 27-28 centimeters. As the baby grows, it will become even larger and will cause some discomfort. Stretch marks may appear, which a nourishing moisturizer can help combat. The height, fullness and shape of the abdomen at this stage depends on the anatomical features of the body. In fragile women it is more noticeable, in large and plump women it is almost invisible.

Fetus at 7 months of pregnancy

A child at 7 months of pregnancy can already distinguish the voices of his parents, react to external stimuli and the mood of the expectant mother.

  • Week 29– the hearing organs are fully formed, the child loves to listen to the mother’s heartbeat.
  • Week 30– the baby happily moves around in the amniotic fluid, constantly stretching his legs and arms.
  • 31 weeks– the child reminds himself of himself every hour and sleeps very little.
  • Week 32– the baby accumulates muscle mass and is almost ready for birth.

If birth occurs, the baby will weigh up to 1500 grams.

Childbirth at 7 months of pregnancy

Although birth in the seventh week is considered premature, the baby is almost ready for independent life. If appropriate equipment is available in the maternity hospital, he can be easily cared for. He is quickly catching up with his peers born at full term. However, doctors try to preserve the pregnancy to the last minute and only deliver births if there is no other choice.

Your baby is fully formed. And if he is destined to be born within the next few weeks, he will cope with this test. And you don't need to worry either. Of course, it would be nice if you could carry it around in your belly a little longer. But if not, the baby will be able to survive outside of you - rest assured.

Almost all the free space that was available in the uterus is now occupied by the baby’s body. He can no longer tumble and swim as freely as he did last month. All the baby’s organs and systems have completed their formation, but this does not mean that they are ready for full-fledged work outside the mother’s body. This especially applies to the lungs and central nervous system.

The baby already weighs about a kilogram and continues to actively gain weight every week. His height is already much more similar to the growth of a baby than before - 38 centimeters in length. The 7th month marks a real peak in the development of the cortex, which is the most important part of the brain. And by this stage of gestation, your son or daughter is able to feel pain in exactly the same way as a newborn feels it. Therefore, protect yourself from injury.

Determining the sex of the child

There are a great variety of methods for determining the sex of a baby. Some of them are scientifically proven. Others are openly anti-scientific, but at the same time, by a strange coincidence, it is they who have earned the trust of future parents - due to the veracity of the results obtained. Many practicing obstetrician-gynecologists can tell by one glance at a pregnant woman’s belly who is sitting inside. But despite all this, the most effective way Ultrasound is used to determine the baby's gender. At a period of 7 months, the ultrasound doctor will easily answer your question about the gender of your baby, because the external sexual characteristics indicating this are fully formed.


Your weight gain by the 7th month of pregnancy can reach nine kilograms. Fat deposits will appear on the thighs and abdomen. But the veins on the chest will begin to appear more and more clearly. Such venous “manifestations” are associated with enlarged mammary glands, which continue to prepare for the process breastfeeding. Despite the fact that the 7th month is considered a very carefree period of gestation, it is no longer as pleasant as the previous month. Therefore, let's talk about ailments that often bother expectant mothers at the period under discussion.

  • Stomach upset and spasms of this organ are now commonplace. Many mothers even note that they quickly get used to this discomfort and continue to enjoy life, taking such ailments for granted.
  • Metabolism accelerates significantly during this period. Therefore, even if it is cold outside, you will often be quite hot. Due to your increased metabolism, you may notice that you sweat more. This is fine.
  • Often, during the period from 27 to 31 weeks, pregnant women develop anemia. The doctor will see this condition based on the results of your tests and give clear recommendations.
  • The 7th month is the period when pregnant women most often experience Braxton-Hicks contractions for the first time. They are training contractions, or false ones.

Stomach ache

At 7 months of pregnancy, the belly not only grows, but also hurts a little. (If it hurts “a lot,” this is a reason to see a doctor as soon as possible.) The fact is that at this stage the muscles and ligaments that hold the uterus begin to stretch. You may feel this as a slight tingling sensation in your lower abdomen. If the pain in the lower abdomen is impressive and strong, if at the same time the pregnant woman has lower back pain, and bloody leucorrhoea is discharged from the genital tract, the placenta may be exfoliated. Go to the doctor and stay under medical supervision until the risk is minimized.

Lower back pain

By the beginning of the seventh month, the belly is noticeably rounded. The center of gravity is shifting more and more. The expectant mother tries to adapt to this, and therefore every time she arches her lower back more and more. The weight continues to increase, and along with it, the tension in the lower back increases.
What to do?

