Seven ways to fold a T-shirt for all occasions. The best methods and patterns for folding T-shirts so they don't wrinkle

Every wardrobe has a couple of T-shirts, and some have a dozen. It doesn't matter whether you wear them every day or just for outdoor activities. In any case, these things have to be stored somehow, preferably without disturbing the order in the closet. Let's talk about how to fold a T-shirt so that it doesn't wrinkle during storage and is ready for use without ironing.

Folding T-shirts by hand

The method for folding a T-shirt will depend on what storage system the owner uses. Adherents of the recently fashionable form of knitted items form thick rolls that can be stored vertically. Owners of traditional closets fold t-shirts into even rectangles, and owners of walk-in closets with open shelves try to fold a T-shirt like in a store to make the wardrobe look beautiful.

Fast way

The authorship of this technique is attributed to the Japanese. With its help, you can fold a T-shirt into a neat rectangle in one motion. To begin with, the item is laid out on a flat surface - on a table, ironing board or even on the floor - with the shelf up, neck to the right. Then two imaginary lines are drawn along the surface of the T-shirt:

  • the first divides the thing exactly into 2 parts across;
  • the second comes from the middle of the nearest shoulder along the side seam.

Next, grab the knitwear with your left hand at the point where the imaginary lines intersect. With the fingers of the right hand, take the shoulder seam where the second line begins. Without letting go of the fabric, pass the right hand under the left and grab the bottom of the clothing with your fingers where the second line intersects it. Then the T-shirt is lifted and shaken at outstretched arms. The result is an almost perfect rectangle. All that remains is to bend the opposite edge of the shirt.

Tip: To better understand how to fold a T-shirt in 2 seconds using this method, you should watch the video instructions.

Standard method

This technique is usually used by clothing store sellers. It’s quite easy to fold T-shirts, and they wrinkle minimally. Even after long storage, a tishotka rolled up in this way can be put on without ironing.

The procedure should be as follows:

  1. The T-shirt is laid out on a flat surface with the back facing up.
  2. From the side seam, the fabric is folded towards the center by about a third of the width of the garment.
  3. The fabric is wrapped in the same way on the other side.
  4. The bottom of the T-shirt is folded toward the center by about a third.
  5. The resulting rectangle is folded in half from bottom to top.

This method is also suitable for those who want to know how to beautifully fold a T-shirt as a gift. The fabric will lie neatly and not wrinkle, and the print on the chest, if there is one, will be visible even when folded.

Home method

This method has been known to everyone since childhood. Some people were taught it by their parents. Someone figured it out on their own, intuitively. It's not particularly beautiful, but it makes it easy to fold the T-shirt both for storage and for transportation in a suitcase or backpack.

Lay the tishotka on a flat surface, straighten the folds on the fabric with your palms. Then fold the sleeves towards the center to create an even rectangle. After this, the clothes are folded in half, first along and then across. If necessary, you can fold the resulting package in half again to make it more compact.

Complex options

The methods listed above are usually quite enough to put things in order. But below we will describe two more options that can help in difficult situations.

How to fold a long sleeve T-shirt?

Shirts, sweatshirts, vests and other items of clothing of this kind are a little more difficult to fold neatly than ordinary t-shirts. Long sleeves do not allow the methods described above to be applied to them. A special method is used here.

The item is laid out on a flat surface, the sleeves are straightened to the sides. Then the clothing is folded from one edge to the middle so that the fold is located approximately in the middle of the shoulder seam. The sleeve is pulled towards the center of the garment. Next, this sleeve is folded in half across the direction of the fold of the T-shirt, and then in half again, but in the opposite direction. These steps are repeated from the second edge of the shirt.

The result is a long rectangle that is folded across. If the clothing is made of thin fabric, you can fold it twice - one third on each fold. For sweatshirts and models made of thick knitwear or fleece, one fold in half is enough.

How to fold a T-shirt in a suitcase?

