When will large families and civil servants retire? Direct line from the Ministry of Labor. State support for large families in the Republic of Belarus Preferential pensions for mothers with many children in Belarus

On Thursday, November 9, parliament considered amendments to the law “On pension provision"The main innovation is the reduction of the minimum insurance period required to receive a pension for those who have fallen into the “pension trap.”

“Contributions from working pensioners do not cover the additional payment for length of service”

Currently, the minimum insurance period (that is, the time of work with the payment of contributions to the Social Security Fund) is 16 years and will gradually increase to 20 years. Those who, for objective reasons, did not have time to earn them, would be left without a full pension. Therefore, they decided to reduce the minimum insurance period for military personnel who served at least 10 years (but not enough to receive a military pension), as well as for those who cared for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child under 18 years old, or elderly relatives . They will only need to work 10 years to receive a full pension.

Pension costs with reduced length of service will be borne proportionally by the Social Protection Fund and the republican budget, said Minister of Labor and Social Protection Irina Kostevich, who presented the draft document in parliament.

The minister commented on some proposals that they decided not to include in the law. One of them is to recalculate the pension for working pensioners, taking into account the fact that they continue to pay insurance premiums.

If we look at the individual level, the 1% contribution of a working pensioner does not cover the costs of subsequent additional payments for length of service. The amount of the fee paid is several times less. We appreciated this change. As a result, it turned out that the budget will need 528 million rubles per year, which is almost 5% of total pension expenses. There are no such reserves today,” Irina Kostevich shared her calculations. - In order to balance the income and expenditure side of the fund’s budget, it is necessary to increase the insurance rate for employees to 2.5% or transfer 1.5% to the employer. Given the current insurance rates, which are quite high, we cannot allow this to happen.

“Why is 9 years counted towards experience? Not 8 or 10?

Another proposal that the Ministry of Labor did not include in the draft law concerned changing the calculation of length of service for mothers of four or more children. The fact is that the total length of service (the size of the pension depends on it) includes only 9 years of parental leave. If, for example, a mother of four children went on maternity leave for 12 years, three years of them will not count towards the pension at all.

One of the main goals of this measure was to increase the birth rate. However, this pension benefit can be used primarily by women retirement age and already established retirees. That is, those who can no longer influence the situation with the birth rate,” said Irina Kostevich.

After the minister, deputy Andrei Rybak took the floor and criticized the department’s arguments. - Employees of enterprises with hazardous working conditions who have the right to early retirement and those who continue to work until the generally established retirement age lose from 10 to 15 years of insurance experience. At the same time, the workers themselves and their employers continue to pay contributions to Pension Fund. This indicates that such citizens continue to form their pension rights. We are not talking about 1%, but also about the 28% that are paid from the wage fund of enterprises, explained Andrei Rybak. - The preservation of the restriction on counting the time spent on parental leave into the length of service gives rise to fair criticism. Why 9 years? Why not 8 or 10? Why do we infringe on the rights of women who have four or more children?

The bill will be considered in the second reading, so it is possible that changes may appear in it.


Is it possible to “buy additional” insurance experience?

During the recent pension reform In Ukraine, the minimum insurance period has been increased to 25 years. But at the same time, they were given the opportunity to buy this experience - that is, to pay additional insurance contributions to the pension fund, and thus get the missing months or even years of experience. Maybe such a scheme will appear here too?

We are not yet considering the issue of purchasing insurance experience,” Irina Kostevich answered Komsomolskaya Pravda’s question.

Minimum length of service for appointment labor pension by age or length of service depends on the year in which such pensions will be awarded. When assigning a pension in 2016, you must have at least 15 years and 6 months of work experience with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions to the budget of the state extra-budgetary fund for social protection of the population of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the insurance period). Starting from January 1, 2017, the insurance period will increase annually by 6 months to 20 years from January 1. Therefore, if a pension is assigned in 2017, then 16 years of insurance experience will be required, in 2018 - 16 years 6 months, etc. When assigning a pension in 2025 and later, at least 20 years of insurance experience will be required.

To assign early pensions to parents of disabled children (disabled since childhood); mothers of many children who have given birth to five or more children and raised them up to the age of 8; disabled people since childhood; war invalids; mothers of military personnel whose death is related to the performance of military service duties; Lilliputians and dwarfs require 5 years insurance experience.

