What to do to get a woman to give. How to get a girl to give you


In my videos and articles I teach how to behave with girls. What to do to quickly conquer them, seduce them, communicate with them correctly, build relationships.

What if you have a desire for women to pursue you? Did they meet you, excite you, invest time, energy and emotions in you?

Of course, it’s better if you manage the whole situation yourself. Why?

Use the word “no” correctly. Your refusals should be reasoned, and not look like the whims of a princess in a pink skirt. You must explain your refusal to her in a way that doesn't make her feel indifferent. For example:

  • I won't fulfill your request because I don't have time, not because I don't want to.
  • I won't ride horses with you because it makes my balls hurt. And not because I don’t want to go somewhere with you at all.
  • I don’t want to meet today because I’m tired from work, and not because I’m going to fuck someone else.

Don’t adapt and don’t bend to anyone (we’re not just talking about women), and you will be happy. At the same time, let them understand your principles and views, and explain your refusal.

If you follow all my advice correctly, a woman will want to possess you. She will begin to invest herself, her strength, imagination, even money into getting your attention and time.

So, what you need to do to get a girl to invest in you:

  1. Downplay its importance to you. Do not perceive it as the center of the universe and the main goal of your life!
  2. Create a desire to possess you. Remember healthy competition.
  3. Don't be available all the time. Warm up her desire to possess.
  4. Sometimes let me take the initiative to pamper you.
  5. Know how to say “no” correctly.

Here are the rules of behavior that will help you make a girl invest in you and value your time and attention.

Have you read the article? But how can all this information be put into practice? How to get step-by-step and comprehensive instructions to woo a specific girl?

You will learn about this in a paid training. “How to turn a feminine NO into a feminine YES.”

Get it 3 video lessons from this course:

1. Reasons why you have difficulties with a girl
2. The mindset of a successful man;
3. 7 critical mistakes you make when communicating with a girl.

Register and get 3 video lessons >> http://bit.ly/2KfbO0Q

Your changes after watching the video tutorials:
- You realize where your limiting beliefs about girls come from;
- If you strengthen your inner state, you will become more confident in yourself;
- You will learn to behave correctly with a girl.

This step does not oblige you to anything, but if you need help in conquering a girl, you know who to turn to.

Register and get 3 video lessons >> http://bit.ly/2KfbO0Q

Be sure to read these articles by Anton Glomozda:

Representatives of the fair sex are mysterious people.

Your beauty is either ready to kiss you just like that, in a fit of tenderness, or she will pout her lips, and then hold on - any word you say will be interpreted against you. You say: “So pretty, her eyes are sparkling, her cheeks are like apples, rosy!” - you get the answer: “What, does that mean I’m fat?!” You admire: “How beautiful you are today!” and you hear the offended: “Yeah, yesterday, so you were ugly?”

In general, you understand. A quarrel is inevitable unless you show remarkable restraint and a little cunning. What should you tell a girl to make her melt, put on a stunning dress, go to a restaurant with you and not refuse an interesting sequel? Let's find out...

For the sake of some, it’s not a pity to melt.
Frozen. Olaf

Magic phrases

The conclusion of psychologists: “Women love with their ears” is not without common sense. Of course, you shouldn’t take the expression literally and shower your lady with compliments: she will sense a catch. The women's one works flawlessly.

What can you say to a girl to make her melt, and how to do it gracefully, naturally, but as convincingly as possible? Let's remember a few simple tricks:

  • Pay attention to the voice. Let it sound soulful. Pronounce the words slowly and with sincerity.
  • During the speech, look the girl in the eyes. This will demonstrate sincerity.
  • Tell the truth! This is the key to success. But it can be slightly embellished. A small spoonful of flattery in a big barrel of truth will do you good: “Darling, you cooked the borscht perfectly! Even better than my mother."
What exactly words should you say to a girl to make her melt and fall in love with you again? Options:
  • “You are the most beautiful at the holiday!”
  • “When your eyes sparkle, I just can’t take my eyes off you.”
  • “I love you always: when you laugh, and when you tease me, and when you’re a little sad, and even when you’re angry: at that moment your eyes sparkle like lightning - you can go blind!”
Do you feel how her heart begins to give in? What to say to a girl to make her melt completely - phrases to reinforce the effect:
  • “You’re interesting - you don’t know what to expect. We never get bored!”
  • “If I know that you are mine, then I can move mountains!”

Crown: “I’m ready to do anything for you!” Let’s be more specific: what exactly are you ready for? Options:
  • a trip (together) to the warm sea, from the bottom of which you can get the best shell for your beloved;
  • canceling a Saturday beer get-together with friends;
  • watching a love melodrama and even - take heart, you have to do it! - a trip to my mother-in-law.
What to say to the girl you love so that she melts immediately, without delay? Consider whether to move on to direct questions:
  • “What do you want for March 8th – a ring or earrings?”
  • “Name the country you want to visit on vacation.”
They will demonstrate your willingness to practically take care of the woman you love. And if you haven’t gotten married yet, then the following sentence can have a stunning effect: “Darling, I thought seriously and realized that I can’t live without you. Marry me! And as soon as possible!

