How to give a presentation on retirement. Presentation labor pension

“Social gerontology” - Principles of helping older people. Performance. General patterns and theories of aging. Productive indicators of old age. Functional changes. Diseases. Old age as a value-based phenomenon. Subject of social gerontology. Causes of early professional aging.

“Welfare State” - Decommodification - provision outside the market. The worker is integrated. Additional costs for the employer. Criteria for social statehood of an industrial type (the concept of G. Esping-Andersen). The very idea of ​​progress was rejected.” M. Keynes (General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money)*. Autonomy of economically active persons in a social state.

“Sphere of social services” - Work, social protection. Options for classifying services in the social sphere. Extensive background information on health issues -. Regulations, Contact Information. Medicine, healthcare. Content. Degree of automation of services. Education. Culture, sports. Family. Electronic government – ​​foreign experience.

“Pension provision” - Personalized pension account in the Khanty-Mansiysk Non-State Pension Fund. From 5 to 15 years – 693 rubles. Pension contributions. The amount of the basic part of the additional pension. From 25 years and over – 946 rubles. From 15 to 25 years – 820 rub. Additional social pension for non-working pensioners (paid for the period of establishment). Investor.

“Social protection of the Altai Territory” - Social patronage was provided to 1,625 families. Social protection of families with children in the Altai Territory. Group forms of work: Institutional specialists. Social partnership with non-profit non-state Funds. Work technologies. Resources of the social service system for families and children.

“Social Policy” - Problems of financing social policy. Prevalence of social benefits. Place and role of the state. Contemporary issues social policy in developed countries. Joseph Stiglitz Globalization: alarming trends M., 2003. Some examples of modern. Demographic processes – population aging, unemployment, increase in the number of households with 1 person..

There are a total of 17 presentations in the topic


Thinking about the future, I understand
that it comes quickly enough.
Albert Einstein
SNILS – insurance number of an individual person
citizen's accounts in the compulsory pension system
This is a personal card: it contains the full name,
date and place of birth, personal pension number
accounts (SNILS).
SNILS – personal data identifier
person when receiving government services in
in electronic format.

Pension system
Russian Federation

State pension provision based on
financing pensions using federal funds
State pension pension
security is assigned:
employees (including
military personnel,
law enforcement officers
departments, as well as members
their families)
victims in
as a result of radiation
or man-made
disasters, and their members
astronauts and
members of their families,
flight test workers
sign "Resident

The following types of pensions are assigned:
state pension provision:
long service pension
old age pension
disability pension
survivor's pension
social pension

Long service pension
A pension, which is established if there is an appropriate
long specialized work experience.
In relation to a pension for long service, such length of service is called “length of service”.
A long-service pension always depends on length of service, just like an old-age pension, but without
age limit. However, sometimes a pension for long service is also called
pension, which is established in the presence of an appropriate special
length of service and reaching a certain age.
The long-service pension is established in addition to the old-age insurance pension.
(disability) assigned in accordance with the Federal Law "On
insurance pensions", and is paid simultaneously with it.

Old age pension
Category of pension recipients
Pension amount
250% size social pension
Citizens who have received or transferred
radiation sickness and other diseases,
related to radiation exposure
due to the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
or with work to eliminate the consequences
the said disaster;
Citizens who have become disabled due to
disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
Citizens who took part in
liquidation of the consequences of Chernobyl
disasters in the exclusion zone;
Citizens who have become disabled as a result
other (non-Chernobyl) radiation or
man-made disasters.
Citizens living or working in
corresponding radioactive zone
200% of the social pension

Disability pension
State disability pension is assigned
military personnel; citizens affected by
radiation or man-made disasters; participants
Great Patriotic War; citizens,
awarded the badge “Resident of the blockade
Leningrad"; to astronauts. The fact of paid labor
activities for the payment of state pensions
disability is not affected.

Survivor's pension
Right to insurance pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner
have disabled family members of the deceased
breadwinner who were dependent on him (for
with the exception of persons who have committed a criminal offense
an act that resulted in the death of the breadwinner and
established in court). Family unknown
an absent breadwinner is treated as a family
deceased breadwinner, if unknown absence
breadwinner is certified in the manner established
legislation of the Russian Federation.

