Unconventional drawing of notes in dhow. Lesson notes on non-traditional drawing techniques

Maria Karabanova
Lesson notes on non-traditional drawing techniques

Lesson for the younger group: "Colorful palms"

Target: to form ideas about the world of love and good feelings; develop in children the desire to show love to their relatives, to cultivate a kind attitude towards the entire world around them. Teach children to analyze actions. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

Integration of educational regions: social and communicative development and artistic and aesthetic development.

Facilities: demonstration material – subject pictures, Piggy toy, Whatman paper, gouache, wet wipes, brush.

Preliminary work: reading a poem by V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad", conversation on the topic "good deeds", looking at pictures "good deed", playing out situations.

Progress of the lesson

Welcome Ritual: "Good palms".

Children enter the group to the music and sit in a semicircle on chairs

Greetings "Palms":

We put our palms together,

And they offered to be friends with each other.

We will have fun, play,

To become smart and friendly.

Educator: - Guys, how funny you are, you have good mood? Me too.

When a person is in a good mood, he often smiles. So we rejoice, we smile like this (show how to smile)

Let's smile and wish each other good morning and a joyful mood. Today we will talk about kindness.

There's a knock on the door. The group includes Octopussy (toy on the teacher’s hand).

Hello guys!

(children say hello, a song about Octopuses sounds)

Today I gave my kids fish oil. What is kindness? D. and somehow I didn’t please them. They said that I am not kind. Guys, kind - what does this mean? (children answer: good, caring, non-greedy)

What does it mean to not be kind? (answer: greedy, angry, rude, harmful)

Can kindness be touched, tasted or seen?


Educator: Octopus, of course you can’t try it, but you can see it in everyone’s actions, actions, deeds.

The teacher invites the children to look at pictures of good deeds and actions. (shows 3-4 pictures).

Children, looking at the pictures, express their opinions and analyze the actions and actions depicted.

Educator: When a person does good deeds and deeds, what kind of face does he have at that moment?

Children: Kind, pleasant, soft, with kind eyes, with a smile.

Octopussy: What good deeds do you do?

Educator: When we tie scarves to each other, for whom we are doing a good deed (to a friend)

Octopussy: Guys, do you yourself feel pleased when you do a good deed?

It means you have a good heart! Help me move my kids into houses.

Physical education lesson to music from a cartoon about octopuses (children repeat the movements after the teacher.

The teacher invites the children to sit at the tables

Educator: Guys, look, you have the blanks of a reservoir on your tables. Your task is to place the octopus there. A we will draw it in unconventional ways: palms.

Let's prepare ours first palms:

The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, take three deep breaths and exhale.

Rub your palms together. Feel your palms getting warmer and warmer... While you rub your palms, think about how much we love our loved ones (15 sec). Now extend your palms forward and let them rest for a while. Feel how they are... Warm?

(The teacher shows how the work is done)

Now let’s choose any color in the paints and carefully paint our palm with a brush and leave our palm print on the big heart.

Children complete the task independently; all work is posted on a stand.

Octopussy: Oh, guys, thank you for your help. Always remain kind and give your kindness and love to all people, animals, plants. Good - this is so great! I will definitely tell our mother Octopus about this. Goodbye!

Educator: Goodbye, Octopussy! Guys, let's say goodbye to our guest friend.

Ritual of farewell:

Palms are a symbol of kindness, love, warmth, light and happiness. Share goodness with each other

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Drawing is one of the leading activities of children attending preschool educational institutions. It promotes knowledge of the world around us and is the most effective means formation of a creative personality. To stimulate interest in visual arts, it is advisable for the teacher to use non-traditional drawing methods in his work. Working with unusual materials and new techniques will give middle group preschoolers exceptionally positive emotions and reveal new possibilities for using familiar objects.

The importance of non-traditional drawing techniques for children's development in the garden

Unconventional drawing is interesting because children’s images always turn out different. As a rule, these are simple and accessible techniques, however, they play a very important role in mental development preschooler. Their use presupposes an atmosphere of ease, allowing the child to take the initiative and express feelings and emotions in the drawing. The main thing in such activities is not the final product, but the formation of a self-confident personality.

