Philip Kirkorov what happened to him. Loud scandals with Philip Kirkorov

Marouani and Kirkorov met at a branch of one of the capital's banks to sign a peace agreement. Previously, the French singer demanded millions of rubles from the king of pop on charges of plagiarism. Philip reported extortion to law enforcement agencies. A video of the detention of Maruani and his lawyer Igor Trunov was published on the Internet.


They had to spend about half an hour at the bank branch, after which they were taken to the police department. Now investigators are conducting an investigation into a statement from Kirkorov about extortion for one million euros.

While this story is growing with more and more new details, which are quickly covered in the media, and pop stars are beginning to express their opinions about the problem of Philippe and Didier, Days.Ru they recall other incidents that tarnished Kirkorov’s reputation.

One of the first scandalous incidents in the life of Alla Pugacheva’s ex-husband dates back to 2003. As reporters reported, on the set of the “Big Wash” program, Philip, who dared to call him “my bunny.” And the singer’s security arrived in time and “added” to the fallen boy.

Pink Blouse and the King of Remakes

Apparently, this was a rehearsal before the memorable 2004, when, after a press conference in Rostov-on-Don, Kirkorov saw all the journalists in pink blouses.

The singer answered a question from a local newspaper employee Irina Aroyan: insults and obscene language, after which he kicked the girl out of the hall. He was offended that the reporter called him "the king of remakes." Kirkorov’s guards were already waiting for her at the exit. Tall guys tried to take away the editorial voice recorder and camera. Most Rostov TV channels showed this outrageous show, and Philip went to trial.

Kirkorov was found guilty of publicly insulting a journalist and ordered to pay a fine of 60 thousand rubles. The guilty verdict did not upset the singer. The King of Pop, according to his assurances, was simply happy and sent some journalists to the famous three letters.

“As soon as I leave the villa and turn on the phone, call after call begins. All these rats who were swearing at me suddenly wanted my comments. And I said to everyone: “Fuck you.., fuck you..!” They themselves They made me the main hooligan of the country. I don’t care what they write. I’m delighted that this nightmare is finally over. Our court turned out to be not only the most humane in the world, but also the wisest - much wiser. journalists who started barking like jackals. This is the mildest sentence that was possible,” noted a satisfied Philip and thanked Irina Aroyan for the successful PR for him.

Scandalous tours

The organizers still remember Kirkorov’s 2004 tour of the cities of southern Russia with horror. Newspapers wrote with indignation that in Stavropol the singer did not even hide the fact that he was singing to a soundtrack. While he accepted flowers and kissed girls, the song continued to sound, but Kirkorov was little concerned about this.

He left Stavropol earlier than planned and started a scandal at the Prestige Hotel in Krasnodar. In the dead of night, he demanded that the presidential apartments be vacated for him, not caring at all about the future fate of their guest. Then Kirkorov went to Rostov-on-Don, where the entire hotel staff had to listen to his obscene speeches.

After the incident with Irina Aroyan, the king of pop behaved with restraint for some time, but you cannot hide your temperament. In 2005, on tour in Saratov, he again caused a scandal. The “King of Remakes” considered the reception given to him offensive. According to the singer, he was offered to live in a barn. The artist began to be indignant as soon as his limousine arrived at the hotel. “Where have you brought me?” Kirkorov cried.

War on journalists

In November 2007, the journalistic fraternity had another reason to be offended by the performer. According to the notes of those days, Philip promoted his anniversary concert in every possible and impossible way. The singer created mystery, stirring up interest in every possible way. And there was a point, because Philip had not given solo performances in the capital since 2001, and in 2007 he celebrated two anniversaries at once - his personal 40th anniversary plus the 25th anniversary of his creative activity.

The concert began after a slight time delay and a scuffle in the hall - and photographers, which was watched with interest from his box by Philippe Bedros's father. This small scene of humiliation did not confuse Kirkorov’s fans, especially since the photographers on assignment from the editors accepted the insult, huddled near the far walls and exits from the hall and photographed the artist.

Philip had a new scandal with a journalist in 2008, when Kirkorov was filming a New Year's musical in Kyiv. The King of Pop demanded that he not be photographed. Journalist and photographer of the Ukrainian newspaper "Blik" Dmitry Kupriyan, who violated the requirement, left the pavilion where the filming took place, but they allegedly hit him several times in the face and took his camera.

The victim told the press that he wrote a statement to the Desnyansky district department of Kyiv, but the police were unable to interrogate the controversial artist. “We returned to the studio where the filming took place, a report was drawn up there. The Ukrainian police also wanted to interrogate Kirkorov, but he didn’t give in, he sent the police... He also covered the journalist with a three-story obscenity, saying that he would “resolve” her if this incident was reported at least some information will come out,” the reporter said.