Insurance experience is work, entrepreneurial and other activities with the payment of mandatory insurance contributions.

Periods of parental leave, military service (service), study and others when mandatory insurance contributions were not paid are not included in the insurance period. However, such periods are taken into account in total experience for calculating size pensions. Thus, if the required insurance period is available and, accordingly, a pension can be assigned, then to calculate the amount of this pension, periods of parental leave, military service (service), study and others will also be taken into account.

In the absence of the required insurance period, a social pension is assigned. Since 2015, such a pension is assigned to women at least 60 years old, and to men - 65 years old.


In memory of the creator of the “Prolife Belarus” movement and the editor-in-chief of the website portal Tatyana Tarasevich

For those who work in hazardous and hazardous industries

Such a pension in Belarus is assigned according to two lists. List No. 1 includes work with particularly harmful and particularly difficult working conditions, as well as underground work. Those who have accumulated the required length of service there can retire 10 years earlier than the generally established retirement age. Now it is 46 years for women and 51 years for men. Ultimately, the retirement age for them will also increase by three years - to 48 and 53 years, respectively.

There is also list No. 2 - these are jobs with harmful and difficult working conditions. They provide the opportunity to retire five years earlier (currently 51 and 56 years). In addition to professions related to various industrial production, there are also nannies and nurses in psychiatric and psychoneurological departments of orphanages, machinists, telephone operators, and so on.

To retire early according to list No. 1, men need to save for at least 20 years length of service, half of them are in dangerous jobs. For women - 16 years and 6 months (this experience gradually increases to the same 20 years), for dangerous jobs - 7 years and 6 months. For a pension according to list No. 2, men need 25 years of work experience, women - 20 years, and at least half of them are in jobs from the list.

Civil servants, aviation workers, doctors, teachers, athletes, artists

Each profession has its own conditions. For example, civil servants, in order to retire five years earlier (that is, currently at 51 for women and 56 for men), need to accumulate 20 years of civil service experience. But at the same time, until they reach the generally established retirement age, they will be paid only half of the accrued pension. Some doctors and teachers can also retire five years earlier if they have accumulated the required special experience: men - 30 years, women - 25.

By the way, according to Belstat, last year the average long-service pension for this category was 423 rubles. 50 kopecks The usual old-age pension, for comparison, is 323 rubles. 10 kopecks

Security forces

Namely, military personnel of the Armed Forces who serve under contract, those who serve in internal affairs bodies (police), emergency agencies (rescuers), state security agencies, border service agencies, the Investigative Committee, the State Forensic Expertise Committee, as well as in the financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee. We are talking about commanders and rank and file. That is, for example, accountants or secretaries working in a military unit, military pension not allowed.

Now the retirement age for security forces of all ranks up to and including lieutenant colonel (officially it is called the age limit for status at military service) - 46 years old. Previously, it was 45 years old, but along with the general retirement age, it began to rise by six months every year. By 2023 he will be 48 years old. If a security officer is 46 years old and by this time he has at least 25 years of total work experience, of which 12.5 years are service, then he has the right to retire. If a person’s length of service is 20 years or more, he has already earned the right to a pension. But they will start paying it only at 46 years old, regardless of when he quits.

For higher ranks, the retirement age does not increase. But he was taller before. Colonels retire at 50, major generals and lieutenant generals at 55, and colonel generals at 60.

By the way, security forces’ pensions are paid not at the expense of the Social Security Fund, like everyone else, but at the expense of the budget. As of January 1, 2018, there were about 76 thousand military pensioners in Belarus.

Mothers of many children, disabled people and parents of disabled people

They also have certain requirements. A mother of many children must, firstly, give birth to five or more children. Secondly, raise four of them until they are 8 years old. And thirdly, have at least 15 years of work experience (maternity leave is also included) and at least 5 years of insurance. If all the conditions are met, you will be able to retire five years earlier - at 51 (when the increase in the retirement age ends - at 53). And women who gave birth to five or more children, raised them until they were 16 years old and worked for at least 10 years directly in agricultural production (for example, on a collective farm) can retire at any time!

The parent of a disabled child, who raised him for at least 8 years before reaching adulthood and has accumulated a certain work experience (20 years for women and 25 for men), can also retire five years earlier. Group III disabled people who have accumulated 20 or 25 years of work experience (depending on gender) can also go on vacation the same five years earlier.

