Lesson summary on the topic: “Family” in the middle group. Lesson notes for the middle group on the topic: My family My family lesson notes for the Federal State Educational Standards middle group

  • consolidate children's knowledge about the family. Induce in the child a feeling of joy and pride in his family, cultivate a sense of affection for his family members;
  • develop skills in writing short stories about your family, answering questions, forming diminutive nouns;
  • activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Family”;
  • develop in children phonemic hearing, the ability to read speech games emotionally and expressively, regulate the strength and intonation of the voice.


Portraits of Grandfather, Grandmother, Daddy, Mommy, brother, sister; mini carpet “Pretender”; knitted fingers “Family”; glove for Heel, glove “Family” for the teacher, cards with images of objects with the sound “m”.

Preliminary work:

Looking at family photos, reading poetry, making gifts for mom, dad, family holidays, project activity on the topic “My Family”.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time:

On the carpet didactic game with the ball “What is my mother like?”

Piglet comes in and cries: “I don’t know anything.”

Educator: Guys, who came to us?

Why are you crying?

Piglet: Everyone asks me to tell about my family, but I don’t know what it is.

Educator: Don't cry, Piglet! Guys, can we help Piglet? (Children's answers.) We'll tell you about the family and show you our fingers. Have a seat. (Children sit on chairs.)

Educator: Guess the riddle:

Who loves you kids dearly,

Who will kiss you tenderly?

(Children's answers. Portrait of mother on flonelegraph.)

Educator: Well done. Of course it's mom. How can you affectionately call your mother? (Children's answers: mommy, mommy.)

Educator: Who will tell about their mother? (Stories from 1-2 children.)

Educator: Who is this riddle about?

He's always cheerful

He is interested in football

Let's go fishing together

Who is this?

(Children's answers, Portrait of dad on flonelegraph.)

How do we affectionately call dad? (Children's answers: daddy, daddy.)

Educator: Who will tell about their dad? (Stories from 1-2 children.)

Educator: Well done boys. We already have mom and dad, and who else do you have, Dasha? (The child’s answer is brother, Portrait of a brother on a flonegraph.)

Danya, Artyom, what about you? (The child’s answer is sister.)

(Portrait of a sister on a flonegraph. Stories from 1-2 children about a brother, sister.)

Educator: Well done! Look who we already have? (Children's answers: mom, dad, brother, sister.)

At Malanya's, at the old lady's

Lived in a small hut

7 sons - all without eyebrows

With eyes like these

With noses like these

With ears like these

With a beard like this

And such a head.

They didn't drink or eat

Everyone was looking at Malanya

And they did it like this.

Educator: Let's ask our palms, where were they?

Palms, palms

Where were you? By Grandma.

(Portrait of grandmother on flonelegraph.)

Educator: What affectionate name should we call grandma? (Children's answers: grandma.)

Educator: Who has a grandmother? What is she like? (Stories from 1-2 children.)

Educator: Well done! And I know this song:

Grandmother next to grandfather (Portrait of grandfather on flonelegraph.)

What is our sweet name for grandpa? (Children's answers: grandpa.)

Who has a grandfather? (Stories from 1-2 children)

Educator: Children, look, whose portraits do we have?

(Children's answers: mothers, fathers, grandfathers, grandmothers, brothers, sisters.)

And in one word? (Children's answers: Family!)

That's right, guys! Family is the closest people who love each other, take care of each other, help each other.

Educator: And now, guys, let's show Piglet some skillful fingers. Piglet, you come in too.

(Children approach the tables; knitted “fingers” lie on trays on the tables.)

Finger play training:

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

Well, this baby of ours -

And his name is tough.

Grandfather, grandmother, daddy, mommy, me - that’s my whole family!

Piglet: And now I know, I know!

Grandfather, grandmother, daddy, mommy, me - we live together, love each other, take care of each other - this is Family! That's right, guys! (Children's answers.)

Educator: Guys, let's draw a family and show it to Piglet? But we have no brushes, no paints, no pencils, no paper. But we have a soft constructor and skillful fingers who can do everything (on the tables there is a mini-carpet “Pretender” for each child).

