Cosmetic procedures according to the lunar calendar. Lunar calendar of procedures Lunar calendar of a cosmetologist

It is no secret that the beautiful companion of our planet, the Moon, has a huge influence on all life on Earth. The human body is no exception. Therefore, for health and beauty, it is important to follow not only the advice of nutritionists and cosmetologists, but also the rules of the lunar calendar. In this article we will talk about our skin - how to properly care for it while remaining in harmony with the Moon?

Skin care according to the lunar calendar - procedure schedule

Skin care includes many different procedures, and for each type the Moon provides its own most appropriate time in the cycle. In addition, there are also lunar days on which certain care procedures are strictly contraindicated. Moisturizing and nourishing masks, water treatments, anti-aging, removal of moles and warts, changing cosmetics... How to choose the most favorable day and get the best result?

Lunar calendar of cosmetic procedures

In general, any cosmetic procedure can be successfully performed in 7, 8, 16, 20, 25 lunar days. But in 1, 14, 23 lunar days It is better to avoid aggressive effects on the skin. For your facial cleansing procedure, feel free to choose 28 lunar day, and on 9, 14, and 23 There is no need to prescribe cleaning. If you are planning procedures for removing moles or warts, also avoid 2 lunar day, and choose 16th or 26th lunar day. Best suited for scrubs, peelings and other anti-aging procedures 6th and 13th lunar days, and for wraps and relaxation procedures - 9 and 18. No need to visit a solarium 7th lunar day.

When to make masks according to the lunar calendar?

Favorable days for applying masks - 2, 4, 11, 14, 18, 20, 27 lunar days. At the same time, if you are going to start a course of therapeutic masks, it is better to do this during 2 or 11 lunar day.

Water procedures according to the lunar calendar

For such water procedures as baths, saunas, dousing and hardening, the best period of the lunar cycle will be 3,10, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25, 29 lunar days. On these days it’s great to pamper yourself with a massage. IN 19th lunar day Avoid herbal baths.

Changing cosmetics according to the lunar calendar

As you know, it is better to change cosmetic products periodically. The moon encourages new cosmetics during 2 lunar day, wherein 1 lunar day is the best time to select and plan its acquisition.

On days when the Moon is waning, it is best to get rid of what bothers you - this includes the removal of freckles, birthmarks, acne, pimples, pigmentation, cellulite, stretch marks, as well as liposuction. On the waning moon, the whole body is tuned to get rid of everything unnecessary.

When the Moon is waxing, this time is ideal for using nourishing masks, creams, in general, everything that will nourish the skin of the face and body. During such periods, the skin will absorb the maximum of nutrients.

Moon and weight loss

One small secret to effective weight loss is that it is better to go on a diet during the waning moon, then it will be twice as effective.

Moon and manicure

Manicure, however, like pedicure, is best done:

  1. Friday night
  2. When the Moon is in Capricorn

And the ideal option is when both of these points coincide. The worst time for manicure and pedicure is when the Moon is in Pisces.

The moon and cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic procedures on the face and skin are best done on days when the Moon moves through the signs of Cancer and Capricorn. The most unsuitable days for these procedures are the days when the Moon moves through the signs of Aries and Libra.

As for plastic surgery, as well as other surgical interventions, they cannot be performed on days when the Moon is in the sign corresponding to the organ being operated on. In addition, operations cannot be performed when the transiting Moon makes an aspect (conjunction, square or opposition) to transiting Mars.

Large serious operations cannot be performed on full moon days.

All operations work better during the waning moon.

Moon and tan

It is better to sunbathe on the waning moon, because... on these days, tanning will be the least dangerous to health.

Moon in Aries

Aries - in astrology, is responsible for the head, therefore, these days all operations in the head area and on the face are prohibited. On such days, it is not recommended to pierce the face, ears, or dye your hair, eyelashes, or eyebrows with permanent dye. It is also undesirable to perm your hair. Even a seemingly useful procedure such as a head massage will not be beneficial during this period. It is best to do a body massage and take an air bath when the Moon is in Aries, because... The body lacks oxygen these days.

Moon in Taurus

Procedures for improving the health of hair and scalp will bring significant benefits; you can dye your hair, permanently dye your eyebrows and eyelashes. These days are also perfect for liposuction. Excellent results will be achieved by procedures that deeply nourish the skin of the face and body. For greater effect, use face and body scrubs before nourishing masks. Fatty nourishing creams also work best on the skin on these days.

Moon in Gemini

Because Gemini is responsible for the hands - procedures related to the hands and nails are not recommended (for example, getting a manicure these days, or getting nails extended). It is also undesirable to cut and color your hair. The Moon in Gemini is perfect for giving yourself a fasting day, for all procedures related to cleansing the body, and for facial exercises. A visit to the pool or sauna on such days will have a beneficial effect. Anti-aging procedures will be the most effective. Anti-chapping creams, as well as non-greasy creams with a light texture, have the best effect these days.

Moon in Cancer

Days when the Moon is in Cancer and waning are most suitable for cosmetic surgery on the face. Plastic surgery on the breast is contraindicated, and cosmetic procedures in the breast area will not bring the desired result. These days are favorable for visiting a chiropractor and dentist. It is not advisable to have a haircut. If you decide to cleanse your body, these days are perfect. Rejuvenating procedures on the face and body will give excellent results.

Moon in Leo

Perfect for chin plastic surgery, anti-aging procedures in the face, neck and whole body, anti-wrinkle creams these days will give maximum effect. It is not recommended to do deep facial peeling; steaming is also undesirable. These days are perfect for reconsidering your style and appearance in general. Nourishing creams and masks will be especially effective during the Moon in Leo.

Moon in Virgo

This is an excellent time to visit your hairdresser and cosmetologist. It is recommended these days to do manicures, pedicures, and in general, various procedures and manipulations with the feet. You can do all kinds of haircuts, nail extensions, various procedures and baths for nails, hair, and skin will be very useful. Even if you are prone to allergies and have sensitive skin, on the days when the Moon moves through the sign of Virgo, you can pamper yourself with various new cosmetic products, and even aromatherapy.

Moon in Libra

The Moon in Libra is ideal for cosmetic surgery on the face and neck, especially if the Moon is waning. Also a great solution these days would be to visit the dentist. When the Moon is in Libra, it is good to do gymnastics for the eyes, for the body, massage the face and body. The body will respond well to aromatherapy and absorb all the most beneficial essential oils.

Moon in Scorpio

When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is recommended to massage the whole body with oils. The number of water procedures should be reduced these days; even washing is better replaced by wiping the face with lotion or facial milk. It is not advisable to use hormonal cosmetics. This time is perfect for cosmetic procedures in the décolleté area, especially contrast compresses.

