How to give a girl something to drink so she passes out. How to put your wife to sleep to take advantage

Denis Shulman:
It is best to use a fruit theme as the basis for cocktails for girls (strawberries, raspberries, passion fruit, lime leaves). A good place to start is with a cocktail like the Old Boy. A win-win! It may turn out that she can drink this cocktail all evening, but we say that there is no need to stop, because there is still a lot of interesting things to do.

Then we make a Strawberry Daiquiri cocktail. Continuation of the strawberry theme, a little higher degree, served in a cocktail glass (a glass that looks perfect in female hand) and also popular all over the world.

We look at the girl’s condition, apparently she’s already tired of strawberries, she wants something not too sweet, then there are two options - either Mojito or Lao. Mojito is suitable as a classic well-known drink. Lao is an exotic cocktail with the sweet and sour taste of passion fruit. It’s very difficult to taste the alcohol in this cocktail, so you can ask the bartender to pour double or even triple vodka to be sure.

But if this has not yet relaxed the lady, you can start drinking shots such as Final Cut and Forrest Gump. Each of these cocktails is served in 4 shots - you have to decide for yourself when to stop, otherwise you may never go anywhere.

Andres Herrero:
In general, it is bad form to get girls drunk; while young bartenders often do this, experienced bartenders do not allow themselves to do this. The main rule is to keep the lemon juice content as low as possible.

In fact, a lot of cocktails contain lemon juice and our task is to avoid them. It is best to start with an aperitif - a Negroni is ideal, in which the gin can be replaced with sparkling wine for greater effect; it is also called the “Wrong Negroni”.

A great start - thanks to the bubbles the desired effect is achieved. In the middle, anything will do - a classic Mojito or a Cosmopolitan. But it’s better to end everything with something sweet - like B-52 or another cocktail, but disguise the alcohol with milk and banana. It is important to remember the consequences - you should avoid mixing strong alcohol in order to still feel human in the morning.

Dmitry Kuznetsov:
The main thing is to find the right balance - it should not be a very bold cocktail and not too soft. It is best to start with berry or fruit mixes. We start, of course, with light cocktails - the main thing is that the girl likes it, then she will trust and drink stronger drinks - Mint Martini is suitable here - mint, feijoa, vodka, Maraschino syrup and fresh lime.

There is also such a cocktail, we haven’t come up with a name for it yet - strawberries, cinnamon, dark rum, grapefruit juice and Maraschino syrup. You can drink such cocktails for quite a long time, but then you can offer something stronger, for example, Limburg lemonade - two such cocktails will definitely give results, although girls are different.

One of the most simple ways Seducing a girl for sex means getting her drunk. It’s not for nothing that people have a saying “a drunk woman is not a master of a pussy”, this is true. And here's why - two natures live in every woman:

Well-mannered and highly moral, an exemplary nature, looking for a family and a sensitive prince;
- a depraved tigress, hungry for sex, who fantasizes about rough rape and hard taking by a male.

To properly seduce a girl, you need to touch on her emotions and those same animal instincts, while trying to bypass her brains - her well-mannered nature. It would seem that everything is simple, but in reality it is not so obvious. Everything is much more complicated, the “woman’s paradoxes” make themselves felt.

This is where alcohol comes to the rescue, miraculously putting the righteous nun to sleep and awakening a passionate cat with wild desires. In addition, women turn off the brakes and moral inhibitions, shifting responsibility to alcohol. Like, what am I? It's not my fault, I was drunk. It's all alcohol! Ironclad excuse, isn't it?

So, how to quickly get a girl drunk to the desired level, what to pour, how to persuade her and in what environment?

Offer beautiful drinks. For guys, vodka or expensive whiskey are all the same, the effect is the same. But with girls it’s different, they, like crows, adore various show-offs, tinsel and candy wrappers. Like “this is who I am and this suits my image.” Therefore, when getting her drunk, offer her branded drinks, not forgetting to casually mention the brand (shouldn’t we drink a couple of glasses of Asti to get to know each other?) or cocktails. Cocktails are especially good at this; you can get a girl drunk with them and bring her to a state of trouble-free drinking in a matter of minutes. They are tasty, the alcohol in them is suppressed, and making a Shot cocktail at home is not difficult.

