What eyebrows suit chubby people? What eyebrow shape is ideal for a round face?

Like a square face, a round face is also characterized by equal proportions in length (the distance from the level of hair growth to the chin) and width (from one ear to the second). But there is a significant difference: here the contour is smoother and smoother. Due to the fact that the widest part of the face runs along the line of the lower eyelid, and instead of cheekbones, cheeks take on the expression, those with a round shape often seem inclined to be overweight, even if the slimness of their figure is comparable to the stateliness of a cypress tree. The situation is aggravated by the disproportion of features: against the background of a narrow jaw and a relatively low forehead, the eyes, nose, and mouth may look disproportionately large or small.

These features of a round face are far from perfect, but stylists assure that everything can be fixed. With the help of voluminous root styling, a graduated haircut with oblique bangs or without it at all, it is quite possible to visually narrow the contour and elongate it in length. Also, do not discount proper makeup, and, first of all, eyebrows. After all, compensation for the forehead-cheek-chin contrast and balancing the upper and lower facial parts directly depend on how correctly their shape is chosen.

What eyebrow shape suits chubby girls?

Despite the similarity of the contours of chubby girls, each of them is individual. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about a single option for everyone. But there are a number of aspects that should definitely be taken into account when determining the structure of the arc:

  • avoid straight lines - they will make the face visually wider;
  • abandon the shape resembling a rainbow, a rocker - such eyebrows will only emphasize the disproportion and add even greater roundness to the contour;
  • do not pluck the hairs until “threads” form - otherwise the effect of absence, inferiority of the arcuate elevations will be created, and the imbalance in appearance will only intensify.

Makeup artists agree: eyebrows suit a round face shape, that is, they are located not parallel to the line of the eyes and lips, but at a certain angle to them. Ideally, the rise should be high to lengthen the proportions of the top, narrow the distance at the widest point and reduce the volume of the cheeks. The bend is preferable not steep, but with a slight crease and a small tail: then the soft features of the face will not lose their attractiveness and femininity.

Based on the above, we offer a choice of 3 types that fit the “circle”:

  1. ascending – a characteristically low starting point and a high (slightly above the temporal line) ending point;
  2. “gull wings” - the outline of the hairs tends upward from the base, and then breaks, forming a small (1/3 of the entire length) straight or slightly downward tail;
  3. curved eyebrows - similar to the previous form, but unlike it, the tip raised closer to the outer edge has a soft transition.

Girls with a round face are better off avoiding short arches: due to the larger space from the end of the hairs to the edge of the contour, all features will appear much more voluminous. It is advisable to leave the ascending lines wide, but the tail, on the contrary, needs to be slightly thinned.

An important point when forming ideal image– taking into account the distance between the eyes. If it is equal to the capacity of the “third eye”, the starting point of the arc should start from the inner corner. When the distance is much greater, that is, we are talking about wide-set eyes, the eyebrows should be brought closer to the bridge of the nose. But the non-placement of the “third eye” indicates that the hairs should originate from the first eyelash (approximate distance is 1-3 mm from the edge). Close-set eyes will visually move apart, and a round face as a whole will look more harmonious.

How to carry out the correction correctly?

Shaping eyebrows in a salon is an inexpensive procedure. Regardless of what method the master offers (wax, thread, classic tweezers), it will not be time-consuming: 10-20 minutes. If visiting an aesthetic center is not possible, you will have to determine the appropriate look yourself and make the correction at home. What is needed for this:

  1. Make sure that the procedure is carried out comfortably: clear out your workplace, provide it with a mirror and proper lighting.
  2. Disinfect the tool for grasping and pulling out hairs - tweezers - and the skin of the face in order to prevent inflammatory processes.
  3. Comb and define with a light contour the outline of the arc that goes best. As an aid, use stencils sold in beauty markets and online stores. They will allow you to draw clearer lines and find your ideal eyebrow shape. After performing these manipulations, pluck out the hairs that are outside the contour, without affecting the vegetation in the upper part: it is basic, setting the direction of growth of the rods.

