Who gave birth to girls at what time? How many weeks do they give birth - first, second births?

The baby is considered full-term from the 38th week, so at this time the prenatal period begins. It continues until labor develops. If a woman is expecting her first child, then childbirth is considered normal at a period of 38 to 42 weeks.

The preliminary date of how many weeks labor can begin is determined by the doctor. Most often, during the first pregnancy this period is 40 obstetric weeks. If the child is born later, they speak of post-term birth.

The range of when you can give birth to your first child is wide – 4 weeks. During this entire period, expectant mothers are very interested in the question of what week they give birth to a healthy baby and when he will be born. The answer is sought not in books, but in a woman’s health, the state of her body.

Depending on how many weeks they give birth, each woman’s body warns her 2 days before the onset of labor.

What week do they give birth - normal timing

When first-time mothers give birth, the normal period is 37 seven days. If the timing of the birth of the first child is earlier, it depends on the day of the last menstruation. Statistics show that childbirth usually occurs at 39-40 weeks. About 70% of children are born at this stage of labor.

It is impossible to say the exact date and how many weeks the birth will be. According to statistics, for first-time mothers this period comes later than others. This is explained by late recognition of signs of pregnancy and precursors of labor, as well as the development of labor.

Waiting for a long time

The first pregnancy lasts a long time, the cervix opens slowly. The body is just getting acquainted with this process, so don’t worry about how many weeks labor starts. Firstborns give birth later.

We look at the baby's weight

Noting how many weeks the first child is born, doctors talk about 37 weeks. During this period, the baby is ready for birth. All vital systems and organs are formed and ready for the birth of the baby.

If labor begins at this time, the baby is considered full-term. The average height is about 48 cm, and body weight is 3 kg. The baby's weight increases every day due to the subcutaneous fat that the baby accumulated in the womb.

Depends on the length of the menstrual cycle

Gynecologists, when calculating the period at which week of pregnancy a woman can give birth, use the Naegele formula. When calculating the baby’s date of birth using it, you need to subtract 3 months from the beginning of the last menstrual cycle and add 7 days.

However this method Determining from what week a woman goes into labor is not accurate. It is used to indicate the approximate date when you can give birth to a healthy baby if the expectant mother’s menstrual cycle is 28 days. If it is longer, then the date at which week you can give birth will come later.

With an irregular cycle, it is difficult to find out the date of ovulation, so this method of determining in what week the birth will occur is considered not suitable.

Heredity influences

If close female relatives had their first birth earlier or later than the due date, this situation may also happen to you. Ask the question at how many weeks the mother and grandmother went into labor. The hereditary factor plays an important role; you can repeat their story.

The course of pregnancy is another factor

The period at which week they give birth depends on the characteristics of this period. During wars and devastation, children were in no hurry to be born. They felt that a warm bed and good nutrition were not waiting for them, so they stayed in their mother’s belly longer.

When a child feels uncomfortable inside the womb: the placenta does not fulfill its function, the mother has suffered stress, a protracted illness - the likelihood of premature birth increases. The same consequences are observed with overstretching of the uterus, high fetal weight, polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies.

Regardless of the period at which primiparous women give birth, babies can appear healthy and full-term. Therefore, the timing of how many weeks normal labor begins is not limited to an exact number.

How many weeks do you usually give birth to your first baby?

If you are becoming a mother for the first time, then there is approximately a 70% chance that birth will come on time - about 40 weeks of pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that the woman’s body has not yet gone through the processes that occur inside and it takes time to expel the fetus.

Share their impressions

A pregnant woman does not know how labor begins and what week the first child is born, so she may miss the beginning of this moment. Labor in first-years lasts a long time, it is weak and protracted, contractions can last up to 7 hours.

But there are exceptions here too. If we do not consider the causes of premature birth (before 36 weeks), when there are disturbances in the body of the expectant mother, then post-term pregnancies also occur. In this case, the baby is released into the world with a short interval - after 42 weeks.