The use of non-traditional techniques develops the research abilities of 4-5 year old children. After all, they provide an opportunity to experiment (for example, mix gouache with soap foam, apply paint to natural materials).

Unconventional drawing improves fine motor skills hands of preschoolers of the middle group, which in turn contributes to the development of correct speech.

Mental processes such as thinking, attention, visual memory, and imagination develop. Tactile sensitivity increases - the fingertips are in direct contact with the paint, feeling its thickness and viscosity.

Work with unusual materials makes children wonder, improves their social and communication skills: children ask more questions to the teacher, to each other, their vocabulary is enriched and activated.

A variety of methods and techniques (palms, poking, printing, thread printing, etc.). Materials used

IN middle group It is already possible to successfully use a wide variety of non-traditional drawing techniques. Let's consider the main directions.

Children really enjoy printing with different objects. These can be foam forms: the teacher applies an in-depth drawing to them with a sharp object. The child dips such a “signet” in paint and then applies it to a sheet of paper - a beautiful image is obtained. Similarly, you can print with vegetables and fruits: potatoes, apples, and carrots are especially suitable for this purpose. To do this, they are given the desired shape and a paint that matches the color is selected.

You can also print using foam rubber, a crumpled piece of paper, or a cotton pad. An interesting image is obtained from leaf prints (this way you can draw trees or a butterfly). The side with veins is covered with paint and applied to the base with the painted side. The leaf petioles can be carefully painted on with a brush. An interesting gradient effect is obtained if several colors are mixed on the surface of a sheet.

You can draw a variety of objects using half a potato

A more difficult activity for middle group preschoolers is poking with a hard brush. The child hits the previously drawn outline with a brush with gouache paint. Moreover, the brush is not wetted with water. The result is an imitation of a fluffy or prickly surface, which is ideal for depicting animals, for example, a hedgehog, bear or hare. While working, the brush must be held vertically - then the pokes will be even.

The poking method is good for depicting various animals

Poking drawing

Kids love to draw with their hands. The child's entire brush is dipped into gouache or painted with a brush, and then he leaves an imprint on the base. You can draw at the same time with two pens painted in different colors. The sun, grass, trees, and birds are often drawn this way. After work, wipe your palms with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off with water.

Drawing with palms

Poster as a gift for mom made using palm painting

When painting with fingers, the child does not dip the entire palm into the gouache, but only the tip of the finger. Dots or specks are applied to the paper. You can paint a different color on each finger. A similar image is obtained when using cotton swabs.

Drawing with cotton swabs

Finger painting

Fancy patterns on a sheet of paper can be created using semolina (salt and sand can also be used for this purpose).

This technique is good for creating landscapes - semolina gives the composition a beautiful texture. The background is sprinkled with grain while the paint is still wet. After a short period of time, the semolina is simply shaken off, and light spots remain in its place. Another option is to draw the object and paint it with a glue stick (necessarily on a colored background), and then sprinkle it with semolina.

Drawing with semolina Thread printing is a technique of drawing with ordinary thread.

The kid folds a sheet of paper in half and dips the thread into the paint. An image of thread is laid out on one side of the base, while one end remains free. The drawing is covered on top with the second half of the paper and pressed. After this, the thread is pulled out by the tip. The result is an image that is completed with a brush to the desired image.

Nitcography Children in the middle group love to draw with foam rubber.

This is a convenient means for creating a background for a picture; in addition, foam rubber has great potential to embody a child’s fantasies. For example, this is an ideal way to depict snowdrifts in a winter landscape.

Drawing with foam rubber using a stencil An unusual image is obtained using the blotography technique. The child scoops up gouache paint with a spoon and then pours it onto the base. You get stains yourself different shapes

. The base is covered with another sheet - an image appears on it, which is completed to the desired image. You can also blow on the stain with a straw to make it appear larger.

Drawing using the blotography technique An unusual drawing tool is a toothbrush.

Thick, harsh bristles allow you to apply design details with varying densities. Due to this, a volume effect is created and different shades can be combined. For example, in this way you can depict a Christmas tree very realistically.

