Scenario for an extracurricular activity "hello, winter-winter." Entertainment script “Winter-winter! Scenario on the theme of winter for school

Winter holiday for children in grades 1-4

Target: To give an idea of ​​the games that can be played outside in winter.


1. Develop imagination.

2. Develop agility and accuracy.

3. Develop creativity.

4. Develop coordination of movements.

5. Develop artistry.

Hall decoration: You can make snowdrifts from pieces of padding polyester; drape the board with blue and white fabric; scatter cotton wool snowballs everywhere, place sleds and skis.

This holiday should not be delayed, since part of it takes place outside during the cold season.





Snowflake - light dress white, on the head is a crown in the shape of a snowflake.

Zimushka-Winter - a white fur coat or a wide white dress, a white hat.

Crossbill - beak made of papier-mâché, wings made of paper.

Snowman - white suit made of padding polyester, scarf, broom, hat or plastic bucket on his head.

December, January, February - you can sew snowflakes on costumes, dress up the months in fur coats or sheepskin coats, embroider costumes with tinsel.


Cotton snowballs.

Snow woman.


Rope or string.

Hats, scarves.


Two sleds.

Two ropes.

Light instrumental music plays. Snowflake enters. Snowflake: Hello, kids, girls and boys! Well, it’s getting colder outside—just the kind of weather I like! And what a guest is in a hurry to see you! There's a knock on the door any minute now. Guess who?

She brought with her cold, blizzards,

Covered the earth and houses with snow,

She put fur coats and hats on passersby.

Did you guess it, kids? This is winter.

There's a knock on the door. Winter enters. Snowflake sings the song “Hello, winter-winter!” with the children:

The white blizzard is sweeping -

This winter is coming:

I moved my sleeve -

All the roads were covered.

Hello, winter-winter,

The long-awaited winter!

Don't feel sorry for the snowball -

Have fun!

Winter: Well, you greet me with a good song. Thanks guys! Yes, Frost is fierce today - he’s obviously angry. Yes, I allowed him to play around and freeze it. It's winter after all. And I'm not alone. Snowflake, where are my helpers?

Snowflake: Winter months? I saw them - they are playing in the snow again. Fooling around on the edge of the forest.

Winter: Guys, we need to call them! Let's shout together: December, January, February!

Snowflake: They won’t hear.

Winter: We'll try!

They scream. Nobody shows up.

Snowflake: I told you they won’t hear. You can sing a song about them. The song is sung loudly and can be heard far away. Shall we sing about them, guys?

Children sing the song “Three White Horses”:

The rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled,

And they got a little ruffled at home.

It's warm and damp in the city,

It's warm and damp in the city,

And outside the city it’s winter, winter, winter.

And they carry me away, and they carry me away

Into the ringing snowy distance

December, January and February!

Winter has opened its snowy arms,

And until spring everything sleeps here.

Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses,

Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses

Everyone is running, running, running towards me.

And they carry me away, and they carry me away

Into the ringing snowy distance

Three white horses, oh, three white horses -

December, January and February!

The rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled,

But I'm not afraid of frost.

It was in the city that I was sad,

And outside the city I laugh, laugh, laugh.

And they carry me away, and they carry me away

Into the ringing snowy distance

Three white horses, oh, three white horses -

December, January and February!

Throwing snowballs (they can be made from cotton wool) and pushing, the months run in.

January: It seems that we were called from here!

February: Children, did you call us?

Children: YES!


And here comes Zimushka.

Hello, winter-winter!

We were covered with white snow:

Both trees and houses.

The light-winged wind whistles -

Hello, winter-winter!


An intricate trail winds

From clearing to hill.

The hare printed this -

Hello, winter-winter!


We put up feeders for the birds,

We pour food into them,

And the birds sing in flocks -

Hello, winter-winter!*

Winter: Hello, my dear months, my helpers and friends! Why were you late? The guys have been gathering for a long time! Yes, and I arrived on time! And the birds will really need our feeders - they are hungry during my reign.


Poor birds are cold

The poor birds are hungry.

Mom and I will take some bread

And let's go outside.

We'll feed the birds,

Crumble the white bread.

There may be a snowstorm at night,

Peck, birds, quickly.

We need to help the birds

It is difficult for birds to winter.

Klest enters.

Crossbill: No problem, we can handle it! We hatch chicks even in February. The main thing is that there are cones in the forest. We seed cones with our beak - ONCE! - and click away! And the children are full, and we are happy!

Guys, I completely forgot to say hello to you! I am Klest. Straight from the forest. Hello! And I saw you for months - fooling around on the edge of the forest.

December: The weather is wonderful! We played snowballs! Let's go outside - it's freezing there!

January: The snowman had fun with us!

February: And now we left - he was the only one left!


Snowman, snowman

I'm used to living in the cold.

Don't be afraid for him

And in the frosty darkness

Leave alone

Starry winter night.

In the snowman's pipe

Frost instead of tobacco.

And armed with a broom,

He stands there, not breathing.

And the house clock rings

He hears through the walls.

Winter: Guys, let's really go play outside - these months are such fun! Snowflake, Klest, are you with us?

Snowflake: Well, of course!

December: Hooray! I announce the holiday “Fun of Zimushka-Winter!” Children, dress warmly, it's freezing outside. Then the game program takes place in the school yard - on the street. You need to make sure that children are dressed really warmly. It is not recommended to carry out the program in very severe frost.

Children go outside. The Snowman meets them at the porch.