Second birth statistics

When noting what week a second child is usually given birth, a period of 36 weeks is mentioned. The second birth begins suddenly, but passes faster and easier.

The cervix, as well as the birth canal, opens quickly, so women who have already given birth often do not have time to get to the maternity hospital. Repeated births occur around 38 weeks, but there are exceptions.

Third pregnancy

Preparing to become a mother for the third time, a woman is interested in the question of which week is the third child most often given birth. Labor usually starts earlier. If during the first pregnancy delivery occurs starting from the 38th week, then the third pregnancy is associated with a period of 36 weeks.

Time limits for boys and girls are different.

Usually girls want to see the world before boys, who are in no hurry to leave their mother’s tummy. If doctors note statistics on which week boys are most often born, then they talk about 40-41 weeks. Sometimes there are record holders who last up to 42 weeks. The girls are ready to make their first cry for more early– 38 weeks.

The princess is sleeping

It is important not to forget about the cycle of the expectant mother. If the cycle is standard or short, when ovulation occurs on the 14th day after the start of menstruation, the baby is born at the required 40 weeks.

There are several reasons why girls are born first:

  1. It takes time for a boy to be born ready to exist. Girls mature faster, which is due to their biological role in life: procreation.
  2. In what week girls are usually born depends on the health of the mother, but initially girls were born stronger than boys. They are in a hurry to grow and be born, and during life they develop more rapidly.

From what week can you give birth to twins?

For man multiple pregnancy- not the norm, so the consequence of complications is early birth. The uterus increases in volume twice as fast as children, and overstretching causes contractions.
Considering how many obstetric weeks a second baby is born, we talked about the period of 37 weeks. When talking about multiple pregnancies, 34-35 weeks are mentioned. Regardless of the fact that twins may be born earlier, they have a very high chance of survival.

The best time to give birth to a healthy baby

If we consider at what week the expectant mother can give birth to 1 girl or boy without chronic diseases, then doctors insist on 38-42 weeks. With this period of time, good, healthy, full-fledged children appear.

Sound asleep

Doctors focus on 40 weeks - this period is recorded in the medical record and sick leave as the date of birth. But even at 38 or 42 weeks, healthy, mature children are born.

Another issue is multiple pregnancy. In this case, it is better to give birth 4 weeks earlier, which is due to the load on the body that the woman experiences. If not planned C-section, you need to prepare for childbirth at 35 weeks.

Symptoms and causes of premature birth

Unexpectedly starting labor causes anxiety and stress in a woman. Let's look at why this situation occurs:

  1. Infectious diseases.
  2. This reason is one of the most common among pregnant women, which leads to early birth. The expectant mother feels unwell, and the suffering of the baby inside the womb acts as a trigger for the onset of labor. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo examination to ensure that the pregnancy is safe.

  3. Aging of the placenta.
  4. Doctors assess the condition of the placenta based on the results of ultrasound and CTG. The most important thing is to regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo all examinations. If the doctor detects aging of the placenta or its abruption, treatment is prescribed that improves blood flow and nutrition of the fetus.

    In advanced cases, medications are prescribed that accelerate the maturation of the baby’s respiratory system. Then even premature one-month-old babies survive and are nursed.

  5. Viral diseases.
  6. In season infectious diseases Not only the respiratory tract is affected, the amniotic fluid can be infected and the integrity of its membrane can be compromised. With early rupture or leakage of water, premature birth occurs.

    Among the complications, it is noted that if the integrity of the bladder is broken, and the cervix is ​​not smoothed, the birth canal is not yet ready and the mucous plug has not moved away, an emergency cesarean section is required.

  7. Placenta previa.
  8. In this case, the pressure on the internal os increases, the cervix quickly smoothes out. By adhering to the recommendations of the gynecologist and observing bed rest, you can prevent premature birth.

