Staging p. The most optimal way to set the sound L: how the steamboat made friends with the turkey

Pronunciation of texts

Learn the riddle.

Antoshka stands -

Just a hat and a leg.

The rain will pass -

Antoshka will grow up. (Mushroom.)

Lesson summary

The speech therapist says that the child studied very well and clearly pronounced the sound [n]. You can invite your child to draw a raspberry.

SOUND [P] (production)

Production of sound [p], development of articulatory motor skills, diaphragmatic-costal type of breathing, forced exhalation, phonemic hearing.

Organizing time

The speech therapist offers the child pictures from the “Fun and Sad” series. He must determine emotional condition children shown in the pictures. Answer the questions:

“Why do you think the girl is crying? Why is the boy smiling? Why is the boy frowning?”

Formation of rhythmic organization of speech

(reproduction of rhythmic structures)

The game "Drummer" is played.

Development of phonemic hearing

By clapping your hands, select the syllable “na” from the syllabic series: “na - ma - dana - yes - na - ma.”

Determine which syllable is extra: “na - na - ma - na.”

Development of articulatory motor skills

Speech therapy massage

1. Lip massage: stroking, spiral rubbing, sawing, upper/lower lip stretching, spiral kneading, pressure kneading, vibration.

2. Tongue massage: stroking the tongue from root to tip, circular rubbing of the side edges, tip of the tongue, pinching the side edges and tip of the tongue, kneading with pressure, vibration with tapping.

3. Massage of the soft palate: longitudinal stroking, circular rubbing, transverse rubbing, kneading with pressure.

Articulation gymnastics

1. For the lower jaw: imitate chewing, open your mouth with resistance.

2. For lips and cheeks: perform sucking movements; imitate rinsing your teeth (pout your lips); pout the upper and then the lower lip; pinch a small piece of paper between your lips, then spit it out.

Setting the sounds P, T, M, V

It has been noticed that the sounds P, T, M, V appear first in children’s speech.

Light in articulation and distant from each other acoustically.

In deaf children, these sounds are evoked using phonetic rhythmic movements. But the evoked sounds are not always pronounced by the child accurately and correctly, because the child is deaf. Next we move on to the stage of sound production.

When producing a sound, all analyzers must work simultaneously (visual - the child sees the position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus), auditory (hears the sound), motor (feels the movement of the lips, tongue), tactile (feels the air stream and vibration of the vocal cords)

Sound P

The sound P is a consonant, oral, plosive, labial-labial at the place of formation, deaf, hard.

At the first moment, the lips close, the air in the pharynx and mouth is compressed. Then the labial stop explodes and the air is pushed out.

When working on the sound P, you should give the child the opportunity to see the position of the lips. Children can feel the push of air, the absence of a voice when pronouncing the sound P with the help of residual hearing or by touching the larynx with their hand.

The stage of sound production is preceded by the stage of articulatory gymnastics. The formation of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is carried out through articulatory gymnastics, which includes exercises for training the mobility and switchability of organs, practicing certain positions of the lips and tongue, necessary both for the correct pronunciation of all sounds, and for each sound of a particular group. Exercises should be targeted: it is not their quantity that is important, but the correct selection and quality of execution.

Each exercise is given names according to the action performed.

The lips take part in the formation of the sound P, the tongue is passive and its position depends on the next sound. This means we will perform articulation exercises for the lips. Exercise “frog”, “trunk”. The picture serves as a model for imitation of an object or its movements when performing articulatory gymnastics exercises. When pronouncing the sound p, a directed air stream is required, so we perform breathing exercises (for example, blowing cotton wool from the palm of your hand).

We put the sound P by imitation. The child sees the position of the lips, feels the jerky air stream and the absence of vibration of the larynx.

To automate the evoked sound, we use a symbol picture (locomotive). When the child learns to pronounce a sound well in isolation, we automate it in forward and backward syllables, words, and phrases.

T sound

Consonant, oral, plosive, place of formation anterior lingual, voiceless, hard.

The lips are open and take position from the next sound. The tongue at the first moment forms a bow with its front edge with the upper incisors, and the lateral edges are adjacent to the upper molars. The next moment the bow explodes. The soft palate is raised and closes the passage to the nose. When pronouncing the sound T, you can see the position of the lips (slightly open), the edges of the incisors and the work of the tongue, and feel the push of air.