I've been waiting for you for a long time,

It's not warm outside.

But I'm used to the cold

After all, my name is Snowman!

We'll have fun with you!

Let's run and frolic,

Well, so as not to freeze,

I suggest you play!

Game "Let's not freeze in the cold"

Children perform the movements mentioned in the poem.

Top, top in place -

Hands together, feet together,

Top, top, right, top, top, left,

They turned their heads: once, twice - they were tired.

Hands to the sides - one, two,

The head turns again -

Head to the right and left, one, two - I'm tired.

Jump in place, and again.

Raised one shoulder

They drew circles for them,

Here's another shoulder raised.

They lowered both - once!

The legs will start moving now.

Bend the right one like this,

Don't leave me alone

And on the left, jump and jump,

And then again.

Legs to the sides - one, two!

Let's not freeze in the cold!

So, has it become warmer?

If not, let's start over! With

Snowman: Have you warmed up?

Children: YES!

Snowflake: Well, hurry up and play then!

Winter: Who made this snowman? Points to a snowman made of snow.

Snowman: This is not a snowman, this is a snow woman - my friend. I blinded her so that I wouldn’t get bored. And now she will amuse you too!

Game “Defending the Snow Woman”

Participants are divided into two teams. One team defends a snow woman, the players of the other team try to hit it with a basketball. After three hits, the teams switch places.

December: Well, it’s not interesting to throw a ball. Why use a ball in winter when there are snowballs? Let's shoot at the target!

Game "Targets"

Several targets are drawn on a wall or fence, the teams stock up on snowballs and throw them at the targets from an agreed distance. The team with the most accuracy wins.

Winter: Well, you guys are spot on! Well done! Now let's see how strong you are.

Game "Who will knock down the giant"

A type of tug of war. The rope is passed through a snowman made from snow. At the leader's command, two teams begin a tug-of-war until the snowman falls. The team that caused the giant snowman to collapse lost.

Snowman: Ay-ay-ay, they broke my snowy woman! What a pity!

Snowflake: Don't be sad! Now we’re not just like a woman for you, we’ll fashion you the most fashionable girlfriend and as many children as you want. I also have outfits for them. He takes out hats, scarves, real buttons, and beads.

Game "Building snowmen"

Participants sculpt a snow woman and snowmen, dress and decorate them. It turns out to be a whole snow family!


What a fashionable family

These are not quilted jackets!

Hats, scarves, beads too -

Looks like magazine girls...

Snowman: I'm happy, now I have a family!

Winter: And my family - Frost and winter months...

December: Let's play the game that our Frost loves!

Game "Frost and the Sparrow"

Frost and sparrow are selected using a counting table:

One two three four five,

Frost was walking along the sidewalk,

The staff dropped into the ditch,

One two Three -

You took out the staff - naked!

A sparrow jumps along the branches,

He pecks grains from the ground,

Who will he point to now?

He goes to the driver.

All the rest are Christmas trees. Each “Christmas tree” draws a small circle around itself.

The game begins at the signal of the host, the sparrow runs away from Frost so that he does not freeze him. The sparrow can only escape under the tree by running into the circle of a player. As soon as he jumps into the circle, he becomes a Christmas tree, and the former “Christmas tree” becomes a sparrow. The new sparrow leaves the circle and seeks salvation under another tree.

January: Oh, they ran up! Look, Winter is carrying the sleigh.

Winter: While you were having fun, I conjured a sleigh - two sleighs! The next game is again only for the strong!

Game "Pull-pull"

Two ropes are tied to a pole, tree or stake dug into the ground. One player sits on the sled, each taking the free end of the rope in his hands. At the leader’s command, the players begin to pull themselves along the rope to the pole. The goth who gets to the pillar the fastest wins.

Only those who want to play!

Snowman: And I'll donate my broom for another game!

Game "Snow Riders"

There are pins placed on the court. You need to “ride” between them on a broom, without dropping or touching the pins. The game can be played as a team relay race.

Snowflake: You guys are so fast and funny!

Winter: For some reason the frost is getting stronger. It's probably time to go to school!!!

January: Wait, Winter! We're about to find ourselves in a fairy tale!

Game-sketch “Improvised fairy tale”

Children pull out pieces of paper with the names of the characters: Santa Claus, maple, birch, clearing, stump, ice, New Year, Christmas trees, moon, hares.

Everyone else sings the song “Santa Claus Walked Through the Forest.” Those who got the roles portray their characters according to the text.

Santa Claus walked through the forest

Past the maples and birches,

Past the clearings, past the stumps,

I walked through the forest for eight days.

He walked through the forest -

I decorated the Christmas trees with beads.

On this New Year's night

He'll take them down for the boys.

There is silence in the clearings,

The yellow moon is shining...

All the trees are silver

Hares are dancing on the mountain,

The ice sparkles on the pond,

New Year is coming!

Everyone enters the school. They change into dry clothes and drink hot tea.

Scenario extracurricular activity

"Meeting Winter"

Leading: Hello dear guests! Today we have gathered here to celebrate the coldest time of the year - winter-winter! What a wonderful time of year it is! Nature seems to be resting in a fairytale dream. People call winter: Winter, Zimushka, Zimonka, Zimishka (frail), Zimischa (strict, long), Winter the sorceress.

Winter is truly a magician, it transforms the world, bewitches it; She is able to paint with one white paint, but in how many shades.
We are all bored and waiting for winter, because this year it has been coming to us for a very long time and has finally come.

