Beautiful short stories from life. Stories about love

A beautiful love story is the most common plot for films and books. And not in vain, because the twists and turns of love are interesting to everyone. There is not a single person on the planet who has not experienced sincere affection at least once, who has not felt a storm in his chest. That is why we suggest you read true stories about love: people themselves shared these stories on the Internet. Honest and very touching, you will like it!

Story 1.

My parents divorced a year and a half ago. My father moved away from us and I live with my mother. After the divorce, my mother did not date anyone. She was constantly at work to forget about dad. And then about 3 months ago I began to notice that my mother seemed to have someone. She became more cheerful, dresses better, lingers somewhere, comes with flowers, etc. I had mixed feelings, but then one day I came home from university a little earlier than usual and saw my father walking around the house in trukhans and carrying coffee. to my mother in bed. They are together again!

Story 2.

When I was 16 years old, I met a guy. It was a real first love, mine and his. The purest and most sincere feelings. I had a great relationship with his family, but my mom didn't like him. At all. And she began hostilities: she locked me in the room, locked the phone, and picked me up from school. This lasted 3 months. My beloved and I gave up, and everyone went their own way. After 3 years, I quarreled with my mother and left home. Happy that she would no longer be able to decide everything for me, I came to him to tell him about it. But he greeted me rather coldly, and I left, choking on tears. Many years later. I got married and gave birth to a child. My child’s godfather was that guy’s friend, my former classmate. And then one day his wife told me the love story of their friend, the story of our love, without even knowing that I was that same girl. His life didn’t work out either, he was married many times, but there was no happiness. He only loved me. And that day when I came to his house, I was simply confused and did not know what to say. I recently found him on social networks, but he had not visited his page for many years. At the age of 16, my daughter met a guy and has been dating him for a year and a half. But I won’t make my mom’s mistake, even though I don’t like him. At all…

Story 3.

3 years ago my kidney failed. There are no relatives or relatives. Out of grief, I got drunk in a nearby bar and burst into tears, I had nothing to lose. A 27-year-old man sat down next to me and asked what happened. Word for word, I told her about the grief, we met, exchanged numbers, but I never called. I went to the hospital, and who was my surgeon? That's right, the same one. Helped me recover after surgery, we are planning a wedding.

History 4.

I'm a perfectionist. We recently recalled how I once stood in line at the post office and there was a guy in front of me. So, the zipper on his backpack was not fully zipped. I tried to restrain myself, but in the end I boldly took a step forward and buttoned it all the way. The guy turned around and looked at me indignantly. By the way, we remembered this together with him, celebrating 4 years of relationship. Do what you want - maybe it's fate...

History 5.

I work in a flower shop. Today a buyer came and bought 101 roses for his wife. When I was packing, he said: “My girl will be happy.” This buyer is 76 years old, met his wife at 14, and has been married for 55 years. After such incidents, I begin to believe in love.

History 6.

I work as a waitress. My ex, with whom I am on good terms, came and asked to reserve a table for the evening. He said that he wanted to propose to the girl of his dreams. Okay, we've done everything. He came in the evening, sat down at the table, asked for wine, two glasses. I brought it, was about to leave, he asked me to sit down for a couple of minutes to talk. I sat down and he got down on his knee, took out a ring and proposed to me! TO ME! Do you understand? I was in tears, my face was still in shock, but I sat down to him, kissed him and said “yes.” And he told me that he always loved me, and we should have parted in vain. And this will cement our relationship forever! God, I'm happy!

History 7.

Nobody believes me, but the stars sent me my husband. I'm not beautiful, I am excess weight, and the boys didn’t spoil me with attention, but I really wanted love and relationships. I was 19, I was lying on the beach at night, looking at the sky and feeling sad. When the first star fell, I wished for love. Then the second one, which I wished to meet her that same night, and decided that if the third one fell, it would definitely come true... And yes, she fell, literally right away. That same night he wrote to me by mistake social network My future husband.

History 8.

