“Good night, kids” in Swedish. Feces and a stream of urine have replaced Khryusha and Stepashka - this is not a joke Let's make candy from...

In Sweden, the local equivalent of “Good night, kids” is conducted by feces and a stream of urine; various parts of the body (the butt, for example) come to visit them, with which they discuss physiological processes.
This program is called “Biss & Kajs”, it is shown on the very popular children’s TV channel “Barnkanalen” in Sweden, the “Biss & Kajs” page on the channel’s website is http://www.svt.se/barnkanalen/biss-och-kajs/ .

Formally, the purpose of the program is to tell children about their physiology, but what does this lead to in reality? Any unbiased (and sane) child psychologist will confirm that such an obsession with excrement and, especially, erecting it into a cult * has an extremely negative impact on the development and psyche of children, essentially dehumanizing them.

* They even make toys with the “heroes” of this show:

“Biss & Kajs” is not a shocking and scandalous show, but part of the Swedish (more broadly juvenile-Western in general) system of educating the future generation. Sex education for children in Sweden begins as early as kindergarten– children receive FULL information (including about same-sex sex) about what sexual relations are at the age of 5-6 years. Moreover, parental consent is not only not required, attempts by parents to interfere with the sexual education of their children are punished administratively and even criminally.

Usually sex education, etc. the abomination is justified (using terms like “sexual hygiene”) on the grounds that it supposedly helps prevent abortion, sexual availability, etc. But the facts say otherwise:
1) Increase in abortions from 1971 to 1975. the number of teenage abortions increased by 45%. And now – more than 2 times. Interestingly, teen pregnancy rates were declining before the programs were introduced.
2) Increase in cancer diseases. According to the International Cancer Institute, the risk of breast cancer in women who regularly use birth control pills increases to 70%.
3) Increase in impotence. In England, for example, many are now concerned about the problem of teenage impotence: having started to have sex at the age of 9, teenagers often become impotent by the age of 12.
The thing is that sexual education does not free people from complexes, but, on the contrary, even aggravates them - the leading Austrian psychiatrist W. Frankl in his book “Man’s Search for Meaning” writes: “From the point of view of preventing sexual neuroses, compulsion to sexual consumption emanating from the education industry... Sexuality is disrupted as the conscious focus and attention to it increases. We, psychiatrists, constantly see in our patients how under pressure they feel from this “education industry”. are directly obliged to strive for sex. However, we, psychiatrists, also know how much this affects the weakening of potency..."
4) A high proportion of illegitimate children and, accordingly, distortion of upbringing, psychological problems. In Sweden there are 50% of illegitimate children.
5) Decrease in birth rate. It hardly needs any comments.
6) Pedophilia. One in five children in Europe becomes a victim of sexual violence, and in 70–80% of cases this violence is committed by someone whom the child knew well.

Sex education, juvenile justice, feces and a stream of urine, instead of Piggy and Stepashka - these are all links of one chain, which right now are being extremely aggressively imposed on our country.
The same process goes on TV, for example,

Poop instead of Piggy and Stepashka

In Sweden, the local equivalent of “Good night, kids” is conducted by feces and a stream of urine; various parts of the body (the butt, for example) come to visit them, with which they discuss physiological processes.
This program is called “Biss & Kajs”, it is shown on the very popular children’s TV channel “Barnkanalen” in Sweden, the “Biss & Kajs” page on the channel’s website is svt.se/barnkanalen/biss-och...

Formally, the purpose of the program is to tell children about their physiology, but what does this lead to in reality? Any unbiased (and sane) child psychologist will confirm that such an obsession with excrement and, especially, raising it into a cult (they even make toys with the “heroes” of this show) have an extremely negative impact on the development and psyche of children, essentially dehumanizing them. ,

“Biss & Kajs” is not a shocking and scandalous show, but part of the Swedish (more broadly juvenile-Western in general) system of educating the future generation. Sexual education of children in Sweden begins in kindergarten - children receive FULL information (including about same-sex sex) about what sexual relations are at the age of 5-6 years (psychologos.ru/articles/vie...). Moreover, parental consent is not only not required, attempts by parents to interfere with the sexual education of their children are punished administratively and even criminally.

Usually sex education, etc. the abomination is justified (using terms like “sexual hygiene”) on the grounds that it supposedly helps prevent abortion, sexual availability, etc. But the facts say otherwise:

1) Increase in abortions from 1971 to 1975 the number of teenage abortions increased by 45%. And now - more than 2 times. Interestingly, teen pregnancy rates were declining before the programs were introduced.