“Instead of preferential retirement, people in difficult and dangerous jobs could simply be paid more.”

Preferential retirement for people whose work involves risks to health and life exists in many countries. This is something like compensation for harm. But, in my opinion, you just need to pay more for working in such conditions,” believes Lev Lvovsky, senior researcher at the BEROC research center. - In general, this corresponds to the laws of the market: if for some reason no one wants to do a certain job, its price increases so that someone agrees to it. In such a situation, the person himself also has more opportunities to choose how to build his life. For example, he could save more, save enough and stop working earlier, or invest more in his health so he can work until retirement. As a last resort, one could offer the employee a choice: either receive more now and retire along with everyone else, or receive less and retire earlier. However, most hazardous work is paid for by the state, which does not have the opportunity to raise wages for hazardous work. Therefore, it is more profitable to promise deferred bonuses, especially since you may not live to see them. And this is not only an economic, but also to some extent a political issue. The state, one might say, bribes some of the voters with pension benefits, and this happens in many states.

Will the list of beneficiaries be reduced?

For those who are eligible for early retirement, the retirement age will also increase by the same three years. But they will still retire earlier than the majority of the country’s residents. Some experts believe that the number of beneficiaries could be reduced in order to reduce the burden on the Social Security Fund and the budget. Or at least reduce the gap between the general retirement age and the preferential age. Are such ideas considered in the government?

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection commented on the issue of changing approaches to the appointment of early pensions.


In Russia, the early retirement system is almost no different from ours. Those who have worked for a certain amount of time in harmful or dangerous working conditions, as well as military personnel, security officials, some doctors, teachers, and creative workers can go on vacation a little earlier. In addition, residents of the Far North retire five years earlier. Our neighbors do not plan to get rid of these benefits: if the retirement age is raised, it will also rise for benefit recipients.

In Latvia, those who worked in enterprises with harmful or dangerous working conditions can retire five years earlier (at 58 years old instead of 62). But before the generally established retirement age, they will be paid only half of their due pension.

By the way, all those who have accumulated 30 or more years of experience can retire two years earlier.

In the UK, some professions can retire earlier. Firefighters, police officers, soldiers, and air traffic controllers can retire at 60 (all others at 68). At the same time, a significant part British pension- funded, and most funds provide the opportunity to withdraw money starting at age 55. So if you have saved enough, you can start relaxing at 55.

Pensions for mothers of many children

The legislation of the Republic of Belarus provides a number of pension benefits for mothers of many children.

In accordance with Art. 19 <<<Закона Республики Беларусь «О пенсионном provision">>> women who have given birth to five or more children and raised them up to the age of 8 have the right to an old-age pension upon reaching 50 years of age (as well as women whose fifth child has not reached 8 years of age by this time) and with a work experience of at least 15 years.

Women who gave birth to five or more children and raised them until the age of 16, with work experience on collective farms, state farms and other agricultural enterprises directly toagricultural production for at least 10 years (without counting the time spent caring for children) are entitled to a pension regardless of age. If the specified work for women was not the main one or was not of a permanent nature, the time of this work is counted towards the special length of service according to its actual duration. Also, according to the actual duration of work, the time spent working on a collective farm after 1965 is counted as length of service for women who did not work (including for good reasons) the established minimum workdays.

The number of workers directly involved in the production of agricultural products includes, in particular:

· in crop production: field growers (plant growers); vegetable growers (greenhouses); gardeners; fruit and vegetable growers; tractor drivers; foremen, their assistants and supervisors;

· in livestock farming: feed preparation operator, feed preparation worker; feed kitchen worker, feed shop worker, cook; operator for artificial insemination of animals and poultry; livestock breeder on duty (night cattleman); machine milking operator, milkmaid; operator, livestock breeder for animal care (calves, cattlemen, cattlemen-shepherds); managers of a dairy farm; operator of pig breeding complexes and farms, pig breeder; operator of sheep breeding complexes and farms, shepherd; operator of poultry factories and farms, poultry farmer; beekeeper; operator for veterinary treatment of animals and poultry, veterinarian; fur farmer, rabbit breeder; a worker engaged in fish farming; foremen, their assistants and supervisors.