Articulation gymnastics is aimed at developing the correct position of the tongue: “Delicious jam”, “brush your teeth”. For automation, we use a picture symbol (“the wheels of the cars are knocking t-t-t)

Sound M

Consonant, nasal according to the place of formation, labial-labial, according to the method of formation, stop, hard.

At the first moment of pronouncing the sound M, the lips close, but without an explosion (unlike P). The position of the tongue depends on the following: The soft palate is lowered, exhaled air passes into the nose. The vocal folds are closed and vibrate. You can see the work of the lips, feel the vibrations of the larynx, cheeks, nose.

The main disadvantages of pronunciation: a) the sound M is pronounced in a high voice (put the echo A, control the vibration of the chest); b) the sound M is pronounced as B or mb (The soft palate is lowered or rises at the last moment). It is necessary to monitor the vibration of the cheeks, starting from a drawn-out M____. To automate the isolated sound M, a picture-symbol is used (moos bull mmm)

Articulatory gymnastics for the development of mobility of the soft palate (The game “the wind tears off the leaves” - cough with an open mouth on a leaf suspended on strings)

Sound B

Consonant, voiced, fricative according to the method of formation, labial-dental according to the place of formation.

The upper lip is slightly raised, the upper incisors are visible. Lower lip touches upper lips, leaving a flat gap in the middle. The tongue is in a position depending on the next sound. The soft palate is raised and closes the passage. The vocal folds are closed and vibrate. The position of the lips is clearly visible. You can feel the vibration of the larynx. And raising his hand to his mouth, a stream of exhaled air directed obliquely upward.

Articulation gymnastics (biting the upper and lower lips)

Pronunciation disadvantages:

A) sound B sounds nasal: Vava is like a mother (the reason is the soft palate is lowered, air passes into the nose). It is worth starting from the sound F, paying attention to the strong air stream, then switching to B;

B) c sounds like B or P, the reason is that the gap between the lip and incisors is replaced by a bow;

B) Sounds like F;

It is necessary to achieve the correct reproduction of sound B based on its drawn-out pronunciation and relying on double control (exhaled air and the presence of voice.

To automate the isolated sound B, a picture-symbol “The plane is buzzing” is used. B-B-B

Teachers of speech therapy groups, parents. Its main task is to help the child learn the correct pronunciation of the sounds P, Pь, B, B.

The manual offers practical material on production, automation and differentiation of these sounds. The manual contains a variety of lexical material, descriptions of games and individual exercises.

Egorova Olga Vladimirovna

Teacher- speech therapist GOU - children's garden combined kind 1547

G. Moscow

Sounds P, Pь, B, B

Speech material And games by automation And differentiation sounds at children 5-7 years

Publisher - A. Kazakov

Editor - N. Ilyakova

Corrector - I. Maksimova

Cover - N. Zalipaeva

Original layout - A. Komoloe

GNOM and D" E-mail: *****@***ru

Delivered for recruitment 09/08/04. Signed for publication on November 20, 2004. Offset printing. Volume 1.5 p.l. Format 60x90/16. Circulation 2,000 copies. Order No. 000.

Printed in accordance with the quality of the slides provided at the DPK Rospatent, Domodedovo, Kashirskoe sh., 4, building 1.

©EgorovaO. V., 2004. ISBN -X © Design by Gnome and D Publishing House, 2005.


Speech is one of the most important human functions. In progress speech development Higher mental processes and the ability for conceptual thinking are formed. Speech communication creates the necessary conditions for the development of various forms of activity. For education full-fledged personality It is necessary to eliminate everything that interferes with the child’s free communication with peers and adults.

Deficiencies in sound pronunciation significantly distort a child’s speech. The child may have omissions, substitutions, and deficiencies in the differentiation of sounds. All this makes the child’s speech difficult to understand for others and limits the child’s speech activity.

Correcting deficiencies in sound pronunciation is one of the most important tasks of a teacher. The child must learn to correctly pronounce all the sounds of his native language. Recently, there are more and more children who have impaired pronunciation of not only whistling, hissing or sonorous sounds, but also simpler sounds, such as D, T, N, P, B, etc.

Benefit structure

Work on each sound includes 3 sections:

1. Articulation of sound.

2. Sound production.

3. Practical material on automation and differentiation of sounds (syllables, words, sentences, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, stories and games).