In 2009, newspapers were full of headlines that Kirkorov "". The incident occurred at the roller rink in Kholodilny Lane, where a concert took place on September 1, dedicated to the Day knowledge. After the performance, journalists from one of the central channels approached the singer for an interview. One of the media representatives asked Kirkorov a question about the Kazan Philharmonic, whose director accuses the singer of insulting him. “Why did you insult the director of the Kazan Philharmonic?” – she asked.

In response, the artist grabbed the microphone, cut the wire, leaned towards the journalist and said: “I will strangle you!”, then pushed her away. The enraged Philip also snatched a video camera worth 25 thousand dollars from the operator and smashed it on the floor. Journalists wrote a statement to the police against the singer demanding compensation for damages - more than 850,000 rubles, but then the artist’s representative reported that the statement had been withdrawn.

Beating of Marina Yablokova

Kirkorov probably still remembers the end of 2010 with a shudder. Then his career was on the verge of collapse. This is one of the loudest scandals in his entire emotionally rich life. The second director of the Golden Gramophone 2010 ceremony, Marina Yablokova, went to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate with a request to initiate a criminal case against the king of the Russian pop scene. The woman accused Philip of beating her.

The incident occurred between the director and singer at the rehearsal of the Golden Gramophone ceremony in the Kremlin Palace. Kirkorov was outraged by the spotlight aimed at his eyes, and he rudely began to insult Yablokova, who was responsible for the technical support of the rehearsal.

"Yablokova calmly asked Kirkorov to wait until the light was adjusted, to which Kirkorov burst into obscene language into the microphone. Then Marina became indignant and asked Philip to stop insulting her. Philip flew into a rage and shouted: “I’ll kill you!” - he ran up to her and hit her in the face with his hand. The blow caused Marina to fall. Kirkorov came closer to her, grabbed her hair with his hands and began kicking her in the chest and stomach until one of the eyewitnesses pulled her aside,” Yablokova’s defender told reporters.

Marina lost consciousness from the fall, and when she came to her senses, she felt a strong headache and nausea. Doctors recorded multiple hematomas and a concussion.

Having learned about the terrible situation, the stars condemned Kirkorov and began to turn away from him en masse. For example, Valery Meladze refused to sing a duet with Philip for New Year's program"Channel One". “I know absolutely for sure that Marina probably didn’t demand anything special. There are universal human rules - respect for each other. No one is given the right to humiliate another person,” Valery explained his decision.

The singer Valeria did not remain indifferent to the beating of the girl, who knows from her own experience what domestic violence. She sharply condemned the act of the king of the pop scene, calling it a “crime.”

The king of the pop scene temporarily fled from the hype abroad and explained his behavior by serious attacks, which happen to him twice a year. Allegedly, in this state he does not remember anything and does not understand what he is doing. And later Philip. "I am involved in scandals with my participation devilry. A week before this incident, I played the role of Dracula,” the singer said.

Scandal in Yalta

Apparently, the same evil spirit provoked Kirkorov in 2011 in the Yalta concert hall "Yubileiny" during a rehearsal for the opening of the Crimea Music Fest. The King of Pop literally flew out from behind the scenes with a worried look and suddenly began shaking the hall with curses, some of them obscene.

“Why are you playing a phonogram for me,” Kirkorov yelled, “I already know it from memory. Where are the backup dancers, where are the decorations? Let Igor Nikolaev perform against the backdrop of these seagulls and boats (at that moment the singer was sitting in the same hall). I tell you , b..., who? I'm Philip Kirkorov!" The general producer of the festival, Valentina Basovskaya, and the production director, Juan Larra, calmed Kirkorov down.

Conflict with Timati

In 2012, a protracted conflict between Philip and his colleague Timati began. The latter criticized the winners in the field of popular music "Muz-TV" on social networks. "With all due respect to Muz-TV and the fact that they always support me, with all the beauty and scale of this event, I am frightened by the INDEQUACY of the list of winners this year !!! How could you not give “Breakthrough of the Year” to Ivan Dorn??? “Clip of the Year” Gr. Serebro, “Mama Lyuba” 20 million on you tube!!! ? "Hip-hop of the year" gr. Banderos? Are you serious? This year is definitely for @Vlady_Kasta&Co!!! "Duet of the year" from the No Comment section, but it should be @iamGeeGun... WTF? in his microblog Timati.

Philip, recognized as the “Best Singer of the Decade,” decided to intervene, for which he soon paid. “Do you have any questions? The most honest? I didn’t ask any questions last year! There is professional ethics! Ok! I remember!” – the singer threatened the rapper. However, Kirkorov’s words literally became a red rag for the bull for Timati.