Moon in Sagittarius

The waning Moon in Sagittarius is ideal for anti-cellulite procedures. Even if you perform an anti-cellulite massage at home using improvised means, it will still give an excellent result. For such a massage, it is best to use coffee scrubs or sea salt scrubs, honey, chocolate masks, masks based on red pepper, essential oils; these masks are easy to make yourself. Surgical interventions in the hip area are contraindicated. In general, on such days it is recommended to use only natural cosmetics. You can try to make a cosmetic mask yourself, for example, from egg yolks, honey and cognac.

Moon in Capricorn

These days are not suitable for all plastic surgeries, but are perfect for cosmetic procedures for facial and body skin care. When the waning Moon is in Capricorn, have time to use these days to remove unnecessary growths and blemishes on the skin (for example, warts, moles, pigmentation, scars). The days when the Moon is in Capricorn, but on the contrary, is growing, are ideal for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. On such days, it is advisable to make nourishing vitamin masks and carry out rejuvenating procedures. This time is best for manicure and pedicure.

Moon in Aquarius

These days are good for hand and foot massage, as well as manicure and pedicure. Take care of your feet these days - take soothing baths, use ointments and creams against inflammation and cracks on the feet. The days when the Moon is in the sign of Aquarius are perfect for visiting the dentist, as well as for permanent makeup. In addition, moisturizing creams and masks for the face and body, soothing herbal infusions, and vitamin masks will provide a noticeable effect. At home, you can use oranges and lemons as face masks, provided that you are not allergic to them. It is better to postpone all plastic surgeries to another time.

Moon in Pisces

These days you should not do cosmetic or any operations at all, because... The human body with the Moon in Pisces is very sensitive to various kinds of interventions. It is not recommended to experiment with new cosmetology products. Skin cleansing procedures are best carried out in specialized salons. It’s good to do exercises at this time to prevent and treat flat feet, varicose veins, and all leg diseases in general. Foot massage these days will give you not only pleasure, but also noticeable benefits. It is best to massage your feet after steaming, then the relaxing effect will be maximum. For massage, it is better to use creams or oils with aloe and marine additives.

Moon calendar

The Moon is the closest “planet” to Earth. This is why it has the most powerful impact on our daily lives. The Moon plays a huge role both in the geodynamics of the Earth and in the mental characteristics of human behavior. The full moon is the time when the moon is most active. At this time, the human psyche becomes more unstable, and this worsens any mental illness.

The most susceptible to the influence of the Moon are people in whose natal chart the Moon or the sign of Cancer is accentuated. This could be Cancer according to the zodiac sign, the Moon in the sign of Cancer, the Moon in the first house and other positions of the Moon. People with an accentuated Moon in the horoscope will benefit from lunar calendars more than anyone else, because they are under the control of this planet.

In this lunar calendar, we will try to consider not only the movement of the Moon in the Zodiac during each month, but we will also pay attention to the position of Mars, as the planet that is responsible for surgical intervention, as well as Venus, the planet of beauty.

In 2018, Mars will have time to travel through 5 signs, from Scorpio to Pisces, and will be retrograde from June 27 to August 27. In days Mars retrograde operations will not be so successful, therefore, if there is an opportunity to postpone them, postpone them.

The negative period will last from June 22 to September 2, 2018. If you are still scheduled for surgery during this period, remember: the risk that your condition may worsen a little later and you will have to have the surgery again is now higher. But it still largely depends on your personal horoscope!
What operations can be done during retrograde Mars:

  • Repeated operations (if you did not have the first operation on retro Mars);
  • Multi-stage (if you did the first operation not on retro Mars).
Most good time for operations in 2018: January, March, April, June, October, November and December. During these months, you may find more days favorable for surgery.

Most bad periods years for operations:

  • January 28 – February 3
  • February 13-17
  • June 22 – September 2
Below you will find a list of the least vulnerable organs on days that are good for surgery. This list will help you choose the most successful day for operations on a particular organ. For example, if you need to have surgery on your head (including your eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) during the year, you will find that the best days to do so are in February, March, November and December.

The most INVULNERABLE organs, body parts and body systems on successful days of operations in 2018:

  • Head (eyes, nose, mouth) – February 4, 5, March 4, 5, November 5, 6, December 3, 30, 31
  • Throat, vocal cords, ears and neck – January 10, February 6, March 6, 7, December 4, 5
  • Thyroid gland – January 10, February 6, March 6, 7, December 4, 5
  • Lungs, bronchi - January 12-14, February 9, 10, March 8, April 5, 6, May 2, 3, 30
  • Chest – February 12, March 11, May 5, June 1, 29
  • Arms, shoulders, hands - January 12-14, February 9, 10, March 8, April 5, 6, May 2, 3, 30
  • Stomach, pancreas - February 12, March 11, May 5, June 1, 29
  • Liver – June 12, July 10, August 7, September 3, 30, October 27, 28, November 24
  • Gallbladder – June 12, July 10, August 7, September 3, 30, October 27, 28, November 24
  • Heart, circulatory system - March 14, 15, April 9-11, May 8, 9, June 4, July 1
  • Back, diaphragm – March 14, 15, April 9-11, May 8, 9, June 4, July 1
  • Intestines, digestive system - April 12, 13, May 10, June 5, 7, July 3, 4, 31
  • Abdominal cavity – April 12, 13, May 10, June 5, 7, July 3, 4, 31
  • Bladder and kidneys – June 8, 9, September 26
  • Genitals – June 11, July 8, 9, August 5, 6, September 1, 28
  • Hips, pelvic area - June 12, July 10, August 7, September 3, 30, October 27, 28, November 24
  • Knees, joints, tendons - September 5, October 3, November 26, 27, December 24
  • Bones, spine - September 5, October 3, November 26, 27, December 24
  • Shin – January 3, September 7, October 5, November 27, 28, December 25, 26
  • Feet, toes – January 5, 6, October 7, November 2, 3, December 27

Lunar calendar of surgical operations


: 9

Valid days for operations: 3 (after 10:30), 5 (after 11:30), 6, 10, 12 (after 10:00), 13, 14 (before 12:00)

Plastic surgeries, beauty injections: better not to do it

Extremely bad days for any operations: 2, 4, 7, 8, 11, 16, 17, 24, 28-31

MARS: in the sign of Scorpio (until January 26, 2018), in the sign of Sagittarius (from January 26, 2018)

The time of the waning moon, when is the best time to perform operations: from January 2 to January 15. During this period, Mars will make several very successful aspects with Jupiter, Pluto, Sun, Venus on January 7-9. But the most successful day is January 9 (Moon in the sign of Libra). On this day it is not recommended to perform operations on the kidneys and bladder, but operations in the head area and in the oral cavity are acceptable.

We do not recommend planning plastic surgery for January, since Venus will be combust in the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, and will also connect with Pluto on January 9. This is not the best placement for Venus, where intense feelings can prevent you from making the right decisions. The consequences of such operations may not be the most successful.

There will be a lunar eclipse on January 31, so the last days of January are extremely unfavorable for surgical intervention.