A woman will never get tired of hearing from the lips of her beloved that she:

  • Incredibly beautiful (and even better without makeup than with it).
  • Forever young.
  • Smart and interesting.
  • Does everything to perfection.

We adapt to her character

Before deciding what to say to a girl to make her melt, try to analyze her character and preferences.
Use the hint sign:
Temperament typeSuitable phrases
Phlegmatic person
(calm, balanced, rarely shows violent emotions, can be lazy)
1. I love it so much when we watch movies together in the evenings.
2. Surprise - we’re going to a sanatorium for the weekend, we’ll swim in the pool there, get a massage and do nothing.
(interested in everything around him, likes to meet people and learn new things)
1. Darling, this bouquet is for you. These flowers just appeared in the store, some new variety, the saleswoman said that they would stay fresh for two weeks. I just forgot what they are called.
2. Darling, evening - your choice: cinema, dancing, concert or philharmonic society? I'm crying - your task is to choose!
(explosive temperament, vivid emotions, desires to be the center of attention)
1. Today at the club you danced the best!
2. When you walk down the street, all the men turn around.
3. You are the star of the party!
(modest, indecisive, prone to deep thoughts about the meaning of life).
1. Your eyes are lakes, you can drown in them.
2. You are charming, and I love your soul even more than your face - that’s what Pushkin told Natalya Nikolaevna, remember? I'm ready to repeat this for you.
3. I love you and you are the best for me!

A few more secrets for dessert

What do you need to say to a girl to make her melt?
The question is formulated correctly, but not precisely. It makes sense to place the emphasis a little differently: not WHAT, but HOW to say? What should the situation be like? What is the facial expression?

Don’t say important phrases while running or in a business setting, when your loved one’s head is busy with work (domestic) problems - she won’t hear.

First you need to create an environment in which the girl feels light and free. Make her take a break from everyday life and “soar” above the gray everyday life.

Invite them to a cafe, go together to the river (in summer), to a ski lodge or sauna (in winter), go to a city park, take a leisurely stroll along its alleys. Change the usual bustling atmosphere to a calm and romantic one. Give flowers. Buy some ice cream. Gently kiss the hand. And only when the chosen one has opened her heart and soul to meet you, speak. About her beauty, femininity, charm and the power of her love. Speak from your heart and with the words that come to your mind.

"Believe actions more than words"

A Russian folk proverb teaches us to first judge a person by his actions. And the lady of your heart with folk wisdom agree. And therefore - to the point! Beautiful words are wonderful. But any words must be confirmed, otherwise they will simply no longer be believed.

Your task is to surround the girl with care and attention, to warn (or at least listen to) her desires and try to fulfill them, in a word, to make her allow herself to relax and blossom like a rosebud.

And then you will notice: words were not needed. Or almost not needed

The most beautiful words- just the background in the picture. The real content is men's actions that prove love. Do you agree? Or are you still wondering what to say to a girl to make her melt?

Been with a girl for a long time and not a single hint of sex? Enough tolerating this! Now you have at your disposal 9 ways to quietly convince a girl that she is ready and, most importantly, wants to have sex with you!

Hold her hand right

Do you often take your girlfriend by the hand when you walk her home? Know that good chance to hint her about a continuation. The main thing is to hold her hand so that your fingers are intertwined. According to experienced seduction gurus, a woman’s body perceives such a gesture as extremely intimate, hinting at crossing her legs in bed.

Stop talking about sex

When you have not yet had intimacy, you should not joke about this topic and tell jokes. This is the only time you should wait for the “first step” from a woman. And if she starts talking about sex, then it’s stupid to remain silent: turn on your charisma, initiate your sex life as something unbridled by someone before and mysterious. The more veiled answers, the greater the interest in your person.

Don't panic if there are moments of silence

Under no circumstances should you give a sign that the resulting silence is somehow bothering you. In such moments, improvisation is yours true friend! Use phrases like: “I’m wondering how it happened that we found each other” or “sometimes I want to read your thoughts,” etc. Set a topic for conversation. Girls like to be listened to, but that doesn't mean you have to be silent the whole way. If you can’t think of anything, see the point below.

Listen to music together

So, in moments of verbal lull, the most a win-win- is to listen to her favorite music together. Girls are pleased when people are interested in her. If you still haven’t found out about her musical preferences, turn on melodic rap. Rap, according to many aesthetes, has sexual energy, angry and assertive.

Dancing alone won’t help you, and maybe you’ll ruin it.