Drawing a toothbrush gives the branches volume

Drawing with a toothbrush In a similar way you can draw and plastic fork

, dipping its tip into the paint. This way you can depict a prickly hedgehog or the sun.

Drawing with a fork

The drawing perfectly conveys the spines of the animal For drawing in the middle group, the teacher can offer the children candles or wax crayons. Using these materials, the child creates an image on paper and then paints it over with watercolors. The drawing with a candle or crayons remains white

Drawing with a candle, soap bubbles, cotton swabs, wax crayons

Unconventional drawing of individual objects and objects (examples of work with comments)

Some topics are especially conducive to unconventional drawing methods. For example, a tree can be depicted in an original way using a print of leaves, completing the missing parts (composition “ Autumn trees"). Another interesting way- cabbage leaf print (“Winter Tree”). Using your palm, you can depict a snow-covered crown (“Snow-Covered Tree”). The leaves and fruits of the tree are often depicted with fingers or cotton swabs (“Apple Tree”).

Leaf imprints and drawing Drawing with palms and fingers Imprinting with cabbage leaves Drawing with cotton swabs

Such a favorite item for kids as balloons can be depicted with foam rubber or using rubber balls themselves (they are inflated and the tip is immersed in paint - a very realistic image is obtained).

Drawing with a balloon

Drawing with a balloon

Falling autumn leaves similarly can be depicted using real leaves. To do this, it is better to select small-sized specimens (“Multi-colored leaves”). Another way is to draw with cotton swabs, fingers, or poking. Leaves can also be printed with potatoes, after first drawing the corresponding silhouette on the vegetable.

Printing with leaves

Poking drawing

The structure of the rowan branch is conducive to drawing it with cotton swabs, fingers or a poke (photo).

Poking drawing

Birds in the middle group are also often depicted in unconventional ways. For example, using your palms you can draw a graceful flying or swimming swan.

Drawing with palms

Drawing with palms

Using unconventional drawing methods, it is good to depict vegetables and fruits.

Drawing with a pipette

Printing with half an apple and drawing with cotton swabs

Class notes

Author's full name Title of the abstract
Druzhina E. "Winter"

(drawing in non-traditional ways - imprint with a cabbage leaf, image with cotton swabs)

Educational objectives: learn to draw a landscape using unconventional techniques (printing with a cabbage leaf, painting with cotton swabs).
Developmental tasks: expand your understanding of the winter season.
Educational tasks: to cultivate interest in nature, a sense of beauty.
Integration of educational areas: « Artistic creativity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health".
Demo material: reproductions of winter landscapes.
Handout: tinted sheets of white paper according to the number of children, brushes, white gouache, sheets of Chinese cabbage, sippy cups, stands for brushes.
Progress of the lesson:
Riddle about winter. The teacher asks the children what words can be used to talk about winter (snowy, frosty, shiny, fluffy, etc.), what they can play in winter.
To the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky guys look at reproductions of paintings by Russian artists in winter. At the same time, the teacher consolidates knowledge of what a landscape is.
A surprise moment - a package arrives at the group, but it does not open. To open it, one of the guys must read a poem about winter.
There is a knock on the door - a toy hare appears, who says that he delivered the package and complains to the children that he cannot find his way home. The guys promise to help him. The hare opens his package - it turns out to be a cabbage leaf.
The teacher invites preschoolers to turn into landscape artists and draw a winter picture in a special way- cabbage leaves.
Demonstration of image techniques. Apply a thick layer of paint to the sheet with a brush, then apply it to the base and carefully remove it with both hands. The resulting print looks very much like a snow-covered tree.
Independent work of preschoolers to the composition “White Snow” by O. Gazmanov. The teacher guides the children as necessary.
At the end of the first stage of work, a physical education session “Snowman” is held. The teacher notices that there is something missing in the drawings. The children realize that there is not enough snow. The teacher suggests depicting it using cotton swabs - you need to dip them in a jar of white gouache and apply dots (poking method).
In the traditional way, using a brush, snowdrifts are drawn under the trees.
Summing up the lesson - returning from the fairy forest.