The most successful days for operations: 5, 6

Valid days for operations: 4 (after 11:00), 9 (after 10:00), 10, 12

Plastic surgeries, beauty injections: 4 (after 11:00), 5, 6

: 1-3, 7, 8, 11, 13-17, 19, 23-25

MARS:in the sign of Sagittarius

In general, February 2018 is notable for the solar eclipse on February 15th. Days near an eclipse should not be chosen for operations! Such operations can be extremely unsuccessful. High risk of complications.

The moon will wan from February 1 to February 14, so it is in the first half of the month that you should look for good days for operations.

Mars in Sagittarius may force you to overestimate your physical capabilities. You must be extremely careful this month, and if you decide to have surgery, then weigh the pros and cons. This mainly concerns optional surgeries or plastic surgery.

Mars will now make a negative aspect to Neptune (February 17) and Venus (February 25). These days cannot be chosen for operations, as the consequences can be very unexpected.

MARCH 2018

The most successful days for operations: 4, 5 (until 09:20), 6, 7 (until 12:00), 8

Valid days for operations: 11, 14, 15 (before 10:30 or after 13:30)

: 4, 5 (before 09:20 or after 16:30)

Extremely bad days for operations: 1-3, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16-18, 22-24, 27, 28, 31

MARS: in the sign of Sagittarius (until March 17, 2018), in the sign of Capricorn (from March 17, 2018)

The eclipses are behind us, so March has more favorable days for operations. Although the waning moon period lasts two weeks, you can choose better dates between March 2 and March 15.

Mars this month will approach a negative aspect with Saturn and will make a square with the Sun by the evening of March 24. The moon will also rise in configuration and change phase on this day, so the busiest time of the month is March 22-24.

The planet Venus will move through the sign of Pisces until March 6th. This means that from March 6 she will be in Aries, and this period cannot be called too successful for plastic surgery, because Venus is quite weak in Aries. In addition, there is now a greater risk of making quick and rash decisions about your appearance.

Mercury will be retrograde starting March 23, so be careful with any medical documents! These days there are risks of lost or confused tests!

Lunar calendar for operations for 2018

APRIL 2018

The most successful days for operations: 5, 6 (until 16:30), 11, 12, 13 (until 14:30)

Valid days for operations: 9 (after 10:00), 10

Plastic surgery, beauty injections: 11, 12

Extremely bad days for operations: 1-4, 7, 8, 14-16, 22, 29

MARS: in the sign of Capricorn

Having passed 8 degrees through Capricorn, Mars on its way will collide with Saturn, who is also visiting there. These two fairly strong planets in Capricorn are not really particularly friendly, so the beginning of the month is not suitable for events such as operations. Saturn restrains the fiery pressure of Mars and prevents people from acting quickly and actively. These days everything will have to be carefully planned.

On April 4, Mars will aspect Mercury unfavorably, which is dangerous for any operations related to the lungs, hand joints, etc. But it’s better not to have surgery at all until April 4th.

On April 7, Venus will make a favorable aspect with Saturn, and on April 11 - with Mars, being in a strong sign of Taurus. But the most successful day for plastic surgery will be April 11, but April 15-17 are extremely unlucky days for plastic surgery. These are the days of the new moon, and Venus will be in opposition to Jupiter.

MAY 2018

The most successful days for operations: 2, 3

Valid days for operations: 5, 8-10, 30 (before 09:30 or after 12:30)

Plastic surgery, beauty injections: 3

Extremely bad days for operations: 4, 6, 7, 11-15, 18, 19, 21, 24-26, 29, 31

MARS: in the sign of Capricorn (until May 16, 2018), in the sign of Aquarius (from May 16, 2018)

In the middle of the month, Mars will change sign, moving into rebellious Aquarius, but before that it will still have time to make a couple of tense aspects. That is why the days from May 11 to 15 are extremely unfavorable for operations.

If the operation is carried out these days, it may have extremely undesirable and very unexpected complications, because Uranus is involved in the configuration. Don't choose these days if possible. If you don’t have the opportunity to avoid the dangerous days of the month, be prepared for difficulties!

On May 8, Venus will make an unfavorable aspect with Neptune, which is dangerous for plastic surgery! Your expectations and hopes may be in vain, and the result may be worse than expected! May 6-8 are bad days for plastic surgery. In addition, these days the Moon will move through the sign of Aquarius, which can bring surprises and unpleasant surprises.

Also avoid other days of Venus defeat, for example, May 24-26: plastic surgery on this day will be unsuccessful.

JUNE 2018

The most successful days for operations: 4 (before 08:00), 5 (after 14:00), 12 (after 10:00)

Valid days for operations: 1, 7 (until 09:30), 8, 9, 11, 29

Plastic surgery, beauty injections: 1

Extremely bad days for operations: 3, 6, 10, 13, 14, 16, 20, 23, 27, 28, 30

At the end of the month, Mars enters the retrograde phase, where it will remain until the end of August. Already in the middle of the month, its speed will slow down, so from about June 13 it is better not to perform surgery, if possible. When Mars is retrograde, repeated or multi-stage operations can be performed.

The moon will wan from June 1 to June 13, as well as from June 28 to June 30, so in these numbers we will look for more or less successful dates for operations.

On June 1, Venus will be in a favorable configuration - sail - with the participation of the Moon, as well as Neptune and Jupiter. And although you may have some doubts about the operation, the result still promises to be successful. On June 5 and 6, it is better to postpone plastic surgery. These days, Venus will be in negative aspect with Pluto, which may have undesirable consequences. Also very unlucky days for plastic surgery are June 15, 21, 25.

Lunar calendar - days for operations

JULY 2018

The most successful days for operations: No

Valid days for operations: 1, 3, 4 (until 12:30), 8-10, 31

Plastic surgery, beauty injections: 3, 4, 8

Extremely bad days for operations: 5-7, 11-17, 19, 20, 25-30

MARS: in the sign of Aquarius, retrograde

July 2018 is the month of eclipses, so it is not very successful for operations. In addition, Mars will be retrograde in Aquarius for the entire month, which does not add any advantages. This month you can have operations if they are repeated, or this is another operation in a series. Remember that the danger of new operations is that they may not be very successful, or you will have to do repeated operations in the future.

On July 27, retro Mars will be in opposition to the Sun; this is a bad day for choosing operations, since a total lunar eclipse will occur on this day. In general, the last week of the month is a rather tense and very nervous time. Try not to overexert yourself and avoid surgical interventions in every possible way.

It is better not to undergo plastic surgery at all this month, although Venus will have several good aspects. There are risks that the operations will not be successful. Repeated operations can be performed on July 3, 4 and 8.

Attention! Mercury retrograde from July 26: be careful when completing any medical documents, carefully read the recommendations provided, and follow the agreements!