Arbitrariness of the guards

In 2013, a photographer again suffered at the hands of the King of Pop’s guards. After his performance in Kyiv, Kirkorov relaxed in one of the local restaurants. Numerous journalists were waiting for him at the exit. One of the photographers ran up to the artist and tried to capture him on camera. However, the singer’s security did not like this very much.

Security pulled the correspondent away from Kirkorov, and the king of pop himself was put in the car. After he left, the guards threw a bottle at the photographer's head. It hit the target, bounced at another correspondent, after which it flew into the restaurant window and broke it. As a result, the desire to photograph Kirkorov ended sadly for the photographer. From the restaurant.

Intimidation of a pensioner

In 2014, Philip attacked the woman again. According to media reports, the victim of the emotional king of pop was 80-year-old Irina Kiseleva, the eldest at the entrance of his house on Zemlyanoy Val Street. The neighbors asked Philip to vacate the basement on the ground floor, which he occupied with his belongings. Kirkorov refused them, and the Muscovites went to court. Having learned about this, the singer flew into a rage and brought down the full force of his anger on the fragile pensioner, who is the eldest in the building.

“He shouted to me: “Get out of here, you scum!”, and his eyes were burning. He said that he would bring people and they would tie me up,” the frightened woman complained to reporters.

"Swollen Ego"

In 2015, Philip publicly became rude to Tatyana Lazareva. A scandal between the presenter and the king of the national stage broke out at the presentation of the Silver Galosh. The culprit of the ugly situation was famous actor Danila Kozlovsky. The latter was one of the contenders for the award for the most dubious achievements. Danila should have received a figurine in the form of galoshes in the "" category. One of the hosts of the evening, Andrei Fomin, explained that the actor received a comic prize for a concert at the Bolshoi Theater called “The Big Dream of an Ordinary Man.”

The show was produced by Kirkorov, who decided to receive a not very honorable award for Kozlovsky. The presenters could not ignore this fact: the witty Tatyana Lazareva was the first to make a joke. “Unfortunately, Danila’s ego did not let Danila go to the ceremony, but she came on her own,” the presenter joked.

Probably, the harmless joke touched a nerve with Kirkorov, because he was rude to Tatyana right on stage. "Go to ****!" – said the singer. One of the spectators decided to defuse the tense situation. "Take off your clothes!" - he shouted to the artist. However, Philip instantly came up with an answer: “You’ll be twice surprised if I take off my clothes and you see my ego!”

Plagiarism and extortion

Well, at the end of 2016, the life of the king of pop became darker. The leader of the French group Space, Didier Marouani, filed a lawsuit against the Russian king of pop in the Moscow City Court.

An independent examination has established that the music for “Tough Love” is a reworking of the song Symphonic Space Dream, written by composer Marouani back in 1999. "Tough Love" performed by Philip was recognized as plagiarism. Experts counted 31.25% borrowing of thematic material and 43.27% of musical material. This is especially noticeable in the chorus.

Maruani demanded that Kirkorov be prohibited from performing this song, and also that he, composer Oleg Popkov, the Rossiya TV channel, where “Tough Love” was first performed, the recording company Sony and Philip Kirkorov Production LLC be charged five million rubles for copyright infringement and 50 million for moral damage. The total claims of the Space leader amounted to 75 million 340 thousand rubles.

In response, Philip complained to the police about the extortion of one million euros, and now the lawyers are also in this conflict.


In the Russian capital, police detained lawyer Igor Trunov and French composer, leader of the Space group Didier Marouani, who came to Sberbank to sign a settlement agreement with Russian singer Philip Kirkorov, lawyer Lyudmila Aivar told TASS.

Later it became known that a criminal case could be initiated against Trunov and Maruani under three articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, representing the interests of Kirkorov, emphasized that law enforcement agencies have evidence of the suspects’ guilt.

“The police checked Kirkorov’s statement scrupulously. If they did not have evidence, they would not have detained them,” Dobrovinsky emphasized.

A TASS source reported on Tuesday evening that police are interrogating singer Philip Kirkorov regarding his statement of extortion by Didier Marouani.

Meanwhile, according to lawyer Aivar, Kirkorov, accused by the French of plagiarism, agreed to pay compensation, and he himself wrote a statement about extortion. She added that the detention took place at Sberbank on Pokrovka Street, building 19. “Maruani and Trunov were supposed to sign a settlement agreement there with the singer Philip Kirkorov, but the police were already expecting them,” she said. She explained that she did not have information about the reasons for the detention, but was sure that the situation was planned by Kirkorov’s lawyer.

“I have never met two people who wanted money and fame so much. Trunov wanted fame, and Maruani wanted money,” added Dobrovinsky (quoted from Mediazona). When asked that without the participation of pranksters there would have been no criminal case against Trunov and Maruani, the lawyer replied: “Yes, just imagine.”

