Algorithms for role-playing games in kindergarten. Algorithm for dressing in kindergarten - ready-made stand Schemes and algorithms for the younger group

ASSOCIATION GAMES: WHAT ARE USEFUL, HOW TO PLAY Everyone knows that the child’s cognitive sphere actively develops in the process of play activity. And the role of associative games in this development is very difficult to overestimate. Association is a relationship between objects, phenomena, and images formed and fixed in the human mind. As a result of this relationship, when one image is mentioned, many others pop up in memory, one way or another related to each other. Association games help form such relationships, but this is far from their only usefulness. Associative games develop: imaginative thinking; memory; logic; verbal associations, suitable for playing both in pairs and in company: 1. “Chain of associations.” The simplest, classic version of the game. Each participant must come up with an association for a word said by the previous player, creating a long chain without repetition. If two people participate in the game, they continue the chain in turns. 2. “Flower of associations.” The first word - the core of the flower - is called by the leader, the other participants take turns coming up with associations for this word, creating petals. The more petals, the more magnificent and beautiful the flower turns out. 3. “Explain the association.” In this version of the game, you not only need to come up with an association for a given word, but also explain why this particular association is suitable. It will be most interesting for preschoolers to play: such children will really enjoy teaching adults something. 4. “Associations with limitation.” A more complicated version suitable for schoolchildren. Associations for a given word must meet a certain condition: only nouns, only edible, etc. If the child finds it difficult, you can help him, reformulate the word he named into one that suits the conditions. For children learning foreign languages, an excellent condition would be to use only foreign words. This form of play has a strong educational effect: the child learns to think in categories, manage vocabulary, and think in another language. 5. “Chain with a secret.” The collective format of the first option - association words are invented in a chain, but are passed from participant to participant secretly so that other players do not hear. The last player calls his association out loud, and then the leader says the original word. A fun, dynamic game that even adults will appreciate. Together with your children, come up with your own fun versions of associative games for walks, children's parties or long trips; it all depends on your imagination and the task at hand. Playing such games is easy, fun and very useful; it is exciting entertainment and an excellent tool for development and learning.

Kuznetsova Nadezhda

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a special role in the exemplary general education program of the preschool educational organization “From birth to school”, edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, is given to play activities as leading ones in preschool childhood.

Play becomes the content and form of organization of children's lives. Game moments, situations and techniques are included in all types of children's activities, as well as in joint activities teacher with children. Algorithms for the development of role-playing games can be presented in the form of thematic albums for use in work.

Play is not only fun and joy for children. With its help you can develop imagination, memory, thinking, speech. While playing, a child can acquire new knowledge, skills, abilities, and develop abilities, sometimes without realizing it. Parents sometimes themselves invite their child to play in the library in order to strengthen reading skills; to school to test their ability to count, etc. I offer to your attention algorithmic diagrams for use by children in role-playing games. Based on these schemes, children learn to work with schemes and plan their actions in the game.

Algorithm for the game "Fishing"

Algorithms for the game "Kitchen"

Algorithm for the game "Washing clothes"

Algorithms for the game "Hospital"

Algorithms for the game "Barbershop"

Publications on the topic:

Algorithms 2nd junior group. IN younger age Children are characterized by visual-figurative thinking. To make it easier for them to master basic labor skills.

All boys love playing with cars. My kids are no exception. There are a lot of cars in the group that often travel with cargo and need gasoline.

In our kindergarten There was a competition for corners of role-playing games, I decided to enrich the environment of my group by making attributes for the games. You can have them.

Designed as attributes to role-playing games, these games can be used as separate didactic games. "Injections." Purpose of the game:

We would like to share with you a new teaching aid for role-playing games. Of course, all this can be bought, but it is made by children with their own hands.

In the first seven years, a child goes through a long developmental path. A preschooler has a lot to learn and discover during this preschool period.

Once in the younger group of kindergarten I observed such a picture. The boys noisily rolled the cars on the floor, and the girl Sonya ran up to them, snatched the cars from them and put them on the carpet, then quickly ran away. The boys picked up their cars from the carpet and then returned to roll them on the floor. I called Sonya over and asked: “What are you doing?” She replies: “You have to roll the cars on the carpet, you can’t roll them on the floor!” That’s what the teacher says!” I ask her again: “Are you a teacher?” She replies: “No! There’s the teacher.” By the way, the teacher in this group changed two days ago; due to family circumstances, the previous teacher resigned, and new teacher secretly allowed cars to be rolled on the floor. I told Sonya: “Let the teacher watch this, and you just play.”