Do you still think that women perceive men's dancing as something related to foreplay? Forget it, with 80% probability a dancing man is an extremely painful sight. And even if a man dances well, a girl, looking at him, will say “Cool!”, nothing more. And he’ll go home with the stern guy who spent the entire evening standing motionless at the bar.

Show her some bare torso (if you have something to show)

Wear your jeans and panties slightly lowered so that when you stretch, you can show the top of your groin to the girl. Not only is it fashionable among the stars, but it will also appeal to the girl’s animal instincts. True, if instead of six-pack abs you have a beer belly, you shouldn’t do this.

Say goodbye to beer

As a matter of fact, returning to the previous point, try not to drink beer in the presence of a girl, at least for the first few meetings. Give preference to wine; by the way, you can drink whiskey if you know your limit well. In short, noble drinks, for noble men. Women love it.

Get a big dog

Not big in the sense of “fat”, but big in the sense of “courageous” - some kind of Alabai or pit bull terrier would be ideal. Seeing how confidently you have subjugated such a powerful creature (if, of course, you have subdued, and are not running after the dog throughout the park shouting: “Give me back my ball, I haven’t finished playing yet!”), the girl will unconsciously want to obey you. This is where a woman’s animal instinct manifests itself: “I want you to take possession of me.”

Feel free to exaggerate

If you see that your companion is hesitating: to go with you and have sex or return home to her rejuvenating procedures. Unleash your compliments and don’t be afraid to overpraise her. This is exactly the case when the phrase: “In one night with you, I would rob a bank, sell my soul” really works!

“I have a headache” (c) wife.

For some, this topic may seem funny, but it is not at all. Many men anonymously, on various forums, complain that their wives, at one “wonderful” moment, stopped wanting intimacy with them. How to deal with this, and what is the reason? We'll talk about this in our article.

To begin with, it is worth saying that each case and each situation is strictly individual. However, as a rule, the reason for cooling of feelings on the part of your wife does not lie at all in the fact that you earn little money or she has someone else (although this, of course, also happens). Everything is much more banal.

Typical situations and reasons

There are a lot of women who, in addition to working and raising children, also clean up the house, cook food, and so on. Yes, needless to say, such women are probably the majority. We, men, ourselves love such wives who will cook food, restore order, and also replenish the family budget. In principle, this is the reason that your wife does not want you. She simply has no strength left!

Add to this the drab everyday life that can make anyone feel despondent. And a woman, perhaps, first of all. Every day the same thing! Well, who will like it? Of course, all people love variety, everyone wants to spend their leisure time in interesting and different ways. In sex, your wife may also get tired of monotony. So, try to figure out together how to diversify it.

Of course, there are other, completely different reasons. Perhaps you have grown such a belly that after one glance at it, all thoughts about sex quickly disappear? I hope no. It may also be that passion, as such, has left your couple. Your wife, of course, could have some kind of boyfriend at work or at a yoga course, but this problem is somewhat more complicated.

After a short introduction, which I hope you read with interest, let's talk directly about how to make your wife want you, as if on the first dates!

Solving the problem

In any case, it wouldn’t hurt to help your wife around the house so that she has more free time and, accordingly, energy. Believe me, she will be immensely grateful to you for your help. Isn’t it difficult for you to wash the dishes, wipe the dust, or help in some other simple way? I think no. There are, of course, ungrateful women, but that’s a completely separate conversation.

In addition to helping around the house, take your wife somewhere. Have a real date: with flowers, compliments and other wonderful things. Women love this very much. And if you no longer have this in your relationship, don’t be surprised that your wife doesn’t want you anymore.

So, we gave her strength, we dispelled her with a walk, what else? Watch yourself! Keep your body in good shape, and then not only your wife, but also your neighbor will want you.

By the way, the topic of how to make your wife want it is very sensitive. And it’s not always possible to discuss it even with friends. Fortunately, there is the Internet!

By the way, about dialogues. I would also like to say that The best way- First, try talking to your wife. And ask her why she doesn't want you anymore. Most likely, the wife will not hide such things and will voice her complaints.

The main thing is to listen to everything, try to understand her, and not include emotions. And then take the appropriate steps so that everything in your couple becomes wonderful again, as before.



How to make any woman want you

Irina Khakamada once noted with sadness: most Russian men after forty look extremely bad. This is partly due to the low standard of living, partly to the stereotype that a man in himself is of incredible value. But there is sex! So, do our women want men like this? Why? Today, it seems, I found the answer to this question. Riding next to me was a strange-looking couple - a man of about fifty and the same woman. He is balding, frail, so drenched in vodka that he is about to fall asleep. She is broad, red-faced, sweatpants and with a protruding belly, trembling like jellied meat.

She is not a sexy girl at all, but the exhaustion aroused a playful mood in the man. He began to drive wedges towards the young lady. However, the chubby girl was not impressed by his fume-breathing, sad face. She looked sternly, pulled back, but there was still a long way to go. And the rejected man, out of boredom and in order not to fall asleep, began to tell her his difficult life. Just to vent.

