Table setting at home. Table setting at home - useful tips Beautiful festive table setting

Of course, no one requires you to comply with all the rules of diplomatic feasts - however, small tricks will help make even an ordinary family breakfast a real holiday.

Casual serving

Do you think that in ordinary life you don’t have to bother, and that it’s better to leave all the difficulties for holidays or visits of relatives? Psychologists are sure that you are wrong: Not only the appearance of the table, but also your mood and taste perception depend on the presentation of the dish. Nutritionists echo them: do you want to lose weight? Take the time to properly prepare your dishes!

This type of table setting differs from the formal one in the smaller number of cutlery and decorative details, as well as in more lenient requirements.

The diagram clearly shows the difference - if for a banquet you must provide for the presence of all the dishes that may be useful to your guests, then For a home-cooked lunch, it’s enough to limit yourself to the bare necessities: something that you will definitely use.

Let's try to take a closer look?

The first thing you should take into account from restaurant practice is mandatory the presence of stand plates. Don't think that this is an overkill - they will prevent crumbs and drops from getting on the tablecloth, so they will significantly save your time. Do you agree that it is faster to rinse a couple of porcelain items than to try to remove stains from borscht?

By the way: It’s better not to try to replace the tablecloth with oilcloth - on the one hand, it’s easier and more economical. On the other hand, you want to create beautiful table who will cheer you up just by his appearance? Even a simple checkered fabric looks stylish and neat. We recommend choosing it to match the overall interior of the kitchen or dining room to achieve visual harmony.

If you are serving a first course, for example soup or broth, you will need special cup or deep plate for each. They must be placed on the table immediately, on a stand, and then the food must be poured directly at the table. Of course, in a family circle this rule can be neglected. However, experience suggests that it is much easier to walk around with a saucepan and a ladle than to try to carefully carry several hot plates.

Already under it you need to put a plate for the main dish and side dish.

If your family has hearty meals of two or three courses with dessert, take care of cutlery: they need to be laid out for everyone in advance so as not to run after a forgotten fork later.

There is a universal rule: the dishes for the first course are placed on the outer edge, for the last course - closer to the plate. This way, you will not only follow serving traditions, but also save your family from the painful choice of which spoon to use for soup and which for cake?

Note: Although in fact dessert forks are served for sweets. With the exception of mousses, soufflés and jellies.

Not sure what exactly to put on the table? Refer to the following diagram - it will help you figure it out. The purpose of the cutlery is clearly shown on it, so you shouldn’t have any difficulties.

However, it is important not only to choose the right plates and cutlery.

An example of a beautiful presentation can be seen in this photo.

It would seem nothing special. However the overall color scheme and a couple of accessories turn an ordinary meal into a small one family celebration . Agree, this is not difficult to do. It's easy enough to get rid of old dishes and show a little artistic taste.

For breakfast and lunch the rules remain the same. You just need to remove the excess (for example, tureens) and focus on what you plan to serve.

But what to do if you are expecting guests for the holiday? On the one hand, you don’t want to waste time on banquet serving according to all the rules. On the other hand, you need to add solemnity and emphasize the special atmosphere. Let's try to understand it in more detail using a few examples.

Friends came to see your child?

Children's activities always cause anxiety for parents. It is necessary to take care not only of tasty and varied food, but also to think about safety- It’s unlikely that a five-year-old child should be trusted with thin porcelain cups. This is fraught with, at a minimum, the loss of your favorite set, and at maximum, a visit to the emergency room.

Setting a children's table doesn't have to be too complicated.- if you want the perfect holiday for your son or daughter, listen to our recommendations.

  1. 1. If space allows, set a separate table for the children- so they will feel like adults.
  2. 2. Try maintain the design in a single color scheme or choose a theme: sea, jungle, favorite movie or cartoon...
  3. 3. Best friend children - disposable tableware. No need to think that we are offering you white plastic cups and plates familiar to everyone from picnics! In stores you can find many interesting utensils: made of durable plastic or waterproof cardboard, painted with various scenes or of unusual shapes... Undoubtedly, everyone will like such utensils, and there is no risk of breaking them.
  4. 4. An abundance of salad bowls, a difficult choice between different cutlery... Are you sure that the child needs this? Much better to submit many a la buffet portioned appetizers. Eating them is both more convenient and more fun.

A good example is in this photo. Brightly colored favorite toys as decoration, unbreakable snacks and lots of little “goodies”.

Want a more rigorous option?

Use the same principles, but keep the design in the same color scheme.