Automation of any sound should begin with syllables. Only when the child learns to correctly pronounce sounds in syllables can he move on to words and sentences. At

when working with words, it is necessary to practice sound in different positions: at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word; in words with a combination of consonants.

At the final stages of sound automation, children are offered pure sayings, proverbs, tongue twisters, riddles, poems, stories, and games. Speak pure sayings and proverbs at a calm pace, paying attention to the fact that the automated sound is pronounced clearly and correctly. Tongue twisters should be pronounced slowly at first, clearly articulating the sounds, then at a normal pace. Only when the child can pronounce the tongue twister accurately can you repeat it at a fast pace. When working with riddles, invite children not only to guess them, but also to repeat them, since the text of the riddles contains an automated sound. It is advisable to learn poems. This helps not only to consolidate sound, but also to develop memory. Read stories to your child calmly and expressively so that he can remember and retell them. Play games in a lively manner, encouraging the child’s correct answers.

When sounds that are similar in pronunciation are automated, it is necessary to carry out work to differentiate them. Differentiation of sounds should begin with syllables, gradually moving on to words, sentences, poems, etc.

This manual is intended for speech therapists, teachers of speech therapy groups, parents of children with deficiencies in sound pronunciation.


Sound at the beginning of a word: Pan, pie, pass, page, spider, fall, package, paste, finger, Paul, chamber, stick, tow, steam, park; dust, dust, vacuum cleaner, fawn, crumpet; sing, sweat, floor, post, train, help, kidney, soil, mail, regiment, shelf, crawl, tomato, port, spanking; pud, fluff, path, pouf, pouf, launch, cannon, bunch, bullet, scarecrow, powder.

Sound in the middle of a word: Anapa, fall, stomp, drip, dig, bathe, buy, attack, foot, paw, clap, crowd, tulips, hat, constipation, parka, scratch, croup, path; trenches, hoof, spray; soot, boot, bast shoe, pressure.

Soundat the end of a word: Top, stage, blunder, sap, tsap, arap, snoring, drape, ladder.

: Pka, pna, mpa; pla, ply, plo, plu; great, great, about, great Firebox, hill, foot, shock, lamp; flame, planet, swim, swimming trunks, cry, plastic, plasticine; swim, quicksand; raft, fruit, bad, bad, hollow, nozzle, bowl; rogue, plow, wander; truth, rule; jump, jumper; simple, sheet; twig, pond.

3. Repeat offers.

Pasha was tending sheep. The page raised a finger. The regiment goes to the port. Buds appeared on the trees in the park. The locomotive let off steam. The lamp is on at the post office. Pavel went to Anapa. The crowd clapped. The vacuum cleaner swallows dust. Pushka's paws got wet. Berries fell from the hollow. Paul teaches the rule. The scarecrow guards the fruit. The gun fires: poof. Dad buys cereal. Pavel set off. There is dust on the floor, you need a vacuum cleaner.

4. Repeat pure sayings.

Pa - pa - pa - small grains.

Poo-poo-poo - we bought cereal.

Py - py - py - there is no more cereal.

Pa-pa-pa-papa is coming.

Pu-pu-pu-I'm going to Anapa.

I hit the sky with my finger.

The clatter of hooves sends dust flying across the field.

I got up late and lost the day.

I didn’t study when I was young - I lost my life.

Confession is half the correction.

6. Repeat the tongue twisters.

There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under a cap.

A couple of birds fluttered and fluttered - and fluttered out.

The field is not weeded, The field is not watered, He asks the pole to drink - The pole needs to be watered.

Singular" href="/text/category/edinstvennoe_chislo/" rel="bookmark">singular, child - plural.

Tomato - (tomatoes). A gun - (guns).

Spider - (spiders). Pillow - (pillows).

Shelf - (shelves). Tent - (tents).

11. Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Styopa went on a hike. First, Styopa took the train to the forest. I went down the path into the forest. There he found a beautiful clearing and set up a tent on it. A river flowed near the tent. Styopa swam in the river and lay down on the grass to sunbathe. How good it is to relax!

Articulation of sound

Cm. sound P. The difference is that when pronouncing the sound Pb, the lips are tensed much more, and the tongue is arched, its tip rests on the lower incisors.