The most successful days for operations: No

Valid days for operations: 5, 6, 7 (until 11:00)

Plastic surgery, beauty injections: 5

Extremely bad days for operations: 1-4, 8-14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 26-30

MARS: in the sign of Aquarius (until August 13, 2018), in the sign of Capricorn (from August 13, 2018), retrograde until August 27

Mars' retrograde motion will continue in August, and another eclipse is expected on August 11, this time a partial solar eclipse. It is better not to use the days around the eclipse for important matters, such as operations. Also, the last week of the month will not be successful for surgical intervention, since Mars will be static.

The very beginning of the month is also a bad time for operations, since Mars will make unfavorable aspects these days. Be careful these days - operations can cause extremely unwanted side effects. Unfortunately, during this period the Moon will be affected by pests too often, so successful days can be counted on one hand.

Plastic surgery may also be unsuccessful, especially on the days of Venus's defeat: August 9, 26. You can do repeated operations on August 5, but if they are not related to the lower jaw, cheekbones, neck or ears, since these organs are vulnerable these days.

Mercury retrograde until August 19th. Almost the entire month you should be careful with various documents. There is a possibility of loss or confusion of tests, and increased forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. Follow all recommendations carefully, there may be mistakes!


The most successful days for operations: 3, 5

Valid days for operations: 1, 7, 26 (until 13:30), 28, 30

Plastic surgery, beauty injections: 1, 28, 30

Extremely bad days for operations: 2, 4, 6, 8-10, 12, 13, 16-18, 20, 24, 25, 27

MARS: in the sign of Capricorn (until September 11, 2018), in the sign of Aquarius (from September 11, 2018)

Mars is starting to pick up speed, but will again experience negative aspects, so September definitely cannot be called a good month for operations. The moon will wan from September 1st to 8th and from September 25th to 31st. It is in these numbers that you should look for more successful days for operations.

In September, Venus will move through the sign of Libra until September 10, so the first ten days of the month could be successful for plastic surgery, if not for the defeat of Venus by Mars. A more successful day is September 1, but before Venus leaves the sign, an unfavorable aspect with Uranus will appear on its way. Venus in Scorpio is not very favorable for plastic surgery, but you can still choose September 28 or 30.

On September 12-13, 20, a very unfortunate configuration will be observed with the participation of the Moon, Venus, Mars and Uranus. These days should not be chosen for plastic surgery of any level of complexity, as the consequences can be unpredictable, painful and disappointing. Wounds will take quite a long time to heal, since this is the time of the waxing Moon!

September 24 and 25 are full moon days, when both luminaries will be struck by Saturn. This is an extremely bad time for various undertakings and, especially, operations.

Operations according to the lunar calendar 2018


The most successful days for operations: 3, 6 (until 15:30), 7

Valid days for operations: 5, 26 (until 13:30), 27 (from 10:20), 28

Plastic surgery, beauty injections: No

Extremely bad days for operations: 1, 2, 4, 8-11, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 29-31

MARS: in the sign of Aquarius

In October, Venus changes direction to retrograde, so this month will not be a good day for plastic surgery. However, with retrograde Venus, repeated operations are allowed, but if it is possible to postpone, it is better not to resort to surgery.

Mars, moving through the sign of Aquarius, will make several unfavorable aspects with the fast planets Venus and Mercury on October 11 and 19. His speed will already noticeably increase, but still he will not have time to leave the sign of Aquarius before the end of the month. It is especially undesirable to plan operations on these days.

Although Mars in Aquarius is prone to experimentation, be careful on unfavorable days of the month. If you still decide to agree to experimental operations, do it at least on the better days of the month.


The most successful days for operations: 3, 5, 6 (until 11:20)

Valid days for operations: 2 (after 09:00), 24, 26, 27 (before 10:20 or after 11:30), 28

Plastic surgery, beauty injections: No

Extremely bad days for operations: 1, 4, 7, 11, 15, 18, 19, 23, 25, 29, 30

Having moved into the sign of Pisces, Mars will almost immediately meet Jupiter in a negative aspect on November 19-20. This is an unfortunate aspect for operations: the risks will not be worth it. You may overestimate your strength and physical capabilities.

Venus will move through Libra this month, but will be retrograde in the first half of November, so we do not recommend planning plastic surgery until November 23 inclusive.

However, the end of the month is not particularly successful, so it is better to postpone plastic surgery now. Venus will be approaching opposition to Uranus, so any plastic surgery may have unexpected consequences.


The most successful days for operations: 4, 5, 26, 31

Valid days for operations: 3, 24, 25, 27, 30

Plastic surgery, beauty injections: 3-5, 26, 30, 31

Extremely bad days for operations: 1, 2, 6-8, 14-16, 21-23, 28, 29

MARS: in the sign of Pisces

The month will begin with an unsuccessful aspect between the Sun and Mars, and this is a bad indicator for operations, since the Sun symbolizes vitality, and Mars symbolizes active actions. Physical overload is undesirable these days.

December 6-7 is also not a good time, these are the days of the new moon with a negative connection between the luminaries and Mars and Neptune in conjunction. Operations these days can have unexpected consequences that may turn out to be strange and inexplicable. Or your expectations will be disappointed.

From December 2, Venus will again be in her weak sign of Scorpio. This means that December is not particularly suitable for plastic surgery. However, for the entire month it will not be affected, but will only make favorable aspects, so you can risk having surgery on more favorable days for this.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

The fact that the moon influences various processes in the human body is an indisputable fact. That is why many representatives of the fair sex look at the lunar calendar before undergoing various beauty-related procedures.

The moon is capable of attracting water, forming tides; it also has an effect on the human body, attracting energy. The influence of the moon on medicine was noticed back in ancient times, when Hippocrates advised avoiding exposure to organs ruled by the moon in the zodiac sign.

First of all, you need to take into account the zodiac sign in which the Earth’s closest neighbor is located. Astrologers believe that procedures cannot be performed on organs that depend on the zodiac sign, which are controlled by the Moon.

