Open lesson in the second junior group “A fun journey. Summary of an integrated lesson in the second junior group "travel through fairy tales" Lesson in the second junior group travel

Math lesson notes in the second younger group travel on the "Jolly Engine"

Author: Tatyana Dmitrievna Pavlenko, teacher at MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 128”, Ryazan.
Description of material: I offer a summary of a mathematics lesson in the second junior group, a trip on the “Jolly Engine”
Goals: Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, answer the question what is the shape, what are the colors.
To develop the ability to solve assigned problems, to consolidate orientation in space.
Preliminary work:
We teach children to pay attention to the shape of geometric figures and shapes when performing basic actions in everyday life.
Game "Choose by color".
Program content.
Educational objectives

- continue to teach children to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked and answer it clearly;
- Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name primary colors: red, blue, yellow, green, black;
Developmental tasks:
- Develop auditory and visual attention, imagination.
- Develop speech, observation, mental activity - Expand and activate children's vocabulary.
- Develop logical thinking.
Educational tasks:
- Cultivate a desire to work;
- Cultivate kindness and responsiveness.
Equipment and materials:
Demo: soft toy Bunny. Cards with images of figures of a certain color, attached to the backs of chairs. 4 boxes of red, blue, yellow, green, black;
Handouts: Ticket cards with images of figures of a certain color and shape, according to the number of children.
Methods and techniques: Modeling a game situation in order to pose a problem and create motivation, exercises for logical thinking and creativity, questions for children, the use of teaching aids, visual material, physical education, technical means
Educational areas:
“Cognitive development” - consolidate acquired knowledge about geometric shapes; -consolidate acquired knowledge about colors
"Social and communicative development"
- learn to express and discuss your impressions of the work done;
- activate children's speech,
- continue to learn how to answer the teacher’s questions
Children's seating: on the carpet; on chairs arranged in a semicircle; standing near the tables.

Progress of the lesson.

Introduction to the educational game situation
Children, our friend Bunny brought tickets for a trip on a funny little train. And in order to go on a trip, you and I must each choose a ticket for ourselves. The teacher, together with Bunny, shows the “magic bag”, and each of the children chooses a ticket for themselves, putting their hand into the “magic bag”.
Educator: Children, look, each of you has a figure of a certain color drawn on your ticket. Poll of children: Sasha, what figure is drawn on your ticket? What color is it?
Children's answers: blue, green, yellow, red, black - square, circle, triangle.
But where is our “fun little train”, on which we will go on Bunny’s journey?
The music starts. "Locomotive from Romashkovo"

Main part.
Children, here is our little train, (a “fun little train” is a chair placed one after another and on each back of the chair there is a color picture attached geometric figure from the ticket.) but you must each find your seat. Look carefully where on the chair there is the same picture as on your ticket. This is your place.
Bunny: Dear passengers, our locomotive is setting off on a journey, we ask passengers to take their seats.
Children walk freely and look for their place in the “fun train”
When all the children have found their places.
Let's hit the road.
The teacher sings a song with Bunny and children
Here is our train coming,
The wheels are knocking
And on our train
The guys are sitting.
Chu-chu, chu-chu-chu-chu,
The locomotive is running.
Far, far away
He took the guys.
We arrived at a forest clearing,
Stop again
Get up guys
Go for a walk.
Music by N. Metlov, lyrics by T. Babajan

Physical education minute:
Educator: The children come out. Children, we arrived at a forest clearing. It is so beautiful here and there are many flowers. And the flowers are you and me.
Our wonderful flowers (Children squatting)
Petals open (Start to rise slowly)
The breeze breathes a little (open your arms above your head)
The petals sway (sway)
Our wonderful flowers
Petals close
They shake their heads (sway)
Quietly fall asleep (and slowly return to the starting position)
Educator: Children, but our little train is waiting for us, it’s time to go home. Take your seats quickly.
The children took their places in the “fun little train”.
But now we have returned home. And you still have your tickets. And to please our good friend Bunny. We will arrange the tickets by color.
A GAME: “Choose by color.” In front of you are boxes of red. blue, green. yellow, black. Children, you must put your ticket in the correct box. what color is the picture on your ticket in such a box you must put your ticket.
Educator: Children, you did a great job with all the tasks, and our friend Bunny will be very pleased and will come up with another new surprise for us.

Summary of GCD in mathematics in the younger group. Using non-traditional forms of work in mathematics

Open lesson in the second junior group " Fun trip»

Goal: Development of coherent speech in children, familiarization with the environment.

