Holiday “Scarlet Sails. “Scarlet Sails”: Where is the best place to watch it? How to get a pass for Scarlet Sails

How to get to Scarlet Sails 2018 if you are not a graduate? It turns out there are more than enough options. True, you will have to pay a lot for some.

School tickets for Scarlet Sails 2018

Every year, the St. Petersburg alumni festival “Scarlet Sails” attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators. Despite the fact that there are much fewer heroes of the occasion. According to official data, in 2018, 80 thousand St. Petersburg graduates, their peers from other regions and accompanying persons received invitations to Palace Square. Each schoolchild from yesterday is given two tickets - one for himself, the second can be given to anyone. But just give it away!

Schoolchildren do not have the right to sell invitations, explained Larisa Kuzmina, press secretary of the city education committee, to KP.

However, many teenagers easily part with their passes. Some are already in a hurry to apply to universities (foreign, for example), others prefer to celebrate their graduation in a small group of friends.

“I can’t go for family reasons,” the young man Ivan explained to us. He sells two tickets for three thousand rubles.

More precisely, Ivan sells ticket reservations. He will receive them only the day before the holiday. Schools deliberately try to issue invitations as close as possible to “Scarlet Sails” in order to eliminate fraud. But graduates are not so simple. On average, prices this year vary from 750 to 1,500 thousand rubles per ticket.

PICTURE OF THE DAY in St. Petersburg. How to get to Scarlet Sails if you have not graduated for a long time

Resellers, judging by messages on social networks, are ready to buy tickets en masse for 500-700 rubles, so that they can then sell them at a profit on the day of the holiday. As practice shows, in the evening before the climax of the show, prices rise to three to five thousand rubles per ticket.

In addition to official, illegally sold tickets, you can also run into ordinary scammers selling counterfeits. Nowadays, halographic stickers and individual numbers are used to protect invitations from counterfeits.

If we wish, we can check each ticket and find out who it was issued to,” noted a representative of the education committee.

In practice, if you have an official ticket, then you will get to Dvortsovaya without difficulty.

In any case, please note: starting this year, all entrance tickets to Scarlet Sails 2018 are divided into four categories. The letters A, B, C and D on them indicate the sectors through which you will need to pass to Dvortsovaya.

Where is the best place to watch Scarlet Sails 2018


Another popular and also not very legal option to see “Scarlet Sails” is to climb onto the roof and watch the show from there - such services are offered by roofers.

Prices range from a thousand rubles for access to the roof in the area of ​​Liteiny, Sadovaya, 2-3 lines of Vasilyevsky Island, to ten to fifteen thousand for a roof on the “first line” near the Trinity or Palace Bridge, from where the best view opens.

At the same time, spectators run the risk of being caught by the police and slapped with an administrative fine. In addition, there is a possibility of running into disgruntled local residents.

These are illegal excursions. In 2015, a man collected money from those who wanted it, brought them to the roof, and local residents were already standing there and drove them all away. He tried to go to two more addresses, but they turned him away there too. And in the end, the comrade simply ran away with the money,” said St. Petersburg roofer Dmitry Ivanov.


The Neva water area between the Trinity Bridge and the Spit of Vasilievsky Island will be closed to tourist boats. This night there will be only one “king” on the Neva - the Swedish sailing ship “The Kronor”.

Despite this, numerous pleasure boats invite guests for a night trip to the “Scarlet Sails”. The prices are serious - four to six thousand rubles per person. But you need to understand that a motor ship, boat and other boats will be able to stop behind the Palace or Birzhevoy Bridge. And you will have to look at the show through the crossing supports or look out over the fireworks.

View terraces

You can view Scarlet Sails comfortably from some restaurants and from the city’s viewing terraces. There are them on the Petrograd side, and on Vasilyevsky, and in the Center. But you had to reserve seats there in advance.

As KP ​​was told in one of the hotels, whose restaurant windows overlook the water area in front of the Winter Palace, tables were ordered from them back in the spring.