2) Increase in cancer diseases. According to the International Cancer Institute, the risk of breast cancer in women who regularly use birth control pills increases to 70%.

3) Increase in impotence. In England, for example, many are now concerned about the problem of teenage impotence: having started to have sex at the age of 9, teenagers often become impotent by the age of 12.
The whole point is that sexual education does not free people from complexes, but, on the contrary, even aggravates them - the leading Austrian psychiatrist W. Frankl in his book “Man’s Search for Meaning” writes: “From the point of view of preventing sexual neuroses, compulsion to sexual consumption emanating from the education industry... Sexuality is disrupted as the conscious focus and attention to it increases. We, psychiatrists, constantly see in our patients how under pressure they feel from this “education industry”. are directly obliged to strive for sex. However, we, psychiatrists, also know how much this affects the weakening of potency..."

4) A high proportion of illegitimate children and, accordingly, distortion of upbringing, psychological problems. In Sweden, 50% of illegitimate children are born.

5) Declining birth rate. It hardly needs any comment.

6) Pedophilia. Every fifth child in Europe becomes a victim of sexual violence, and in 70-80% of cases this violence is committed by a person whom the child knew well.(dzd.ee/791226/kazhdyj-pjaty...)

Sex education, juvenile justice, feces and a stream of urine, instead of Piggy and Stepashka - these are all links of one chain, which right now are being extremely aggressively imposed on our country. But do we need them?

P.S. Video of one of the episodes of “Biss & Kajs” (the most interesting at the end).

Before talking about the transfer "Live healthy!", I would like to say a few words about the program that reduced a large amount of skepticism when discussing the inventions of Elena Malysheva.

In Sweden there is this children's program "Biss och Kajs": the presenters - a stream of urine and poop - explain to preschoolers how the body works and how certain organs work. The latter are invited to the studio for an interview, and no one is bypassed: “This is where your buttocks can come in handy!”

Swedish children's program "Biss och Kajs"

Sometimes presenters go out into the people and ask questions to passers-by on the streets. Would you be able to quickly find an answer when a turd is interviewing you? I haven't decided on my reaction yet...

Poor girls and women with the surname Malysheva. It must be difficult to live when in front of the eyes of your interlocutor, who recognizes your last name, a shadow appears “the well-known on-screen doctor-educator with glasses”...Has everyone guessed who I mean? Yes, I'm talking about Elena Malysheva and her popular entertainment program "Live healthy!".

The reputation of this program has been smelling so bad for several years now. And it would seem that the program is about health - there are plenty of them. So what can cause long-term debates and discussions on the subject? WATCH OR NOT WATCH? Let's find out...


If you have ever watched the show "Live healthy!" on Channel One, then something is wrong with you. Let me explain. The program comes out in 9.50 . If you are at home at this time, then you:

A small child who does not go to kindergarten/school

On vacation/on maternity leave/on sick leave/retired

Elena Malysheva herself

Fan of the show "Live healthy!": Come to work after 11, as soon as the program ends.

The fourth option looks pretty fantastic to me, although remembering one anecdote, I can believe this:

The blonde was once asked:

What is the probability of meeting a dinosaur on the street?

Either we meet or not.

That is, such people may or may not exist - we don’t discount them.

The main audience is mothers on maternity leave and pensioners. Before going on maternity leave, I didn’t even know about the existence of such a program, not even like that: I knew that there was a daily program about health hosted by Elena Malysheva (somehow she even sat on the KVN judges, by the way, she ended up in her parody, if I’m not mistaken, and I looked at KVN student years) , but while the presenters greeted the audience, I rushed to work at full speed. And when I had time in the morning, I started looking.

With older people, everything is also clear. By the age of 50-60, our health does not improve, our interests narrow. That’s why everything revolves around doctors, health, clinics. Moreover, our love for authority "the one on TV" ineradicable. For now.

Working people physically cannot watch this program if for some reason they do not stay at home.

Here I would like to note that I cannot understand people who judge the program on humorous sites where various clips from the program are posted. If you want to form an opinion, look at it in full and draw your own conclusions. Any. Good and bad. But don’t be unfounded and don’t judge through tenths of hands, in this case – eyes and ears.


This is where the dog is buried. I have not met a single person who liked the presenter and her behavior. She and her co-hosts behave shockingly. Elena Malysheva sometimes allows herself open rudeness and criticism, which is unacceptable, in my opinion, in relation to strangers, especially guests of the program. Why humiliate a person because he is a sales manager and not a tractor driver? Why rudely poke your nose at extra pounds and prophesy death after eating an eclair at the buffet?