Kirkorov's lawyer announced extortion of 1 million euros

IN Facebook Dobrovinsky reported that Maruani and his lawyer Igor Trunov were detained at 18:30 by the police for extorting one million euros. The lawyer promises to tell the details at a press conference at 22:00 at the office of MCA "Alexander Dobrovinsky and Partners".

This information was confirmed by Kirkorov’s lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, telling RIA Novosti: “I am in the process of detaining Maruani and Trunov on suspicion of extorting one million euros from my client Philip Kirkorov. We are currently in Sberbank.”

Dobrovinsky clarified that Maruani and Trunov were detained red-handed while transferring money. “As far as I understand, a criminal case has been opened since people were detained. Operational actions are now being carried out. They will reconcile and count the money,” he said.

Later it became known that law enforcement officers took the detained Maruani and Trunov to the Basmanny police department.

“As far as I understand, my client was detained. I don’t know what’s going on there, I have no connection with Igor Leonidovich,” said Trunov’s lawyer Leonid Matveev, noting that it is not known whether a criminal case has been initiated or not (quote from TASS). According to the lawyer, he was invited to represent Trunov’s interests during the investigation.

Maruani's lawyer Vadim Kazeev also confirmed that he has no connection with his client and was not allowed into the Sberbank office. “As far as I know, investigative actions are now being carried out with them. It is clear that my client’s rights are being violated,” he noted.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs assures that there are no arrests yet

The press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow confirmed to Interfax that singer Philip Kirkorov on Tuesday filed a complaint with the police about extortion and dissemination of information discrediting his honor, but they denied information about the detention of the musician and lawyer.

“As part of this statement, a pre-investigation check has been launched, but at the moment there are no detainees. “Officially, a person is not detained until a report of detention has been drawn up,” the police emphasized.


In early November, the French group Space and its leader Didier Marouani filed a lawsuit with the Moscow City Court demanding that Philip Kirkorov be prohibited from performing the song “Cruel Love”, since it is plagiarized - a reworking of the composition Symphonic Space Dream, which was written by the French musician. Maruani demanded compensation for damages from copyright infringement and payment of compensation in the amount of 75.34 million rubles.

The Moscow City Court refused to consider the claim, since the dispute was within the jurisdiction of the district court, but an author's and musicological study conducted by the Center for Forensic Expertise and Research found the music for the song "Tough Love" to be plagiarized by Symphonic Space Dream.

On November 28, Igor Trunov announced that on November 30 a settlement agreement would be signed between his client and Philip Kirkorov. According to him, Kirkorov himself offered to settle all copyright disputes, acknowledged the claims of the Space leader, and Marouani flew to Moscow for this.

As Mediazona reports, Kirkorov's lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky rejected information about the settlement agreement. “There was no copyright infringement, this was all made up to get money,” he said.

Kirkorov's press secretary Anton Korobov-Zemlyansky stated that the artist is not the author of the music and a lawsuit against him is impossible. The business itself, in his assessment, was started as an attempt by Space to “remind itself” or to attract attention to the tour or album.

The author of the lyrics and music for the song “Cruel Love,” Oleg Popkov, said that he is considering the possibility of filing a counterclaim against the French band. “I wrote the song myself. I have drafts of the song from 1996 to 1998; the composition was registered with RAO in 2000. The song was first performed back in 1999 by the group “Miracle Island”, in which I worked then, we performed it in the St. Petersburg restaurant “Academy,” he said, noting that Space have been performing their composition since 2001.

“I listened to the composition of the group Space, the chorus is really similar. But I have the feeling that in their song the chorus is very different from the chorus, as if it was artificially composed. It’s still unclear who stole from whom,” added the Russian composer.

The Space group was created by Didier Marouani, Roland Romanelli and Yannick Top in 1977, when Kirkorov was 10 years old. In the late 1970s, the group released three successful albums: Magic Fly, Deliverance and Just Blue, selling a total of more than 12 million copies.

Lawyer Dobrovinsky spoke about the background of the high-profile case: the French musician was accused of extortion with the help of pranksters Vovan and Lexus

An enchanting story: the French musician, leader of the Space group Didier Marouani, who accused Philip Kirkorov of plagiarism, together with lawyer Igor Trunov, came under investigation in Moscow - they were allegedly detained when the king of pop accused them of extortion. Our special correspondent found out the details of the scandal.

Late on Tuesday evening, in his office in the Tsvetnoy Boulevard area, lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky, who represents the interests of Philip Kirkorov in the sensational “Maruani case,” held a press conference, which was attended by so many journalists that the king of pop’s fan zone would be envious. Dobrovinsky tried to appear calm, but every now and then he gave vent to his emotions, showing how happy he was with everything that was happening.