Sound production

1 way: by imitation.

2 way: the child pronounces a syllable pi. Gradually, the sound I is pronounced more briefly and dullly, without stretching the lips too much, the sound Pb is obtained.

Practical material on sound automation Pb

1. Repeat the syllables.

Pya - five - five five - pyu - pi ap - oops - up

Pyu - pyu - pi pi - ne - Pya pip - hey - jupe

Pi - pi - Pi Pyu - ne - pi yap - ip - jupe

Pe - ne - pe Pi - five - pyu swell - ap - oops

Pyo - pyo - pyo Pyo - pi - hello - jupe - ip

2. Repeat the words.

Soundat the beginning of a word:

Inch, five, nickel, heel, spots, fifth anniversary; drink, beer, peony, squeak, letter, food, saw, pilot, penguin, feast, pie; stump, sing, oven, foam, Petya, singing, rooster, song, sand, stove, cookies, pencil case, pelican, feather, glove, change; puree. Sound in the middle of a word:

Again, honey mushrooms, drown, boiling water, boil, snore; finish, drink, captain, finish, write down, sawdust, piggy bank; finish singing, hum, sniff, bake, sing, drops, drops, snore, in defiance; in advance, tapers, sappers, thimble; hood.

Sound inend of the word:

Swamp, rash, swell (swell)." height="96">.gif" height="48">.gif" height="191"> 9. Game "Solid"- soft".
There are blue and green squares in front of the child. If the words spoken by the adult contain a hard P sound, then the child picks up a blue square. If the sound is soft, it is a green square.

Transition, pony, field, stump, pencil case, locomotive, drank, bullet, Fields, pie, gun, foam, fingers, spider, backing away.

10. Game “Make sentences”.

Fields - pie. Pasha - honey mushrooms.

Postman - letters. The captain is a steamer.

Petya - tomatoes. Petya is a train.

11. Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Petya has a friend Pasha. He lives in another city. At Pasha'sBirthday is coming soon. Petya decided to congratulate his friend. The boy sat down at the table, took out paper and a pen from his pencil case and began to write. The letter turned out to be long. How many wishes it contained for Pasha!

- I'll take the letter to the post office as soon as possible. Here's Pashapouting when he gets it!

Articulation of sound

Cm. sound P. The difference is that the soft palate is lowered, the vocal folds are closed, and a voice is added. When pronouncing the sound B, vibration is felt in the larynx and cheeks.

Sound production

1 way: by imitation. The child pronounces ba - ba - ba, while he needs to slightly puff out his cheeks.

2 way: based on the P sound by adding a voice. The child feels vibration in the larynx when pronouncing the sound B.

3 way: The child blows through close, relaxed lips, slightly puffing out his cheeks. At the moment of blowing, the voice turns on. The speech therapist places the index finger under the lower lip parallel to it and makes sharp movements up and down. Then the child himself places his finger. Gradually the finger is removed.

Practical material on audio automation B

1. Repeat the syllables.

Ba - ba - ba Ba - bo - boo - would

Boo - boo - boo Bo - ba - boo - would

Would - would - would Boo - bo - would - ba

Bo - bo - bo Would - boo - bo - ba

2. Repeat the words.

Soundat the beginning of a word:

Buck, ball, button accordion, bathhouse, bow, base, banana, loaf, bank, bashdya, luggage, ballet, balyk, balance, hook, ram, bazaar, badger; side, bob, boots, pain, boots, boron, Borya, beard; riot, beads, storm, bouquet, paper, letter, booth, bun, mound, alarm clock; bull, life, was, true story, epic, bull.

Sound in the middle of a word: Lyuba, fur coat, toad, fish, boar, dog, estate, wedding, shirt, plane, request; lips, teeth; trunk, album, sable, bus, care, fence, work; ABC." height="539">.gif" height="57"> Confluence of consonant sounds in syllables and words:

Bvo, bwi, bni, bdu, bde, bgo; blah, blah, blah, blah, blah; bra, bra, bro, bra, bri.

Circle, encircle, embrace, embrace, consider, deprive, overtake; blank, roach, bliss; block, blockade, notepad, blond, cover; get lost, wander; glare, pancakes, dish, saucer; bra, brother, bravo, back, breaststroke, zebra, brother; break, kick; ford, armor, eyebrows, brooch; rattle, razor, apricot.