If you want, you can find many videos that explain in detail how to make this or that type of decor for a child's room. festive table.

Is it your holiday?

Of course, here you will have to follow completely different recommendations. However, maybe your guests will appreciate plastic dishes with Winnie the Pooh? You know better.

If you want a simple, classic table setting for a birthday or anniversary, follow these tips:

1. First of all pay attention to the tablecloth. It can be either plain or painted - it depends on your taste. The main thing to remember (we hope this is already obvious) is no stains or bruises! They will ruin the whole look.

2. Think through the menu carefully to select the necessary dishes or cutlery. Otherwise, you will have to panic and look for a spatula for the cake or another spoon for the salad - agree, this is not the best way to spend time at your own party?

3. If you have invited many guests, you will have to duplicate salads and appetizers - it is inconvenient to reach for them across the entire table. That's why make sure you have enough of the same utensils: salad bowls, dishes, baskets for fruits and sweets. Inconsistency will completely destroy the beautiful setting of the festive feast.

By the way: It’s better to make sure that everyone invited will come and you won’t be surprised in the form of someone’s brother or wife. The number of devices must exactly match the number of guests.

4. When arranging the dishes, refer to the recommendations in the first section: first a stand plate, then a container for the main course and, if necessary, a broth bowl.

5. Knives and spoons should lie to the right of the plate, forks to the left.

By the way: If you know that one of your guests is left-handed, take this into account when seating. The person will be touched by the attention, and everyone will be comfortable eating.

6. Glasses and glasses are placed in the upper right corner. Make sure the containers match the drinks offered. This may seem like a prejudice, but champagne really needs tall and narrow glasses, and, for example, cognac, rounded, wide glasses - this helps to reveal the taste.

7. Don't forget about napkins. In addition to disposable ones, there must be clothes ones. Place one under the plates, another one on top or on the side, under the cutlery. By the way, choose them to match the tablecloth or prefer contrasting ones - in addition to their utilitarian purpose, napkins can also be a decoration.

Modern trends in table setting for a holiday differ markedly from those that were accepted twenty years ago - now there are much fewer conventions. Of course, one should not completely retreat from classical rules etiquette. They are not only beautiful, but also very comfortable. But to introduce a pleasant unexpected variety - why not?

For example, you might like a beautiful table setting with fruit - unusual, but very effective.

Carving is a cutting method that turns an ordinary snack into an amazing masterpiece.

Such compositions will appeal to both children and adults. Choose a design that will fit into the interior and style of the table - for some, flower vases or bouquets will suit, and in others even a dragon or a castle will be appropriate.

Another one interesting idea, which can be a great help when celebrating an anniversary at home - name cards on plates. Who among us is not familiar with the problem of seating a large number of guests? Solve it by ordering unusual napkins with names (two in one will never go out of style) or by installing cardboard cards. Guests will appreciate such attention and there will be no confusion.

  • There should be no broken or cracked dishes on the table. This is not only a bad omen - you don't want anyone to cut themselves, do you?
  • Maintain a common style - under no circumstances use objects that do not match each other, they violate harmony.
  • Once again, we strongly recommend that you make sure that there is enough of everything before your guests arrive.

We liked the festive table setting at home in this photo - all the recommendations were followed. In addition to the consistent style, harmony and use of the necessary utensils, the owner left cards with wishes for the guests - would you agree, an unexpected but pleasant bonus?

It’s little things like this that turn an ordinary dinner with friends into a real celebration. More decor recommendations can be found here.

Important nuance of seating

When planning a home banquet in honor of any holiday, many people forget one point that can completely ruin the pleasure - how much space does one person need at the table??

We think everyone has encountered an invitation to a party from which they would rather run away - the neighbors are pressing on both sides, it is inconvenient to wield a fork and you are left looking sadly at the salad or sliced ​​food, which is impossible to reach.

To prevent your friends from finding themselves in a similar situation, use the following schemes.

For a round table, approximately the following calculation would be relevant. It will make everyone feel comfortable. Of course, it is necessary to make adjustments for the size of the chairs and the radius of the tabletop.

However, remember that ideally there should be at least 70 centimeters per person.

This rule is also true for square or rectangular tables. True, such schemes should not be considered an immutable truth - nevertheless, a child will need less space than an adult.

We hope our tips will help you set the table properly for any appropriate situation - as you can see, it's not difficult at all!

