Valentine's Day. Best Quotes About Valentine's Day

We have selected quotes from great people especially for you, as well as quotes from films The 14th of February.

Today is Valentine's Day - or as men like to call it, World Shakeout Day!

Jay Leno, American comedian and television host

Oh my God. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Why? Why? Why is the whole world structured in such a way that people who don’t have romantic relationships feel like idiots, when everyone has long known that romance doesn’t work anyway. Look at the royal family. Look at mom and dad.

Helen Fielding. "Bridget Jones's Diary"

It’s good that Valentine’s Day is only once a year, and tomorrow all people will be able to be themselves again - cold and soulless.

TV series "Gossip Girl"

Valentine's Day is a day of solidarity with the Kama Sutra.

TV series "Supernatural"

Blame it on Valentine's Day. Hundreds and hundreds of postcards with the declaration “You are the only one!” Hundreds and hundreds of phone calls with the same obsession. But the problems are broader than love. We spend our whole lives looking for that one thing that makes our life ideal: an ideal job, an ideal family. Maybe you shouldn't waste your life on empty waiting?

"Sex and the City"

It's my own fault that I'm alone on Valentine's Day. And my closest relationship now is with my mobile phone. Thank God the vibration alert works!

Today is a holiday invented by companies producing Greeting Cards to make people feel like crap.

Film "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"

Considering that St. Valentine is a Roman priest who was stoned and beheaded in the 3rd century AD, wouldn't it be more appropriate to commemorate the day by inviting a famous person to witness such a brutal murder?

TV series "The Big Bang Theory"

I've never liked Valentine's Day. I believe that February 14 forces people who are not yet ready to serious relationship, insincerely confess your love. And those who currently do not have a soulmate feel as if they are defective all day long.

Movie "Valentine's Day"

I want to be with the woman I love on Valentine's Day and I want her to love me too, and I want just a second of relief from the pain of knowing that will never happen.

TV series "Friends"

Valentine's Day is a complete farce. You need to love all your life, and not just during the holiday.

Fuad Viento

On Valentine's Day, children congratulate me and give me hearts with the words “to the most beloved person.” This is where real happiness is, and not between the legs of some goat.

Elchin Safarli. "If you could know..."

Although this is a poor commercial holiday, I must admit, it’s nice to have your Valentine with arrows.

TV series "PrigorAD"

What kind of Valentine's Day would it be if we couldn't watch Predator together?

TV series "How I Met Your Mother"

Valentine's Day is an absurd farce: greeting card companies manipulate the ignorant masses into shelling out millions - and for what? For the illusion that you are loved.

Sue Townsend "Adrian Mole: The Wild Years"

Whatever your Valentine's Day is, don't forget that in the past this day was a massacre!

TV series "Gossip Girl"

The Holy Trinity of Valentine's Day - alcohol, sonnets, sodomy.

TV series "Two and a Half Men"

Happy Valentine's Day, sunshine! I love you! How cute, right? Love is a miracle! This is what I'm talking about. What is this anyway? Love. Do you know? And you? Anyone? If someone had given me such a postcard, I would have thrown it away. These postcards, and films, and songs are a source of lies. AND heartache. And we are to blame. It's my fault. We are doing a bad job. People should say for themselves what they feel, and not repeat words imposed on them, for example, the word “love”, which means nothing.

Film "500 Days of Summer"

On Valentine's Day and any other day, I feel happy if you are with me!

I give you my heart, say at least a word in return!

Please be my Valentine!

Expensive! Happy Valentine's Day! Let today, under the watchful gaze of Valentine, our hearts once again merge in unison, and let the words of love sound: “I love you!”

Every girl should have a riddle, as well as a hint and a solution! Like every iPhone, it needs a case and a Yamaha mini system.

On Valentine's Day, you don't have to think - you have to act!

Best Quotes About Valentine's Day

A person falls in love many times in life, but true love comes once. I wish everyone real mutual love!

best quotes about valentine's day

I wish you success and happiness, I give you a postcard as a souvenir, I send you greetings from the bottom of my heart, “I love you,” I tell you!

We are close, but we might not have met each other at all... I propose to celebrate this Day!

Dear ones, Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!! Be loved, take care of each other. Don't be afraid to confess your love...

I wish you sex and intimacy on Valentine's Day!

On Valentine’s card, he wrote that he had been waiting for me all his life - I didn’t understand whether he was hinting that I was always late, or that I was very old.

There will be many good holidays soon: February 14, February 23, and March 8. Let's unite them into one holiday - on "International Women's Day, lovers of the defender of the Fatherland" :)

Valentine's Day is coming soon... There won't be many cards, that's obvious...

I don't want February 14th! On this day I will walk the streets, look at happy couples and think that you are somewhere far away! (((

No one to give love to on February 14th? You apparently forgot about the most important person - the one who gave birth to you and was there when you were sick.