He said that he was in Afghanistan, that he almost died and even showed a scar from a bullet wound. He told how he returned and gave birth to three sons. How one of them died, died at a construction site, and the other unjustly ended up in prison. His story became so pitiful that I wanted to cry. The red-faced plump woman moved closer to him and playfully grabbed his knee.

The little man described how he missed his convicted son, how he loved his grandchildren, how incredibly sorry he was that he had to bury loved one so young. The fat girl’s eyes first moistened, then sparkled, and then she moved closer and whispered something hotly in his ear. A couple of minutes later they already exchanged phone numbers.

“I won’t let you go,” the drunken mischief whispered. The woman affectionately took the drunkard’s hand, and they left the minibus together. Here's a pickup truck. Was the man rich - not at all. Was he handsome - not an ounce. Whether he was successful is absolutely the opposite. How did he manage to awaken a fire-breathing dragon in his plump?

I think he just knew the rule well: the main feeling on which the sexuality of Russian women rests is pity.


Do you know how to make a woman want to sleep with you? There are several sure-fire methods you can use to entice a woman to go to bed with you, but there is no guarantee that this will actually happen. It all depends on your inner game and on the woman you want to sleep with. But if you use the techniques that we will talk about, then there is more than 90 out of 100 chances that you will achieve your goal.

How to make a woman want to sleep with you?

1. Try to make her emotionally dependent on you. Always talk to her about her dreams and the difficult parts of her life. Show your sympathy for her. Use emotional phrases and words such as, “I understand your situation,” “I feel your pain,” “I see that life has often been unfair to you,” etc. Your goal is to melt her heart.

2. Tease her and increase your status. Teasing is the best way when it comes to forming affection. Tease her for her mistakes and make her smile. This way you can become closer to her. Teasing also shows that you like her. A word of caution - You shouldn't tease her all the time. Use your humor for this. But sometimes you have to be serious.

3. Increase your importance and always talk to other women. At the same time, you need to flirt with them. If you want a woman to want to sleep with you, then you must make her feel jealous. Let her know that you have many friends, but you are still trying to find that one friend. Believe me, making a woman feel jealous can achieve wonderful results. Once she becomes jealous of you, you can make her do whatever you want. Of course, it's not that simple, and you'll need practice and proper guidance to get her into your bedroom.

How can you tell if a woman wants to sleep with you?

It is very important that you understand the signs that a woman wants to sleep with you. Here are some signs that let you conclude that she would like to sleep with you.

When she talks to you, she often touches your body.

She opens her legs towards you.

She often touches her hair when talking to you.

She uses "adult" jokes.

Watch her eyes and lips. Wide eyes and wet lips are sure signs that she wants to sleep with you.

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How to make a girl want and give.

Many guys at least once in their lives have a problem: “How to make a girl want and give?”, and not every guy can solve it alone. Here I will tell you how to deal with all sorts of problems that arise when you make a girl want and give, and I will share valuable advice. I think you will not only remember my recommendations, but also apply them in your life. Because ordinary memorization without practical action will not increase the number of beauties who want sex with you. Begin!

How to make a girl want and give, 7 tips:

1) Seducing girls for sex begins much earlier than you imagine. It begins from the moment of preparation, even before the stage when you exchanged phone numbers with her. The critical step is that first you need to become attractive to the opposite sex, then the problem is “How to make a girl want and give?” either it will not arise at all, or it will be solved very easily.

2) Most easy way To greatly increase your attractiveness to girls in a minimum time is to dress fashionably. Because your appearance creates a primary image of your person in a girl’s brain. And that is why it is primary, that you will no longer have a second chance to produce a primary representation. Most males have absolutely no understanding of appearance and style, so by dressing fashionably, you will instantly stand out from the rest of the male sex. That’s why in my trainings I pay a lot of attention to appearance and give all students personal advice on improving their appearance.

3) In addition to the fashionable appearance and fashionable haircut, it is also very important that your body is washed and tidy, and your breath is pleasant. Unwashed body odor or bad smell from the mouth can even ruin your beautiful appearance and ruin all your attempts to make the girl want and give. Almost all girls are very clean. Imagine yourself in the shoes of a beautiful girl who is being hugged by a guy with bad breath or who smells of sweat. One hundred percent, no girl would want intimacy with such a shot. So take a shower every day and make sure your breath is fresh.

4) In addition to appearance, i.e. your wrapper, for beautiful girls it is extremely important what kind of personality you have. It’s not for nothing that many girls believe that a man’s sexiest organ is the brain. At the same time, girls don’t like smart guys; beautiful girls are bored with them. Here a measure is needed so that you do not become clever and do not float the girl’s brain, but at the same time you are educated, well-read, and it was pleasant to talk to you.