Social pension
Social pension is assigned to disabled citizens, permanently
living in the Russian Federation.
Category of pension recipients
Pension amount
Citizens from among the small peoples of the North who have reached
ages 55 and 50 years
Citizens who have reached the age of 65 and 60 years
Disabled people of group 2 (except for those disabled since childhood)

23 years of age who have lost one of their parents
5034.25 rubles per month
Disabled people from childhood, 1st group
Disabled children
12082.06 rubles per month
Disabled people since childhood, 2 groups
10068.53 rubles per month
Disabled people of 1st group
Children under the age of 18 and older, studying full-time in
educational institutions, but no longer than until they reach
age 23, who have lost both parents and children of a deceased single
Disabled people of 3 groups
4279.14 rubles per month

Mandatory pension insurance
labor pension
old age (consisting of
insurance and
storage parts)
labor pension
labor pension
case of loss
breadwinner (consisting of
insurance part)
Funded by insurance premiums

Non-state (additional)
pension provision
non-state pensions paid in
within the framework of agreements with non-state
pension funds financed by
contributions of employers and employees in their favor
and the income received from their investment.

Conditions for assigning a pension



Necessary conditions for obtaining the right to an insurance pension (from 01/01/2015)
years of experience
(from 2024)
pension points
(from 2025)
These are the minimum requirements for
obtaining the right to an insurance pension
old age.

Calculation of insurance period
The insurance period includes periods of work and other activities that were performed
on the territory of the Russian Federation, and for which insurance premiums were calculated and paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
Periods of activity of self-employed persons, heads and members
peasant (farm) households, members of family (tribal) communities of indigenous peoples,
periods of work for individuals under contracts are included in the insurance period only in
in case of payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund
The list of “non-insurance” periods counted in the insurance period corresponds to
list of “non-insurance” periods defined by Federal Law No. 173-FZ
The duration of the period of care of one of the parents for each child until reaching
they are one and a half years old increased to 6 years in total
The possibility of confirming insurance experience before registration is established by law
citizen as an insured person in accordance with Federal Law No. 27FZ not only by documents issued by employers or relevant
state (municipal) bodies, but also on the basis of information
individual personalized accounting for the specified period

How is the pension amount calculated?


Pension = A x B + C + d

How is a pension calculated?
A – pension points
B – cost of one point
C – fixed payment
d – funded pension
Plus for each year of later retirement
bonus points are given and increases
fixed payment.

And pension points

PENSION = A x B + C + d
pension points
Pension rights for each year will be recorded
in points - individual pension coefficients.
The number of points per year depends on your official salary.
The higher the salary, the more points.
The maximum number of points per year is 10 (if you refuse to form
pension savings for citizens older than 1966) When
formation of pension savings – 6.25 points).

Pension points – every year

points for one
amount of insurance paid
contributions to insurance pension
amount of insurance premiums
with maximum contribution
The maximum number of points is 10.
Only from “white” wages do employers pay contributions to
Pension Fund.
The future pension is formed only from the “white” salary.

Pension points are given not only for work activity

Pension points are given:
for each year of parental leave
1.8 points
3.6 points
Mom gets 24.3 points
four children, with each
which she spent on vacation
care 1.5 years.
5.4 points
5.4 points
for each year of conscription military service
1.8 points
for each year of care for disabled people of group I, disabled children, persons over 80 years old
1.8 points

It pays to retire later!

55 years
60 years
The retirement age will NOT INCREASE
But for each year of later retirement, the pension amount will be
are given
the fixed payment increases.
If you apply for a pension 5 years after reaching
retirement age, then the fixed payment will be increased by 36%,
and the number of points – by 45%.
If you retire in 10 years, your fixed benefit will increase by
2.11 times, and the number of points - 2.32 times.

Costs one point

PENSION = A x B + C + d
cost of one point
The value of the pension point is set annually
federal law.
The value of a pension point increases annually as
at least the inflation rate.
The value of a pension point is published in the media and on the Internet.