Tasks :

Educational: to develop the ability to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale; remember a familiar fairy tale - « Kolobok » based on visual images, to develop the ability to hear and understand questions asked according to the plot of the fairy tale, answer them; enrich children's vocabulary - distinguish animals by appearance, name them correctly;

Developmental: develop attention, memory, thinking motor activity; fine motor skills hands; the ability to solve riddles about wild animals; activate speech.

Educational: to cultivate friendly relationships, interest in fairy tales, and joint creative activities; and the desire to help a friend in need.

Material and equipment:


Soft toys: bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox

Geometric figures (modules) triangle, square

Pictures of wild animals,

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales « Kolobok » , "Ryaba Chicken" , "Turnip" , "Hare and Fox" , "Teremok"

looking at illustrations for fairy tales, learning nursery rhymes, finger gymnastics, physical exercises.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look, we have guests today.

Let's say hello to them.

Children say hello.

Educator: Well done!
(Children stand in a circle) .

We gathered in a circle.

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly (raise up)

And let's smile at each other

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales?

Children: yes

Educator: what fairy tales do you know?

Children : « Kolobok » , "Turnip" , "Masha and the Bear" etc.

Educator: Well done. And today I met a fairy-tale hero!

Educator: And who is it, you have to guess.

He left his grandfather

And he left his grandmother.

He has a ruddy side.

This is delicious... ( bun)

Educator: That's right, guys. And here is the bun, which invites us all on a fun journey.

Educator: The bun rolls and rolls... and we all follow it...
So we ended up in the forest.
And the wind is blowing in the forest. First quietly (children and teacher pretend to be wind) and then loudly ( children and teacher pretend to be the wind )

Look, someone's long ears are peeking out.

He loves to eat carrots
Ears sticking out to the top,
Our timid jumper

Kids, who is this…..?

Children's answers (Bunny)

Educator: That's right, bunny.
Children: Hello, bunny!

Educator: Guys, let’s all play with the bunny.

Physical education minute

(with musical accompaniment)

The little gray bunny sits and wiggles his ears......

Educator: so we played, and the kolobok suggests continuing our journey.
Children stand in a circle and walk along with the kolobok in a circle to the music.


  • Fix the names: vegetables, fruits, transport.
  • Compare objects by: width, height, quantity.
  • Reinforce your knowledge of geometric shapes.
  • Clarify children's ideas about wild animals.
  • Improve the ability to use nouns with prepositions in speech (in, on, under, behind, about).
  • Develop fine motor skills, logical thinking, memory.
  • Cultivate interest in the gaming activity and the desire to participate in it.
  • Promote emotional bonding between children.

Equipment: models of vegetables and fruit, models of trees and Christmas trees, 2 baskets (big and small), rivers and streams, bridges 2 (narrow and wide), cubes large and small, sunshine, garden bed.

Progress of the lesson:

1) Organizational moment:


“The sun is looking out the window
Looking into our room
We will clap our hands
We are very glad to see the sun.”


Guys, look, the sun is smiling at us, let’s smile at each other, the sun and our guests, and say hello to them. In such sunny weather it is good to go to the forest.


How can you go on a trip?


By plane, car, train, ship.


What would you like to ride?

Children: offer.


Okay, we'll go on the magic carpet. But, trouble! The magic carpet is torn and needs to be repaired. Place the shreds according to shape and color in their places. (geometric shapes)

Did. game "Magic Carpet"


The carpet is ready to fly, sit down comfortably and close your eyes.

(soft music).


Open your eyes. Here we are in the forest! To find out who lives in the forest, solve riddles.


1 He sleeps in a den in winter
Under a huge pine tree,
And when spring comes
Wakes up from sleep. (bear).

2 Who is cold in winter
Is he wandering around angry and hungry? (wolf).
3 A ball of fluff, a long ear,
Jumps smartly, loves carrots? (hare)..


Well done, you guessed the riddles correctly. And here comes the forest, full of mystery and wonder.


Look, what is this?


Trees and Christmas trees.


What's that under the tree?


Mushrooms under the tree.


How many mushrooms?



How much is there under the Christmas tree?


(A bear comes out to the meeting and cries.)


Misha, what happened?

Teacher in a bear costume:

Hello guys! I played with the cubes and mixed them up. Please help me put the cubes into baskets. Large ones go into a large basket, and small ones into a small basket.


Shall we help the target?


Children complete tasks.

The bear thanks for the help and offers to play.


We went down to the fast river (step in place).
Bent over and washed (bend forward, hands on waist).
One, two, three, four (clap our hands).
That's how nicely refreshed we were (shake hands).

Went ashore steep (step in place).