  9. Pathology of the cervix.
  10. A shortened neck and obturator dysfunction can be congenital or result from trauma. previous births or abortions. This leads to premature birth.

    Sometimes early labor does not occur spontaneously, but the doctor prescribes an emergency caesarean section in order to preserve the health of mother and child. The causes are vascular, heart or endocrinological diseases.

New Generation

Early birth occurs at 28-36 weeks. If a woman experiences alarming symptoms, she should urgently visit a doctor:

  • pulling in the lower abdomen that feels like menstruation;
  • a feeling that something is pressing on the bladder;
  • slight bleeding from the vagina;
  • cramping pain lasting more than 30 seconds. Just don’t confuse it with training contractions;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid;
  • no fetal movements.

The gynecologist will assess the condition and suggest hospitalization if necessary. Don't panic, it's not scary. You can always slow down labor with special medications and procedures.

Why can there be late labor?

A post-term pregnancy is no less dangerous than a premature pregnancy, so ask your doctor at what time the third birth occurs. They come earlier than others, and the risk of carrying a child is higher.
Let's look at the reasons for late birth:

  1. Hormonal disorders in the mother.
  2. Changes in the hormonal system signal the body about the onset of labor. If the expectant mother's hormone levels and metabolism are disrupted, the signal will not be received and contractions will not begin.

  3. Extended cycle.
  4. At that time, if a woman had her period regularly, but her cycle was 30-35 days, the baby would be born later than the due date. They talk about natural here physiological process, not pathology. This type of pregnancy is called prolonged.

  5. Hereditary factor.
  6. This reason is physiological. Heredity affects early and late births. Knowing at what stage your mother and grandmother were born, you can prepare for your labor in advance.

  7. Taking medications.
  8. When taking medications to reduce the tone of the uterus, changes also affect childbirth. Medicines for chronic diseases also affect labor. Therefore, inform your gynecologist about your situation so that he can adjust the prescriptions.

Sincere look

When should you be concerned?

  1. Stomach ache.
  2. Any discomfort in the abdominal area is a reason to consult a doctor. The reasons may be different, but if the danger is not recognized in time, the child will die. With nagging pain in the lower abdomen, termination of pregnancy is possible. To prevent this from happening, timely treatment is required.

    If pain occurs that resembles inflammation of the bladder or appendicitis, there is a threat of premature birth. Do not rely only on your feelings, especially multiparous ones, but always find out exact reason at the gynecologist.

  3. Bloody issues.
  4. In no case is bleeding during pregnancy normal. Suspicions are caused by color changes: brown, scarlet, dark yellow or burgundy. If this happens, immediately call an ambulance or rush in your car to the maternity hospital. Inform your gynecologist about this symptom.

  5. The stomach has changed shape.
  6. This case does not apply to moments of active movement of the baby. If in a calm state the stomach is asymmetrical, hard and tense for more than 30 minutes, sank down or changed shape after a fall - go to the maternity hospital immediately.

  7. Leakage or overflow of water.
  8. It is impossible to miss such a moment. If the water breaks at night, the bed will be wet; if during the day, it will flow down your legs. Leakage is more difficult to detect: underwear becomes wet, which is dangerous during premature pregnancy. If an outpouring occurs - amniotic sac damaged, labor needs to begin.

  9. The child's movements are not felt.
  10. A woman feels the first movements of the baby from the 20th week, in the second pregnancy - from the 16th. If they disappear, you need to be wary. Lack of movement for more than 12 hours is an alarming sign that should be reported to your doctor.

    If this happens once, after which the baby is active again, this is the norm. An alarming sign is a regular lack of movement or low activity.

    Keep a diary with notes and control of the child’s activity time, and then present it to the doctor.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

The most impatient expectant mothers are those carrying a child for the first time in their lives. They closely monitor the timing of their pregnancy, ask the doctor in detail about how the baby is developing, but most of all they are interested in how many weeks the pregnancy will last and when the moment of birth should occur. This interest is often fueled by relatives and friends, who at every meeting ask the question: “When will you finally give birth?” At what stage does the first pregnancy usually end, and what changes can be considered sure harbingers of labor?