Can this be used to make a family portrait? (Children's answers.)

(The children do the work. I approach each one: “Who is in your portrait?” We hang the finished works on the carpet. The children hang them up and explain who it is.)

Piglet: Can I! I will say: “Daddy, mommy, grandfather, grandmother, me - that’s my whole Family!”

Educator: What did Piglet say correctly? (Children's answers.)

Piglet: Oh, I’ll run and tell my friend Vinny about the family. Bye-bye.

(Piglet loses pictures that depict objects whose names contain the sound “m”. The didactic game “Name and Show” is played.)

Educator: Guys, it’s so good that each of you has a family. The most important thing is Friendly family, everyone loves each other, takes care of each other.

How did we work out with you? Who will tell me?

Well done boys! I really liked the way you talked today, showed how you worked with your fingers, and took good portraits of the family.




Prepared by the teacher

I qualification category

Cherevan N.V.

Software tasks:


To form in children the concept of family as people who live together;

To consolidate children’s knowledge about their family: the ability to name the names of family members, surname, and profession of parents;

Strengthen naming skills family relations between close family members;

Learn to answer questions in complete sentences;

Teach children to use an unconventional way of drawing - with their palms.


Develop the ability to write short descriptive stories about your family using photographs of family members;

Improve coherent utterance skills, coherent speech skills;

Enrich children's vocabulary;

Develop independence, aesthetic feelings and emotions.


Foster love, respect, and pride for your family;

Cultivate love and respect for family members through fiction;

Cultivate a desire to please your loved ones with the results of your work.

Materials and equipment: family photographs, whatman paper with the image of a circle for the sun, yellow paint, wet wipes, basket

Contents of organized children's activities

Organizing time.

Educator: Guys, we have guests. Let's greet them with our eyes, lips, head, hands.

Now guess the riddle:

Without anything in this world

Can't adults and children survive?

Who will support you, friends?

Your friendly... (family).

Right. You guessed it - it's a family. (Children sit on chairs).

Educator: Guys, what do you think a family is (A family is a mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister.)

Educator: Yes, indeed, the closest, most beloved and loving, dearest people - mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters - your family. You are the happiest children in the world because you have a family! A family can be small - for example, mother and child, and large - father, mother, son, daughter. A family is adults and children who live together, love each other and take care of each other.

Reading a poem about family.

Listen to the poem and guess what it says.

Family is mom, dad, and grandfather,

Granny is preparing us a delicious lunch.

There are also brothers and sisters in the family,

Family is me! And they call me

Kitten and honey, bunny, bird;

Someone is my brother, and someone is my sister.

Family - where everyone loves me and caresses me

And there is nothing better than family.

What is this poem about? (about family)

Look how many friendly families are in our group.

Photo exhibition “Our Friendly Family”

Who wants to talk about their family? What are your parents' names?

Where do they work? State your family's last name.

Children look at family photographs and everyone talks about their family.

Well done boys. What strong, loving and friendly families you have. - Now let's play.

Physical education lesson “Who lives in our apartment?”

One two three four. (Clap our hands.)

Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place.)

One two three four five. (Jumping in place.)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap our hands.)

Murka the cat, two kittens, (Tilts the body to the right and left.)

My cricket, goldfinch and me - (Turns the body left and right.)

That's my whole family. (Clap our hands.)

Educator: Guys, who in your family does the most household chores? (Mother)

What does mom do around the house?

What do you usually call your mother? (mommy, mommy)

What mom? (kind, affectionate, smiling)

Who are you to your mother?

What does dad do?

What do you call your dad? (daddy, daddy)

Which dad? (strong, strict, brave)

Who are you to dad?

What do grandparents do?

Who are you to your grandparents?

What do they affectionately call you at home?

What household chores do you have? (children's answer)

Educator: Who is a friend, who is our friend, quickly stand in a circle!

Outdoor game "Joyful - Sad."

Guys, I will name an action that can happen in every family; if it is a good deed, then jump and clap your hands, and if it is a bad deed, then walk in place with your head down. Agreed?