Children, look, what is this?


This is a river.


And what's that?

Children: Stream.


What river?



What stream?



Children, how can you cross the stream?


Jump over.

Children and teacher jump over a stream (safety precautions).


How can you cross the river?


We need a bridge.


Let's pick up a bridge. What bridge is this?



Which one is this?


(children pick up a bridge, together with the teacher cross the bridge and see a bunny sitting on a stump).


Hello, bunny! Why are you sitting there so sad?


Hello guys. There was a strong hurricane, he tore fruits from the tree, tore vegetables from the garden bed and mixed everything up. Help me put on the garden bed what grows in the garden bed, and under the tree what grows on the tree.


This is an apple growing on a tree, which means it is a fruit.
This is a tomato, it grows in a garden bed, which means it is a vegetable, etc.
The hare teacher praises the children and invites them to play.
A game "The gray bunny is sitting"

Gray bunny sitting (squat)
and wiggles his ears (show ears)
It's cold for the bunny to sit
We need to warm our paws. (rubbing hands)

It's cold for the bunny to stand (get up)
The bunny needs to jump (jump)
Someone scared the bunny (cotton)
The bunny jumped and ran away. (sit down)

The hare runs away and returns with a basket of apples. Thanks for your help. Leaves.


Oh, well done guys. We helped Mishenka and Bunny and completed the tasks.

And it's time for us to return to the group. Sit down on the magic carpet and close your eyes. (Music)


So we returned to the group. Guys, tell me where we were? What did we see there? Who did we help? Did you like it? Thanks everyone.

Program content: continue to form children's ideas about the signs of autumn, consolidate the ability to recognize and name them, develop spatial orientation, activate children's speech, consolidate the ability to recite a poem, clearly pronouncing words, teach to distinguish and name fruits and vegetables, train children in grouping objects by color, develop the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text, develop Creative skills in children through applique, to cultivate accuracy when working with glue.

Material and equipment: trees: two artificial Christmas trees, an unusual box with a leaf, a music speaker with a recording of children's music, red and yellow leaves made from cardboard, Stuffed Toys– animals: hedgehog, hare, ready-made sheets for each child, templates: jars and fruits, glue, glue brushes, napkins.

Preliminary work: observing the weather, reading, looking at paintings, illustrations in books on the topic « Autumn » , “Fruits”, “Vegetables” toys - animals, learning poems about autumn.

Progress of direct educational activities:


Guests came to us today.

We will turn to them now

And we'll all smile together

And we'll tell each other "HELLO"

(An autumn leaf flies into the group)

What is this? (leaf)

What colour is he? (yellow)

This is probably the last yellow leaf to fall from the tree. How many of you children know a poem about an autumn leaf?


Outside the window the autumn leaf turned yellow,

He broke away, spun, and flew.

The yellow leaf made friends with the breeze,

He kept spinning and playing under the window.

Educator: Well done, Seva. You told a good poem about a leaf. Tell me, please, what time of year is it now?

Children: Autumn.

Educator: Right. How did you guess?

Children: It became cold, the leaves on the trees were yellow and red at first. And now there are almost none left. (Children name the signs of autumn)


And you know, children, our leaf is not simple, but magical.

(The teacher puts a piece of paper to his ear and listens to what he tells him)

I invite you guys

Take a walk in the autumn forest.

In the clearing, in the autumn

Play and dance.

Educator: Shall we go with the leaf to the autumn forest?

Educator: As for where we will go, you need to guess the riddle.

The brothers are ready to visit,

Clinging to each other

And they rushed off, on a long journey,

They just left some smoke. (train).

I will be the locomotive, and you will be the carriages.

(music plays, children walk in a circle one after another in small steps)

Educator: Here we are. Oh, guys, look how beautiful the autumn forest is, who is that hiding under the tree?

Educator: That's right, hedgehog. The hedgehog lives in the forest, he is preparing for hibernation, in winter he sleeps. In autumn, the hedgehog rolls on the leaves, pins them on thorns and hides under the roots of trees. He will spend the winter there. Children, let's help the hedgehog collect leaves.


Well, I’m very glad that you are so kind and caring. Educator:

- What color are the leaves?

Children: red and yellow.

Educator: The hedgehog has two baskets, in one basket you put yellow leaves, and in the other red leaves.

The game “Collect leaves in a basket” is played.

Educator: Well done!


The legs began to walk: top-top-top,

Straight along the path: top-top-top,

Come on, more fun: stomp, stomp, stomp,

This is how we do it: top-top-top.

The legs started running

On a smooth path,

Run away, run away

Only the heels sparkle.

