How many peeling procedures need to be done? How often can you do facial peeling and when is the best time for the procedure?

Silky, healthy-looking facial skin is not only a gift from nature, but also the result of caring for it. Professional methods are more effective, although home methods should not be ignored. One of the common procedures is chemical peeling for face . Several types are used, each providing a different degree of effect on the skin.

During peeling, a chemical composition is applied that removes the top layer of skin or affects deeper areas. Essentially this is a burn, but it helps to get rid of dead cells, excess fat, and traffic jams.

The procedure also causes a protective reaction in the tissues. Healthy cells of the collagen and elastin layers of the skin begin to actively divide, which leads to rejuvenation. The result is:

  • increasing hydration and elasticity;
  • disappearance of small wrinkles and smoothing of deep ones;
  • lightening the surface, evening out the overall skin tone;
  • removing stains.

Face after chemical peelingneeds rehabilitation, which has different durations. The skin turns red, peels, and crusts may form on it. But when it is completely renewed, it becomes much better than before the procedure.

Indications for use

Chemical peeling can be done from 18 years of age. It will also help those over 25, and is also effective for older women.

  • With the help of acid peeling, you can cope with many shortcomings:
  • increased greasiness and clogged, enlarged pores;
  • acne and the unevenness and spots left behind;
  • weakened skin turgor;
  • fine wrinkles and more pronounced facial folds;
  • age spots;
  • noticeable scars;

bad complexion.

Contraindications If a woman is going to do chemical peeling of the face, contraindications

  • - the first thing she should know about. These include:
  • dermatological diseases of inflammatory and other nature;
  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • any infection, including skin infection;
  • oncology;
  • mental disorders, epilepsy;
  • laser procedure performed less than six months before;

pronounced rosacea.

For information about important points you should know before starting a chemical peel, watch this video:

Chemical peeling of facial skin carried out with acids. They affect the surface with different intensities:

  • Products based on hydroxy acids. These are all fruity and glycolic, providing a gentle effect on the skin. They belong to the category of alpha hydroxy acids. They are fruity and help nourish the skin with moisture, so they are more suitable for extreme dryness. Beta-hydroxy acids also belong to this group.

These substances penetrate deeper into the skin, therefore they are able to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, more energetically stimulate the rejuvenating processes in it, and cleanse carefully but efficiently. The most commonly used drug is salicylic acid. Alpha and beta hydroxy acids are found in the preparations Jan Marini, MD Forte, Cosmedix, Agera RX, LA Peel.

  • Products whose main component is trichloroacetic acid. It comes in different concentrations, so there are preparations for medium and deep peels. In the first case, 25 - 30% substance is used. For a deep effect, a concentration of 40% is required. This series includes the drugs “Skintech Peel”, “Compositum”, “Obagi Blue Peel”, “Cosmedix”.
  • Products with retinoic acid. Designed for so-called yellow peeling. The preparations also contain ascorbic acid, phytic acid, and vitamin C. Beauty salons use products from Mene and Moy System and Mediderma.
  • Products containing phenol (carbolic acid). They also come in different concentrations, so they are used for medium or deep effects. These are the drugs “MC Peel”, “ Green mask" and others.


Effective chemical peeling procedure for the face impossible without a preliminary stage. Preparation begins 2 weeks before exposure and includes:

  • use of skin care products with vitamin A;
  • taking oral antiviral drugs if the patient often has herpes;
  • Carrying out superficial peeling 10 - 14 days before the middle peeling;
  • usage sunscreen before going outside to prevent your skin from getting tanned.

Is anesthesia necessary?

During the procedure, different layers of the skin are injured. This may cause pain or best case scenario discomfort. However, with superficial peeling the sensations are quite tolerable; it is only a slight burning sensation. Therefore, anesthesia is not needed.

Medium peeling is a more serious effect. During the procedure, the discomfort may be greater, so an analgesic is taken before the procedure.

Deep peeling has an even stronger effect on the skin. It removes the entire top layer (epidermis) and affects the dermis. Therefore, the procedure is more like a surgical operation. It is performed by a plastic surgeon with the help of an anesthesiologist. And in this case general anesthesia is given. But some time ago, gentle formulations for deep effects appeared. With them, an injection of an anesthetic drug is sufficient.