Did you help mom wash the dishes?

Did you get your jacket dirty while out for a walk?

Have you cleaned up your toys?

Have you taken care of your grandmother, is she sick?

Got into a fight with a friend?

Did you help dad with household chores?

Forgot to feed your kitten?

Did you congratulate your grandfather on his birthday?

Guys, sometimes we upset our loved ones, but we need to try to please everyone more good deeds. Let's remember how you help at home, what good deeds you do.

Game “Our good deeds”

Children stand in a circle, the teacher throws a ball to the children asking what good deeds they do at home: washing the dishes, watering the flowers, making the bed. (Calm music plays during the game.)

Educator: I am glad that each of you has a family where they love you, wait for you, take care of you, and come to your aid. Guys, the family, like the sun, warms everyone with its warmth, and from its warmth and light it becomes cozy and warm.

Look, the sun has come out, but there are no rays. (A sun is attached to the board). Let's give some rays of sunshine together. Let's say a lot good words about our family and draw a ray of light with our palm. And we’ll start like this: “I love my family because...” (good, caring, hardworking, healthy, friendly, friendly, cheerful, happy, big, athletic, hospitable...).

First we need to prepare our fingers for work.

Finger gymnastics.

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's the whole family.

Independent activity children with musical accompaniment.

Guys, what did we talk about today? That's right about the family. Let's admire your rays, that's how many kind, affectionate words you said about your family. I want to wish that the sun brings a lot of warmth and affection to each of your families. Now go up to your parents and ask them to dance.

Summary of a lesson on the world around us on the topic: “My family” (middle group)

Author: Teacher Shetova R.A.

Target: Promote the formation of secondary education in children preschool age ideas about family and moral standards.



- Expand children's understanding of family composition and family ties.

Teach children to be attentive to loved ones, take care of them, develop a sense of pride in their family, and cultivate respect for the older generation.

Introduce generally accepted norms and rules of behavior.


- Develop children's memory, logical thinking and creative imagination.

To form in children the moral categories of good and evil.

Develop children's ability to answer questions clearly and completely.


- Develop speaking skills

Enrich children's vocabulary

Develop initiative in communicating with others, the ability to make contact, negotiate, listen and hear a partner.


- Form cultural and hygienic skills.

Develop basic skills in preschoolers healthy image life.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the group behind the teacher.

Educator:Guys, guests came to our lesson today. Let's say hello.

Children greet guests.

Educator:Well done! Now let's stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other!

Educator:Now sit down on your chairs.

We quietly sit down in our seats. Sit down correctly, arms straight, backs straight, legs together.

Educator:Now I will tell you a fairy tale. And it begins like this: “Once upon a time there was a boy, Vanya.” He lived alone, he had no one.

Guys, does it happen that a person has no one at all?

Children:No. Everyone has mothers and fathers, grandparents.

Educator:This means that a person must have...

Children: family.

Educator:Family is native people who love each other, live together, help each other.

Let's list who the family consists of

Children:Grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother (sister), me.

Educator:Guys, how do family members treat each other?

Children:They love each other, respect each other, help.

Educator:That's right, everyone in the family loves each other. And they call each other affectionately.

Now we are going to play a game called “Say Kindly”

(I will call family members, and you will call them affectionately)

Daughter - daughter, daughter

Son - son, son

Dad - daddy, daddy, daddy

Mother - mommy, mommy.

Grandfather - grandfather, grandfather

Grandmother - Grandma, grandma.

Sister - sister

Brother - brother

Grandson - grandson

Granddaughter - granddaughter

Educator:Well done boys!!!

These are the kind words you should call your family.

Everyone should love and respect their relatives - mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters, brothers.

And you can never…….


Game "Sun and Cloud"

Educator:Look, you have a cloud and a sun in your baskets. I will suggest situations that can happen in every family; if it brings joy to your family, then you show the sun, and if it is bad behavior, disappointment, then a cloud.

Did you help mom wash the dishes?

Did you get your jacket dirty while out for a walk?

Have you cleaned up your toys?

