Day of love in kindergarten. Celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in kindergarten

Maria Tsubera
Day of family, love and fidelity in kindergarten

Summer holidays in kindergarten

Family day, love and fidelity.

(junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups)

Tasks for the holiday are divided by age, which allows all students to participate in the holiday!

Characters: brownie Kuzya

Presenter 1

Presenter 2


1. Moral and patriotic education of children preschool age, through respect and pride for one’s family.

2. Create a festive mood in children

3. Fostering such qualities as kindness and the desire to help each other.

The song of the group Fidgets Peter and Fevronia sounds

Presenter 1: Hello, dear guys! Today we celebrate with you the World family day, love and fidelity! Children, do you know what it is? family? Family is the world where love, devotion and mutual understanding reign. These are the same joys, sorrows, habits and traditions.

Children read poetry

1st: Family is us. Family is me.

Family- This is my dad and mom.

Family is Vladik, dear brother.

Family- This is my fluffy cat.

2nd: Family– these are two dear grandmothers.

Family- and my sisters are mischievous.

Family- these are godmothers and uncles.

Family- this is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit.

3rd: Family- This is a round table celebration.

Family is happiness, family is home.

Where they love and wait and do not remember evil.

Presenter 2: Do you know that the Day families has its own symbol - chamomile. Chamomile is considered a Russian flower and even one of the symbols of Russia, and chamomile is a symbol of sweet simplicity and tenderness, and most importantly - a symbol fidelity, this is a piece of our country.

Presenter 1:

Let's guys collect this wonderful flower!

Game - relay race "Collect a chamomile"

Equipment: two yellow balls, paper daisy petals for 2 teams, baskets containing the petals and two hoops.

Relay rules: children participate junior groups. Two teams are participating. Each child takes one petal and places it in a hoop, attaching it to a yellow ball. The team that completes the task first wins!

Presenter 2:

There are many such particles and they all merge into one big strong and friendly family - our homeland! And you and I go to kindergarten, and our group is also a small part, our family. Now let’s join hands together and let the music connect us.

There's a song playing "Chamomile, chamomile, wildflower"

Children dance in a large circle and repeat the movements of the adults.

Presenter 1: Oh, guys, which one of you is crying? Oh, this is Kuzka the brownie. Why are you sad, Kuzma?

Brownie Kuzka: It is a holiday today - Family day. So I listened to the poems, listened, and then I thought - that I live alone, I don’t know where my family. On a holiday without family is not allowed, help me, friends. Ah-ah-ah. (cries bitterly)

Presenter 2: Well, don't cry, Brownie. We will help you now. Let us explain to you who we call family.

Contest "Dress up"

Equipment: 5 opaque identical bags. Each package contains accessories and clothing for each member families.

Competition rules: senior and preparatory students are invited groups: 15 people, divided into three. Each trio chooses a package for itself. Two people dress one.

Mother: beads, hat, skirt, bag, bracelets.

Dad: jacket, tie, hammer, hat

Baby: pacifier, rattle, skirt, cap, bib.

Grandmother: rolling pin, scarf, glasses, sundress, pan.

Grandfather: glasses, mustache, cap, shorts, newspaper.

When the heroes are ready, the hosts ask a riddle about each one. And the children guess them.

Riddles about Family

Who is the cutest in the world?

Who do children love very much?

I'll answer the question directly:

Ours is the cutest of all. MOTHER

Who never gets tired of loving

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is ours. GRANDMOTHER

Everyone knows this word

Wouldn't change it for anything!

To the digital « seven» I'll add "I" -

What will happen? FAMILY

Who does the hard work

Can I do it on Saturdays? -

With axe, saw, shovel

Ours is building and working. DAD

He didn't work out of boredom,

His hands are calloused

And now he is old and gray -

My dear, beloved. GRANDFATHER

I'm not alone with my mother,

She also has a son

I'm too small next to him,

For me he is the eldest. BROTHER

Brownie Kuzya: I think I’m starting to understand. Now I’ll even tell you what I came up with.

Finger game "Our family» (conducted by Kuzya).