At what stage of pregnancy do first births most often occur?

In everyday life, you can often hear the statement that pregnant women for the first time usually do not reach the due date set by the doctor and give birth before the appointed date. Is this opinion true or is it a myth? Statistics confirm that a first-time mother goes through her gestational period a little faster than a woman who has already given birth before.

For most women, their first pregnancy lasts 41 weeks and one day, which is 2 days longer than the normal gestation period for multiparous women.

This period is very average and it would be a mistake to rely on it. When the doctor names the expected date of birth, this does not mean that the long-awaited event will occur exactly on the appointed day. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then the complete formation of the child ends by the 38th week, and from this moment the baby is ready for its birth. However, he has every right to linger in the mother’s belly for up to 42 weeks. This is confirmed by the 10% of women who give birth to absolutely healthy babies at 42 weeks.

The duration of pregnancy depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and the external conditions surrounding her. Any day between 38 and 42 weeks of gestation is normal due date. Some doctors take this into account and prefer to use “floating” dates instead of the exact day of birth. This helps save the woman and her immediate circle from unnecessary worries and disappointment over the fact that she was unable to give birth exactly on the day that the doctor indicated in the exchange card.

The maturity of the baby and the criteria for determining it

When a child is born, obstetricians and pediatricians assess his physical condition. To determine the maturity of a newborn, doctors use the following criteria:

  • height (normal height is considered to be from 46 to 52 cm);
  • weight (about 3200-3400 g);
  • the presence of a subcutaneous fat layer, due to which the body of a child of the European race has a pink color;
  • developed and elastic cartilages of the ears and nose;
  • the presence of nails, the ends of which protrude slightly beyond the edges of the fingers;
  • length of hair on the head – at least 2 cm;
  • In boys, the testicles are located in the scrotum; in girls, the labia majora cover the labia minora;
  • shout;
  • active body movements.

With the advent of ultrasound, doctors have an additional opportunity to assess the maturity of the fetus before its birth. Measuring bone length and head diameter is not considered a reliable indicator, since these parameters can vary greatly between children. To determine the maturity of the fetus, ultrasound measures the ratio of the cortical and medulla layers of the adrenal glands - the adrenal coefficient.

The second important criterion is the degree of development of lung tissue. The condition of the lungs determines the child’s ability to breathe after leaving the mother’s womb into the external environment. Modern ultrasound techniques make it possible to measure the size of the lungs, echogenicity, and also evaluate their blood supply.

Does the date of first birth depend on the gender of the child?

To answer this question, you should turn to statistics. On average, first-time mothers carrying girls give birth 1-2 weeks earlier than expectant mothers pregnant with boys. This is explained by the fact that girls develop a little more actively than boys, and their bodies are ready for birth faster. This is an advance in physical development continues after birth, in preschool and early childhood school age, as a result of which girls normally look larger and more developed than their peers of the opposite sex.

Harbingers of the first birth

Counting the days remaining until the cherished date, women carefully listen to their body and pay attention to even minor changes. In recent weeks, the body begins to train for future birth. The closer the birth is, the more often a woman feels her lower abdomen tense. Up to a certain point, this tension is irregular and passes quickly. The appearance of repeated muscle spasms, repeated at approximately equal intervals, indicates that labor has begun.

In addition to contractions, there are other, earlier precursors of labor, such as:

  • weight loss;
  • prolapse of the upper pole of the uterus, and with it the entire abdomen;
  • mucous plug separation.

Some pregnant women, on the eve of giving birth, notice that they begin to go to the toilet more often. In this way, the body reacts to changed hormonal levels and tries to remove excess fluid in the urine.