In accordance with <<<Методическими рекомендациями по организации на enterprises, institutions, organizations, collective farms, cooperatives and other entitiesmanagement of work on registration and submission of documents for appointmentpensions approved by order of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Republic of Belarusdated March 14, 1996 No. 8>>>(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Social Protection dated September 29, 1998 No. 84), in order to assign a pension to mothers of many children, along with documents on experience and earnings, it is necessary to submit documents on the birth of children and their upbringing up to 8 years of age to the authorities that assign pensions ( 16 years old) age.

The fact of birth of a child is certified by a birth certificate (birth certificate).

The fact of raising a child up to 8 years of age (16 years of age) is established by the commission for the assignment of pensions, formed by the district executive and administrative body, on the basis of documents containing the necessary information submitted by the person applying for the pension. Such documents may be, for example, certificates from housing maintenance organizations about family composition indicating cohabitation child with parents, certificates from educational institutions (kindergartens, schools), medical institutions, etc. The decision of the pension commission to establish the fact that the mother is raising children under 8 years of age is documented in a protocol.

In relation to persons living (living) in rural areas, this fact can be confirmed by a certificate from the rural (village) council of deputies. The fact that a mother is raising children under 8 years of age can also be established in court.

V.V. Queen

head of organization department

pension provision of the pension administration

Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus

Women on maternity leave are not included in the list of those who have a mandatory insurance period for calculating pensions. “By raising a child, a mother fulfills an important social mission. If she raises three children, she spends 9 years on parental leave; if she raises four children, she spends 12 years on maternity leave. A completely logical question arises: how can she earn her retirement pension in this case?” - formerly Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Labor and Social Issues Tamara Krasovskaya. the site found out what mothers with three and four children think about retirement.

In order to receive an old-age retirement pension, you need to pay contributions to the Social Protection Fund. This is done by the person himself or his employer. The period during which you pay premiums is called the insurance period. And it should not be confused with general work experience, which includes time for other activities: study, military service, etc.

Maternity leave is also not counted towards the insurance period, but is included in the length of service - with restrictions. “For those who have three children, this leave is included in full, and for those with five or more children, additional benefits are provided. Parents raising four children receive only 75% of such leave during their work experience. We propose to count their vacation period in full - 12 years,” the deputy chairman of the trade union federation said earlier Elena Mankevich.

“I am a mother of many children, I don’t receive a penny of pension”

Tatiana Ilina from Mozyr turned 55 years old back in 2015, but she does not receive a pension. At that time, her insurance experience was 11 years. In 2014, 10 years of contributions to the Social Security Fund were enough for an old-age retirement pension. But Decree No. 570, adopted on December 8, 2014, increased the required insurance period to 15 years as of January 1, 2015 - and Tatyana no longer had the right to a pension.

“If only we had been warned in advance that there would be changes in legislation: “Women, hurry up, in a few years they will increase their insurance coverage!” And I worked for the required number of years, not expecting that my seniority would increase. And I was presented with a fait accompli,” Tatyana complains. — Only when the next increase in length of service occurred in December 2015 (along with the gradual retirement age. — TUT.BY note) did they provide for a gradual increase in length of service: every year for six months.

The insurance period does not include years spent on parental leave. Tatyana has three children.

“Even if they added not 9 years of maternity leave to my insurance period, but at least 1.5 years for each child, I would have a pension,” she says bitterly. — They stripped away my experience so much that I, mother of many children I don't get a penny. What is this called, a socially oriented state? And one more amazing fact that defies logic: if a family takes a child from an orphanage, then this is included in the experience. But if they are dear, hard-won children, then it doesn’t count.

According to Decree No. 233, she can count on a pension if she has at least 35 years of total work experience (which includes periods of study, maternity leave, periods of caring for a disabled person of group 1, etc. - Note TUT.BY). But it doesn’t work that much either.

Tatyana Ilyina has a higher education in economics. Before maternity leave, the woman worked as an accountant. She gave birth to her first child in 1984, and her second in 1985. After the second maternity leave, I was able to get a job as a cleaner.

— It was the nineties. Businesses were closing, there was no work. No one was waiting for us anywhere or calling us anywhere. The union was falling apart, and people were thinking about feeding their families.

In 1991, a third child was born into the Ilyin family. After maternity leave, Tatyana remained a housewife.

- Running a household is not about beating your head, but about digging a garden, milking a cow, and feeding chickens. Wash the children, cook borscht, check their homework. All my children have been on the Honor Roll since school. Received a good education and good upbringing. Both my husband and I, and our three children have higher education.