He came out to the journalists not alone, but with a fellow lawyer, a spectacular lady, whom he introduced at first without a name, simply as his “student.” The student was silent, looking at the mentor, the mentor spoke.

Mr. Dobrovinsky immediately stated that if Maruani had been smarter, he would not have extorted money from Kirkorov at all, since the singer is not the author of his songs, but a performer, which means it is pointless to accuse him of any plagiarism. Then he explained in detail who applied, where and when, and what came of it.

It’s completely unclear how to get out of this situation and what to do,” Dobrovinsky was perplexed. - Moreover, we already have an examination from Mr. Popkov, who is entrusted with doing the examination, and which does not show at all that there (- “MK”) there is any relation (to the Maruani melody - “MK”) and what -the rights may be violated because these are two diametrically opposed songs.

This has all been proven, and it is all fiction. When a month ago Mr. Trunov said that he would go to court, we were expecting a lawsuit, but there was none. Trunov himself said publicly that he was going to the city court.

He actually came to the city court, although I don’t know why he had to go there and what to do there, because the city court by definition should not have anything to do with the lawsuit. Maybe he stood there, but we didn’t see the claim. But fantasies about Kirkorov and a million copyright violations were heard every day.

Then some time passed, and Mr. Trunov said: we are not going to the city court, but we are going to the district court. But there is still no claim. We are being doused with this slop. I'm sure they don't have the expertise!

So, Trunov says that in two days the lawsuit will be in district court. A week has passed and there is no claim in the district court. This is how blackmailers worked in my memory.

Then there was information that the lawsuit (Maruani against Kirkorov - “MK”) would appear in the USA. Trunov said that 75 million (rubles, the amount of the claim planned to be filed in Russia - “MK”) is not money, so it goes to the USA - “that’s where we’ll get it!”

Why USA? Where is the lawsuit in the USA? Tomorrow there will be a lawsuit in the USA. No. I called my friends and colleagues there - there was no claim there. Time passes, Trunov appears in front of the cameras again and declares that the lawsuit alleging that Kirkorov slammed everything will appear in Moscow. No one can say why it has not appeared until now, but this is an absolutely trivial system of forcing one person, in particular, Philip Kirkorov.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Dobrovinsky admitted that the whole story from beginning to end was the work of the most famous and successful telephone hooligans in Russia, pranksters Vovan and Lexus, who this time not only called the unsuspecting Maruani, but also wrote him letters:

However, nothing happens for the time being. And here comes the most important and funny part. Everything on the planet moves together - both tragic and pretty. I have nothing to help poor Philip. And suddenly I get a call from two young men who say that they were just making jokes, but it turned out to be something serious - a case similar to blackmail or extortion.

They explained that some time ago, as a joke, they called Didier Marouani on behalf of Kirkorov. These are Vovan and Lexus, famous in our country, smart guys, they record all conversations.

They began to actively talk with Didier on behalf of Philippe, they began a long correspondence, until it became clear to the guys that they had gotten themselves into a story that rose above the joke. This is a story about extortion and slander.

And when they received emails in which Article 163 of extortion was clearly traced to them, they called me. Until this evening, Kirkorov had never spoken to Marouani. Didn't send a single email, didn't receive a single one from Didier. All this was done by pranksters as a joke that went too far...

At this moment, one of the cameramen standing in the hall did not like the fact that the bulky black bag of the lawyer’s companion was too clearly included in the frame. During a short pause the journalist quietly and politely asked the girl to remove her purse if possible.

- It's a tombstone! - the lady said. Indeed, the bag turned out to be made of stone (later it turned out that the “decoration” of the hall was mistaken for the bag - an installation by the artist Aksenov, who “buried” luxury brands in this way).

– One more question and it will be yours! – Dobrovinsky added in a serious tone. The room immediately became quiet, and the lawyer continued:

The authorities checked everything clearly - I take my hat off to them. And they would never have gone to apprehend these two people if they had not seen the crime...

Philip called me and said that he had not agreed on anything with anyone. For the first time he hears about Maruani, who offers him either an agreement for a million euros, or goes with Trunov to court and makes clay out of him.

Kirkorov did what any citizen should have done - he contacted the authorities. Didier came to meet a charming girl to get money. There were no papers, no signing of a settlement agreement.

Trunov was 40 minutes late and said something about papers, but it was absolutely impossible to believe him. He told Lexus and Vovan that this would be absolutely confidential information, no one would know anything, everyone would be silent, and Philip would give him a million euros.