Guys, do you like winter? Why do you love winter? Do you want winter to come visit us?

Soon, soon he will rush to you, he will fly in the snowstorms

And it will draw you in, swirl you around, cover the earth with snow,

And trees, and houses, and her name... in unison - Winter

Let's call her:

- Winter-winter!

Winter comes out. In all white, at the back there is a translucent cape with snowflakes attached (the cape can be made from tulle), and on the head is a crown of snowflakes.

I will paint the branches with white paint,

I'll throw silver on your roof

Warm winds will come in spring

And they will drive me out of the yard.

Winter: Hello my little friends!

Children: Hello, winter!

Winter: I am very glad that you look forward to seeing me every year.

I came to you from the far north and not alone, my assistants came with me - the winter months.Have you guessed who they are and what their names are?

December: Hello, dear children!

January: Girls and boys!

February: We are the winter months.

December: I am the first winter month - December, they say about me: jelly, the cap of winter. The forest inhabitants fell asleep under my warm snow blanket. Fish and frogs sleep in ponds and rivers. A bear sleeps in a den. How can they not sleep, because December is the most short days and the longest nights.

January: And I am January, mid-winter. My frosts are severe. There is a lot of snow in January, so it’s good to sleep under the snow! It’s also good to wear warm fur coats, but the birds in the forest are cold and hungry. They fly closer to human habitation. Children! Hang up the feeders and add food.

February: Well, I, February – the popular name – is fierce. I am angry, cold and windy, I don’t want to give up my rights to spring. I'm last month winter! My snowstorm has been raging all day long.

Winter: These are my assistants, I would be nowhere without them. They come to you in turns, first December, then January, and then February.

Leading: Stay with us for the holiday, sit with the guys.

Today, you and I will have fun and play.

Winter: Guys, what do you know about me, show me your knowledge. You are ready?

Children: Yes!

Winter: Then guess my riddles first.

Leading: It's our pleasure! Yes, guys!

Children: YES!

Winter: Well, listen then:

1. What only happens in winter

And covers the whole earth?

Every person knows

What happens in winter... (Snow)

2. What happened to the river?

It's like she turned to stone!

It's just slippery all around,

After all, the river was covered... (with ice)

3. He comes from the sky in winter,

Falls on you and me,

As leaves fall in autumn,

It's winter...(snowfall)

4. Everything around became slippery

Be careful friend!

And whoever is not careful will immediately fall,

After all, it’s outside today.... (ice)

5. It's minus 20 outside today

You need to dress warmer

So that your ears, cheeks, and nose do not freeze

After all, outside...(frost)

6. The cold season has come,

The entire river was covered with ice

And trees and houses

Covered everything with snow….(winter)

Winter: What a great fellow you are! Do you know poems about winter?

Leading : Of course, Winter, the guys really love poems about winter. Please tell me guys.

Winter: You guys are great! I liked your poems so much.

( there is a knock on the door)

Leading: Who's knocking on the doors there?

Leading: Can. Sign in.

The Snowman appears.


Guys, I'm the Snowman.

I'm used to snow and cold.

You blinded me cleverly:

Instead of a nose there is a carrot.

Coals instead of eyes,

The hat is an old basin.

They gave me a broom in my hands -

But this is of little use!

I have to admit, I'm tired of it

Stand alone with nothing to do.

I'm not an ordinary snowman,

Curious, mischievous.

I want to know what guys

They do it in winter.

Guys: We make slides. We go sledding.

Snowman: What else do you do in winter?

Guys: We make snowmen and play snowballs.

Snowman: And I love playing in the snow. Let's play!

Leading: Wait, Snowman. How will the kids play in the snow?

Snowman: How? Handles, how else!

Leading: But they will freeze. And children can get sick!

Snowman: Ah, I didn't think about that.

Leading: Guys, what should you wear to prevent your hands from freezing?

Children answer .

Leading: That's right, mittens! Look, you have one mitten on your chairs, and I have the other mittens, but they are mixed up. Let's quickly find a pair for our mitten!

Game find a pair. Children take one mitten, run up to the table with mittens and look for a second pair of their mittens.

Leading: That's how great our guys are!

Leading: Tell me, what else should I wear outside in winter?

Children's answers.

Winter: Well, that's it, now are you ready to play in the snow?

Children: YES!

Snowball game. Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a certain number of cotton wool snowballs. The music turns on. Children throw snowballs to the music. When the music ends, the game stops.

Winter: You see how fun it is to play in winter! What else do you play in winter?

Snowman. Well done, guys! You throw snowballs deftly!


It's time for us to part.

Goodbye, kids!

I'm a snow sentinel:

Where you are placed, stay there!

In the morning you will come to my garden -

You will find me at the post...

And to the music now

I'll take you home.

Winter: Guys, do you probably know proverbs and sayings about me?


- January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.

- New Year's turn to spring.

- Frost and iron tears and hits the bird in flight.

- Winter will ask what summer has in store.

- Summer gathers, winter eats up.

- The Russian blizzard spreads like silk.

- February is a fierce month, he asks how he is wearing shoes.

- December is the end of the year, the beginning of winter.

Winter: How smart you all are!

Winter: And now I want to invite my snowflakes to dance.

We are snowflakes, we are fluffs,
We don't mind spinning around.
We are ballerina snowflakes
We dance day and night.
Let's stand together in a circle -
It turns out to be a snowball.

Winter: Thank you my snowflakes.