  1. Wear a bandage.
  2. Perform a light massage as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Visit the pool.
  4. Sleep on an orthopedic mattress.
  5. Wear comfortable shoes.


  • Healthy discharge from a healthy pregnant woman has a uniform consistency and a slight sour aroma. They are colorless, slightly yellowish or milky in color.
  • Brown discharge is often a signal for a possible termination of pregnancy or for its fading and requires consultation with a medical specialist.
  • Beige discharge takes on this color due to the presence of blood in the leucorrhoea. They can indicate either cervical erosion or any other inflammation.
  • White discharge most often indicates thrush.
  • Spotting at the period under discussion may indicate placental abruption.
  • Dark yellow discharge indicates that there is pus in it. The cause of such leucorrhoea may be a staphylococcus bacillus or another infection of a similar kind.
  • Yellow-brown and yellow-green discharge usually occurs with diseases that are transmitted from one sexual partner to another.


The baby has grown to almost 40 centimeters. It is logical that the uterus, which is growing along with it, is already beginning to exert a fair amount of pressure on the internal organs located next to it. As the pressure on your liver increases, your nausea will also increase. Over time, heartburn will join it. The symptoms will subside when the baby moves his head into the mother’s pelvis. And this will happen a couple of weeks before giving birth.

If the nausea is too strong, if it is associated with constant vomiting and dizziness, the pregnant woman may be developing a state of gestosis. In the third trimester, late toxicosis is very dangerous, so let your doctor solve this emerging problem. Under no circumstances should you try to treat yourself.

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  • During this period, your sweating will increase. There is absolutely no point in fighting it, because its cause is the acceleration of metabolism in your body. Use dry deodorants against sweat. This is the only thing you can do to help yourself.
  • Refuse heavy bags and bags. Don’t even think about moving chests of drawers and sofas yourself when arranging your own home.
  • Don't do any repairs. And having started it, hand over the reins of implementation to one of the men - your spouse (future dad) or your father (future grandfather).
  • Pack your bag for the maternity hospital. Most likely, you won't need it in the next couple of months. Well, let. But you won’t have to worry about being unprepared in case of an emergency. Don't know what to take with you to the maternity hospital?
  • At the end of the current month you need to sign an exchange card. This can be done later, but now is the optimal time.
  • Do not limit your sex life unless your doctor has limited it. Enjoy each other's company while you can still be alone.
  • Move on to more relaxed sports, because your stomach is probably already restricting your movements. Practice breathing exercises.

Proper nutrition

By the seventh month of bearing a baby, the principles of proper nutrition do not change one bit. They are still the same as before:

  • frequent meals (5-7 times a day, like in a children's health camp);
  • small portions (250 grams);
  • a lot of vegetables, fresh fruits and herbs in the diet;
  • complete exclusion of fried, smoked, spicy, baked goods and sweets;
  • compliance drinking regime(a pregnant woman should drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid, unless the doctor, due to her severe swelling, told her different numbers).

During the 7th month of pregnancy, special emphasis should be placed on foods that contain a lot of zinc. You may not know, but zinc protects a pregnant woman from premature birth. Here is a short list of foods that contain a lot of this trace element:

  • black and gray bread;
  • seeds;
  • greens (dill, spinach, parsley, cilantro, salads);
  • nuts;
  • beef liver;
  • black currant;
  • raspberries;
  • lentils.


Depending on your test results, your doctor may prescribe calcium or iron supplements (or both calcium and iron). In parallel, you can continue taking multivitamin complexes that were previously prescribed by your obstetrician-gynecologist. If you can stop taking tablet vitamins, your doctor will definitely tell you about it.

Premature birth

Preterm birth is divided into very early, early and simply premature. Childbirth in the seventh month of pregnancy is early. A baby born during this period weighs from one to two kilograms. The statistics of premature births are as follows: in the period from 28 to 33 weeks, about thirty percent of premature babies are born. However, do not be alarmed ahead of time. Only eight out of a thousand pregnant women give birth to their babies ahead of schedule. The rest safely carry their babies to term, and they are born on time.