With fixed payment

PENSION = A x B + C + d
fixed payment
Fixed payment – ​​state-guaranteed payment
recipient of an insurance pension.
An analogue of today's fixed basic insurance amount
parts labor pension by old age.
On February 1, 2017, its basic amount is 4805.11 rubles and in
depending on the category of pensioners, the type of pension assigned and
the presence of dependents may increase or decrease
Established annually by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Increases annually at least by the inflation rate.

d funded pension

PENSION = A x B + C + d
funded pension
Shaped according to your choice.
Formed for citizens born in 1967 and younger if before the end of 2015 there was
a choice was made in her favor.
Citizens born in 1967 and younger, in whose favor insurance premiums are
compulsory pension insurance will begin to be accrued by the employer for the first time after 1
January 2014, it becomes possible to choose a pension option
(form only an insurance pension or create both an insurance pension and a funded pension)
within five years from the date of first accrual of insurance premiums.
The procedure for assigning and paying out pension savings
does not change.
payment of the funded part of the labor pension. Today – 228

Work longer, get more!

In the new pension formula, the amount of the insurance pension
directly depends on experience, earnings and age

Pension –

guarantee of a dignified old age

Class hour prepared and conducted by a teacher of Russian language and literature, classroom teacher 11 “B” class Melnikova Irina Anatolyevna January, 2016

  • 1. Explain the possibilities of forming and managing the funded part of the labor pension.
  • 2. Create conditions for the formation of an understanding of everyone’s personal responsibility for their future pension provision.
  • 3. Contribute to the formation of a new “pension culture” among young people, based on the principle: “Your future pension depends on you, make it worthy.”

  • The first mentions of state provision in the territory modern Russia date back to ancient times. The princes and governors of the Slavic squads cared not only about feeding and arming their subjects, but also about providing for them in case of injury and in old age.

XVII century

  • The first cash payments for retired soldiers, “therapeutic” ones, began to be made under Tsar Alexei Romanov in 1663. Their size depended on the severity of the injuries. Basically it was the provision of estates or lands to those already existing.

Story pensions in Russia XVIII century

Since the reign of Peter I, regular pensions were introduced and extended to the highest military class.

The “Charter of the Russian Naval Fleet” of January 13, 1720 is considered to be the first pension law.

XVIII century

  • The reign of Catherine II was marked by the first national pension reform, after which such concepts as length of service (experience) appeared, which should be at least 20 years.

XVIII century

  • An increase in pension benefits was noted during the reign of Emperor Paul I. He established a rule according to which military pensioners, when entering the civil service, were entitled to state allowances in such an amount that the maintenance was not less than the pension. The condition is: impeccable service.

century xix

  • The Russian pension system received further development in the 1820s, when, as part of a large-scale reform of pension legislation, the “Charter on pensions and one-time benefits for civil servants” was adopted.
  • A centralized pension fund was created, the function of which is to pay pensions and benefits.

century xx (first half)

  • In 1917, a decree was issued “On the issuance of percentage bonuses to the pensions of the disabled.
  • In 1918 - the resolution “On approval of the Regulations on social security of workers.”
  • In 1924, long-service pensions were introduced for scientists and university teachers.
  • In 1925, long-service pensions were established for teachers in urban and rural schools.

century xx (first half)

  • In 1932, the law set the age for old age pension: 55 years for women and 60 years for men.
  • Since then, the retirement age in Russia has not changed even once and today remains one of the lowest in the world.

century xx (second half)

  • 1956 – the law “On State Pensions” was adopted (providing for old-age, disability and survivors’ pensions).
  • Men retired at age 60, subject to 25 years of experience, women - at 55, subject to 20 years of experience.

century xx (second half)

  • By the time of the collapse of the USSR and the emergence of a new state - the Russian Federation - many problems had accumulated in the country's pension system. During the 1990s, the trend towards aging increased. This process developed in the context of a transition economy and a reduction in financial revenues from enterprises to the Pension Fund.

century xxi

  • Creation in 1997 of a system of personalized accounting of citizens' pension rights.
  • The result of the reforms of the 1990s – 2000s was a three-tier pension system: insurance, state and non-state pension provision.

century xxi

  • The transition to a market model of the economy affected the pension system with the introduction of a new element - the funded part of the labor pension.
  • In 2012, the Government of the Russian Federation approved an action plan to further improve the pension system.

  • The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR) was established on December 22, 1990 for the state management of pension finances in the Russian Federation.
  • The management of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Board headed by the Chairman of the Board. On the part of the Government of the Russian Federation, the work of the Pension Fund is coordinated by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

  • Contrary to its name, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation deals not only with paying pensions to older people. Today, the Pension Fund of Russia is the largest federal system for the provision of state social services in Russia, which accompanies a person from birth.