When traveling, clothes should be folded so that they take up as little space as possible in your luggage. But at the same time, it would be good not to wrinkle the fabric too much, since there may not be an iron on the road. Probably every tourist has his own life hack on how to fold a T-shirt this way. But the most common way is this:

  • clothes are laid out on the table;
  • From the bottom edge, a strip the width of a palm is folded to the center;
  • from the left edge, the T-shirt is folded toward the middle by about a third;
  • bend the right edge in the same way;
  • the resulting narrow rectangle is rolled into a roll from the neck down;
  • The roll is secured with a fold at the bottom edge so that it does not unwind.

Devices for folding clothes

Foreign housewives have no problem with how to quickly fold a T-shirt. Both in the USA and in European countries are very common special devices for neatly folding clothes. Sometimes they can be seen in movies or TV series.

Such gizmos can be ordered online on European websites or in Chinese stores. And the most economical and skillful ones can try to build this device themselves. To do this you will need thick cardboard and wide tape.

Manufacturing instructions

Six identical rectangles measuring 20x30cm are cut out of cardboard. Then these parts are laid out on a flat surface, three in a row. In each row, the workpieces should touch each other with their long sides.

Using tape, glue the two horizontal rows together. The cardboards should not lie close together - the finished structure will subsequently have to be bent at the gluing site. Then parts from the same row are glued together with tape. Cardboards from another row are left unfastened. What should happen can be seen in the photo.

How to use a T-shirt board?

To quickly and beautifully fold a T-shirt, it is laid out on a device glued together from cardboard. The neck should be located on the glued row of cardboards. The device is folded along the gluing line, first from the right side to the center, then from the left. Lastly, the homemade folding board is bent along the midline. As a result, the tishotka neatly folded into a rectangle will remain on it.

More than 20% of the wardrobe of a modern metropolitan resident is occupied by T-shirts. Most people just stack them in piles the old fashioned way, not realizing that there are quick and easy methods to simultaneously declutter your closet and keep your T-shirts in shape so they look like they've been ironed.
In this article, you will learn secrets and life hacks on how to fold T-shirts in a suitcase or closet without them getting wrinkled.

How to fold T-shirts to keep your home tidy

To store things in an apartment, a closet, chest of drawers or dressing room, divided into conventional sections, is most often used. To fold carefully T-shirts, without mixing them with the rest of your clothes, select a separate shelf. You can organize space in several ways:

  1. Transparent containers

In home goods, you can find cute baskets or containers with lids for storing clothes. If you don't know how compact to put T-shirts in them, try two ways:

— fold the T-shirt lengthwise, roll up the sleeves so that the T-shirt forms an elongated rectangle, then roll it into a neat tube. Such tubes are laid out in layers or placed vertically in a container. If necessary, you can easily find the thing you need;

— in a transparent container, all T-shirts are in plain sight. You need to fold them in the traditional way into a square according to the shape of the container. If necessary, you can easily find the T-shirt you need in a transparent container.

By the way, baskets and boxes allow you to quickly tidy up your closet, save space and prevent dust from accumulating on the shelves.

  1. Hangers

To make T-shirts look neat, like in a store, you can allocate space for them on the bar. Buy thin hangers that don't take up much space and can support minimal weight. You won’t have to fold your T-shirt in the closet, and there won’t be any extra wrinkles on it.

  1. Dresser

A dresser drawer is the same container. How to properly fold T-shirts in a chest of drawers? – Fold an even stack of T-shirts and place them vertically on the bottom of the chest of drawers. This method will keep things organized. When you pull out a new T-shirt, you won't disturb the stack, and you can easily put back a clean item.

  1. Storage system

Home stores sell separate storage systems for each type of clothing. These are fabric or plastic closet organizers that allow you to beautifully fold T-shirts, separating them by color, season and type of fabric. This is a great life hack for a compact apartment or a shopaholic with a large wardrobe.

re going on the road

In addition to T-shirts for travel, there are a number of other things you need to pack in your suitcase, so it's important to know how to quickly fold a T-shirt without wrinkles while saving space. How to put T-shirts in a suitcase so they don't wrinkle:

  1. Japanese technology

Place the T-shirt on a horizontal surface facing you, figuratively dividing the shoulder seam in half. With your left hand, make a pinch at the intersection of the seam on the shoulder and the line dividing the T-shirt across (arms are parallel). Place your right palm behind your left, grab the bottom edge of the T-shirt and shake it. A neat rectangle should form.

