Certificate for jewelry. What do you need to know about certificates for jewelry and diamonds? Nuances of registration and receipt

As a fairly broad concept, various decorations– souvenirs, personal decorations, interior items (for example, table setting items, interior clocks, smoking or writing instruments, etc.) require a different approach to assessing their safety compliance with existing requirements. From this point of view, they most often talk about personal jewelry that is in direct contact with human skin. In addition to the general purpose and place of wear for personal jewelry (on the body, on clothes, in hair, etc.), the classification of jewelry by:

  • manufacturing material (certification jewelry and costume jewelry is different),
  • execution technique (assembly, stamping, casting, filigree, mounting),

as well as the likely age of the user (especially children's jewelry).

Jewelry Certification

  • with precious stones (topaz, onyx, ruby, amber, etc.) or pearls,
  • from pure precious metals and their combinations (gold, platinum, silver, titanium, etc.),
  • from other valuable materials (artificial, cultivated or natural) - black slate, bone, coral, jet, niobium, mother-of-pearl with enamel, etc.

As jewelry, it is impossible to assess the conformity of only a few categories of products made from such materials - religious objects, payment coins, awards, products with solders made of precious metals and haberdashery.

But in any case, certification is not provided for by any of the current assessment systems and is carried out in voluntarily, supplementing the GOST R or SGR declarations (children's jewelry) that are mandatory for certain types of jewelry. In order not to make a mistake with the identification of your products and not be left without the necessary permits, it is better turn to professionals, which, if desired, can be fully entrusted with both mandatory and voluntary certification.

Certification of gold jewelry

Today, only certification of gold jewelry as structural elements (case, chains, bracelets) of watches is mandatory. We are talking only about watches of certain types (for carrying with you) - wrist, pocket, pendant watches, watch rings, etc.). In addition, certification of mineral and secondary raw materials from precious metals is mandatory.

The rest of the gold is certified on a voluntary basis, which from the point of view of the Ministry of Finance - and, we must agree, fair, given the cost of gold jewelry - violates the consumer's rights to access information. In essence, the buyer is deprived of the legal opportunity to verify the safety of the purchased gold product. The existing system of branding and marking has been used to resolve the current situation for many years, but it still seems insufficient to justify the relationship between price and quality of gold products. In the future, it is planned to develop special regulations for the implementation of government regulations on safety requirements for jewelry alloys.

But even now, when entering the market, almost all suppliers and manufacturers are themselves interested in obtaining a certificate, otherwise their product will simply not be competitive. The same situation is with precious stones, diamonds and refined products, i.e. purified from base impurities and precious metals.

How is jewelry certification carried out?

In fact, the assessment of the safety and quality of jewelry is a set of examinations provided for by GOCT II7-3-002-95 (main specifications and requirements for jewelry products) -

  • technological (assessment of composition, physical parameters and compliance with the requirements for this particular type of jewelry),
  • Assay (checking the presence and authenticity of the mark),
  • gemological (determination of parameters and initial identification of the stone),
  • artistic (assessment of the individual features of the product, declared by the manufacturer as characteristic), etc.

As products of natural origin, any precious metals and alloys made from them can be dangerous - accordingly, they will also be required

  • radiological examination (radiology protocol),
  • hygienic examination (Rospotrebnadzor).

During the certification process, the basic parameters of the product are necessarily checked - its weight, compliance with the declared dimensions, reliability, strength and structural safety. The test report, as evidence, is kept by the holder of the certificate or declaration throughout the entire period of its validity.

Since the cost of all certification work depends on the number of tests performed, the number of protocols issued, etc. – i.e. from a competent choice of certification scheme and thoughtful product identification by codes, It’s better to entrust the design to specialists who know how to effectively use the capabilities of the system.

Gift Certificate is a plastic card that can be used to pay for jewelry online jewelry stores“The Magic of Gold”, as well as on the website. The card contains a real amount of money that can be exchanged for fashionable gold and silver jewelry at any time.

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At “Magic of Gold” you can purchase Gift Certificates in denominations of 1,500 rubles, 3,000 rubles, 5,000 rubles and 10,000 rubles. You can order a certificate by calling 8-800-333-37-80

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Choice corporate gift for your business partners and employees – a very difficult task. How to please so many different people with whom you do business? Great way out - Gift Certificate"The Magic of Gold"

Firstly, you will give everyone different corporate gifts: this may depend on the denomination of the Certificate, and, ultimately, on the choice of your counterpart;

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Fifthly, You choose the gift amount yourself, not limited to standard gift certificate denominations. We are ready to produce certificates of the required denomination especially for you (if for some reason you are not satisfied with the existing denomination).