Got into a fight with a friend?

Are you taking care of your grandmother, is she sick?

Did you break your mother's favorite vase?

Did you wish your grandfather a happy birthday?

Educator:Well done boys! Now let's rest a little.

(children go out onto the carpet, facing the teacher)

Physical exercise.

One two three four, ( clap your hands)

Who lives in our apartment? (we walk in place)

One two three four five, (jumping in place)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, (clap our hands)

Cat Murka, two kittens (torso tilts left and right)

My cricket, goldfinch and me ( turns the body left and right)

That's my whole family (clap our hands).

Educator:Well done! How well we had a rest. Well, now I suggest you play another game. To do this, you need to sit down in your seats. Ready?

Didactic game “Collect a chain”

Educator:Take the cards and arrange the people in the photo by age (first the youngest, then the oldest, etc.).

Educator:Guys, look at the board. What did you notice there?

Children:That the boy Vanya has a family.

Educator: Fine!

Guys, in every family there are adults and children. Look carefully at the pictures and answer the questions:

Game "Who is older, who is younger"

- Who is older, grandma or mom?

Who younger child or dad?

Who is older, mother or child?

Who is younger, grandpa or dad?

Mom is younger, and grandmother is (older)

The grandfather is older, and the child is (younger)

Educator:Well done! We did it.

Guys, how should people live in a family ( together, we must take care of each other)

Right. Do you know that everyone in the family has their own responsibilities. Your grandparents, your parents are always doing something around the house. I will name the responsibilities, and you will pick up the card of the person who does it at home.

Goes to work -

sews -

goes to the store to do some shopping -

teaches lessons

Prepares food -

takes care of flowers -

wipes off the dust -

is washing dishes -

cleans the house -

strokes -

plays -

erases -

reads a bedtime story -

tinkers -

Educator:Well done!

The guys all have a family. And every family has its own home where they live happily. Let's make some houses so that we can have a small town in which many families will live, they will visit each other.


Educator:Great! You have made beautiful houses.

Specialty: “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education”

Place of work: “Kindergarten No. 12”

Work experience: 15 years

My motto: "If you want to be heard by a child, know how to love first, then teach..."

My pedagogical credo: “Every year we should meet and see off, and every day look into children’s souls. Every hour we should feel unity with them, and become purer, better.”

Business card

That's how nature works

From year to year, from century to century.

Every minute in the world

A new person enters the world.

And like a sprout, emerging in the spring,

He experiences this world for the first time.

It grows and develops, it breathes,

And appreciates every moment in this life!

Dear colleagues! Hello dear jury.

I, Shetova Rita Askarbievna, teacher of kindergarten No. 12 “Dzhenet” a. Khodz, graduated from the Adygea Pedagogical College named after Kh.B. Andrukhaev in 1997, graduated from the Adygea State University in 2002.

“A new day comes, I rush to work and think about my students, about meeting their parents, about upcoming events. I'm a teacher. I have been working with small preschool children for 16 years and have never once had the desire to change my profession. After all, to some extent, we, preschool teachers, are also the creators of children's souls. After all, the seed of kindness that we sow will certainly grow in the future. How pleasant and honorable it is to be a creator!
The most important reward for me as a teacher is the love and recognition of the students, their parents and my colleagues. My task is to take care of the health and life of the child. To create conditions under which every child has the opportunity to develop, learn, create, make friends, take care of our little brothers and, of course, each other. In my work I use health-saving, gaming technologies, and design technologies.
Over the years of my work, I have developed my own view of the profession

Educate a child, developing his personality.

Be able to notice a child’s success in time and help him open up.

Give a child a piece of your soul.

To become as dear and dear to your pupils as a mother, children should be in a world of love, understanding and so that they are confident that they will be helped

In the diagnostic process, I use methods of observation, games, and conversations that are accessible to the children’s age.
In the group, I created a subject-specific development environment in which each child has the opportunity to penetrate the circle of social relationships and model them in his own way.
One of the leading areas of my work is interaction with parents. The use of modern pedagogical technologies and cooperation with the family allows me to intensify relationships based on mutual understanding and trust. Parents are my most important helpers in working with children.
Today I am concerned about the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children. Therefore, in my work I use health-saving technologies that help children develop a correct, careful attitude towards their health and the environment.