5) Another difficulty is that almost all guys do not know how to seduce beautiful girls. Seduction is a linear algorithm. There is no need to move on to the next stage without completing the previous one. And to the point of promoting a girl for sex, you need to attract a girl, inspire trust, create an atmosphere of relaxation, and then start promoting her for sex. This is very important stage, that’s why in my trainings I tell guys a specific step-by-step method of what they need to do in order to seduce a girl for sex.

6) Another unacceptable mistake in seduction is that guys often try to entice a girl into sex only with words. But only guys think logically, and beauties think emotionally; you can’t defeat them with words. That’s why you need to seduce her not only in words, but you need to create such emotions in her that she herself wants intimacy with you. Those. beautiful girls should not be begged, but rather kindled passion in them. You can excite a beautiful girl by touching her sensitive areas, eye contact and deep voice. How to excite a beauty is a special, capacious section of my training.

7) Also, many beautiful girls have various fears and prejudices about intimacy. As a rule, such obstacles arise only with those beauties who have little or no experience in sex. A girl may say that you and she don’t know each other too long to have sex, that she only has sex when she has feelings, that she is afraid of getting sick or pregnant, etc. Such difficulties can be quickly circumvented by showing the girl your confidence and knowledge of how to properly use contraception. And also by using the special tricks of an experienced seducer.

How to make a girl want oral sex.

Most girls feel good about blowing their boyfriend, and the problem of “How to make a girl want oral sex?” almost always does not appear, everything often happens by itself when you have sex, and your partner takes it into her mouth without any problems. But sometimes there are beautiful girls who do not agree to give a blowjob, and I’ll tell you now how to make such girls want oral sex.

To begin with, your penis simply must be impeccably washed, take a shower before inserting it into the girl’s mouth. A beauty may not agree to suck you off at all if she smells an unpleasant odor emanating from your penis. Also, some girls do not like to suck dick when their partner has too hairy pubis. Then the hair can get into your girl’s mouth and get into her nose during a blowjob, there is little pleasure for the girl.

Shaving your pubic area is also not very good good method, due to the fact that not every guy looks good with such an intimate haircut, and you have to constantly shave off your hair, and this is expensive, otherwise the stubble will prick, also during vaginal sex. And for your partner, rubbing your clitoris and other tender places against stubble brings very disgusting sensations. That's why the most suitable method- this means trimming your pubic hair to a neat state so that it doesn’t get into your partner’s mouth during a blowjob.

Some girls may not like the taste of semen. The taste of seminal fluid becomes disgusting from cigarettes, alcohol, meat products, onions and garlic. Conversely, the taste of sperm becomes better from fruit and vegetable juices and fresh fruits. It is especially recommended to drink a glass of pineapple or carrot juice a couple of hours before the girl gives a blowjob, in this case the taste of your sperm will be more pleasant for her. In addition, you can agree with your girlfriend that she will not swallow your semen or agree that you will not cum in her mouth. And during sex, act according to the circumstances; in a fit of passion, she may want you to cum in her mouth, and may swallow your seminal fluid.

Young girls may well be eager to take a penis into their mouth for the very first time. Don’t put pressure on your partner, let her touch your penis, make her at least kiss it, and then a blowjob is not far away. Some beauties may be embarrassed when you stare at them during a blowjob. This obstacle can be overcome by having oral sex in the “69” position.

You can even use your power in the correct form to make the girl want oral sex. But don’t go too far so that it doesn’t become violence, and then, the girl has teeth there, if your techniques are absolutely unpleasant to her, she might bite you off. =) You can also try to close your girlfriend’s nose with your fingers, and when she opens her mouth to breathe, take advantage of the situation and insert your penis. =)

How to get a girl to give you an ass.

Not every beautiful girl will quickly accept an offer to engage in this type of sex. Some beauties do not want to engage in this type of sex because of some fears or limiting beliefs, and have not even tried anal before. Other girls may prefer not to decide to do anal, due to the fact that they already have a similar experience and did not like it. But again, there are girls who love anal sex and almost immediately agree to it, but if you are interested in the problem: “How to get a girl to give it to you in the ass?”, then you don’t often meet girls who love anal.

And vice versa, almost every guy craves anal sex with beautiful girls. Firstly, anal sex adds variety to your sex life, because doing only blowjobs and regular sex can quickly get boring. Secondly, during anal sex there is closer contact with your penis. That's why you get different sensations, usually even better than during regular sex. Thirdly, this way you get complete dedication from this girl and your power over her. For this reason, you don’t need to erase anal from your sex life, and it makes sense to learn how to make a girl give it to the ass.

First, I will tell you how to act with those beauties who have already had anal sex, but they were not pleased with it. This usually happens because the guy with whom she had this type of sex did everything wrong and instilled in her an aversion to this type of sex. You will have to correct the girl's attitude towards this type of sex by having this type of sex with her so that she likes it. Maybe that guy had a giant dick that was too huge for the girl's butt, and she experienced pain when she did anal with this guy. In this case, you are lucky if your penis is not overly large, and you can make the girl happy that with a penis like yours, it is absolutely not painful to have anal sex.