  • A pension is a guaranteed monthly payment to provide financial support for citizens in old age, as well as in the event of their complete or partial disability, loss of a breadwinner, or in connection with achieving an established length of service in certain areas. labor activity.

  • Three levels of the pension system:
  • 1. Compulsory pension insurance
  • 2. State pension provision
  • 3.Non-state (voluntary) pension provision (also includes corporate pension provision)

  • 1. Everyone is guaranteed social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.
  • 2. State pensions and social benefits are established by the state.
  • 3. Voluntary activities are encouraged social insurance, creation of additional forms of social security and charity.

  • SNILS is the insurance number of a citizen’s individual account in the compulsory pension insurance system. SNILS and insurance certificate are issued once for life.

  • To form a pension
  • To receive government services and benefits
  • To receive government services electronically
  • To reduce the number of documents when receiving government services

  • Insurance (for compulsory pension insurance)
  • Social (for state pension provision)
  • Voluntary (for state pension provision)
  • Cumulative (for compulsory pension insurance)

  • A monthly cash payment to compensate persons insured in the compulsory health insurance system for wages and other payments lost due to the onset of incapacity due to old age or disability.
  • The general rate of insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance is 22%. Part of the tariff for insurance premiums for compulsory health insurance, 6% is a solidarity tariff. It is intended to generate nationwide funds necessary for fixed payments to pensioners.
  • The rest of the insurance premium rate - 16% - is an individual rate. Funds received under this tariff are reflected in the person’s individual personal account with the Pension Fund.

  • Cash payments to citizens who, for various reasons, were unable to earn an insurance pension (a disabled person since childhood or a person, due to various life circumstances, did not acquire insurance experience and pension points).
  • The social pension is assigned upon reaching the age of 60 for women and 65 years for men, and for disabled people - from the date of establishment of disability.

  • To receive such a pension, the future pensioner must enter into an agreement with a non-state pension fund and make personal contributions for a certain time.

  • Formed at the request of the future pensioner.
  • The funds that form a funded pension are called pension savings.
  • These funds are similar to bank deposit funds. They do not go into the solidarity system, but are transferred by the Russian Pension Fund to a management company or a non-state Pension Fund (at the choice of the future pensioner).

  • Option 1:
  • Option 2:

Formation of insurance and funded pensions

Formation of an insurance pension



10% +

16% (for the formation of an insurance pension) +

6% (for the formation of a funded pension) +


6% (to finance a fixed payment)

  • If the employee’s wage fund is 18,000 rubles per month, the employer will allocate to his pension: 18,000 x 16% = 2,880 rubles.
  • Of these, 1,800 rubles (10% of the tariff) will be allocated to the insurance pension, and 1,080 rubles (6% of the tariff) to the funded pension.
  • If you decide to form only an insurance pension, then all 2880 rubles will be allocated to it. (16% tariff).

Choosing a pension option

  • Remember!

The funded pension is not indexed by the state! When investing pension savings, you can get not only profits, but also losses, which can then affect the amount of the funded pension and the total amount of pension payments.

  • How many pension points can a citizen with a monthly salary of 35,000 rubles earn in a year?

First of all, let's calculate how many pension contributions will be transferred from such a salary per year.

To convert this amount into pension points, you need to divide it by the amount of contributions that are transferred to the pension from an annual salary of 711,000 rubles (maximum annual salary): 711,000 rubles. x 16% = 113,760 rub.

As a result, we get: 67200 / 113760 = 0.59.

The result obtained must be multiplied by 10. total: 0.59 x 10 = 5.9 points.

This is exactly how many pension points you could earn in 2015 from a salary of 35,000 per month (provided that the funded part was not formed).

An example of calculating pension points for a year

  • If a citizen forms both insurance and funded pensions, under the same conditions the calculation looks like this.

Annual salary: 35,000 rub. X 12 months = 420,000 rub.

The total amount of insurance premiums at the 22% rate: 420,000 x 22% = 924,000 rubles.

To convert this amount into pension points, you need to divide it by the amount of contributions that are transferred to the pension from an annual salary of 711,000 rubles. : 711,000 rub. x 16% = 113,760 rub.

As a result, we get: 42000 / 113760 = 0.37.

We multiply the result by 10. Total: 0.37 x 10 = 3.7 points.

Forming a funded pension reduces pension points and your insurance pension!