  1. Classic folding

This method shows you how to fold a T-shirt so that it looks like it belongs on a store shelf. Place the T-shirt face down on the table, fold a third of the bottom towards the center, fold the sleeves, fold the top edges towards the bottom twice until you get an equilateral rectangle. You can fold a T-shirt in your closet in the same way.

  1. An easier way to fold things

You don't need to know any special techniques to know how to put T-shirts in a suitcase without getting wrinkled. Lay the item of clothing on the table without folds, roll the sleeves inward, fold the T-shirt lengthwise and, without turning it over, across. It's convenient and easy.

  1. How to fold compactly so as not to wrinkle

The main difficulty is that on the road you take with you several types of things that require systematization. Lay them out in front of you, take a jacket or jacket, and on it, repeating the shape, place a T-shirt or shirt, then lay jeans or trousers horizontally on top.

Thus, a visual square is formed in the center, and the sleeves of the jacket, shirt and trousers remain on the periphery. Carefully wrap them towards the center. We place the resulting rectangle tightly in the suitcase and secure it with internal straps.

How to fold different types of T-shirts beautifully

Fold T-shirts with different designs need individually. Divide clothes by style depending on the length of the sleeve, the presence of a collar and other decorative elements. The T-shirt and polo shirt should be folded separately from each other so that they do not touch and do not create a skew in the stack of items.

If space allows, arrange clothes in different piles in the closet or separate them from each other in a drawer using edges. By the way, such dividers turn a dresser drawer into a separate organizer for T-shirts. T-shirts with long sleeve can be classified as seasonal items worn in autumn or spring. By separating clothes according to the seasons, you avoid the hassle of searching for an outfit for a long time.

Children's T-shirts fold in two movements. To do this, just roll up the sleeves and fold the item in half. How to carefully pack children's luggage? – for such clothes there is a separate translucent bag with a zipper.

Arrange T-shirts and shorts so that they do not wrinkle, and close the organizer hermetically. This way you can easily find the clothes you need without getting mixed up with the rest of your suitcase. To ensure that children's T-shirts do not get lost at home and are always in order, it is better to allocate a separate drawer for them. Choose the most suitable method, and use it to keep your home tidy and when traveling.

There are several ways to quickly fold a T-shirt. By studying these methods and choosing the most suitable one, you can simplify and speed up the process of putting your closet in order.

With a little practice, you can learn how to fold a T-shirt in just a couple of seconds. Moreover, the item will look as neat as the product in the store. It is better to carry out the procedure on a flat surface, which can be a table or ironing board.

To quickly fold a T-shirt, just two movements are enough

First option to fold T-shirts:

  1. Lay the T-shirt face down on a smooth surface and smooth out any wrinkles.
  2. Tuck both side parts with sleeves inward parallel to the seams, capturing about a third of the base material of the product.
  3. Mentally divide the resulting strip into three parts and fold it.

This method makes it easier to find the clothes you need, since the image on the T-shirt is immediately visible.

But if you want to literally fold T-shirts with one movement of your hands, check out the following method:

  • on the unfolded product you need to mark a point dividing the visual line from the middle of the shoulder to the bottom edge;
  • With your left hand, take the fabric at the intended point, and with your right hand, grab the edge of the middle of the sleeve on the same side;
  • Without releasing the fabric, move your right hand down and pinch the bottom edge of the T-shirt;
  • lifting and shaking the product, place it so that the remaining sleeve bends inward.

After this, the T-shirt can be additionally folded in half and put away with the rest of the things in the closet.

How to fold a T-shirt when traveling

When getting ready for a trip, it is important to wisely manage the available space in your bag, suitcase or backpack. To ensure that T-shirts take up the minimum amount of space, you need to fold them as follows:

  • unfold the product and immediately remove it inside the sleeve;
  • fold the left and right edges to get a narrow strip of fabric;
  • Roll the T-shirt into a roll and secure it by tucking the edge of the hem.

