Where did the expression go to the panel come from? An example from life: how a girl, due to circumstances, was forced to go to a panel

As one might expect, most liberals believe that the subject of purchase and sale in prostitution is sex itself. Therefore, legalization is a panacea for all problems associated with prostitution: being taken from the street to a clean brothel room, under vigilant social and medical control and security, a prostitute will turn from a pathetic, despised creature into a respectable market subject, a taxpayer and a potential pensioner. There will be a general dissolution of the air, heavy shackles will fall, prisons will collapse and freedom... well, you understand.

Skeptics pointed out that legalization took place in many countries before, but it was not possible to achieve good air quality. Optimists responded that it was unattainable in previous times, when the church-patriarchal society stigmatized the prostitute and stigmatized her. The branded and stigmatized prostitute attracted a corresponding clientele; Having gotten used to looking at herself as the scum of society, she was drawn to scum, etc. Now, in the age of social progress and sexual revolution, everything must change.

Legalization was introduced - and it turned out that crap, nothing has changed, around the brothels there is still a hotbed of crime, among the prostitutes themselves there is alcoholism and drugs, and even trafficking has not decreased. The authorities of many countries where legalization has been introduced are thinking about how to cancel it back, or at least significantly limit it.

Meanwhile, people who worked with prostitutes back in the days of that legalization - doctors, police officers, social workers (in those days, mostly representatives of the Church) noted that, despite all the differences in social status and “backstories” of active prostitutes, everyone They, despite their general mental health and sanity, have a certain common feature, a fatal flaw, which allowed people like Lombroso or Weininger to talk about the “prostitute type.” Most of those people were not psychologists, and if they were, then psychology was only taking its first steps, and Chesterton, branding the desire of the doctors of that time to discover the “criminal skull,” hit not the eyebrow, but the eye. But you can’t argue with empirics. Yes, the majority of prostitutes come from the poorest strata of the population (from 52 to 90%, depending on the country), but not all poor people prostitute. Yes, many in childhood and adolescence were subjected to violence, including sexual violence (from 30 to 69%, depending on the country, again) - but not all victims of child abuse later go to trial. Yes, many are uneducated (about 80% of prostitutes in post-Soviet countries have secondary or even incomplete secondary education) - but there are also educated ones! In a word, something is wrong in them, in themselves. The social environment puts pressure on many - but for some reason it squeezes precisely these...

Years of field research in different countries independently confirmed that the same mysterious X-factor had been found, which, coupled with social and economic problems, pushes women to the panel. This factor is mental dissociation with one’s body. A person does not feel his body as part of his “I”; in especially severe forms this is called desomatization, when a person really does not feel his body.

Dissociation, like many mental disorders, is a mental defense that at some point saved a person from unbearable bodily experiences (here we remember about abuse, poverty and other “related factors” from the childhood of prostitutes), but at some point replaced normal human reactions.

A prostitute agrees to make a commodity out of her body because she doesn’t feel it’s hers, that’s the whole point. Moments of shame, humiliation, pain, social stigmatization - all this does not happen to the prostitute herself. She “throws away” her body and lives separately from it. But the body “overtakes” her, the pain returns - and a new dissociation session is required. Hence two seemingly irreconcilably contradictory facts from the mental life of a begging duck: she is incapable of a full orgasm - and at the same time she is looking for more and more new partners.

A prostitute tends to self-destruction, and alcohol and drugs are frequent companions in her life. This also leads to the fact that prostitutes often enter into destructive relationships with pimps.

This is what makes prostitution an act that is immoral at its very core: the client is not buying sex, not bodily pleasure, not release, as prostitution lawyers claim - he is buying an act of self-destruction of a woman. And taking into account the fact that the client himself often needs therapy, we have an act that is doubly immoral: the addict pays the suicider for the right to participate in suicide.

and, f.


[Panelel panel, cladding]

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1. Pedestrian path on both sides of the street, sidewalk.

2. Special Wood paneling or painting (usually wood-like) on the lower part of the walls of a room.

Walnut panel. Oak panels in offices.

3. A large slab that is a ready-made element of a structure during prefabricated construction.

House made of panels.

4. Tech. Part of an installation, unit, device on which components, parts, equipment are mounted.

Control panel instruments in a car.


Inform. In systems with a graphical user interface: an area of ​​the display enclosed by a frame and designed to house specific information or controls.

Graphic editor toolbar. Formatting panel in a word processor. Press the button on the panel. Display all available commands on the panel. Arrange multiple panels on one line.

task bar

See (4 digits).

control Panel

A panel containing tools for configuring the operating system, programs and computer devices.


Those. Flat shaped electronic device.

Replace the cathode ray tube monitor with an LCD panel.

plasma panel

A screen on which an image is formed from point discharges arising between the electrodes.

Razg. Become a prostitute. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 241; BTS, 778.

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  • - panel - ...

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  • - – 1) in the underground development of mineral deposits - part of the mine field step of a flat layer, limited by the fall or rise of Ch. drifts or one chapter roadway and one of the borders...

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  • - 1) a large-sized flat element of a factory-made building structure. 2) Decorative coating of the surface of walls, etc. 3) Heating element for panel heating...

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  • - Borrowing. in the 19th century from it. language, where it is a Gallicism. Franz. panel vernacular-lat. pannellus, suf. derived from pannus “piece of matter, flap.” The panel is literally “cladding made of scraps”...

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  • - Take / take someone from the panel. 1. Unlock Use the services of a prostitute. 2. Jarg. corner. Dealing with a stranger, a random person. Baldaev 1, 64. Work on the panel. Razg. Prostitute...
  • - Wooden cladding of the lower part of the internal walls, or wallpaper, which is used to cover the lower parts of the walls. 2) sidewalk or decking near houses...