We ran out of places a long time ago; we made reservations a month ago. To rent a place, it was necessary to make a deposit of five thousand rubles. This money can be spent on food and drinks on the night of Scarlet Sails,” noted the restaurant manager.

In the Northern capital, everything is ready for the grand celebration of school graduates - “Scarlet Sails -2018” will be held in St. Petersburg on the night of June 23-24.

The organizers have already revealed some secrets of the All-Russian Alumni Ball, which is traditionally held during the White Nights. And in 2018, the Scarlet Sails holiday will take place during the FIFA World Cup. This will give guests and foreign fans the opportunity to learn even more about amazing Russia.

The first "Scarlet Sails" - holiday last call and farewell to the school - were held on June 27, 1968, but then, in 1979, the tradition was interrupted and was revived only in 2005. The holiday was included in the register of world event tourism and recommended for visiting in 20 European countries.

Scarlet Sails 2018: program

On the evening of June 23 the center Northern capital will be at the mercy of yesterday's schoolchildren. The organizers clarified that from 20 to 22 o'clock the gathering of graduates on Palace Square and spectators on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island will continue. At 22:00 a theatrical prologue will begin on Palace Square, followed by a festive concert.

Several stars have been announced for the Scarlet Sails 2018 program in St. Petersburg. Among them: Basta, Alekseev, ST, Alsou, Marie Crimebreri, Artem Pivovarov, Victoria Daineko, My Michelle, Quest Pistols Show, star of the show “The Voice” 12-year-old Rutger Garecht. All these artists were chosen in a survey by this year's graduates themselves. The hosts of the Scarlet Sails holiday this year will be Ivan Urgant and Dasha Alexandrova.

The concert program will be divided into two parts. The first will last until 00.40. In the future, the main stage of the holiday will be the Neva - a colorful water and pyrotechnic show will take place here, the Swedish sailing ship “Tre Kronor of Stockholm” with scarlet sails will pass, and fireworks will be given to the sounds of classical music. After the completion of the action on the water, the second part of the concert will begin on Palace Square and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island. The holiday will end at 4 am. All guests and participants of the holiday will be able to get home without any problems, since the metro will operate all night, as well as special buses duplicating metro lines. Buses will begin operating after the bridges on the Neva, raised for the duration of the sailing ship's passage, are closed.

How to get to Scarlet Sails 2018

Graduates of St. Petersburg schools, as well as medalists from other cities, will be able to attend the main prom of the country, as before. According to preliminary data, about 80 thousand graduates from St. Petersburg and other Russian cities will be present at Scarlet Sails 2018.

Guests of the holiday can be teachers and parents who have received special invitation tickets to enter the event areas - Palace Square and Palace Embankment. You can also watch the water-pyrotechnic show from the opposite bank of the Neva - for example, from the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island and from the Tuchkov Bridge area. To accommodate all the spectators, this year 40 pontoons were installed near the beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress in addition to the usual gathering places for guests. But it is still recommended to come early, since there will be a lot of people who want to see the colorful show - you need to take into account the tens of thousands of fans of the 2018 World Cup, who will also probably want to take part in the celebration.

Neither in Russian Federation, there is no other more beautiful and spectacular holiday for graduates in the world, which is organized annually in St. Petersburg at the end of June under the name “Scarlet Sails”. The most spectacular and impressive is the light show in the waters of the Neva River.

The main decorations of the holiday are palaces and bridges, and the hero of the holiday is a brigantine with scarlet sails. The sailboat will be accompanied by classical music and a grandiose fireworks display, which symbolizes the fulfillment of all the wishes of the 2018 graduates.