And of course, you must give the person pleasure, since he chooses the decoration himself. And this is not only exciting, beautiful, but also very interesting. And the choice “Magic of Gold” offers is truly luxurious!

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Gift Certificates are valid in all Magic of Gold salons

Detailed information about the salons on the website www.site and by phone 8-800-333-37-80

If you choose jewelry for an amount less than the nominal value of the Gift Certificate, then the difference between the cost of goods purchased using the Certificate and the nominal value of the Gift Certificate will not be reimbursed

You can purchase jewelry that is more expensive than the face value of the Certificate by paying the required amount to the cashier

When purchasing, you must inform the cashier that you are purchasing the product with a Certificate and present the Gift Certificate

The Certificate is valid for 6 months from the date of sale

In cases of dispute, please contact the Magic of Gold salon with a cash receipt

Draw your attention to: when purchasing gift certificates of any denomination, the purchase amount NOT recorded to the Client Card savings account. The savings account will be replenished directly when purchasing products in Magic of Gold stores.

Jewelry Certification- this is one of the most popular services in the field of gemology and examination. It is relevant for both legal entities and individuals.

Why is certification needed?

Any piece of jewelry is the object of purchase and sale transactions. And accordingly, for a correct assessment, he needs an individual description, including the definition of inserts, their quantity and quality. It is the certificate of conformity for a jewelry product, issued by a gemological laboratory, that contains the most complete information about a particular product

What information does a certificate of conformity for a jewelry product contain?

A photograph of the jewelry for which a certificate of conformity has been issued

Detailed comments from the expert laboratory about the fact of refining the inserts, its type and degree of impact (if any)

Full description of the central and side inserts, indicating their origin, quantity, weight and quality characteristics (color and purity) in accordance with certification standards

Weight of the jewelry being certified and indication of the standard of the metal from which it is made, if stamped

The MGC company maintains neutrality between the manufacturer, seller and buyer, so MGC clients can be confident in the objectivity and independence of the gemological assessment carried out.

Mandatory attributes of a certificate of conformity, including for jewelry, are the signature of the gemologist who conducted the examination and the seal of the organization that issued the certificate. The certificate also establishes the fact that the jewelry or insert meets the requirements of the standards on the basis of which certification is carried out. This differs from the certificate of conformity from the gemological expert report, which is the final document reflecting the result of the collegial work of gemological experts.

Who needs a certificate of conformity?

Any piece of jewelry is the object of purchase and sale transactions. And, accordingly, for a correct assessment, he needs an individual description, which includes the definition of inserts (cut stones), their quantity and quality. It is the certificate of conformity for a jewelry product, issued by a gemological laboratory, that contains the most complete information about a particular product.

The jewelry certification process consists of the following stages:

  1. Conclusion of an agreement for the provision of certification services between the gemological laboratory and the client on the basis of registration documents for legal entities or passports for individuals;
  2. Providing jewelry for examination (if data on inserts (certificates, tags, etc.) is available, they can also be provided to confirm or refute them during the examination);
  3. Calculation of the number and weight of inserts in the product, followed by the establishment of qualitative characteristics of color and purity, obtained as a result of an examination by a board of expert gemologists;
  4. Coordination of the results of the preliminary examination with the client;
  5. Photographing jewelry;
  6. Entering the certificate of conformity into the electronic database of the gemological laboratory.

At the moment the government of our country has determined the voluntary confirmation procedure, declared by the manufacturer-seller, the level of goods () that relate to the field of jewelry (chains, watches, cufflinks, earrings, pendants, necklaces, hairpins, brooches and other accessories). They require obtaining a declaration of the GOST R or SGR type, based on the classification of a particular product.

Amendments to Law No. 982 dated December 1, 2009, previously included the above list of jewelry in the list of mandatory certification, however, new changes dated November 13, 2010 under number 906, introduced by the government of our country excluded jewelry products from this name.

What kind of decorations are these?

The type of product that has the right to be called jewelry always includes precious metals, alloys or stones.