Nowadays, every city has such a variety of restaurants, bars and cafes that inviting guests home has become a rarity. Despite this, the comfort of family dinners and home celebrations with close friends cannot be replaced by any fashionable restaurant. When a housewife is faced with the question of setting a table at home, many begin to panic, because they don’t want to “fall face down in the dirt.”

In fact, there is nothing wrong with setting the table at home. You just need to know the basic rules of etiquette, serving and proper serving of food.

Basic serving rules

When setting the table, special attention should be paid to certain details. Let's get acquainted with them in detail.


Pay special attention to the tablecloth, even if you are serving a regular table rather than a festive one. Eating at a bare tabletop is not as pleasant as sitting at a clean, light tablecloth. Psychologists and nutritionists are confident that the correct color of this element will improve your mood, eat less, and also gain aesthetic pleasure.

  • You should not replace the tablecloth with cheap oilcloth, despite its availability and ease of care.
  • The color of the tablecloth is selected to match the interior, or a calm neutral color.
  • The tablecloth should fit the table in size - no more, no less. Otherwise, the furniture will look ridiculous and careless.
  • The shape of the fabric is selected based on the shape of the tabletop.


Despite the high cost of good tableware, every housewife should have at least one quality set for 6 or 12 people, a set of identical cutlery, glasses, glasses, and napkin holders. We must not forget that there are separate dishes for cold, hot, appetizers, soups and desserts. Choose it to match the overall service so that there are no awkward combinations.

For everyday purposes, it is enough to have plain dishes from one set. It is much more pleasant when all family members are in harmony even at a home-cooked dinner.

For an anniversary or birthday, standard dishes are suitable white, which seems to never go out of style.

Casual serving

When serving a family lunch or dinner, there is no need to take out your entire “real housewife” arsenal. Just look at the menu to determine the types of plates and utensils that are needed for it. Decide whether there will be alcoholic drinks on the table and how many people will drink them. There is no need to give children the same glasses as adults.

Let's get acquainted with the nuances of everyday serving.

  • First place a decorative plate, then dishes for the main course. A deep bowl for soup is placed on it.
  • Decorative plate primarily serves to protect the tablecloth from contamination, since its edges protrude beyond the main elements. If you don’t have decorative dishes on hand, a large flat plate for hot dishes will do.
  • be careful: even for everyday serving, it is better to pour soup from a tureen at the table (into everyone’s plate) than to carry dishes from the stove, spilling at every step.
  • It can be exactly the same with hot– if a hot dish is already on the table, you can serve it from a common plate. If this is not possible, ask your children or spouse to help you bring hot food.

  • There should be devices for everyone– the “one knife for all” option will not work. Even when dining at home, each family member should feel comfortable.
  • Based on the rules of etiquette, the knife and tablespoon are to the right of the plate, the fork is to the left.
  • Glasses and glasses located on the right side of the serving plate diagonally.
  • At a normal lunch or at dinner it is more profitable to use simple paper napkins. Match their color to the color scheme of the entire table - white will still look great.

Festive table setting

Only small nuances appear.

  • So, when serving a holiday, in addition to a decorative plate, a plate for hot dishes, and a plate for soup, a snack plate is served.
  • For festive serving, in addition to a knife, a tablespoon and a fork, a dessert fork and a small spoon for coffee or tea should be placed above the decorative plate.
  • If a pie plate is placed when serving, you must place a knife on it.
  • The tallest glass should be placed first, and the spirit glass last.
  • Fabric napkins will not only add sophistication to your table, but will also become a basic necessity for guests. There is a large selection of folded napkins for serving with various accessories. You can also fold it beautifully yourself.

  • Sauces, salt and pepper are placed in the center of the table so that any guest can reach them without problems.
  • All drinks must be already opened and uncorked on the table.
  • At large quantities guests must not forget about the rule of serving dishes: the feast begins with the presentation of appetizers, canapés, and sandwiches.
  • Every dish placed on the table must have a spoon. This way, you make it clear to the guest that he can serve his own food.
  • The order in which plates of food are served to a person should correspond to his status and position. First, adult women are served, then men, and then children.

Features of festive serving

Knowing the basic rules of etiquette and the principles of basic serving, there is nothing easier than setting a festive table. Here your imagination, taste and small tricks that you need to know will help you.

Before preparing dishes and setting the table, think over the concept of the holiday. It will be very ridiculous if a children's birthday party is decorated in monotonous colors, and a business lunch is decorated with bright napkins with clowns or flowers.

It is important to remember that all guests are different: festive table setting involves a larger number of people - some may be tall, some short, some left-handed, some right-handed.

Consider the convenience of all guests.