This example is precisely that different educators have different requirements regarding routine moments, and children have to adapt to the requirements of different educators (one allows one thing, and the other allows another), which, of course, is not useful for children, especially if they are children They are small and just getting used to kindergarten. Although it is in the younger groups that the foundations of the unspoken and public rules are laid, according to which the life of the kindergarten is built.

I thought it would be great for teachers to agree on these rules among themselves and write them down. Even if it happens that the teacher gets sick or quits, the rules remain written down on a piece of paper; after reading them, the replacement can easily support it.

Here are examples of some rules written down in the form of algorithms - actions that we discovered together with teachers:

Of course, these rules are not a panacea; you can develop your own.

Meeting children in the morning

Meets you at the threshold between the reception and the group so that you can see the children in the group at the same time all the time.

Smiles and says: “Hello... (Mom’s Name and Child’s Name)”; “Children, say hello to Name...”

Cheerful music sounds like a positive anchor for the meeting.

The teacher assesses the child’s health: “You have a sniffle problem, go see the nurse.”

We take the child out if there is green snot, lacrimation, lethargy, fever; if there is clear water coming out of the nose, but the child is cheerful and playing - this is the body’s reaction to adaptation, there is no reason to take the child out.

Morning games of names so that the children remember each other (We throw a ball with the words “I am Vera Gennadievna, and you are Vanya...” and so on for each child. Then the complication of the game “Say the neighbor’s name, pass the ball to the neighbor”

Children play on the carpet or dance to music

If the child cries, we either console him or distract him.

They quickly say goodbye to the child if the child cries, since long farewells only aggravate the child’s “grieving.”

They do not enter the group; they can only stay in the reception area.

All questions are asked in the evening when the child is picked up.

When entering the reception area, parents also say hello, saying the teacher’s name and patronymic.

(P.S. write the First Name and Patronymic of the teachers and junior teacher on the door)


What does the teacher do?

What are the children doing

What do parents do

Children, let's tidy up the toys! Game “Vacuum Cleaner” Our hands, like vacuum cleaners, find toys and collect them in a box. Who is faster?

Taking the kids to the toilet

We take chairs and sit down.

We take off our clothes and put them on the high chair: first, we take off our sandals, then we take off our socks, put them in “houses” inside the sandals and slide them under the high chair; girls take off their dresses, and boys take off their shorts and T-shirts, hang them neatly on a chair….

Children get up, go to the reception room to get dressed outside: go to your cubicle, open it. It is advisable to stick a picture or photograph of the child on the booth so that the child can easily find his own.

We put on 1. tights (sit down, look carefully at the tights, where they are in front, where they are up, where they are bottom. Turn the tights with the seam towards you: find holes for two legs... push the legs into the holes for the legs, pull them up... 2. We put on a turtleneck. 3 We put on pants. 4 We put on a jacket. 5 We put on a hat.

6. We put on shoes in the hallway

Exit to the street: we go down the stairs one by one, hold on to the railing, then stand along the wall, wait for the others

We line up the children in pairs and follow the teacher to the playground like a train (the teacher is a train).

For special moments, you can use a glove doll, which will get dressed for the street together with the children and ask the children for the sequence of actions.

Cleaning up toys

Undressing on chairs

They each sit in front of their booth and get dressed, watching the sequence of dressing

I lay out things for a walk so that the child can find them according to the dressing algorithm: tights (socks), turtleneck, pants, jacket, hat, jacket. All spare items are placed in a bag far away, out of the child’s reach.

Items must be labeled, easy to put on and fasten. See dressing guide for parents.

Parents teach their children to dress and undress independently according to an algorithm

1. show me your cubicle, open it.

2. take off your jacket, hang it here on the hook….

Maybe a sample of a cabin, how things should be folded.

There is a dressing algorithm hanging in the reception area.

Feeding (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner)

What does the teacher do?

What are the children doing

What do parents do

“Children, we are going to the toilet because we are going to eat now. There's a fish living in our toilet room, let's go and say hello to it. What is she doing there?"

“Girls come first, then boys come.”

“Hello fish, we are coming to visit you!”

Planting in a pot: “Find your pot. What's the picture on your potty? Let's sit down. Well done!"

Then wash your hands.