Kolesnikova I.
(in the middle group unconventional method poke)

Progress of the lesson:
The lesson begins with a riddle about a bear. Then the teacher reads the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”. Conversation on content: what Mishka did with Masha. Consider the structure of the bear, determine the shape of its head and body.
The teacher demonstrates how to paint a bear figure using the poking method (the eyes and nose are glued on).
Independent activity of children. Analysis of finished works.

Karpova I.N. "Fish"
(painting with palm and fingers)

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher organizes the game “Aquarium” (children perform actions according to the text):

  • The snails are crawling, / Carrying their houses, / Moving their horns, / Looking at the fish.
  • The fish are swimming, / rowing with their fins./
  • Turn right, turn left, / And now it’s the other way around.

Riddle about fish. Pictures of fish are considered. Conversation about where they live, what they eat, what helps them swim.
Reading the poem “Fish” by I. Tokmakova.
The teacher invites preschoolers to depict a fish in an unconventional way - using their palm. To do this, you need to put your palm in a plate with gouache, and then make an imprint on a sheet of paper ( thumb at the same time bent, the rest are spread out). Actions must be performed quickly, otherwise the paint may have time to dry. Near the fish, it is advisable to depict a background - pebbles (painting with fingers) and algae (painting with a brush).
After the children’s independent activities, a physical education session called “Fish” is held.
An exhibition of works is held: the guys explain where each fish swims and choose the most beautiful of them.

Zotkina O.K. "Scarlet Sails"
(drawing with sand and paints)

The kindergarten is located in the resort town of Evpatoria, so sand painting is very relevant in this case.
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reads to the children V. Orlov’s poem “I draw the sea.”
A conversation is held about their hometown, which tourists also call the city of the Sun, the city of Childhood. This is due to the fact that Evpatoria has a lot of sunny days a year, an unusually gentle sea, and there is also a huge number of children's health centers and camps.
The teacher reminds the children that they were at sea today and asks what they remember most (warm sand and pleasant water, bright sun, beautiful shells, ships, boats).
The teacher invites preschoolers to draw a ship with scarlet sails, bright sun and their favorite sea. And sand brought from the beach will help do this.
A physical education session on the marine theme “Sea” is being held.

  • The sea is very wide
    (Children spread their arms wide to the side.)
    The sea is very deep.
    (They squat, touching the floor with their hands.)
    Fish live there, friends,
    (Perform the “Fish” movement.)
    But you can’t drink water.
    (They spread their arms to the side, raising their shoulders.)
    Seagulls circle above the waves,
    (waves hands)
    Let's fly after them together.
    (spinning around in place)
    Splashes of foam, sound of the surf,
    And above the sea - you and I!
    (Children wave their arms like wings.)

Examination of a sample and explanation of image techniques. The sand needs to be sifted to remove shells and other impurities. Using a simple pencil, the contours of the ship, the sun and the sea are drawn, onto which glue is then generously applied. Sand is scooped up into a pinch and sprinkled onto the contours of the image. The excess is poured into a plate. Next, the sails are covered with scarlet paint so as not to touch the sand. The sun, sky and sea are also painted.
The guys begin to work to relaxing music (sounds of the sea and the sound of the surf).

Long-term planning for non-traditional drawing (middle group)

In the middle group, non-traditional drawing can occasionally be included in visual arts classes and can be carried out as part of a project. Most often, such techniques are studied with children as part of group work.

As an example, we will give a fragment of long-term planning of classes for a circle for the secondary group “Rainbow” (teacher O.V. Chernysheva, MBDOU d/s “Yolochka, Abakan”).