Tatyana says: after the third maternity leave, she was looking for a job and contacted the employment service. Completed manicure courses at my own expense, “but because of their age they didn’t take me anywhere”. I got a job as a fireman.

- A fireman is seasonal work. We are hired only for the winter, and it is not a fact that I will be hired in the new heating season. Unemployment can be arranged for young people. The last time there were problems at work, they took young guy the fireman, not me. I was forced to work for 0.25 times the wage as a cleaner. I received less than 60 rubles a month.

According to Tatyana, the children treat the situation in which she finds herself with sympathy.

“The children look with regret and help me.” They are forced to feed me, although they are not obligated. I deserved and earned a pension by giving birth to three children,” says the woman.

“Our children are future taxpayers”

Photo: Reuters. Photo is for illustrative purposes only.

“I think it’s wrong that mothers of many children are so deprived of experience,” says the 41-year-old Tatiana Petrikovskaya from Baranavichy.

The family of Tatyana and Anatoly Petrikovsky has four sons: the eldest is 12 years old, and the youngest will soon turn 5. Before the birth of her first child, Tatyana worked at the Baranovichi Cotton Production Association: both as a packer and a seamstress. Between the second and third maternity leave, I went to work for just a few days.

“I was hoping that they would offer me a shift from eight in the morning to five in the evening and I would be able to pay attention to my sons. But they gave me a choice of two others: from six in the morning to three in the afternoon or from three in the afternoon until 11 in the evening. With children, you know, not the best option. In addition, at that time my mother became very ill. I quit.

Tatyana’s fourth maternity leave ended two years ago, but the woman still hasn’t found a job.

— I’m looking for a job, but I’m not suitable for every job, and not every one is suitable for me. They don’t really want to take us with many children! For an employer, children mean sick leave. You may have to take time off somewhere and be late. With the crisis, there are already enough workers, and here we are with our troubles.

Those who were unable to accumulate the insurance period required to receive a labor pension can apply for social pension. Its size is 50% of the subsistence level budget. At the moment it is 91.91 rubles per month.

Tatyana says that already “I agree to any job, even technical work”- the main thing is that you can combine it with childcare. Ideally, this is a part-time job.

- At my older sister three children. She works from eight to five o'clock as a seamstress. After a shift she comes home, squeezed like a lemon. There is no time for raising children here: you have to fill the pots and iron them. Lately my blood pressure has been rising. She's so tired! Some mothers with many children have the support of the same grandparents, then it is easier for them to work and take care of their children.

Husband Anatoly cannot always help Tatiana to look after the children: the father of the family has a lot of business trips.

— I’m a mechanic by profession, but I went to construction to earn more. I had a heart attack, but if I change jobs, I’ll get pennies,” the man sighs. - But you have to be grateful for everything! We are grateful for the house that the state helped build. Without support we would not have been able to do this so quickly. You know, we are believers. We believe that a child is a gift from God. That’s why there was no talk about abortion. We don't drink, don't smoke, we try to live like worthy citizens. We raise our sons the same way. Those people who say: “They gave birth!” - They don’t understand what children are at all. This is our love, a piece of our heart. Some people look at people with many children as defective. But our children are their future taxpayers. When, God willing, they grow up, they will be provided with pensions.

“Shmatdzetnykh was chosen for the role of a kazlov adpuchenya, an object for nannying”

— The current situation with internships for schmatzet mothers, in my opinion, is pathetic. I’m afraid that if this woman were to die, she wouldn’t become a drug addict, like those who have already lost their fears, and who have lost a lot of aggressive experience,” says the Minsk resident. Oksana Akunevich. - Our sam’ya took away the dzyatsey and dekrat. And, if such rules are in force: the decree of three bastards, then I will pamper them in every way, and even in retirement. It’s amazing to me that they played the role of an adversary, an object for nanny, and an advocate for other problems. Dad, I don’t believe in our pension system and the fact that we, who are over 30, get any kind of pension.

Oksana’s family has three children: the eldest is seven years old, the middle one is almost three, and the youngest is one year old. She is currently on maternity leave, and before that she worked as a physics and computer science teacher in schools and as a software engineer at BNTU after finishing her master's degree. Oksana explains why she spent all the required three years on her first maternity leave.