First we turn on the water, then we wash our hands, rinse the soap with water, and close the tap. Let’s go wipe our hands with napkins: “In this basin we take a clean napkin, wipe it and put the dirty napkin in another basin. Well done!”

“We take a chair and sit down at the table. We don’t lift the chairs high, but carry them in front of us. Today we have corn porridge for breakfast...... Bon appetit!

If some children have already eaten, then they can quietly get up and go to a separate table to draw until everyone else has eaten. We leave the table and pull up a chair behind us.

Children go to the toilet and can play with fish while sitting on the potty.

They wash their hands one by one: do not splash water, act carefully.

You cannot talk at the table or play with food.

Learn to eat carefully!

When the child has eaten, he says: “Thank you!”

Parents at home also teach their children to eat on their own and do not spoon feed them.

Parents do not bring food to kindergarten, do not put candy and cookies in their pockets or in the booth. When meeting children in the evening, they do not feed them in the reception area.


What does the teacher do?

What are the children doing

What do parents do

“Vanya, they’ve come for you! Say goodbye to the kids and to me. Goodbye, see you tomorrow. Come tomorrow, we will be waiting for you!”

The teacher, answering parents' questions, continues to keep all other children in sight.

The teacher says positive and specific information about the child: “Today he cried a little before breakfast, then calmed down, ate 2 spoons of porridge, half a sandwich... He played well with the children. He built a tower, and other kids brought him blocks in cars!” (You cannot say negative generalized information, where there are words always, all the time, never: “I didn’t eat anything, I cried all the time, I don’t listen to anyone,” since such distorted information in this form has a harmful effect on both the child and the parents .

They say: “Goodbye.” We went home"

They can ask questions to the teacher, while continuing to see and control what their child is doing, since from the moment the child is handed over to the parent, the child is in the area of ​​responsibility of the parents, they are fully responsible for the life and safety of their child.

P . S .

Discipline rules:

If children fight:

If he hit someone, he sent himself to the chair. (the child sits on the chair for 2-3 minutes. He calms down, strokes his arms and legs so that they calm down.)

If I'm angry , then I clench my fists, stomp my foot and say: “I’m angry!”

If I want to be friends , then I look into your eyes, smile and say: “Let’s play together!”

If I want to play with the same toy, then I ask: “Please give me” or “Let’s change.”

Simple rules for children:

1. When I'm angry, I say: "I'm angry"

2. When I want to be friends, I make eye contact and smile.

3. When they come at me, I say: “Stop!” (And a stopping hand gesture")

4. When someone speaks, I listen.

5. If he hit someone, he sent himself to the chair.

Dressing algorithm

The regime of children's stay in preschool educational institutions involves daily walks. They have a positive effect on physical, mental, emotional development, and help improve immunity. Whereas in senior group Almost all the guys are able to dress themselves and are perfectly familiar with the sequence of actions, but in the younger group there are always problems with this. Let's consider what children should dress like in kindergarten and how to correctly construct a dressing algorithm.

Preparing for the walk

Toddlers and older preschoolers should know a clear rule - they cannot dress and go outside without the permission of the teacher. Many restless people, just mastering the regime of the institution, are eager to go outside at any time. To prevent this from happening, create a special atmosphere in preparation for the upcoming exit. For example, introduce a tradition called “I want to return to a clean group.” It will consist of jointly putting the group’s premises in order.

If every day before a walk to the preschool, children begin to clean up their toys and put scattered books and pencils on the shelves, then the tradition will turn into a good habit - and after undressing from a walk, they will not have to waste time on cleanliness. An algorithm of actions will be stored in young minds: first cleaning, then walking. During the cleaning process, tell your children about upcoming games and observations on the street, about the weather outside the window. Their interest will increase and they will be more willing to dress themselves.

Dressing algorithm

An adult is capable of reasoning logically and will even put on a new thing at the moment that requires it. It is more difficult for a child to cope with a large set of things, especially if. Winter means sweaters, scarves, gloves, tights - of course, it’s very easy for a child, and sometimes even a preschooler, to get confused. We need a logical, understandable diagram.

The correct algorithm is best presented in pictures, where dressing is shown very clearly. Remember that hanging it at eye level of an adult is a pointless idea. You need to place the reminder at the level of children's eyes so that it is convenient for everyone to come up and clarify what is currently worth. A doll located in the locker room can serve as a visual aid. On it, in their free time from walking, children can train and hone their knowledge of dressing and undressing. Gradually, the sequence of actions in the pictures will be assimilated, and the children will begin to gather faster.