3. Repeat the sentences.

Lyuba has a beautiful fur coat. Lyuba has a big bow. An elephant has a long trunk. Bori's teeth hurt. Lyuba eats bananas. My brother has a notebook. Brother shaves with a razor. Katya was very happy with the brooch. The pancakes were on a plate. There was a brooch hanging from her blouse. Lyuba is wearing beads. Bori has a bun. Borya eats baked goods. Grandma cooked mushrooms. There's a wild boar behind the fence. The dog barks at the toad. Lyuba is learning the alphabet. Borya saw a zebra. Next to the bull is a bull. Borya circles the pictures. A tower is drawn in the album. Bori has a beard.

4. Repeat pure sayings.

Ba-ba-ba - a ringing trumpet. Would - would - would - the bull is coming.

I wish I could paint the pillars. Bo - bo - bo - put on her clogs.

Boo-boo-boo - buy me a trumpet. Bo - bo - bo - lay on her side.

There would be a hunt, work would begin to boil. If only there were mushrooms growing on the stove. I like to warm myself so as not to get burned. To be afraid of misfortune will never lead to happiness. If there wasn't snow, there wouldn't be a trace.

6. Repeat the tongue twisters.

Bori had beans, and the woman had mushrooms. If the woman had beans, Baba Borya would cook the beans.

All beavers are kind to their beavers.

Borya gave toffee to Ira, and Ira to Borya gave barberry.

Beavers go into the pine forests.

The little bull is lying down, don't lie down, get up, little bull!

7. Repeat the riddles.

Little Katyusha sat on the top of her head, Not a moth, not a bird - Holds two pigtails. (Bow)

Everyone goes around this place: Here the earth is like dough; There are sedges, hummocks, mosses, and no support for your feet. (Swamp)

Fish in the sea, tail on the fence. (Ladle)

A piece of bread hangs above my grandmother's hut. (Moon)

They have teeth, but they don’t know toothache. (Rake)

8. Learn poems.

Little bull, The drum butted the ram.

Red-haired barrel, Buh! - and the drum burst.

He steps with his feet,

Shakes his head.

Where is the herd? Mooo!

It's boring to be alone!

(V. Berestov).

9. Game “Give me a word.”

The adult reads the poems, and the child adds the missing words.

The bull lay down side by side. The bunny says to his mother:

don't lie down, get up... (goby).“I have a ponytail... (hurts)*.

It's early in the morning in this river and the driver is early

Two drowned... (ram). Spins round... (steering wheel)." height="750">Bison" href="/text/category/bizon/" rel="bookmark">bison, badger. Lyuba shouted: “Look, it’s a zebra! How beautiful she is! I’ll feed her bagels!” But the zebras were given hay and oats. Then we were in the terrarium. There were snakes there. Lyuba and I really enjoyed walking.

Articulation of sound

Cm. sound B. The difference is that when pronouncing the sound B, the lips are tensed much more, and the tongue is curved, and its tip rests on the lower incisors.

Sound production

The child pronounces the syllable PI. The speech therapist invites him to turn on his voice, which turns out to be the syllable BI. Gradually, the sound I is pronounced more and more briefly and dullly, the sound B is obtained. Do not stretch your lips too much.

Practical material on sound automation Bb

1. Repeat the syllables:

Bya-bya-bya Bya-bya-bya

Be-be-be Be-by-bya

Bi - bi - bi Byo - byu - bya

Byu - byu - byu Bya - bi - byu

2. Repeat the words

Soundat the beginning of a word: Byaka; beat, bandage, can, battle, bison, ticket, binoculars, beads, library; running, trouble, concrete, poor, hippopotamus, poverty, gasoline, linen, white, squirrel, beluga, beret, shore; birch; bust, bureau

Sound inmiddle of a word: Beat, cabin, office, clogged, bully, love, collect, take, break; lunch, dine, run, monkey, run, whitewash, whitewash; child.

Confluence of consonant sounds in syllables and words:

Beat, beat, dbo, dbie, beat, beat, beat.

to drive in, to drive in, to beat off, to take away, to pick up, to pick up, to knock down,

select, break, disassemble, beat, climb.