Here is a recipe for an effective shot:

Half vodka, a quarter champagne and a quarter Sprite. Mix and beat until foamy, immediately take it to the girl and make her drink to the bottom. How to force? First, prepare her, say something like “now I’ll make an awesome Boom cocktail, you’ve never had one like that.” And then in the next room, so that she doesn’t see the ingredients, we make more noise while whipping - that very BOOM. After this circus, we say that she must drink it down to the bottom and immediately give her this hellish mixture. After this performance, she will obediently pour the drink into herself, but after a couple of such Shots, she will agree to a lot.

Tequila and champagne are very popular with girls and quickly carry them away. Girls love tequila, but they know how quickly it makes them drunk and depraved. Therefore, use tequila at home, unexpectedly taking it out from a secluded place.

Beautiful dishes and snacks. Remove the table glasses immediately. Beautiful glasses for wine, and low special glasses for Whiskey, ice, lime, strawberries, straws and umbrellas for cocktails, cheese and chocolate for snacks. All this should be in your arsenal if you want to get a girl drunk and seduce her into bed.

What if I don't drink or don't have money? If you don’t drink, then mix drinks for yourself and her where she can’t see, and choose drinks of the same color. For example, a cola for myself, and a rum and coke for her. The color is the same, but the girl thinks that you are drinking together, which makes it easier to get her drunk.

If you don’t have money, then you shell out for expensive whiskey once, and then just fill the bottle with cheaper swill. For example, replace Chivas with White Horse - the price tag differs several times. You won’t notice the difference yourself, let alone talk about it?

If she doesn't want to drink, then offer to change drinks. Girls often drink something for a sweet soul, and something through force. No champagne? Bring the whiskey.

Carefully pour it to her. It’s done like this: you drink the same amount as she does, and then you take both glasses and, saying “I’ll be right back,” you go to the kitchen and top up. It is important that she sees that you are drinking in unison with her, and not trying to get her drunk. If she doesn’t drink while chatting, then provoke her, for example, with toasts (for mutual understanding and kindred spirits).

Don't get drunk yourself and don't poison her. In order not to get drunk, make it a rule to indulge in libations on a full stomach and, of course, drink less. A drunk woman is also no good. Either he will vomit all around, or he will fall asleep. Believe me, nothing pleasant. Therefore, if you see that she is carried away, then simply remove the glass and offer tea. This is also a good reason to take action. Just silently, looking into his eyes, you take the glass, put it aside and kiss him or just throw him into bed.

Entourage. Everything should be intimate and romantic to get a girl drunk: quiet music, dim lights, candles - generally super. Sit on the sofa or lie down on the bed. You have to be at a distance to touch her.

We proceed to action no earlier than half an hour or 2-3 glasses, because the girl needs to get used to stopping or get drunk. The time of intoxication is individual for each girl, see for yourself. You can use brotherhood for the transition, but be careful: she must be ready for kisses.

We all celebrate holidays, some abuse alcohol, and some drink in moderation, but in certain circumstances there come moments when not sober people begin to go too far.

How to put a drunk person to sleep, what to add to alcohol to make a person fall asleep, and how to put a drunk person to sleep at home? The questions are quite relevant in our case. But you need to choose the right method based on the situation, because the use of medications when interacting with alcohol can cause irreparable harm to health.

Types of sleeping pills

There are a lot of sleeping pills on our market, all of them are considered psychoactive and most of them have a depressant effect on the central nervous system. nervous system. Newer drugs are less dangerous than their older counterparts, and cause less harm to the body. However, the use of substances for this purpose requires consultation with a medical specialist, since there are always contraindications for use.