But just in case, you should find out more about the reasons for the birth of babies ahead of schedule:

  • inflammation and infectious diseases of the mother’s genital organs;
  • pathology of the cervix (when the mother’s uterus is too weak to hold the baby);
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • polyhydramnios (increased amount of amniotic fluid);
  • pathologies in the development of the uterus;
  • diabetes mellitus in mother;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • constant stress;
  • hard physical labor;
  • smoking, alcoholism, taking drugs during pregnancy.

What are the dangers of childbirth at 7 months?

A baby born in the 7th month of pregnancy has a much better chance of survival than a baby born as a result of very early premature birth. Modern medical equipment allows such children to be released and prepared for a full independent life outside the cuvette and the prenatal center.

Here are the main problems that make premature birth undesirable at this stage:

  • central nervous system the child has not yet fully matured;
  • the baby lacks certain reflexes;
  • his skin is still red and wrinkled;
  • the lungs have not completed their formation;
  • endocrine organs are also not developed at the proper level.

Such children require special, long-term and professional care. But the most important thing these babies need is their mother’s readiness for childbirth.


During this month of pregnancy, you should visit your doctor once every four weeks. However, this does not mean that you cannot come to him earlier than the appointed date. For example, if you have any questions or experience unexpected symptoms. After 36 weeks of pregnancy, routine visits to your obstetrician-gynecologist will become even more frequent. But for now, provided the pregnancy is normal, visiting a doctor once a month is enough.

Besides general analysis urine, which you still must give the day before your appointment, during the period under discussion you will need to check your hemoglobin level. Blood for hemoglobin is taken from a finger. If your readings are low, your doctor will prescribe you iron tablets. However, you shouldn’t be scared about this. After all, a decrease in hemoglobin levels in a pregnant body is associated with an increase in blood volume. However, you still have to work on increasing this substance in the blood.

What will an ultrasound show?

You will not have an ultrasound at month 7. It is re-prescribed at this time only to those expectant mothers whose results of the second planned ultrasound examination turned out to be unsatisfactory according to certain parameters. Your next ultrasound will be scheduled between 32 and 34 weeks. What will the doctor be interested in during this period?

  • Blood flow is uteroplacental and fetoplacental. If some kind of failure is detected in this system, the doctor will have reason to suspect violations in physical development baby.
  • Fruit size. They must correspond to the gestation period.
  • The location of the placenta or its presentation, because the latter is an indication for a cesarean section.
  • The maturity of the placenta, which indicates how close birth is.
  • The position of the baby in the uterus, because the tactics of medical management of the delivery process entirely depends on this.


The optimal time for third trimester screening is considered to be from 30 to 32 weeks of pregnancy. In other words, this study may be scheduled for you at the end of the seventh month or the very beginning of the eighth month. The third prenatal screening consists of an ultrasound examination only. There will be no blood test this time.

Seven months of pregnancy - the beginning of the third trimester. The period is relatively carefree and calm; very soon the time for maternity leave will come. Even if you feel well, reduce your stress and rest every hour for at least 10 minutes, if possible, go outside to get some air and stretch. At lunchtime, try to lie down for a while, relaxing and stretching your legs. At 7 months of pregnancy, many expectant mothers begin to sew and knit, putting all their love and tenderness into things for the baby. Now you need to talk to your baby, he can hear you, and also turn on calm, beautiful music more often.

Continue to monitor your well-being, eat right and walk outdoors more often.

7 months pregnant - what's happening

Sensations and pains

  • In the seventh month of pregnancy, the sensations are similar to those you experienced a month earlier. But the idea that a new person will soon be born, your continuation, a son or daughter, becomes more clear. Anxiety and anxiety are associated with the feeling of imminent labor.
  • Your weight gain was 9-10 kg (normal) and the kilograms will continue to add. The belly has grown even more, the breasts have enlarged. Droplets of colostrum are released from the mammary glands.
  • Pregnant women are often accompanied by a feeling of heat and increased sweating. Swelling of the limbs still makes itself felt; if the swelling is minor, there is no need to worry, but if the legs or arms swell too much, you need to consult a doctor.
  • Vaginal discharge may increase. But if the discharge becomes more like water, immediately go to the doctor. Leakage of amniotic fluid threatens the baby’s health and can be a harbinger of an early birth, which is now premature.
  • Painful sensations in the stomach and back also do not go away. And also on this period training contractions appear - short-term uterine spasms.
  • The uterus puts pressure on many internal organs, which makes it difficult to breathe, constipation appears, and gases accumulate.
  • The seventh month of pregnancy is characterized by forgetfulness and absent-mindedness.
  • You only have to sleep on your side, as your stomach makes it difficult to take your favorite resting position.

