What ruins are silent about and pyramids whisper about.

“...Then they scare you with plates, they say, they’re vile, they fly,
Either your dogs are barking, or your ruins are talking.”

(V.S. Vysotsky)

Sometimes, it is still useful to forget all the knowledge acquired at school and college in order to take a fresh look at simple, long-known things. And then, something new will certainly open up. I propose to reflect on the content of the paintings from the collection of reproductions of paintings by painters of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, which I managed to collect.

To begin with, a short preface. So that the course of my thoughts would be clear, and they themselves would not seem so incredible.

Every morally and physically healthy person sooner or later comes to the realization that all life is a continuous run in a circle. Well, or a zebra, as you like. Nevertheless, the essence is the same: One day you wake up in the morning and realize that you have spent a lot of vital energy pouring from empty to empty. You start to do everything anew, taking into account previous experience, and in the end, another morning comes when you have to rethink everything once again.

And time flows... And everything around is changing rapidly. You cannot mindlessly follow outdated instructions. But even more so, one cannot deviate from moral norms, otherwise a “spin into a tailspin” will inevitably occur, which leads to disaster. The Bible describes the death of Sodom and Gomorrah, and this is precisely about those who decided that moral standards were outdated and became unnecessary. I hope that nothing like this will happen in our world. Humanity will come to its senses and will not allow a situation to arise in which it will be necessary to make sure that moral standards are truly unshakable. They are not subject to revision. Otherwise, we will have to admit that HELL exists, and that is where we are.

So, let's try to deviate from dogma, but at the same time, not cross the line and not slide into mysticism. Here are some striking paintings by various artists who are less famous than the works of Giovanni Battista, but which are united not only by their era, but also by their content.

This master (Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem) painted quite a lot of landscapes in which the main characters are undoubtedly ruins. I called him Nikolai Petrovich Medvedev, and this is not exactly a joke, as many people understand.

Now she looks like she should. Nice expensive “European-quality renovation”, gloss and glamour. But more recently it looked in accordance with the European “trend” of the 18th century. Noteworthy is the pebble with a European date, but depicted in Russian numerals.

I don't like both versions. I am not against the existence of other races, such as the Atlanteans, Hyperboreans and Lemurians, but I am not entirely sure that they existed in the same world, or dimension, with us. More precisely, I have doubts that we could interact with them physically. We already coexist with millions of life forms that really surround us, but we don’t intersect in any way, we don’t see, we don’t hear, we don’t talk to them at all. From the word “absolutely”!

Therefore, without discarding all other versions, we will leave the only real one: - Everything that is depicted in the paintings was built by our ancestors, only the level of their development was incommensurate even with our current one. We are like pets to them. Capable, fast-learning, but still ordinary pets, just like cats or dogs for us. Only much more useful. We know how to support ourselves, and even feed our owners, unlike cats, for example, who do not feed or clothe us, but on the contrary, we are slaves for them, we feed them.

I'll venture a guess. Just imagine, there is WE, who produces spaceships and nuclear power plants, ships, airplanes, and rockets, and there is THEY. Those who obtain food using wicker baskets for catching fish and snares for hunting birds. WE are helpless without a smartphone and a computer, and THEY are able to feel comfortable with a stick and a pointed tip made of bone or silicon. Suddenly, WE start sharing something.

A real “hot” world war begins, as a result of which the world turns into ruins. The remaining hobbits, deprived of electricity, computers, phones, and flash drives with encyclopedias and manuals like “How to grow wheat” or “How to mine iron and forge a knife from it, with which you can kill yourself so as not to suffer,” begin to reinvent ways hunting without firearms. And everything, everything starts from scratch.

But at the same time, a tribe continues to live in Chukotka, which does not know anything about this war. THEY will continue to raise and eat deer as before. And that’s all... Do you seriously believe that someday this tribe will develop to the level where airplanes, ships, and computers will be needed? Very doubtful. THEY have been eating deer for thousands of years and will continue to eat, because they don’t need anything else! Not because they are retarded, they are just “aliens.” THEY feel SO good. They have different life values, and they know what happiness is not from fictional books and films, but from the Creator God! They are united in this world with this world, but we are not. We need to build something, but we don’t understand that by building one thing, we kill another.