When I was 17, I had my first love, but my parents didn’t approve. It’s summer, the nights are warm, he came under my windows (1st floor) at 4 o’clock in the morning to call me to watch the dawn! And I escaped through the window, although I have always been a home girl. We walked, kissed, talked about everything and nothing, we were free as the wind and happy! He returned me home at 7 am, when my parents were just getting up for work. No one noticed my absence, and this was the most adventurous and romantic thing I have ever done in my life.

History 9.

I was walking my dog ​​in the courtyard of high-rise buildings and saw an elderly man walking around asking everyone about a woman. He knew her last name, place of work, about her dog. Everyone brushed it off, and no one wanted to remember this certain woman, but he walked around and asked and asked. It turned out that this was his first love, he arrived many years later in his hometown and the first thing he did was go to find out if she lived in the house where he first saw her and fell in love. At the end, a couple of guys about 14 years old called this woman. You should have seen their look when they met! Love doesn't just disappear!

History 10.

My first love was crazy. We loved each other madly. On August 22, we “got married” by exchanging silver rings on the roof of an abandoned construction site. Now we have not been together for a long time, but every year on August 22, without saying a word, we come to this construction site and just talk. That time was the best of my life.

Story 11.

Lost it a year ago wedding ring, I was very upset, but my husband and I couldn’t afford to buy another one. Yesterday I came home after work, there was a small box on the table, in it a new ring and a note “You deserve the best.” It turned out that my husband sold his grandfather's watch to buy me this ring. And today I sold my grandmother’s earrings and bought him a new watch.

Story 12.

My first love and I have been together since we were in diapers. And we had a code in which each letter was replaced by a serial number in the alphabet. For example, “I love you”: 33. 20. 6. 2. 33. 13. 32. 2. 13. 32, etc. But in the end, already in adulthood, life took us to different shores, and we almost stopped communicate. She recently moved to my city for work, and we decided to meet. We walked for several hours and then went home. And closer to night I received a text message from her: “Let's try again.” And at the end those same numbers.

Story 13.

My boyfriend and I had our anniversary a week ago, but we live in different cities. I decided to surprise him and come on this day to spend it together. I bought a ticket, went to the station, I’m late. I run without looking back to my carriage... Phew, I made it. The train starts moving, I sit, look out the window and who do I see? Yeah, my boyfriend with a bouquet of flowers. It turned out that he decided to give me the same surprise.

Story 14.

And my beloved and I got along thanks to our crazy sense of humor. Once, when he was still just my neighbor, I asked him to look at a non-working outlet. This joker, having touched the socket, began to simulate an electric shock - twitching and screaming. When I was ready to push him away from the socket in a panic with the baseboard I had just torn off, he sank to the floor with a lifeless look, and then jumped up shouting: “Ahaaa.” And I... What am I? I grabbed my heart and very naturally pretended to have a heart attack. As a result, they laughed all evening, drunk each other with cognac and never parted.

Love story- this is an event or story of a love event from the life of lovers, which introduces us to the spiritual passions that flared up in the hearts loving friend people's friend.

Happiness, which is somewhere very close

I was walking along the pavement. She held high-heeled shoes in her hands because the heels were falling into the dimples. What sunshine it was! I smiled at him because it shone straight into my heart. There was a bright premonition of something. When it began to worsen, the bridge ended. And here - mysticism! The bridge ended and it started to rain. Moreover, very unexpectedly and sharply. After all, there wasn’t even a cloud in the sky!

Interesting…. Where did the rain come from? I didn’t take an umbrella or a raincoat. I really didn’t want to get wet to the threads, since the dress I was wearing was very expensive. And as soon as I thought about it, it became clear to me that luck exists! A red car (very nice) stopped next to me. The guy who was driving opened the window and invited me to quickly dive into the interior of his car. If the weather had been good, I would have thought, showed off, of course I would have been afraid... And since the rain got heavier, I didn’t even think for a long time. Literally flew into the seat (near the driver's). I was dripping like I had just stepped out of the shower. I said hello, shivering from the cold. The boy threw a jacket over my shoulders. It became easier, but I felt the temperature rising. I was silent because I didn’t want to talk. The only thing I was looking forward to was warming up and changing clothes. Alexey (my savior) seemed to guess my thoughts!