Let's take a closer look at the influence of the zodiac sign:

  • Aries is responsible for the head, therefore during this period all operations in the head, face and neck are prohibited. But this period is favorable for body procedures, especially various types of massages.
  • Calf. During this period, procedures are carried out to improve the scalp, hair and face. This period is also good for liposuction and nourishing the skin of the face, body and head with various means.
  • Twins are responsible for the hands; for this reason, procedures on the hands are not recommended. The constellation Gemini favors any rejuvenating procedures. This must be taken into account when planning.
  • Cancer. The most ideal period for cosmetic surgery on the face is when the waning moon is in Cancer. Cancer also has a beneficial effect on anti-aging procedures. But this period will not have the desired effect on procedures in the breast area.
  • a lion has a great effect on plastic surgery in the area of ​​the chin, face, and body. Nourishing masks are effective during this period. And, on the contrary, peelings are not advisable, as they can be harmful or simply not beneficial.
  • Virgo generally patronizes any cosmetic procedures. New cosmetics, aromatherapy, and aesthetic cosmetology will be just great.
  • Scales will help in all operations in the neck and face. The waning Moon, located in Libra, has a particularly favorable effect. The body will react to any masks and anti-cellulite procedures.
  • Scorpion recommends body massage using oils. In this case, it is better to limit water procedures, and also do not use hormonal cosmetics. This time is ideal for any procedure in the décolleté area.
  • Sagittarius have a beneficial effect on anti-cellulite procedures. However, surgical procedures in the hips and legs are strictly contraindicated. I benefit from face and body masks, as well as various types of massages.
  • Capricorn exclusively against any plastic surgery, so it is not recommended to undergo plastic surgery if the Moon is in Capricorn. This period is great for skin and body care treatments. Astrologers consider this time ideal for removing unnecessary growths and formations: spots, warts, moles, scars, keloids. Procedures related to moisturizing and nourishing the skin will also be excellent. Anti-aging procedures will achieve great results.
  • Aquarius. This period is suitable for hand and foot massages. Face masks will have an excellent effect, and it is better to postpone plastic surgery to another time. But if you have planned permanent makeup, then the time for it is when the Moon is in Aquarius.
  • Fish They do not recommend any plastic surgery at all. The human body is very sensitive to various types of interventions. It is better not to try new cosmetology products during this period, but foot procedures are quite effective.

Summarizing what has been said, it should be noted that it is better not to visit a cosmetologist at all, e.g.If the Moon is in the constellations:

- Twins;

- Sagittarius.

Aesthetic medicine and plastic cosmetology are simply contraindicated during this period. The remaining periods are best considered from the position of leading bodies.

Lunar cycle

Affects the quality and effectiveness of moon cycle procedures. Consider each day for quite a long time. Therefore, we pay attention to the most unfavorable days of the lunar cycle:

1st lunar day: the body is renewed, which does not require additional procedures.

The 5th lunar day is focused on accumulation, not on active actions.

Days 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 are the rest phase, and the effectiveness of the sessions is zero. The most dangerous day is the 14th day.

The 23rd lunar day is dangerous for radical intervention; it can cause the opposite effect.

Days 29 and 30 do not contribute to the rejuvenation of the body.

Favorable days for cosmetic procedures:

The 2nd lunar day is ideal for changing cosmetics and medicinal masks.

3rd lunar day - different types of massages are effective.

4th and 5th lunar days are ideal for cleansing and peeling.

Days 16 and 26 are ideal for removing moles and warts.

The remaining unspecified days are neutral and do not in any way affect the quality of the procedures.

Of course, someone may smile at this information and not take it seriously, but forewarned is forearmed.

Useful tips

March 2018 in general will not be particularly suitable for such complex procedures as plastic surgery, since Venus will be moving for most of the monthaccording to the sign of his exile - Aries. Venus will transit from Pisces to AriesMarch 7, 2018, so if you still have plastic surgery, then in the first week of the month.

The moon will move through the sign Libra, which is favorable for cosmetic procedures - March 3-5, 2018, but for surgery it is better to choose March 4 or March 5, 2018 until 09:20 or after 4:30 p.m. These are the most successful days this month also for complex cosmetic procedures, including piercings, permanent makeup, tattoos, etc.

Read also: General astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for MARCH 2018

On the days of the waxing moon - from March 17 to March 30, 2018- any will turn out well rejuvenating and restorative procedures, but it is dangerous to do operations these days: there is a high risk of various complications. Particularly unfavorable days for any complex procedures are: March 12, 13, 22-24, 2018. These days you can do simple cosmetic procedures, especially at home.

List of all important procedures and the best days for them in March 2018 look in the table at the end of the article. At the end of the table there are also days on which it is better not to undergo operations and complex cosmetic procedures.

ATTENTION! Do not start any new procedures during the Moon without a course!

Sports lunar calendar :

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for March 2018 section:


♌♍ 1 MARTHA, Thursday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 17:13.A LION , VIRGO from 08:58

Moon without course until 08:57

This Thursday does not favor complex cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries, so start the month with the simplest hair care activities. Use today to make hair masks in addition to nourishing and soothing face masks. This will strengthen the hair root system, especially after the winter period. On this day you can also style your hair, put it in curlers, and do your hair. You can braid your hair; Be sure to trim any split ends.

Fitness : Today is not a good day for sports, so you shouldn’t put stress on your body. Rest recommended. Also try not to lift heavy objects during the day.

WANING MOON from 03:52

♍ 2 MARTHA, Friday. 15th, 16th lunar day from 18:37.VIRGO

FULL MOON at 03:52

You should not plan a trip to the beauty salon for any complex procedures today. Plastic surgery poses high health risks this Friday. On this day, it is worth paying attention to other points that are also important for those who care about their appearance (for example, nutrition). It is strictly forbidden to load the intestines during this period, or to wash them in order to get rid of slagging from the body. There is no point in removing body hair during the waning Moon in Virgo, as it will grow back quite quickly.

Fitness : on this day it makes sense to work actively in the gym. Today, the most effective workouts will be aimed at strengthening the ankle joints. Training with a balance beam or fitball will be useful. The load on the abdominal muscles should be kept to a minimum.

♍♎ 3 MARTHA, Saturday. 16th, 17th lunar day from 19:59.VIRGO , SCALES from 11:21

Moon without course from 02:50 to 11:20

Most of the day will pass under the influence of the waning Moon in Libra, so today the benefits and effect will be from visiting the hairdresser. Complex activities today may not bring the desired effect. Do a better job of cleansing your facial skin using appropriate masks; you can use scrubs. Also on this day there are no contraindications against evening out skin color, removing spots and freckles. You can go to the dentist and sign up for a restorative massage. Go to the sauna today, swim in the pool, or just take a bath. Start new procedures after 11:20.

Fitness : Today is a good day for a full workout, but try not to overwork yourself. If you decide to visit the gym for the first time today, do not plan a workout under the Moon without a course. It is best to do fitness or Pilates today; strength exercises should be moderate.

♎ 4 MARCH, Sunday. 17th, 18th lunar day from 21:18.SCALES

Today is a perfect day for a whole range of complex cosmetic procedures. You can also have plastic surgery (including tummy tuck, breast and facial surgery). Go to a cosmetologist and sign up for facial mesotherapy. It is worth starting today to implement an individual anti-cellulite program and weight loss program. Start a set of healing procedures on this day. Take care of the beauty and health of your teeth. If you have problems with your hair, go to a trichologist. To improve your appearance, you can use the services of a makeup artist. The doors of the sauna and swimming pools are open for you today; You can get permanent tattoos and tattoos.

Fitness : There are no particular health risks, so it is recommended to actively work on yourself. Today, exercises that contribute to the harmonious development of the whole organism are encouraged, therefore fitness is recommended. You can also swim in the pool. It is worth taking care of the lumbar region.