And what will happen as a result of a global war in which only a fraction of a percent of US who consider themselves civilized will survive? I guess it's obvious. People with spears and bows will come to the ruins of cities, where we will meet them and “bless them” with our “highly developed” democracy. Let's teach THEM skills sufficient for THEY to work, and WE to reap the fruits of their labor. But 200 years will pass, and THEY will begin to ask questions and demand more and more privileges for themselves. Doesn't remind you of anything?

Hubert Robert

I wonder what’s there on the right, on the mountain? Alexandrian lighthouse? Or maybe the pedestal of the statue of the Colossus himself, after whom the COLOSSIUM is named - the Colosseum?

And now again I propose to play with words. This time - KOL AXIS. “UM” doesn’t count. This ending is artificial, added to Latin when an incomprehensible foreign word was borrowed. There was KOLOS, and in the Latin manner - KOLOSSI (UM). What does the word KOL/KOLO mean in Russian, we know, it is the center of rotation (WHEEL, BELL, KOLOvorot, etc.), but connected in meaning, there is the word AXLE!

Only if KOLO is a broader concept meaning circle, circle, then OS/AXIS is a specific pin. It turns out that the rye or wheat EAR had an extremely important meaning, and it is understandable, “Bread is the head of everything.” This means that the Colossus, whose statue was located next to the Colosseum, in the city that is now called Rome, was clearly not the spirit of water or fire.

Golubev Andrey Viktorovich (kadykchanskiy, Kadykchansky, notes from a Kolyma resident). Born July 29, 1969 in the village of Kadykchan, Susumansky district, Magadan region. Graduated from the Vyborg Aviation Technical School and the Russian Customs Academy. He worked in the 2nd Kuibyshev united air squad. Served in Pskov customs. Lawyer, writer, historian.


"And.. This... Don't send me to the library so that I'm there smart books I read it. Everything was re-read many times and many years ago. If you don't understand, read the Preface.

In general, “Colossus” is not just “big” or “giant”. This is a specific hero who was assigned a special role associated with the harvest, well-being, prosperity and prosperity. And let the skeptics laugh, but everything in this “Foreign European antiquity” is simply permeated with the common roots of a single proto-language, to which the Slavic languages ​​are closest to all others.

What is happening to monuments in Ukraine now? Yeah... That’s exactly what happened with the statues that were disliked by the “enlightened victors.” Any object, even somehow connected with a single history uniting Europeans with the “vatniks”, is destroyed in the bud. Nothing changes... There were at least five statues of the Colossus (Athens, Rhodes, Thebes, and two in Rome, one of which, the main one, stood next to the Colosseum), where is at least one?

Logically, next to the pedestal on which the Colossus stood, there was more than one such lighthouse (in the distance to the left). Surely there were four of them, or at least two. The scale is truly colossal. This can be created either by a technomagical culture or by a powerful centralized state.

The first version is closer to me, because a powerful centralized state cannot help but leave in its memory a lot of rubbish, garbage, waste, and the remains of infrastructure. After all, hundreds of thousands of builders in our time would need entire cities for housing and supplies with everything they need. Workshops, shops, shops, farms, fields, and all this entails the need to have a developed network of roads.

Therefore, I am closer to the version that the builders, who could well have been our creators, had knowledge that seems to us like magic and mysticism, but in fact, these are completely rational technologies.

Here's a simple example. When in the “Taiga Dead End” in the eighties of the last century they discovered a family of hermits - Old Believers who had no contact with the outside world for more than fifty years continuously, then some things that were simple for us seemed like witchcraft to people. An ordinary plastic bag caused a real sensation. Glass, but it wrinkles!

So it is in this case. We have not the slightest reason to consider everything incomprehensible as mysticism. Technomagic is a simple process, the same as taking a fish out of the refrigerator to feed your beloved cat. The cat doesn’t know that you store the fish in the refrigerator, and do not materialize it through magical manipulations. How can I explain to him where the fish comes from? Moreover, what is a refrigerator?

In general, the builders of these structures can be considered Gods, because the level of their development was so much higher than the level of cattle breeders, just as the level of a modern person born in a developed country and the level of a savage living in the wilds of the Amazon are different. For him, even a can of lemonade seems like magic, not to mention a smartphone, a laser show, an airplane or a submarine.