He invited me to his place. I agreed because I forgot my keys at home and my parents went to the dacha for the whole day. Somehow I didn’t want to go to my girlfriends: they were after their boyfriends. And they will start laughing when they see what happened to my expensive outfit. I was not afraid of this unfamiliar Leshka - I liked him. I wanted us to at least be friends. We came to him. I stayed with him - Live! We fell in love with each other like teenagers! Can you imagine... As soon as we saw each other, we fell in love. As soon as I came to visit, we started living together. The most beautiful thing in this whole story was our triplets! Yes, we have such “unusual” children, our “luck”! And everything is just beginning...

A story about instant love and a quick proposal

We met in a regular cafe. Trivial, nothing extraordinary. Then everything was more interesting and much…. The “interest” began, it would seem..., with little things. He began to look after me beautifully. He took me to cinemas, restaurants, parks, and zoos. I once hinted that I adore attractions. He took me to a park where there were many attractions. He told me to choose what I wanted to ride. I chose something reminiscent of “Super 8” because I like it to be a lot of extremes. I persuaded him to join me. She persuaded me, but he did not agree immediately. He admitted that he was afraid, that he only rode these as a child, that’s all. And even then I cried a lot (from fear). And as an adult, I didn’t even skate because I had seen enough of all sorts of news that showed how people got stuck at heights, how they died on such unfortunate “swings.” But, for the sake of my beloved, he forgets for a moment about all his fears. But I didn’t even know that I wasn’t the only reason for his heroism!

Now I’ll tell you what the culmination actually was. When we found ourselves at the very, very top of the attraction... He put a ring on my finger, smiled, quickly shouted for me to marry him, and we rushed down. I don’t know how he managed to do all this in a hundredth of a second! But it was incredibly pleasant. My head was spinning. But it’s unclear why. Either because of a wonderful time, or because of a great offer. It was both very pleasant. I received all this pleasure in one day, in one moment! I can’t even believe this, to be completely honest. The next day we went to submit an application to the registry office. The wedding day was set. And I began to get used to the planned future, which would make me the happiest. Our wedding, by the way, is at the end of the year, in winter. I wanted it in winter, not summer, to avoid banality. After all, everyone rushes to the registry office in the summer! In the spring, as a last resort...

A beautiful story about Love from the life of lovers

I went to visit my relatives by train. I decided to take a ticket for a reserved seat so that the journey would not be so scary. And then, you never know... There are a lot of bad people. I reached the border successfully. They dropped me off at the border because something was wrong with my passport. I poured water on it and the font smeared on the name. They decided that the document was forged. There is no use arguing, of course. That’s why I didn’t waste time arguing. I had nowhere to go, but it was a shame. Because I started to really hate myself. Yeah…. With my negligence... It's all her own fault! So I walked for a long, long time along the railway road. She walked, but didn’t know where. The main thing was that I walked, fatigue knocked me down. And I thought it would hit me... But I walked another fifty steps and heard a guitar. Now I was already answering the guitar’s call. It's good that my hearing is good. It's arrived! The guitarist wasn't that far away. I still had to go through the same amount of time. I love the guitar, so I no longer felt tired. The guy (with a guitar) was sitting on a large stone, not far from the railway. I sat down next to him. He pretended not to notice me at all. I played along with him and just enjoyed the music flying from the guitar strings. He played excellently, but I was very surprised that he didn’t sing anything. I’m used to the fact that if they play such a musical instrument, they also sing something romantic.

When the stranger stopped playing amazingly, he looked at me, smiled, and asked where I came from here. I noticed the heavy bags that I could barely drag to the “random” stone.