Leading: And now, guys, let's remember and sing songs about winter. We listen to music, remember the words and sing. And you, winter, listen to the guys, how they can sing.

Winter: Well done, guys! How talented you all are.

Leading: It’s winter, the guys have prepared and want to show a dramatization of Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”

Jumping Dragonfly
The red summer sang,
I didn’t have time to look back,
How winter rolls into your eyes.
The pure field has died,
There are no more bright days,
Like under every leaf
Both the table and the house were ready.

Everything has passed: with the cold winter
Need, hunger comes,
The dragonfly no longer sings,
And who cares?
Sing on a hungry stomach!
Angry melancholy,
She crawls towards the Ant:

Don't leave me, dear godfather!
Let me gather my strength
And only until spring days
Feed and warm!

Gossip, this is strange to me:
Did you work during the summer?
Ant tells her.

Was it before that, my dear?
In our soft ants -
Songs, playfulness every hour,
So much so that it turned my head.

Oh, so you...

I sang all summer without a soul.

Did you sing everything? This business:
So come and dance!

Winter: And finally, I want to play with you. The game is called “Snowball.” Everyone stood in a circle and passed the “snowball” to each other and said the words:

We're all rolling a snowball,

We all count to five -

One two three four five -

(sing a song, dance, guess a riddle...)

Winter: Guys, it turns out that you not only know how to recite poetry, sing songs, dance, but also draw, I saw what wonderful drawings you drew. And I would like to reward the best. (awarding)

Winter: Well done boys! I really liked it with you, it turns out that you really love me and are waiting for me and know a lot about me. And now, it’s time for me and my winter months to hit the road. We still have a lot of work ahead. Goodbye, guys! See you again!

Guys: Goodbye winter!

Leading: With this our holiday has come to an end, thanks to everyone for their active participation. Well done!

Scenario of entertainment “Winter-winter” for preparatory and senior groups:

Target: Create a joyful festive atmosphere.


To consolidate children's knowledge about winter and winter phenomena.

Develop figurative, expressive speech of children;


The path is covered with white fluff. How clear the air is in winter!

I’ll stand and admire for a while how the snowflakes fly above me!

Winter scatters them everywhere, giving everyone a silvery outfit.

It’s as if a fairy tale comes to life around you, and snowflakes are spinning and flying!

Both adults and children love winter! That’s why they call it affectionately – winter-winter!


Dear guys, today we have gathered in this hall to welcome Winter! Tell me, what winter months do you know?


December, January and February.


Right! And every month of winter is different. December is the first month. The month of the first snow and everyone's favorite holiday - New Year. January is a holiday of Christmas, winter games and fun. February is the last and most severe, frosty month of winter. In February there are snowstorms and blizzards. In winter everything is white and beautiful!


How many of you can say what kind of winter it is? Let's try to describe it:

Children's answers: (frosty, white, silver, cold, icy, snowy, beautiful, sparkling)


Right! She's such a beauty! And she is also cheerful, because she brings with her a lot of joy, fun, games, and holidays. So tell me, what games can we play in winter?

- Children's answers (playing snowballs, making a snowman, sliding down a hill, skating, sledding, skiing, building a fortress).


That's how much fun winter has. You probably can't wait to see our guest. Let's call her to us:


Winter, come!

Bring us a snowball

We will play with you

Have fun and dance!

All together: Winter, come!

Winter enters the hall to the music.


Hello guys! I heard you calling me, I’m very glad that I’m a welcome guest with you! And I'm happy to meet you.


You are such a talented artist – how you decorated everything! Guys, it’s true, it’s beautiful all around - everything sparkles, glitters, When will you see something like this again? Zimushka - winter, the children are very happy to see you and want to give you poems:

Favorite winter

Beautiful winter
It's freezing outside.
I'll get dressed quickly
and as warm as possible!
I'll put on gloves
My mother knitted them for me.
And a fur hat
I will pull stubbornly.

The whole lake is covered in ice,
The trees turn silver
And everything around is covered in snow,
And I'll go for a ride.

I'll ski down
quickly from the steep mountain,
I'll go sledding
And, falling, I will warm myself.

How I love winter!
Perhaps this is strange.
There are times of the year
Where the rain comes unexpectedly.
When the mushrooms grow
And the buds swell.
When they bloom in the garden
Beautiful flowers.

Winter is the most beautiful!
It may be cold, but still
Blush, more fun,
It looks like a holiday!


Wonderful poems, this is a very valuable gift for me! I also prepared many different surprises for you. When you meet me on the street, we play snowballs, make a snow woman, but here, in this room, we won’t be bored. Do you want to play? Then let's begin!

The game "Snowdrifts" is being played

Divide the children into two teams. In front of the teams are two circles of whatman paper. Standing on one circle, take another and put it in front of you - stand on it. The action is repeated until the child reaches the Christmas tree through the snowdrifts. You need to run back to the team and pass the snowdrifts to the next one.


Guys, I brought you snowballs, let's play.

The game "Snowballs" is being played

“Snow” lumps are scattered on the floor. Each team has its own basket. At a signal, children collect “lumps” into a basket. The team with the most “lumps” in its basket wins.

The game “Dress up the Christmas tree” is being played

The outline of a Christmas tree is drawn on two Whatman papers, and there are markers in the cups. To the music, the children begin to dress it up (draw balloons). Whose team draws the most balls on the Christmas tree wins.