When they talk about the features of the conduct that differ chemical peels for the face, types – the main thing that defines them. How each procedure goes:

  • Deep peeling begins with anesthesia. If there is general anesthesia, the patient’s condition is also monitored using a cardiac machine. Then comes a thorough cleansing of the skin with detergent and a hard sponge. After rinsing the skin with water, blot it with a napkin and degrease it with alcohol. Then the drug with phenol is applied. For a more uniform distribution, the second stage is the application of a polymer composition - jelly.

The patient lives for a couple of days with a mask formed on her face. Then it is removed along with the top layer of skin and a drug with antibiotics is applied.

  • Medium peeling is also preceded by facial cleansing., but with the help of lotion. Next, it is dried and treated with an antiseptic. The main preparation is applied with a brush. It can also be rubbed into the skin for a more noticeable effect. There are from 1 to 4 layers of the product; they remain on the face for 5 - 20 minutes. All this time, discomfort from exposure is eliminated with a stream of cool air.

TO When a white film forms on the surface, the drug is removed using an alkaline composition. Then the skin is treated with a disinfectant and emollient.

  • Light chemical facial peeling(superficial) begins with the application of cleansing foam, which remains for a couple of minutes. Then it is washed off and the main product is applied to dry skin. When it is absorbed, you can apply a second layer. After 10 minutes the composition is removed wet wipe or neutralizer. Dried skin is treated with tonic and moisturized with a special product.

Skin care after

The skin remains traumatized as a result of peeling, so on the day of the procedure you should not touch it, you should not even wash your face. The face may look swollen and red. Then a film forms on the skin and it begins to peel off.

Care includes:

  • Washing with mild products 24 hours after superficial exposure, 2 - 4 days after medium exposure. requires treating the face with antiseptics until a dry film and crusts form on the skin.
  • Apply Bepanten or Panthenol spray to the flaky face. This can be done a day after a light peel, 2 - 4 after a medium peel. At the same time, the spray is applied to the deeply exposed face. Use the product several times a day for 15 - 20 minutes, then blot the skin with a napkin.
  • When the dry film and crusts come off, you can use regular moisturizing cosmetics. And before going outside, you should apply sunscreen.
  • Other caring procedures, sunbathing, baths, swimming, sports and decorative cosmetics should be avoided for now. You should also not peel off dry scales, films and crusts. They should fall off on their own.

How often is a chemical facial peel done? , depends on the condition of the skin and the type of exposure. She will be ready for the next superficial or midline procedure in 7 to 14 days. The course consists of 4 - 10 sessions. Light peeling can be done every 4 - 6 months. It is enough to carry out the average impact 1 - 2 times a year. Deep peeling is a once-in-a-lifetime treatment.

Possible complications

Complications after peeling

Most of them arise when rehabilitation requirements are ignored. Sometimes the cause of complications is the incorrect actions of the doctor.


The price for the procedure depends on the type, number of sessions, and level of the clinic. Superficial peeling costs 900 - 2500 rubles. per session. Medium procedure - 2000 - 10,000 rubles, deep impact - from 25,000 rubles.

Women are more interested in the effect than the price. The best chemical peels for the face It’s hard to name, it depends on the type of skin and problems with it, the age of the patient. Fruit acids relieve inflammation, almond oil rejuvenates, phytic oil eliminates greasiness and smoothes out wrinkles.

Glycolic acid is most often used and has multiple effects. In some cases, salicylic peeling will be the best; with age, you can decide on phenol peeling. You need to choose together with a cosmetologist.

Peeling is an effective procedure for cleansing the skin, which helps exfoliate dead cells, thoroughly cleanse the epidermis and significantly improve its appearance.

For home exfoliation, they can be used with low concentrations of acids or natural ones.

How to apply facial peels? Peeling preparations are used in a standard way.

First you need to thoroughly clean your face and degrease it. Then the composition is applied to the skin, rubbed in with light massage movements for several minutes and washed off.

After washing, you need to apply moisturizer.

How often can you repeat

How many times a week (or month) can you peel your facial skin and do you need to do it every day if you are prescribed a course of procedures?

The frequency of peeling is determined by the individual characteristics of the skin and the strength of its action. The stronger the technology used, the more sensitive the epidermis, the less often it can be done.

Salon hardware techniques are usually carried out once a week in a course of 2-8 procedures. Then the skin should rest for about a month.

Contraindications and precautions

General contraindications for all types of peeling are as follows:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • herpes virus at the acute stage;
  • viral infections, acute respiratory diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the presence of visible damage to the skin: wounds, pustules, scratches, cracks, burns;
  • period of increased solar activity.