Being single on Valentine's Day is the same as being single the other 364 days. Don't make a tragedy out of this.

The Single Best Quotes About Valentine's Day

I hasten to congratulate you on Valentine’s Day, I ask you to smile more on this day!

Girl, do you have valentines with the inscription “To my only one”? - Eat! - Give me 16 pieces...

I don’t like it when people ask me: “What are you thinking about?” I won’t tell everyone that I think only about you.

It’s interesting that they talk so much about February 14th, but has anyone tried sending Valentine cards by mail like before?

Congratulations to all lovers on their professional holiday!

Since we met, “We” has become more important than “You” or “I”! Happy holiday to you, baby!

On Valentine's Day, I am in love, and you are loved, how I would like you to confess your love to me!

I just wanted to know that you are not alone on Valentine's Day...

I picked the rose, took care of the lilac, forgot everyone, I couldn’t do it for you!

If I suddenly open up on Valentine's Day, like a decent man, won't you deceive me?

There is only one such day a year: a holiday of the feeling of light. Let Valentin fulfill all his cherished dreams!

Eagle-eyed best sayings about Valentine's Day

In my opinion, the best thing about Valentine's Day is receiving a Valentine's card from him...

Love! She is not just a word that can be more resonant than others. You will not repeat someone else in it, and you yourself will not repeat yourself in it!

Even though it's frosty and blizzard outside... We know how to warm each other... Happy Valentine's Day!

I cordially congratulate you on Valentine’s Day, on the day of eyes illuminated with love! Let the sadness melt away winter snowflake, will help you with this - Valentine!

Valentine's Day is not celebrated with unloved people...

It only took me one moment to realize that I want to spend forever with you!

Now you can say that you love me, you can say that you don’t. But if you love, know that it is forever.

This is our first Valentine's Day together! We, like magnets, are drawn to each other more and more and I hope that we will have many more days like this!

I really want to hear just 3 words from you... Just 10 letters...

All girls are divided into 2 types: those who hate February 14 and those who have a boyfriend.

Let such words be found today so that beauty is born in the heart. So that your head will spin with happiness and your soul will be filled with love. Happy Valentine's Day!!!

For Valentine's Day, I already bought a beautiful card with the signature: “To my only one”... Seven pieces...

Russian poets' best sayings about Valentine's Day

We will float along the river, it will be warm, and a star will be reflected at the bottom of that river. I'll get it and give it to you! Fields of scarlet roses, they will be yours! Just give me blue eyes, surf!

On February 14, I will turn off my phone, won’t come to school, won’t go online... I’m sure no one will look for me...

Your love will disperse the evening clouds, the sky will become clear as if during the day. I’ll just say that you are the best, because it’s so easy when you’re in love!

We are close, but we might not have met each other at all... My beloved, thank you for being in this world!

On Valentine's Day, I want to say to the love of my life: "Hey, why haven't we met yet?"

Let Valentine's Day be the best day to confess your love to your loved one - that is, me!

I wanted to write a lot, I wanted to, but I won’t! I’ll just write one thing: I love you and won’t forget!

Valentine's Day is the best time to confess your feelings and, most importantly, find out if they are mutual...

The earth has only the sky, the night has only dreams, love has only wings, I only have you...

And love cannot be proven with any valentines, love can only be proven with actions.

On February 14th, give me a car, colors... well, have you seen the sunset? Here's the same one, only green.

On Valentine's Day, a woman will either receive a gift from a man, or she will nag him for not receiving a gift. But in both cases she will enjoy it.

February 14 is coming soon. Some people don’t have a soulmate, but this is not a reason to be discouraged! After all, it is on this day that you can meet your happiness (at least while drunk).

On Valentine's Day
Congratulations to all your loved ones!
Those who love and are loved,
Whose love we keep in our hearts!
I send Valentines around the world
I'm going to all corners of the planet...
I wish everyone happiness!
Happy Valentine's Day, friends!

No one to give love to on February 14th? You apparently forgot about the most important person - the one who gave birth to you and was there when you were sick.

On February 14, I will take a bottle of champagne and drink to those who still believe in love... Happy people...

I had a dream that the two of us were drinking vodka under the fence... that’s a damn picture, happy Valentine’s Day.

On Valentine's Day, I'll bring it from the store, not a pie, not sausages, but... panties with hearts!

February 14th will be the day when girls will be divided into two types: some will roar and thump, and others will take pictures of their bouquets...

A real girl should not have a rag next to her, but a real man! Only a mop is worthy of a rag!

The 14th of February. Some lonely girls say that they don’t need anyone and the holiday is nonsense. And I really want someone to say to me on this day, “You know, I love you so much.”

February 14th... I hope that there will be more people who will rejoice on this day than those who will listen to the player and say “It’s just a day.”

For most, February 14 is an ordinary day, but deep down everyone hopes for something more.