Fetal development

The normal duration of pregnancy is 9 months, but if the baby is born now, with the help of doctors, he will remain alive and healthy. In addition, officially he is no longer a fetus, but a person, that is, a child. But, in general, the birth is not soon, now his weight is 1-1.5 kg, and his height is 35-40 cm.

The baby's heart beats clearly, he opens his eyes, listens to life outside the womb. He is able to distinguish his mother's voice, but mainly he listens to her heartbeat, blood flow and bowel movements. Now you need to talk to your baby as often as possible, sing him lullabies and tell him stories.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, the child learns to smile, play, and masters the capabilities of his body. He already sees dreams and even reacts to them. His teeth, despite the fact that they are hidden in the gums, have enamel. Amazingly, he distinguishes not only light and sounds, but even smells.

During this period, the development of the brain is completed, its volume becomes larger, the grooves and convolutions have a distinct pattern. All systems and organs are almost ready for birth: the respiratory system is formed, immunity is present, and the process of thermoregulation has been launched. All limbs and genitals have taken shape, the kidneys and intestines are working. All that remains is to improve the functioning of the lungs.

The baby is kicking, but not as actively as before; he is already cramped in the uterus. At the end of the month, in boys, the testicles take their proper place in the scrotum; in girls, the clitoris is formed, but the labia are still open.

7 months of pregnancy - ultrasound photo

Pregnancy 7 months, belly photo

7 months of pregnancy - nutrition

At every stage of pregnancy, a woman needs a rational and balanced diet. Watch what you eat and how much. Try to eat homemade, natural dishes. Avoid fried, spicy, fatty or sour foods. Drink herbal teas, berry fruit drinks and cranberry juice to stimulate the removal of excess fluid from the body.

Be sure to include meat, fatty fish, Walnut, liver and buckwheat. Don't forget about vegetables and fruits. Eat fermented milk products and cottage cheese every day.

As before, stick to fractional meals.

In the seventh month you will need to go to the doctor twice. As before, he will measure your blood pressure, weight, height and size of your uterus. The limbs will also be examined to see if any swelling has appeared. The doctor will listen to the child's heart.

You will need to take a urine test for protein and sugar. If pyelonephritis develops (and this happens during pregnancy), the gynecologist will prescribe a test for bacteriuria. If you suspect diabetes, you need to donate blood for biochemistry.

If a child is suspected of having heart disease, cardiotocography or Doppler ultrasound will be needed.

An unscheduled ultrasound examination is performed on women in order to exclude placenta previa.

1 month of pregnancy

Research in the first month of pregnancy

During the first month of pregnancy, certain tests are carried out on the pregnant woman.

Pregnancy confirmation

Your doctor will need to know your pregnancy symptoms and the date of your last menstrual period to determine your due date, and evaluate your cervix and uterus to determine your approximate gestational age.

Getting to know your story

In order to ensure the best supervision of the doctor, it is necessary to tell him important information about yourself, such as:

  • medical data: chronic diseases, past serious illnesses and operations, medications used before pregnancy, allergic diseases, medications to which you react poorly;
  • family history: genetic diseases, chronic diseases; social information: age, profession, habits (such as smoking cigarettes, drinking alcoholic beverages), exercise, diet;
  • obstetric and gynecological information: the age at which the first menstruation occurred, the duration of the menstrual cycle, the duration and regularity of the cycle, past miscarriages - artificial and spontaneous, natural childbirth, the course of previous pregnancies and childbirths;
  • information about factors in your life that could affect the course of your pregnancy.

    Full medical examination

    In the first month of pregnancy you should:

  • undergo an examination of the heart, lungs, chest, abdominal cavity;
  • measure blood pressure, which is the main measurement,
  • monitored during subsequent visits;
  • measure body height and weight;
  • undergo a foot examination to identify tumors and other formations;
  • the doctor must examine the external genitalia, vagina and cervix, pelvic organs, and assess the size of the bony pelvis.

    Prescribing tests

    Common pregnancy tests contain:

  • blood tests to determine blood type and control anemia;
  • general urine test for sugar, protein, white blood cells, red blood cells and bacteria;
  • blood test for rubella resistance; studies detecting infections such as syphilis, viral liver inflammation, chlamydia and AIDS;
  • genetic tests;
  • cytological smears to detect cervical cancer;
  • test aimed at detecting diabetes mellitus in pregnant women, to detect a tendency to diabetes mellitus, especially in women who have previously given birth to overweight children.