  1. Barbiturates (Barbital, Phenobarbital, Amutal, luminal, Benzobarbital) - have a sedative and hypnotic effect, were widely used in the last century, but due to the severity of the negative impact on the body and strong addiction to them, they can be classified as a number of narcotic drugs and can be obtained allowed only with a doctor's prescription. When used with alcohol, they can cause serious consequences, including death.
  2. Antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Donormil, Tavegil, Diazolin, Clemastine) - a person who has taken drugs of this group does not manage to fall asleep immediately, since these drugs are not intended for direct use and have a side effect such as drowsiness. Available without a doctor's prescription and pose minimal health risks when combined with alcohol. The biggest disadvantage is that when taking them, it is very difficult for the body to get rid of alcohol, which results in very poor health during a hangover, and in addition, alcohol-induced insomnia develops over time.
  3. Kinazolones, glycerol derivatives (Methaqualone, Tibamate, Meprobamate, Meclocqualone, Equanil). What do you add to alcohol to make a person fall asleep? - well, certainly not theirs. If these pills are given to a drunk, it can cause irreversible processes in the body; drugs in this group, in combination with alcohol, severely damage the liver.
  4. Melatonin (Melaxen, Circadin, Melapur, Melaton, Yucalin) has a similar effect on the body as kinazolones. In case of alcoholism, its synthetic analogue is also categorically not recommended; in combination with alcohol it has a strong destructive impact to internal organs.
  5. Benzodiazepines (Clobazan, Diazepam, Gidazepam, Midazolam, Clonazepam) have a hypnotic effect, are available without a doctor's prescription and are less addictive than barbiturates. Long-term consumption causes damage to the brain. When taken, intoxication from alcohol can aggravate the condition; respiratory arrest and cardiac disturbances are possible, including death.

Putting a drunk person to bed at home is not so easy, because giving medical sleeping pills against the background of alcohol intoxication either reduces or enhances their effects, which negatively affects the body. You can give a drunk person tea and add peppermint to it, this will bring him to his senses and reduce aggressiveness, or you can simply ignore him, paying a minimum of attention. Sooner or later the brawler will get tired of this and retreat.

Putting a drunk to bed can be much easier, it all depends on the reaction of the body itself, and on the type of drink. Alcoholic drinks come in different strengths, origins and composition. You can simply let a person get drunk, because after drinking alcohol you want to sleep, especially if you drink in large quantities. From a biological point of view, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the brain occurs, therefore, the brain tries to put the body to sleep to avoid injury.

Euthanasia is of course the right way, which allows you to get rid of the irritant for the evening, but is quite barbaric even from a moral point of view.

You can use herbal remedies that soothe the central nervous system, such as motherwort, valerian and peony tincture. Especially if you wanted to continue the evening with the person. They can be poured directly into alcohol, after which the drunk and aggressive person can transform into a cheerful womanizer. The effect does not occur immediately, but over a long period of time, but no harm will be done to the drinker’s body.

Hangover and its consequences

Insomnia after alcohol is a fairly common ailment in patients with alcoholism, which requires medical intervention. But healthy people also suffer from this ailment. With a hangover, the body is poisoned. The fact is that ethyl alcohol, under the influence of enzymes, breaks down into water and carbon dioxide, the liver is actively involved in this. But when the amount drunk exceeds the norm or the body for some reason cannot cope with the breakdown of ethyl, an intermediate substance in the decay period is formed, an even more destructive form - acetaldehyde. It is precisely this that poisons us, betraying unpleasant symptoms for the morning.

The symptoms of a hangover are unpleasant and are expressed in nausea, headache, trembling hands, an obsessive desire to drink due to dry mouth, apathy and dizziness, weakness and lack of appetite, trembling hands and a general depressed state. The best cure for a hangover is sleep. A sleeping person is the happiest at this moment, since putting a person with a hangover to sleep is problematic.

Why you want to sleep with a hangover, but cannot do so, can be due to many reasons. Insomnia from a hangover is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the organs and biorhythms of the body; as a result of intoxication, a decrease in amino acids, vitamins and minerals in the body occurs, this is the reason for the improper functioning of brain activity. In such cases, it is best to go to a doctor, who will explain how to quickly fall asleep with a hangover and what medications can be used in this situation without harm to health.