May you be loved and love yourself, both in summer and in winter, mope with love so that there, on the transcendental kingdoms of peaks... I pray for you and love, Valentin.

Don't go without Vaseline on Valentine's Day. Maybe you or you... Only this is all loving.

I love the smell of coffee in the morning beautiful stories, fallen leaves and writing your name with your finger on a foggy window... And I also love you... Happy Holidays.

Everyone who is in love today
Celebrate and rejoice
Spread your wings wider
Love, live, kiss!

There's no need to be shy on Valentine's Day. Now, you bastard, I’m going to express my feelings to you!

I wish you sex, affection and intimacy - on Valentine's Day.

On this day I will receive a bunch of unnecessary cards and gifts, but not a single declaration of love.

February 14th is Valentine's Day, happy couples congratulate each other... and I'll go buy chocolate or Rafaello and give it to myself...

There are so many plans for February 14, I really don’t know what to stop at: watching movies, sleeping or surfing the Internet.

Love is the only phenomenon that is so complex and so simple at the same time.

The earth honors Saint Valentine, the planet has gone crazy with love. And I go down, wanting only you. My love, save me quickly!

On February 14, everyone is with couples, and I am with the hope that you love me and we will always be together again forever...

Why does a citizen have a bulging trouser leg on Valentine's Day? No, he’s not a maniac at all, he’s bringing cognac to the department!

It only took me one moment to realize that I want to spend forever with you.

Why are you sad, silly? Why are you dreaming about him? He's not worth you, baby. He's not completely in love with you. You will grow up and be happy. There will be sunshine in your heart. Be patient, there will be a guy in your life with whom you two will have a good time.

Let everything in life pass you by, except money and sex! Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is coming - a holiday of passion and fire. Don’t forget to congratulate me alone on Valentine’s Day!

I love February... Strong frost, your hands on your waist, your “I love you” on Valentine’s Day... And spring is coming!

I paint valentines and sign them with other people's names.

Confessions, wishes, congratulations. Anger, pangs of jealousy, doubt. Sometimes I get angry, and sometimes I don’t sleep, all because I love you!

Observe the laws with decorum, hurry to honor traditions: you will certainly sin on Valentine’s Day!

Stolen hearts cannot be returned or exchanged!

Confessions, wishes, congratulations. Anger, pangs of jealousy, doubt. Sometimes I get angry, and sometimes I don’t sleep, all because I love you!

So what if February 14th is coming soon? A bottle of champagne in splendid isolation and dancing until the morning. For now, apparently, that's enough.

Valentine... Some kind of paper, colored, in the shape of a heart... Because of this piece of paper, I have been happy with him for almost two years...

I cordially congratulate you on Valentine’s Day, on the day of lovely eyes illuminated with love! Let sadness melt like a winter snowflake, Valentine will help you with this!

The cold of February is no problem for love! Valentine's Day is in the hearts of both forever!

I believe in the witchcraft of love, in its mysterious power, and on Valentine’s Day I send you my impulses.

I wanted to write a lot, I wanted to, but I won’t! I’ll just write one thing! I love you and will not forget!

I'm surprised to learn that it's time to give gifts - Winter holiday to all lovers It will certainly be hot!

Aphorisms about love, sayings famous people about love, passion, about the relationship between a man and a woman.

Love is equally great in chatter and in brevity.
(O. Balzac)

Love is the only passion that cannot stand either the past or the future.
(O. Balzac)

Those who love either doubt nothing or doubt everything.
(O. Balzac)

Only a woman's last love can compare with a man's first love.
(O. Balzac)

Love is one of those sufferings that cannot be hidden; one word, one careless glance and even silence are enough to give him away.
(P. Abelard)

Constancy is the everlasting dream of love.
(L. Vauvenargues)

Only small people are always weighing what should be respected and what should be loved. A man of truly great soul, without hesitation, loves everything that is worthy of respect.
(L. Vauvenargues)

Love is stronger than self-love: you can love a woman even when she despises you.
(L. Vauvenargues)

Low love is directed only at the body and is subordinated to the feeling of pleasure, therefore there is something bestial in it; the object of noble love is a pure soul, in which its disposition to virtue is valued; average love is directed towards both the body and the soul, since it is attracted by both the body and the beauty of the soul.

Love can be noble - in discerning souls, low - in vicious souls, and average - in the souls of mediocre people.