They are even quite active. Before using them, it is important to carefully study the instructions, and it is better to consult a specialist.

Medium or deep exfoliation can only be performed by a cosmetologist.

Please note that peeling can provoke pigmentation, so after peeling you should not be in the sun for some time.

If used too frequently, even the mildest exfoliation can cause the epidermis to lose its protective properties and become vulnerable to external factors.

Damage is dangerous due to infection. That's why you cannot use the procedure more than 1-2 times a week depending on the type of dermis.

Apply the peeling agent to damp skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.

You can’t rub it too hard, just apply it to the massage lines with soft, confident movements.

One should not exclude the possibility allergic reaction on the compositions used.

This applies to both ready-made products and home recipes, which include herbal and other ingredients.

Peeling is a wonderful procedure for renewing and improving skin condition.

You can decide for yourself where to do it - at home or in a salon, but when using facial peels it is important to adhere to all precautions both during and after sessions.

Women who order skin cleansing in salons are interested in the question of how many facial peeling procedures they need to perform in order to achieve the desired result and not overdo it. Where is the “golden mean”, that optimal boundary at which you should stop to take a break? Let's try to thoroughly understand this issue, because if you decide to transform yourself by squeezing out all that it can give from manipulation, it is key.

Deciding how many sessions you need to do to get a good, lasting result is not easy, since you always need to take into account the following factors:

  • individual characteristics of a person;
  • the body's reaction to the components of the drugs used;
  • type of exfoliant;
  • type of exfoliation.

If the procedure is carried out in a salon, the decision is made by a specialist, based on a preliminary conversation with the client or client and monitoring the progress of the peeling, as well as the rehabilitation process.

When carrying out home procedures, all responsibility for the result falls on the shoulders of the woman or man who decided to do the cleaning themselves.

Good to know! Post-peeling intake of vitamin C will protect the skin from infrared radiation and prevent the reappearance of age spots.

For different types of peeling, a certain number of manipulations is provided, which is taken as a basis. In the future, changes may be made to the standard protocol, aimed at either increasing the number of procedures or reducing them.


Despite the invention of various devices for skin cleansing, chemical peeling still remains the most popular trending operation.

Before you figure out how many procedures this method should be done to get the result, let’s define what exfoliation is.

Chemical peeling is considered the least traumatic if you select the composition correctly and follow the protocol during implementation. The essence of the manipulation is that an acid composition of varying concentrations is applied to the previously prepared skin of the face or other part of the body. Acids used:

  • salicylic;
  • glycolic;
  • dairy;
  • pyruvic;
  • almond, etc.

The type of exfoliation depends on the concentration of the solution. There are:

  • surface;
  • middle;
  • deep.

As a result of the effects of the drugs, the exfoliation of fat particles, dead cells and keratinization, etc. begins. Old leather is burned out, as a result of which a rapid renewal process is launched and new cells begin to form. Wrinkles, pigmentation, acne, scars and other inconsistencies with the ideal go away. There is a specified time during which the acid should remain on the face. After it expires, a neutralizer is applied. Then everything is washed off and applied special means care

Now we come to the question of how often you should do an acid chemical facial peel. Even with a fairly deep impact, one procedure will not be enough. Only for deep exfoliation is it possible to perform a single manipulation. In other cases, you should remember that we are talking about a course procedure.

Even if a good result is visible after the first peeling, it is not complete and lasting. If you do medium exfoliation, you need to do 2-3 manipulations, maintaining an interval of one and a half to 2 months. With superficial peeling, the effect is achieved in 6-10 procedures, carried out at intervals of 1-2 weeks.

This is the only way to achieve skin changes cellular level and lasting results of rejuvenation. The framework is set from start to finish, since much depends on how the first and subsequent manipulations go.


Modern cosmetology uses several types of peeling procedures based on mechanical action. This:

  • coral cleaning;
  • masks with bodyaga;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • dermabrasion;
  • use of scrubs;
  • Brossage

The essence of the procedures is that fat, dirt, dead cells, etc. are removed from the surface being treated. The answer to the question of how long the course should be done depends on the type of cleaning chosen.