Besides, the guy might have forgotten the lube or not used enough lube, so it was unpleasant for her. This type of sex requires a lot of special lubricant; you must lubricate both your penis and the girl’s ass. The saliva or lubricant found on condoms is not enough for this. It is necessary to use a good lubricant for sex, but it is even better to use a lubricant that is specially created for this type of sex, this lubricant is thicker. In addition, the ex-boyfriend could penetrate the girl’s anus with his penis too quickly, causing her uncomfortable sensations. That’s why in this article I’ll tell you how to prepare a girl’s butt for anal, how to properly insert your penis into it and act during sex so that she doesn’t feel uncomfortable.

To begin, carefully insert one finger into her anus, do not forget that you need to have your nails trimmed and apply lubricant. Twist your finger inside her, thoroughly knead her ass. After that, insert two fingers into her and move them inside your partner. After this, her anus will be able to easily accept your penis, but even here you need to move slowly. Very carefully insert your penis into the girl’s ass, wait until she gets used to it. After that, start slowly moving inside her ass. And after the girl gets used to it, you can slowly increase the pace. Then the girl will not feel unpleasant, and she will want to have more and more anal sex. You can explain to a girl how to properly engage in anal sex, now you will understand everything when you reach the end of the article. This way the girl will see that you are knowledgeable in this topic and will not be afraid. You can also agree with your partner that if she suddenly feels uncomfortable, you will stop immediately, then all her fears will disappear.

Now let's understand what to do with those beauties who have various fears about this type of sex and have not tried it at all. Usually girls worry about what will happen to them discomfort, but you have already learned how to cope with this fear. In addition, girls may often think that anal sex can cause negative health effects, such as hemorrhoids. In this case, tell her that if you have anal sex no more than once a week, use a special lubricant, and if the guy is not too big dick, then there will be absolutely no harm to her butt, but only benefit, because the butt muscles are being trained. A girl can also say that doing anal is dirty. But before engaging in this type of sex, the girl needs to use an enema, then anal sex will be hygienic. As you can see, all her fears are easily resolved. Now you can quickly make the girl want it and give it to her in the ass.

Now you can imagine how to make a girl want it and give it. But this is only one of many questions that may arise when seducing girls. In addition, theory alone without practice gives absolutely nothing. And if you are serious, you really want to make the girl want and give, and you want to know the solutions to all the problems that guys have when they seduce attractive girls, then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the content of my seduction trainings:

Check out the seduction training programs!


- Tips to make girls run after you. How to make girls run after you?

Most men believe that it is the man who should chase women. However, those guys who are successful with women do not share this point of view.

That's why they're always at parties with the coolest girls. What would your life be like if instead of chasing girls, they chased you? Here are 10 tips to help you find out.

10. Use the "backward approach"

The “reverse approach” is when you say and do the opposite of what you say and do to pick up a girl. However, this approach assumes that the woman already knows and trusts you.

Your goal is NOT to try to be nice and nice to earn her approval. How to do this? One way is to use sarcastic comments that are the opposite of what the girl wants to hear.

Or your answer to her question should be the opposite of what she expected to hear, and this should be done in a tone that clearly implies that you are simply laughing at her. If you do this, a reverse polarity connection will be formed, implying that it is she who will haunt you.

9. Read between the lines

If you are talking to a girl on the phone and she says that she is seeing someone else, then you need to understand that she is saying this more for herself than for you.

Perhaps she just accidentally agreed to go on a date with another guy, but she still feels sympathy for you, and she needs to tell you this in order to convince herself that she is not single.

If you find yourself in this situation, then tell her something like: “Yes? Congratulations. Or do you think that I was trying to run after you?” She won’t know how to answer you, and will begin to understand that you are an independent guy who doesn’t need any woman, and this is exactly the type of man that girls LIKE.

Don't be surprised if she calls you back within a week and says she'd like to go out with you because she doesn't want to see the guy she dated last week again.

8. Don't limit yourself to "sexual relationships"

When I first started studying the question “How to be successful with women,” the idea of ​​“sleeping with a girl” seemed much more interesting to me than now, because I believed that if I could learn how to seduce a girl, then I would be successful with any woman.

Well what can I say now. A lot of guys who are great at seducing women can't find the right woman to spend their life with.

And when they do find one, they cannot keep it. I think it is much more interesting and useful to understand how and why a woman is attracted to a man, and why she stays with him. With this knowledge, you can find “your” woman and keep her close.

There is nothing wrong with seduction, but it is only part of the puzzle (if you just play hunting, then here are riddles and puzzles, which in itself cannot make you happy and successful in life.

7. Stop courting and start winning her attention.

There are two main ways a man meets a woman: courtship and attraction. If you base your relationship on ATTRACTION, then the approach is significantly different from courtship.