"Snow Fight"

Place tinsel on the floor. The teams stand on either side of it. The teams are given snowballs equally. A snow fight begins to the music. As soon as the music ends, the half whose team has the least amount of snowballs is counted. This team wins.

Winter :

Now listenpuzzles:

1. As soon as there is a breath of winter, they are always with you.

Two sisters keep you warm. What are their names? (Mittens).

2. In a round dance of colorful masks there are characters from different fairy tales.

They are having fun and circling, what kind of holiday is this? (Masquerade).

3. I live under the very roof, it’s even scary to look down.

I could live higher if there were roofs there. (Icicle).

4. He is always busy with work, he cannot go in vain.

He goes and paints white everything he sees along the way. (Snow) .

5. Fish live warmly during the winter

The roof is thick glass. (Ice).

6. The village is in white velvet - both fences and trees.

And when the wind attacks, this velvet falls off. (Rime).

7. Two snub-nosed girlfriends will not leave each other.

Both run through the snow, both sing songs. (Skis) .

8. First you fly at them from the mountain,

And then you pull them up the hill. (Sled) .

9. I powdered the paths and decorated the windows.

She gave the children joy and gave them a sledding ride. (Winter) .

10. The stars swirled in the air a little.

They sat down and melted on my palm. (Snowflakes).

Presenter :

Well done guys completed the task.

Game "Magic Snowflake"


I invite everyone to stand in a circle. While the music is playing, we pass the snowflake, as soon as the music stops, whoever has the snowflake in their hands completes the task (sing, dance, recite a poem, etc.).


Guys, let's sing a song for the winter.

Song "Winter Song"


Well done, guys! I'm so interested in you! But it’s time for me to go outside - add snow, whiten the trees - I have a lot to do! I'll see you outside - just dress warmly! Goodbye, guys!

Teachers hand out candy.

1. Summarize and repeat students’ knowledge about winter;
2. Develop memory, thinking, imagination, develop auditory perception;
3. Develop creative abilities;

Progress of the lesson:

Children's songs are played. The children are seated. Dear guys, today we have gathered for the holiday of welcoming winter, which is called “Hello, Zimushka-Winter”.

The holiday will be held in the form of competitions between teams. 5 teams participate in the competition.

Team "Snowflake"

Team "Snowman"

Team "Icicle"

Team "Sugroby"

Parents Team

Let the struggle rage on

Stronger competition.

Success is not decided by fate,

But only our knowledge.

Meet the jury.

So, our competition begins.

The first competition is a competition for the best reader of poems about winter.

Host: Where is Winter itself?

(Music by P. Tchaikovsky “Seasons. Winter” sounds) Against its background:

Troika, troika has arrived

The horses in that trio are white

And the queen sits in the sleigh

White-haired, white-faced

How she waved her sleeve,

Everything was covered in silver.

Winter appears.

Winter: Aw! I'm here! Hello! Winter has come to you. I covered the forests, meadows, fields and paths with a white blanket.

And for you guys, I brought riddles.

Where are my assistant snowflakes?

Give the kids riddles

(Snowflakes give riddles to the teams)

Riddles competition.

Host: Winter has come... Outside the windows,

Where are the black fir trees,

Fluffy and light

Snowflakes are flying,

They fly, flutter, spin

Fluffy ones fly

And white soft lace

They wrap up the garden.

Winter: Well, my dear snowflakes, dance for us.

(Dance of snowflakes)

Presenter: Thank you, Zimushka - winter! Thank you, snowflakes! You are welcome on our holiday. Dear Zimushka, we have prepared a gift for you.

(The song “Hello, guest - winter” is performed.

Winter: Thank you, guys, for the gift. I’m very glad that you were waiting for me.

Presenter: Zimushka, you have an honorable place on the jury. Sit down please.

How nice the fluffy snow is,

Flying from above!

He hangs on the branches

Like white flowers.

Icicles ring in silence -

Crystal Shards

The rivers fell asleep under the ice

Fields sleep under the snow

Draws frost in the morning

Patterns on the window.

Friends, have a good winter

Today in the yard!

(Knock. Postman Pechkin enters)

Guys! Telegram from Santa Claus!

Host: What is he writing?

Congratulations on the Winter holiday. I can’t come, I’m preparing for the New Year. I’m sending an assignment.

Competition Draw winter patterns.

(The whole team draws. Each participant makes his own stroke)

Host: In the meantime, the teams are busy. The fans and I will dance the dance of the little ducklings.

The works are submitted for evaluation by the jury.

Metelitsa appears to cheerful music.

Host: Who came to us?

I'm walking in the field

I fly free

I'm spinning, I'm muttering

I don't want to know anything.

Host: Yes, it's a snowstorm! Guys, let's welcome her. Let's sing her the song "Snow Song"

Blizzard brought assignments for a math competition. (Ingenuity tasks)

While the teams are busy, we'll see how our fans know math.

1. Two chickens are standing

Two are sitting in a shell.

Six eggs lie under the wing of a hen

Count back,

Answer quickly

How many chickens will my hen have?

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!

They ran away in all directions

Seven kids.

Alone in the woods

The other one is behind the haystack,

And the third kid

Hid in a barrel.

How many kids are there in the hut?

3. Grandma put it in the oven

Pies with cabbage in the oven,

For Natasha, Kolya, Vova

The pies are ready

Yes, one more pie

The cat dragged him onto the bench.

Yes, there are 4 pieces in the oven

The grandchildren are counting the pies.