Month Subject Tasks
SeptemberAutumn leaves
Watercolors + wax crayons
Promote the most expressive reflection of impressions of autumn. Improve skills in drawing with wax crayons and watercolors
Teddy bear
Poking with a hard semi-dry brush
Strengthen the ability to use the “poking with a hard semi-dry brush” technique
Introduce children to the monotype technique. Introduce children to symmetry (using the example of an apple). Develop spatial thinking.
By design
Finger painting
Strengthen the ability to draw with fingers, the technique of dipping. Develop a sense of composition and color perception.
Introduce the technique of blotography. Develop a sense of composition.
Improve skills in drawing with plasticine.
Introduce the spraying technique. Develop a sense of composition.
NovemberVacuum cleaner
Introduce the grattage technique. Learn to trace simple shape templates.
Drawing with cotton swabs
Strengthen the ability to draw with cotton swabs. Develop a sense of composition
By design
Strengthen the ability to choose your own technique and topic
Strengthen the ability to draw with plasticine. Develop a sense of composition.

Let us note that regularly (about once a month) drawing in the circle is carried out according to the plan, during which children independently choose the technique and theme. This develops the creative imagination and independence of preschoolers.

All classes are built on a similar principle: they begin with a game moment, include finger gymnastics, massage, independent activity children usually undergo musical accompaniment. At the end of the lesson, there is always a mini-exhibition of children's works.

Children always strive for new experiences and are interested in creative activities. The task of the teacher is to awaken in each child faith in his own individuality and the ability to create beauty. In this regard, non-traditional depiction techniques offer great opportunities: when drawing without a brush or pencil, the child feels more relaxed, feels colors better and begins to fantasize.

GCD scenario in the middle group,

educational field"Artistic creativity"

(using ICT)


“Let’s decorate the handkerchief.”

Target: expand children's understanding of different ways to depict color spots: introduce them to the method of depicting a pattern using potato stamps on material.



Continue to master the ability to see a geometric shape as a basis and build an elegant pattern on it using alternating shapes (color spots)

Learn the rules for using stamps to display a color spot.

Carry out a sequence of operations according to a poetic algorithm

Get an initial understanding of the property of matter to absorb paint


Develop fine motor skills of the fingers of the dominant hand by selecting objects on the interactive board by double-clicking, finger gymnastics.

Develop color perception

Develop the ability to see the whole (imagine your future work)

Develop imaginative thinking: associativity (replacing the representation of an object with its model - a spot of color)

Development of metrical relations: tapping a two-beat rhythm with a fingertip

Developing hand-eye coordination

Development of the need to engage in verbal contact with adults and answer questions


To cultivate a desire to give pleasant surprises (gifts), to receive joy and satisfaction from it

Cultivate the need to bring the job started to completion, obtaining a productive result

Cultivate the habit of working carefully, slowly, and using a wet wipe for your hands.

Encourage you to always have a clean handkerchief

Preliminary work: work in the creativity corner with pokes and stencils. Game with geometric shapes“Lay out the pattern on the square.”

Facilities: laptop, projector, interactive whiteboard (you can use a laptop), white fabric squares, potato stamps, gouache in primary colors (blue, red, green, yellow) - two colors each at the workplace, wet wipes for hands.


Children enter the group and stand in a circle.

Educator: All the children gathered in a circle .

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other!

The teacher notices the Cheburashka toy.

Educator: Cheburashka, why are you so upset? Who hurt you? Tell us, share your trouble.”

Cheburashka (soft toy, enlivened by the teacher): Hello, I’m glad to see you (children greet Cheburashka). “You know guys, today I’m going to visit the crocodile Gena, and I have to go to visit with a gift, but I don’t know what to give him, please tell me.”

Children tell what they can give as a gift: a doll, candy, flowers, cars, etc.

Cheburashka: “And I heard that the most best gift“This is a gift made with my own hands, but I don’t know how to do anything (cries).”

Educator: “You’re right, Cheburashka, a gift made with your own hands is always a pleasure to give, and it is valued more than one bought in a store (the teacher and the children approach the interactive board, on which a slide appears - a mat, a napkin and a handkerchief).”

Cheburashka: “Oh, what is so beautiful and elegant?”

Educator: “And this is Cheburashka, handkerchiefs, rugs and napkins that you can make with your own hands.”

Cheburashka: “And I also have a handkerchief” (shows a white piece of material). Great stuff, isn't it? I never leave home without a clean scarf. Do you have a scarf? (children show their handkerchiefs).What beautiful scarves you have. But for me it’s just a piece of material. It is inconvenient to give such a scarf. Should I decorate it? How should I decorate it?”