If the table does not allow you to place all serving items in the required order and sequence, or there is not enough space to arrange appetizers, salads and other dishes, then use the idea of ​​a serving table. This can be a coffee table option or any other one, designed in the style of a common table. Match the tablecloth and decoration with napkins. It is important that the decor does not seem out of place.

Decorative elements can create a festive mood:

  • candlesticks;
  • Natural flowers;
  • accessories (including ribbons and bows).

So, when decorating a wedding banquet, a lot of voluminous accessories are always used - it doesn’t look vulgar.

It is important not to overload the table or clutter it unnecessary things, and also choose the appropriate decor for the occasion.

Don't be afraid to use balloons or whole arches if it's someone's birthday or anniversary.

If the festive table setting is being prepared for some thematic event, be it New Year or Christmas, complement the table with suitable decor: gingerbread cookies in Santa Claus hats, candy canes, gingerbread houses. Each thematic event has its own set of elements, which depends only on your imagination.

There will be many guests, but not enough identical dishes - and here there is a solution. Plates and cutlery can be combined with each other, even if they different forms and flowers. Determine the overall color scheme, experiment with placing dishes on top of each other, and complement them with napkins.

Do not use more than three colors for one table setting. Bright colors will distract the eye, or even kill your appetite. Calm, pastel shades may merge into one inconspicuous spot.

Your main assistant will be timing. Properly planned serving times for dishes and dessert will help you avoid putting all the dishes on the table at the same time, as well as correctly distribute your energy.

Another nuance of proper serving is the location of the guests. It’s unlikely that you want, instead of admiration for your table, dishes and comfort, to hear the barbs of the guests sitting next to you all evening.

Children's holiday

Celebrations attended only by adults or adults with children are much less hectic than children's birthdays.

Despite the fact that here you need to think through the space as much as possible, make it not only comfortable, but also safe for children, one can only envy the freedom of imagination.

  • Style and Unity– important elements on children's day birthday, so take care of the harmonious combination of the holiday, the number of boys and girls with everything around: from the choice of tablecloth to decorative elements.
  • Refer to details of positive colors. There should be no dark fabrics or napkins on the table. Avoid gothic or vintage style decor. Use exclusively cheerful details.
  • It is useless to put porcelain dishes on children or a family heirloom (antique set). There is no point in scolding kids for breaking a cup if they accidentally knocked it over with their elbow while playing.

Now in stores you can find a huge variety of disposable colored cardboard tableware with faces, balls or favorite cartoon characters. Children will be happy with this serving.

The success of a party with friends or a family gathering for a birthday largely depends on the table setting. For those who organize a holiday themselves or arrange a surprise for loved one, we have prepared a selection of 85 inspiring photos of holiday table settings, compiled 4 table design options and 8 tips on how to beautifully and inexpensively set and decorate a birthday table.

A little about preparation and organizational issues

  • Having set the date and time of the holiday, having decided on the list of guests, menu and budget, you should begin to audit the service and your existing decor. Make sure that dishes, utensils, treats and napkins are of the required quality and quantity.
  • Pay special attention to the presence of dishes for desserts: stands for cakes, shelves and dishes for fruits and sweets, dessert plates and spoons, as well as candles and straws for drinks.
  • If you are not familiar with the rules of serving, it doesn’t matter, modern table decoration at home does not require strict adherence to the rules, but still some principles are worth learning. An approximate arrangement of cutlery and utensils can be seen in the following diagram.

  • It’s also worth thinking through the table design down to the smallest detail in advance. And our selection of photos and tips will help you with this.

4 design ideas

Idea 1. Table decoration in an unusual style and color scheme

Any table setting, consistent with the same concept and color scheme, will be beautiful. But to make the holiday table look especially original, you should choose some unusual style, color scheme or motif.

Here are a few fresh ideas birthday table decorations:

  • Serving in the style of a la russe - this look has not yet become fashionable and has not yet become boring. A table with nesting dolls, a samovar, and bagels will definitely be remembered by guests and will create a sincere atmosphere.

  • Rustic style has long become popular in wedding decor, but has not yet become boring in the design of home holidays. Rustic deserves attention not only because of its “trendiness”, but also because it makes it possible to decorate a table with your own hands literally from improvised means and natural materials.

  • Another trend in decor is black, white, pink and gold with prints: stripes, zigzags and polka dots.

  • Floral motifs on dishes are an eternal classic that is experiencing a rebirth. Flowers are trending not only in vases and porcelain designs, but also in table textiles.