    Now, more than ever before, you are obliged to monitor your mood, physical fitness, and health.

    Treat yourself like a child. Your evenings should be free from non-essential matters. If you already have children, read them stories, play games with them, watch movies with them, or go to playgrounds with them. If you feel like taking a nap after lunch, be sure to do so. Even just relaxing on the couch with a good book is important. If you are on duty, then as soon as the opportunity arises, place your feet on the desk and relax.

    Let your loved ones take care of you. Involve your husband in household chores such as laundry, cooking and shopping. Accept your mother-in-law's offer and let her clean the apartment when she comes for a visit.

    Sleep longer. Go to bed earlier, avoiding late TV shows or reading. Ask your husband to make breakfast and wake up later the next morning.

    Make sure the quality of your food. In the first months of pregnancy, you already begin to feel tired. It is often caused by a lack of iron, protein and calories. You must eat well. If you feel tired and weak, then do not try to cheer yourself up with coffee, strong tea, candy or other sweets.

    Be aware of your surroundings. The reasons for your fatigue may be poor lighting, polluted air, or excessive noise at home or at work. You need to protect yourself from these negative factors that negatively affect your health.

    Don't limit your movement. Go for slow runs, walks, shopping, and normal pregnancy activities. Fatigue can also be caused by excessive rest and little activity. But when your fatigue is very serious, with fainting, pallor, lack of air or heart arrhythmia, you need to urgently contact your doctor.

  • 2 Months Pregnancy

    If this is your first visit, please refer to the First Month section (What You Can Expect During Your First Visit). If this is a second examination, most likely to be affected next questions(although there may be variations in the way your doctor conducts the examination):

  • weight and blood pressure;
  • examination of the hands and feet for the appearance of swelling, legs - to identify
  • varicose veins;
  • the symptoms you feel are particularly unusual;
  • questions or problems you would like to discuss (make a list in advance).

    What can you feel

    You may feel one or more of the symptoms listed below, or you may not feel them at all. Some began in the 1st month of pregnancy, others appear for the first time. Don't be surprised if you don't notice any signs if you don't feel like you're pregnant yet.

    Physical symptoms:

  • fatigue and drowsiness;
  • frequent urination;
  • nausea or vomiting and excessive salivation;
  • constipation;
  • lack of appetite and the appearance of quirks characteristic of pregnant women;
  • changes in the breast: the mammary gland is swollen, heavier, tense, the nipple circle has darkened, bulges (Montgomery tubercles) appear on it, a network of blue veins under the skin, indicating which way blood flows to the breast;
  • recurrent headaches (reminiscent of the pain experienced by women taking birth control pills);
  • periodic fainting and dizziness;
  • clothes become tight at the waist and chest, and the belly may become enlarged.
  • emotional state:
  • mood variability comparable to premenstrual syndrome, manifested in irritability, resentment, irrationality, tearfulness;
  • anxiety, fear or, conversely, joy, emotional uplift.

    How you might look

    At the end of the second month, the embryo looks more like a little man, its length is about 2.5 cm from head to buttocks (1/3 of this is the head) and weighs about 9 g. It already has a beating heart, there are shoulders and legs with the rudiments of fingers. Bones begin to replace cartilage.

  • 3 Months Pregnant

    What you can expect during a periodic examination

    This month, your doctor, in accordance with his method of work and depending on your state of health, will conduct the following examinations:

  • weight and blood pressure;
  • urine analysis for sugar and protein content;
  • fetal heart function;
  • size of the uterus based on external examination and comparison with its size,
  • characteristic for a given stage of pregnancy;
  • height of the uterine fundus;
  • possible swelling of the arms and legs;
  • possible varicose veins.
  • Prepare surveys and issues you would like to talk about in advance.

    What you may feel:

    You may experience the following symptoms all at once or separately. Some of them continue from the previous month, others are completely new.

    Physical symptoms:

  • fatigue and drowsiness;
  • frequent urination;
  • nausea with vomiting and (or) salivation;
  • constipation;
  • heartburn, indigestion, gas;
  • aversion to food, change in taste;
  • changes in the mammary glands: enlargement, hardness, heaviness, darkening of the isola, bulges appear on it (Montgomery tubercles), mesh
  • blue veins expand;
  • the number of noticeable veins on the stomach and legs increases;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • increase in waist and hips; at the end of this month the belly may already be noticeable;
  • appetite increases.