  • 1. Get SNILS and use its capabilities.
  • 2. Work only where they pay a “white salary”.
  • 3. Choose your retirement option.
  • 4. Participate in voluntary pension programs.
  • 5. Monitor the status of your retirement account.
  • 6. Don't rush into retirement.

  • The total number of pension recipients under the Russian Pension Fund is 42.7 million people.
  • The average old-age insurance pension in Russia in 2015 is about 13,000 rubles.
  • Over 17 million children and adolescents in Russia have their own SNILS.
  • Every year, 5.6 million people become participants in the Russian compulsory pension insurance system.
  • 2 million people monthly visit the website of the Russian Pension Fund and use electronic services for accounting and formation of future pensions.

  • 1. Who is the insurer in the compulsory pension insurance system?
  • A. Payers of insurance premiums
  • B. Management companies and non-state pension funds
  • IN. Pension Fund of Russia, non-state pension funds.
  • Answer: B .

  • 2. What are insurance premiums?
  • A. Mandatory social payments states.
  • B. Payments to the state after retirement.
  • IN. Monthly contributions from employers to the compensatory pension system.
  • Answer: V.

  • 3. What document confirms a person’s participation in the compulsory pension insurance system?
  • A. Pensioner's ID
  • B. Insurance certificate
  • IN. Insurance contract with a pension fund
  • Answer: B.

  • 4. What information is not reflected in the individual personal account in the Pension Fund?
  • A. Duration of insurance period
  • B. Future pension size
  • IN. The amount of insurance premiums paid by employers.
  • Answer: B.

  • 5. How can you find out how many points are accumulated in your pension account?
  • A. From an extract from an individual personal account in the Pension Fund of Russia
  • B. From the work book
  • IN. In the management company
  • G. In the account of the insured person on the Pension Fund website.
  • Answer: A, G.

  • 6. How does the insurance pension increase?
  • A. Tax increases
  • B. Investment return of the management company
  • IN.
  • Answer: V.

  • 7. What will mainly determine the size of the pension under the new pension formula?
  • A. Insurance experience
  • B. Insurance premiums
  • IN. Retirement age
  • G. That's right
  • Answer: G.

  • 8. How does the funded pension increase?
  • A. Annual state indexation
  • B. Investment return of management companies.
  • Answer: B.

  • 9. Who can receive SNILS?
  • A. Only citizens over 14 years old
  • B. Persons registered in the OPS system, regardless of age.
  • Answer: B.

  • 10. Generally established retirement age in the Russian Federation?
  • A. 45 years – for women, 55 years – for men.
  • B. 55 years for women, 60 years for men.
  • IN. 65 years for women and men.
  • Answer: B.

  • 11. For what period is the OPS insurance certificate issued?
  • A. For a year
  • B. For 15 years
  • IN. Forever
  • Answer: V.

  • 12. What length of insurance coverage is required to assign a social pension?
  • A. 1 year
  • B. 5 years
  • IN. 15 years
  • G. Not required
  • Answer: G.

  • 13. What is the minimum insurance period required to assign an old-age insurance pension, starting in 2024?
  • A. 5 years
  • B. 10 years
  • IN. 15 years
  • Answer: V.

  • 14. What is the maximum number of pension points a citizen can collect in 1 year?
  • A. 1 point
  • B. 10 points
  • IN. 13.5 points
  • Answer: B.

  • 15. What is the minimum number of pension points required to assign an old-age insurance pension?
  • A. 10 points
  • B. 15 points
  • IN. 30 points
  • Answer: V.

  • 16. Which non-insurance periods are not socially significant and are not included in the insurance period (no points are assigned)?
  • A. Child care leave up to 1.5 years
  • B. Vacation at your own expense
  • IN. Period of military service upon conscription
  • G. The period of study at the university.
  • Answer: B, G.

Youth and youth -

to think about old age.

Slide 2

Pension reform

Every citizen of our country is guaranteed social security by age, in connection with illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law
As follows from the law, the opportunity to assign early old-age pensions is available to persons whose work is associated with the risk of loss of professional ability to work before reaching retirement age. These include, in particular, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the fire service, employees of institutions of the penal system and children's educational institutions, as well as healthcare organizations and theaters.

Slide 3

The key idea of ​​the modern pension system is the principle of accumulation. It is mandatory for all Russian citizens to form a funded part of their pension during their working life.
This happens at the expense of the employer, that is, the citizen himself does not pay anything. The employer transfers funds for pension purposes for his employees, a certain part of which is not spent on paying current pensions, but accumulates in individual personal accounts of citizens.