Treating a hangover at home

If you don’t have the strength to go to the doctor, and it has become unbearable to endure, then first you need to cleanse your body by drinking, if possible. a large number of liquids, and vomiting to remove the remaining alcohol-containing substances from the stomach. Then you need to drink Activated carbon, which acts as a sorbent, captures all harmful substances and removes them from the body.

You can also highlight a few simple panaceas that will help with the question of how to sleep with a hangover. For example, it is advisable to drink chicken broth; it is a universal remedy for all diseases, including hangovers. Hot, sweet, strong tea helps. It tones, is quickly absorbed into the walls of the stomach and intestines, nourishing the dehydrated body with water and glucose, which the body especially needs after hectic gatherings. A good helper are dairy and fermented milk products, which act as a sorbent and help break down harmful acids.

If you have gained a lot of weight and feel incredibly unwell in the morning, do not rush to poison yourself with unfamiliar pills and substances, hoping that you will feel better. Even if it does, it’s not a fact that you won’t harm yourself, to be precise, your precious liver, on which a fair amount of alcohol was already wasted. It’s another matter if you can’t sleep due to third-party factors, for example, fatigue or nervous excitement. In this case, you need to consult a specialist. Self-medication is infantilism in relation to your health. Remember that any drug of non-plant origin consists of chemical compounds that pass through the body’s filter, settling in it.

What can you add to alcohol to make a person fall asleep?

What do you add to alcohol to make a person fall asleep? This question is not often asked out loud. When any person drinks with friends or acquaintances, he does not think about how and where he will fall asleep later. After all, there are 2 options: you can either fall asleep on your own, because you are tired and go to bed, or because the dose of alcohol has exceeded the required volume (and this, most likely, can be called alcoholism). And if sleeping at home or with friends does not carry any risk for the person himself and his things, then with strangers, when you drink in excess of the norm, this can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of robbery, physical harm or an accident.

However, there is another option (alcoholic insomnia), when a heavily drunk person is not ready to go to sleep, despite sufficient alcohol intake, and continues to behave inappropriately towards others. As a result, one question arises: how to put a drunk to sleep. But first, let’s figure out why you want to sleep after drinking alcohol. The reason lies in the structure of the blood vessels. Their expansion entails a calming of the central nervous system, which serves as one of the beacons for the body and causes sleep. The reason why you want to sleep with a hangover is the same. A person falls asleep if his central nervous system is in a calm state. However, with alcoholism, the body cannot interpret signals, so the sleep stage can occur for quite a long time. Alcoholics especially suffer when trying to sleep with a hangover, since their only desire is to remove dryness in the mouth. The methods described below are intended only to help put a drunk person to sleep, and not to cure alcoholism at home.

Natural ways to calm down a drunk

Firstly, you can resort to simple conviction, because all people are sensible beings, and it is possible to reach an agreement. Often a conversation is enough to convince a person to fall asleep quickly. This method is especially effective if you need to fall asleep with a hangover.

Secondly, you can use another technique - ignoring a drunk person. This means not paying attention to all his provocations so that the person falls asleep. As a result, sooner or later he will get bored and go to bed.

Thirdly, if a drunk person still wants to show his character, then the only option for putting him to sleep is to stay away from him so that he cannot harm himself or others. After some time, you can notice that the person is still sleeping.

And fourthly, you can put a drunk person to sleep simply by talking or waiting. Just reduce any manifestation of its activity to a minimum. This is why you want to sleep with a hangover - a person’s activity is at a minimum and the body has not yet returned to normal.

Medicinal ways to put a drunk person to sleep

There are also medicinal ways to put a drunk to sleep. Let's consider what we can give him.

Valerian extract or motherwort tincture can be used. These drugs are designed to calm the central nervous system. In a state of alcoholic excitement, they act in a similar way. The exposure time is quite long, so they are never used by scammers, since it is not practical for them to give this medicine to a drunk person. The drugs can be used at home without a doctor's prescription.

Strong sedatives are used (for example, phenazepam, diazepam and other drugs from this group).