...In carnal love there is no place for reverence and respect for the beloved being, which is why it awakens the beast in a person, regardless of whether he is seized by anger or a gust of passion.
(A. Dode)

The most interesting thing in love, especially for men, is the victory and the break; everything else is a gimmick.
(M. Donne)

There are no secret love affairs: the names of many women are as strongly associated with the names of their lovers as with the names of their husbands.
(J. Labruyère)

Love arises suddenly and unconsciously: we are pushed towards it by passion or weakness.
(J. Labruyère)

While love is alive, it draws strength from itself, and sometimes from what, it would seem, should kill it: in whims, in severity, in coldness, in jealousy.
(J. Labruyère)

In life, selfless love is more common than true friendship.
(J. Labruyère)

We truly love only the first time; all our subsequent hobbies are no longer so reckless.
(J. Labruyère)

It is much easier to grieve for someone you love than to live with someone you hate.
(J. Labruyère)

He who has experienced great love neglects friendship; but he who has wasted himself in friendship still knows nothing about love.
(J. Labruyère)

Love begins with love; even the most ardent friendship can produce the faintest semblance of love.
(J. Labruyère)

...People stop loving... each other only because they previously loved too much.
(J. Labruyère)

We want to be the source of all the joys or, if this is not possible, all the misfortunes of the one we love.
(J. Labruyère)

The desire of some old men to love young women is also unreasonable because they demand reciprocal love and are fueled by the illusion that they still have the right to count on it. However, the fault here is not only of the old men themselves, but also of those young women who support this foolishness in them.
(J. Labruyère.)

Love dies from fatigue, and oblivion buries it.
(J. Labruyère)

The more you love, the more you suffer.
(A. Amiel)

Seeking variety in love is a sign of powerlessness.
(O. Balzac)

We recognize as a person only one whose soul dreams in love as much about spiritual pleasure as about bodily pleasure.
(O. Balzac)

Love is a game in which one always cheats.
(O. Balzac)

True love in its actions shows an undoubted resemblance to childish antics: the same recklessness, carelessness, spontaneity, laughter and tears.
(O. Balzac)

It is not a crime to love several times in your life and it is not a merit to love only once: reproaching yourself for the first and boasting about the second is equally absurd.
(V. Belinsky)

Every love is true and beautiful in its own way, as long as it is in the heart and not in the head.
(V. Belinsky)

The one who loves casts the light of his inner “I” onto the other and hopes to see the reflection of this light. True love binds two people, and one must be able to put the other before oneself.
(K. Belgiz)

It is sad when love weakens, for doesn’t loving mean increasingly appreciating something that little by little loses its value?
(K. Belgiz)

He who does not love cannot hate; he who does not admire anything cannot despise anything; He who does not deify anything cannot curse.
(K. Berne)

Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endures its torment voluntarily.
(E. Bock)

Love should not be made with magnifying glasses.
(T. Brown)

The first breath of love is the last breath of wisdom.
(A. Bret)

You shouldn't always be right with those you love.
(J. Itier)

Loving is madness, unless you love madly.
(J. Itier)

Women in love are like death: they are uninvited and do not come when called.
(R. Campoamor)

Only happy love can prolong the youth of a mature man. Any other instantly turns him into an old man.
(A. Camus)

The torture of waiting is hell for lovers.
(L. Boissy)

If love makes fools smart, then it makes smart people very stupid.
(P. Buast)

Love is the occupation of the idle man and the leisure of the busy.
(E. Bulwer-Lytton)

To talk about love is to lose your mind.
(S. Bouffler)

It is impossible to love and be wise.
(F. Bacon)

Separation for love is like wind for fire: it extinguishes the weak, and fans the great.
(R. Bussy-Rabutin)

Oh, just secret love
invigorates and excites the blood,
when we are quietly
We don’t take our eyes off each other,
and the one who loves to show off,
knows no sense in love.

Love is the most powerful of all passions because it simultaneously takes over the head, heart and body.
(F. Voltaire)

In love, the one who loves less is always stronger, and perhaps even stronger is the one who does not love at all, but only allows himself to be loved. Passion never has power, it only comes from calculation.
(I. Gan-Gan)

The true essence of love is to renounce the consciousness of oneself, to forget oneself in another “I” and, however, in this disappearance and oblivion to find oneself and possess oneself.
(G. Hegel)

Angels call it heavenly joy, devils call it hellish torment, people call it love.
(G. Heine)

Love becomes a moral sin when it becomes the main occupation. It then relaxes the mind and causes the soul to degrade.
(C. Helvetius)

The essence of love is to never be happy. Jealousy, anxiety, loss of property; much has been said about the good and bad sides of this passion. To be happy, you need to know not passionate, but voluptuous love.
(C. Helvetius)

Only in the raptures of love do they feel the happiness of existence and, pressing lips to lips, exchange souls.
(C. Helvetius)

Love is a gift from heaven that requires to be cherished by the most perfect souls and the most beautiful imagination. Ardent pleasures are lulled by marriage, the gift of heaven is lost under the influence of coarse and tasteless debauchery, and profit turns it into a commodity.
(C. Helvetius)

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasures are its fruits.
(C. Helvetius)

It is equal happiness to be victorious or defeated in the battles of love.
(C. Helvetius)

An impatient man and an inactive woman will not enjoy love.
(A and S. Golon)

While enjoying love, do not bring your beloved to satiety.
(A. and S. Golon)