We offer a table that will help you decide:

No.Type of exfoliationPeriodicityNumber of manipulations
1. Brossageonce every 1-2 weeksregularly
2. Scrubsfor 2 months with breaks of 3 months
3. Dermabrasioninterval of at least six months3 times during life
4. Microdermabrasion1-2 weeks01.05.2020
5. Masks based on bodyagaonce every 7-10 days (for dry skin – once every 14 days)
6. Coral cleaningonce every 7-10 days (for dry skin – once every 14 days)regularly (take a break during hot months)

The final decision on how often mechanical facial peeling can be done is made by the cosmetologist, based on his own experience and knowledge of the client.


Hardware cleaning methods are just beginning to become popular. They are based on the use of such physical factors as:

  • radio frequencies;
  • elevated temperature;
  • low temperature;
  • laser;
  • ultrasound;
  • microcurrent.

The action of mechanical peelings is aimed at enhancing the processes occurring inside cells. As a result, the skin begins to renew, tighten and cleanse. Visible effects can only be achieved by completing the full course.

Of these types, exfoliation using laser and ultrasound is the most popular.

Laser exfoliation is a deep cleaning method that guarantees a lasting rejuvenation effect. This salon procedure. During its implementation, areas of the skin that have problems are “burned out.” At the same time, the weakened and non-working cellular structure is eliminated.

Laser exfoliation creates favorable conditions inside the epidermis to accelerate the synthesis of elastin and collagen. Thanks to the described properties, laser peeling allows you to easily and painlessly tighten and rejuvenate the skin. In addition, it helps eliminate many dermal problems and prevent them from developing. The frequency of manipulations using a laser is at least 5 days. To have an effect, you need to carry out from 2 to 8 procedures.

Unlike laser exfoliation, its ultrasonic analogue is aimed at delicate cleansing of the upper layers of the dermis. This method is good because it does not require a long rehabilitation period. The optimal course would be 5-7 manipulations. The frequency between them should be at least 10-14 days.

Cosmetologists recommend peeling in a course. A one-time cleaning, even with a high degree of effectiveness, will be of a short-term temporary nature. If the manipulation is carried out at home, experts strongly advise against doing deep and medium types of dermis cleansing. You can use scrubs yourself, do chemical exfoliation with a concentration of no more than 5-15%. You should always remember that this is an unsafe procedure. Errors and miscalculations can lead to irreparable or difficult to correct consequences.

Another important recommendation from cosmetologists concerns the regularity of cleaning. It’s good when a woman has chosen the right products for herself and understood what the optimal frequency of cleansing should be, allowing the skin to be filled with nutrients, breathe and renew itself. However, most types of peeling are not recommended during the summer months.

The last recommendation is important to consider when planning procedures. It is necessary to calculate so that the end of the cycle does not occur in the heat. Cosmetologists recommend doing as little amateur work as possible and even with home procedures, first consult with a specialist. If we talk about types such as deep cleaning, it is performed only in a beauty salon.


Summing up, we can draw an important conclusion: in order to achieve success and rejuvenate the skin for a long time, restore its firmness, elasticity and purity, you should know how many procedures need to be done in order for the effect to be noticeable. Periodicity and frequency are the two most important fundamentals on which the final result directly depends.

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Peeling is a procedure that is now available to every person, if not in a salon, then at home. The stores sell many creams, gels, masks and scrubs with a peeling effect. Some of them belong to the professional line, others are mass market products. Therefore, it is important to know how often to exfoliate your face in order to achieve maximum effect and not spoil your skin.

How often should you cleanse your face?

Depending on the type of exfoliation therapy, the number and frequency of repeated courses differ.

It involves grinding the surface of the face mechanically. Most mechanical peels are superficial, that is, only the very top layer of the epidermis is removed.

When brushing (cleaning with small brushes), the skin is slightly damaged and quickly restored. Therefore, it can be applied every two weeks.

Peeling with scrubs differs from home peeling only in that you are under constant supervision and do not do the procedure yourself. Some cosmetology centers even prepare their own scrubbing compositions. If you have oily or normal skin, not prone to inflammatory reactions, then salon scrubs can be used every week. Although it is better to do this in courses with a break of 2-3 months.

The dermabrasion technique is a hardware peeling using special attachments. They are coated with abrasive particles. Damage after such cleaning can be very deep, and healing can be long, so the break between procedures should be at least six months.

During this period, the skin will be able to fully recover. Dermabrasion is used to resurface severe and deep imperfections, so one treatment may not be enough.

After correcting the imperfections, you will have to forget about this type of peeling. It cannot be performed more than 3-4 times in a lifetime.