3. Repeat the sentences.

I bought a white dove. A child carries milk in a can. Squirrel" height="747">I bought a ticket. A white birch tree stands under the window. Mom is whipping milk. I am carrying white beads. Mom is wearing a white beret. Poor A sick hippopotamus lies on the bank. The gazebo stood on the bank of the river. There is a battle going on on the bank. The child loves his mother. The squirrel knocks down the pine cones.

4. Repeat pure sayings.

Bee - beep - beep - the car is buzzing, I won’t go without gasoline.

Beep-beep-beep - don't blow it loudly.

Bee - bee - bee - help me.

Be - be - be - I play the trumpet.

Be - be - be - let's go to you.

5. Repeat proverbs and sayings.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry sleds. Beware of troubles while they're gone.

6. Repeat the riddles.

It runs, runs - it won’t run out, it flows, flows - it won’t leak out. (River)

Who deftly jumps through the trees and flies up into the oak trees? Who hides nuts in a hollow and dries mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Alena is standing - a green scarf, a thin waist, a white sundress. (Birch)

7. Learn a poem.

Bully squirrel runs around. The squirrel looks at the birch tree: “High”! - Squirrel, squirrel, squirrel Don’t run there! Squirrel, squirrel, squirrel, how good you are!

(O. Egorova)

8. Game “Give me a word.”

The adult reads the poem, and the child adds the missing word at the end.

The hippopotamus opened his mouth and asked for Bulka... (hippopotamus).

A fluffy tail sticks out from the top. What is this strange little animal? Cracks the nuts finely. Well, of course it's... (squirrel).

She welcomes spring - puts on earrings. A green scarf is draped over the back. And the dress is striped. Do you recognize... (birch tree)?

9. Game “Name it kindly.”

The adult invites the child to affectionately name the following objects (objects):

Bandage - (bandage) Beret - (beretochka)

Squirrel - (squirrel) Ticket - (ticket)

Shore - (bank) Birch - (birch)

Hippopotamus - (hippopotamus) Child - (baby)

10. Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Tanya and her mother were walking in the forest. Suddenly Tanya saw a squirrel on a birch tree.

- Mom, look how beautiful the squirrel is, let's feed her.

Mom gave Tanya some nuts and said that squirrels love to chew them. Tanya put the nuts on her hand and began to wait. Soon the squirrel ran up to her, took the nut and ate it. Tanya really enjoyed feeding the squirrel." height="545">Differentiation of sounds B - B

1. Repeat the syllables.

Ba - bya - bi bu - byu bo - byo

Bya - ba bi - bya bya - bu byo - bo

Ba - bya - ba byo - bi - byu - bu - byo byo - bo - byo

Bya - ba - bya bi - bya - bi bu - byu - bu bo - byo - bo

2. Repeat the words.

Baki - byaki Riot - bandage

Ballet is the ticket To be - to beat

Bow-bandage Was - beat

Boar - cabin Baton - concrete "

Bots - bits Lyuba - love

Tops - battle Bun - squirrel

Hurts - whiten Shirt - chop

3. Repeat the sentences.

Borya is riding in the cab. Lyuba carries a can of milk. A fisherman is sitting on the shore. The dog has a booth under a birch tree. A child draws in an album. The bull ran into the yard. Lyuba weaves a butterfly from beads. The bus picks up the workers. Lyuba wears a beret. Borya broke the vase. The poor hippo has a stomach ache. Lyuba goes to the office. The child drew a monkey on paper. Borya saw a squirrel. Lyuba collects mushrooms. Lyuba loves to eat bananas. White beads hang on the Christmas tree. Zebras, hippos, and monkeys live in the zoo.

4. Repeat pure sayings.

If only I could bring mushrooms.

If only there were pillars in the yard.

Bah-bah-bah - there's a pipe sticking out of the window.

Bi - be - bi - love me.

Be - be - be - we are going to Lyuba.

5. Repeat proverbs and sayings.

The rich are not the poor's brother. Conversation whiles away the journey, and song - the work. To live without anything is only to smoke the sky. Without labor, bread will never be born. 20

6. Repeat the tongue twisters.

White sheep beat drums.

Two bulls fought their heads against the fence, and in a noisy argument they pierced all their sides.

They beat me indiscriminately - they broke their foreheads.

Bull butts with bull, everyone runs away. Take care, runner, of your sides from the gory bull.

7. Repeat puzzles.

Who was chewing cones on a branch?

