How to protect yourself from foul odor. How to remove an unpleasant smell in an apartment

I wanted to cover this topic a little later, but today I had to communicate with a woman who seemed to say with her smell: come on, Marina, it’s time for this article! I think it’s already clear what we’re going to talk about: bad odors.

Everyone smells

There are smells that we may not smell for the simple reason that they come from us. And I’m not talking now about pheromones or other smell-signals that can only be picked up by the subconscious of another person - I’m talking about unpleasant and quite noticeable odors that our body emits.

However, due to the fact that it is our body, we cannot smell some smells. Firstly, because they are “native” to us, and secondly, because these smells accompany us almost always and the nose has long adapted to them. It’s like people whose apartment smells very much of cat urine or rotten food, after some time they stop noticing these odors and believe that there is no smell in the apartment.

Every person has their own smell - we all know this, but sometimes a very strong component of it is the smell of sweat or bad breath (). Or worse. But a person may not notice this, and lives as he lives, while other people try, if possible, to avoid close communication with him and wash his bones behind his back.

Down with cuteness

The worst thing is when a girl smells bad. If we are somehow already accustomed to thinking that men are more pigs than we are, then we girls are not allowed to smell bad. Especially if we want to be called .

And this is not a case where you can not worry about your smell until people hint you about the problem. It is important to remember that human odor is an extremely sensitive topic, and it is easier to tell a person something like: “Hey, you fat ass, stop eating!” than to at least hint to him that he stinks.

You've probably ever communicated or just been next to a person who smells bad? Then you know what kind of torment it is - when you can’t tell him anything about his problem, and you just stand there, can’t concentrate on the conversation, try not to breathe and want to run away as quickly as possible. And then you tell your friends in vivid colors how terrible it was. Because to say to the person himself: “You see, you stink!” - this is the height of cruelty.

So, if you have such a problem, no one will tell you about it.

What do you smell like?

Nobody wants to be in the shoes of such a person, right? Then how to tell if you smell bad , if there is practically no opportunity to smell your own smell in the normal state? Obviously: bring your nose to the place where the “hot spots” are located, which are the armpits, soles of the feet, crotch and mouth.

You can conduct one experiment if there is no one nearby and you have not just come from the bathroom. Right now you are sitting/lying and reading this article, and it seems to you that you don’t smell of anything. Smell each of the following lesions in turn:

  1. Stick your nose deep into your armpit (free of clothing) and suck in air.
  2. Then a little acrobatics: we bring our bare foot up to our nose and find out what it smells like (or you can do the same with the tights or stockings you wore during the day).
  3. How to determine your breath odor? Of course, you can’t put your nose in your mouth, but the following will help you understand what your breath smells like: stick out your tongue strongly and with the part closest to your throat, confidently and forcefully lick your wrist. And smell it after a few seconds - this is what your breath smells like.
  4. With the crotch, everything is also more complicated than with the leg and armpit: if you are a yogi, sincere congratulations, but otherwise you will have to turn to your underwear to find out how that place smells, which in theory should not smell at all.

I know these actions may seem strange. Especially for the person who unexpectedly walks into the room and finds you sniffing your own foot)) But seriously, each of us better be sure that there is nothing to worry about and that we are not emitting unpleasant odors, making people around us feel bad and think bad about us.

By the way, the problem can be not only with the smell, but also with wet spots in the armpits (who among us is not familiar with this...). It was hot, I was in a hurry, a light blouse... They save me in such cases these are the pads— stuck on the sleeves from the inside of the clothes and you don’t have to worry (just don’t use them for transparent clothes).

Why does a person smell bad?

The reason for the unpleasant smell may not be that the day before the person ran a five-kilometer obstacle course and did not bother to wash. It’s just that our bodies, through accessible exits, remove impurities, toxins and other waste from the body, which, of course, do not smell like cornflowers.