Medicines are sold only with a doctor's prescription. It is possible to add them to make a person fall asleep, but the duration of the reaction is long (as in the first group of drugs). The drugs are intended to combat epilepsy, seizures and headaches. If the dosage is incorrect, consequences such as memory loss, respiratory arrest, etc. are possible. In addition, after sleep, a person may develop hallucinations, memory impairment and confusion. In case of alcoholism, the use of these drugs is contraindicated.

In difficult cases, drugs intended for violent mentally ill patients are used. The action is aimed at completely calming the central nervous system. Available only with a prescription from a psychiatrist. The speed of falling asleep with the help of the drug is a matter of minutes. This, of course, will help you sleep with a hangover, but it is impossible to buy such a remedy without a prescription.

Indirect acting drugs

Medications include drugs that cause drowsiness side effect, for example clonidine. This medicine is used to combat hypertension, and is also known as a way to put a drunk person to sleep or to intoxicate, including a sober one. In pharmacies it is issued only by prescription, as it is addictive. When clonidine enters the body, it is rapidly absorbed along with alcohol. This method is used to treat alcoholism in initial stages diseases. The effect of the drug on the body is such that people cease to control themselves completely, and therefore the risk of getting into an accident, falling from a height and other fatal and traumatic incidents increases. The use of medication for alcoholism requires strict adherence to the dosage to exclude such cases.

There is another drug that is given to a drunk person - diphenhydramine. However, this medicine has a double unpredictable effect: it can both cause drowsiness, causing a person to fall asleep, and, conversely, increase the activity of a drunk person. Diphenhydramine has antiemetic, antiallergic, sedative and hypnotic properties. But putting a drunk person to sleep with diphenhydramine does not always work.

Last on the list of drugs are antidepressants. The name speaks for itself - they are designed to calm the patient both in the clinic and at home. When taken, a person develops behavior like a drunk person: unsteadiness of gait, confusion of speech and consciousness. The use of the medicine leads to rapid sleep. However, the simultaneous use of antidepressants and alcohol is prohibited, as it can lead to coma and even death.

An understanding of the goal is required. After all, when you drink, you don’t always want to sleep, just as people in a drunken state are not always driven by aggression.

The above methods will help in resolving issues such as:

  • insomnia due to a hangover (when a person cannot fall asleep after drinking a certain amount of alcohol the night before);
  • insomnia from alcohol.

Use of this information for illegal purposes is criminally punishable.

Alcoholism cannot be treated on its own. For a complete recovery, we recommend contacting specialized institutions.

How to get a girl drunk

A depraved tigress, hungry for sex, who fantasizes about rough rape and hard taking by a male.

So, how to quickly get a girl drunk to the desired level, what to pour, how to persuade her and in what environment?

Offer beautiful drinks. For guys, vodka or expensive whiskey are all the same, the effect is the same. But with girls it’s different, they, like crows, adore various show-offs, tinsel and candy wrappers. Like “this is who I am and this suits my image.” Therefore, when getting her drunk, offer her branded drinks, not forgetting to casually mention the brand (shouldn’t we drink a couple of glasses of Asti to get to know each other?) or cocktails. Cocktails are especially good at this; you can get a girl drunk with them and bring her to a state of trouble-free drinking in a matter of minutes. They are tasty, the alcohol in them is suppressed, and making a Shot cocktail at home is not difficult.

Here is a recipe for an effective shot:

Half vodka, a quarter champagne and a quarter Sprite. Mix and beat until foamy, immediately take it to the girl and make her drink to the bottom. How to force? First, prepare her, say something like “now I’ll make an awesome Boom cocktail, you’ve never had one like that.” And then in the next room, so that she doesn’t see the ingredients, we make more noise while whipping - that very BOOM. After this circus, we say that she must drink it down to the bottom and immediately give her this hellish mixture. After this performance, she will obediently pour the drink into herself, but after a couple of such Shots, she will agree to a lot.

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Alcohol is so effective in seduction that many people do not even use any other seduction techniques.

But how to get a girl drunk if she’s been repeating for the 10th time that evening that she doesn’t want any more? In addition, there are more stubborn young ladies who are not even going to start.

Of course, there are a couple of tricks that will help you. But it is best to immediately provide such conditions under which making her drunk as an insole will be a completely feasible task.