Features of the course of labor during the first pregnancy

There are many factors that influence the course of labor different women. The course of labor depends on:

  • age of the expectant mother;
  • pelvic ring sizes;
  • hormonal characteristics of a woman;
  • elasticity of soft tissues;
  • the weight of the fetus and the size of its head.

Medical records different years show that 50 years ago the average length of delivery was shorter than it is now. Reasons for this difference:

  • in the past, the average age of first-time mothers was earlier;
  • To speed up the process, doctors more often resorted to methods such as cutting the perineal tissue and applying forceps.

However, now, as in the past, primiparous women take longer to give birth than multiparous women. Their vagina and cervix are whiter, narrower and elongated shape, therefore, expansion of the entrance to the uterus to the desired size is slower.

How long does labor last for the first time? For different women, this process takes from 6 to 12 hours. Some people might dispute this number by saying many people they know have had much longer labors. This discrepancy occurs because most people measure the duration of labor from the very first contraction, but doctors start counting only from the beginning of the active period of contractions, which lasts on average 7.5 hours.

Does rapid labor happen for the first time?

Yes, such births can also occur in primiparous women. Rapid labor is defined as labor that lasted 3 hours or less. Which first-time mothers are at high risk of having an accelerated birth? Factors that contribute to the development of rapid labor:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • mother's young age;
  • high compatibility of the fetus and the birth canal;
  • increased emotionality and mental excitability;
  • excess production of thyroid hormones;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes of the genitourinary organs;
  • high excitability of the uterine muscles.

What signs indicate that labor will become rapid? In such women, contractions usually begin suddenly, quickly gain strength and have small intervals between them. If you suspect rapid labor, you should urgently call ambulance or deliver the pregnant woman to the nearest medical center yourself. Women at risk of precipitate labor are hospitalized in advance in the prenatal department of the maternity hospital.

Premature and late first birth

Premature birth is considered to be a birth that occurs at 37 weeks after conception or earlier. Reasons for having a baby prematurely:

  • inflammation and infections of the reproductive organs and urinary tract;
  • stress and emotional stress mothers;
  • high blood pressure, preeclampsia;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • chronic diseases;
  • abnormalities in the structure of the uterus;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • placenta previa and other pathologies.

Cases when a child is born too late at 42 or more weeks after conception is called late labor. Causes of late labor:

  • dysfunction of endocrine organs;
  • mental stress;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • unfavorable external conditions, malnutrition.

Prolonged stay in the womb is dangerous for the child, so obstetricians use artificial stimulation of labor in these cases, for example, inserting prostaglandin suppositories into the vagina. If there is no effect, a caesarean section is recommended.

Of considerable importance for expectant mothers and fathers is the issue of determining the optimal time to increase the family; unfortunately, this point in pregnancy planning is associated a large number of absurd, but extremely persistent myths.

Give birth before age 25

This myth almost sounds like a slogan. Despite the complete lack of scientific basis, it is the most common misconception on the topic optimal age parents. The history of the appearance of this myth goes back to the middle of the last century, when in Soviet obstetrics women giving birth to their first child after 30 years (and not after 25, as the authors of the myth claim!) were called “old-born.” The term sounds, frankly speaking, unflattering: what a woman, and besides, future mom, will want to be called old! In the time of our grandmothers, they got married and gave birth first child much earlier than now - on average between the ages of 20 and 25 years. Against this background, women giving birth to their first child after 30 years of age involuntarily stood out from the general row of patients and attracted closer attention from doctors.

In Soviet obstetrics, it was indeed believed that the optimal period from the point of view of a woman’s health for planning first pregnancy– from 18 to 25 years old. The logic of this opinion boiled down to the fact that at this age, in most cases, there are fewer chronic diseases, and the hormonal background, on which the course of pregnancy and childbirth, of course, largely depends, is in the most favorable state. However, it is obvious that there is no magic in the number 25: no disturbances or cardinal changes in a woman’s sexual sphere occur at this age.