But!!! Let's not forget what this is SHOW. If she were a polite gray mouse, every second person would switch the remote control button to some TNT and didn't bother. And here, in real time, two adult men in a scrotum costume sing a life-affirming song to us “If you have testicles, then you are a man!” .

It seems to me that in this situation, even the premieres TNT and endless "intrigues-scandals-investigations" NTV they smoke nervously on the sidelines and are covered in spots with envy of the queen of morning prime time.

We must pay tribute to the producers of the program - they divided it into several sections.

If you don’t want to watch about life and medicine, who farts/poops and how much, watch about food. Although, when talking about food, presenters often simply lustfully drag a glass tube with rags into the studio to show how a healthy intestine works:

Eat, Vasya, an artichoke -

You'll poop well! (sorry, I couldn’t resist making a pun)

Topics have been selected that can cause heated discussions (and of course, caustic remarks from Malysheva herself, where would we be without them):

- Well, that’s impossible: You’re not sitting with your bladder on the cold ground, are you? You are sitting on your butt. These are the layers that separate you from the earth. In order for them to freeze, you need to be placed in permafrost for a day. You see, well, this is impossible. Therefore this is nonsense. It is wrong to think that the bladder can get cold. You are looking for reasons in the wrong places. The reasons must be sought primarily in hygiene. You can’t get a cold in your bladder, you can only transfer E. coli, voluntarily or involuntarily, here. It's clear? Thank you very much. Sit down please.

I just want to add: “Sit down. Deuce"

Each fact or process is explained not only in words, but also visually. It is because of this that this program has not ceased to be discussed for the past 5 years. Everything is possible here:

The presenter can clearly demonstrate what circumcision is by calling an unsuspecting spectator out of the audience and cutting off her turtleneck, and a couple of hundred hairs from her head to boot:

To show the red blood cell, Andrei Petrovich - co-host of Elena Malysheva - with childish enthusiasm gets into a children's car and goes to deliver "iron" to the address - the most anemic girl in the room:

But another co-host, German Shaevich, put on a giant hand so that the audience would try to determine the diagnosis from the handshake. I’ll tell you right away, the diagnosis "shake hands until they break" did not have:

"Tsar, it's a pleasure..."

Having staged a battle between fish and meat, the same Andrei Petrovich and an unsuspecting spectator from the audience were dressed up in appropriate costumes:

“And this will be a bone on your head!” , says Elena Malysheva, dressing up her next "victim".

One lively man from the audience was really eager to squeeze into the tunnel from IKEA, depicting the movement of blood through a vessel with cholesterol plaques. By the way, he did it so cheerfully that he almost climbed through! Has everyone guessed which organ the vessel is located in?

When my child plays with this tunnel at home, I always think about cholesterol. Enlightenment to the masses!

Don't know how to poop properly? No problem! They will teach you and even give you a whole lecture with visual posters and a lesson step by step instructions:

And if you suddenly find yourself on a program where they talk about contraception, do not take a raincoat with you - they will give you one and also hit you on the head with a ball and explain how to protect yourself with a condom:

By the way, during the program Malysheva really likes to praise her dresses and literally pull out compliments from her ignorant co-hosts.

Likes to grab pieces of something from the kitchen when it's time for a column "About food", sometimes directly focusing on the fact that he can eat a ton of carrots or salad, and this is wonderful, and you, the fattening spectators, bite into sandwiches with high-calorie sausage - Ah ah ah!

By the way, in one of the programs she was seen eating fried potatoes:


Many people here will think "Where", but I'll clarify - "Which".

№1 . Be attentive to yourself and your loved ones

No matter how rude and tactless the presenter is, she sometimes says sensible things that are worth listening to. If you have excess weight– you have health problems. Lose weight to normal and then see if the complaints remain. And here we are not talking about one or two kilograms - if this weight is really excess and interferes with your life.

№2. Don't be a fan traditional medicine in the treatment of serious diseases

Do not treat a sore throat with hot raspberry tea - take antibiotics, because untreated sore throat can cause serious complications, including those affecting the heart.

№3. Make your life easier when possible - fortunately, medicine does not stand still

This applies to vaccinations, incorrectly selected medications when treating diseases, and visits to the doctor if problems arise.