But Trunov was in correspondence. For him, the main thing is PR, and he immediately leaked it to the press. Everyone got excited: Kirkorov and Maruani sign (a settlement agreement - “MK”), Kirkorov pays colossal money...

But if Kirkorov had not gone to meet him with this money and if he had not had it, you see, everything would have remained just another joke of pranksters.

When Didier Marouani realized that this was a scam of pranksters, did he not ask for forgiveness? - I asked.

- How did he understand that this was a scam? To this day he thinks that he spoke with Kirkorov.

You didn't tell him?

Can pranksters refuse to be witnesses or not take part in investigative actions? Or will they be involved in the process? - I clarified.

They will attract them, they were not hiding, and all their correspondence was recorded,” the lawyer replied. “They got scared when they started extorting a million from them, they realized that their joke had gone wrong.

Kirkorov was at the bank. He was exhausted by this situation: he did not write songs, he had never violated copyright in his life.

- Why couldn’t he explain it right away?

He explained this many times, but Trunov and Marouani were interested in money. Real money - a million euros. come and pick it up.

- Kirkorov positions himself as a kind and believing person, a Christian...

Why positioning?! - Dobrovinsky interrupted me. - He is a kind and believing person.

- Especially. As a believer, can Kirkorov forgive and stop the matter?

You are asking a person of a different religion. “I don’t talk to him about religion,” the lawyer snapped.

Other journalists were interested in the musical component of the case.

Very serious experts have proven that these are different melodies,” Dobrovinsky rejected the doubt that plagiarism may have taken place. - I was really looking forward to the trial. This was the only opportunity to get rid of the stream of lies that rushed towards Kirkorov, who is not the author (of the song he sang - “MK”) and has nothing to do with writing music...

After the main part of Dobrovinsky’s press conference, I was able to ask him several questions separately.

Tell me, how can we prove that it was not Kirkorov who entered into a criminal conspiracy with pranksters to frame Maruani?

Nobody has to prove this. This is clear from the correspondence between me and the pranksters.

- Why did Marouani call you?

Because the pranksters told him that they knew that Kirkorov had one lawyer.

But Maruani can say during investigative actions that it was a joke, that he knew everything, that these were pranksters.

If he knew, why did he come for the money?

- Why did Kirkorov take the money to the bank and not stop all this?

Wait, you read Article 163 of the Criminal Code and you will understand everything. The crime has already been committed. The fact of transferring money only emphasizes the fact of the crime.

- But before this, Kirkorov could have called Didier Marouani and said: what are you doing?

Why didn’t Didier call and say: I’m sorry, Philippe, I was joking and I don’t have any complaints against you?

Kirkorov gave the person the opportunity to continue to commit illegal, in his opinion, actions, but he could have stopped him.

Nothing like this. How could he stop? If one person killed another, and then is going to kill another one, I will remain silent: don’t you really kill him there? Well, stop...

After the press conference, journalists asked Dobrovinsky to show at least one letter or SMS from Marouani’s correspondence with the pranksters. The lawyer at first refused, and then said that he would go away and bring something. However, a few minutes later his assistant announced that Mr. Dobrovinsky would not return to the press, but would show the correspondence when he deemed it necessary.

November 29, 2016, 20:20 ; updated November 30 at 21:34

The leader of the French musical group Space, Didier Marouani, and the lawyer representing his interests, Igor Trunov, were detained at a Sberbank branch in the center of Moscow; they are suspected of extorting a million euros from the Russian singer Philip Kirkorov. This was reported by Kirkorov’s lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky and Trunov’s lawyer Lyudmila Aivar.

Earlier, Marouani accused Kirkorov of plagiarizing his song Symphonic Space Dream and filed a lawsuit against him in a Russian court. Kirkorov's song "Cruel Love" caused complaints. The Frenchman demanded compensation for damages from copyright infringement, as well as compensation for moral damages, collecting more than 75 million rubles from the defendants. The defendants in this case, in addition to Kirkorov himself, are the author of the song Oleg Popkov, Philip Kirkorov Production LLC, Sony Music Entertainment, the Ronees group of companies, as well as VGTRK.

“I am in the process of detaining Maruani and Trunov on suspicion of extorting one million euros from my client Philip Kirkorov. We are currently in Sberbank,” Kirkorov’s lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky told RIA Novosti. – As far as I understand, a criminal case has been opened since people were detained. Operational actions are now underway. They will check and count the money."

A representative of Philip Kirkorov, Anton Korobkov-Zemlyansky, in a conversation with Mediazona, refused to comment, saying that “all comments are given only by Alexander Dobrovinsky on this story.” Kirkorov himself has not yet commented on what is happening.