Idea 2. Thematic table decoration

A birthday tied to any theme is doomed to success and beautiful photos.

There are a lot of themes for both children's and adult parties, and for each you need to select your own accessories.

What table setting elements can be stylized?

  1. Serving a sweet menu, including cake;
  2. Decor of bottled drinks;
  3. Table decorations: vases, and other accessories;
  4. Tablecloth;
  5. Nameplates and menus.


  • Usually, themed parties do not require expensive decor; you can easily decorate a basic set of accessories and do a lot of things with your own hands. So, on a classic white tablecloth you can lay fabric runners in the desired color.
  • Try to adhere not only to a given theme, but also to a certain color scheme in everything - from decorating dishes to decorating bottles.

Here are some examples of table settings for a themed birthday (adult):

Idea 3. Orientation to the time of year and seasonal decor

If themed days birthdays are more suitable for parties with friends or children's matinee, then it is better to spend a holiday with your family or a gala reception of guests more traditionally and elegantly. Consider decorating the table to match the time of year in which you or the birthday boy were born. This design option has a big advantage - you can decorate the table not only beautifully, but also relatively inexpensively, using seasonal natural materials: flowers, fruits, leaves, pine cones and branches.

Summer table setting can be decorated with garden or wildflowers in small narrow vases, as well as fruits as shown in the photo below (scroll).

The autumn holiday table can be decorated with yellowed leaves, acorns, pine cones, rowan branches, wooden stands, and seasonal vegetables, such as pumpkin. The color scheme, of course, consists of autumn colors: orange, gold, yellow, burgundy, brown, etc.

For winter day Cones and dry branches of trees, for example, rowan, are suitable for birth, but in no case should they eat pine trees. The color scheme here should consist of cool colors and contrasting combinations: blue + white, blue + white, silver + white, etc. But New Year's flowers (red and green), as well as Christmas tree decorations best avoided. Snowflakes, stars and owls are suitable decorations.

  • To completely eliminate the association of winter decor with New Year’s, you need to put vases with flowers on the table, for example, white roses as in the photo below.

A spring birthday is decorated in soft colors, the table is decorated with fresh flowers, such as tulips and hyacinths, as well as willows and sakura branches. Decorative butterflies can enhance the spring mood.

8 solutions for budget serving

It is not necessary to buy new serving accessories for your birthday celebration, because most of the details can be easily and inexpensively made from scrap and natural materials.

  1. , decorated with lace, burlap, paint, ribbons, jute, etc. Photo examples of such decor are presented below.

  1. Balloons filled with helium are suitable for table decoration. Here are some ideas that are suitable for setting a table for a child’s or even an adult’s birthday. It is better to choose the balls in accordance with the overall color scheme of the table design.

  1. Napkins can be decorated:
  • Rings made of beads and seed beads, which you can make with your own hands in advance;

  • Ribbons or twine (for a rustic serving style).

  1. What can you use instead of expensive flowers for table settings and napkins? If the birthday is celebrated in the summer, then there are no problems with flowers - you just need to collect them in advance (in a clean place) and make compositions from field daisies, clover, fireweed, or even porridge. This design will turn out to be very gentle and elegant.

In autumn and winter, branches and cones are suitable, which you can paint with your own hands, for example, with gold paint as in the next photo on the right.

In spring, and at any time of the year, instead of flowers in the decoration of napkins, you can use sprigs of greenery, for example, rosemary or thyme (photo below), and you can put willow branches in a vase.

  1. To decorate, for example, snack plates and cards with names, you can use almost anything: fruits, vegetables, sweets, baked goods, the same pine cones, leaves, acorns, twigs, wine corks and much more.

  1. For table decoration, you can use paper: silk, foil, colored cardboard, corrugated.

  1. We have already said above that an ordinary white tablecloth, which is found in every home, can be easily modified or even replaced with runners, which are easy and quick to sew. In the photo below, one runner is sewn from burlap and lace, and the second runner is sewn from white cotton fabric, decorated with special fabric paint.

And also a festive one made from paper, such as kraft paper or from stapled book pages.

  1. And finally, you can save time on washing dishes and money by using beautiful disposable tableware, which you need to choose by color.

OK it's all over Now. We hope that you have already gleaned some ideas and are ready to start organizing the holiday. We wish you that your chores will be pleasant, and that your birthday will be fun and soulful!