Then he said that he was playing so that I would come. He beckoned to me with his guitar, as if he knew it was me who would come. In any case, he played and thought about his beloved. Then he put the guitar aside, put my bags on my back, picked me up in his arms, and carried me. I only found out where later. He took me to his country house, which was nearby. And he left the guitar on the stone. He said that he doesn’t need her anymore..... I’ve been with this wonderful man for almost eight years. We still remember our unusual acquaintance. I remember even more that guitar, left on the stone, which turned our love story into a magical one, like a fairy tale...

Continuation. . .

Everything happens in life! And Love has not only Everything, but Everything in the World!

"Zhenya plus Zhenya"

Once upon a time there was a girl, Zhenya... Does this beginning remind you of anything? Yes Yes! The famous and wonderful fairy tale “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” begins in almost the same way.

In fact, everything starts differently... The girl named Zhenya was eighteen. There were literally a few days left until school graduation. She didn’t expect anything special from the holiday, but she was going to participate (attend) in it. The dress was already prepared. Shoes too.

When graduation day arrived, Zhenya even changed her mind about going where she had planned. But her friend Katya “tuned” her to her previous plans. Zhenya was surprised that for the first time (in her entire life) she was not late for the event. She arrived at it in a second and couldn’t believe her watch!

Her reward for such a “feat” was meeting the guy of her dreams, who, by the way, was also Zhenya’s namesake.

Zhenya and Zhenya dated for nine years. But on the tenth day they decided to get married. We decided and did it! Then we went on a honeymoon to Turkey. In such a romantic period, they also did not leave themselves without “humor”….

They went for a massage. They had this pleasant procedure performed in the same room, but by different people. Since the massage therapists spoke little Russian, the atmosphere was already special. Of course, the specialist massage therapists were interested to know the names of their “guests”. The one who massaged Zhenya asked her name. The second masseuse found out the name of Zhenya’s husband. Apparently, the massage therapists really liked the coincidence of names. And they made one big joke out of it... They started calling Zhenya on purpose so that he and she would turn around, react and flinch. It looked funny!

"The Long-Awaited Boat of Love"

The girl Galya was educated at a private and prestigious higher educational institution. The years passed very quickly for her. In the third year they picked up running because Galochka met her true love. Her aunt bought her a two-room apartment in a good area, and Sasha (her boyfriend) renovated it. They lived peacefully and happily. The only thing that Galya took a long time to get used to was Sasha’s long business trips. He is a sailor. Galya did not see him for four months. The guy came for a week or two and left again. And Galya was bored and waited, waited and missed...

She was more bored and sad because Sanya was against dogs and cats, and Gala was lonely waiting for his return. And then a classmate of a girl turned up who needed an apartment (a room in it). They began to live together, although Sasha was against such living.

Tatyana (Gali’s classmate) changed her life like no one else. This quiet woman who believed in God took Sasha away from Gali. What the girl experienced is known only to her. But a little time passed, and Sasha returned to his beloved. He begged her for forgiveness, because he realized his “harsh” mistake. And Galyunya forgave... Forgave, but did not forget. And he is unlikely to forget. Just like what he told her on that very day of his return: “She was very similar to you. Your main difference is that you were not homely, but Tanya has always been like that. I’m leaving somewhere - I’m calm, I’m not worried that she’ll run away from me somewhere. You are another matter! But I realized that you are the best and I don’t want to lose you.”

Tanya left the lovers' life. Things started to look up. Now Galka is waiting not only for a boat of love with the owner of her heart, but also for their wedding day. It has already been set and no one is going to change the date.

This life story teaches us that true love never dies, that there are no obstacles in true love.

“New Year’s breakup is the beginning of new love”

Vitaly and Maria fell in love so much that they were already planning to get married. Vitaly gave Masha a ring, confessed his love a thousand times... At first everything was as great as in the movies. But soon the “weather of relationships” began to deteriorate. AND New Year the couple celebrated no longer together... Vitalya called the girl and said the following: “You are very cool! Thank you for everything. I felt incredibly good with you, but we are forced to part. It will be better not only for me, but also for you, believe me! I'll call again." Tears flowed from the girl’s eyes in streams, her lips, hands and cheeks trembled. Her lover hung up... Her beloved left her forever, trampling her love... This happened almost at midnight on New Year's Day...