If in the production process of such products not only natural but also artificial materials were used, then such product products still remain jewelry.

Items not included in the official list of jewelry industry products:

  • Haberdashery.
  • Coins for payment.
  • Awards given by the state.
  • Attributes related to objects of worship.

Is certification required for jewelry made of precious metals without stones?

In such a case, going through a compulsory certification process will not be required, since products without inserts match the list of jewelry products, for which there is no mandatory requirement to undergo the compliance procedure.

Do we receive paper for goods containing diamonds and other precious stones?

In the above-mentioned area of ​​the jewelry industry, mandatory authentication is required only for diamonds that have not been cut and are in retail trade (Government Decree of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55); for processed diamonds there is no such condition.

By decree of the leadership of the Russian Federation dated On April 5, 1999, No. 372, the register of all forms of valuable metals was regulated, stones and products made from these raw materials, which must be declared.

Paying attention to the rather high cost of this kind of item, the seller’s best decision would still be to voluntarily decide on a gemological examination of his products.

Firstly, this procedure will expand the potential market for the sale of precious products. Secondly, among collectors who have a passion for expensive accessories, such a seller will gain enormous authority and trust.

Understanding the term “certified diamond”

A diamond with a quality certificate is a precious stone, which successfully passed a laboratory examination of authenticity, during which all its declared characteristics were confirmed, after which the employees of the certification center issued a certificate of quality for this diamond.

Who has the right to provide services?

Legislative act numbered, approved by the Russian government on January 23, 2004, secures the rights to provide certification services in full list organizations where the main criterion for the center issuing a document of authenticity is the availability of a license to permit this type of activity.

Among the companies located in the territory Russian Federation, the most authoritative include:

  • Gemological laboratory of Moscow State University.
  • State Assay Chamber.
  • Gemological Center of Smolensk and Yakutia.

Famous large organizations abroad:

  • Gemological Institute of America.
  • Supreme Diamond Council of Antwerp.
  • The largest research centers in Switzerland, Germany, Belgium.

Who can perform gemological evaluation of diamonds?

This laboratory test is authorized to be carried out only by specialists:

  1. Those who have completed training and received a diploma from the Central Authority of the System (CSO).
  2. Who were given permission to conduct these examinations by this institution.
  3. With at least two years of laboratory testing experience.
  4. Having sufficient knowledge in the field of competent completion of relevant regulations and documents.

What information does the document contain?

The authentication document contains the following information:

Sample certificate:

When a buyer comes across a diamond in whose certificate the phrase “Replacement cost” appears, followed by an amount in foreign currency, then you need to understand that this luxury item was a participant in a study of a foreign company and this document cannot be considered a full-fledged certificate, since in Russia it is recognized as just an expert opinion.

The certificate, which has passed an independent gemological test, proves the purity of the cut, the angle of refraction of light passing through the diamond, the carat volume and its origin.

Document meaning

This concept reflects a guarantee of the quality and authenticity of a manufactured, for example, bracelet or ring. This the document is a kind of passport and is issued for each individual unit of the product. It contains detailed information about the object (sample, material, purity, weight, impurities, etc.).

Is there any point in registering products that do not require mandatory examination?

To successfully run a business and compete decently with many similar entrepreneurs, it makes sense to independently draw up a quality compliance document. With a certificate, the seller effortlessly dispels the slightest doubts of his customers, and can also clearly and quickly prove the authenticity of any product.

Guide to action

In order to begin the compliance process for a certain type of jewelry, you will need to contact the certification center in your city. They usually post their addresses on their Internet pages. There you can also familiarize yourself with the center’s pricing policy. On average, prices vary from 3,000 rubles to 30,000-50,000 rubles, it all depends on the complexity of the product and the service package.

The application is submitted through the site itself online or in person by visiting the organization where certification processes are carried out.

The center employee will definitely inform you of the entire list of required documents:

  • Application for certification.
  • A copy of the manufacturer's passport, when it comes to individual entrepreneurship, or the registration number of the factory where the jewelry was cast.
  • Detailed characteristics of the product (type, color, material, etc.).
  • The product itself or its tester for laboratory examination.