№4. Get examined

Get preventative checkups. Listen to your body. And no matter how funny it may be for you to see on the screen an auntie with false rubber breasts in a bulletproof vest, who is being taught how to properly examine her breasts, take this message into account - conduct a self-examination at home. Yes, it looks funny, but it’s better to laugh now than to cry later without having done this examination.

№5. Don't be hypocrites

Very often Malysheva calls herself and her team “fighters against hypocrisy and obscurantism” when talking about "the art of pooping", about sex, about contraception - about many topics that people are embarrassed about. I don't like the way the presenter sometimes presents the material and insults people and makes fun of their ignorance on certain issues. It's there and it's annoying. But she is right that we are hypocrites. We must learn to speak, hear, explain. Don't do like Malysheva. Do it your way, but do it.

Reading comments to other reviews out of interest, I very often came across phrases such as "ugh, vomit, crazy lady, she's completely crazy about giving condoms to children" and so on. Excuse me, but who else but you, parents, will tell your children about sex education? It’s good, of course, to blame her and say that she’s gone crazy for showing this, but I don’t see anything strange in telling a child about sex and contraception. Let it be prepared by you, and not collect mistakes or something else in the gateways. And she simply drew attention to the fact that many parents do not talk to their children about this at all, believing that “somehow he knows everything himself, already from kindergarten...” It's sad, comrades, because of this


Here I want to say a few words about the section "About the house". And here again you can both laugh and be surprised at the invention of the Russians. Our practicality and creativity are sometimes simply amazing. It is this section that confirms the words of the Finnish journalist Anna-Lena Lauren, who wrote the book “They have something wrong with their heads, these Russians”:

By the way, the packages mentioned in the book were easily used in transmission "Live healthy!". It’s good that at least they don’t encourage you to wash them, like our grandmothers did in the 90s:

After looking at this section, you can easily make a hanging shelf from a towel, curtains from neckerchiefs, a toothpaste clip from an invisible toothpaste, a candle from an old light bulb, and also learn how to iron shirt collars, hair straighteners and store cream when traveling in drinking straws .

Although you know, after the inventions of the Swedes with their funny folk leaders, which I mentioned at the beginning, I don’t even know if I can’t understand us with my mind, or who else on the globe?


Despite the complaints about the transfer "Live healthy!", despite the sometimes lame and strange humor, despite the rudeness of the know-it-all presenter, I can say with confidence that if you watch it correctly, you can pick out many useful things for yourself. Here is some information that I think is useful:

  • Beef liver contains the most iron. It is enough to eat 100 grams to replenish daily requirement, but if you replace the liver with apples, you will get as many as 50 pieces. Iron from meat, or heme iron, is better absorbed. Apples and pomegranates also contain it, but you have to eat a whole carload of them.

  • If someone near you feels unwell, you can do a few simple tests to rule out a stroke:

- ask to smile / say a simple phrase / raise both hands

  • Many medications become less effective if taken with certain foods.
  • Hormone replacement therapy can virtually eliminate unpleasant symptoms in women during menopause and make their lives easier.
  • Myths about the content of vitamins and microelements in foods (iron, calcium, vitamin C) and information about which products actually contain them.

  • Few people read medical journals, and few know about innovations, so there is an easy opportunity to learn about new discoveries, as well as misconceptions about medicines, for example, the following:


I think that any incoming information, from all sources, needs to be filtered and checked. Therefore, I don’t see anything wrong with the presenters sharing some new discoveries in medicine and refuting already established stereotypes about approaches to treatment, medications, and food. And having even the slightest sense of humor, you can look at some episodes of this program with a smile: the guys dressed up in a costume of testicles - let them sing and dance, but you will just laugh a lot and extend your life by about 15 minutes, or even more. I laughed for a very long time. If you are taught how to land on the toilet correctly, laugh again. You really need to understand that there are people who have such “ridiculous” problems, but they don’t talk about them. It takes a very brave person to bring this out into the public eye.

Thank you for your attention! I hope I was useful and didn’t spoil some people’s appetite with my thoughts about this program

“Biss & Kajs” is not a shocking and scandalous show, but part of the Swedish (more broadly juvenile-Western in general) system of educating the future generation. Let me remind you that “Biss & Kajs” is somewhat reminiscent of the local analogue of “Good night, kids”. The only leading ones, translated from Swedish, are poop and a stream of urine.

They even make toys from the heroes:

Sexual education of children in Sweden begins in kindergarten - children receive FULL information (including about same-sex sex). Moreover, parental consent is simply not required. Typically, sex education (using terms like “sexual hygiene”) is justified on the grounds that it supposedly helps prevent abortion, sexual availability, etc. But the facts say otherwise:

1.Increase in abortions from 1971 to 1975. the number of teenage abortions increased by 45%. And now - more than 2 times. Interestingly, teen pregnancy rates were declining before the programs were introduced.