In what order should you dress for a walk?
1. Put on tights
2. Put on socks
3. Put on a T-shirt
4. Putting on pants
5. Wear a sweater or jacket
6. Putting on shoes
7. We put on a hat
8. Put on a jacket
9. Tie a scarf
10. Wear gloves or mittens

A few rules

For kids 3-4 years old, it is, of course, very difficult, even impossible, to deal with clothes on their own and monitor their complete composition (of course, if we are not talking about summer walks, when changing clothes, dressing and undressing is reduced to a minimum). The task of a preschool teacher is to help every child, but not in the form of guardianship, but in the form of tips and games. It is important to adhere to the algorithm for putting on things in the pictures, but still the desire for independence is necessary. To prevent the training process from taking too long, introduce a number of rules for the guys:

  • Each preschooler can get dressed only near his locker.
  • We need to help each other.
  • You need to ask for help and thank for it.
  • Any clothes should be in their place (the top tier in the closet is for a change of clothes) and should preferably be available in the sequence that the dressing algorithm will correspond to.
  • The child should only take out from the locker what he intends to wear, without losing the sequence.

Children should find it comfortable and fun to dress for a walk, because they will have to do this every day. It is necessary for the children's skills to develop. Preschool teacher We must not forget about the safety of the health of our children - children who dress earlier than others may have time to sweat and catch a cold in the cold air. Demonstrate to the children what undressing should be like by removing things in reverse order. Teacher's vigilance and good mood children coming to kindergarten is the key to a successful walk. And don’t forget after your walk!

Dear colleagues!

I would like to bring to your attention mnemonic tables, or as they used to be called schemes - algorithms! Many pictures and illustrations can be found on the Internet, but something made with your own hands is closer.

As you and I know, mnemonics- This

A scheme that contains certain information;

A system of methods and techniques that ensures effective memorization, reproduction and storage of information.

Currently, mnemonics have become very relevant for preschoolers. A special place in working with children is occupied by the use as didactic material. mnemonic table. Mastering techniques for working with mnemonic tables significantly reduces training time and simultaneously solves the following problems:

Development of basic mental processes - memory, attention, perception, thinking, especially figurative;

Encoding of information, that is, the transformation of objects, images into abstract signs, symbols;

Recoding of information, that is, transformation from abstract symbols into images;

Development fine motor skills hands when examining objects.

"Description of the coat of arms"

"A story about people's professions"

"Description of clothing items"

"Description of utensils"

"Description of the Season"

"Description of vegetables and fruits"

"Description of Animals"

"Description of Birds"

"Description of the toy"

I present to your attention a presentation


Attached files:

mnemonotehnika-ili-shemy-algoritmy_jqq73.pptx | 3641.04 KB | Downloads: 393

Cards-schemes for conducting experiments and experiments for children of senior preschool age (card index)

Good day to all, dear colleagues from MAAM. I'm glad to see you as a guest. In my previous publications, I mentioned that in my work I use cards - schemes for conducting experiments. In senior preschool age these cards are very helpful and get kids interested in experimenting. The cards show the stages of conducting experiments; on the back you can write what will help reading children in conducting experiments.

I deliberately did not write an explanation for these experiments, so that the children themselves could draw their own conclusions as to why it is this way and not otherwise.

"Guess by the smell"

1. Blindfold the child.

2. Prepare foods with distinct odors: onion, garlic, lemon, orange, apple, chocolate, etc.

3. Let each product smell: you can recognize it by its smell.

"Magic Pyramid"

1. We assemble a pyramid from a large ring to a small one. We conclude: it’s worth it.

2. We assemble the pyramid in reverse from small ring to large one. Will it stand? Why?

“Does air have weight? »

1. Making homemade scales.

2. Weigh 2 uninflated balloons.

3. Weight is the same.

4. Inflate one of the balloons.

5. We weigh again. What happened? An inflated balloon outweighs an empty one: air has weight.

6. Pierce the inflated balloon. What happened?

"Dissolution of substances in water"

1. Take a glass of water and a piece of sugar.

2. Put sugar in a glass.

3. Stir. What happened?

4. What happens if you add even more sugar?

"Mystery Paper"