Love is the enemy of excess. In it, as in food, preference should be given not to quantity, but to quality. True pleasure ends when debauchery begins, for, wallowing in it, you come to disgust. Is the one who eats like a pig and fills himself with wine like a bottomless barrel able to revel in the charm of an exquisite kiss?
(A. and S. Golon)

Love is like luck: it does not like to be chased.
(T. Gauthier)

To love means to stop comparing.
(B. Grasse)

Love is like a tree; it grows by itself, takes deep roots into our entire being and often continues to turn green and bloom even on the ruins of our heart.
(V. Hugo)

In first love, the soul is taken before the body; later they take him before the soul, and sometimes they don’t take the soul at all.
(V. Hugo)

Of the two human passions - love and hatred - love has the greatest tendency to excess. It is fiery, and therefore stronger and more durable. The more passionately love is inflamed, the more merciless it is towards everything that hinders and threatens it; it gives freedom to hatred to act in more than one direction.
(R. Descartes)

Only that love is fair, which strives for the beautiful without causing offense.

Love is a veil between two lovers.
(D. Gibran)

Love is the only freedom in this world, for it raises the soul to heights that are inaccessible either to human laws and customs, or to the laws and dictates of nature.
(D. Gibran)

Love that is not renewed every day turns into a habit, and that, in turn, into slavery.
(D. Gibran)

Finite love seeks possession of the beloved, boundless - nothing is needed... Love that comes at the dawn of youth is content with meetings and dates, grows from kisses and hugs; the same one that was nourished by the breast of infinity and descended into the world on the wings of the secrets of the night, longs for a meeting with eternity alone, seeks delight in immortality and kneels only before the divine nature of the spirit...
(D. Gibran)

Love, which is not born every moment, always dies.
(D. Gibran)

Love is like measles: the later it comes, the more dangerous it is.
(D. Jerrold)

Just as love without respect is short-lived and fickle, so respect without love is cold and weak.
(B. Johnson)

Love often takes away intelligence from those who have it and gives it to those who do not.
(D. Diderot)

Love is the most interesting and most forgivable of all human weaknesses.
(C. Dickens)

Love passes with hunger, and if you are unable to starve, a noose around your neck is the end.

Love can deservedly be called a thief three times - it does not sleep, it is bold and strips people naked.

The love habit corrodes even the most persistent character. Only novelty in love relationships requires mental effort from a person, only you fear the unknown in your soul. Power alone conquers, and when the veils of secrecy are completely torn off, all fears disappear at that very moment. By appearing naked in front of your partner, you lose a piece of your power every time.
(M. Druon)

Only contrived love can be tamed, but true love does not listen to orders and cannot be saved from it.
(And Dumas is the father)

Love is a battle between two sexes. A woman must defend herself first, a man must defend himself after, and woe to the vanquished!
(And Dumas is the son)

True love always makes us better, no matter what kind of woman causes it.
(And Dumas is the son)

Love inspires you to do great things, but it also prevents you from doing them.
(And Dumas is the son)

If you don’t love too much, it means you don’t love enough!
(L. Du Peschier)

He who has never sought friendship or love is a thousand times poorer than he who has lost both.
(Jean Paul)

You need to be a little similar to understand each other, but you need to be a little different to love each other.
P. Geraldi.

Love makes you believe exactly what you most need to doubt.
(P. Geraldi)

If pride screams, it means love is silent.
(F. Gerfaud)

To resist love is to provide it with new weapons.
(George Sand)

Loving is a miserable habit of the heart. The word of the one you love has a stronger effect on the soul than the expression of feelings.
(George Sand)

I do not advise you to ask your mind about the road,
Go, trusting in love, its advice is a hundred times more reliable.
(M. Iqbal)

You speak well only about the love you don’t feel.
(A. Carr)

When you are loved, you don’t doubt anything. When you love yourself, you doubt everything.
(G. Colette)

When you don't have what you love, you have to love what you have.
(T. Corneille)

The same thing happens with love as with smallpox: whoever did not love in his youth rarely experiences love or does not experience it at all.
(A. Kotzebue)

Love is a feeling that does not need anything other than the object of love itself, a feeling that feeds on itself, its inexhaustible essence.
(J. Curtis)

Love never dies of want, but often of indigestion.
(N. Lanclos)

In love, we are often happier with what we don’t know than with what we know.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

At the end of love, as at the end of life, people still live for suffering, but not for pleasure. The one who has fallen out of love is usually his own fault for not noticing it in time.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

It is difficult to define love; about it we can only say that for the soul it is a thirst to rule, for the mind it is an internal affinity, and for the body it is a hidden and refined desire to possess... what you love.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

Only that love that lurks in the depths of our heart and is unknown to us is pure and free from the influence of other passions.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

All passions generally make us make mistakes, but the funniest ones are made by love.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

A truly worthy person can be in love like a madman, but not like a fool.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

Love, like fire, knows no rest: it ceases to live as soon as it ceases to hope or fear.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

No pretense can long hide love when it is, or pretend it when it is not.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

There are different cures for love, but none are reliable.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

The reason why lovers never get bored in each other's company is because they constantly talk about themselves.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

Strength of character makes people resist love, but at the same time it gives this feeling ardor and duration; weak people, on the contrary, easily succumb to passions, but are never truly full of them.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

In love adventures there is everything except love.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

Constancy in love is of two kinds: we are constant either because we constantly find in our loved one new qualities worthy of love, or because we consider constancy a duty of honor.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it.
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

Love gives nobility even to those to whom nature has denied it.
(W. Shakespeare.)