If you are courting a woman, her first reaction will be to “run away,” and this turns you on even more, and you continue to run after her. And if a girl likes you, then her natural reaction is to want to pursue you. This subtle, barely perceptible difference makes up all the diversity of the world.

6. Dominate

Courtship is based on your ACTIONS, OFFERS and what you GIVE, which mainly means gifts, dinners, flowers, compliments, etc.

Attraction involves the way you communicate, your personality traits, and your masculinity. Courtship involves a "become a friend" strategy, you need to be very nice to get her to like you.

Attraction doesn't mean all that, because a woman doesn't have to like you to be attracted to you.

Courtship is a challenge, and attraction is a challenge. Courtship means being a suitor, submissive and weak; attraction is leadership, strength and dominance.

Stop courting, start getting her attention, and you won't BELIEVE how it will turn your relationship with a woman around.

5. Be strong

Women change their opinion about a man if they see that he behaves confidently. Therefore, you need to show the girl that you are one of those rare guys.

And if she told you that another guy is interested in her, or that she is busy tonight, then you need to understand that she is just testing you.

Simply answer: “Come on, I know that’s not true,” and she will understand. And more importantly, she will understand that she is dealing with a real man.

4. Stay the course

Most men immediately focus themselves on courting a woman and seeking her affection. She leads, you follow.

In fact, she doesn't even lead. The man is simply trying to convince her of this with the help of appropriate questions and body movements.

This is a terrible mistake that will lead nowhere. Instead, stay the course, even if it isn't "leading." Let her change her behavior, body language, mood according to your behavior.

Never let her get ahead. Show her that you are the type of man who is used to being the captain of his ship, and this will undoubtedly attract her.

3. Never stop halfway and don’t explain your actions.

If you did something that seemed to upset her, don't try to apologize or do anything to make her feel better.

There is no need to feel or act like a guilty person or show her that you feel bad about what you did. Just act like nothing happened.

Move on to the next topic or story. If she starts complaining, just say it was just a joke and move on with your story.

If you try to stop and start apologizing for what you said, you may consider it over for you. If you say something and she doesn't like it, then that's HER problem.

Women often complain just to see how you will behave in such a situation. And if you don't give in to this, her respect and attraction for you will increase significantly.

2. Show that you are a normal man

There are a lot of different idiots, perverts and psychologically unstable guys in our world, so it is very important to demonstrate with all your behavior that you are not one of such subjects.

Tell the girl that you are busy and hang up without even asking her to come on a date. Make fun of the stupid behavior of other guys who act like wimps. If she calls you but doesn't leave a message on your answering machine, tell her she's stalking you and normal people leave messages.

Doing this will show her that you are not one of those creeps who is desperate to get into her panties. And she will understand that you are better than those other guys she usually dates.

1. Use her own games on her

We all know that women love to "play games." And when you turn the situation around and start playing her own game with her, it shifts the emphasis in your favor.

One of my favorite games is “You are a poorly behaved child and I don’t like it.” I don't think this requires any explanation.

Others use the “Let’s see who will be more interested” and “I’m hard to win and you’ll come running to me” method. Use these methods and you will soon find that she realizes that she cannot resist you as an individual.

*The article was prepared specifically for the Youth Portal Xage.Ru, distribution only with a hyperlink to Xage.Ru

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“To seduce anyone, it is not necessary

be a beauty. Seduction is

first and foremost a game"

(c) Dita von Teese

In this article I will try to give tips with which you can make any girl seduce you, and it doesn’t matter whether she likes you or not.

What do you need to do to make a girl want to seduce you?

1. If among your friends there is a girl with whom you have mutual sympathy and sometimes you even make eyes at each other, then in such a situation you don’t need much. All you need to do is just give up these “marriage games”. Such behavior on your part will greatly disturb the girl. She will start to think that she did something wrong and will try to correct it, that is, she will do everything to regain your attention. Even dirty, sexy things will be used.

In this case, you need to show the girl from time to time that you appreciate her efforts, but there should still be less attention than there was before. This way you will ensure that she will continue to be interested in you, and each time she will try more and more to surprise you.

2. Be smart. If you want a girl to seduce you, then pretend that she or something about her has attracted your attention. Give her some compliment. Let him be different from everyone else and have something in him that will force the girl to do the same again, only in order to again attract your attention. For example, you will compliment her on the way she is dressed. Say that in these clothes her figure looks so excellent that it even evokes erotic fantasies in you. If a girl falls for it, she will dress more sexy and sophisticated just so that you notice it and do it to her again nice compliment.

If you notice that the girl really took the bait, then later you will need to show your strong sexual attraction to her more often. The girl will think that she herself is conquering you and will get so involved in this game that the further she goes, the more she will only think about how to get you into bed.