How to add expressiveness to your eyebrows?

A correctly chosen shape is halfway to achieving the perfect image: chubby girls still need to make them more expressive. The following experts can help in this matter:

  • microblading - using a special scalpel - manipulator, the specialist introduces the dye manually; control of movements and detailed drawing of each hair determine the creation of natural eyebrow lines;
  • permanent makeup (tattoo) - unlike the previous method, this one is not performed manually, but using a machine that can only make moves in one direction;
  • biotattoo - in this case, the artist uses exclusively natural pigments: henna, antimony, usma, basma;
  • spraying - the dye is introduced into the upper layer of the dermis (to a depth of up to 0.5 mm) using a device with a certain frequency; the resulting small dots create a shading effect;
  • coloring - a specialist changes or maintains the natural color of hairs using a professional pigment composition(, Studio, RoColor, Estel) or the same henna, basma and their combination.

The last option can be done at home. You can also use cosmetics: eyeshadow (ideally a palette with 2-3 colors), pencil, marker. Their shades should be selected based on hair color, that is, in the same tone as them or a couple of tones lighter (for brunettes) or darker (for blondes, redheads). After drawing the rods and light shading, it is better to fix the final result with gel, especially if adverse weather conditions are expected.

When eyebrows match a round face in shape and color, all imperfections are instantly transformed into advantages: the emphasis from chubby cheeks moves to the cheekbones, a narrow forehead visually expands, and in combination with oblique bangs, it elongates the oval. The contrast between the chin and the upper part is minimized, all features (in particular close/far apart eyes) become harmonious and proportional. It’s easy to verify this – you just have to look at the before and after photos.

What do you need for care?

Modeling and color correction of arches in a salon or at home always results in an unnoticeable, but negative moment for the skin and hairs themselves: the dermis is injured, irritated, the structure of the rods undergoes changes. Liquid vitamins (retinol, thiamine, tocopherol) will help you quickly recover in this matter. vegetable oils(castor bean, burdock root, peach, olive) and various lotions/masks with their participation.

If you have bangs, you shouldn’t forget about caring for them either: being greasy and dirty, they can present the most graceful eyebrows to a round face in an unfavorable light. Therefore, if you don’t have time to wash your hair and style your hair, that’s okay. Separately from other strands, rinse your bangs under running water (with a small amount of shampoo), then dry them with a hairdryer, and the overall look will be beautiful and fresh.

Girls with round faces sometimes consider themselves not attractive enough and even have complexes about their appearance. In reality, there is only one problem - they do not know how to correctly place accents in makeup. But this can be easily learned.

Many show business stars have a round face shape, but they don’t even think about being upset. The correct eyebrow shape for a round face helps to achieve an ideal appearance. It will help smooth out the deficiency and turn you into a confident and attractive lady. People around you will compliment you every day and say that you have an ideal face shape.

What is the best shape for eyebrows?

There is one rule that absolutely all owners of a round face must adhere to. It consists in the fact that the line should be curved with a slight break. This shape is a bit like a wing. It is important that the break be smooth, without sudden changes in height.

A round arch, on the contrary, is absolutely not suitable for a round face. It focuses attention on the rounded outline and deprives the girl of the sophistication and grace that can be easily achieved with a curved line.

The eyebrow tail should not be too long

The length and height of the eyebrow line must be selected individually for each girl. It varies depending on the height of the forehead and the size of the eye. The following recommendations will help you determine the correct form:

  • A high forehead requires a gentle line to achieve a flawless look.
  • For those with large eyes and large facial features, the ideal eyebrow should have a characteristic crease.
  • It is better to leave the line length average. There should be no long tails.

For some chubby girls, a straight eyebrow shape is also suitable. It balances facial features well, but you have to be very careful. Lines that are too long or too low will visually make the forehead wider.

Quite often it happens that a girl’s right and left eyebrows are asymmetrical. The differences can be anything, but most often a lot of trouble is caused by protruding hairs at the bridge of the nose, which cannot be removed and are very difficult to position in the required direction.