November 29, 20:24 Kirkorov's comment to Life: “I was silent all this time, it was so absurd for me, all these claims, accusations, so many lies addressed to me by this composer. My cup of patience was simply overflowing when it went beyond all bounds allowed and legal. Once this had to come to an end. Today, the situation was resolved exactly as it should have been resolved by law. This all forced me to turn to law enforcement agencies and ask for protection from the state so that I could be protected from such insinuations. “That’s what happened today. I can’t say anything more yet, as investigative actions are ongoing.”

November 30, 09:37 On the evening of November 29, Maruani and Trunov were detained and brought to the Basmanny police station. They spent the whole night there, and in the morning the police released them and apologized. They did not initiate a criminal case of extortion against Maruani and Trunov.

“The police released Trunov and Maruani, they returned home at five in the morning. The police apologized to them,” (Trunov’s) lawyer Lyudmila Aivar told Interfax on Wednesday. She also said that law enforcement agencies did not initiate a criminal case based on Kirkorov’s statement of extortion. Meanwhile, according to her, Trunov has not yet received his phone and documents back.

The day before, the lawyer and musician were detained at a bank in Moscow, where, according to Trunov, they came to sign a settlement agreement with Kirkorov, who allegedly agreed to pay 1 million euros to Marouani for the unlawful use of his music.

However, as Kirkorov's lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky told Interfax, no settlement agreement was reached. “Kirkorov wrote a statement to the police about extortion on the part of Maruani. We participated in an investigative experiment,” he said.

November 30, 21:34 During a press conference in Moscow, Marouani said that he would sue Kirkorov for libel. Trunov added that he had already written a statement to the prosecutor’s office about a false denunciation against the Russian singer and his lawyer Dobrovinsky, Interfax reports. Trunov also promised to appeal to the ECHR with a complaint against those who allowed, in his opinion, illegal detention.

According to the lawyer, he and Marouani voluntarily went to the police, where they spent 8 hours. At the department, Trunov says, they took away their dossier on Kirkorov and still haven’t given it back. Most likely, we are talking about the papers of a French composer, which contain information that Kirkorov allegedly stole more than 30 songs from other performers, including a “song for Eurovision.”

In addition, according to Maruani, his friend, a certain composer, also wants to sue Kirkorov. “My friend wrote a song for Dalida, and Kirkorov covered it without permission,” Maruani said, clarifying that we are talking about the song “The Most, the Most.”

The French musician was indignant that the “60 police officers” who detained him and Trunov behaved “unkindly, like in a bad detective movie.”

Maruani also denied the version about pranksters who allegedly called him on behalf of Kirkorov. “I have an excellent ear for music, I can distinguish the voice of Philip Kirkorov, I spoke with him,” he said. Trunov noted that pranksters' pranks are a single action, and Maruani spoke with Kirkorov several times, RIA Novosti reports. In addition, despite Dobrovinsky’s statements about the pranksters’ initial initiative in this case, Maruani, even before the calls, corresponded with Kirkorov by email, the address of which was personally given to him by the Russian singer’s assistant, Trunov emphasized.

During the press conference, Didier Marouani made many sensational statements, in particular, he said that during telephone conversations, Philip Kirkorov hinted at Oleg Popkov’s connections with the mafia

Igor Trunov talked about how the day before, on the initiative of Philip Kirkorov, he and Marouani were supposed to meet at Sberbank and how the singer unexpectedly suggested moving the meeting to a nearby bar. According to the lawyer, security officers dressed as waiters were waiting for the Frenchman and his Russian representatives in this bar. But the composer refused this offer, and then an operation was carried out during which about 60 people in uniform blocked him along with Russian representatives in the bank, and then took him to the police.

At the same time, Maruani renounced his claims against VGTRK, RIA Novosti reports. The Rossiya TV channel was declared a co-defendant in the lawsuit because “Tough Love” was first aired on its air. Why it was decided to abandon the claims is not specified. The singer will continue to sue Popkov, Kirkorov as the performer of this composition, as well as record companies, Trunov said.

Kirkorov, meanwhile, said that he would recommend Oleg Popkov to sue Marouani. According to the singer, “Tough Love” appeared three years earlier than the Marouani group’s song. “15 years after the song “Tough Love” was aired, the “real author” of this song has awakened. Where he was all these 15 years is unknown. Why did he suddenly wake up on the eve of some of his business in Russia, why did this suddenly happen now, and in general why the complaints against me, against the performer who is not the author of the song “Cruel Love” at all? This song has its own author, his name is Oleg Popkov, he is also the author of the music, he is also the author of the words,”

While the scandal associated with the accusation of plagiarism against Philip Kirkorov and the statement he wrote to the Russian police against the French musician Didier Marouani, accusing the latter of blackmail, is gaining momentum, let us remember other unsightly stories, the main person involved in which was the performer who calls himself the “King of Pop” " and "radiant". Writes about this TSN.