Scarlet Sails program in 2018 in St. Petersburg

The alumni festival “Scarlet Sails” will be held on the night of June 23-24, 2018, the event program is already known:

  • 23.06. in the period 20:00-22:00 – gathering of all graduates on Palace Square;
  • 23.06. from 22:00 – grand opening holiday;
  • 23.06. from 22:20 – the beginning of the concert program;
  • 24.06. from 02:00 to 01:00 – pyrotechnic show on the Neva;
  • 24.06. at 00:50 - passage of the Swedish sailing ship “Three Crowns of Stockholm” under scarlet sails;
  • 24.06. from 01:10 – continuation of the concert;
  • 24.06. 04:00 - meeting the dawn.

Many Russian celebrities will perform at the concert in honor of the holiday of all graduates, including: Basta, Alekseev, ST, Alsou, Marie Crimebreri, Artyom Pivovarov, Victoria Daineko, My Michelle, Quest Pistols Show, star of the show “The Voice” 12-year-old Rutger Garecht, who were chosen by the city graduates themselves.

How to get tickets for Scarlet Sails in 2018 in St. Petersburg

With special invitation tickets you can get to the Scarlet Sails event. Such tickets can be obtained by graduates themselves, their parents, and representatives of educational institutions. The school management is mainly responsible for ordering tickets; their issuance began on June 19 and will last until the 22nd.

The event can be viewed from the embankment and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island. And in order to get to the square itself where the event will take place, you need to buy a ticket, which is most often done by hand on the day of the holiday.

Tickets can also be purchased on several websites, where the cost of a holiday pass ranges from 1 to 5 thousand rubles.

During the Scarlet Sails event in 2018, traffic will be limited in St. Petersburg

In connection with the holiday of all graduates, the traffic schedule in the city center will be changed in St. Petersburg:

  • until June 26, traffic will be blocked on the far right lane along Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt in the direction of the Trinity Bridge;
  • from 11:00 on June 22 to 11:50 on June 23, from 23:00 on June 24 to 05:00 on June 25, traffic on the rightmost lane on the Trinity Bridge in the direction from Trinity Square to Suvorov Square will be blocked;
  • until June 28, 23:00 – traffic on the far right lane on Birzhevaya Square is blocked;
  • from 11:50 on June 23 to 18:00 on June 24, traffic on the Trinity Bridge will be blocked;
  • from 17:30 on June 23 to 05:00 on June 24, there will be no passage for vehicles along Nevsky Prospect from Sadovaya Street to Palace Square, Palace Bridge, Birzhevaya Square, Gorokhovaya Street. from Malaya Morskaya street. to Admiralteysky Ave., emb. R. Moika from Aptekarsky lane. to Nevsky Prospect, Malaya Morskaya Street. from Nevsky Prospect to Voznesensky Prospect, Bolshaya Morskaya Street. from Voznesensky Prospect to Nevsky Prospect, Moshkov Lane, Aptekarsky Lane, emb. Winter Canal, Marble Lane, Voznesensky Ave. on the site from M. Morskaya street. to Admiralteysky Prospekt, Admiralteyskaya embankment. from Dvortsovy Proezd to Senate Square, as well as along Millionnaya Street. from Aptekarsky lane to Palace Square and some other directions.

Scarlet Sails is a holiday for every graduate in St. Petersburg. It is held at the end of June on Vasilyevsky Island, as well as on Palace Square. Various excursions around St. Petersburg are specially scheduled for the duration of this summer holiday. Scarlet Sails is included in the list of world tourism events, so everyone is interested in visiting the event. It is recommended for visiting in almost all European countries. It is not surprising that reviews in the foreign press do not subside. The whole world is impressed, because Scarlet Sails has no analogue.

Scarlet Sails in St. Petersburg 2018 date, how to get there: invitations and setting dates

At this time, the dates for all events for 2018 have not yet been set. Approximately the celebration will take place on June 22 or 23 of this year. It was on these dates that Scarlet Sails took place in past years. The exact setting of the date depends on several aspects, which is why the organizers do not make preliminary statements about the real time of the event. The days of final exams in schools directly dictate the dates of the holiday. You need to indulge in fun with a calm mind, and not think about preparing for final tests. That's why the organizers think suitable option one of the days off at the end of June.