It’s normal to endure and safely give a birth to a baby It’s perfectly possible at 25 and 30 years old, and even much later - for this it is important to take care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle and not neglect medical examinations and doctors’ recommendations. Today, doctors are forced to explain to their patients who are worried about the fact that they “didn’t have time” to give birth before the age of 25: after this age, no fundamental changes have occurred in their body, they are still young, healthy and capable of giving birth to healthy children. So don’t try to get ahead of this date at any cost - there are much more important criteria that should be taken into account when planning a pregnancy!

Early pregnancy

This misconception, in general, is similar to the previous one, but is more radical - the authors of the myth are convinced that one should give birth in one’s youth, since a very young and healthy mother certainly cannot have problems with pregnancy and childbirth. In fact, this is not true at all: too early pregnancy(under 18 years of age) is fraught with no less, and sometimes even more, dangers than the “age” one. There are many reasons for this: this is the unsettled hormonal background of a young girl, and the nervous system is not mature enough to regulate such complex processes, like bearing and giving birth to a child, and too active metabolism, and the unfinished formation of the body as a whole.

The first menstruation appears on average from 12 to 15 years, but this transformation of a girl into a girl does not mean that she is ready for motherhood. In fact, at this age a girl is a teenager whose body is gradually undergoing changes associated with growing up. As you know, change is the least successful time for testing, and pregnancy in puberty, unfortunately, is no exception to this rule. According to statistics, during pregnancy occurring at the age of 16–17 years, the greatest number of complications are recorded. The main percentage is due to the threat of termination of pregnancy; this is due to insufficient production of progesterone at a young age, the main hormone necessary for pregnancy. At a young age, pregnancy much more often ends in premature (before 37 weeks) birth. This is due to the pathologically high tone of the uterus due to immaturity nervous system and the hormonal background of the “juvenile woman”.

It is more difficult to bear the load associated with pregnancy, and other organs and systems of a mother who is too young: early pregnancies are often complicated by gestosis and hepatosis - toxicosis with impaired renal and liver function. At early pregnancy the highest number of fetal malnutrition was recorded. This term means underweight newborn (less than 2500 g) due to impaired placental blood flow during pregnancy. The reason for the insufficient blood supply to the fetus is again associated with the excessive load on the cardiovascular system for a young age, and a significant role in this is played by the large metabolic costs for the continued growth of the mother’s own body. So you shouldn’t rush too much into planning your pregnancy – everything should be done in a timely manner!

Pregnancy after 30

It was believed that pregnancy after 30 always proceeds with complications. This common belief is actually also a misconception - between the age of the expectant mother and during pregnancy there is no direct relationship. It cannot be denied that with age, the risk of developing infertility, genetic disorders during conception, and the formation of chronic diseases in the mother increases. All these factors can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development. However, it is necessary to clearly understand that such pregnancy pathologies are associated not so much with age, but with the health status of the expectant mother.

Currently, in megacities there is a significant increase in the age of first-time mothers: the average age of a woman, giving birth to her first child, moved to 28–33 years. This is due to changes in the social way of life, which cannot but influence biological age growing up of a woman. Modern young girls study longer, enter independent life, build a career and get married later than their mothers and grandmothers. Decline physical activity against the backdrop of increased living comfort, has brought unexpected results in the physiology of a modern woman: along with an increase in life expectancy, XXI century The woman’s age has also changed significantly, giving birth to her first child. At the same time, the percentage of complications during pregnancy has not increased compared to statistics 20–30 years ago, when first birth most often occurred at the age of 20–25 years. To date, the results of clinical and statistical studies in the field of demography have shown: the successful course and outcome of pregnancy depend on the health and lifestyle of future parents, the level of medical care and the environment. Passport age in this matter is in the very last place.