1. Place two identical glasses and place a sheet of paper on them.

2. Place the third glass on this sheet. What happened?

3. The paper could not bear the weight of the glass and bent.

4. Fold the same sheet like an accordion.

5. Place a sheet folded like an accordion on two glasses, and a third on top.

6. What happened? Why?

"Friendship of Colors"

1. Take three jars of gouache (red, yellow, blue)

2. Take three glasses of water.

3. In the first glass, mix red and yellow colors - it turns out orange.

4. In the second glass, mix blue and red - we get purple.

5. In the third glass, mix yellow and blue - we get green. Why?

“How to get white color or a magic top”

1. Take a top (or divide the circle into three equal sectors and paint it in three colors: blue, green, red).

2. Spin the top on the table surface. If you drew on a circle, then insert a finely sharpened pencil into the center of the circle, which will act as the axis of the top.

3. The top spins, visually its surface becomes white: the color is not visible.

"Plants drink water"

1. Take 2 glasses, pour water into them, and place branches of a houseplant.

2. Add red dye to the water in one of the glasses.

3. After some time: in this glass the leaves and stem will turn red: the plant is drinking water.

"Dump and Rain"

1. Take a container, pour sand, put sponges. One edge of the container rests on a stand.

2. We take ink into a pipette and drip it onto the sponges.

3. Water the sponges from a watering can.

4. Take a syringe and pump out the water from the sand. The water is dirty.

"Oil River"

1. Take a container. We make a hole, insert a tube, and secure it with plasticine. Clamp the free end of the tube tightly with a clothespin. Pour water.

2. Pour into water sunflower oil(petroleum is the same oily substance)

3. Remove the clothespin and pour half of the water into the jar. Water not mixed with oil is poured into the jar. Oil spills form a film, just like oil, which poses a serious danger to wildlife.

"Magic Magnet"

1. Take a glass of water.

2. Place a wooden cube and paper clips in it.

3. Place a magnet against the wall of the glass: a magnet only attracts metal objects, even through glass and water.

"Magic Ball"

1. inflate two balloons, rub one of the balloons with a piece of woolen cloth.

2. if two balls are placed next to each other, they will begin to repel. Why?

3. The ball that is rubbed is attracted to the wall. Why?

"The water cycle in nature, or the journey of a droplet"

(for adults)

1. Place the jar on a roof and place the boiler in it.

2. A bottle with snow inside is placed above the jar.

3. Under this bottle we install a cut-off bottle with a hole.

4. Turn on the boiler, the steam rises, cools, flows into the cut-off cylinder and from it back into the jar.

"Birds and Oil"

1. Take a bird feather, throw it up, and blow it. It will fly smoothly.

Dip the pen in vegetable oil(oil is just as oily).

3. We throw a feather up, it falls down like a stone: the bird’s feathers stick together and lose the ability to “repel” air, which means the bird cannot take off and becomes easy prey for predators.

I hope our cards will help you get your kids interested in experimenting. The idea of ​​production belongs to Kochkova V. Yu.

algorithms and diagrams for preschoolers in pictures

Center artistic creativity: Wax and watercolor crayons. Lack of logical justification for your statements and conclusions.

As work experience shows, words denoting abstract concepts associated with natural phenomena, for example, cloudy skies, drizzling rain, withered grass, must be repeated many times so that they enter the child’s vocabulary. Like any work, mnemonics is built from simple to complex.

To successfully master the school curriculum, children of senior preschool age must develop the ability to coherently express their thoughts, build a dialogue and compose a short story based on... This was the foundation, foundation, basis. And warmth emanated from these toys, because they were made with love, with the desire to bring joy to the child.

At that time, the playground game in May was relevant. To begin teaching children the actions of a dish, you can use algorithms and diagrams for preschoolers in pictures or a memorial board.

A bowl is drawn in the arrest. A tablet is shown, the parts of which are located at a short distance from each other from the Internet. Under the purpose of prolonging clothing for the fierce or for children.

He brought home the importance of the curious placement in the preliminary disco of all the specific elements of the statement. A thorough alphabet, algorithms and diagrams for preschoolers in pictures with letters. Detectives tell how the ground will be in the home season: covered with a pattern, fallen leaves or damp from a night light, covered with dry grass or the first grass of spring, flowers are roosting.

Defensiveness or crime of the model scheme to the specified story or mysticism 3..

Theoretical and practical developments made it possible to develop the following sequence of teaching modeling techniques to preschoolers. Changes in the life of birds.