Educator: And here is the bunny under the Christmas tree. Do you know, children, that a hare changes its fur coat. In spring, summer and autumn it is gray, and in winter it is white. Why is he doing this?

Children: White so that it is not visible in the snow, and gray is invisible in the forest, among the trees.

Educator: Amazing! Guys, look, the bunny is upset, what happened, bunny? He told me that the fruits and vegetables were all mixed up and he couldn’t put them in the baskets.

Educator: Shall we help the bunny?

In the basket, vegetables are mixed with fruits; your task is to put the vegetables in one basket and the fruits in the other. (A cheerful melody sounds)

The game “Harvesting” is being played

Educator: Well done guys, they laid everything out correctly! (The hare thanks the children and treats them to fruit.)

To preserve fruits in winter, you need to preserve them in jars. Therefore, it’s time for us to say goodbye to the forest and return to kindergarten. We get on the train and off we go. (Music sounds) So we returned to kindergarten.
Educator: Sit at the tables and fill the jars with fruit. Guys, what fruits will we preserve? (Children name fruits and colors)


Educator: You guys are great, you did a great job, you canned all the fruit. I'm very pleased with you.

(Children look at their work.) (There is a knock on the door)

Educator: Oh, guys, there’s something here, what a beautiful box. Someone must have left it. Oh, and here is a note: “This is a gift for you from the hedgehog and the bunny”. Children, let's say "Thank you" hedgehog and bunny for autumn leaves And "Thank you" Let's say to our magic leaf for such a wonderful trip!

Educator: Guys, where were we today?

Children: In the forest.

Educator: What forest were we in?

Children: B autumn forest, in a magical forest.

Educator: Who did we meet?

Children: With a hedgehog and a bunny.

Educator: What else were we doing in the forest?

Children: Read poems, helped the hedgehog collect leaves, and the bunny collect vegetables and fruits, canned fruits.

Educator: And who arranged all this for us? Who invited us to travel?

Children: The autumn leaf is magical.

Educator: did you enjoy the trip?

Children: Yes! (Gift distribution)

Gordeeva Liliya Leonidovna

Children's teacher preschool age, Preschool department No. 2 GBOU School No. 1101, Moscow

Gordeeva L.L. Open lesson in the second junior group "Trip to the Zoo" // Owl. 2018. N2(12)..07.2019).

Order No. 89280



introduce the inhabitants of the zoo, their characteristics, habits, and activate children’s speech.


develop thinking, imagination, coherent speech skills, auditory perception and attention. Continue learning to change singular nouns to plural nouns.


Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.



Sparrow toy, audio song “Bus”, object pictures depicting an elephant, horse, monkey, bear, giraffe and crocodile. Illustrations for S. Marshak’s poem “Where did the sparrow have dinner?”, toy crocodile.


Subject pictures cut into 4 parts depicting an elephant, horse, monkey, bear, giraffe, crocodile and other animals living in the zoo.

Organizing time:

I greet the children joyfully; exchange mutual greetings. We greet the guests.

Progress of the lesson

Surprise moment:

Go to the window and discreetly knock on the glass. Shout joyfully.

Educator. Guys! Look who's knocking on our window! (Pick up the toy sparrow previously hidden behind the curtain.) Who is this, guys? That's right, sparrow. How does a sparrow tweet? Chick-chirp-chick-chirp. Say hello to the sparrow.

Everyone greets the sparrow.

Educator. Where did you come to us from?

Sparrow. The yak came to you from the zoo. I live very well there, there is a lot of food.

Educator. Who lives in the zoo?

Sparrow. There are many different animals there. Would you like me to take you to the zoo and introduce you to its inhabitants?

The children happily agree.

Educator. What is a zoo? A big house for different animals. We will go to the zoo by Bus. The audio recording “Bus” plays. So we arrived at the zoo.

And the first one we saw was a huge elephant.

(I show the children a picture of an elephant). Then I show pictures with the rest of the animals in order.

An elephant lives in the zoo -

We'll stomp like him. Children follow you loudly

We saw horses stamp their feet on the spot.

And they clattered their hooves. They follow you high

The monkeys are jumping raising your knees.

They scurry through the trees. They jump in place and

running around the room.

Teddy bear, bear, clubfooted, They walk, waddling from one foot to the other

You're being naughty here too, shaggy one, leg.

Raising my head proudly,

There is a giraffe standing by the bush. Raise their arms above their heads.

Here's a toothy crocodile Two hands depict the mouth of a crocodile

He opened his mouth wide

Oh , Guys, while we were doing exercises, the wind came and mixed up all the pictures of animals.