Love runs away from those who chase it, And it throws itself on the neck of those who run away.
(W. Shakespeare.)

Love is omnipotent: there is no grief on earth - higher than its punishment, no happiness - higher than the pleasure of serving it.
(W. Shakespeare.)

Good is the love sought; even better - born without searching.
(W. Shakespeare.)

To love is to find your own happiness in the happiness of another.
(G. Leibniz)

Unforgivable pride is not wanting to owe your happiness to your loved one.
(G. Lessing)

Love has the secret key to the door of jealousy.
(Lope de Vega)

Both unbridled pleasure and chaste affection are called love.

Love has created a whole ladder of pleasures, and vision in it is only the first step...

Love is the superiority of a person's soul over his body.

Love is the language of God that sustains our soul.

A person loves and respects another until he can judge him, and longing for love is a consequence of insufficient knowledge.
(T. Mann)

Curbing your own feelings significantly increases your chances of conquering the object of your love.
(T. Mann)

Love is like war; it arises easily, but is very difficult to stop.
(G. Mencken)

Love is a delusion that one woman is different from another.
(G. Mencken)

Love is a crisis, a decisive moment of life, awaited with trepidation by the heart.
(M. Montaigne)

The person we love seems more beautiful to us than he really is.
(M. Montaigne)

Love is a frantic attraction to that which runs away from us.
(M. Montaigne)

Those who have not had the opportunity to experience poetic love choose a woman like choosing a cutlet in a butcher shop, not caring about anything other than the quality of the meat.
(G. Maupassant)

Love begins with big feelings and ends with small quarrels.
(A Maurois)

The stronger the feeling, the sooner hatred is born out of disappointment.
(A Maurois)

Love begins with the joyful feeling of one's own strength combined with the happiness of another person. To like means both to give and to receive.
(A Maurois)

...No person is capable of living all day, much less weeks or years, in an atmosphere of tender passion. Everything tires you out, even being loved.
(A Maurois)

When love begins, lovers talk about the future; when it declines, they talk about the past.
(A Maurois)

The confidence that they are loved is beneficial for timid souls: it gives them naturalness.
(A Maurois)

To love is to experience excitement at the thought of some possibility, which then develops into a need, a persistent desire, an obsession.
(A Maurois)

The greatest miracle of love is that it cures coquetry.
(A Maurois)

Love is a disease, the symptoms of which manifest themselves differently every time.
(A Maurois)

The cost of the first accident in love cannot be measured in money - it costs happiness.
(A Maurois)

To love another for his own sake means to think not about what you receive from him, but about what you give him.
(A Maurois)

It is not true that we love a woman for what she says, we love what she says because we love her.
(A Maurois)

The most insignificant and empty creature can inspire love for itself if it creates a mysterious aura of impermanence around itself.
(A Maurois)

Love expressed too openly rarely evokes reciprocity.
(A Maurois)

..Love is just a nasty joke that nature plays on people in order to achieve procreation.
(S. Maugham)

Love is weakness. Women don’t know how to do anything except love, they attach God knows what importance to love. They want to assure us that love is the most important thing in life. But love is a small thing. I know lust. It is natural and healthy, but love is a disease. Women exist for pleasure, but I do not tolerate their stupid claims to be helpers, friends, comrades.
(S. Maugham)

Love is the treasury of happiness: the more it gives, the more it receives.
(W. Muller)

Love brings confusion to the mind,
And the lover is alien to everything that exists.
(A Navoi)

You can love only for nothing, and if for something, this is a different feeling, also valuable and worthy in its own way, but it does not contain the doom, recklessness and selflessness of true love.
(Yu. Nagibin)

There is nothing more unnecessary in the world than the love of a woman you don’t love.
(Yu. Nagibin)

In love, the only victory is flight.
(Napoleon I)

There is bitterness in the cup of even the best love...
(F. Nietzsche)

May your love be your honor! In general, a woman understands little about honor. But let it be your honor to always love more than to be loved, and never be second.
(F. Nietzsche)

And even your best love is only a symbol full of ecstasy and painful fervor. Love is a torch that should shine for you on higher paths.
(F. Nietzsche)

There is always a little madness in love. But in madness there is always a little reason.
(F. Nietzsche)

Too hot and ardent love eventually bores us and is harmful in the same way as too tasty food for the stomach.