If we disappear, the savage will use the inherited items for some time. Of course, he will use a knife just like us, but he doesn’t like a microwave oven. best case scenario Suitable for storing dishes or other useful household items. When all this disappears, the savage will most likely begin again, out of habit, tying sharp pieces of obsidian to a stick.

But it may also be the other way around: this advanced knowledge, in the form of objects that his people did not create, will give an impetus to development, and in two hundred years hovercraft will begin to fly in the Amazon jungle.
Most likely, the second scenario happened to us.

We inherited from the Gods accurate knowledge about the planets, stars, and the calendar. In addition, we received a solid supply of tools that allowed us to develop our own production. True, part of the knowledge was lost irretrievably. It seems we haven't even figured out how to use the bronze cannons. They began to shove gunpowder and cannonballs into them, ignite the gunpowder to fire a shot, but no one knows how these “copper pipes” were used before us.

We received fragmentary memories of some technological processes, the essence of which was not clear to us, but the outer side of which we copied thoughtlessly, although reliably. These are religious rituals.

Prayer in front of an icon is very similar to communicating on Skype, right? And I understand the nature of this phenomenon. When I start sharpening a knife in the kitchen, all the living creatures come running, both cats and dogs. They are confident that if “God rattles his magic wand on a magic crystal,” then soon scraps of meat, chicken, or even sausage will materialize out of thin air! And maybe, when the animals become even more intelligent, they will try to repeat the “rite with the rod and crystal.” They will begin to rub against each other, with the conviction that if you firmly believe, then food will appear in the same way as it appeared to the “god” - the owner.

So our “owners” have gone somewhere, left us, and we still look at the sky with hope, mutter all sorts of nonsense in churches, and believe that it is about to happen. You don’t have to believe, you have to know. Faith should be a personal category, let the wife believe her husband that he was fishing, and not in a bathhouse with girls. We need to discard all religious garbage, which is not much different from scientific garbage. And change the criteria of scientificity. Let's not forget that quite recently it was unscientific to claim that it is possible to build a ship from iron, a heavier-than-air aircraft, a machine gun for automatic firing under water, and much more.

What was considered unscientific yesterday is in every person’s pocket today. Actually, the pockets themselves are also anti-scientific. What would they have told you two hundred years ago if you had started asserting in polite society that clothes would be made from a liquid (oil)?

In general, everything is relative, and if the “matryoshka law” has been learned since childhood, then there is nothing complicated here. For example, to my then-future wife, I seemed like a god when I was in the flight mechanic’s seat of the Mi-8 helicopter. She was horrified by what she saw in the cockpit while the engines were starting. And to me, in turn, to this day my commander Nikolai Besvesilny, who flew even better than God, seems like God. I can’t understand how you can land a heavy vehicle blindly, in dense fog, on an area where there are only two to three meters from the tips of the blades to the trees and wires on concrete pillars. But he did it, and not only that.

And now we can speculate about the state of the ruins. We don't see any traces of bombing, that's a fact. The destruction that exists is more like natural destruction that occurred due to natural causes. The main thing is age. This happens when housing and communal services stops functioning, everything quickly falls into disrepair, in the absence of proper repairs and measures are taken to extend the service life.

Some were damaged by earthquakes, some more severely, some not so much, but functioning fountains and pools are adjacent to structures with traces of colossal erosion, which indicates the advanced age of the buildings. How old? This is one of the main questions.

Here our historians have a striking split. When you need to confirm the official chronology. They loudly talk about “one hundred thousand miles of years BC,” and when they need to make money that can be easily cut, they howl to the whole world about the need to urgently save the world heritage property, which is under the protection of UNESCO. It is humanly understandable that their salaries are small. But you need to have a conscience! How is it that it stood for 12 centuries without falling, but here, if 6,122 rubles 79 kopecks are not allocated, then by spring the world will lose its precious heritage!

In fact, the truth is in the middle. Thank God it is possible to track changes that have occurred over a hundred years with the same natural objects. The advent of photography provided such an opportunity. And it turned out that the level of wear from natural impact on rocks is ten times too high. What is dated back five to seven centuries turns out to be 80-100 years old. It just seems that cities made of granite and basalt can stand brand new for a thousand years, exposed to rain, winds and temperature changes. In fact, what was recorded by painters at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century could be only 300-500 years old.