Takes ~3 minutes to read

Have you ever wondered what is the main sign of the housewife’s attention to her guests? Of course, this is proper table setting. Unfortunately, not all housewives know how to do this. Many people think that it takes a lot of time to set a beautiful table. However, this opinion is wrong. Knowing and following certain rules, you can create a festive mood not only on holidays, but also on weekdays.
To create an unusual table decoration, you can involve members of your household. Most likely, they will enjoy this activity, and you will save time and effort.

It is wrong to think that in ordinary life you don’t have to bother, and that all the complexities of decoration are used exclusively for holidays. Psychologists say that the mood and taste perception of food in general depends on the appearance of the dish and the table as a whole.
Table setting at home differs from a formal one in the smaller number of cutlery and decorative details.

  1. Keep in mind that stand plates are a must. Using them, you will avoid soiling the tablecloth. Agree that sometimes it is very difficult to remove borscht stains from it.
  2. It is not recommended to replace the tablecloth with oilcloth. To make the table look “elegant”, sometimes it is enough to lay a checkered cloth on it. Of course, everything should look harmonious and the tablecloth should be combined with the overall interior of the kitchen.
  3. If your menu includes a first course, then deep plates are a must. It’s much easier to walk around with a saucepan and pour broth for everyone than to rush around with plates.
  4. There should be a container for side dishes under the deep plate.
  5. To avoid constantly running for forks and spoons, provide them in the required quantity in advance.


Why is table setting necessary?

Everyone will agree that it is much more pleasant to eat at a chicly set table. If everything is organized correctly, then the daily meal turns into a holiday.
It is not necessary to prepare gourmet dishes; you can use ordinary inexpensive products. The very idea of ​​decorating a dining table is important.
Planning table settings for specific meals
Introduce new traditions into your family. Due to lack of time in the modern world, not every family can afford to have meals together. In this case, you can limit yourself to one common meal, which will take place in the evening.
Not only for a festive meal, but also for a simple dinner, you can arrange the table setting in an original way. Children will be happy to help you with this; as a rule, they really love arranging plates and laying out napkins.
At this table you can chat with all family members. The cozy atmosphere is conducive to confidential conversations, everyone can talk about their problems or achievements. This tradition will bring a piece of joy into everyday life. Once everyone gets used to getting together at home for dinner, you can begin to introduce weekend gatherings into family traditions.

Table setting rules

  1. You need to use the same devices.
  2. Each dish should have its own serving.
  3. When arranging items, it is necessary to take into account that for each person you need to allocate about 80 cm of space. This condition will allow guests to feel comfortable.
  4. The plates are placed in the middle of the allocated space, at a distance of two cm from the edge.
  5. When planning to serve several dishes, place deep dishes on flat ones.
  6. Plates for sweets or bread are placed at a distance of 10 cm to the left of the person.
  7. Spoons, forks and knives are placed with the tip up, knives on the right, forks on the left. If dessert is to be served, the soup spoon is placed above the plate.
  8. Glasses and glasses should be placed on the right. If alcohol and water are served at the same time, then the container that should be combined with the first course is placed closer.
  9. All dishes must have a clean appearance without stains or streaks. Before serving, it must be wiped with a dry towel.

How to choose the right tablecloth

A mandatory attribute is a tablecloth. It can be used both for everyday use and for formal occasions. What recommendations do experts give when choosing tablecloths?

  • for a banquet, a tablecloth made of natural fabrics, preferably white, is used;
  • for everyday dinner or lunch, you can use an acrylic attribute; it should match the shape of the table;
  • It is important that the tablecloth is of a suitable length, it should cover the entire surface, and the edges should hang down by 20-25 cm.

Required condition!!! Any tablecloth must be clean. Therefore, you need to have several options available.

Plates placement

So, the tablecloth is laid. Now you need to arrange the plates. The scheme is very simple. There should be a decorative plate in the very center; it should not be too close to the edge. A plate for snacks is placed on it. If there are liquid dishes on the menu, then a deep container is also placed on a decorative plate. It is important to note that when serving puree soup, you need to serve a soup bowl, and when serving broth, you need to serve a cup. The bread plate is placed to the left of the decorative one.

Instrument location

Serving provides for a specific arrangement of all appliances. Everything must comply with etiquette standards:

  • cutlery should be placed on the sides of the plates, in some cases they are placed on top;
  • there should be forks to the left of the main plate;
  • knives are placed on the right, their blades should be directed towards the plate;
  • There should be a soup spoon on top of the plate;
  • The dessert spoon is placed on the right side, it should enclose a row of knives.