It is easier to achieve the end of love than moderation.

To be able to express how much you love means to love little.
(F. Petrarch)

It is possible to love beauty shamefully.
(F. Petrarch)

Love is a thirst for the unknown, driven to madness.
(O. Petier)

True love knows no measure or boundaries.

Love does not recognize any other doctor but itself.

Who needs morality in love? Morality is an invention of the weak, a plaintive moan of losers...
(E.M. Remarque)

Love exaggerates. This is her strength and her weakness, the source of her illusions and disappointments.
(A. Rainier)

Love is a story in a woman's life and an episode in a man's life.
(I. Richter)

Love weakens female tenderness and strengthens male tenderness.
(I. Richter)

Longing for love is love itself.
(I. Richter)

Love is worth exactly as much as the person who experiences it is worth.
(R. Rolland)

In love they lose their minds, but in marriage they notice this loss.
(M. Safir)

The smartest man becomes a fool when he loves; The most empty girl, having fallen in love, becomes smart.
(M. Safir)

Love begins with the merging of souls and bodies, and ends with the division of jointly acquired property.
(E. Sevrus)

Love enters the heart like an uninvited guest, asserts itself like a tyrant and leaves like a traitor.
(E. Sevrus)

Life is about love. It begins with love for a mother, lasts with love for a woman, children, the business to which he devoted himself, and ends with love for life itself, from which it is a pity to leave. But only with love for a woman beautiful children are born, great things are done and the desire to live does not disappear. The great gift of love is worthy of admiration.
(E. Sevrus)

Hypocrisy in love is one of the social disasters.
(E. Senancourt)

If you want to be loved, love.

In the world of evil, stupidity, uncertainty and doubt called existence, there is one thing that is still worth living for and which is undoubtedly as strong as death: it is love.
(G. Senkevich)

If love cannot protect from death, then at least it reconciles with life.
(G. Senkevich)

Love that wants to be only spiritual becomes a shadow; if it is devoid of spirituality, then it is vulgarity.
(G. Senkevich)

Love looks through glasses through which copper appears as gold, poverty as wealth, and rotten eyes as pearls.
(M. Cervantes)

A woman always hates the one who loves her and loves the one who hates her.
(M. Cervantes)

Love is like a fever, it is born and extinguished without the slightest participation of the will.

In love, we enjoy only the illusion generated by ourselves.

In the world of feelings there is only one law - to create the happiness of the one you love.

Love is the only passion that is paid with the same coin that it mints.

The stronger a person’s character, the less prone he is to inconstancy in love.

In response to love, a virtuous woman says: no, passionate - yes, capricious - yes and no, flirtatious - neither yes nor no.
(M. Soulier)

To be loved is more than to be rich, for to be loved is to be happy.
(K. Tillier)

It always seems that we are loved because we are good. But we don’t realize that they love us because those who love us are good.
(L. Tolstoy)

One should fear violent love just as one should fear hatred. When love is strong, it is always clear and calm.
(G. Thoreau)

All feelings can lead to love, to passion, everything: hatred, regret, indifference, reverence, friendship, fear - even contempt. Yes, all the feelings... except one: gratitude. Gratitude is a debt, every person pays his debts... but love is not money.
(I. Turgenev)

Love should forgive all sins, but not the sin against love.
(O. Wilde)

...When we denigrate a loved one, this to a certain extent alienates us from him. You cannot touch the idols - the gilding sticks to your fingers.
(G. Flaubert)

True love needs neither sympathy, nor respect, nor friendship; she lives by desire and feeds on deception. They truly love only what they do not know.
(A France)

When it seems to us that we know another, this always means the end of love.
(M. Frisch)

Loving another person begins with loving yourself. A person who does not love, does not respect himself, does not recognize his value and uniqueness, is not capable of loving another person.
(E Fromm)

Is there anyone in the world who has succeeded
Satisfy your passion without pain and tears?
He allowed himself to be sawed through a tortoiseshell comb,
Just to touch your favorite hair!
(O. Khayyam)

Woe to the heart that is colder than ice,
Doesn't glow with love, doesn't know about it,
And for the heart of a lover - a day spent
Without a lover - the most wasted of days!
(O. Khayyam)

Be careful not to be captivated by the beauty, friend!
Beauty and love are two sources of torment.
For this beautiful kingdom does not last forever:
It strikes hearts and leaves hands.
(O. Khayyam)

What kind of love is there when the husband has gray hair! His wife tolerates it like medicine and thinks about something else.

You cannot love either the one you fear or the one who fears you.