(Extend your fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

This big finger -

This is dad dear.

Next to dad is our mother.

Next to my mother is my eldest brother.

Following him, little sister -

Sweet girl.

And the smallest strong guy -

This is our sweet baby.

Presenter 1: Look, brownie, what we have for you the family turned out.

Brownie Kuzya: What great fellows you all are! How do you keep everything healthy? Oh, my tummy just started growling!

Presenter 2: Kuzya, now we’ll feed you too! Let's cook some borscht, guys.

Contest "Little mother!"

Equipment: two pans and two spoons. Two baskets containing vegetables. Among the vegetables there are products that are not suitable for cooking borscht.

Conditions of the competition: pupils aged 4-5 years old participate in the competition. All children are divided into two teams. Each participant is allowed to take from the basket only what can be put into the pan for cooking borscht. Whoever completes the task faster becomes the winner. Brownie Kuzya tries borscht with a spoon, checking it with the guys (they name loudly every vegetable that is shown to them) contents of each pan.

Presenter 1: As guys, everything works out together. Now Kuzya knows that family- these are people close to us. Each family special with its own traditions and interests. But absolutely in every happiness lives in the family, love and KINDNESS,

Presenter 2: And we are like one big family let's share with the brownie some GOOD things. To do this, let's sing the kindest song. And we’ll give Kuza a wonderful dance.

The Barbarikov song sounds "What is kindness".

All children stand in a large circle and repeat the movements of the adults.

Presenter 1: Well, brownie, did you like it with us?

Brownie Kuzya: I really, really liked it!

Presenter 2: Let's, guys, let Kuzya live with us kindergarten. He will help keep order in our big house, which is called "Sun". Do you agree?

Kuzya: Why are you taking me into yours? family. It's as simple as that. In your big friendly good family. Thank you guys. I also want to thank you. I have sweet gifts for you.

Presenter 1: And this is where our holiday ends. Be sure to congratulate your mom, dad, grandparents on this wonderful holiday.

DAY OF FAMILY, LOVE AND FIDELITY. Senior and preparatory groups. The event is held outdoors.

Hello, dear guys! Today we celebrate with you the World Day of Family, Love and Fidelity! Children, do you know what a family is? Family is a world where love, devotion and mutual understanding reign. These are the same joys, sorrows, habits and traditions. The guys prepared us a poem about family:

1st: Family is us. Family is me.

Family is my father and mother.

Family is Vladik, my dear brother.

Family is my fluffy cat.

2nd: Family is two dear grandmothers.

Family - and my sisters are mischievous.

Family consists of godmothers and uncles.

A family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit.

3rd: Family is a holiday around the round table.

Family is happiness, family is home.

Where they love and wait and do not remember evil.

Family is a part of our country.

There are many such particles and they all merge into one big strong and friendly family- our Motherland! And you and I go to kindergarten, and our group is also a small part, our family. Now let’s join hands together and let the music connect us.

Children with a teacher perform the song “Three Wishes” to a soundtrack (backing track).

Now let’s listen to some more poems in which the guys will tell you what family is for each of us!

1st: Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

2nd: The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, caring for each other,

Family means a lot of housework.

3rd: Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

4th: I want my friends to say about us:

How nice your family is!

Loved you for no special reason

Because you are a grandson,

Because you are a son

Because baby

Because you are growing,

Because he looks like his dad and mom.

And this love until the end of your days

It will remain your secret support.

We congratulate you all on this wonderful holidays and invite you to take part in our sports entertainment. Let's welcome all our participants.

The house we live in

This is a very noisy house.

After various things in the morning

There is always a game going on!

And at the holiday, friends,

We can't live without games

More passion, more laughter

Let all the fun go!!!

Let's start the relay race.

Do you know that Family Day has its own symbol - the daisy. Chamomile is considered a Russian flower and even one of the symbols of Russia, and chamomile is a symbol of sweet simplicity and tenderness, and most importantly, a symbol of fidelity.

1st relay. "Pick a chamomile." Equipment: volleyballs, hoops, basket with daisy petals.