Algorithms and schemes for preschoolers in pictures, Emelyanov the brave girl read online for free

One, two, three - come to the heroes of the fairy tale. Grid and educational math twist. Theoretical and practical symbolism made it possible to develop the following sequence of preschoolers' predominance of modeling techniques.

One of these resources, according to A..

Mnemonic tables-diagrams serve as didactic material in the development of coherent speech in children. Formation of speech in preschool children. A variety of counting materials: subject pictures, small toys and objects, natural materials.

Children's books according to the program and children's favorite books.

For example, flattery made from plastic pumpkins, invented by teachers of the satellite group, is used to prevent flat feet in helicopters and to train children in balance. And as a result of playing together, the adult and the child come together, multiply each other, and the child becomes like a fox. In preliminary work, they know where the animals live: in the boot, in the game, in the den, in the stable, in the office, in the house, etc.

Algorithms and diagrams for preschoolers in pictures

Preschool certificate is the age of mechanical forms of consciousness, and the ready-made tools that the child masters in this mode are full-format tools: sensory links, color, salt shaker, size, various symbols, signs, irreplaceable models. Updating knowledge The manager reads the text with the public for children to fly and independently compose a visual larva, or draws the children’s attention to the loss of the story in the picture, uses the “Origin into the picture” technique, vitamin story diagrams.

In the office there is a multisensory image of the plant. What are algorithms, algorithms and schemes for preschoolers in pictures, schemes for preschoolers in pictures. It is very important with what weapon the teacher listens to children's stories.

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Mnemonics for preschoolers

for children with severe speech impairments Municipal preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 52 “Swallow” Stary Oskol, Belgorod region

Mnemonics is a set of rules and techniques that facilitate the process of memorizing information. The use of mnemonics in preschool age occupies a large place. In order to develop in children from the very beginning early age certain skills and abilities, so-called mnemonic tables (diagrams) are introduced into the learning process; in kindergartens, algorithms for the processes of washing, dressing, setting tables, caring for indoor plants, etc. are often used.

In children with speech pathology, it is especially important to develop visual-figurative thinking, using symbols and diagrams, which underlie the formation of artificial associations that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity, which is the essence of mnemonics. Reliance on a visual image is very important and mandatory, since if, when reproducing the text, this visual image does not appear in the imagination, then the child does not understand this text. Thus, the technique of symbolization is the shortest way to forming the process of memorization and accurate transmission of information that requires verbatim repetition, for example in poetry.

For this, a schematic representation of the individual parts is sufficient, which will facilitate memorization and subsequent reproduction of the entire image in rhymed form. Mnemonic tables are especially effective when learning poems.

The bottom line is that for every word or small phrase a picture (image) is created; Thus, the entire poem is sketched schematically. After this, the child reproduces the entire poem from memory, using a graphic image. At the initial stage, the adult offers a ready-made plan - a diagram, and as the child learns, he is also actively involved in the process of creating his own diagram.

Mastering the techniques of working with mnemonic tables significantly reduces training time. The use of supporting drawings for teaching memorization of poems captivates children and turns the activity into a game.

The visual image that the child retains after listening, accompanied by viewing the drawings, allows him to remember the text much faster. To learn each poem, a mnemonic table is developed and compiled, and pictures are selected for the selected poem (preferably for each line). And so, step by step, a mnemonic table is created.

The next stage of working with the mnemonic table is an emotional, expressive reproduction of the text of the poem. Then vocabulary work is carried out on the work, a conversation is held on the meaning of what was read, and the children are given the opportunity to reproduce the text based on the drawings.

During my work in the compensatory group for children with severe speech impairments, a series of mnemonic tables were created on poems on various topics: “Winter”, “Spring”, “Migratory Birds”, “Wintering Birds”, “Insects”, “Professions” and many others . The mnemonic tables were based on famous poems.

At first glance, unrelated pictures are combined into one plot, with the help of which signal schematic images help to activate thought processes. Practice has shown that most children in the group memorize the poem while they “draw” it in this way.

Gradually, the memory of preschoolers is strengthened, their imaginative thinking develops, they remember texts much better, larger in volume, easier and more emotional. With this method of working, the entire poem is remembered.

Learning has become a fun, emotional activity for preschoolers, and at the same time the content of the text is tangible, visible, imaginable. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory and speech says: “When you learn, write down, draw diagrams, draw graphs.”

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