Eyebrow correction is a real art. Even for specialists, it is sometimes difficult to achieve the ideal the first time, and at home it will take a lot of time, patience and, of course, practice.

Eyebrows according to face type

Steps to creating flawless eyebrows

It is necessary that the shape of the eyebrows for a round face balances the rounded outline, visually lengthens it, and corrects the proportions. The first and quite important thing to do is to mark the distance between the two eyebrows. The average standard value is equal to the width of two fingers, but if you have some features of appearance, this parameter may vary slightly.

Usually it is necessary to increase the distance if the girl’s eyes are close-set, and decrease it if the distance is disproportionately large.

It is very easy to check the correctness of the given distance; just frown your eyebrows. If at the same time there are excess hairs behind the natural fold, they must be removed with tweezers, and then proceed to the next steps of adjusting the shape.

Working on creating perfect eyebrows involves:

Some girls find it difficult to determine the symmetry of their eyebrows by eye and correctly set the required shape. They can use a little trick: cover all eyebrows with foundation, draw the necessary line with a pencil, and then remove excess hairs.

When removing unwanted hairs, it is better to focus on the area under the eyebrow, where they are always light, are removed painlessly, and do not leave a mark. The upper follicles are well developed and when they are removed, they can cause Negative consequences in the form of the appearance of black spots or severe irritation after the procedure. Without unnecessary need, you should not touch the top hairs.

A beautiful eyebrow shape is a necessary condition, without which it is impossible to achieve ideal appearance parameters. Not even the brightest and most brilliant makeup will cause delight if you have sloppy eyebrows on your face.

Today, makeup artists agree that eyebrows play almost the most important role in the overall perception of the face. To agree with them, just look at photographs of celebrities who have transformed themselves along with changing the shape of their own eyebrows. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to this part of the face.

What eyebrow shape is suitable for a round face?

How to choose the right eyebrows for your face type? First of all, you need to look for an option that will make the proportions more harmonious. In the last few years, the fashion for eyebrows plucked with a thin thread has faded into the background. Whatever your face is - round, oval or rectangular, they should be wide enough and natural.

The most suitable option for a round face is a slightly curved wing shape. The kink should not be unnatural, it will give your face a surprised look. Remember a simple rule: the larger the facial features and the larger the eyes, the steeper the break can be. If you have a low forehead, give preference to a straighter line middle length.

The straight shape is also suitable for some types of round faces: it helps balance out facial features. In this case, there is a danger of visually making the cheekbones wider, so experiment with a straight shape more carefully.

We can definitely say that a round shape is not suitable for chubby girls. Just like a straight line, it makes the face wider and even visually adds weight.

3 basic principles of eyebrow care

  1. Find your shape. This can be done with the help of a specialist. Even if you plan to take care of your eyebrows yourself, the first time you should contact a professional makeup artist who will teach you how to apply makeup and correct the shape correctly.
  2. Don't get a tattoo. There are simply no examples of successful tattooing of this part of the face. Most likely, you will very much regret what you did, and your face will look as unnatural as possible.
  3. Pick up

Eyebrows are the most expressive part of the face, which can highlight the beauty of the eyes and highlight the best features. A small mistake in the selection of proportions or one wrong move by the artist during tattooing and the image will be seriously and permanently spoiled. You need to select the outline and work on the drawing carefully, with all responsibility. The final result depends on the experience of the specialist and the taste of his client. To avoid making mistakes you must follow general recommendations make-up artists regarding the method of selecting a form. The best options have long been selected for each face type.

How to determine your face type

Exist different types female face and for each of them there is that one correct eyebrow shape. Each oval has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you need to play with skillfully. A suitable tattoo can significantly transform and even change your facial expression. For example, upturned arches can make you look like a arrogant woman, while straight horizontal lines can make you look angry and dissatisfied with life. At the same time, clearly defined proportions create a pretty, friendly appearance and emphasize natural beauty.