5 MARTHA, Monday. 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:34.SCALES , SCORPION from 16:23

Moon without course from 09:19 to 16:22

Today's Monday opportunities mirror those of yesterday, with the advantage that more treatments will be available today since the weekend is over. However, it is better not to start new things under the Moon without a course. In addition to the entire range of procedures that were available last Sunday, today you can also remove age spots and freckles from the face and even out the color. Feel free to use scrubs and make cleansing masks. If you think that your appearance does not need any improvements, then go shopping for clothing and beauty items - before 09:20!

Fitness : on this day it is better to do yoga and visit the pool. Active exercises (rhythm, fitness) are acceptable, but you should take care of the pelvic area. You can include facial gymnastics in the set of exercises for this day.

6 MARTHA, Tuesday. 19th, 20th lunar day from 23:47.SCORPION

This Tuesday you should pay special attention to dental care: today you can plan complex types of treatment and prosthetics; You can straighten your teeth and whiten them. In addition to a visit to the dentist, it makes sense to make an appointment with an appropriate specialist if there is a need to remove moles, warts and other growths: the most effective way today is to clean the face, neck, and décolleté area. At home, you can use facial scrubs and cleansing masks. Aromatherapy is recommended to strengthen the overall tone.

Fitness : Facial fitness recommended. Choose an individual complex that will help tighten your facial skin, restore its tone and elasticity. Self-massage of the head and face area is possible. Any exercise against a double chin will be successful.

7 MARTHA, Wednesday. 20th lunar day from 00:00.SCORPION

Moon without course from 11:55

Today, place the main emphasis on taking care of the facial area: during this period, masks for cleansing skin pores, removing old dead cells and sebaceous plugs promise to be especially effective. The favorable period for visiting the dental office continues. It is worth using this time to whiten your teeth. Particular caution should be exercised in relation to intimate areas: today you cannot get tattoos or piercings there. In other zones, these procedures are acceptable on a given Tuesday. Use the power of aromatherapy today too. The main recommendation is not to plan new procedures in the afternoon.

Fitness : a favorable period for working with various muscle groups continues. It is worth taking care of the pelvic area; do not overuse exercises that can lead to injuries to the groin area or inner thighs (for example, do not do the splits). Keep fighting against your double chin.

Beauty: calendar of lunar days

MARCH 8, Thursday. 21st lunar day from 00:57.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 01:03

Moon without course until 01:02

A pretty good day for quality care of your appearance, although there is some danger of allergic reactions when using cosmetics with chemical active ingredients. This Thursday, the priority should be appearance care products made from natural ingredients. If you have problems with the “orange peel”, today you should start a comprehensive fight against cellulite. You can also plan plastic surgery on your breasts on this day.

Fitness : this Thursday you have a great opportunity to pump up your arm muscles, work on your shoulder muscles and chest muscles. It is worth taking care of your back (especially your spine). Cardio training is useful, from which it is worth excluding the load on the hips due to their vulnerability during this period.

9 MARCH, Friday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 02:03.SAGITTARIUS

III quarter, fourth phase of the moon from 14:19

Do not plan any complex cosmetic procedures for this Friday. Also, give up plastic surgery today, which is negatively affected by the Moon affected by Mars. The main emphasis should be on simple and effective home facial skin care treatments. The most effective this Friday will be cleansing masks. You can also go to a pedicure and manicure salon today. Avoid visiting a solarium, getting tattoos and permanent makeup.

Fitness : extremely high risk of injury, possible emotional breakdowns, headaches. It is worth spending this day in peace, giving up training.

10 MARCH, Saturday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 03:03.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 12:52

Moon without course from 05:27 to 12:52

A very difficult day from the point of view of cosmetology, for which you should not plan a visit to a beauty salon. Also, you should not take on the risk of carrying out any complex procedures at home (especially before one o’clock in the afternoon). After lunch, you can take time to use masks to cleanse your facial skin, but you should avoid prolonged exposure to your facial skin, especially if you have problems with capillaries. In the afternoon, it makes sense to do simple therapeutic procedures for problem areas of the skin. Manicure and pedicure will work out well today.

Fitness : loads when playing sports on this day should be moderate to light. Be especially careful with exercises that put stress on your knees and other leg joints. Focus on cardio training, focusing on the chest muscles.

♑ 11 MARCH, Sunday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 03:57.CAPRICORN

This Sunday, any cosmetic effect on the skin is highly undesirable. It is especially dangerous to affect the skin if you have any rashes or allergies. In this case, it is worth treating the skin with medications and special care procedures. If everything is fine with the skin, closer to lunch you can make cleansing masks and use light peelings. You can spend time on your eyebrows: thinning, plucking, shaping them. Also indulge in manicure and pedicure procedures.

Fitness : light loads are acceptable; You should limit yourself to exercises for the chest muscles, you can pump up your arms a little. Jumping and other exercises that load the muscles of the lower extremities will be undesirable today.

♑ 12 MARCH, Monday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 04:43.CAPRICORN

Moon without course from 18:36

Plastic surgery and complex cosmetic procedures are unacceptable today. Any deep effect on the skin is undesirable. You should also not schedule a dental visit for today. If necessary, go to a cosmetic dermatologist on this day and treat problem areas of the skin. Cleansing masks are acceptable if there are no skin problems. Eyebrow care procedures, visits to a hairdresser, pedicure and manicure salons are recommended.

Fitness : Particular care today should be taken with exercises that load the spine and knee joints. Jumping and heavy lifting should be avoided. The training should be moderate to mild; engage your chest muscles.

♑♒ 13 MARCH, Tuesday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 05:21.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 01:45

Moon without course until 01:44

Considering the high risks today, recommendations for complex cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery are very unfavorable. Today you should focus on improving your image with the help of an experienced hairdresser and makeup artist. Among the procedures, we can recommend removing freckles, eliminating skin pigmentation, and evening out complexion. You can go to the solarium, visit the sauna, swim in the pool. Massage will be of great benefit on this day (try stone therapy). Make cleansing masks, use scrubs.

Fitness : a good period for practicing water sports; Great benefit will come from exercises that strengthen the back, spine, and neck. Loads on the shins are dangerous. Avoid overwork today; cardio exercises on this day should be accompanied by long breaks sufficient for rest.

♒ 14 MARCH, Wednesday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 05:53.AQUARIUS

Procedures in the field of cosmetology, which require special equipment, are welcome. We are talking about peeling, cryolifting, various types of rejuvenation, massage, and other procedures. Removing age spots, moles and freckles will also be more effective. Haircuts and hair coloring are not recommended; refrain from shopping for clothes, cosmetics, and jewelry. You can also sign up for a massage, combining it with a trip to the sauna or bathhouse. Cleansing masks are useful.

Fitness : on this day it is better to swim in the pool; There will be benefits from various types of gymnastics that are carried out in water, from water aerobics; there are all the prerequisites for strengthening the spine and forming correct posture.