Maria threw herself on the pillow and continued to cry. She would have been glad to stop, but nothing worked for her. The body did not want to listen to her. She thought: "This is the first New Year's celebration, which I am destined to meet in complete solitude and with such deep trauma....” But the guy who lived in the next entrance “created” a different turn of events for her. What did he do that was so unearthly? He just called and invited her to celebrate a magical holiday. The girl denied it for a long time. It was hard for her to speak (tears got in the way). But the friend “defeated” Maria! She gave up. She got ready, put on her makeup, took a bottle of delicious wine, a bag of delicious sweets, and ran to Andrey (that was the name of her friend - the savior).

A friend introduced her to another friend of his. Who, a few hours later, became her boyfriend. That's how it happens! Andryukha, like the rest of the guests, got very drunk and went to bed. And Maria and Sergei (Andrey’s friend) stayed talking in the kitchen. They didn’t even notice how they met the dawn. And none of the guests believed that nothing but conversations happened between them.

When it was time to go home, Seryozha wrote his mobile number on a crumpled piece of newspaper. Masha did not answer in kind. She promised that she would call. Maybe someone won’t believe it, but she kept her promise a few days later, when the New Year’s bustle had calmed down a little.

When was the next date between Masha and Seryozhka... The first phrase the guy said was: “if you lose something dear, you will definitely find something better!”

Seryozha helped Masha forget the man who brought her millions of suffering. They immediately understood that they loved each other, but were afraid to admit it to themselves...

Continuation. . .

Love stories, if it is true love, are not so easy to find. Just as it is difficult to find a person without weaknesses, it is also difficult to find love, without the vices of passion and selfishness. But there is love in this world! We will try to fill this section with love stories - from our time, and from more distant times.
All these short stories about love, except for the story by Yulia Voznesenskaya, are documentary, true evidence of how beautiful love can be. Love stories you've been looking for.

Love Story: Love is stronger than death

Tsarevich Nicholas and Princess Alice of Hesse fell in love with each other at a very young age, but the feelings of these amazing people it had to not only take place and last for many, many happy years, but also be crowned with an end, terrible and at the same time beautiful...
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"Love story"

It would seem that what I, a jumping firefly, could have in common with this quiet man! Nevertheless, we sit together whole evenings, talking. About what? About literature, about life, about the past. Every second topic he turns to talking about God...
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Love of a Russian soldier

In a deep forest near Vyazma, a tank was found buried in the ground. When the car was opened, the remains of a junior lieutenant tankman were found in place of the driver. In his tablet there was a photograph of his beloved girl and an unsent letter...
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Love Story: Man is like a blooming garden

Love is like a sea sparkling with heavenly colors. Happy is he who comes to the shore and, enchanted, harmonizes his soul with the greatness of the whole sea. Then the boundaries of the poor man’s soul expand to infinity, and the poor man then understands that there is no death...
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"Isaiah, rejoice!"

It was so funny at the marriage registration, after which we had to appear before the altar: the aunt at the registry office, having read out a ritual address to the newlyweds, invited us to congratulate each other. There was an awkward pause because we just shook hands...
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Love Story: A Boring Marriage

A married wife is like a Motherland or a Church, I have her, she is far from ideal, but she is mine, and there will be no other. The point is not that I myself, a far from perfect person, cannot count on a perfect wife, and not even that there are no such people in the world. The point is rather that the spring near your house is water, not champagne, and it cannot and should not be champagne.
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Love Story: Abdullah's Beloved Wife

Beautiful, smart, educated, kind and wise. She always admired me with her actions and dignity. She never liked it when people said about her: “Oh, how unfortunate!” “Why am I unhappy? I have a wonderful husband, famous, strong, I have a grandson. What, do you want a person to be absolutely happy?!”
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Moments of love