First of all ↔

Use beautiful cocktails

Almost none in front of beautiful cocktails. Such drinks are attractive both in appearance and taste.

I advise you to look for names and recipes of cocktails that you can make yourself. Focus on those that even those who don’t drink want to drink.

Surely, if you browse the Internet, you will find more than a hundred recipes for such cocktails.

Well, since your goal is to get the girl drunk, choose those with the highest alcohol content. In addition, in the brain of every person there is a certain number that he considers the optimal dose. In this case, even if the girl drinks a low-alcohol cocktail, after drinking this number of glasses, she will want to stop.

And by choosing the most alcoholic cocktails, you can get her drunk much faster with a minimum number of glasses.

Moreover, it’s not the cocktails themselves that are important. And what kind of mood they give. Especially good use cocktail names to lure her to your home.

Position yourself as someone who knows how to make the best cocktails. Find the origin story of each cocktail you like and tell it to your girlfriend. The main thing is to do it with enthusiasm so that she has the desire to drink.

It's easy to learn how to make these cocktails. Fortunately, there are plenty of instructions on the Internet. And they will almost always help you. Since the percentage of those who agree to a cocktail (no matter where - at home or outside the home) is much higher than the percentage of those who agree to simple alcohol.

The main thing is that before feeding a girl with them, first taste them yourself. After all, delicious cocktails will be drunk even more and more interesting than bitter ones (even with a beautiful name).


There are a number of specific alcoholic drinks that need to be drunk with a certain ritual.

  • For example, after you drink tequila, licking the salt off your hand.
  • Absinthe needs to be set on fire.
  • There are dozens more drinks that need to be drunk ritually.

This is very interesting and unusual, which means that the girl will most likely agree to this. In addition, most “ritual” drinks intoxicate you faster than vodka.

“Well, one more?”

It's a universal phrase with a slight undertone of manipulation. Why manipulation? Because after such a question it is quite difficult to refuse. In addition, such a phrase has long been entrenched in people’s minds as a symbol of continuing the party and evokes a positive mood.

Offer her one more until she agrees to come to your house. Proposed, but she refused again? Then one more!

Less for yourself - more for her

Leave justice for the future. You shouldn't drink as much as she drinks. The reasons are simple - when you're drunk, your brain shuts down and you start doing stupid things. Besides, at the right moment you may simply not get up.

Take every opportunity to make less alcohol in your drink, and make her more. If she went to the toilet, be sure to add more strong alcohol to her cocktail. When she returns, she will not notice anything suspicious.

If she watches the preparation of the cocktail, then it will be difficult to deceive her. Therefore, try to distract her attention with interesting stories or provocative questions. " If I were your boyfriend and my friends constantly wrote to me, would you be jealous of me?“- believe me, after such a question, she will not even pay attention to exactly how much strong alcohol you poured into her cocktail.

You can also use the same stories about cocktails that you found.

One more feature - prepare cocktails one by one. Usually cocktails are prepared in stages. If we conditionally divide the preparation into several stages, then first the first stage is done for all drinkers at once (the first ingredient is poured into all glasses at once). Then the second ingredient (also for everyone at once). And so on. In this case, she will quite easily notice by the level of liquid if you pour more of anything into her.

But if you do all the stages of preparation for one person at once, it will be difficult to notice.

Well, in the very end your efforts will be rewarded, because there is Golden Rule : the more drunk she is, the more you can add.

Toast like an iron rein

Just so that your toasts are ironclad reasons for emptying another glass, it is important to learn really worthwhile and interesting toasts.

Your toasts can also concern the girl herself. : " Let's drink to our acquaintance. Then you struck me with your dark humor, and I realized that we are kindred spirits"(in case when we met she tried to make fun of you).

By giving such a compliment to a girl, you will evoke pleasant emotions in her. Which will force her to switch her attention from “oh, shouldn’t I have enough to drink already?” to “how good I am.”

Do you want to know more about one iron rein? Have a drink with her for brotherhood! True, this should be done at the end of the “party”. At the same time you will move on to a kiss and active actions.