So anyone can stink without noticing it. And one more thing: when we still feel that we smell (I haven’t washed my clothes for a long time, spent the whole day at the dacha or played sports) - so, remember that at such moments we smell much stronger than we think. Therefore, you don’t need to think that if you feel like it’s time to wash your clothes, then only you feel it.

Big role Our lifestyle plays a role in the intensity and vileness of the smell: what we eat, how much clean water we drink, whether we smoke or use any chemicals, how often we wash. And also – are we healthy? For example, the sweat of a healthy person who does not smoke, drinks a lot of water and eats right may have virtually no odor. As for the mouth, what is also important is whether our teeth are healthy and whether we clean them and the oral cavity as a whole correctly.

What to do if an enemy is detected?

If you've done the experiment described above and found that some part of your body smells unsatisfactory, it's time to think about whether something needs to be adjusted in your lifestyle.

  1. First of all, of course, you need to pay more attention to hygiene (), wash more often and more thoroughly.
  2. You need to wash your clothes more often and change your underwear every day.
  3. Take care of your health: with the help good doctors cure sores. Problems with gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Adjust your menu. If you constantly eat fries, burgers, smoked ribs, chips, bagels, Snickers and drink soda, your smell has no chance of being pleasant.
  5. Deodorants are already an extreme option, because they only mask the problem and do not solve it. In addition, most deodorants can be harmful to you if used frequently. But they will also work as a temporary solution.
  6. We also had an article somewhere about bad smell legs... Oh,

Please tell me if the unpleasant smell that suddenly appears out of nowhere could be caused by spoilage. Previously, I myself heard unpleasant odors that appeared and disappeared, but yesterday our whole family heard the terrible smell of cat urine, BUT THERE IS NO CAT IN THE HOUSE!!. They ventilated everything and looked through it, but the source was never found, then the smell disappeared just as it appeared, suddenly and completely

Maria, good afternoon.

The first thought that comes to mind after reading your letter concerns your fear of damage. You are ready to pay attention simply to the smell, but not to any facts indicating a real otherworldly threat.

Perhaps you have some experience, have encountered the evil eye and damage before, or simply feel afraid for some reason. Well, are there any reasons?

The fact is that a person who suddenly smells an unusual smell that is not typical for a given room will most likely want to contact the utility workers, because they are the ones responsible for the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the house.

The smell of cat urine and their hormonal marks is generally intense and persistent, and it is very difficult to get rid of it. Therefore, it is likely that in the basement of your house the cats have set up a hostel with amenities, as they say, wherever they need it. And one day the ventilation duct refused to perform its direct functions and the “aroma” spread far beyond its source.

It makes sense for you to talk to your neighbors to see if anything similar happened in their apartments.

On the other hand, inducing damage and the evil eye, although very rare, can still be accompanied by certain odors. Do not think that black conspiracies are accompanied by the smell of sulfur, not at all. But most often you can smell something burnt, a burnt cork or something similar.

Cleaning the house

Therefore, in parallel with interviewing neighbors, it would be good to conduct a ritual of cleansing your home. So, first of all, go to church and ask the priest to come and consecrate the house. Before he appears in the house, walk around the entire house with a lit church candle, bringing the fire to every corner and bend of the walls. Make sure there are no drafts. If everything is in order, the candle will burn calmly and evenly. If the candle light begins to tremble and crackle, it makes sense to rejoice that the priest will soon appear and set things right.

After the consecration of your house, at night closer to 12 o’clock, open all the windows, even if it’s cold, read a prayer you know and say the phrase:

“How the fresh wind blows through my house,
So let the air in the house be cleansed from all evil spirits, from bad words and evil slander.”

Then close all the windows and go to bed. But you should not drink or eat anything until the morning, and for all members of your family. I assure you that bad smells will no longer bother you. Well, unless it’s a matter of ventilation.