    Emotional condition:

  • increased excitability, reminiscent of premenstrual syndrome (irritability, mood swings, nervousness, tearfulness);
  • anxiety, fear, joy, emotional upsurge; a new feeling of calm.

    What you might look like:

    At the end of the 3rd month, the fetus is 6.2 to 7.5 cm tall and weighs about 16 g; the circulatory and urinary systems function; the liver produces bile; the genitals are already developed, but gender is still difficult to determine.

  • 4 months of pregnancy

    What you can expect during a periodic examination

    This month the purpose of the follow-up visit to the doctor is as follows:

  • weight and blood pressure are measured;
  • A urine test is performed to determine the level of sugar and protein in it;
  • the fetal heart function is checked;
  • the size of the uterus is determined by palpation;
  • the height of the uterine fundus is determined;
  • the upper and lower extremities are examined to identify dangerous edema and varicose veins;
  • symptoms that particularly bother the patient are analyzed;
  • everything that raises doubts is clarified; Prepare a list of questions.

    What can you feel

    These symptoms may appear simultaneously or one at a time at certain intervals; they may have started in the past month or may appear again. It is possible that other, rare symptoms may appear.

    Physical symptoms:

  • fatigue;
  • less frequent urination;
  • increasingly rare attacks of nausea and vomiting (for some, this ailment will continue to persist, but for a small group it may just begin;
  • constipation;
  • heartburn, indigestion, gas;
  • bleeding gums;
  • further breast enlargement, but usually with a decrease in pain and swelling;
  • fainting and dizziness are possible, especially with an unexpected change in body position;
  • sporadic headaches;
  • mild swelling of the ankles and feet, less often of the hands and face;
  • whitish vaginal discharge;
  • at the end of the 4th month, the first movements of the fetus (mainly in very thin women or in those for whom this is not the first pregnancy);
  • increase in appetite.

    Emotional condition:

  • changes in mood reminiscent of the state before menstruation, that is, irritability, tearfulness;
  • joy and first understanding of your condition;
  • disappointment if you don’t fully feel that you are pregnant, normal clothes become tight, but maternity clothes are still too big;
  • feeling overwhelmed, chaos in the voice, forgetfulness, everything falls out of hand, problems with concentration.

    What you might look like:

    At the end of the 4th month, fetal growth will be 10 cm, nutrition is supplied through children's place, reflexes such as sucking and swallowing develop. The growth of the body begins to catch up with the increase in the size of the head, the germs of teeth appear, the toes and fingers are well formed. At this time, the fetus already looks like a child, but it cannot live outside the uterus.

  • 5 month of pregnancy

    What you can expect during a periodic examination

    This month, a follow-up visit to the doctor, depending on your condition and the doctor’s working methods, involves the following studies:

  • blood pressure measurement;
  • urine analysis for sugar and protein content;
  • checking the fetal heart function;
  • determination of the shape of the uterus during external observation;
  • determination of the height of the uterine fundus;
  • examination of the arms and legs to detect dangerous swelling, as well as the legs for
  • identifying varicose veins;
  • analysis of any symptoms, especially those that cause you concern;
  • clarification of other symptoms that raise doubts (prepare a list of questions).

    What can you feel

    The symptoms listed below may appear simultaneously or alternately at intervals, may have started in the previous month or may be new. Other, more rare symptoms may also appear.

    Physical symptoms:

  • fetal movement;
  • increase in the number of discharges;
  • pain in the lower abdomen (the result of spraining the ligaments that support the uterus);
  • constipation;
  • heartburn, intestinal upset, gas;
  • periodic headaches, fainting, dizziness;
  • bleeding from the gums;
  • runny nose and nosebleeds, stuffy ears;
  • mild swelling of the ankles and feet, and sometimes the hands and face;
  • varicose veins of the leg or anus;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • easier or more difficult achievement of orgasm;
  • back pain;
  • changes in skin pigmentation on the abdomen and (or) face;
  • increased appetite;
  • leg cramps.

    Emotional condition:

  • full awareness that you are in a position;
  • mood changes are less common, but bouts of irritability and absent-mindedness may continue.