Finally, remember: when everyone is having fun, alcohol drinks easier and faster. If you sit there with a sad expression on your face or don't provide the necessary level of fun, then very soon you will hear from her: “ I've been sitting too long. I have to go!" At least turn on some music.

As you can see, getting a girl drunk is very easy if you move away from banal champagne, vodka and other “sad” drinks.

Text: Sergiy Iskusitelev
photo: taken from

“Don’t drink wine, Gertrude, drunkenness does not make ladies look good!” But if Gertrude does not heed, then this must be used. Yes, yes, we will talk specifically about drunken and available women, or rather, how to bring these beautiful creatures to a state where you seem to them to be a sex symbol of all times and peoples, and they will be ready instantly surrender to you.

For example, you are sitting in some bar (cafe, club, etc.). We spotted a person with whom we could merge in ecstasy. You’re not an idiot who can talk for hours about computers or Russia’s special path; you have something else to talk about. You are a “real macho”, or almost already a “real”. The radiant look (not to be confused with the “buttery” look!) is strictly rehearsed at home and does not focus on the victim, the conversation does not sag, and there is no fixation on one topic. Well, the teeth are brushed and the neck is washed, which is natural. With such performance characteristics, there is only one thing left: to get the citizen drunk, and then have sex with her, without any high matters or spirituality.

One young girl I know, when I asked her advice on this matter, answered: “It’s a unidirectional effect: more alcohol inside and that’s all.”

But how and what to offer a lady? Definitely not beer, because, firstly, it’s banal, and secondly, why do you need a girl constantly running to pee? So you will take turns rushing to the toilet with her, and then she will want to sleep at home, let’s do it another time, etc. If, of course, the person herself asked for beer, then please, but I warned you about the consequences. It would be better to convince her to drink something else, stronger and more creative. There are plenty of options. Let's look at some of the most common and effective ones.

Vodka. In this case, a good solution, provided that the lady drinks vodka in principle. But there is a chance of losing your victim in the midst of a drinking session, because vodka is not only difficult, but also treacherous water, especially if without a snack. Although, if you like sex with dead people, go for it!

Ideal for dating and seductionP cocktails. There is no need to order any low-alcohol drink, such as Pina Colada. You need to hit the brain and liver, that is, try to trick the girl into taking whiskey or rum and cola. Burning B-52, sambuca, absinthe and other strong drinks are perfect. By the way, the B-52 cocktail sometimes knocks out your memory, so if you want to play “Men in Black” and erase the events of the evening from the victim’s memory, “B-52” in large quantities is your weapon. I also had a story related to the consumption of this cocktail. The next morning the lady looked at me, and there was one question in her eyes: “Who are you?” When I showed her out the door, the second question was cooler: “Did we have something?” We draw our own conclusions.

The same can be said about tequila with beer. Here it is tested on oneselfP even a healthy adult man is knocked out from the hellish mixture, and the events of the evening fade into oblivion, what can we say about the fragile female body

Wonderful thingP AGWA. The world's first psychoactive liqueur containing extracts of guarana, ginseng and Bolivian coca leaves. We won’t say anything about coca at all, so as not to run into sanctions from the State Drug Control Service, and even downtowns know ginseng as an excellent energy remedy for strengthening love power. Moreover, this drink is served in establishments in our city in a fashionable and creative way with a powder consisting of dried grated lime for a pleasant aftertaste. The powder is inhaled through a straw into the mouth and washed down with liquor (kissing after that is sooooo nice). Our weak citizens simply go crazy with love after eating agave. Apparently, ginseng root and coca are making themselves felt. Although, it is likely that the girls are simply turned off by the price of the drink, or rather, by your willingness to spend quite a lot for the sake of a “beautiful stranger.” Assess your strength, can you cope with the love pressure of your partner after she consumes a “love potion”?

An excellent tool is a 50/50P martini cocktail with pineapple juice, inexpensive, intelligent and effective. The girl’s cheeks become rosy and appetizing, and her eyes begin to loom something vulgar. Several servings of this delicious cocktail and everything is fine, unless, of course, the lady you like is allergic to pineapple juice (you can ask about this in advance, thereby showing gallantry and courtesy).