Birth of a child: background

First a career, then a child. This statement is, so to speak, reverse side medals are a consequence of changes in the social way of life and the role of modern women in it. Today, many girls, passionate about building their own careers, are in no hurry to change the status of a successful businesswoman to the status of a future mother, believing that this issue can be pushed into the background. The most common justification for this position is a look at Western Europe and America, where the victory of careerism over motherhood took place back in the 70s of the last century. “Look, in the West everyone gives birth after 40 years, and nothing!” - claim the adherents of this idea... and are very mistaken. Speaking of possibility pregnancy and childbirth in principle, then, of course, with the current level of development of reproductive medicine, this is feasible at 40 years old, and at 45, and sometimes even at 50 years old. But if you look into the details, for example, assess the ability of an elderly body to withstand the stress associated with pregnancy and childbirth, a decrease in metabolic rate, hormonal levels, the picture will no longer seem so rosy. Especially if you think about the moral and physical costs that many years of painstakingly building a successful career sometimes costs - such stress, with which the life of a successful woman is inextricably linked, cannot but affect health, and this is precisely this factor that is so important for the possibility of successful motherhood. So you shouldn’t put off important questions about having children for too long - so that they don’t become the most difficult!

Material well-being

The main thing in family planning is material well-being. Many people believe that the most important thing in planning a pregnancy is material well-being: a separate apartment, a good salary, and so on. Of course, growing a family is inextricably linked with rising costs, so, at first glance, the position “first wealth, then child” may seem quite logical and justified. Future parents will have to invest in setting up a nursery, buying a dowry for the baby: clothes, furniture, strollers, etc.

Taking care of health of the unborn child, many men and women think about the additional costs of medical care - signing a contract for pregnancy management, childbirth and monitoring the newborn, and this also requires significant financial investments. There are also such far-sighted parents who, even before the birth of their child, plan the costs of his further education in groups early development, school and even university. You can go even further on this issue: for example, plan a pregnancy only after you have saved up money for additional education, a prestigious internship, a first car, an apartment, a child’s wedding...

The only problem is that most potential mothers and fathers will have to spend many years, strength, and most importantly, health on all these financial projects. But the health of future parents is the main and most important “dowry” for a child, a guarantee of a successful pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. And, as you know, health cannot be bought for any amount of money!

Season and conception

The course of pregnancy depends on the season of conception. A very common pseudo-scientific version pregnancy planning. Reasons for the “seasonal” approach to this important issue are explained in various ways: from the availability of fresh vegetables and fruits, air temperature and the number of sunny days to the influence of zodiac signs and lunar calendar. Some authors focus on the importance of the season (or month, or decade) of conception, others emphasize the importance of choosing the right time for birth of a child. It seems quite difficult to reasonably prove (or dispute) the influence of the horoscope and the lunar calendar on pregnancy planning, but as for the direct influence of seasonality on the course of pregnancy and fetal development from a health point of view... Of course, they are useful for the expectant mother and baby Sun rays, warm air and fresh vitamins from natural vegetables and fruits. But pregnancy lasts 9 months, or 3 seasons - therefore, regardless of the season of conception, there will be enough sun and vitamins for everyone!

Pregnancy after 40

After 40 years it is too late to give birth. The most common explanation for this idea is that pregnancy and childbirth place a significant burden on a woman’s body, and after 40 years of age, the risk of developing serious diseases already increases. That is, giving birth after 40 years is dangerous for the expectant mother herself. Another reason for such a categorical statement is the increase in risk genetic disorders of the fetus(primarily Down syndrome – the presence of an additional 21st chromosome in the fetus) in “aged” pregnant women. This explanation is based on fear for child's health.

Finally, there is another, complex fear in the matter pregnancy planning after 40 years – increased risk of developing complications of pregnancy and childbirth. It is difficult to argue with all of the above arguments - they are all justified to one degree or another.