4. The fishermen are sitting

Guard the floats.

Fisherman Korney

I caught three perch.

Fisherman Evsey –

Four crucian carp,

And the fisherman Mikhail

I caught two catfish.

How many fish from the river

Trained by fishermen?

Presenter: Well done!

The nature of our country is rich and diverse. On land, in the air, in the water and under water - life is in full swing everywhere. This life is full of secrets, riddles, miracles. There are so many interesting things you can see if you look closely at everything. The next competition is called “Bring the Mask to Life.”

Guess which animal or bird mask is in these bags. And then depict this animal or bird, show its habits, way of life.

1 team:

Clumsy, clubfooted

In summer there are raspberries, honey,

And in winter he sucks his paw.

Team 2:

Small, white

Jump-jump along the forest,

One by one, one snowball at a time.

Team 3:

From branch to branch

Fast as a ball

Jumping through the forest

Red-haired circus performer.

Here he is on the fly

I tore off the cone

Jumped on the trunk

And he ran into the hollow.

Team 4:

The little animal is jumping,

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

And a mosquito and a fly.

Team 5:

Scarlet comb,

The pockmarked caftan,

Double beard

Important gait

Host: And now, guys, let’s sing the song “Why does the bear sleep in winter.”

We are all happy about the pranks of Mother Winter.

Children love to sculpt a snow woman, skate and ski.

In warm fur coats and earflaps

Snowy winter times

Kids on a fast sled

A steep mountain rushes like a whirlwind.

Children's faces in the wind

They flared up like red.

Let the prickly snow gather dust,

Let the angry frost be angry -

The guys don't care at all.

The Snowman enters.

Host: Guys, who came to us for the holiday?

Dashingly moving it on one side

rust bucket,

Leaned on the fence

Snowman Egorka.

He invites people

Drive down the hill into the garden.

His nose is on fire

Fun and bright.

It's freezing outside,

And Egorka is hot!

Host: Guys, the Snowman wants to hold the last competition with you. There are snowballs in this bag. Now the Snowman will scatter them throughout the hall. Which team will collect more snowballs?

The snowman whistles.

(At the signal they begin to collect snowballs)

The collected snowballs are counted by the Snowman for each team.

Host: Our holiday has come to an end. Thank you very much, dear children and dear parents, for your participation.

In the meantime, our jury is summing up the results, we will sing the song “Our Ian’s Choir.”

The jury's word. Rewarding. Sweet prizes.

Children and parents leave the hall to the music.

Extracurricular event on the topic: Winter, 2nd grade

Scenario New Year's holiday V primary school"Hello, winter-winter"

The script is a theatrical performance. The majority of the text is of a poetic nature, one scene follows another, so students independently carry out this event, and the teacher performs only an auxiliary function.
The scenario was developed for elementary school students. Adapts to any age of students (from 7-10 years). Suitable for teacher and educator work. It is advisable to hold this event at the beginning of winter, on the eve of the New Year.
Personally, I organized this holiday several times with students of different ages. Everything was always successful and interesting, each class brought something new and special to the scenario.
This event is not only entertaining, but also educational. In addition to songs and dances, repetition of material about winter is included: winter months, features of the life of animals and plants, folk signs.
Purpose of the event:
Create an atmosphere holiday, promote cohesion among the student body;
develop the ability to read poetry expressively;
cultivate a love for winter and winter traditions;
develop attention and creativity;
to foster student activity and interest in reading;
improve connections between family and school by involving parents in joint class activities with their children.
Leading: Hello guys! Today we will talk to you about the most beautiful and fabulous time of the year! And what exactly it is, you will find out after listening to the poem.

Winter is coming along the roads,
Sneaks like a fox
Covered everything with snowdrifts,
Snow covered the forests.

It's quiet in the forest thicket,
The winter dressmaker entered.
The birches are very happy
“Thank you for the outfits!”

Fluffy and white
Winter outfits made
And for forests and fields -
Let them be warmer!

To all the trees in the forest,
Winter gave us handkerchiefs,
And dressed them in fur coats -
I'm having fun!

So, what time of year are we going to talk about today? Who should we invite to our party? (winter)

Guys, tell me, by what sign do we recognize winter? (first snow)
- Exactly right!
(Music plays, the child recites a poem, the children perform a dance)
The first snowflakes.
The first snowflakes are spinning in the air,
They will fall to the ground, but will not lie still.
The first snowflakes on your hand will melt...
They chill, worry and remind,
That winter days are about to come,
It's time to prepare the sleds and skates.
The first snowflakes - hello from winter,
It’s like they’re checking whether you’re waiting or not.
-Well, now it’s time for winter to come to us for a holiday!
(An excerpt from the song “Snow Song” plays, winter comes out)

Winter : Well, I came to visit you, but not alone, but with my brothers.
Listen to the song and say who they are.
(excerpt from the song “Three White Horses” sounds)
-Of course, these are the winter months! So let's meet them!
(winter months come out)
Guys, tell me what month starts me and what year ends me? (December)
And here he is. People say about it that December is the tail of the year.

Leading: guys, listen to what December tells us about itself, and tell us what interesting things it brings us, what makes us happy?
(child recites a poem)

In December, in December
All the trees are silver
Our river, like in a fairy tale,
The frost paved the way overnight,
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

Winter: What does he do to make us happy?
December has siblings. Tell me, what month is the beginning of the year, and what is the middle for me? (January)
- January has many popular names: January-nose of the year, January-first-born of the year, January-cut, i.e. cuts winter exactly in half.