Summer. Heat. Stuffy rooms. Even air conditioners often don't help. In transport, taxis and just on the streets of the city there are many sweating men and women who smell terrible. How I don’t want to be like those women who smell like that! It’s very annoying and amazing when you see a woman, pretty, dressed up, with makeup and manicure, and then you find yourself next to her and realize that she smells…. Then. And this despite the fact that from her appearance it is immediately clear that she spent more than one hour in the salon and spent a lot of money on her clothes! It remains a mystery to me, how can you leave them at home if you smell like that? Is it really that difficult to shower and use deodorant? I'm incapable of this. I can’t wrap my head around this, I keep sniffing myself suspiciously all the time. But I take a shower every morning and use deodorant.

I know a lot of stories told by my colleagues, girlfriends and friends about how families are destroyed, they fail to build a career, and normal relationships with people simply become impossible. Before my eyes, one of my colleagues had to leave her job precisely because the attitude of the employees became unbearable for her. She is not at all stupid and quite a pretty young woman, but she did not use deodorant. Never. Being in the same room with her was unbearable. But everyone was silent, the topic is delicate - you can offend a person. But the men still couldn’t resist and gave her deodorant on March 8th. And then she understood everything. The smell of sweat disappeared, and two weeks later she quit. This unpleasant situation could have been avoided if only she had used antiperspirant. This is not at all difficult and requires minimal investment of time and money. For example, stories like this scare me and make me think.

But... According to a study conducted by GFK, only 52% of Russian families buy women's deodorant! It turns out that 48% of Russian women do not use deodorants at all. Now it’s clear where this terrible smell comes from, which regularly overtakes us in transport, in the elevator, in the office, in the supermarket! 40% of families buy women's deodorant once a year (even though one bottle lasts for 3-4 months if used every day). This is also a very shocking statistic. It also turns out that our compatriots use deodorants on special occasions. Do you think sex with the man you love is a special occasion? Probably yes, if it happens twice a year. But in fact, this happens much more often! For example, English women use deodorant 8 times more often than you and I, and German women use 6 times more often. Do they sweat that much? I don’t think so, because their climate is moderate, and in England it always rains. Here the matter is different. Maybe we are just not used to following the rules of daily hygiene? But this is simply necessary.

There is a myth that only people with metabolic disorders smell of sweat, but this is not true at all. Sweating is an important process of thermoregulation of the body. A healthy person must sweat. Moreover, sweat is released through almost the entire surface of the skin. But sweat itself has no odor: it consists of 99% water and 1% minerals! Where then does such an unpleasant smell come from? It turns out that from some secluded places, for example, from the armpit area, sweat does not evaporate for a long time, and bacteria live and multiply in it, which is why the sweat acquires such a specific smell. Taking a shower every day is not enough to get rid of sweat odor. Some measures need to be taken.

Today, the most common way to combat the smell of sweat is deodorant. But cosmetology does not stand still, and medical centers offer a new service - Botox injections in the armpit area. I found this interesting and decided to make inquiries. It turned out that everything is not as simple as we would like. The first thing the cosmetologist told me over the phone was that neither Botox nor an operation with a complex name can help to finally get rid of the smell of sweat. That the validity period of a Botox injection is a maximum of 6 months, and it costs from 20 thousand rubles. But to prevent you from smelling sweat, you will still have to use deodorant every day. At least that's what cosmetologists say. It turns out that, nevertheless, it is cheaper and more reliable to use a long-proven method - antiperspirant.

Why isn’t just a daily shower enough to get rid of the terrible smell of sweat? The answer is simple: showering does not help deal with the cause of sweat odor - bacteria. Only an antiperspirant, which is designed to combat them, is capable of this. It should be applied to dry, clean skin of the armpits, immediately after a shower. And this is the only guarantee that the smell of sweat will not cause trouble. Moreover, now there are a lot of different deodorants - sprays, sticks, roll-ons, mini-antiperspirants, with different scents and additives for different purposes. Agree, there is room for choice and experimentation. By the way, according to statistics, today every third woman in Russia uses Rexona antiperspirants. "Rexona" is the No. 1 antiperspirant in the world, has proven its leadership in Russia, and is the favorite brand of Russian women who trust these antiperspirants to take care of their beauty. By the way, I also use Rexona, and it has never let me down. In general, I relaxed and calmed down, now I know for sure that I am always impeccable, and the men around me confirm this. But still, I really want to tell our women: “Stop ruining the lives of yourself and those around you, use antiperspirants! Be on top!”

apah is a specific sensation of the presence of volatile aromatic substances in the air, detected by chemical olfactory receptors located in the nasal cavity of animals and humans (from Wikipedia).