Important!!! The utensils that will be used first should be closest to the plate. The utensils for first courses should be the furthest away. Please note that all devices must be freely accessible for use.

How to choose glasses

When setting a festive table, it is very important to choose the right glasses. For each drink there is a certain type of wine glasses or glasses.
For red wines, cognac and brandy, “pot-bellied” glasses are used. And for white wines, small glasses are used. The tallest or narrowest glasses are for champagne. Juices and water are served in glasses designed for cocktails.

Using napkins

How to set a table beautifully? One of essential elements Decorations when decorating any holiday or banquet are napkins. A lot of techniques have been invented, following which you can create an exquisite and unusual composition from them. When choosing napkins, you need to pay attention to the color. You can buy napkins in the same color as the holiday candles.
Napkins should be folded so that when unrolled they do not look too wrinkled. This decoration is placed on a plate for an appetizer. Using napkin figures, you can make your table very stylish.

Setting the table for dinner

  1. Festive dinner with family. Beautiful candles and plates are placed on the table, wine and light snacks are stocked. Later you can serve a hot dish, dessert and fruit. Remove the glasses and replace them with cups and saucers.
  2. How to beautifully set the table for romantic dinner? A small table is set, at which two people sit opposite each other. The presence of candles and flowers is mandatory. A dark-colored tablecloth will add a special flair to the romantic mood.
  3. For a themed dinner. You can serve dishes prepared from products grown in your dacha. The table is decorated with compositions of vegetables. All dishes are simple, prepared from natural products.
  4. For dinner with a friend. No unnecessary details. Delicate tablecloth, minimal cutlery, light dishes. Perhaps cold cuts or seafood.
  5. Dinner for friends. Friends come to visit for simple informal communication. Therefore, forget about solemnity, everything should be simple. But of course, cook some delicious dishes


Table setting for a children's event

Organization children's event- This is always a special concern for parents. We need to take care not only about the deliciousness of the food and the beauty of the presentation, but also about the safety of the children.
How to properly set the table for a children's party?

  1. To make children feel like adults, set a separate table for them.
  2. It is necessary to maintain the design in the same range. It would be better if you choose some cartoon theme. It must be present in everything.
  3. Disposable tableware is a real godsend for parents who need to organize children's party. Just don’t think that we are talking about simple disposable plates. In stores you can buy very beautiful dishes made of durable plastic or special cardboard. Such dishes are very practical, because they do not break. She is very beautiful, so kids will be delighted with her.
  4. Do not prepare a variety of salads and meat dishes. This is a children's holiday, and children don't like to eat this when visiting. Surprise them with beautiful buffet appetizers that are exactly what they will love.


The benefits of proper table setting

If your family gets used to eating in a cozy and beautiful environment, then food will be a real pleasure. Children will grow up cultured, knowing the place of each item on the table. Evening gatherings around a beautifully set table will bring your family together. And this family tradition will be passed on from generation to generation.

How to set the table? There are no exact, hard rules on this matter. Of course, there are basic table setting recommendations, however big role in the placement of accents and especially in the choice of decor, the personal taste of the one who sets the table plays a role.

A beautifully set table creates a pleasant atmosphere of comfort, care, and celebration. There are so many nuances and possibilities in this matter that setting the table correctly is considered a real art.

Table setting rules

There are several basic rules, following which you can set the table beautifully. The price of cutlery and accessories does not have of great importance. The main thing is that dishes, cutlery and everything around them harmoniously combine with each other and create a complete composition. Including the interior of the room where the table will be set. Without napkins, tablecloths, colors It will not be possible to create this or other items for decoration. So, let's describe the algorithm step by step.

  • The table is covered with a tablecloth - clean and ironed. Its edges should fall from the edge by twenty-five to thirty centimeters.

  • The corners should be located opposite the legs.

  • We place the plates, previously washed and wiped dry, or even better - polished so that they shine.

  • The snack plate is placed exactly opposite the chairs, and about two centimeters separates it from the edge of the tabletop.

  • A pie plate is placed 5-15 centimeters to the left (bread is placed in it).

  • If you need more than two plates, then a small dining room is located under the snack bar.

  • When a two-course meal is expected, you can first place one deep plate and then bring the dessert plate.

  • The knife and fork are located at the main plate: the knife is on the right, next to it is a spoon, the fork is on the left.

  • There can be several knives: they follow in decreasing order of size - from left to right.

  • When serving butter, you need to place a small knife on a bread (pie) plate.

  • If it is necessary to use several forks, they are placed on the left side of the plate - in decreasing order: dining room, for fish and for appetizers.