Leading: Listen to what January tells us about itself, and tell me what this month brings us?
(child recites a poem)

The sun is shining, but it’s not warming at all,
The beam sparkles, shines silver.
The whole nature seems to freeze
Before the harsh snowy January.
You are not angry about the stormy January -
For the most important month of cold weather:
So that everything would be wonderful in winter
I put in a lot of my work.

Winter: But the third brother, although he has a capricious character, is kinder and gentler than his brothers. What month is this? (February)
- People say affectionately about February that it is the tail of winter. They also say that February closes the winter - it shows the way to spring.
Host: And now the youngest brother, February, will tell about himself. Listen carefully and think about what makes this month special?
(child recites a poem)

The winds blow in February
The pipes howl loudly.
Like a snake rushes along the ground
Light drifting snow.
Cool February evening
The snowstorm is sweeping, sweeping,
And it seems like forever
Stacks of snow lie.

Winter: All three brothers work together for me.

The sun is full of bright caress,
Everything sparkles, like in a wonderful fairy tale,
The mirror pond is immovable
Under cover of ice!

Leading : Guys, winter tells us that it is so beautiful, but look, everything outside is covered in snow, the sun doesn’t warm up at all, and it’s freezing at night. Maybe winter isn't like that good time years, we think? (girl comes out)

Scene No. 1.

Masha (capriciously stamps her foot):
Snow fell on the ground again.
It would be better if he disappeared forever!
I really don't like winter
And I can't stand the cold.

Kolya (happily):
In winter with a group of friends
We can play hockey!
Have you ever hit a puck with a stick?
Try playing hockey with your girlfriend.
And then you will understand yourself,
How good our winter is.
Masha: Are you crazy, Kolya?
I found a hockey player for me too!
I love collecting flowers
And dance, not like you
Ride around the skating rink
Swinging a club while running.

Lena approaches.
Lena (admiringly):
Snow fell early, in November.
It became beautiful in the yard.
Between houses from now on
There is a sparkling carpet.

You, Lena, surprise me.
Do you also approve of winter?

Lena (nodding her head in agreement):
I really like to draw
I want to become an artist.
I love winter landscapes
I sculpt a statue out of snow.

Masha (wrapping herself in a scarf):
But what about the evil cold?

Well, the cold is not a problem at all.
There is a coat and scarf for this.

So it turns out that I'm right
Excellent living in winter!

Look at her!
Look at him!
(grabs his head.)
In winter there is snow, blizzard, frost.
Sometimes he bites you to tears.
Icy ground...
No, I hate winter!
Masha leaves.
Kolya (with relief in his voice):
I'm glad Masha left.
How can you not love winter?
Nice in snowy weather
Skiing through the forest
Or go down the hill on a sled...

Lena (picks up):
And how much joy and laughter
Brings New Year to people!
Yes, you can really dislike
Blizzards and snowdrifts,
But you need to spend your time interestingly,
So as not to suffer in winter, but to rejoice.
-Guys, now tell me, whose opinion do you agree with? With the opinion of Kolya and Lena or with the opinion of Masha.

And why?
-Okay, now……..he’ll tell you why he loves winter!
(child recites a poem)

Sliding down an icy slide
On the open ice of the river,
Write threes and eights
Our sharp skates.
We'll cut it into patterns
Let's trace the surface of the river
Good pine, fresh
Breathe snowy air!

Winter: (Story “On the Hill” - conversation)
-Well done!

Leading: The Russian people have long loved winter! You can go sledding and play in the snow. And on long winter evenings, under the howling of a blizzard, you can listen to fairy tales and sing songs.
(buffoons come out)

Guys, let's invite our guest to the winter forest!
There are many wonders in the winter forest, but each season has its own special ones.
-Now listen to the poem and think about what we can only observe in the winter forest?
(children recite a poem)

So many miracles
Cleverly hides the winter forest!
How many different traces there are in it!
Are you ready for a walk?

Fox trail like a mongrel
Here she walked heavily -
Covered the trail with her tail,
So that they don't find it later.

The fox trail led us to an oak tree.
And under the oak tree in the windfall,
On dry grass, straw,
The bear is sleeping! Don't wake me up.
Better leave right away!

Let's follow other tracks
We'll find something near the mountain
Clear the snow and you will find lingonberries
The berry is purple in appearance.

Like a winter picture -
There is a rowan tree on the mountain
Both the bullfinch and the waxwing
They flock to her in a snowstorm.
The wolf howls gloomily in winter
Zaitsev is looking under the mountain.

So, what can we find in the winter forest?
-Can we observe this at other times of the year?
- Guys, do you think it’s easy for forest dwellers in the winter? (No)
-And why? (it is difficult for them to find food, there are severe frosts in winter)
- That’s right, animals have a very difficult time in winter, they live cold and hungry.
-Now they themselves will talk about their life in winter. Do you listen carefully and think about how animals adapt to life in winter?

Scene No. 2.

The Squirrel and the Hare come out.
Squirrel (looks at the Hare, touches him):
I see you changed your clothes,
After all, in the summer you walked in a gray fur coat.
Hare (looks at himself):
No, I just shed a lot.
(looks at the squirrel)
You, Belka, have shed your hair yourself.
And your usual red color
You changed it to gray. Is not it so?

Squirrel (waves her hand, showing how upset she is):
Eh, I'm not happy with this color.
Let it be summer again soon!