- Holding the ball between our knees, we move to the hoop lying 10 m from the starting line, put the ball in it, take a daisy petal from the basket and return to the team, pass the baton, at the end of the relay it is necessary to assemble a flower from the brought parts.

2nd relay. Equipment: 2 balloons each, tennis racket

— Holding the ball on the tennis racket, reach the landmark and return to the team.

3rd relay. “Friendly family” Equipment: hoops, 2 baskets with balloons.

It is necessary in pairs to overcome the distance, jumping over the hoops placed in a row, holding hands, take a ball from the basket, holding the balloon with their bellies, carry it to the start and when all the balls have been transferred, burst them and find the word - FAMILY in one of the balls

Well done! Well done!

Running fast is common to everyone,

They did a great job with the relay race.

There are no losers today

There are simply the best of the best.

May there be light of friendship in every heart,

Will light a ray of good deeds.

Now we'll take a break. I will ask you riddles, and you will guess them.

1.Who is not joking, but seriously

Will a nail teach us to hammer?

Who will teach you to be brave?

If you fall off your bike, don’t whine,

And scratched my knee,

Don't cry? Of course...(dad)

2.Who loves you children more?

Who loves you so tenderly

And takes care of you

Without closing your eyes at night? (Mother)

3. Flavored jam,

Pies for a treat,

Delicious pancakes

At my beloved...(grandmother)

4.He did not work out of boredom,

His hands are calloused

And now he's old and gray

My dear, beloved...(grandfather)

5. Curved temples

I put it on my ears,

And the glass pieces are on the nose.

Answer the question:

Grandfather sees letters in words,

What is he reading in? ..(spectacled)

6. I’m not alone with my mother,

She also has a son

I'm too small next to him,

For me he is the eldest... (brother)

7. That’s what it’s all about...

There are not seven of us, but three:

Dad, Mommy and me,

But all together we are... (family)

And now I invite everyone to a fun dance. Children with a teacher perform the “Dance of the Little Ducklings.”

And finally, I propose the last competition “Drawings on Asphalt”. Let each of you draw your own family with colored crayons.

Project “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”

(short-term, intra-institutional)

Family is the most meaningful word.
The “seed” is heard in it - the basis of life.
The seven “I”s are seven firmly connected,
And future lives are a reliable source.

Family is a joyful children's laughter.
Family is what gives us success in life!
Let relatives be each other’s support,
And may all misfortunes pass by!

Family is a reliable stronghold of our life,
What protects us in childhood and old age.
Family is a house built on love,
May joy and happiness reign in him!

The All-Russian holiday July 8 - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity - appeared thanks to the Murom prince Peter and his wife Fevronia, who lived in the 13th century. Orthodox Christians reverence this married couple as the patrons of family and marriage.

Peter and Fevronia became models of marital fidelity, mutual love and family happiness during his lifetime. According to legend, they died on the same day - June 25 (July 8 according to the new style) 1228. Their bodies, placed in different places, miraculously ended up in one coffin, which was considered a miracle. Peter and Fevronia were canonized at a church council in 1547. Their relics are kept in the Church of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom.

Project type: short-term, intra-institutional

Project implementation timeframe: from 01.07.16 to 11.07.16

Target group(who exactly the project is aimed at): kindergarten students, parents

Project participants(performers, possible partners): administration of MDOU No. 25, teachers and specialists of MDOU No. 25

Relevance of the project:

Family occupies a very important place in a person’s life. And if a person knows nothing about her, he is deprived of the most important thing on earth - warmth and attention. Nurturing love and respect for family and friends, knowing one’s last name, first name and patronymic of parents, family traditions and customs is the main content of the direction of moral and patriotic education preschoolers. The feeling of love for the Motherland originates in the family. It has the main social function - raising children; it has been and remains a vital environment for the preservation and transmission of social and cultural values, a determining factor in the formation of the child’s personality. The family, being the first source of social influence for the child, introduces him to all the diversity of social roles and social behavior, family relations and home life, causing certain feelings, actions, ways of behavior, influencing the formation of qualities, character traits, mental properties. The child uses this “baggage” not only in real life: much of what he learned in childhood will determine him in the future as a respectable member of the family.