Certification stages:

  1. Signing an agreement between the center (gemmology laboratory) and the jeweler-entrepreneur.
  2. Research into the subject of the authenticity process. (type, number of fasteners, color, weight, etc.).
  3. Photography (each compliance document includes a high-quality image of the product).
  4. Discussion of the obtained data with the customer of the procedure.
  5. Recording of the received certificate in the general database of gemological checks, with an individual number.

The terms for issuing a finished document of authenticity range from 1 to 30 days. It all depends on the type of research object; the simplest goods are checked within 24 hours. You can obtain your certificate from a certification institution or by mail, if the customer left the relevant data.

Is it necessary to register?

The jewelry seller himself will not have to do additional registration, since this service falls entirely on the shoulders of the certification body.

At the final stage of the study, to determine whether the product meets quality standards, a point is written in which the research center undertakes to carry out official registration, certificate issued by him to the Unified Register.

Thus, the actual writing to the general registry list is done by default.

Is there any marking symbols?

Marking and hallmark are reflected in the labels of each jewelry type product; this decree was established by the head of state on October 2, 1992. Such tags must have a seal.

There are two main types of markings:

  • PCT is applied in cases of compulsory certification according to the GOST system or a voluntary identification procedure.
  • EAC is indicated on goods that have passed specifications in accordance with the requirements of the Customs Union.

Is there an expiration date?

In a document confirming the authenticity and conformity of quality, there is no limitation on the statute of limitations. Each such certificate is based on the dates of examinations carried out in a licensed institution engaged in laboratory research to determine the quality ratio and all materials used.

After which documentation with a laboratory report is issued. They contain the date of such a study. The certificate itself does not indicate any dates., it only contains a line that announces the decision expert assessment jewelry.

The modern process of certification of jewelry is a whole set of measures to identify the purity, originality, good quality and type of raw materials and species used in creating jewelry. The absence of an unquestioning declaration of jewelry does not mean that it is useless. Many controversial issues between the seller and the consumer are resolved in a matter of seconds, with a certificate.

By confirming the authenticity of the product, you can avoid unpleasant litigation, if the buyer suddenly takes the product for examination, during which discrepancies are discovered between the previously stated characteristics of the item and its real component.

Also, it is required to apply for voluntary expert verification only to those organizations that have an official license to conduct such events, solid experience in this type of activity and a crystal reputation among other jewelry entrepreneurs.

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Jewelry is a product made using precious stones, and alloys. Materials of artificial and natural origin can be used in production. These are hematites, black onyx, titanium, jet, brass, copper, amber, coral, platinum, blued steel, etc.

When ordering a certificate for jewelry, you should know that they are not objects of worship, state awards, haberdashery, payment coins, elements with gold-containing threads and paints. The following can be assessed as jewelry based on quality characteristics:

  • rings;
  • chains;
  • earrings;
  • pendants;
  • brooches;
  • bracelets.

This list also includes necklaces, chokers, cufflinks, hairpins, tie clips and money clips.

A voluntary certificate can be issued for jewelry of the following groups:

  • toilet items;
  • personal ;
  • table serving;
  • writing instruments;
  • smoking accessories;
  • souvenirs.

Based on the material from which they are made, decorative jewelry is divided into silver, gold, stone-cut, and haberdashery. Based on the execution technique, their type from the existing classification is entered into the certificate:

  • mount ( handmade from cast and stamped blanks);
  • filigree;
  • casting;
  • stamping.

Import of such products into the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 184 of December 27, 2002, which describes technical regulation standards, as well as the rules for the import of goods subject to mandatory certification into the customs territory of Russia. The relevant rules were approved by Government Decree No. 53 of 02/07/2008.

Considering that some jewelry is included in the list of products subject to mandatory declaration when placed under the customs regime, they receive not a certificate, but a declaration of conformity. The list includes goods with OKP code 9640 (HS 7113, 9111, 9113):

  • 96 4100 4 – gold;
  • 96 4200 8 – platinum, palladium;
  • 96 4300 1 – silver;
  • 96 4500 9 – from organic and mineral raw materials.

The conformity assessment procedure includes the collection and preparation of documentation, as well as laboratory examination of samples:

  • gemological (identification of precious stones, checking their compliance with technical specifications;
  • technological;
  • assay (presence and authenticity of a hallmark);
  • artistic.

At the end of the inspection, if the results are positive, a declaration is issued. Additionally, the applicant can receive a voluntary certificate if he wishes to focus the attention of consumers on the exceptional characteristics of the product.

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