Scarlet Sails in St. Petersburg 2018 date how to get there: white nights of St. Petersburg

It is not for nothing that White Nights are considered a miracle of St. Petersburg. The organizers choose the longest night on one of the weekends. This delights tourists and city guests even more. Uncertainty in 2018 is also associated with the FIFA World Cup. The match and the Scarlet Sails holiday should not fall on the same day. Last year's celebrations were moved to Friday due to a large-scale meeting of football teams. The exact schedule will appear only in May and then the intrigue will give way to real planning. The holiday includes theatrical performances with musical arrangement and fireworks. The theme of the performance is always different, so tourists can come every year and see a new work.

Scarlet Sails in St. Petersburg 2018 date how to get there: attendance at the event is limited

Show High school prom Scarlet Sails is intended only for graduating students. Their relatives and teachers are present with them - these are the main participants in the event. Every year, invitation cards to the holiday are created for them. Not only St. Petersburg graduates, but also schoolchildren from other regions of the Russian Federation will be able to witness all the action in person. Entry is completely free, but is by invitation only. The rest of those interested must settle in advance on the other side of the river near Vasilyevsky Island. From there a beautiful view opens up and guests find themselves in a real fairy tale.

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In this article you can find out the date of the alumni holiday "Scarlet Sails - 2017", what the program of events will be on this day and how to get to the holiday "Scarlet Sails - 2017" in St. Petersburg. This event has long become traditional for St. Petersburg.

In 2017, the Scarlet Sails holiday will take place on the night of Friday, June 23 to Saturday, June 24. All main events will take place in St. Petersburg on Palace Square and on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island. The culmination of the holiday will be the appearance of a ship under scarlet sails in the Neva waters at 00:50. Hence the name of the holiday "Scarlet Sails". In 2016, about a million people attended the festival, an impressive figure. In 2017, even more spectators are expected during the peak of the white nights; the summer solstice is expected in St. Petersburg on June 21-23.

Transport work on the night of the holiday "Scarlet Sails - 2017"

From midnight to 6 am, buses will run on routes No. 8, 12, 56, 77, 80, 93, 106, 114, 130, 142, 154 with an interval of 30 minutes. The metro will operate around the clock during the Scarlet Sails 2017 holiday in St. Petersburg.

Program of events, which artists will perform at the festival "Scarlet Sails - 2017"

20:00 - 22:00 - gathering of graduates and their guests on Palace Square and spectators on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.
22:00 - the beginning of the theatrical prologue on Palace Square.
22:20 - start of concert programs on Palace Square and the Spit of Vasilievsky Island.
00:40 - musical light and pyrotechnic show on the Neva.
01:10 - 04:00 - continuation of the concert program on Palace Square and the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island.

During the alumni holiday in St. Petersburg, performances by artists are also planned, here is a list of expected celebrity performances:

"Scarlet Sails - 2017" Date, program of events, how to get to "Scarlet Sails - 2017"

  • Mummy Troll
  • Silver
  • Surganova and orchestra
  • Artik & Asti, Marseille
  • Max Barskikh
  • Alexander Panayotov
  • Grigory Leps

The festive program will be hosted by Ivan Urgant and Dasha Alexandrova.

How to get to the Scarlet Sails festival in 2017, where to buy a ticket or invitations?

Indeed, not everyone can get to Palace Square; entry will be by invitation only. Invitations can be obtained free of charge from schools to graduates and their parents. And residents and guests of St. Petersburg can stay on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island and in other places for free.

There is an alternative for guests and residents of the city, because you can still get to Dvortsovaya if you wish. Invitations can be bought secondhand; the graduates themselves will sell them on Admiralteyskaya and near Palace Square on the evening of the holiday. Last year their minimum price was 500 rubles. There is also another way to watch the holiday, but it will cost much more. You can take a tour; in this case, you can watch the fireworks with

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