The problem that the project aims to solve:

The devaluation of traditional family concepts: love, tolerance, loyalty, mutual assistance and mutual assistance, which has led modern society to the weakening of family ties, the growth of negative and selfish attitudes among young people in young families.

Causes of the problem:

Modern society is becoming less demanding of such fundamental values ​​as family, love, loyalty, friendship, mutual assistance and understanding. In this regard, the younger generation needs to early age instill an understanding of the importance of developing and supporting these values.

Consequences of NOT solving the problem:

The destruction of the generally accepted understanding of the value of the family, its necessity for the full development of the child’s personality, leads to the fading of family ties, the lack of interest of the younger generation in the support and prosperity of traditional family concepts.

Target: Spiritual and moral education of children, mediated by the influence on the families of pupils in the formation of such family values ​​as love, fidelity, friendship, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Project objectives:

  1. Introduce pupils of preschool educational institutions with information about the origins of the holiday.
  2. Formation of a positive image of the family, family values ​​in pupils, consolidation of the concept of “family”.
  3. Together with parents, children develop a sense of pride in their family.
  4. Promotion of family values; friendship, interaction, mutual assistance, love, fidelity.
  5. Strengthening interaction between preschool educational institutions with parents in matters of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation.

Expected results of the project(quantitative, qualitative)

Result - product

1. Holding the holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity”

  1. Design of an exhibition of joint creative works“I am a daisy, you are a daisy”
  2. Exhibition of drawings “Our friendly family”

4. Making a collage “Chamomile Paradise”

Result - effect

  1. Optimization of parent-child relationships;
  2. Strengthening family values.

Project implementation stages:

event title

the date of the

Place and time


Istage - preparatory

Selection of methodological and fiction on the project topic

01.04.16 -05.07.16

Methodical office

Head of MDOU No. 25

Development of event notes

01.04.16 -05.07.16

Creative Group

Preparing multimedia presentations

Creative Group

Development of a holiday script.

Creative Group

Placement of information material in parent corners of all groups

01.04.16 -05.07.16

Parent corners


IIstage - main

Book and illustration exhibition “Family. Love. Loyalty".

From 04.07.16 to 08.07.16

Head's office

Head of preschool educational institution

Organization role-playing games"Family", "Mothers and Daughters"

From 04.07.16 to 08.07.16

Kindergarten teachers

Publication of group newspapers “My family is my wealth”

Parental corners of MDOU No. 25

Teachers, parents

“Hour of Communication” to familiarize children with the legend of the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom. (Watching electronic presentations with children: “Peter and Fevronia”, “Beauty around us”)

Teachers older - preparatory group

Conversations on the topics “Family means we are together”, “Inseparable family of adults and children”, “When I’m big”

From 04.07.16 to 07.07.16


Reading books about kindness, love, fidelity “Bread and Salt” by A. Logunov, “Nuts”, “City of Flowers”, P. Lebedenko fairy tale “A kind heart is more valuable than beauty”.

From 04.07.16 to 08.07.16


Asphalt drawing competition “My Family”


Creative competition with the participation of parents and children “I am a daisy, you are a daisy”


Learning poems about family


IIIstage - final

An exhibition of drawings and creative crafts dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Educators, head of preschool educational institution

“Flower - Seven Flowers” ​​- game program, dedicated to the Day family, love and fidelity

Site on the territory of MDOU No. 25


Music director, physical education instructor

Report on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity (corners for parents, preschool educational institution website)

Educators, head of preschool educational institution

Resource analysis(Available / Necessary / Sources of resources)

  • Intelligent and creative potential project participants.
  • Professional knowledge and experience teaching staff and the administration of the MDOU.
  • Material, technical, educational and methodological equipment, information and communication equipment - computer, multimedia projector, camera.

Terms of sale (possible risks, obstacles / solutions)

  • Discussion and collegial adjustment of the project action plan

We offer possible variant organizations children's party on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, which is celebrated in our country on July 8, 2019. This event can be held in a kindergarten, library or summer school camp.