Love is good. It is not without reason that at all times, among almost all cultural peoples, love in the broad sense and the love of a husband for his wife are called equally love. If love is often cruel and destructive, then the reason is not in itself, but in the inequality of people.
(A. Chekhov)

Love is like an epidemic disease; The more we fear it, the more defenseless we are in front of it.
(N. Chamfort)

Love does not seek genuine perfection; Moreover, she seems to be afraid of them: she only needs those perfections that she creates and invents herself.
(N. Chamfort)

Love conquers us by influencing our self-esteem. In fact, how can we resist a feeling that can elevate in our eyes what we possess, return what we have lost, give what we do not have?
(N. Chamfort)

Love is the only feeling in which everything is true and everything is false; say any absurdity about it - and it will turn out to be true.
(N. Chamfort)

Love languishes under coercion; its very essence is freedom; it is incompatible with obedience, with jealousy or fear.
(P. Shelley)

Souls meet on the lips of lovers.
(P. Shelley)

Love wants to be a free victim.
(F. Schiller)

Ultimately, love is nothing more than a reflection of a person's own merits in people.
(R. Emerson)

Love is nothing more than the desire for happiness for another person.

Soon February 14th is Valentine's Day. I wish everyone happiness! And if you haven’t met your soul mate yet, don’t be sad... everything can change at any moment

A selection of statuses and aphorisms for Valentine's Day... You can probably guess it yourself... but just in case... Aphorisms addressed to for men, women and universal...

There is only one day a year: the Celebration of the feeling of light.
Let Valentin fulfill all his cherished dreams!

A sea of ​​affection and intimacy! Happy Valentine's Day!

How many stars are there in the sky,
How many pebbles are there in the water?
So many sweet kisses
I'm sending it to you!

You appeared so unexpectedly
I illuminated my heart with love.
I am very grateful to God
Why did he give you to me?
I don't know what I did to deserve it
As cute as you
Why did fate give me a prize?
Such heavenly beauty?
And how should I pay off?
What price to pay
So that you remain only mine,
So that I can be happy!

I cordially congratulate you on Valentine's Day,
Happy day of sweet eyes, illuminated with love!
Let sadness melt like a winter snowflake,
Valentine will help you with this!!!

There are no warmer hands than yours
There is nothing brighter than your eyes.
Let there be no separation
And we have sorrows!

On Valentine's Day. I'm looking forward to the second half. You are the only one that matters to me! More life I need!

On Valentine's Day, on this bright holiday of ours, I congratulate you and kiss you many, many, many times!

I thank fate that many years ago, like a clear dawn, I gave you your look! It may be cold outside, but if you are nearby, any house becomes warmer, flowers bloom in the snow.

On Valentine's Day, I wish you a feeling of reciprocity and reciprocity of feelings!

There is only one day a year: the Celebration of the feeling of light. Let Valentin fulfill all his cherished dreams!
I believe in the witchcraft of love, in its mysterious power, and on Valentine’s Day I send you my impulses.

On Valentine's Day... and any other... I feel happy if you are with me!

Let there be snowflakes outside the windows. For those who love - eternal May!
In my heartfelt “Valentine” read the Three Eternal Words!
I love you!

What kind of eyes? And what are those eyebrows? And what is that ringing, clear laughter?
Of all the people in this world. You, (name), are definitely the best!

Let the pieces of ice melt on your heart from a cheerful Valentine!

Believe me, happiness is only where they love us, where they believe us!

Happy Valentine's Day, I hasten to congratulate you, smile more, I ask you on this day.

Not complicated, very simple - This toast is unforgettable:
“Let Hope, Faith and Love be with us again and again!”

Hearing your name more often...
And to be with you.
Don't compare you to others
After all, you know how to love!

I wish everyone on Valentine's Day to receive declarations of love from those who really love you... and spend this day with the one you love...

The music of the rain whispers your name, the sky drops your name in drops, only the sky, only the rain understands how bored my heart is without you!!!

I'm sending a valentine
I'll put a kiss on it
Let him fly to my beloved -
I’ll tell you about my love!

I'm in this Valentine's card
I want to confess my love.
You are the best in the world!
Glad to try for you!

On Valentine's Day
Just give me a look
Don't pass by, beauty
I will be glad to see a smile.

Your smile is like a sip of water
For a traveler in the hot desert,
I want you to smile more often,
And I flew, inspired by love.

You are the brightest ray of light
You are a flower of paradise - there is nothing more beautiful,
And I love you for it
There is no other like it in the world!

On Valentine's Day
I am writing to you about love,
You are divinely beautiful!
I breathe only you.

Let them say that we, men,
Insensitive, sadness is alien to us,
But on Valentine's Day
I confess my love to you!

Why does a citizen have a bulging pant leg on Valentine's Day? No, he’s not a maniac at all, he’s bringing cognac to the department!

On Valentine's Day, I got drunk like a beast. All further bullshit took place without me!

I bought a postcard with the inscription “To my only one”...... five pieces...

On February 14, I will take a bottle of champagne and drink to those who still believe in love... Happy people...

Valentine's Day is the best time to confess your feelings and, most importantly, find out if they are mutual...

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