Hare (calms Squirrel):
You shouldn’t scold the gray color -
He will protect you.

Before winter we all
The fur has become thicker and longer.
Wintering is difficult for animals.
We will be warmer in the forest with him.

Hare (shows in fear):
Look, the Fox and the Wolf are coming.
Hurry up and hide under a bush!

The Squirrel and the Hare are hiding behind a snowdrift.
The Fox and the Wolf come out.
Wolf (looking around):
I know hares live here.
I saw the tracks here yesterday.

Fox (looks up):
And the squirrels' tail among the branches
Flashed... Look, look quickly!

What is there?

It seemed
It was as if the branch was swaying.

Wolf (seeing a snowdrift, he approaches it):
And that's right, there is no one here.
A snowdrift - nothing more.

Fox (waving his hand):
The wind shook the branch,
The snow fell to the ground.

Can't find them here now.
Let's go look in the neighboring forest.

The Fox and the Wolf leave.
The Squirrel and the Hare get out.

Squirrel (joyfully):
Hooray! They didn't find us!

And you cursed at your color.
in winter better colors No.

Squirrel (spinning around):
It's good that we shed!
We are saving our lives with this.

But life is difficult for us anyway!
It's not easy for us to find food!
I gnaw the bark from the trees,
And at night I dream about grass.

With a scythe, I stocked up for the winter:
I dried the berries in a hollow.
Nuts are folded in a bag.

Do you squirrels have a place to store food?
And we have to wander.
The tracks are all visible in the snow.

You, Bunny, don’t push too hard,
And you confuse your tracks!
Sometimes I run into the haystacks in the village.
Eat dry grass.
But there is a big army of dogs there.
And if I look into the kindergarten -
I gnaw the bark of an apple tree.
The gardener wraps the trunks,
So that we don't eat the bark.

Yes, Bunny, it’s hard for everyone in winter

But we will help each other
So that better time while away.

I think that now you are all convinced that winter is a very difficult time for forest dwellers. But they do not lose heart.
-Unfortunately, it’s time for us to leave the winter forest.

The Squirrel, the Hare, the Wolf and the Fox come out.
(Hold hands.)

We were glad to see you now. And we will be glad again. Come to our wonderful forest, next winter!

Winter: Thank you for a wonderful walk through the winter forest.
Well, in gratitude I brought you in my fairy-tale casket - riddles that we will now try to guess. Listen carefully!

1. The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm.

2.He was a black cloud at first,
He lay down in white fluff on the forest,
Covered the whole earth with a blanket,
And in the spring it completely disappeared.

3.Draws without hands,
Bites without teeth.

4. Say “thank you” to the frost
Over a bridge that looks like glass.
Fish will live under it in winter,
It's warm under this bridge.

5. Not snow, not ice,
And with silver he will remove the trees.

6. It grows upside down,
It grows not in summer, but in winter.
But the sun will bake her -
She will cry and die.
7.Plump, soft and big
Stand with one foot in it:
He will swallow it quickly.
He is in a radiant radiance -
The sun is shining, it hurts the look.
We need to take a running jump.
In a pile of snow, heavy - bang.
Hello, dear...

8.Together they rolled a snowball,
And then they took the second lump.
Let's bet on whom together
We need to roll our heads!
Let's also find carrots
It requires skill.
Who is on whom, and on top - who!
To be you...

Well done!
Leading: - You and I have already talked a lot about winter. We found out that this is a wonderful, fabulous time of year.
-That is why many poets wrote poems about winter.
-For example, the well-known poem by A.S. Pushkin “Winter Morning”:

...In the evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
There was darkness in the cloudy sky;
The moon is like a pale spot
Through the dark clouds it turned yellow,
And you sat sad -
And now...look out the window:
Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets,
Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river glitters under the ice...

What other poets wrote poems about winter? (Fet, Yesenin, Surikov, Marshak, Tyutchev)
-Fine. So let's give winter a few poems!
-So, the first poem

You are no longer old, autumn,
Shine with cobwebs.
The snow falls and falls like swan fluff.
And the fields and trees became white.
And the village salutes with smoke from the chimneys.

Well done! And now for the next poem. (Pushkin)

...Neater than fashionable parquet
The river shines, covered in ice.
Boys are a joyful people
Skates cut the ice noisily;

A heavy goose on red paws,
Having decided to sail across the bosom of the waters,
Steps carefully onto the ice,
Slips and falls; funny
The first snow is flickering and curling,
Stars, falling on the shore.

Well done! And now for the next poem.

“White fluffy snow” (Surikov)

White fluffy snow
Spinning in the air
And the ground is quiet
Falls, lies down.
And in the morning snow
The field turned white
Like a veil
Everything dressed him.

Dark forest with a hat
Covered up weird
And fell asleep under her
Strong, unstoppable.
The days have become shorter
The sun shines little.
Here come the frosts,
And winter has come.

Well done! And now for the next poem.

"Birch" (Yesenin)
White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.
And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
Sprinkles branches
New silver.

Well done! Next poem. (Yesenin)

Winter sings and echoes,
The shaggy forest lulls
The ringing sound of a pine forest.
All around with deep melancholy
Sailing to a distant land
Gray clouds.
And there's a snowstorm in the yard
It spreads like a silk carpet.
- With this beautiful poem we conclude our event. Well, all the poems that were sung at our holiday, as well as stories, you can find in the books that are presented at our exhibition. And we say goodbye to you. See you again!

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