And threw the scraps down? (Squirrel)

He was hidden deep

One - two - three - and he went out,

And he stands in plain sight.

White, I will find you. (Borovik)

The sisters are standing in the field, “The dresses are white, the hats are green. (Birch)

8. Learn poems.

And then the ram appeared,

The hippopotamus opened its mouth -

I looked and was surprised. The hippopotamus asks for rolls.

Ba-uh, birch. (S. Marshak)

Ba-uh, can.

He loves this letter.

(G. Satir)

9. Game “Solid”- soft".

There are blue and green squares in front of the child. If the words spoken by the adult contain a hard sound B, then the child picks up a blue square. If the soft sound is ББ - a green square.

Birch, side, bull, bandage, beluga, bathhouse, beat, be, bull, run, pillars, white, steering wheel, drum, hippopotamus." height="732">10. Game “Make sentences.”

The adult asks the child to make sentences based on the following reference words:

Borya is a hippopotamus. Wild boar - birch.

The child is a dog. Borya is the ticket.

Lyuba - lunch. Monkey is a banana.

11. Retell the story.

The adult asks the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

Borya and his grandmother were walking in the forest. Suddenly, under a birch tree, he saw a squirrel. The squirrel held a mushroom in its paws.

- Grandma, why does a squirrel need a mushroom? - asked Borya.

- A squirrel collects mushrooms for the winter. She dries themIt goes into the hollow and eats in winter.

-What else does the squirrel keep in the hollow?

- She has nuts and cones there. Without these protein reserves
it would be very difficult in winter. After all, you won’t find food under the snow.

Then Borya remembered that he had nuts in his pocket.* The boy took one out and handed it to the squirrel - let it have more supplies for the winter.

Differentiation of sounds B - P

After the sounds B and P have been introduced and automated, it is necessary to differentiate them so that the child does not confuse the voiced and voiceless variants of pronunciation.

Practical material on differentiating sounds B - P:

1. Repeat the syllables.

Ba-ba-pa Bu-poo

Pa-ba-pa Pu-boo-boo

Pa-ba-ba Boo-pu-pu

Would - py - would be In - by - by


2. Repeat words.

Sides - bye Sing - fight Path - be

Baba - dad Pooh - thump Wash down - hammer

Grandma - folder Antlers - bows Paul - pain

Bass - pass Beat - drink Pil - beat

Beam - stick Fall - butt Port - board

Flea is bad Dust is true

Butterfly - daddy Set - pressure

Tower - arable land Fence - constipation
Victory, firing, deck, seal, test, mileage, space.

3. Repeat offers.

Dad buys beads for grandma. The bull's side still hurts. A linden tree and a peacock were drawn in the album. Grandma is cooking fish on the stove. Dad has a beard. There was a tower in the park. Paul was sailing on board the ship. There was sand everywhere after the storm. I helped carry the luggage to the train. Borya gave his grandmother powder. There was dust on the shelf. A butterfly was sitting on the field. The path will be difficult. A shepherd was tending his flock near the tower. Polya came out onto the deck. There is a strong lock on the fence.

4. Repeat the phrases.

Ba-pa-ba - here is the hut.

Pa-ba-pa - forest path.

If only dad had had them.

Pa - ba - pa - the hat fell.

Ba-pa-ba - heavy fur coat.

Boo - pu - bu - visited Lyuba.

Poo-boo-poo - we love dad.

5. Repeat the tongue twister.

The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, The bull's white lip was dull.

6. Learn a poem.

Bayu- bye

Bye-bye, bye-bye, Sleep, my son, go to sleep, Fall asleep everything in the world Beans, Lyuba, Poly, Petit.

7. Game "Finish the sentence."

The adult invites the child to listen to the sentence and independently complete them with appropriate words.

A multi-colored one sat on a flower... (butterfly). My mother and I are waiting for our beloved to come home... (daddy). Around the house there is a tall... (fence). Petya locks the fence... (constipation). The drummer drums on... (drum). A flock of sheep is grazing... (shepherd).

8. Retell the story.

The adult invites the child to listen to a short story and then retell it.

Summer has come. My dad and I sailed on a ship to visit my grandmother. Westood on the deck and watched the clouds. Suddenly dad said:- Look, the cloud looks like a big hat!