Educator: “It’s hard to come up with something like that right away. Why, we have a magic screen. And on the magic screen you can see a magical collection of pictures.”

Cheburashka: “You, page, open, and piggy bank, appear (clicks on the board, a page with pictures appears).Who will help me choose a suitable drawing?

Educator: “The children all want to be your helpers. Then let's get to work. And the magic screen will help us. Just let's remember what we need for magical appearances? We need our skillful finger! (the teacher shows his index finger, pressing on the pad).Show off your most skillful finger(children show by pressing the fingertip). With this finger you need to knock on the picture twice - like this: we knock on the knees: “Knock-knock, whoever is there, I’m here” - we learn to tap a two-beat rhythm. Let's knock on your palm."

Now, Tamila, run to the board and click on the picture twice with your finger.

Children take turns running to the board, clicking on the picture they like: a handkerchief appears, the pictures scatter in the corners, then on the sides, then in the center of the square (the teacher briefly explains the features of the pattern). If a laptop is used, then the children simply select a picture and the teacher opens it.

Cheburashka: “What interesting patterns you get. Which one should I choose for my drawing? Yes, I myself can probably come up with no worse idea. Now I will try to draw my pattern. How should I draw him?(the teacher hands Cheburashka a beautiful box and offers to see what is in it. Cheburashka opens the box and shows the children paints, cork stamps, hand napkins, naming each item).How am I going to draw with these cork scraps? Can someone explain to me?(Children speak, and the teacher performs the action behind them).”

The teacher asks the children what unusual things they noticed? What happens to the paint on the material?(it is absorbed, but previously it took a long time to dry on paper and could spread).

The teacher offers Cheburashka help, showing the algorithm of actions, and on behalf of Cheburashka recites a poem:

I'll dip the stamp in paint,

And then I’ll press it to the scarf:

In the corner - oops!

In the corner - oops!

I'll dip it in paint again,

Again I'll press it to the scarf

In the corner - oops!

I'll take a new stamp

I'll dip it in another paint,

I'll press it to the middle - oops!

Beauty! What berries have grown on my handkerchief! This is the pattern I came up with!

Oh, I stained my paws a little - no problem! I’ll take a rag and quickly wipe them off! Like this!

Cheburashka: “Do you guys want to go with me to visit the crocodile Gena, my friend? (Yes!) Then you also need to prepare a gift! Let's give him a lot of beautiful scarves! Then he will be the most neat and well-mannered in the world.” Then it's time to warm up:

Come on, get up

Start dancing!


One - raise your hands up

Two - they were released

Three - put on the belt.

We circled around together.

One two three four five

We've had enough of dancing already.

We will work now

And decorate handkerchiefs!

A slow melody begins to sound.

Now we close our eyes

Introducing your handkerchief!

What color will your pattern be? Where will you place the patterns? Introduced?

Let's open our eyes! And now let’s get down to business boldly!

Each of you can choose your own workplace. Whichever paint you like best, go there! Remember how you wanted to place the pattern on the scarf. Those who haven’t come up with a pattern, or have forgotten, can look at the magic screen! The magic screen is your assistant, it will give you an idea!

Educator: “Guys, let’s remember our saying and get to work: I’ll take a stamp, dip it in paint, press it evenly to the corner of the handkerchief - oops!”

Children decorate handkerchiefs, while on the screen there is a slide show of handkerchief design options, and relaxation music plays.

As the work is completed, the children bring handkerchiefs to Cheburashka.

Cheburashka: “It’s great, what elegant scarves! There is not one similar. Everyone is wonderful. There is no shame in giving such handkerchiefs! And I didn’t waste any time either, I decorated three more scarves.”

Cheburashka thanks the kids for their help and says goodbye:

And now it's time

We have to say goodbye kids.

I'll take the gifts

I'll go visit Gene.

The teacher notes what beautiful scarves the children have made and offers to give them to their mothers.