Lunar beauty calendar 2018

♒♓ 15 MARCH, Thursday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 06:19.AQUARIUS , FISH from 15:12

Moon without course from 10:32 to 15:11

Today's Thursday favors various types of massage procedures, but the most appropriate would be a foot massage. An excellent remedy for cellulite today is hardware or manual lymphatic drainage massage. Declare the fight against unwanted body hair: any method of hair removal is welcome; Be sure to pay special attention to the face area. You can pluck and shape your eyebrows. Water procedures are important. Also on this day it is worth taking care of the problem of fungus: for those who have this infection, do foot baths to get rid of the fungus.

Fitness : engage your abdominal muscles; avoid exercises that can lead to foot injuries; Cardio exercises are useful, as today they effectively help burn off excess calories and help strengthen the abs.

MARCH 16, Friday, 28th, 29th lunar day from 06:42.FISH

A difficult day, which is not suitable for complex cosmetology methods or plastic surgery. Use a variety of cosmetic products today with caution (especially if you have allergies). The most correct thing would be to pay maximum attention to relaxing activities: visit the sauna, swimming pool; take advantage of the benefits of aromatherapy. Also plan for comprehensive care for your fingernails and toenails today (you can limit yourself to care at home).

Fitness : today only those who are clearly confident that the loads on this difficult day will not harm the body can go to the gym. The main subject of training on this day is the torso, abdominal muscles; It is worth remembering that problems with the gastrointestinal tract are possible. Ideally, you can give up training.

WALKING MOON from 16:11

♓♈ MARCH 17, Saturday, 29th, 30th lunar day from 07:02, 1st lunar day from 16:11.FISH , ARIES from 21:57

NEW MOON at 16:11

Moon without course from 16:12 to 21:56

Today is the day of the new moon, so refrain from any complex cosmetology methods. Plastic surgery can not only end in failure, but also lead to serious complications. Any activities aimed at relaxing the body and resting the nervous system are welcome. Aromatherapy recommended; In addition to inhaling the aromas of special oils and candles, try a relaxing massage using appropriate aromatic creams. This will help not only normalize the psycho-emotional state, but also restore elasticity to the skin.

Fitness : loads on this day are unacceptable, so give yourself the opportunity to rest today. Try some meditation practice.

18 MARCH, Sunday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 07:22.ARIES

On this Sunday, it is recommended to make nourishing and soothing face masks. You should use masks based on vitamin complexes, which include all the components necessary for the skin in spring. If the skin is hypersensitive, it makes sense to turn to recipes for masks that relieve inflammatory processes. It is useful to go to a cryosauna - it will relieve swelling of certain areas of the skin and improve color. Also today it will be good to dye eyebrows and eyelashes.

Fitness : This Sunday you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of actively working out in the gym. Recommended exercises for all muscle groups; The workout will be more effective with intense aerobic exercise. There are risks of headaches and migraines: at the first sign of one or the other, you should stop training.

♈ 19 MARCH, Monday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:48.ARIES

Moon without course from 22:29

The moon is growing in Aries, which means the need for measures to care for the scalp and face. Massage procedures aimed at improving blood circulation and strengthening hair are welcome. You can make special nourishing hair masks. Also, don’t forget about your facial skin, caring for it today with nourishing and soothing masks. Add definition to your eyelashes and eyebrows by tinting them. Today we can recommend visiting a cryosauna as a rejuvenating procedure.

Fitness : heavy loads are welcome; make the most of exercises aimed at strengthening the gluteal muscles, thigh muscles, and abs. Alternate between cardio exercises of varying intensity. If you are showing signs of overwork, it makes sense to go to yoga today.

♈♉ 20 MARCH, Tuesday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 08:09.ARIES , CALF from 04:07

Moon without course until 04:06

This Tuesday favors your activity aimed at improving your own appearance. In addition to the usual and useful homemade masks that will help your skin get the necessary vitamins and nutrients, today we can recommend a number of other gentle procedures that do not involve a deep effect on the skin. A good day to color your hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. It is also recommended to visit the hairdresser today. Cryosauna is useful. Good time for shopping.

Fitness : on this day any training that is aimed at pumping the muscles of the midsection of the body is useful. It is also worth working on your pelvic muscles. Today you may feel a surge of energy, but do not overdo it - consider your preparedness for such training. Take care of your neck muscles.

♉ 21 MARCH, Wednesday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 08:24.CALF

Moon without course from 20:21

The positive energy of this environment should be used to the fullest. Despite the fact that injection effects on the skin on this day are undesirable (as well as plastic surgery!), it is worth trying less invasive anti-aging procedures. You can work on yourself at home, or you can go to a beauty salon, where it will be easier to choose something useful for you from the entire range of rejuvenation services. There will be benefits from exposure to cold in a cryochamber. You can also get a haircut, dye your hair, and do shopping.

Fitness : take care of your cervical spine today – injuries are possible; intensify the load on the pelvic area; general strengthening exercises for all muscle groups are possible. Today it’s worth working more actively, since losing excess weight will be quite difficult.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

♉♊ 22 MARCH, Thursday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 08:52.CALF , TWINS from 08:30

Moon without course until 08:29

This Thursday you should give your body a little rest, abandoning any methods of complex cosmetology. Find time today to be closer to the water: you can swim in the pool, steam in the bathhouse, sauna; finally, take a hot bath at home. Simple vitamin masks will be useful for the face. It is very important to take action on hand skin care today - on this day they will be most useful and effective. The use of creams and baths is encouraged; you can make special masks for the skin of your hands (from wrinkles, dryness, and so on).

Fitness : a good period to actively work with the muscles of the whole body, especially if you are overweight. Today, your workout can be more varied with cardio exercises such as jumping, squats, and lunges. Loads on the arms and neck should be moderate or light.

♊ 23 MARCH, Friday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 09:26.TWINS

This day should be devoted to everything that will increase your knowledge base related to modern trends in cosmetology. Consult with specialists, choose the most suitable procedures for you. In addition, today it is useful to take care of the skin of your hands; Nourishing facial masks are also effective. It is recommended to find time to visit the sauna on this day; you can swim in the pool. The energy of this Friday also encourages shopping - you can look for new clothes, choose some jewelry, cosmetic products.

Fitness : continue to work actively, devoting the lion's share of time to exercises aimed at the hips and buttocks; It makes sense to take care of your shoulders and arms. Don't forget that aerobic exercise will make your workout much more effective.

♊♋ 24 MARCH, Saturday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 10:10.TWINS , CANCER from 11:53

Moon without course from 06:52 to 11:52

First quarter, second phase of the moon from 18:35

This Saturday you should not count on the effectiveness of complex cosmetic procedures. This is also not the best period for any plastic surgery. Today you can use simple and reliable home recipes to prepare nourishing masks for the skin of your face and hands. Postpone professional hand care using peelings for another day. Also today you can benefit from the use of aromatherapy for your nervous system and the body as a whole. Also try not to start anything new before noon.