Naturally a classic of the genre, sparkling and sparkling champagne. It's also inexpensive and tasteful. The bubbles hit the citizen's head with lightning speed and cause a stupid laugh, smoothly turning into a languid chesty laugh. The eyes flash with a lustful light and the main thing here is not to miss the moment, because the champagne quickly lets go. If you support a lady and drink a fizzy drink with her, do not drink glass after glass in one gulp, because loud burping is clearly not liked by all females.

Important note. Just plying a girl with alcohol and keeping silent is not the point. After a certain period of time, with a hiccup, she will leave you. Therefore, you need to be or appear to be a skilled conversationalist as you gradually order and order alcohol for her. Spread noodles about how much money you have, what a beautiful car you have in the parking lot, etc. follows casually. And certainly at the moment when the girl is at least somewhat drunk. After all, her sober mind may whisper that you are an ordinary liar and seducer. But a consciousness clouded by alcohol will turn on your imagination and force you to transfer all the benefits you have listed to yourself, especially if you periodically say something like: “someday we’ll go to my country house if you want.”

Another option is when you invited a girl to your place and, lo and behold, she agreed. Here you need to show yourself in all your glory, posing as a cool bartender from a Western film. Don't have a working bartending kit in your home? Nonsense, because you can get by with improvised means.

Absinthe can be replaced with vodka, into which you add a few drops of anise (available at any pharmacy). A drop of greenery and lump sugar will help add color to the drink; for melting into a glass, you must purchase it in advance. The mixture turns out not harmful, but effective, just don’t overdo it with drops, otherwise you’ll have to call ambulance.

Vodka with apple juice in a ratio of 40/60P is an excellent option; you can present this drink as Calvados by adding ice to it first, simply and practically. The juice should be from a green apple. One way to consume Calvados is to serve it with ice cream, it is tasty and practical. Here all the cards are in your hands.

It’s simply amazing if one of your friends or relatives is interested in moonshine, because moonshine is our answer to their whiskey. Again, tested on ourselves: we take an empty bottle from a glamorous whiskey drink, pour moonshine into it and present it as an open bottle of Johnny Walker. Mix with cola or chilled apple juice and the drink is ready. I assure you that ninety-five percent of girls will not even suspect a trick.

Wine Good wine is expensive and that's a fact. Cheap stuff will turn your victim's teeth black, so you won't want to deal with her yourself. A good and creative solution in this case is mulled wine. For him, we buy average lousy wine and turn it into a cool and intoxicating drink. There are many cooking recipes, they can be found through any search engine on the Internet, but just in case, I will give the simplest one. Pour a couple of bottles of wine into a saucepan, heat it up a little, add a few cinnamon sticks (or 4 teaspoons, if in powder), half a lemon cut into slices, a couple dozen raisins, a few cloves and a pinch of black pepper. Just don’t bring the drink to a boil, otherwise the alcohol will disappear and the mulled wine will become useless juice. It can be served in a mug, which is very good for a bachelor.

If everything went well, but the fruit of your desires began to fall asleep, offer her the “Rip out the Heart” cocktail. This is a mixture of Coca-Cola, a couple of spoons instant coffee and 30 grams of vodka. Helps wake up P fact. But then how to make her fall asleep is your problem

And one last thing. When trying to pump up your lady, don’t pump up yourself, otherwise you risk turning into a drunken redneck and destroying everything that you created before. Very often, so-called “dynamo girls” come to nightclubs and bars, and you should probably be wary of them, so as not to lose the contents of your wallet and be left with nothing, but this is a separate topic for discussion. There is only one piece of advice here: If a beauty agrees to everything too easily and expertly orders expensive cocktails, think about whether it’s worth just spending your hard-earned money? After all, there are still plenty of wonderful girls around who are much more modest in their desires. And, of course, the main thing is not to overdo it and not to mix the drinks, otherwise, even if you bring the girl to your place, you risk cleaning up after her the results of the drinking session for half the night.

Good luck, Casanova!

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