But in my opinion, this may not be true either. You need to understand what these structures were built from before they turned into ruins. And this is a very important question. So, this stone is not really a stone. This is travertine, which is essentially a local variety of simple limestone. The Izborsk fortress was built from material with similar properties, and in three hundred years without repair it turned into not only ruins, but irregularly shaped hills!

Therefore, everything suggests that this beauty was built about a hundred years before it was “photographed.” And it’s not surprising why it happened that most of the ruins were stolen by livestock breeders into sheds and barns. The disaster occurred around 1700 according to traditional chronology. This is not pointing a finger at the sky. The year 1700 is very mysterious. Not for one year, of course, but it was at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries that something clearly global happened on Earth, affecting all spheres of life. Suddenly, a technological leap occurred.

Almost all areas of human activity have received an impetus for development. Including painting, thanks to which we are now discussing this issue. After all, it was the appearance of the camera obscura that led to the emergence of photographically accurate recording of images.

Yes, and the modern calendar was imposed on us by the Caucasians in 7208 from the present day, which, by a strange coincidence, is the very same 1700.

Many will rightly object, they say, what difference does it make, let the Italians console themselves with the thought that it was their great ancestors who built all this splendor. Moreover, the version of traditional history does not give rise to so many contradictions. The only question that requires correction is that it came from nowhere, a thousand years, which clearly did not actually exist. This is practically beyond doubt.

But remember, ten years ago, even the mention of a non-existent, fictitious thousand years of the “Dark Middle Ages” could put an end to a scientist’s career. Now the shock stage has passed, and well-recognized doctors and academicians calmly argue that yes, it is quite acceptable. Well, what can you do, Petavius ​​and Scaliger deceived everyone. Happens…

Yes, you can argue at your leisure about whether Chapaev was a man of the plow, or whether he was a sophisticated technocrat; this argument will not be able to change anything. But it’s a completely different matter if we have before our eyes evidence that can provide answers to the most important, fundamental questions for humanity. The most important for the entire existence of planet Earth:
- Who are we?
- Where are we from?
-Who created us?
-What is our goal?
- How will it all end, when, and how?

Why did I decide that such answers could be obtained thanks to some pictures? Yes, because these may not be “some kind of pictures.” We have very little reason not to trust the veracity of a whole galaxy of artists, and if so, then this is exactly the case when we as a whole should seize this chance, given to us by our great-great-great grandfathers, and try to find out the true story humanity.

The most important argument is unconditional, one hundred percent proof of the presence of advanced knowledge in humans. This is a sign of the artificiality of the whole world that surrounds us. This is a sign that we ourselves are all artificial creations, biorobots. Assembled on a single platform from various spare parts.

In fact, it is really not so important whether the “ancient” structures were built in 1700, or in 700. The main contradiction here is different. The most important question Let me formulate this: If all the objects on Earth that we cannot, for one reason or another, recognize as the creation of the hands of our civilization, were built by a previous civilization, then where are the traces of the life activity of these hypothetical previous civilizations?

An advanced civilization always leaves many traces smaller than airfields and skyscrapers. This:


Garbage dumps,

Places of extraction of minerals and building materials,

Tools and equipment,

Places of production of renewable resources necessary for the life of a huge mass of people are water, food, clothing and shoes.

And that's the minimum. From everything listed, we can hardly scrape together several quarries, quarries and mines, the age of which cannot be reliably determined. A striking example is the granite quarry in Aswan, which Egyptologists “designated” as the site for the extraction of building material for the construction of the great pyramids in Giza, which is located almost a thousand kilometers from the quarry. And the fact that the quarry was already being developed during the construction of the Aswan hydroelectric power station is not considered at all.

And even a “defective” stele in a quarry is considered “greetings” from the ancient Egyptians, although in fact, Russian engineers tried to cut it out by order of the USSR government, using a then-secret plasma torch.

They planned to install the stele on the square in front of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, but after it cracked and became unusable, it became clear that using this method to repeat what was done BEFORE US was impossible. And the Moscow City Planning Council immediately recognized the stele as not corresponding to a single architectural style Theater Square Ensemble.

It turns out that man appeared on the planet simultaneously with ready-made megalithic structures, knowledge, and tools for further development technologies.

After all, whatever one may say, in order to extract iron ore, you need a pick and a shovel, in order to forge a knife from primitive iron, you need a hammer and an anvil, which, as you know, cannot be made without another hammer and anvil. It turns out to be a vicious circle, a fairy tale about a white bull, or a debate about what came first, the chicken or the egg.