    What you might look like:

    At the end of the 5th month, the activity of the fetus, whose height reaches 20-25 cm, is so great that the mother can already feel it well. Its body is covered with a thin shell, hair begins to grow on its head, eyebrows and whitish eyelashes appear. A protective ointment covers the fetus.

  • 6 month of pregnancy

    What you can expect during a periodic examination

    This month, your doctor (taking into account your condition) will offer you the following control tests:

  • urine analysis for the presence of sugar and protein;
  • determination of fetal cardiac activity;
  • determining the size of the uterus and the position of the fetus through external examination;
  • determination of the height of the uterine fundus;
  • examination of the extremities to identify possible swelling or varicose veins;
  • discussing the symptoms you are feeling, especially those that are atypical;
  • questions and problems that you want to discuss (you should have a list ready in advance).

    What can you feel

    You may experience all of the symptoms below, or just some of them. Some may continue throughout pregnancy, while others may recur. Some signs will be barely noticeable because you are already used to them. You may also experience other less common symptoms.

    Physical symptoms:

  • Fetal activity is better felt;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen caused by tension in the ligaments that support the uterus);
  • constipation;
  • heartburn, indigestion, gas;
  • periodic headaches, weakness or dizziness;
  • hyperemia (plethora) of the nasal mucosa or periodic nosebleeds;
  • stuffy ears;
  • slight swelling of the ankles and feet, intermittent swelling of the hands and face;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities and (or) in the anus;
  • itching of the skin of the abdomen;
  • increased appetite;
  • back pain;
  • pigmentation of the skin of the abdomen and (or) face;
  • breast enlargement;
  • leg muscle cramps.

    Emotional condition:

  • Changes in mood appear less often, you will continue to be distracted;
  • pregnancy begins to bother you;
  • there is concern about the future.

    What you might look like:

    At the end of the 6th month, the fetus is about 32 cm tall and weighs about 900 grams. His skin is thin, shiny, almost without fat; fingers and toes are visible; The eyelids begin to separate and the eyes open. If the child were born this month, then with appropriate medical supervision he has a chance to survive.

  • 7 months of pregnancy

    What you can expect during a periodic examination

  • measuring weight and blood pressure;
  • determination of the height of the uterine fundus;
  • What can you feel

    Physical symptoms:

  • stronger and more frequent fetal activity;
  • increased vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • constipation;
  • heartburn, indigestion, gas;
  • sporadic headaches, nausea, dizziness;
  • hyperemia (congestion) of the nose, sporadic nosebleeds, feeling
  • stuffy ears;
  • clumsiness increasing fall rice;
  • slight swelling in the feet, and sometimes also in the hands and face;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities and rectum;
  • itching of the skin of the abdomen;
  • weak breathing;
  • back pain;
  • difficulty sleeping;
  • sporadic Braxton-Hicks spasms, usually painless (uterus at the time
  • hardens and then returns to its previous state);
  • colostrum flowing from the mammary glands;
  • muscle spasms of the lower extremities.

    Emotional condition:

  • increased fear in connection with the upcoming birth;
  • continued absent-mindedness;
  • dreams of a future child;
  • increased fatigue from pregnancy, desire for it to end sooner.

    What you might look like:

    At the end of the 7th month, the fetus is surrounded by a layer of fat. He can suck thumb hands, hiccup, cry and distinguish sweet from sour tastes. It reacts to stimuli such as pain, light, sound. At this time, the child has a chance to survive in case of premature birth.

  • 8 Months Pregnancy

    What you can expect during a periodic examination

    The doctor (depending on your condition and methods of work) will offer you the following control tests this month:

  • weight measurement and ;
  • determination of sugar and protein levels in urine;
  • examination of fetal cardiac activity;
  • determination of the size and position of the fetus (through external examination);
  • determination of the height of the uterine fundus;
  • examination of the extremities to identify swelling and varicose veins;
  • discussing the symptoms you feel at this time, especially if they are not typical;
  • If you have any questions, prepare a list in advance.

    What can you feel

    You may experience all of the symptoms listed below at the same time, or just some of them. Some of them may continue from the beginning of pregnancy, others may be completely new.