05.12 23:33

No. 1. Like "plywood" over Paris

The first high-profile scandal associated with the name of Kirkorov broke out in January 2003 - after Yuri Shevchuk accused the singer and several other show business representatives of singing to “plywood”. Shevchuk supported the bill “On Phonogram”, the meaning of which was as follows: a performer using a phonogram during his performances must warn the audience about it in advance, and best of all, write it on the poster. At the same time, Shevchuk posted on one of the Internet sites recordings of stars who, with a broken voice, gasping for breath, tried to sing along with their own phonogram. In addition to Kirkorov, there were many performers there, but only he took the criticism to heart. And - I decided to sort out my relationship with Shevchuk. He chose, frankly speaking, not the most noble method - he hired journalists who began to collect incriminating evidence on the rocker: they called Shevchuk’s friends and even classmates, trying to find something untoward in his past. The main goal of the survey public opinion was to find facts pointing to unconventional sexual orientation Shevchuk. When nothing incriminating the rocker could be found, Kirkorov started a scandal with a fight in the lobby bar of one of the hotels in St. Petersburg, and, having given in to the pressure of the rocker, he set his bodyguards on him, who allegedly even knocked out Shevchuk’s tooth. True, the musician himself denied this, but the residue, as they say in such cases, remained. The story was discussed for a long time in the media, and is still sometimes remembered as an example of the ugly behavior of the “radiant”.

No. 2. Passion for a pink blouse

The next scandal involving Kirkorov has exact date- May 20, 2004. That day, at a press conference in Rostov-on-Don, the singer literally jumped up when he heard a question from local journalist Irina Aroyan about large quantities remakes in his repertoire. With his eyes wide open, Kirkorov attacked the girl with curses, the most harmless of which was the phrase that he did not like her pink blouse. And to Aroyan’s remark “Shame on you to behave this way, you’re a star!” reacted with a simple, but offensive rhyme for the journalist, after which he left - extremely pleased with himself. At that time, Kirkorov had to face public condemnation for the first time - numerous media outlets spoke out against him, although mostly regional and not metropolitan - Moscow journalists remained silent. Aroyan filed a lawsuit against the “radiant”, which he lost: according to the verdict, Kirkorov apologized to her first personally, and then publicly - at the Golden Gramophone music award ceremony. The result of the scandal was the nickname “king of remakes”, which was firmly attached to Kirkorov.

No. 3. Exactly - to Yablokova

This scandalous story happened on the set of “The Golden Gramophone” in December 2010, when Kirkorov had a row with the second director of the show, Marina Yablokova. The singer demanded to turn off the spotlight shining in his face, and when the girl asked him to wait a little, he began calling her names, and then, running up and grabbing her by the hair, shouting “I’ll kill you!” and beat him - first he hit him in the face, then he kicked him. According to Yablokova’s lawyer, she was diagnosed with a concussion and numerous hematomas. When the incident became known to the general public, the singer chickened out and fled to Israel, where he hid in a neurosis clinic, supposedly to be treated for nervous shock. In support of this version, the singer blamed for what happened... the demons that possessed him a week before, when he was playing Dracula. Then Russian show business was divided into two parts - some condemned Kirkorov and refused to perform on the same stage with him, others remained silent, which to many seemed approving and encouraging. Yablokova filed a lawsuit, but she failed to prove Kirkorov’s guilt; nevertheless, he invited her to sign a settlement agreement and publicly apologized to her.

No. 4. "I am Philip Kirkorov!"

Another outburst of unmotivated rage occurred in the “radiant” in September 2011 in Yalta - at the rehearsal of the opening ceremony of the Crimea Music Fest. Kirkorov was dissatisfied with the fact that by the time he appeared on stage, the backup dancers were not ready and the scenery had not been installed. The singer rolled his eyes, stomped his feet and shouted that against the backdrop of “stupid ships and stupid seagulls” some Igor Nikolaev could sing (the fact that he was sitting in the audience at that time added piquancy to the situation), and not a star like Philip Kirkorov, and generously sprinkled his words with choice obscenities. Only the general director of the festival and the production director were able to bring the “king of pop” to his senses; he categorically refused to communicate with people of lower rank.

No. 5. Excommunication

In April 2012, during the baptism of his daughter Alla-Victoria, Kirkorov apparently decided that if he was not the Lord God, although this, given the strange behavior of the “radiant”, cannot be denied, then he was certainly a spiritual shepherd. How else can one explain the fact that he addressed those present with a speech from the church pulpit? The next day, the clergy condemned this prank, reminding Kirkorov that his children were born thanks to surrogate mothers, which the church does not approve of, so the singer may well be excommunicated from the church.

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