And this paradox cannot be resolved by known methods. To find a solution, we will have to put forward a wild, anti-scientific version again. Here she is:

Our world was created immediately as it is. Someone created man, but immediately realized that in this form he would not exist at all. Unlike animals, humans do not have any means of survival in this world. Without clothes, shoes, housing, tools and weapons. He's just a naked, warm lump of minced meat on bones. Ideal food for animals. Therefore, it is obvious that having settled this gentle creature, unadapted to life on Earth, in the middle of rocks, forests and rivers, the creator was obliged to teach a person to survive and provide him with a minimum set of knowledge and skills.

In addition, like any normal God, he had to provide a person with housing! Even a careless owner, before bringing a puppy into the yard, will build a kennel for him.

When you buy a hamster or a squirrel, you simultaneously buy a whole plastic town for your pets, and then watch with emotion how the hamster runs between the houses, drinks from the fountain, climbs the ladders to different floors of the houses... Doesn’t that remind you of anything? Isn’t this how livestock breeders behave in the ruins of Yuri Robertovich’s paintings?


I understand that the comparison is crude, even cynical, but this is only to make it easier to understand the main idea of ​​the proposed version. And the version was born thanks to the works of artists - ruinists, among others. These pictures clearly demonstrate the likelihood that I am right about something.

Ruins can actually speak, you just need to learn to understand their language. And one of the translation options I suggested:

The Creator created us at the same time as housing. How we disposed of it is the tenth thing. This is a feature of Homo sapiens that distinguishes it from other species - to destroy, break, and kill. The following conclusion follows from this. We were created the same way we create dog breeds. Some for hunting, others for protection, others for dog fighting, and others for home decoration.


Roughly, we are divided into two main types. On aggressors and defenders. But these two species are divided into subspecies, of course. And if so, then try to determine “which of xy” yourself. It turns out that the Slavs were created exclusively for one purpose - to repel attacks from outside on their land. There is something in it that is very necessary for those who created the Anglo-Saxons, who with manic persistence from century to century strive to take the place of the Slavs.


This means that we are only an “application”, a mechanism for protecting something very important. We were created to protect the territory on which... Something material is not necessarily stored. Perhaps we are protecting something that is impossible to touch, but which is certainly very valuable. And it may very well be that this is the very “Russian spirit”.

This is what the ruins whispered about. I don’t pretend to be an accurate translation, I don’t say anything for sure, but you can’t stop thoughts from being born. They can only be stated. For better or worse, time will tell."

Here our historians have a striking split. When you need to confirm the official chronology. They loudly talk about “one hundred thousand miles of years BC,” and when they need to make money that can be easily cut, they howl to the whole world about the need to urgently save the world heritage property, which is under the protection of UNESCO. It is humanly understandable that their salaries are small. But you need to have a conscience! How is it that it stood for 12 centuries without falling, but here, if 6,122 rubles 79 kopecks are not allocated, then by spring the world will lose its precious heritage!

In fact, the truth is in the middle. Thank God it is possible to track changes that have occurred over a hundred years with the same natural objects. The advent of photography provided such an opportunity. And it turned out that the level of wear from natural impact on rocks is ten times too high. What is dated back five to seven centuries turns out to be 80-100 years old. It just seems that cities made of granite and basalt can stand brand new for a thousand years, exposed to rain, winds and temperature changes. In fact, what was recorded by painters at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century could be only 300-500 years old.

Added at 18:06
But in my opinion, this may not be true either. You need to understand what these structures were built from before they turned into ruins. And this is a very important question. So, this stone is not really a stone. This is travertine, which is essentially a local variety of simple limestone. The Izborsk fortress was built from material with similar properties, and in three hundred years without repair it turned into not only ruins, but irregularly shaped hills!

Added at 18:07
Therefore, everything suggests that this beauty was built about a hundred years before it was “photographed.” And it’s not surprising why it happened that most of the ruins were stolen by livestock breeders into sheds and barns. The disaster occurred around 1700 according to traditional chronology. This is not pointing a finger at the sky. The year 1700 is very mysterious. Not for one year, of course, but it was at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries that something clearly global happened on Earth, affecting all spheres of life. Suddenly, a technological leap occurred.