We don't know the names of these couples or their entire story, but we couldn't resist including these short stories about moments in the love story of these real people.
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Margarita and Alexander Tuchkov: fidelity to love

Fyodor Glinka in his “Essays on the Battle of Borodino” recalls that two figures wandered across the night field: a man in monastic attire and a woman, among huge bonfires on which peasants of the surrounding villages with blackened faces burned the bodies of the dead (to avoid epidemics). It was Tuchkova and her companion, an old hermit monk from the Luzhetsky Monastery. The husband's body was never found.
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“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia”: a test of love

Many people are familiar with the love story of Peter and Fevronia from school textbooks. This is the story of a peasant woman who married a prince. A simple plot, a Russian version of “Cinderella”, containing colossal inner meaning.
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Together on an Ice Floe (Little Summer Tale)

The conference room of the clinic at the Institute of Pediatric Oncology was located on the ground floor, where there were no hospital rooms, only a waiting room and offices, it was located far from the lobby, and therefore was never locked...
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A beautiful love story is the most common plot for films and books. And not in vain, because the twists and turns of love are interesting to everyone. There is not a single person on the planet who has not experienced sincere affection at least once, who has not felt a storm in his chest. That is why we invite you to read true stories about love: people themselves have shared these stories on the Internet. Honest and very touching, you will like it!

Story 1.

My parents divorced a year and a half ago. My father moved away from us and I live with my mother. After the divorce, my mother did not date anyone. She was constantly at work to forget about dad. And then about 3 months ago I began to notice that my mother seemed to have someone. She became more cheerful, dresses better, lingers somewhere, comes with flowers, etc. I had mixed feelings, but then one day I came home from university a little earlier than usual and saw my father walking around the house in trukhans and carrying coffee. to my mother in bed. They are together again!

Story 2.

When I was 16 years old, I met a guy. It was a real first love, mine and his. The purest and most sincere feelings. I had a great relationship with his family, but my mom didn't like him. At all. And she began hostilities: she locked me in the room, locked the phone, and picked me up from school. This lasted 3 months. My beloved and I gave up, and everyone went their own way. After 3 years, I quarreled with my mother and left home. Happy that she would no longer be able to decide everything for me, I came to him to tell him about it. But he greeted me rather coldly, and I left, choking on tears. Many years later. I got married and gave birth to a child. My child’s godfather was that guy’s friend, my former classmate. And then one day his wife told me the love story of their friend, the story of our love, without even knowing that I was that same girl. His life didn’t work out either, he was married many times, but there was no happiness. He only loved me. And that day when I came to his house, I was simply confused and did not know what to say. I recently found him on social networks, but he had not visited his page for many years. At the age of 16, my daughter met a guy and has been dating him for a year and a half. But I won’t make my mom’s mistake, even though I don’t like him. At all…

Story 3.

3 years ago my kidney failed. There are no relatives or relatives. Out of grief, I got drunk in a nearby bar and burst into tears, I had nothing to lose. A 27-year-old man sat down next to me and asked what happened. Word for word, I told her about the grief, we met, exchanged numbers, but I never called. I went to the hospital, and who was my surgeon? That's right, the same one. Helped me recover after surgery, we are planning a wedding.

History 4.

I'm a perfectionist. We recently recalled how I once stood in line at the post office and there was a guy in front of me. So, the zipper on his backpack was not fully zipped. I tried to restrain myself, but in the end I boldly took a step forward and buttoned it all the way. The guy turned around and looked at me indignantly. By the way, we remembered this together with him, celebrating 4 years of relationship. Do what you want - maybe it's fate...

History 5.

I work in a flower shop. Today a buyer came and bought 101 roses for his wife. When I was packing, he said: “My girl will be happy.” This buyer is 76 years old, met his wife at 14, and has been married for 55 years. After such incidents, I begin to believe in love.

History 6.