Chubby girls have been admired by men since ancient times. Only the owners of this oval are not always happy with their reflection in the mirror, because it is very difficult for them to choose a successful contour of the brow ridges.

How to tell if you have a round face:

  1. Such women have broad features: an expressive nose, a wide forehead, open eyes and plump, voluminous lips.
  2. The entire oval is proportional.
  3. The main problem of many representatives of this species is chubby cheeks that stick out in place of the desired pronounced cheekbones.

A visual assessment should be carried out after simple manipulations. Carefully remove makeup from the skin so that blush is Foundation, mascara, lipstick did not change your outline. Gather your hair into a bun and remove your bangs. Study yourself carefully as you turn your head.

If a visual inspection is not enough, then small measurements can be taken. Take a ruler and measure the length of your face from the hairline to the end of your chin. Then turn it horizontally and measure the distance between your ears. If the numbers obtained are nearby, then you have a round face.

Successful eyebrow shapes for chubby ladies

What eyebrow shape suits a round face? One of the most difficult questions for women, which can cause a lot of negative emotions. Surely each of you has ever had a bad experience in this matter. Even the most beautiful lady can be disfigured by unsuccessful eyebrow makeup. To prevent this from happening in the future, and to make tattooing make you happy every day, you need to know which options will best highlight your expressive facial features.

What make-up masters offer us:

  • an ascending line with a slightly upturned tip that ends above the temple;
  • resembling a gull's wing - tends slightly upward from the base and has a kink;
  • a rounded outline with a curve starting above the level of the outer edge of the eye.

This best options, which will never spoil the appearance. But this is only provided that the proportions are correctly adjusted - length, center and width

An incorrect bend can ruin the whole picture. Ideal shape eyebrows for a round, proportional face must have a precisely adjusted break point, otherwise a smooth rounding will make your cheeks even larger and turn you into a chubby baby. You can calculate it using a regular pencil or ruler: place the tool so that one edge touches the middle of the wing of the nose, and the other rushes up through the outer edge of the pupil. At the intersection of the object and the eyebrow, make a mark to form a future break in this place.

It is also important to choose the correct arc length. This is not difficult to do. It is enough just to slightly move the ruler after the previous measurements towards the temple and pass it through the outer edge of the eye. Make a stroke in this place. This is where tattoo makeup should end. A line that is slightly shorter or longer will disrupt the proportions of the face.

The eyebrow shape for a round face is formed taking into account these measurements. You can choose any of the three proposed options, but each of them must have a clearly defined center point and end in a strictly defined place.

What absolutely should not be done with the shape of the eyebrows

Fashion trends dictate their own rules, and many girls want to follow them unquestioningly. Microblading has firmly entered our lives and today every second representative of the fairer sex uses this service to create long-lasting makeup. In this case, the master should suggest the shape of the eyebrows, but his ideas about beauty do not always coincide with the wishes of the client. If you are used to deciding everything yourself and dictating your own rules, then you should know what categorically does not correspond to your type.

  • Under no circumstances should you choose an arched or round line with a uniform, smooth break. This contour will highlight the imperfections of the face and make it wider.
  • Don't break the natural width. Brow ridges that are too thin can enlarge the forehead and disrupt proportions.
  • The end of the eyebrow should not be too sharp.
  • When choosing a color, follow the advice of makeup artists - 1-2 shades darker than the roots natural hair or not different at all.
  • Horizontal straight contours are prohibited. This option will never look good on a round face.

Knowing these nuances, try to make a selection that will take into account the most preferred eyebrow shape for a round face among women and artists and visual photos with recommended and unsuccessful tattoo results. If you take this issue seriously and competently study the recommendations of cosmetologists and makeup artists, then you will be able to avoid mistakes and will not become a victim of an experiment with your appearance.

Remember that fashion changes every day, and tattoo makeup will disappear from the skin only after 5-7 years. One wrong decision and you will have a serious problem that will torment you for years. It's worth fixing big money, and the result does not always justify the costs and expectations.