More beneficial in this regard is the more gentle microdermabrasion. An innovative non-contact technique in which skin polishing is carried out using a stream of air or water to which abrasive particles are added. The course includes up to 20 procedures followed by a break for a quarter.

Exposure to chemicals can cause irreparable harm. How often to do a chemical facial peel depends on your skin type and type of resurfacing. This peeling is very popular primarily because of its ease of use. By selecting the desired substance and its concentration, you can influence the depth that is required.

Let's look at the main types of chemical peels and how often they can be done.

  1. Superficial peeling. This includes grinding using acids and enzymes. It is recommended to do a course of 6-10 procedures with a break of up to a year. If the effect does not last well, then you can repeat one manipulation every 6 months to maintain it.
  2. Median. This type of exfoliation affects the layers of the skin more deeply and requires a longer rehabilitation period and care. Therefore, the course consists of 3-4 procedures with a break of a year. More frequent use will lead to worsening of the skin condition. The skin will not have time to recover after injury, the epidermis will become thinner and age faster.
  3. Deep. The most dangerous with a long rehabilitation period. Cosmetologists do not recommend using it more than three times in a lifetime. Frequency of procedure: no more than once a year. It is done under general anesthesia and is equivalent to a surgical operation. After deep peeling, a hospital stay under the supervision of specialists is required. Practically not used on site Russian Federation, as it has a high risk of developing serious complications.

Hardware techniques

They differ in the use of special devices for the procedure.

Laser equipment practically does not injure the skin. Can be used even on delicate and sensitive skin. The laser penetrates into the cells, stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers, which helps to tighten the oval of the face and reduce wrinkles.

Ultrasonic peeling acts on the skin instantly; there is no need to wait to see the final result. The effect on the skin is gentle and gentle.

How many times can you do facial peeling using hardware techniques? It all depends on the depth of exposure and sensitivity of your skin. Laser and ultrasound peeling courses can be repeated every quarter. The course consists of 8 procedures, which are performed with a break of several days.

Limitations for peeling at home

At home, professional potent products are almost never used, so there are much fewer restrictions on use. The easiest way is to make the mixture yourself from available materials and food. This soft peeling can be successfully combined with other cosmetic procedures without worsening the condition of the skin. At home, facial cleansing can be done several times a week.

It is advisable to do this at night so as not to apply it to the skin. decorative cosmetics. The face should rest after polishing. You should not do peeling often if you have sensitive skin, especially in the heat in summer and in winter with strong winds. The skin is under stress in such conditions.

What to do after facial peeling?

Peeling is always stressful for the skin because it causes damage to epidermal cells. The face is very sensitive after the procedure, so additional protection is required.

After peeling, you need to follow the following care steps:

  1. Gently cleansing of the skin. For superficial types of peeling, you can wash your face with gels and soap. After the middle and deep it is prohibited for a few more days. Do not use gels with abrasive particles (scrubs).
  2. Surface moistening. Any cream is suitable for dry skin without large quantity aromatic additives that may cause a reaction. It is better to use the tools that you have used before. Some creams have a drying effect on the skin and will have to be avoided during rehabilitation.
  3. Protection from environmental influences. To safely appear in direct sunlight, you can use sunscreen with SPF effect (the value should be 30-50).

Don’t worry if your face is red after peeling; your cosmetologist will help you understand what to do in this case. This is a normal skin reaction to irritation.

In all cases, for some time you need to refrain from visiting baths, saunas and solariums, and also refuse bad habits(drinking alcohol, smoking). Needs to be reduced for a few days physical activity, especially for those who are actively involved in sports.

What should not happen after the procedure?

Every girl needs to know what condition is dangerous and in what case to sound the alarm. After peeling, the following should not normally occur:

  • fever;
  • severe itching;
  • prolonged redness of the skin (more than 3 days);
  • the appearance of ulcers and weeping areas.

If you notice one of the following symptoms, then you need to urgently run to the doctor to avoid consequences for the skin and the body as a whole.


The frequency of peeling courses depends on the following points:

  1. Type of peeling and depth of exposure.
  2. On the severity of the defects that need to be corrected.
  3. Depending on your skin type and sensitivity.
  4. From age. Over time, the skin regenerates and recovers less well, so it needs peeling much more often.

If your skin reacts too strongly to peeling and takes a long time to heal, then it is better to reduce the frequency of exposure or completely abandon the procedure. In cosmetology, there are many ways to improve your appearance and, if problems arise, you can always find an alternative option.