All you need is to play along well from time to time, do not insist on sex, but only show that you are very excited by this girl. It will be good if you do this openly.

3. Hot sex or unforgettable foreplay. If during one-time sex or simple foreplay, you show the highest class, then this will make the girl remember you often. She will remember that evening, all the details, will be excited again and perhaps even masturbate. If you see each other often, the girl will do everything to get your attention again and repeat that night.

In such a situation, you need to strictly control the attention that you will pay to the girl. After all, she is turned on not only by your ability to move your penis and tongue well, but also by the fact that it was a one-time sex, and now she again has to pursue you.

It would be very good if at first you just got by with good masturbation or cunnilingus - no sex. Let this foreplay be hard and wild, do everything so that next to you, the god of sinful pleasures, she feels like a small and inexperienced girl. If everything works out this way, then the girl’s desire to seduce you and then sleep with you will double.

4. If you know that a girl likes you, but want to make her want to act and seduce you, try flirting with other beautiful girls. If you want to get the maximum result from such an experiment, first make sure that you have no problems with this lady. Serious relationships. Otherwise, she may be offended and your plan will fail. It is also necessary that the chosen girl loves to compete. Thus, she will want to show you that she is more beautiful than others. And in order for a girl to begin to prove that she is also sexier, then simply show not only simple, but also sexual interest in other girls.

We can go even further. If you know that the girl you want is very self-confident and considers herself better than everyone else, then you can ask one of her friends or, conversely, one of her rivals to bet with her on you: who will seduce you faster. This way you will get not only the girl’s attention, but also the opportunity to control her behavior. If you want her to try to get you into bed, then tell the girl with whom you agreed that she should be very attracted to you. Then the opponent will do everything to win.

For this plan to work, you need to be more than just a nice boy with beautiful eyes, but a very tough guy who you want to fight for, or just a very modest guy who doesn’t even look in the direction of beautiful ladies. In this case, the girls will be much more interested. It will be very cool if for your scam you manage to choose not just girlfriends, but the strongest rivals who cannot share the crown. Then fighting for you will become a matter of honor for them.


Often, men who are not treated kindly by women’s attention ask themselves why this happens and how to correct the situation. This article will offer several tips for young men who want women to pay attention to them more often and be more supportive. Although most often you can meet a completely self-confident man who believes that it is the stronger sex who should look after a woman, but there are and those who think differently, and in order for “the one” to be nearby, the woman herself must do everything possible for this.

And the first recommendation is called the “reverse approach.” The point of this approach is that the words and actions of a man towards a girl are different. Thus, the girl will be intrigued, although confused, but, most likely, will want to continue such an interesting conversation.

But you shouldn’t delay such behavior towards a pretty person, otherwise the girl will get tired of such inconstancy in actions that differ from words, and communication will stop. It must be remembered that this method can only work with a girl who has known a man for a long time and trusts him.

It is necessary to understand the hints that a girl makes to a guy. This is an equally effective way to attract attention. In a situation where a girl is allegedly in a relationship with another young man and warns about it, but at the same time does not refuse a date, you need to let her understand that there are no intentions to interfere in the existing relationship and destroy the couple.

Therefore, you should not be surprised when in a couple of days a proposal for a meeting is received; perhaps the girl did not have any boyfriend, but she only wanted to awaken interest in conquering herself, and the presence of an opponent was supposed to fuel male ardor.

A common mistake young people make is believing that after a night spent together, the girl will want to continue and develop the relationship, and therefore you can calm down and not pay too much attention to the lady, because she won’t go anywhere. Such behavior does not make a man look good, and sex alone will definitely not keep a girl around for a long time, so it is important to learn to understand and appreciate a woman and then a strong and long-term relationship will develop.

Many men carry out a very effective experiment on a woman, which consists of abruptly stopping courtship at the moment when the girl is already very interested in herself, and she begins to court the man.

But you need to understand that a woman will remain close if the young man is interesting and attractive to her, so you should not relax and stop paying attention to her, because only in harmony with each other can you create a strong couple.

And for just nascent relationships, you can use the tactic of “disappearing for a while.” During this period, the girl will understand her attitude towards her partner and will begin to miss the hours spent together, besides, this method fuels additional interest in the male person, intrigues the girl, but you should not waste time on a large number of time, since the girl may have time to become interested in someone else.

Another method that is effective at the very beginning of dating is mystery. If a girl sees that they are not telling her something or that there are some secrets that she knows nothing about, she will try to find out, but in the meantime you can enjoy this game and interest and intrigue the lady more and more.

Women value confident and strong men who inspire trust and calm. It is with such men that you want to build relationships, as a woman feels protected and protected. And for the sake of such a partner, anyone will do anything.

If a man considers himself one of those who wants a girl to conquer him herself, then these recommendations will help in this difficult matter, but it is best to court a lady of the stronger sex, because then the woman will understand that she is important and needed and the relationship will be mutual and long.

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