T-shirts folded in this way take up little space and hardly wrinkle. This is a very convenient option for business trips, vacations and trips to study.

Do you think that such talent is only characteristic of workers in Chinese markets? You are wrong, you will be able to fold a T-shirt, shirt or undershirt correctly after just a few viewings of videos and familiarizing yourself with a set of our recommendations, and it will captivate you so much that you don't rest until you put all your things away in the house and even go to the neighbors in search of new textile victims.

Cleaning up your closet is a favorite pastime of young girls, especially if you have a lot of free time and a lot of stylish things. But men are not so lucky with order; sometimes it seems that they simply cannot fold their clothes neatly. However, absolutely everyone can learn this simple task - it is enough to know a few nuances and devote very little time to the folding process. The result will not be long in coming - you will gain the reputation of a real neat person and a pedant.

Folding a T-shirt so that it doesn't get wrinkled and doesn't take up a lot of space in the closet is actually much easier than it might seem at first glance. Eat one unique way, allowing you to beautifully fold a T-shirt in literally one movement.

  1. First thing let's pack the T-shirt on a flat, hard surface. Let's straighten out all the seams.
  2. Let's draw a line in the middle products from left to right. We will also draw a line from the middle of the right shoulder to the bottom edge of the T-shirt. Let the intersection of these two lines be our point A.
  3. The top point in the middle of the shoulder Let's call it point B. And the lower one - exactly below it - point C.
  4. Right hand grab the fabric at point A, in parallel we grab the shoulder of our T-shirt with our left hand at point B.
  5. Carefully connect point B and point C.
  6. Turn over, shake, lay the T-shirt with the neck up.

You should get a perfect square. In this case, the left sleeve of the T-shirt will be on the outside, and the right one will be fixed between the deflection. This way, you will get a securely folded item that will not wrinkle and will not take up much space in your closet or suitcase.

How to fold a T-shirt compactly?

If you need to fold a T-shirt so that it fit into a small travel bag or backpack, use the following method.

  1. Place the product on a flat surface.
  2. Flatten the T-shirt and fold the bottom edge to the inside out about 7 cm.
  3. Fold up the left edge and then the right edge of the T-shirt.
  4. Connect them approximately in the middle, carefully turning the sleeves in different directions.
  5. Now start rolling the T-shirt from top to bottom, that is, from the shoulders to the base, folding the products into a compact rectangle.
  6. When you reach the turn line, simply “dress” the wrong side over the resulting rectangle.
  7. This way your design will not break or open even in a travel bag.

We will fold the jacket a little differently. We lay a warm product with buttons and sleeves face up. We bend the jacket along the floors in the place where the buttons are located. Thus, the front side was on the inside. We lay the sleeves bent at the shoulders on the surface of the jacket. Fold the jacket 2 times.

How to fold a shirt?

Men's shirts are standard of good taste and elegance. And so that your business suit not damaged during moving or storage, learn how to fold a shirt, saving a lot of space and time on ironing things.

  1. Dealing with the shirt is also quite easy. Let's take the usual men's shirt with long sleeve.
  2. We lay out the product with the front side, the back “looks” up.
  3. Left side We fold the shirts (approximately to the middle of the shoulder, together with the sleeve).
  4. We fold the sleeve in three folds - from the shoulder to the cuff.
  5. We leave the cuff open so that it does not wrinkle.
  6. We fold the second side by analogy.
  7. We fold the right edge of the shirt again to the middle of the shoulder, and lay out the sleeve in the middle, parallel to the seams of the product.
  8. Smooth out the sleeve and bend it up to the collar.
  9. We bend the bottom of the shirt, which is usually tucked into the trousers, by 5-7 cm.
  10. And then we connect the base of the shirt and the collar part.
  11. We turn the product over and get a neatly folded shirt with a perfect collar.

This wonderful design can be easily packed and placed on a shelf, and then taken out at any time and put on a beautiful, unwrinkled shirt.

Video tutorials: how to quickly fold a T-shirt or shirt?

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