- As a mentor, I know that the first three bastards and fortune tellers will be unreal.

Oksana suggests that when it's long maternity leave ends, finding a job is unlikely to be an easy task for her:

- Eight years ago, before the first quarter, we grew up with our husbands, Kama took care of his career, and Kama watched his life. There is no knowledge of the science of physics and computer science for 300 rubles at school, without voting rights or fees. And with good work and high earnings, it is intended for the future. Pratsadaўtsu zyatsya bezzetnaga lad.

Oksana says that they are not saving for retirement because now “there is no sane accumulation system.” But you can count on real estate.

- Our nonsense is of good quality, bought for a fortune. The hell of the Dzyarzhavas did not destroy any kindnesses. Otherwise, they immediately love the social benefits of their households and their quarters,” adds Oksana.

“I left my job, and two months later I found out that I was pregnant.”

Photo: Reuters. Photo is for illustrative purposes only. Photo from the heroine’s personal archive

32 year old Diana Putilina from Minsk - mother of four children: the oldest is 12, the middle ones are 10 and 6 years old, and the youngest is only a month old. Diana also plans to spend the required 3 years on maternity leave this time.

“It’s hard to combine children and work.” When you're working, you don't pay as much attention to them. Ideally, I would like to return from maternity leave not to an 8-hour working day, but to a 4-hour one. The third child is hearing impaired, he needs more time than the other children,” says Diana.

Before her first pregnancy, Diana worked as a nurse for a year. The first maternity leave smoothly transitioned into the second, after the second the woman returned to her workplace. After the third maternity leave, I went back to work. When the contract at the clinic ended two years later, Diana decided not to renew it.

— I left my job, and two months later I found out that I was pregnant! It was very difficult to get a new position; who would hire a pregnant woman? I was refused four times just because I have many children: as soon as they find out how many children there are, they immediately send me home. I managed to get a job, although not in the medical field at all. At that time I had a belly, but the employer did not ask anything about pregnancy. If you asked, I would, of course, tell you. When I went on maternity leave, at work, of course, they were outraged at first, but then they treated me with understanding. Still, there was nowhere to go.

Diana also believes that mothers should count the fourth maternity leave as part of their length of service.

“The fact that they don’t count is wrong. On the one hand, they say that we need to have large families and raise the demographics, but on the other, they take away what is due. I don’t know whether I will work immediately after maternity leave or not. Still, getting settled, especially with four children, is now a problem.

But the Putilin family is thinking about retirement: they opened a personal pension account twice and made contributions. But both times from insurance of additional pension
I had to refuse because money was becoming difficult in a large family.

Lawyer: targeted social assistance could be a solution to the situation

Photo: Reuters. Photo is for illustrative purposes only.

“Let’s say a woman starts working at 23 years old, after university,” calculates the coordinator of legal programs of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Dmitry Chernykh. - If she has four children, then she can spend 12 years on maternity leave. To receive a pension, you need to have 20 years of insurance experience (this is how many years of insurance experience will be required from 2025 - Ed.). If there are no breaks between maternity leave and work, at this moment the woman will turn 55 years old. But if something doesn’t work out, you may not have time to develop your insurance period.

The lawyer notes that according to Decree No. 233, in order to receive a pension, a mother of many children can work and pay insurance contributions for 10 years, but must have a total work experience of 35 years.

- But if she had four children, then she will only count 9, not 12 years of four maternity leave. At the same time, for those who have five children, a benefit already applies: 5 years of insurance experience and 20 years of total experience. Obviously this is unfair.

Dmitry Chernykh draws attention to the fact that three years ago Belarusians “lived by different rules of the game”: as of January 1, 2014, for a pension it was required to have 5 years of insurance experience and 20 years of total experience.

— Since then, the insurance period has been increased to 10 years, and then to 15 years with a gradual increase. In law, this is called a retrospective situation: the new rules changed the situation of those who were counting on different pension legislation.

The BHC believes that a solution to the situation could be targeted social assistance for people who have reached retirement age, but have not had time to accumulate insurance coverage.

— The mothers of many children who contacted us did not have a total work experience of 35 years: they had been housewives for quite a long time. It is difficult to say whether the state should take into account periods of housekeeping when assigning a pension, but it is obvious that it should not leave such a person without a means of support. After all, mothers with many children were engaged in socially useful activities,” sums up Dmitry Chernykh.

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