Slide 4

Distribution of pension contributions

  • Slide 5

    Cumulative part of the labor pension under the co-financing program for a client born in 1967, rub.
    . Male, current age - 30 years;. The monthly salary is currently 20,000 rubles, with an annual increase of 5% per annum expected; Savings at the moment - 30,000 rubles; . Estimated investment income - 10% per annum;. Subject to the conclusion of a compulsory pension insurance agreement with the Fund, voluntary contributions, doubled by the state, are invested together with the funded part of the pension; . The amount of voluntary contributions to the funded part of the pension is 12,000 rubles; . Contributions are paid annually for 10 years; . The retirement age is 60 years.

    Slide 6

    The funds allocated for the formation of the funded part of the pension - this is its fundamental difference - are not spent on paying pensions to current pensioners - but are accumulated in individual pension accounts of citizens in the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR). The idea is that over the years and decades of active work, these accounts should accumulate an amount sufficient for a prosperous life in old age. To do this, it is necessary to protect funds from inflation and increase them.
    For this purpose, the country has created an institute of non-state pension funds(NPF). Their task is to invest pension savings and accrue investment income in order to preserve the purchasing power of citizens' pension capital.

    Russian legislation provides for early retirement. Persons of certain professions and social categories have rights to early retirement. general rule retirement age is: -Men 60 years old -Women 55 years old

    ¡ Early retirement can be assigned to: 1) Persons of certain social categories ¡ 2) Workers of certain professions (civil servant) ¡ 3) In case of layoffs at an enterprise at pre-retirement age ¡

    Early pension for persons of social categories Persons who have the right to early pension: -Mothers of many children. Women who gave birth and raised 5 or more children before the age of 8; - One of the parents of a disabled person since childhood - guardians of disabled people who raised up to 8 years of age - persons who became disabled as a result war trauma ¡

    - women who have given birth to 2 or more children, subject to their work in the Far North for 12 years or in areas equivalent to it for 17 years - visually impaired people of the 1st disability group - midgets and dwarfs - permanent residents in the Far North¡

    Other cases ¡ In addition to the listed categories of persons, citizens of pre-retirement age who were dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization or termination of activities have the right to early retirement.

    Early retirement for civil servants 1) having at least 15 years of civil service experience¡ 2) dismissal on grounds specified in law ¡ 3) holding a position in the federal civil service for at least 12 full months before dismissal¡

    Early retirement according to professional criteria 1) Teachers ¡ 2) honey. workers ¡ 3) theater actors and theatrical entertainment organizations ¡ 4) underground workers ¡ 5) workers in hot shops ¡ 6) workers working on trucks, in transportation, railways ¡

    7) workers of expeditions, parties and search teams ¡ 8) persons working in logging ¡ 9) Rescuers (Ministry of Emergency Situations) ¡ 10) workers and employees of colonies and prisons ¡ 11) employees of the State Fire Service ¡

    Legislation Federal Law dated 12/28/2013 No. 400 - Federal Law ¡ RF Law dated 04/19/1991 No. 1032-1 “on employment in the Russian Federation” ¡ Federal Law dated 12/15/2001 No. 166 “on state pension provision in the Russian Federation"¡

    Early pension (social category) Category of citizens Retirement age Required insurance length Women who gave birth to five or more children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 50 years At least 15 years One of the parents of disabled people from childhood, who raised them until they reach the age of 8 age 8 years Men 55 years old Women 50 years old Men at least 20 years old Women at least 15 years old Guardians of disabled people since childhood or persons who have been guardians of disabled people since childhood and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years old Men 60 years old Women 55 years old *with a decrease in the generally established retirement age (60 years for men, 55 years for women) for one year for every one year and six months of guardianship, but not more than five years in total Men for at least 20 years Women for at least 15 years

    Citizens who have become disabled due to military trauma Men 55 years old Women 50 years old Men at least 25 years old Women at least 20 years old Visually impaired with 1st disability group Men 50 years old Women 40 years old Men at least 15 years old Women at least 10 years old Citizens who are sick pituitary dwarfism (midgets), and disproportionate dwarfs Men 45 years old Women 40 years old Men at least 20 years old Women at least 15 years old

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