Scenario for the holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” for children

You can arrange a costume performance by asking the guys to wear folk costumes. Prepare appropriate props - an image of Saints Peter and Fevronia, paper daisies that have become a symbol of this holiday, cards with proverbs about family, etc.

The presenters will begin the festive action:
Dear friends! Today we have gathered to celebrate a wonderful holiday - the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

– Family is a world where love and devotion reign.
This is joy and sorrow, which are the same for everyone.
These are common habits and traditions.

After this introduction there will be a story about Saints Peter and Fevronia.

Then, according to the script for the holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity,” the guys will read the following poems:
- In Rus' there is a tale about
Like Fevronia and Peter
Were an exemplary couple,
Friendly, loving and faithful.
The time has flown by
No Fevronya, no Peter.
But they are an example of a family,
Honest, sincere love.

The host continues the celebration:
-Do you guys know how many proverbs and sayings are dedicated to family?

Together with the presenters, the children recall family proverbs:

  • The family agrees that things are going great.
  • A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its family.
  • Good children grow up in a good family.
  • Family harmony is better than wealth.
  • The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Next, at the “Day of Family, Love and Loyalty” holiday, the presenter will invite children to talk about people close to them using the finger game “Family”. Children will have to take turns bending their fingers, starting with the thumb.

- This is dad dear,
Next to dad is our mother,
Next to my mother is the eldest brother.
Following him, his sister -
Sweet girl.
And the smallest strong guy -
This is our sweet baby.

Older children can prepare stories about their families - parents, brothers and sisters. Then the dance program will begin.

- Hold hands together
And join our circle,
And at our holiday
We dance together as one family.

The guys will perform the “Dance of the Little Ducklings” and dance in circles. In the game “Stream”, children become pairs one after another. The first pair runs under the goal from their hands and becomes the last. So a trickle flows until each pair runs under the gate several times.

The presenters move on to the end of the holiday:
– The symbol of the holiday that we celebrate today is the chamomile, which personifies love and fidelity.

– Little sun on my palm –
White chamomile on a green stem.
Yellow hearts with a white rim.
How many of them there are in the meadow, how many of them there are by the river!
The daisies have bloomed - summer has come,
Let's make bouquets of white daisies!

The girls will perform a dance with daisies. And the “Day of Family, Love and Loyalty” will end with a drawing competition on the asphalt in which, according to the holiday scenario, children will need to depict a friendly family. The winners will receive small prizes.

Family is WE.

Family is me

Family is my dad and mom,

Family is Pavlik - dear brother,

Family is my fluffy cat,

Family is two dear grandmothers,

Family - and my mischievous sisters,

Family is godfather, and aunts, and uncles,

A family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit,

Family is a holiday around the round table,

Family is happiness

Family is home

Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil!

We are very pleased to know that Russia has its own Valentine’s Day! And not just lovers, but lovers, all those who go through life together, "and in sorrow and in joy"!

This holiday is quite "young", has been celebrated since 2008, but has already gained popularity and won its love among both the older generation, young people, and the younger generation. The kids in kindergarten and I also couldn’t stay away, because beloved children and loving parents are the only things in our world that each of us can rely on in difficult times.

On July 3 and July 4, 2017, events dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity were held in our kindergarten groups.

Children, together with teachers and parents, made gifts for their dearest and most loved ones with their own hands, drew wall newspapers, and pasted family photos.

The children also told each other about their families and family traditions, held games for unity and, of course, drawing their family.

Through folk tales educators help children to join the culture, family values and traditions - after all, this is an integral part of educating the younger generation.

And family is home,

These are two and a third,

And maybe the fourth one,

And then the fifth.

These are warm lines

In the desired envelope,

If separation waves

A sad wing.

And family is light,

What is invisible and generous

Illuminates your whole life

And accompanies us.

This is creativity

Where there are neither last nor first,

Where there is both joy and sorrow - Always in half

. And family is everything.

It gets colder without her

Lonely thought

Lonely life.

Nothing happens

More dear in the world,

Nothing, no matter what you think

And no matter how brave you are... (I. Yavorovskaya)

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