Almost all areas of human activity have received an impetus for development. Including painting, thanks to which we are now discussing this issue. After all, it was the appearance of the camera obscura that led to the emergence of photographically accurate recording of images.

Yes, and the modern calendar was imposed on us by the Caucasians in 7208 from the present day, which, by a strange coincidence, is the very same 1700.

An advanced civilization always leaves many traces smaller than airfields and skyscrapers. This:

- garbage dumps,
- roads,
- places of extraction of minerals and building materials,
- tools and equipment,
- places of production of renewable resources necessary for the life of a huge mass of people, such as water, food, clothing and shoes.

And that's the minimum. From everything listed, we can hardly scrape together several quarries, quarries and mines, the age of which cannot be reliably determined. A striking example is the granite quarry in Aswan, which Egyptologists “designated” as the site for the extraction of building material for the construction of the great pyramids in Giza, which is located almost a thousand kilometers from the quarry. And the fact that the quarry was already being developed during the construction of the Aswan hydroelectric power station is not considered at all.

And even a “defective” stele in a quarry is considered “greetings” from the ancient Egyptians, although in fact, Russian engineers tried to cut it out by order of the USSR government, using a then-secret plasma torch.

They planned to install the stele on the square in front of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, but after it cracked and became unusable, it became clear that using this method to repeat what was done BEFORE US was impossible. And the Moscow City Planning Council immediately recognized the stele as not corresponding to the unified architectural style of the Theater Square ensemble.

It turns out that man appeared on the planet simultaneously with ready-made megalithic structures, knowledge, and tools for the further development of technology.

After all, whatever one may say, in order to extract iron ore, you need a pick and a shovel, in order to forge a knife from primitive iron, you need a hammer and an anvil, which, as you know, cannot be made without another hammer and anvil. It turns out to be a vicious circle, a fairy tale about a white bull, or a debate about what came first, the chicken or the egg.

And this paradox cannot be resolved by known methods. To find a solution, we will have to put forward a wild, anti-scientific version again. Here she is:

Our world was created immediately as it is. Someone created man, but immediately realized that in this form he would not exist at all. Unlike animals, humans do not have any means of survival in this world. Without clothes, shoes, housing, tools and weapons. He's just a naked, warm lump of minced meat on bones. Ideal food for animals. Therefore, it is obvious that having settled this gentle creature, unadapted to life on Earth, in the middle of rocks, forests and rivers, the creator was obliged to teach a person to survive and provide him with a minimum set of knowledge and skills.


In addition, like any normal God, he had to provide a person with housing! Even a careless owner, before bringing a puppy into the yard, will build a kennel for him.

When you buy a hamster or a squirrel, you simultaneously buy a whole plastic town for your pets, and then watch with emotion how the hamster runs between the houses, drinks from the fountain, climbs the ladders to different floors of the houses... Doesn’t that remind you of anything? Isn’t this how livestock breeders behave in the ruins of Yuri Robertovich’s paintings?


I understand that the comparison is crude, even cynical, but this is only to make it easier to understand the main idea of ​​the proposed version. And the version was born thanks to the works of artists - ruinists, among others. These pictures clearly demonstrate the likelihood that I am right about something.

Ruins can actually speak, you just need to learn to understand their language. And one of the translation options I suggested:

The Creator created us at the same time as housing. How we disposed of it is the tenth thing. This is a feature of Homo sapiens that distinguishes it from other species - to destroy, break, and kill. The following conclusion follows from this. We were created the same way we create dog breeds. Some for hunting, others for protection, others for dog fighting, and others for home decoration.



Roughly, we are divided into two main types. On aggressors and defenders. But these two species are divided into subspecies, of course. And if so, then try to determine “which of xy” yourself. It turns out that the Slavs were created exclusively for one purpose - to repel attacks from outside on their land. There is something in it that is very necessary for those who created the Anglo-Saxons, who with manic persistence from century to century strive to take the place of the Slavs.


This means that we are only an “application”, a mechanism for protecting something very important. We were created to protect the territory on which... Something material is not necessarily stored. Perhaps we are protecting something that is impossible to touch, but which is certainly very valuable. And it may very well be that this is the very “Russian spirit”.


This is what the ruins whispered about. I don’t pretend to be an accurate translation, I don’t say anything for sure, but you can’t stop thoughts from being born. They can only be stated. For better or worse, time will tell.

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