Consult a cosmetologist before the procedure. He will be able to give many recommendations on skin care, explain all the pros and cons of a particular procedure, and offer various options.

Facial peeling is one of the most popular procedures for maintaining youthful and beautiful skin. The frequency and frequency of sessions for each woman are individual and depend on several parameters: the method of exfoliation and the depth of exposure, the age and condition of the skin, and the time of year in which cleansing is carried out are taken into account. Compliance with the frequency and frequency of peeling procedures will help to obtain the expected aesthetic effect and avoid complications.

Age-related features of peeling

The first changes in the condition of the skin are observed with puberty. At this time, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated, which leads to rapid clogging of pores and the appearance of a large number of pimples and comedones, also called blackheads. At this time, the skin especially needs cleansing, but for teenagers only superficial cleansing is allowed.

  • film masks;
  • cleansing the skin with scrubs;
  • use of ultrasound.

During this period, you should only use natural remedies, gently cleansing the surface layer of the skin. Such compositions remove dead epidermal cells, nourish and moisturize the skin.

After 30 years, muscle tone decreases and the secretion of sebaceous glands slows down. The skin becomes dry faster and its shade changes due to poor circulation. Collagen production is reduced, causing the skin to lose its elasticity and become flabby. At this age, it is useful to begin more aggressive types of cleansing, including chemical peels. Such procedures help maintain youth, even out skin tone and eliminate age wrinkles.

At the age of 40–45 years, cosmetologists recommend deep cleaning and laser resurfacing.

How often should you clean the salon?

The frequency and frequency of peelings in the salon is determined by several factors, which include:

  • quality of daily home care;
  • age;
  • selected type of exfoliation;
  • problems that need to be solved.

Since the life cycle of cells is 1 month, dead cells must be periodically removed from the surface of the skin. This can be done using daily washes with foams and soft gels. For better cleansing, it is recommended to use tonics containing salicylic, retinol or glycolic acid and scrubs. Such manipulations are carried out once a week.

To get rid of traces of acne, undergo a full course of peelings with sessions once a month. To remove unwanted pigmentation, cleaning is carried out more often. The exact number of procedures and the frequency of their implementation is determined by the cosmetologist.

Frequency of mechanical and hardware cleaning

Mechanical cleansing only affects the surface layer of the epidermis. In this regard, it is classified as soft, gentle. With the help of such cleansing, they improve the appearance of the face and speed up metabolic reactions.

To perform hardware peeling, ultrasound or laser is used. As a result of such cleaning, the skin is practically not injured, and the effect is visible immediately.

The frequency with which mechanical and hardware cleaning needs to be carried out depends on the type of procedure and the woman’s age:

Procedure Peculiarities Frequency and periodicity
DermabrasionThis peeling acts on the middle layer and deep in the epidermis. The hardware procedure involves removing dead layers using a diamond-coated cosmetic attachment. This cleansing reduces wrinkles, improves skin tone, and gets rid of scars, cicatricial areas and darkening. During peeling, the epidermis is seriously injured and requires a long recovery period.The course consists of 4 to 6 manipulations, performed every 10–14 days. The duration of the break between courses is at least 3 months
ScrubbingThe effect is carried out exclusively in the superficial layers of the epidermis, so such manipulation can be performed not only in the salon, but also at home. Cleansers consist of natural substances: coffee beans, fruit seeds, bodyaga, coral particles, sea ​​salt or sugarThe full course includes 6–8 procedures. Depending on the condition of the skin, the interval between cleanings is maintained from 7 days to 2 weeks. Then take a break for 3 weeks
BrossageThe superficial cleaning procedure exfoliates dead skin particles using soft massage brushes or an elastic sponge attachment. This procedure allows you to carefully remove the dead layer and activate blood flow, stimulating cell nutrition. Brossage is recommended as preparation for more aggressive effectsBrossage is carried out in a course of 8–10 procedures throughout the year. The interval between individual procedures is maintained from 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the condition and sensitivity of the epidermis. Then take a break of 3 months or more before the next course
Ultrasonic peelingThis procedure is the safest and most gentle. The sound wave destroys the dead layer of cells, evening out and refreshing the complexion. Most often, ultrasonic cleaning is used to prepare for chemical peeling.It is necessary to carry out from 4 to 8 procedures. For oily skin the interval between them is maintained at 7 days, for more sensitive and normal ones - 2 weeks. Before repeating the course, allow the skin to rest for at least 3 months.
Gas-liquid peelingCleaning is carried out only in a salon using sophisticated equipment. The impact is carried out by a stream of cold water containing oxygen and carbon dioxide. The procedure allows you to smooth out the skin texture, eliminate pigmentation and inflammationFor best results, 4-6 sessions are required every 7 days. After the full course, at least three months must pass before the second session
Laser peelingCleaning affects the middle and deep layers of the skin, eliminates age-related changes, the consequences of dermatological diseases and scars. In the area of ​​influence on the skin, controlled thermal burn, causing increased formation of collagen and elastin fibersOne course involves performing 6–8 procedures every 7 days. Between individual courses there is a break of at least 4 months