In the process of direct educational activities, I use modern educational technologies:

Gaming technologies (creating game situations)

Research method of teaching (experimenting with paint colors)

Information and communication technologies (I use multimedia presentations).

Our profession is so “alive” that it does not allow us to stand still, but requires us to constantly be aware of all events, from global events to children’s problems. There were moments when another pedagogical success or the success of children gave me strength and I wanted to work even more actively.

I am a happy man. I love my job, I realize its importance and necessity. People trusted me with the most precious thing they have - their children.
How a child will grow up, whether he will become a kind, sympathetic person, a creative person, this depends on everyday work.
What can I give to children? First of all - love. And I love them the way they are. An educator is a teacher, that is, a person who teaches, helps to learn the world. And how effective this process will be depends on the interest of my little students. And so, day after day, we walk together along the path of knowledge, along which they learn to distinguish between good and evil, get to know themselves and the world around them, and I constantly learn from them devotion, openness and love. Children are our future!”

Of all professions
I chose one.
What could be more beautiful in the world,
What to vaccinate children with
Love for good
And be responsible for them
A. Dementyev

Angelika Shchukina

Types of children's activities: (game, communicative, productive, theatrical).

Program content:


Form a correct idea about family, the roles of mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother.

Reinforce ideas about the labor responsibilities of members families.


Exercise children in selecting adjectives and verbs, diminutive nouns;

Strengthen the ability to compose a sentence based on a question and action.

Artistic creativity:

Strengthen the ability to work with paper and glue.


Develop Creative skills in the shadow theater

Educational task:

Cultivate positive relationships in family, mutual assistance, love for all members families.

Vocabulary work: activation of words by topic« Family»

Preliminary work:

1. Learning the last name, first name, patronymic and profession of parents.

2. Looking at family photographs at the dacha, in the apartment, at the sea, in the forest.

3. Observing and remembering what duties, what work the members do at home families.

4. Thematic week "My family»

5. Making a baby book together with parents "My family»

6. Children’s drawings on the topic "My family»

7. Learning the text of the finger game “Who has arrived?” and physical minutes "Family exercise"

Material for classes:

Screen for a shadow theater, A-4 sheets with an image of a tree, photographs of loved ones, a house, figurines (grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, girl, boy, butterflies on magnets, an image of a flower on a magnetic board, glue stick, oilcloth, napkin, tokens emoticons.

Move directly educational activities


The kids got up in the morning

IN kindergarten they came.

We are glad to see you as always.

We've had guests here since the morning.

Say hello, friends!

Who did you come to kindergarten with today?

IN kindergarten you and I love to play. Let's play our favorite game “Who has arrived?”


Finger game “Who has arrived?”

(fingers of both hands are folded with their tips together)

Who has arrived? /thumbs/

We, we, we /4 fingers, except thumbs/

Mom, mom, is that you? /thumbs/

Yes, yes, yes /index fingers/

Dad, dad, is that you? /thumbs/

Yes Yes Yes / middle fingers/

Brother, is this brother you? /thumbs/

Yes, yes, yes /ring fingers/

Oh, little sister, is that you? /thumbs/

Yes, yes, yes /little fingers/

Are we all together? /thumbs/

Yes, yes, yes /claps hands/


So who came to us? How to say it in one word? (family)

What do you think is family?

Conclusion: Family is home. Family is the world where love and friendship reign. Family is the most precious thing that every person has.


Would you like to know more about family, and tell guests about your families. (sit down)

Guys, look, there is a house in front of you. But it is empty, no one lives in it. Let's move into this house family.

Who is the oldest in your families? (Grandmother grandfather)

What kind of grandmother is she?

How can you call your grandmother affectionately?

What kind of grandfather is yours?

How can you call your grandfather affectionately?

How do your grandparents take care of you?


Once upon a time, grandparents lived in our house. (I display figures of grandparents) So we see the beginning of a new one families.