Smell of the Soul

In general, everything is clear. Certain odorous molecules present in the air and entering the receptors located in the nose transmit information about the nature and strength of the odor to the brain, where it is analyzed. Then, if a particular smell is already known, the brain concludes that it is, say, the aroma of ripe raspberries.

Why are some people good at recognizing and analyzing odors, while others are not so good? This is also clear - the level of perception and quality of odor analysis is influenced by such parameters as: the degree of development of receptors, characteristics of the limbic system (a set of a number of brain structures), age-related characteristics, mental level, individual experience.

The perception of odors is also influenced by hormonal levels. This is also why the endocrine system includes organs that are in one way or another connected with the imagination - the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. Serious hormonal imbalance, which is observed with advanced spoilage, can lead to disturbances in the perception of odors and, accordingly, to their incorrect analysis. In most cases, this is precisely what is associated with the appearance of “obsessive unpleasant odors” in the spoiled symptoms themselves, and not at all with mental problems.

However, if we are talking about smell as an objective, purely physical phenomenon, then why not admit the presence of a metaphysical smell? And there really is such a “smell”. In this case, we are not talking about the same molecules present in the air. Perhaps there is something similar to “molecules,” but they are definitely not in the air, but in a different, metaphysical environment.

All objects and beings located on the physical plane of existence and possessing characteristics known on this same plane, at the same time have numerous additional characteristics that appear only on other planes.

This idea is suggested by the analysis of “smells” when working with damage and the addition of essence. The “smell” of spoilage is sour, like that of spoiled food. When the essence and obsession are added, the “smell” of decomposition is sharper, with an admixture of sulfur (that’s what wet matches smell like).

On the physical plane, no smell may be felt; in this case, we are talking about smell as a metaphysical phenomenon.

People obsessed with money as a mania smell of sour stench and fear. This is the smell of those who are ready for meanness, betrayal, and lies for the sake of money. Stingy and envious people “smell” of stale old things, junk, mold. Those who are bewitched exude a sweetish, cloying, haunting aroma, similar to the smell of incense and funerals. When disembodied entities (dead but not laid to rest) move in, the smell of carrion, rancid perfume, fumes, and rotted rags is often felt.

All these, and many other “smells” are felt on a subconscious level, making their way through any, even expensive, perfume. By the way, additional information in the form of a metaphysical smell gives the diagnostic specialist another opportunity to clarify the diagnosis. What exactly are we dealing with in this case - is it just household damage or professionally done? In the latter case (especially when removed), the smell of “quiet” damp earth and rotten leaves is often felt, which in terms of the physical smell is very reminiscent of a cemetery.

Can a metaphysical (non-molecular) smell be noticeable to others? Obviously yes. Every person is a little psychic, in that very “animal”, pre-civilization sense. And everyone has a subconscious that continuously analyzes, without sleep or rest, hundreds and thousands of parameters of the physical and non-physical planes of existence. A person who has serious disorders in the form of damage, addiction or obsession turns out to be “calculated” by many people around him by analyzing metaphysical characteristics. Including non-molecular odor. Of course, this quite often leads to problems associated with loneliness. Another aspect is that such a person “attracts” someone similar to himself, according to the same characteristics. Those. the corrupted person has a better chance of finding mutual understanding with the corrupted one, and the possessed person has a better chance of finding mutual understanding with the possessed person. It turns out that a serious energy disturbance seems to push a person out of a society of energetically pure (relatively, of course) people. As a consequence, there is a limitation in the circle of contacts and opportunities to get Good work

To summarize, we can conclude that each person, in addition to the natural physical (molecular) smell, also has a certain metaphysical smell. If the energy is in order, then the metaphysical smell is not at all repulsive. In addition, each person also has a “smell of the soul,” which characterizes his spiritual and moral qualities. Try to catch this “smell of the soul” in one case or another, and you will be convinced that everything written above is fully worthy of attention.