Indeed, with age, the risks of all kinds of complications associated with additional stress on a woman’s body increase. However, this does not mean at all that pregnancy after 40 years will certainly be complicated, the woman’s well-being will certainly worsen, and the child will not be able to be born healthy. By reminding a woman of her age and advising her not to postpone motherhood until later, doctors indicate the optimal time for planning a pregnancy, but this does not mean that after this period the issue of childbearing must be closed.

Medicine knows hundreds and thousands of cases of favorable course of pregnancy, safe delivery and the birth of healthy children from parents whose age significantly exceeded the fatal mark of “40”. Certainly, planning a pregnancy at Balzac's age, it is necessary to be thoroughly examined and soberly assess your health - as, in fact, at any other age. It is wrong to say that it is too late to give birth after 40 years - we are not talking about an imminent threat of the development of pathology in the expectant mother and the fetus, but only about an increase in risks.

This question is most often asked by women whose baby is due to be born. After all, every expectant mother wants to know exactly the date of this cherished time. But, unfortunately, no one will tell you the specific and exact date of your birth. Yes, the doctor, of course, determines and writes down the expected date of the important event. However, there are many nuances to this issue. Let's try to figure them out.

First, let's delve into the events that happen to the expectant mother and her child in the last stages of pregnancy, and try to determine the upcoming date of birth.

As a rule, bearing a child lasts either 280 days from a woman’s last menstrual period. It is from this date that you can subtract three months and add another seven days. This will be the expected date of birth of your baby.

For more precise definition During this period, you need to remember the date of the first fetal movement. Typically, first-time expectant mothers feel these movements at the 20th week of pregnancy, and second-time expectant mothers feel these movements around the 18th week of pregnancy.

The date of birth can also be determined by the doctor based on the results ultrasound diagnostics fetus It is believed that the pregnancy is fully term after 37 weeks, that is, after 259 days and before the period of 42 weeks (294 days).

Traditionally, childbirth before 37 weeks is considered early in medicine, and after 42 weeks - late. With the end of physiological pregnancy, the child in the womb of the mother grows stronger and is born healthy, with fully formed tissues and organ systems. If we talk about post-term pregnancy, then we need to take into account the risks of injury to a girl or boy during childbirth. It is also possible for a stillborn baby to be born if it is post-term for ten days or two weeks. That's why doctors make decisions about a pregnant woman whose contractions do not start at the right time. Traditionally, post-term pregnancy is easier to prevent than to stop the process of premature birth.

So, at what week do women give birth prematurely? In obstetric practice, certain time intervals for the possible onset of premature birth are identified. This is the gestation period of 22 weeks, from 22 to 27 weeks, from 28 to 33 weeks, from 34 to 37 weeks.

Previously, doctors fought for the lives of babies who were born prematurely from the 28th week of pregnancy and weighed one kilogram. Now these figures are much lower.

There may be infections of the genital organs, an overly large fetus or multiple pregnancy, polyhydramnios, various uterine defects, detachment or. Less common causes of premature birth are problems with the kidneys, pituitary gland, diseases of the thyroid gland and the cardiovascular system. Then the expectant mother’s body protects itself by rejecting the fetus as a health threat.

If a baby is born between 22 and 27 weeks, then predicting its viability is too problematic, because most of its organs are not yet formed and are not prepared for development outside the mother’s womb.

In practice, from the 27th week of pregnancy to the 36th week, most expectant mothers achieve prolongation of pregnancy. And even if a child’s lungs are not fully developed, their maturation can be accelerated with medications. Therefore, at such periods, children survive more often. As a rule, a positive prognosis is given to babies who were born weighing 1.5 kg, since their internal organs are better formed.

By the way, twins or twins are born at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy. Second-time mothers also give birth earlier. Today, according to medical statistics, every third expectant mother gives birth at 37 weeks of pregnancy. Childbirth rarely occurs at 40-42 weeks.

So, when your son or daughter is born can only be approximately determined. After all, this process is purely individual, as is the gestation period, its features and pathologies. The most important thing is that a strong, healthy boy or girl is born.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

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