I work as a waitress. My ex, with whom I am on good terms, came and asked to reserve a table for the evening. He said that he wanted to propose to the girl of his dreams. Okay, we've done everything. He came in the evening, sat down at the table, asked for wine, two glasses. I brought it, was about to leave, he asked me to sit down for a couple of minutes to talk. I sat down and he got down on his knee, took out a ring and proposed to me! TO ME! Do you understand? I was in tears, my face was still in shock, but I sat down to him, kissed him and said “yes.” And he told me that he always loved me, and we should have parted in vain. And this will cement our relationship forever! God, I'm happy!

History 7.

Nobody believes me, but the stars sent me my husband. I’m not beautiful, I’m overweight, and the boys didn’t spoil me with attention, but I really wanted love and a relationship. I was 19, I was lying on the beach at night, looking at the sky and feeling sad. When the first star fell, I wished for love. Then the second one, which I wished to meet her that same night, and decided that if the third one fell, it would definitely come true... And yes, she fell, literally right away. That same night, my future husband wrote to me by mistake on a social network.

History 8.

When I was 17, I had my first love, but my parents didn’t approve. It’s summer, the nights are warm, he came under my windows (1st floor) at 4 o’clock in the morning to call me to watch the dawn! And I escaped through the window, although I have always been a home girl. We walked, kissed, talked about everything and nothing, we were free as the wind and happy! He returned me home at 7 am, when my parents were just getting up for work. No one noticed my absence, and this was the most adventurous and romantic thing I have ever done in my life.

History 9.

I was walking my dog ​​in the courtyard of high-rise buildings and saw an elderly man walking around asking everyone about a woman. He knew her last name, place of work, about her dog. Everyone brushed it off, and no one wanted to remember this certain woman, but he walked around and asked and asked. It turned out that this was his first love, he arrived many years later in his hometown and the first thing he did was go to find out if she lived in the house where he first saw her and fell in love. At the end, a couple of guys about 14 years old called this woman. You should have seen their look when they met! Love doesn't just disappear!

History 10.

My first love was crazy. We loved each other madly. On August 22, we “got married” by exchanging silver rings on the roof of an abandoned construction site. Now we have not been together for a long time, but every year on August 22, without saying a word, we come to this construction site and just talk. That time was the best of my life.

Story 11.

I lost my engagement ring a year ago and was very upset, but my husband and I couldn’t afford to buy another one. Yesterday I came home after work, there was a small box on the table, in it a new ring and a note “You deserve the best.” It turned out that my husband sold his grandfather's watch to buy me this ring. And today I sold my grandmother’s earrings and bought him a new watch.

Story 12.

My first love and I have been together since we were in diapers. And we had a code in which each letter was replaced by a serial number in the alphabet. For example, “I love you”: 33. 20. 6. 2. 33. 13. 32. 2. 13. 32, etc. But in the end, already in adulthood, life took us to different shores, and we almost stopped communicate. She recently moved to my city for work, and we decided to meet. We walked for several hours and then went home. And closer to night I received a text message from her: “Let's try again.” And at the end those same numbers.

Story 13.

My boyfriend and I had our anniversary a week ago, but we live in different cities. I decided to surprise him and come on this day to spend it together. I bought a ticket, went to the station, I’m late. I run without looking back to my carriage... Phew, I made it. The train starts moving, I sit, look out the window and who do I see? Yeah, my boyfriend with a bouquet of flowers. It turned out that he decided to give me the same surprise.

Story 14.

And my beloved and I got along thanks to our crazy sense of humor. Once, when he was still just my neighbor, I asked him to look at a non-working outlet. This joker, having touched the socket, began to simulate an electric shock - twitching and screaming. When I was ready to push him away from the socket in a panic with the baseboard I had just torn off, he sank to the floor with a lifeless look, and then jumped up shouting: “Ahaaa.” And I... What am I? I grabbed my heart and very naturally pretended to have a heart attack. As a result, they laughed all evening, drunk each other with cognac and never parted.

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