When deciding on cosmetic eyebrow makeup, choose only a trusted artist who has a good reputation and many regular clients. It is best to consult with friends who periodically use this service and know first-hand about the city’s Langerists. Highly qualified craftsmen know exactly what shape of eyebrow arches to make in each specific case and know how to correctly emphasize facial features, make it expressive, but natural. Try it different variants to visually evaluate the final result and be confident in your choice.

Every girl dreams of having perfect style and a bright, memorable appearance. The standard of beauty was constantly changing at every historical stage, but an aesthetically correct, pleasant appearance was always held in high esteem. Today, cosmetologists and stylists have come up with many ways to decorate the appearance, hiding flaws and emphasizing advantages. This article presents expert recommendations on eyebrow shapes for round faces.

Why is it important to choose a specific eyebrow shape for each face type?

For getting harmonious image special attention should be paid to . They emphasize the expressiveness of the look and, according to many experts, are the most attractive part of a woman’s face.

Without eyebrows, our face becomes inconspicuous, pale and even funny, and excessively black, bushy and unkempt eyebrows make our appearance rough. Finding the right shape that will give the effect of a clear line and help highlight a beautiful look is a very important task for every girl.

Features of a round face shape

A round face shape has more than once throughout the history of mankind become the standard of beauty, but not all girls can boast correct proportions this form. To visually correct possible disadvantages, it is important to choose an eyebrow shape that suits your face shape. As a result, a round female face can be brought significantly closer to the desired ideal, enhancing the effect with professional makeup.

How do you know what face shape you have?

Eyebrow shapes based on face type (with or without photos) are determined quite simply. It is enough to come up to and take a close look at yourself.

A round face shape is distinguished by an almost equal ratio of height and width, as well as:

  • rounded corners;
  • widened noticeable cheekbones;
  • prominent wide angle of the chin;
  • often a snub nose.

There are three types of eyebrow shapes for a round face:

  1. “Seagull wing” - the eyebrow line is directed upward from the inside, and in the last third it makes a bend with a downward curve.
  2. “Rising eyebrows” - the eyebrow moves smoothly upward from the middle to the edge, ending with a slight rounding at the temple.
  3. Eyebrows in the shape of a triangle - have a small break, which is located closer to the outer edge of the eye.

To achieve the desired result, do not risk carrying out procedures to give your eyebrows the desired shape for the first time on your own - it is better to seek help from a professional. Such services are widespread and are provided both in beauty salons and at home. In addition, an experienced specialist will give you recommendations for further care and a number of other useful tips.

Which eyebrow shape is not suitable for girls with a round face?

Choosing the wrong eyebrow shape for a round face is easy. To avoid having to draw eyebrows from scratch, chubby girls should not be allowed to:

  • were close to the bridge of the nose;
  • had tips that were too long;
  • made straight lines;
  • were wide (this shape deforms the forehead);
  • had the shape of an arc.

How to determine the correct shape of your eyebrows?

Take an ordinary pencil of medium length. We will measure the correctness of the eyebrow lines at three main points - the beginning of the eyebrow, the bend and the end. We place the pencil so that one end touches the forehead, and the other touches the outer part of the nostril. The point of intersection of the upper end of the pencil and the eyebrow line should be remembered visually or a mark should be made at this place.

Then you need to turn the pencil so that it looks at the temple, and then apply it to the outer corner of the eye. Place a mark where the eyebrow and pencil intersect. We perform the same manipulation on the other side of the face. As a result, you need to see that the distance between the marks set determines the optimal eyebrow length. And everything that goes beyond this framework must be plucked out. If the eyebrow is very short, the missing section should be. The lower edge of the eyebrow line also needs to be given special attention - pluck out unnecessary hair and thereby give the eyebrows the required width. A round face requires high eyebrows with a noticeable arch of medium width. It is this shape that will help improve the outline of the face and add elegance to it.

Girls, value yourself and know that fashion is a very changeable phenomenon. And your individuality is valued and constantly attracts attention.

Be beautiful and happy no matter what!

Ideal eyebrow shape for a round face was last modified: April 15, 2016 by MaximB

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