And I saw a cloud that looked like a butterfly. We had a fun time and didn’t notice how we arrived. My grandmother was waiting for us on the shore, and I told her about our trip.
List used literature

1., Egorova rhymes and miniatures: A manual for speech therapists, educators and parents. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2001.

2. Hegelia of pronunciation deficiencies in schoolchildren and adults. - M.: Vlados, 1999.

3. Entertaining ABC studies/Comp. .- M.: Enlightenment,

4. Riddles and tongue twisters. - St. Petersburg: Union, 1997.

5. Kozyrev’s manual. - M.: School, 2000.

6. Leonhard of oral speech and the development of auditory perception

acceptance among deaf preschoolers. - M.: Education, 1971.

7. Does your child speak Maksakov? - M.: Education, 1982.

8. Russian proverbs and sayings/Ed. . - M.: Fiction, 1988.

9. Collection of riddles/Comp. . - M.: Education, 1988.

10. Dry tongue twisters for “naughty” sounds. -Yaroslavl: Development Academy: Academy Holding, 2002.

11. Tumanova sound pronunciation in children. - M.: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2000.

12. We play, listen, imitate - we get sounds. -SPb.: Lan, 1998.

Introduction........................................................ ........................................ 2

Sound................................................... ........................................... 7

Differentiation of sounds П - Пь.................................................... ..... 10

SoundB................................................... ........................................... 17

Differentiation of sounds B - B.................................................... ....... 20

Differentiation of sounds B - P.................................................... .......... 23

Summary of an individual lesson on sound production

(for a child with rhinolalia)

Subject. Sound P

Stage. Sound production

Tasks: educational:sound production; formation of vocabulary and knowledge of parts of the subject;

correctional: develop articulatory motor skills, diaphragmatic - costal type of breathing, fixed exhalation;

educational: cultivate self-control in speech.

Equipment: pictures: from the series “Fun and Sad”, D/ and “Parts of Objects”.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Organizing time

Look at the pictures. It is necessary to determine the emotional state of the children depicted in the pictures.

Show me where the girl is crying?

Show me where the boy is crying?

Show me where the boy frowns?

Okay, now answer the following questions.

Why do you think the girl is crying?

Why is the boy smiling?

Why is the boy frowning?

Well done, what mood are you in, show the picture and name it.

  1. Development of articulatory motor skills

Speech therapy massage

  1. Lip massage: stroking, spiral rubbing, stretching the upper/lower lip, vibration.
  2. Tongue massage: stroking the tongue from root to tip, circular rubbing of the side edges, tip of the tongue, pinching the side edges and tip of the tongue, vibration by tapping.
  3. Massage of the soft palate: longitudinal stroking, circular rubbing, transverse rubbing, kneading with pressure.

Articulation gymnastics

  1. For the lower jaw: imitate chewing, open your mouth with resistance.
  2. For lips and cheeks: imitate rinsing teeth (pout lips); pout the upper and then the lower lip; pinch a small piece of paper between your lips, then spit it out.
  3. For the tongue: exercises “Clock”, “Swing”, “Brush your teeth”, “Painter”, “Horse”
  4. For the soft palate: cough, yawn, pronounce vowel sounds on a hard attack (a, o, y).

Breathing exercises

  1. "Ears". Shaking our heads as if we were saying to someone: “Ay - yay - yay, what a shame!” Make sure that the body does not turn. The right ear goes to the right shoulder, the left ear to the left. Shoulders are motionless. Simultaneously with each rocking, inhale.
  2. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your nose in bursts; open your mouth wide, stick out your tongue, inhale and exhale through your mouth jerkily, intermittently (like a dog breathing); inhale through your nose, exhale forcefully through the corners of your mouth, first through the right, then through the left.
  1. Pronouncing combinations of 2, then 3 vowel sounds on one exhalation:

AU, UA, AO, OA, AI, IA, UI, IU,….


  1. Making the sound P (explanation and demonstration)

Clap your lips and blow at the same time, but first moisten your lips with saliva.

(showing a child)

  1. Development of lexical and grammatical structure

D. game “Parts of objects”

Look at the picture. What is shown in the picture? (These are the parts)

That's right, these are the parts from which we can make an object.

What should we call this item? (locomotive)

What is this car, what shall we call it differently? (transport)

V. Summary of the lesson

Today you were great, you pronounced the P sound well.

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