2. Increase in cancer diseases. According to the International Cancer Institute, the risk of breast cancer in women who regularly use birth control pills increases to 70%.

3. Increase in impotence. In England, for example, many are now concerned about the problem of teenage impotence: having started to have sex at the age of 9, teenagers often become impotent by the age of 12. The whole point is that sexual education does not free people from complexes, but, on the contrary, even worsens them - the leading Austrian psychiatrist W. Frankl writes in his book “Man’s Search for Meaning”: “Dangerous from the point of view of preventing sexual neuroses is the compulsion to sexual consumption coming from the education industry... Sexuality is violated as the conscious orientation and attention to it increases. We, psychiatrists, constantly see in our patients how, under pressure from this “industry of education” ... they feel downright obliged to strive for sex. However, we, psychiatrists, also know how much this affects the weakening of potency...”

4. High proportion of illegitimate children and, accordingly, distortion of upbringing, psychological problems In Sweden, 50% of illegitimate children are born.

5. Declining birth rate. It hardly needs any comment.

6. Pedophilia. One in five children in Europe becomes a victim of sexual violence, and in 70–80% of cases this violence is committed by someone whom the child knew well.

The same processes are taking place on domestic TV, for example, Malysheva is a 100% copy of Western TV, and sooner or later they will try to replace Khryusha and Stepashka in our country with something similar. Are they really needed?

In Sweden, the local equivalent of “Good night, kids” is conducted by feces and a stream of urine; various parts of the body (the butt, for example) come to visit them, with which they discuss physiological processes.

This program is called “Biss & Kajs”, it is shown on the very popular children’s TV channel “Barnkanalen” in Sweden, the “Biss & Kajs” page on the channel’s website is https://www.svt.se/barnkanalen/biss-och-kajs/ .

Formally, the purpose of the program is to tell children about their physiology, but what does this lead to in reality? Any unbiased (and sane) child psychologist will confirm that such an obsession with excrement and, especially, raising it into a cult * has an extremely negative impact on the development and psyche of children, essentially dehumanizing them.

* They even make toys with the “heroes” of this show:

“Biss & Kajs” is not a shocking and scandalous show, but part of the Swedish (more broadly juvenile-Western in general) system of educating the future generation. Sexual education of children in Sweden begins in kindergarten - children receive FULL information (including about same-sex sex) about what sexual relations are at the age of 5-6 years. Moreover, parental consent is not only not required, attempts by parents to interfere with the sexual education of their children are punished administratively and even criminally.

Usually sex education, etc. the abomination is justified (using terms like “sexual hygiene”) on the grounds that it supposedly helps prevent abortion, sexual availability, etc. But the facts say otherwise:
1. Increase in abortions from 1971 to 1975 the number of teenage abortions increased by 45%. And now – more than 2 times. Interestingly, teen pregnancy rates were declining before the programs were introduced.
2. Increase in cancer diseases. According to the International Cancer Institute, the risk of breast cancer in women who regularly use birth control pills increases to 70%.
3. Increase in impotence. In England, for example, many are now concerned about the problem of teenage impotence: having started to have sex at the age of 9, teenagers often become impotent by the age of 12.
The thing is that sexual education does not free people from complexes, but, on the contrary, even aggravates them - the leading Austrian psychiatrist W. Frankl in his book “Man’s Search for Meaning” writes: “From the point of view of preventing sexual neuroses, compulsion to sexual consumption emanating from the education industry... Sexuality is disrupted as the conscious focus and attention to it increases. We, psychiatrists, constantly see in our patients how under pressure they feel from this “education industry”. are directly obliged to strive for sex. However, we, psychiatrists, also know how much this affects the weakening of potency..."
4. A high proportion of illegitimate children and, accordingly, distortion of upbringing, psychological problems. In Sweden, 50% of illegitimate children are born.
5. Declining birth rate. It hardly needs any comments.
6. Pedophilia. One in five children in Europe becomes a victim of sexual violence, and in 70–80% of cases this violence is committed by someone whom the child knew well.

Sex education, juvenile justice, feces and a stream of urine, instead of Piggy and Stepashka - these are all links of one chain, which right now are being extremely aggressively imposed on our country. But do we need them?

Video of one of the episodes of “Biss & Kajs” (the most interesting at the end)

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