And what other close people are there in your family?

What can mom do?

What can dad do?

Let's move mom and dad into our house.

Guys, who else is not in our house? Of course children. What kind family without children.

Tell me, what kind of children should they be? (friendly, caring, attentive, cheerful)

Now there are children in our house.

Conclusion: We got a whole family – big and friendly. I also want her to be healthy, and for this you need to exercise. Shall we show?

Fizminutka "Family exercise"

In autumn, spring,

Summer and winter.

We go out into the yard

Friendly family.

Let's stand in a circle and in order

Everyone does exercises.

Mom raises her hands (hands up and down)

Dad cheerfully squats (squats)

Turns right and left

My brother Seva does it (hands on the waist, turns with the whole body)

And I'm jogging

And I shake my head (running in place and tilting your head to the sides)


You have already talked a lot about your families. Now we will make a family tree.

Approach the tables.

What is drawn on your sheets? (tree)

I posted my big one family on this tree. (Show)

You see, the roots of the tree are grandparents. Since they are the oldest in family. But the thick branches are your mothers and fathers. Thin branches are you, your brothers and sisters. Only there is no one on your branches yet. You have photographs of your relatives on your tables. I want each of you to make your own family tree.

First we spread the heart with reverse side and glue it to the tree. Don't forget to press it down with a napkin. Let's get to work.

Conclusion: It's nice to see you happy families. You guys all have family. Some have a big one, some have a smaller one. But in every family you are loved and cared for. We will leave your work on the tables. After classes guests will get to know your families.

And now we will show and tell you what your loved ones can do. (Sit down)

Shadow theater. A game "Picture"(children actors portray, and children spectators recognize the action and speak in full sentences)

Now we will try to guess what... can do. (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather)

Children guess the action and name it.

For example:

Mom is washing clothes.

Dad is chopping wood.

Grandmother waters the flowers.

Grandfather is hammering in nails.

You told about your loved ones. But I would like to know how you help your loved ones. I have an unusual one "Flower of Good Deeds". I'll give you a small butterfly. Think about what you are doing in your family.

Model teacher: I'm washing clothes. (attaches a butterfly to a flower)

Children take turns approaching the flower, name the action they perform at home and attach the flower.

Conclusion: You do a lot of good deeds. The first assistants are immediately visible family.

Now let's go back to family in our house. Let's go for a new one families let's sing our song.

"The best house in the world"

The house where we live.

Mom, dad, grandfather, grandmother,

We and our cat Musya"

(I praise the children)


What did we do today? class?

Educator: Guys, I have sad and happy emoticons. I really liked how you did it, and I take the smiley emoticon. And you guys take one emoticon each if class If you didn’t like it, take a sad smiley; if you liked it, take a happy one.

Our lesson is over. Let's say goodbye to the guests.

Tatiana Pupysheva

Direct educational activities in the social and communicative direction

V middle group on this topic"My family» .

Educator: Pupysheva Tatyana Ivanovna

Integration of educational regions: "Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Artistic creativity".

Types of children's activities: communicative, perception of fiction, playful, productive.

Target: formation of children's ideas about family, its members and family relationships.


1. Educational.

Contribute to the formation of a correct understanding of family, the roles of mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother.

Contribute to the improvement of dialogical speeches: ability to participate in conversation;

2. Developmental.

Exercise children in selecting adjectives and verbs, diminutive nouns;

Strengthen the ability to compose a sentence based on a question and action.

3. Educational. - Cultivate positive relationships family, a sense of mutual assistance, love and respect for all members families.

Preliminary work: Design and examination of family photographs and photo albums, newspapers, reading and learning poems, making gifts for relatives, family holidays, joint project activities with parents and children on the topic "My family» .


Photo albums and photographs families of pupils; attributes for the game “My light mirror, tell me”. White and yellow paper, glue, scissors.

Equipment: laptop, screen, multimedia projector,

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher with a flower in hands: Seven Flowers meets us, on class invites! One two three four five! We need to stand in a circle! Guys, it is a good sign to give greetings to everyone in the morning. Let's do that too.