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  • - female, German Latvina, a gap sewn along the walls, right down to the floor, to close the gap. | Sidewalk, flagstone, ledge along the houses...

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  • - PANEL, -and, female. 1. Path for pedestrians on both sides of the street, sidewalk. 2. transfer In certain expressions: about prostitution. Go to the point. 3. Wood paneling or painting the lower part of the walls of the room...

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  • - Kar. Getting married without a wedding. SRGK 5, 632...

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"Go/exit to the panel" in books

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Frieze and panel

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2.7. Function panel

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2.7. Function panel The function panel in this system is an analogue of the “Configuration Guide” that existed in version 7.7. This mode can be called from the Help menu item, and traditionally it is displayed on the general toolbar. In addition to text

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Access panel

From the book Modern Apartment Plumber by Baker Glenn I.

Access Panel You should consider placing the pipe and valve access panel shown in Fig. 7.34. Its door can be hung on hinges in a visible place, as in Fig. 7.34, a, or hidden under the countertop or in storage areas (Fig. 7.34, b). Rice. 7.34, a. Panel

Welding panel

From the book Great Encyclopedia of Technology author Team of authors

Welding panel Welding equipment – ​​machines or devices that carry out the welding process. They differ in design, which depends on the type of welding. Welding is a process that connects products made of hard materials by fusion or plastic deformation.

Task bar

author Klimov A

Control Panel

From the book Folk Tips and Tricks author Klimov A

2.2. Task bar

From the book Self-instruction manual for working on a computer: fast, easy, effective author Gladky Alexey Anatolievich

2.2. Taskbar In the Windows operating system, the taskbar is located to the right of the Start button along the entire width of the screen. It includes the following components: quick launch area, open applications area, notification area, address bar, link bar, language


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Values ​​panel

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To go or not to go - that is the question

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PANEL- , and, w. 1. Same as sidewalk. Go out, go to the panel - start prostitution. 2. Wooden cladding or painting (initially - wood) of the lower part of the walls of the room. 3. In prefabricated construction: a large slab, which is a finished element of the structure. House made of panels. 4. tech. Part of an installation, unit, device on which components and parts are mounted. 5. forge A part of the mine field located on one side of the main transport drift and served by an independent transport excavation. Panel - related to the panel, panels.


And, well. 1. Same as sidewalk. Go out, go to the panel - start prostitution. 2. Wooden cladding or painting (initially - wood) of the lower part of the walls of the room. 3. In prefabricated construction: a large slab, which is a finished element of the structure. House made of panels. 4. tech. Part of an installation, unit, device on which components and parts are mounted. 5. forge A part of the mine field located on one side of the main transport drift and served by an independent transport excavation. Panel - related to the panel, panels.

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PANEL, -i, f.

1. Pedestrian path on both sides of the street, sidewalk.

2. trans. In certain expressions: about prostitution. Go to p.

3. (become a prostitute). Wooden cladding or painting (originally wood-like) of the lower part of the walls of the room (special).

4. P. made of walnut wood.

5. In prefabricated construction: a large slab is a finished element of a structure.

| Part of an electrical panel, control panel, radio device, on which control, signaling and other equipment (special) is located. adj.~ny

, -th, -th (to 1, 3, 4 and 5 values).


S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language pan e



a) A pedestrian path along the edges of the street, covered with stone, asphalt concrete, etc.; sidewalk.

b) transfer


2) Finishing - wood paneling, pasting, painting, etc. - the lower part of the walls of a room, room.

3) A structural member of a building, shaped like a large slab, used in prefabricated construction.

4) Marble, plastic, etc. a board that is part of a switchboard or control panel for energy, industrial, transport, etc. management.

5) A section of a mine field allocated during the development of horizontal or flat layers of mineral resources for cleaning the excavation.


Modern explanatory dictionary ed. "Great Soviet Encyclopedia"


5) A section of a mine field allocated during the development of horizontal or flat layers of mineral resources for cleaning the excavation.


1. (German: Paneel), 1) a large-sized flat element of a factory-made building structure. 2) Decorative coating (wood, plastic, oil paint, etc.) on wall surfaces, etc. 3) Heating element for panel heating. 4) Part of an electrical panel, control panel, radio device, device, etc., on which signaling, control, measuring, and other equipment is located.

2. Dictionary of foreign words

3. Same as sidewalk. Go out, go to the panel - start prostitution.

4. Wooden cladding or painting (initially - wood) of the lower part of the walls of the room. In prefabricated construction: a large slab that is a finished element of the structure. House made of panels.

5. those. Part of an installation, unit, device on which components and parts are mounted.


A part of the mine field located on one side of the main transport drift and served by an independent transport excavation. Panel - related to the panel, panels.


Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language panel

A pedestrian path along the edges of the street, covered with asphalt concrete, stone, etc.; sidewalk.

At dusk, a festive crowd moved along the panels of the avenue. Veresaev, Two ends.

Wood paneling, cladding or painting on the underside of walls (inside a building).

The room was spacious, with high panels made of Karelian birch. Gladkov, Cement.

3. Specialist.

Reinforced concrete or wood slab used in prefabricated construction.

4. Specialist.

Part of an installation, unit, device on which monitoring and control devices are mounted.

He walked up to the panels and strictly examined the instruments. Granin, The Seekers.

5. Horn.

A section of a mine allocated when mining horizontal or gently sloping mineral beds.

(German: Panelel)

Compiled dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

A part of the mine field located on one side of the main transport drift and served by an independent transport excavation. Panel - related to the panel, panels.


5) A section of a mine field allocated during the development of horizontal or flat layers of mineral resources for cleaning the excavation.

(German). Wooden cladding on the lower part of interior walls, or wallpaper used to cover the lower parts of the walls. 2) sidewalk or decking near houses.

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