Sheveleva Ekaterina Viktorovna

Educator, MBDOU kindergarten No. 127 "Beryozka", Irkutsk

Sheveleva E.V. Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing using the grattage technique// Owl. 2017. N4(10)..07.2019).

Order No. 44860

Target: familiarization with unconventional technology"grattage".

Tasks: develop skills in the techniques of graphic representation of objects. Generate interest in artistic activity, continue to develop imagination, creativity, build the composition of the drawing, fine motor skills, reflect in the drawing your impressions and knowledge about the world around you.

Methods and techniques: gaming, verbal (conversation), visual, practical.

Equipment: an audio recording of the sound of water, pictures of freshwater animals, sheets of thick paper specially primed for making drawings using the grattage technique (first, the entire surface of the cardboard is carefully painted with wax crayons of different colors, then the cardboard is covered with a layer of blue or black gouache, after complete drying the cardboard is ready for drawing), toothpicks, puzzles (cut photographs of sea animals and fish)

Progress of the lesson:

Children stand together with the teacher in a circle. Before the start of the lesson, I invite everyone to hold hands and smile at each other, this will lift our spirits and set us up for productive work.

Physical education minute:

Let's play the game “How are you?”

How are you? - Like this! (fists with a raised finger).

How are you going? - Like this! (They walk).

Are you running? - Like this! (Jumps).

How do you sleep at night? - Like this! (Put their head on their palms)

Will you give it? - Like this! (Stretch their hand forward).

Are you threatening? - Like this! (They shake their index finger at each other.)

Educator: And now I invite everyone on a journey, but guess where we will go! (audio recording “The Sound of Water” is turned on)

What kind of mirror lies there - the sun, the sky, the clouds - everyone admires it? (children's answers)

Indeed, today we will go with you to the lake. But how can we go down to its bottom? Or maybe we'll board a submarine? Sit down and quickly swim. We close all the eyes with our hands. So we sank to the very bottom of the lake. Let's see together what kind of inhabitants there are here. Who is this here? (the inhabitants of the lake are shown).

Puzzles: - Guys, what do we have here? It looks like a pond, and there is sea mail in it, look - envelopes! Let's see what's inside? - oh, yes, there are someone’s photographs here, but they are not whole, but divided into parts…. We need to make photographs from these pieces, then we can find out whose they are.


She crawls on her own, carries her house on herself? (Snail)

The pig has a piglet,

The cat has a kitten,

There is a fish - the name is Lenok,

And the fish has a son - ..... (fry)

This fish is an evil predator

It will swallow everyone wholeheartedly

Yawned showing her teeth

And sank to the bottom..... (shark)

It walks along the bottom of the river, crawls,

And he carries tongs with him. (Cancer)

Pear with long legs

Settled in the ocean

As many as eight arms and legs

This is a miracle -…. (octopus)

A transparent umbrella floats

“I’ll burn you!” - threatens - Don’t touch!

Paws and her and belly

What is her name? (jellyfish)

Physical education minute:

For some reason we guys stayed too long. Let's warm up a little.

Waves splash in the ocean (alternately swing your left and right hands)

What is there in the fog? (raise your palm to your forehead. “peering”)

These are the masts of ships (straight arms raised up)

Let them sail here quickly! (swing your arms left and right from the elbow)

We are walking along the shore (step in place)

We are waiting for sailors,

Looking for shells in the sand (bend over, reach the floor with your hands)

And clench it in a fist (raise clenched fists)

To collect more of them (squats)

You need to squat more often.

Educator: Fun game we succeeded, and now I propose to draw everything that we saw, but we will draw with unusual objects, pay attention to what is on your table. The dark sheet of paper is our lake, and we will scratch its inhabitants with ordinary toothpicks. A toothpick is a tool, be very careful and attentive with it. Now imagine again what you want to draw and get started. To make our lake residents more comfortable, we will draw algae, pebbles of different sizes, and air bubbles in the water. (Children draw on their own)

How many different freshwater inhabitants you have drawn: fish, snails, crayfish! Everyone did a great job, everyone has their own special lake! But it’s time for us to return, and while we rise in our submarine, let’s take stock: where were we? What did you like most? What do you remember most?

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