    Physical symptoms:

  • strong, regular fetal activity;
  • increasing discharge of leucorrhoea from the vagina;
  • shortness of breath caused by the pressure of the uterus on the lungs (which recedes somewhat as the baby moves lower);
  • increasing constipation;
  • heartburn, indigestion, bloating;
  • intermittent headaches, nausea or dizziness;
  • swelling of the nasal mucosa and sporadic nosebleeds, feeling
  • congestion in the ears;
  • clumsiness;
  • mild swelling in the ankles and feet, sporadic swelling of the face and hands;
  • Varicose veins; itching of the skin of the abdomen;
  • "pink" toothbrush caused by bleeding gums;
  • varicose veins of the rectum;
  • back pain;
  • difficulty sleeping;
  • increased number of Braxton-Hicks spasms;
  • colostrum flowing from the nipples (although this may only appear in the vagina after childbirth);
  • leg muscle cramps.

    Emotional condition:

  • desire to end pregnancy;
  • concerns about the health of the child and childbirth;
  • increasing absent-mindedness;
  • constant thoughts that there is not much time left.

    What you might look like:

    At the end of the 8th month of pregnancy, the child’s height is about 45 cm, weight – 2500 g. The brain grows especially rapidly during this period. The child can see and hear. Most internal organs are already well formed, but the lungs may be underdeveloped. The baby has a high chance of surviving in case of premature birth.

  • 9 months of pregnancy

    What you can expect during a periodic examination

    After 36 weeks of pregnancy, you will see your doctor every week. Both the mood and content of these visits will remind you that the “big day” is approaching. The following examination will be carried out (taking into account your well-being and your doctor's practices):

  • weighing (slowing or stopping your weight gain) and measuring
  • blood pressure (it may be slightly higher than in the middle of pregnancy);
  • urine testing for the presence of sugar and protein;
  • study of the child’s cardiac activity;
  • determination of the height of the uterine fundus;
  • determining the size of the fetus (you can find out about its approximate weight), determining the position of the fetus (head or buttocks in front, facing forward or backward), as well as how low it has fallen;
  • examination to detect swelling in the feet and hands, as well as possible
  • the appearance of varicose veins on the legs;
  • internal examination of the cervix (usually after 18 weeks of pregnancy) to determine the degree of its dilatation, and, if necessary, for re-culture;
  • discussing symptoms you are experiencing, especially new ones;
  • determining the frequency and duration of Braxton-Hicks spasms.

    During your visits, you should ask about questions about your upcoming labor, as well as information about how to know when labor is starting and when you should call your doctor.

    What can you feel

    You may experience all of the following symptoms at the same time or only some of them, some may have been present for a long time, others may appear unexpectedly. You have already become accustomed to some of them and have stopped paying attention; they seem to be pushed into the background by new, stronger impressions, to which you pay more attention, since they indicate an approaching birth.

    Physical symptoms:

  • changes in fetal activity (the baby spins more than pushes because it becomes cramped);
  • vaginal discharge has become thick and mucous streaked with blood; they may also be browner or pinker after internal examination or after sexual intercourse;
  • constipation;
  • heartburn, indigestion, gas;
  • periodic headaches and dizziness, tendency to faint;
  • swelling and congestion of the nasal mucosa, bleeding from the nose; feeling
  • “stuffed” ears;
  • “pink” toothbrush due to bleeding gums;
  • leg muscle cramps during sleep;
  • increasing pain in the spine and a feeling of heaviness;
  • malaise and soreness of the pelvis and buttocks;
  • increasing swelling of the ankles and feet, and sometimes the hands and face;
  • varicose veins in the legs and anus; itching of the skin of the abdomen;
  • easier breathing after the uterus and fetus descend;
  • frequent urination after descent of the uterus and fetus;
  • increasing insomnia; more frequent and severe uterine cramps (some may be painful);
  • difficulty and awkwardness when moving;
  • the appearance of colostrum when pressing on the breast or its spontaneous leakage (sometimes colostrum does not appear until childbirth);
  • fatigue or excessive energy, and sometimes both feelings alternately;
  • increase or loss of appetite.

    Emotional condition:

  • increasing agitation, anxiety, distraction, fear;
  • a feeling of relief that it's almost over;
  • excessive excitability, especially in relation to people who ask: “Are you in the maternity hospital yet?”;
  • impatience and excitement;
  • fantasies and dreams about a child.

    What you might look like:

    The child lies with his head down, which is fixed in the pelvis. This is the normal position of the fetus during the prenatal period. The lungs are already fully formed. The fetus gains about 5 cm in height and about 1 kg in weight (by the time of birth the fetus reaches about 50 cm and weighs more than 3 kg). As the baby becomes cramped in the uterus, he is less mobile, which the mother immediately notices.

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