Kozlov Oleg Lvovich and Sukhanov Valery Yurievich

Have you noticed that all houses and apartments smell different? Some people are knocked off their feet by the stale smell of cigarette smoke right from the door, while others are greeted by the smell of freshly brewed coffee and home-baked goods.

Have you noticed that all houses and apartments smell different?

Some people are knocked off their feet by the stale smell of cigarette smoke right from the door, while others are greeted by the smell of freshly brewed coffee and home-baked goods.

We remove unpleasant odors from everywhere.

Fresh aroma

Before you start vacuuming, soak a piece of cotton wool with a few drops of lavender and suck it up with the vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner will leave a delicate “Provençal” aroma everywhere along its route. The aroma can be replaced with your favorite one - for example, orange oil will add a fresh citrus scent, pine oil will create the cool atmosphere of a shady pine forest.

Clean refrigerator

Soak a porous baked clay stone or regular gauze with 1 drop of lavender essential oil and 1 drop of lemon oil (in this case essential oils evaporate faster) and place them on the refrigerator door. Renew essential oils periodically.

Fresh trash can

Wash and dry your trash bin, place 1 drop of lavender oil and 1 drop of tea tree oil on an incense stone, piece of gauze or cotton swab and place in the bottom.

How to “refresh” a microwave

Place 3 drops of lemon or mint essential oil into a container of water. Leave for 3 minutes.

Fragrant toilet

Use a small shelf where you can put 2-3 aroma stones the size of small cookies. Apply lavender, ylang-ylang or pine oils to the stones. Update them every week. This will fill the toilet with a delicate scent and improve the atmosphere.

Nice underwear

There are 2 ways: either you add a terry mitten to the clothes dryer, onto which you drip 7 drops of lavender, mint, rose or eucalyptus (or any other oil of your choice), or add 3 drops of the same oils to the water to add to the iron.

Essential oils are non-greasy and will not stain your laundry.

Any surfaces

Add 30 drops of lavender, tea tree and/or lemon oil (30 drops total, not each) to 1 liter of vinegar. Shake well. This simple and economical composition perfectly cleans and disinfects any surfaces. Wipe ashtrays with the same composition.

Removing scale and unpleasant odors from sinks, sinks, bathtubs, pots, electric kettles

Use the above composition (to clean and disinfect any surfaces): synthetic vinegar - the best remedy to remove scale. It is more effective when heated, so you can easily pour the liquid into a kettle of boiling water and leave it to “infuse” for a few minutes to an hour. Your kettle will be in immaculate condition and without a single germ - thanks to essential oils. By pouring a few drops of the composition into the pipe of the kitchen sink and draining the bathtub, and then running a stream of boiling water from the tap for a few minutes, you will get rid of the unpleasant odor from there.

Room deodorant

Pour a few drops of your favorite oil (mint, orange, cedar, sandalwood) into a spray bottle of water. Shake well and spray the room. The same effect is achieved by adding inexpensive perfumes with aromas of vanilla, cinnamon, chocolate and other goodies. Repeat 2-3 times a week. This will also help get rid of the smell of cigarette smoke or burnt food (combine with pre-ventilation).

And we’ll get rid of insects too

Rather than using toxic insecticides that are harmful to both humans and pets, which also smell bad, it is better to spray essential oils - lavender, cedar or eucalyptus - in the air. Don't have a sprayer? Then add a few drops to a container of hot water or even onto pieces of cotton wool and spread them around the room.

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