To the red sun... - hello!

Clear sky... - hello!

Adults and children... - greetings to you from the bottom of my heart!

And so that we have good mood smile at each other and our guests, and take your seats!

children sit on chairs

Educator: I want you to guess mine riddle:

Without anything in this world

Can't adults and children survive?

Who will support you, friends?

Your friend. (family) .

Educator: Right. And, of course, you guessed that we will talk... (O family)

Sounds "Song of the Baby Mammoth" showing the clip

Educator: Who came to us? Do you recognize our guest?

2. Introductory conversation.

baby mammoth: Hello guys!

I really wanted to visit you when I found out that you would talk about family. And my family my mom and me! But I lost my mother and I really want to find her.

Educator: Don’t be upset baby mammoth, your mother will definitely be found. Let's play a game instead.

The game “My light is a mirror, tell me quickly, show me” is being played.

who lives in our family

3. Conversation "My family» .

Educator: Guys, what do you think? family?

Children: Family is mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, brother, sister.

Educator: Yes, indeed, the closest, most beloved and loving. The dearest people - mom and dad, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters - are yours family. It's so good that you all have family! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families love each other, everyone lives together cheerfully and amicably. The main thing is that the family has always had peace, friendship, respect, love for each other.

- Family may be small - for example, mother and child, (like Baby Mammoth) but if they love each other, it's real family.

It's good if big family. Parents and many children. How like this name the family differently. (large family)

Educator: IN family everyone calls each other affectionately, tenderly, because they love each other. How can you affectionately call your daughter?

Children, with the help of a teacher, form words

Daughter - daughter, little daughter

Son - son, son

Dad - daddy, daddy

Grandfather - grandfather, grandfather

Grandmother - granny, granny

Sister - little sister, little sister

Grandson - grandson

Granddaughter - granddaughter

Brother - little brother

Clarification from the teacher after a conversation with the children based on the picture on the screen.

In the picture we see a woman and a man – these are mom and dad. Grandmother is my mother's mother, grandfather is my mother's father. But these grandparents are dad's parents - his mom and dad. We see a boy in this picture - this is a son for mom and dad, and a grandson for grandparents. A girl is a daughter to her mother and father and a granddaughter to her grandparents. A boy and a girl are brother and sister. All these people are relatives family.

Family- these are adults and children who live together, love each other and take care of each other. They do crafts together and learn poetry.

It's very difficult on your own

To live alone in the world

Living with mom and dad

I always want to guys

Poem by Natalie Samonii « Family is more valuable than anything else»

a child is reading

Educator: One two three four five! I invite you to play!

4. Physical exercise "Who lives in our apartment"

One two three four. (Clap our hands.)

Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place.)

One two three four five. (Jumping in place.)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap our hands.)

And of course me! (Turns the body left and right.)

5. Photo exhibition "My family»

baby mammoth: Children, I see beautiful albums on the table. Are these drawings?

These are photos of you families, show and tell about your loved ones.

Children look at family photos, and those who want to talk about their family.

baby mammoth: Well done boys. How strong, loving and friendly you are families. And I will definitely find my mother, and we will take a photo with her too! Because it's great to have family photos and albums.

In Russia in the summer, July 8th is celebrated families, love and fidelity. The symbol of this holiday is a flower with white petals and a yellow center... this is a daisy. We will make such a daisy together. (Make a big daisy).

Well done, what beautiful daisies we got!

Now guys let's play the game "You and I are alone family» . After all, our a group is also a family.

You and I are alone family: you, we, you and me. Hug the neighbor on the right, hug the neighbor on the left, You and I are friends!

Educator: Guys, while we were playing with you, our mother found our Baby Mammoth. He says goodbye to us and he really enjoyed his stay with us.

baby mammoth: Guys, I learned a lot from you, I really enjoyed playing with you, but it’s time to say goodbye. Thank you for your help. Goodbye, guys!

6. Reflection.

Guys, who came to visit us?

Guys, how can you call your loved ones in one word?

What flower is a symbol families?

When is the Day celebrated in Russia? seven

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