Fitness : refuse to go to the gym - today any physical activity is undesirable.

♋ 25 MARCH, Sunday, 8th, 9th lunar day from 11:06.CANCER

Another not the most effective day in terms of taking care of your appearance. Any methods of complex cosmetology today will not bring the desired result, and therefore it is worth limiting yourself to simple and proven home procedures for facial skin care. Avoid using deep peels and scrubs. On this day you can remove unwanted hair from the body. Breast massage using water jets is recommended. However, washing your hair and working on your hair is not recommended. Aromatherapy will be very useful.

Fitness : when the Moon is in Cancer, you should engage in active sports; Step aerobics is recommended, you can go for a run or ride a bike. If you work out at the gym, be sure to use an exercise bike or treadmill. It is better not to load the upper body. Loads should be average.

♋♌ 26 MARCH, Monday, 9th, 10th lunar day from 12:13.CANCER , A LION from 14:45

Moon without course from 09:58 to 14:44

Today's Monday slightly opens the window of opportunity - you can go to the hairdresser, visit a beauty salon, beauty salon. The best time for new things today is after 14:44, when the negative influence of the Moon without a course will disappear. Do eyelash extensions and tinting on this day; You can also have hair extensions and tinted eyebrows. Today it makes sense to take care of your facial skin using masks based on fermented milk products. Also go shopping, buy cosmetics, some clothes, shoes.

Fitness : Focus on working the leg muscles. Today you can’t be too zealous, but you shouldn’t give yourself any slack either. Warm up your leg muscles thoroughly before training. It is also better to end your classes today with a foot massage. Cardio exercise is dangerous these days.

♌ 27 MARCH, Tuesday, 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:29.A LION

Take a closer look at your hair today. This day favors any experiments, even the most daring and unusual. It will be especially useful for those who love bright and even provocative hairstyles. You can also do hair extensions, braid hair, and create dreadlocks. You can add volume to your eyelashes and tint your eyebrows. Soothing and strengthening facial masks are also recommended. Today it is worth finding time to go shopping.

Fitness : direct your efforts today to pumping up your calf muscles; This Tuesday, exercises that also make the gluteal muscles work will be useful. This could be climbing a step or doing squats. It is better not to do aerobic exercises, especially with jumping and running, today.

♌♍ 28 MARCH, Wednesday, 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:49. A LION , VIRGO from 17:30

Moon without course from 12:54 to 17:29

Today is a good day for cosmetic procedures, but you should avoid doing anything new between 12:54 and 17:29. Contact a beauty salon, but do not experiment with new cosmetic products. A good time to visit the hairdresser; It’s worth making an appointment with a trichologist if you have problems with your hair. You can also work on eyelashes and eyebrows. On this Wednesday, you should begin implementing your weight loss program - everything you do in this direction can quickly bring the desired effect.

Fitness : on this day, moderate intensity exercise is beneficial; work on the lowest areas of your legs, also targeting your calf muscles. Today it is better not to put stress on the abs, shoulders and upper body in general.

♍ 29 MARCH, Thursday, 12th, 13th lunar day from 16:11.VIRGO

Today you should not expect that your efforts aimed at improving your appearance will bring quick results. Today is the perfect day to take care of yourself with a future in mind. That is why this Thursday it makes sense to actively engage in the fight against excess weight. You can also continue to take care of your hair: visit the hairdresser, take care of your eyebrows and eyelashes. Good old nourishing and soothing masks will not harm your facial skin today.

Fitness : If the weather permits, today you can replace your workout in the gym with a run outdoors. Moderate intensity running with uphill is encouraged; you can squat, develop your feet, pump your calf muscles.

♍♎ 30 MARCH, Friday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:33.VIRGO , SCALES from 20:52

Moon without course from 07:59 to 20:51

Almost everything will pass under the Moon without a course, which will negate many of your efforts related to any undertaking. Today you can still work on your hair, but it is better to avoid experiments in this area. You can go get a haircut, but complex hairstyles will turn out poorly. Go for a manicure this Friday, get a pedicure. In addition to the usual nourishing and skin-strengthening facial masks, it makes sense today to cleanse your skin. Use cleansing masks based on proven ingredients.

Fitness : Medium loads are also welcome this Friday. Work on your leg muscles, focusing on strengthening your foot joints. Shaping and water aerobics are useful. Loads on the abdominal area should be excluded.

WANING MOON from 15:38

♎ 31 MARCH, Saturday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:52.SCALES

FULL MOON at 15:38

The end of the first spring month does not favor complex cosmetic procedures. This is the day of the full moon, so you should abandon all invasive measures, as an unpredictable effect awaits you. Engage in relaxation practices, give your body and spirit rest. Water treatments are perfect for this Saturday, so you should go to the sauna, bathhouse, or go to the pool. You can also make nourishing masks and light cleansing masks without fear. Try to avoid using hormonal creams.

Fitness : on this day you should give up training. A light walk, being in the fresh air, and meditation are recommended.

Lunar calendar of cosmetology for March 2018

Nourishing and soothing face masks: 1, 18-31
Cleansing masks: 3-15, 31
Facial scrub: 3-7, 13, 14
Anti-aging procedures: 20, 21
Skin treatment: 10-12
Removing age spots and freckles, evening out complexion: 3-5, 13, 14
Dental care, dentist: 3-7
Manicure: 9-12, 16, 30
Hand care: 22-24
Pedicure: 9-12, 16, 30
Tanning, solarium: 13, 14
Facial piercing: 4, 5
Facial plastic surgery, facial mesotherapy: 4, 5
Tummy tuck: 4, 5
Breast surgery: 4, 5, 8
Massage: 3-5, 13, 14, 22, 23, 31
Stone therapy: 13, 14
Lymphatic drainage massage: 15
Aromatherapy: 5-7, 15-17, 24-26
Cryosauna: 18-21
Depilation, hair removal: 15
Removing unwanted hair from the face: 4, 5, 15
Weight loss programs (start): 4, 28, 29
Anti-cellulite programs (start): 4, 8
Healing procedures (beginning): 4, 5
Sauna, bath, baths, swimming pool: 3-5, 13, 14-16, 22, 23, 31
Eyelash and hair extensions: 26-30
Eyelash and eyebrow tinting: 18-21, 26-30
Eyebrow plucking and shaping: 11, 12, 15
Permanent makeup and tattoos: 4, 5
Visit to the hairdresser: 11-12, 20, 21, 26-30
Visiting a cosmetologist, trichologist: 4, 5, 28
Visit to a makeup artist: 4, 5
Fungus treatment: 15
Purchases: 4, 5, 20, 21, 23, 26-28
Unfavorable days for complex procedures and operations: 1, 2, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 22-25, 31
The most successful days for cosmetic procedures: 4, 5, 20, 21

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