  • The dessert spoon is behind the main plate (which is opposite the chair) parallel to the edge of the table, its handle is turned to the right.

  • For wine, the glass is placed on the right side, immediately behind the knife.

  • Other glasses or glasses are placed next to it.

  • When the only drink on the menu is water, the glasses or goblets for it are located directly behind the main plate.

  • For kvass or fruit drink, you need a glass or crystal mug with a handle.

  • If the table is fully set, then the dishes into which drinks are poured stand in two rows.

  • All objects on the table should be located at least half to one centimeter from each other.

There are subtleties of table setting for different dishes. So, it is customary to eat spaghetti with a spoon and fork, which is why there is no knife in the composition. In Italian cuisine there is always water on the table - the glass with it is closest to the main plate.

Mandatory accessories

Napkins- it is necessary. Once the glassware is placed, cloth napkins are placed on the appetizer plates, which are best folded nicely. Sometimes you can use paper napkins.

And the final chord - dishes for spices, flowers in vases, other table decorations. Salt, so that it does not become moistened quickly, is best used in a mixture - regular table salt with dry salt. And only half of the pepper is poured into the pepper shaker.

Flowers They are very harmonious with a festive table setting, however, an everyday table will only benefit from them. It is important that the vases for them are low. It is worth ensuring that pollen does not fall from flowers and petals do not fall.

Setting the table for the celebration

A festive feast requires special preparation. This will help create an atmosphere of celebration, lunch or dinner will go well, and the guests will be happy.

In addition to the dishes, you will need tablecloth: The ideal option is flawless white. You can choose a tablecloth with patterns, but not bright ones. Keep the tablecloth elegant and the napkins in the same style. If you fold them in an intricate way, it will be even more interesting.

There is one pattern here. Table setting experts believe that crystal glassware requires only a white tablecloth, but porcelain can be combined with colored ones.

It is worth setting the table and decorating it in one style. This means that all the cookware, cutlery, spice ware, and decor all need to coordinate with each other. It is important to take into account that the room where the table is set is also in harmony with what is on it. If all these rules are followed, the effect is amazing!

For example, if the table is being prepared for Christmas, New Year-themed accessories are appropriate. A wedding celebration requires its own table decoration, and a birthday allows for any options. The main thing is that the table does not overshadow the birthday boy himself.

Dishes and cutlery are arranged according to general rules, everything is as described above - point by point. Then everything will lie as it should. There are enough plates for different dishes. Guests will be comfortable, the food will be even tastier, and the overall atmosphere of the holiday will be at its best.

Children's holiday

Children do not need excessive “strictness”. It is important that young guests are as comfortable as possible. And so that the mood of joy and mischief is reflected in the serving.

Which one will it be? dishes, does not matter for children: let it be comfortable and relatively inexpensive - exquisite porcelain or glass is not the best here suitable option, because children can easily break it, which will spoil the mood. You can even use disposable tableware, But good quality, with bright drawings.

It doesn’t matter to children whether there will be delicacies on the table or ordinary, but interesting and favorite snacks. But they will appreciate it if the food is put on plates and they don’t have to put anything on or cut it using a knife. After all, these are children who have no time for ceremonies.

It’s good if there are as few dishes on the table as possible. The simpler the better. The main thing is that everything is convenient.

But decor is perhaps the main condition for successfully serving a festive feast for children. Different balloons, decorative paper decorations, bright tablecloth, caps, - all this will delight young guests. It is worth paying maximum attention to this. After all, children love to play.

The theme of the holiday continues in the table decoration. When young “fairies” come to the girl, and everything around her resembles a castle from a fairy tale, the table, of course, should be decorated in the same way. A holiday for boys, where there are a lot of robots and a corresponding animator and other decor, will be brighter if the table is also “robotic”.

Beautiful - every day

You don't have to wait for a holiday to enjoy a wonderful table setting. You just need to spend a little more time setting the table for a regular breakfast or dinner.

It will be easy if you have some in stock beautiful napkins and dishes - albeit inexpensive, but in the same stylistic and color scheme.

In this case, a tablecloth is completely optional. On the contrary, the modern trend is to do without it in home serving. And replace with wicker ones bamboo napkins, wooden stands or cloth napkins . You can link them yourself. Nice hard paper napkins will also work.

A beautifully folded napkin tied with a ribbon and a flower in a vase will help add sophistication. There is no need to complicate the serving: a minimum of dishes, but as much imagination as possible.

How to set the table correctly: video

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