To maintain the effectiveness of cleansing, cosmetologists recommend alternating types of peeling with each other, since constant use of the same procedure is addictive.

Frequency of chemical peels

Modern cosmetology offers many methods of chemical cleansing, with different purposes, depth and degree of impact. Compositions based on acids and enzymes in the required concentration exfoliate the epidermis to a certain depth, eliminating not only minor cosmetic defects, but also significant age-related changes, spider veins and unwanted pigmentation.

Depending on the degree of influence, chemical peels are divided into the following types:

Viewchemical peeling Peculiaritiesprocedures Frequency and periodicity
SurfaceUnder the influence of acids and enzymes, only the surface layer of the epidermis dissolves. The procedure allows you to get rid of the initial age-related and facial transformations of the skin. This group of cleanses includes exfoliation with lemon, wine or apple cider vinegar, with calcium chloride, with bodyaga, bamboo or placental extract, Jessner peeling, enzyme or peptide and other typesThe full course involves 5–8 procedures with a break between them from 10 days to 2 weeks. The interval between courses lasts at least 4 months
MedianThis procedure, in addition to eliminating minor defects, helps preserve youth, eliminates unwanted pigmentation, post-acne and inflammatory processes. During the procedure, concentrated chemicals are used that require neutralization. Performing such manipulations at home is dangerous. This group includes yellow retinoic, azelaic, TCA, phytin, pyruvic peels and their analoguesMedian cleansing is performed in courses of 3–4 sessions. Between them you need to maintain a recovery period of 2 weeks. Only autumn or winter is suitable for this manipulation, the course is carried out once a year
DeepSuch a serious effect on the skin should only be carried out in a beauty salon. To perform cleaning, toxic phenolic acid is used, which destroys the epidermis and the initial layer of the dermis. Cleansing is done only for mature skin or to eliminate deep scars and scars.Correctly perform the procedure no more than once a year. You can only do deep dry cleaning three times in your entire life.

To carry out middle and deep dry cleaning it is important to choose the right time of year when activity sun rays minimal: late autumn or early spring. Otherwise, there is a high probability of the formation of unwanted pigmentation and aggravation of existing problems.

Skin tone and structure are of great importance: dark skin tone and large pores significantly reduce the effectiveness of cleaning. Therefore, with light and thin skin, peelings can be done more often.

Cleansing at home

It is necessary to carry out facial cleansing yourself from 16–18 years of age. Once you reach the age of 30, regular peelings become an integral part of skin care.

Even in the case of using natural formulations, the frequency and frequency of sessions are determined solely by the condition and individual characteristics of the skin:

  1. 1. Oily skin. For this type of skin, it is useful to carry out the procedure twice a week. More frequent peelings provoke active work sebaceous glands, and if you perform them less often, there will be no high-quality results. Scrubs prepared on the basis of coffee grounds, salt or finely ground sugar.
  2. 2. Dry skin. For dry skin, sessions should be performed much less frequently. It is recommended to exfoliate no more than twice a month. A scrub for such skin should be soft and not contain traumatic particles. A mixture of oatmeal and liquid honey is ideal.
  3. 3. Mixed skin To cleanse oily areas, peeling is used as needed. A noticeable result is shown by mixtures of wheat bran, drunk tea or ready-made scrubs with a mild effect. Sessions are performed once a week.
  4. 4. Normal skin. With such skin there are usually no problems with exfoliation. It tolerates the effects of most modern cosmetics well. As an additional remedy, use mixtures of sour cream or cream with oatmeal, fruit pits and others. natural abrasives. Such procedures are allowed to be carried out once every three to four days.

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