Let's go to the table and collect pictures of animals.

Didactic game “Fold the picture”

Exercises in composing a whole subject from four parts, expands vocabulary.

In front of the children are object pictures cut in half depicting an elephant, horse, monkey, bear, giraffe, crocodile, lion and other animals. Children are divided into two groups. Each child takes halves of an animal from the table and tries to find the other halves of the animal. Sparrow helps the children and comments on their actions. The collected pictures are laid out on the table. What animals did we collect? Shall we name them?

Sparrow invites the children to sit on chairs and listen to a story that once happened to him. He recites S. Marshak’s poem “Where did the sparrow have dinner?” and shows illustrations for each episode.


Where did you have lunch, sparrow? (Children name animals)

At the zoo with the animals.

I had lunch first

Behind bars by the lion.

Took some refreshment from the fox.

I drank some water at the walrus's.

I ate carrots from an elephant.

I ate millet with the crane.

Stayed with a rhinoceros

I ate a little bran.

I went to the feast

In tailed kangaroos.

I was at a festive dinner

At the shaggy bear.

A toothy crocodile

Almost swallowed me.

Relay “Pass the Sparrow”

It lifts your spirits and fosters a sense of responsibility. At the same moment, a toy crocodile, a rubber toy, appears. Crocodile.

Where is the sparrow? I want to catch him and eat him.

Quickly hold the sparrow close to you. But the crocodile still gets close to him. The children sit on chairs, I give one of the children a sparrow. The child needs to pass it around in a circle, and the crocodile will catch up with it, opening its mouth to eat it.

Sparrow says, thank you guys and flies away.

Educator. Guys, I have a miracle bag for you, miracle animals are hidden there. I take the elephant out of the bag.

Elephants live in Africa

And their noses are long,

Like rubber hoses

This is the size. (Child tells).

Guys, is an elephant a big animal or a small one? (Big).

What do you call an elephant's long nose? (Trunk).

But what do you think an elephant needs tusks for? (They use tusks to protect themselves from enemies - these are horns).

What kind of ears does an elephant have? - huge, the elephant waves them like a fan to keep it cool.

Do elephants love water? - Yes, very much, if there is a river or lake nearby, they will definitely come in for a swim.

What does an elephant eat? Tree branches and grass.


Monkey in height

So comfortable on the tail

Swing along the branches -

Get close to the fruit.

How many of you know what they like to eat (children's answers: bananas).

What color are bananas? (children's answers: yellow).

Where do bananas grow? (children's answers: high in the tree).

Educator: That's right. The tree on which bananas grow is called a palm tree. (Repeat the word with the children. The teacher shows an illustration of a palm tree).


Clubfoot and big,

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves pine cones, loves honey,

Well, who will name it?

(children's answers).

Educator: That's right - these are bears.

How do bears growl?

What do bears like to eat? (children's answers).

Educator: That's right, well done. Guys, the bear is tired of sitting in a cage. He wants to play the game “The bear cubs lived in the thicket” with you.

The cubs lived in the thicket

They turned their heads.

Like this, like this - they turned their heads (Turn our heads left and right)

The cubs were looking for honey

Together they rocked the tree

Like this, like this - they rocked the tree together (tilt the body to the right and left)

And they waddled

And they drank water from the river

Like this, like this, we drank water from the river (Bends forward)

And they also danced! Together we raised our paws!

Like this, like this, they raised their paws up! (Raise the handles alternately)

There's a swamp on the way! How can we cross it?

Jump and jump! Jump and jump! Have fun, my friend! (Jumping up)


It's easy to recognize a giraffe

It's easy to recognize:

He's tall

And he sees far. (Child reads).

Educator: Who is this, guys? (children's answers).

That's right, these are giraffes. A giraffe can eat leaves of trees that others cannot reach. Why do you think? (Children's answers). The giraffe is taller than all other animals. The giraffe's fur is spotted - covered with spots. Giraffes live in herds, divided into two groups: one contains mothers with cubs, the other contains fathers.

Physical education session “At the giraffes”

Follow the steps of the poem with the children.

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots, slapping all over

Specks everywhere. body with palms.

Giraffes have spots, spots, spots,

Specks everywhere.

On the forehead, on the ears, on the neck, on the elbows, on both noses, on the stomachs, on the knees and toes, with the body fingers touching the corresponding parts of the body.

Now we are going to play a game, I will show one animal, and you will say when there are many of them and what they are called.

One elephant, when there are many of them, they are elephants.

What are they doing (going).

There is one horse, and when there are many of them, they are horses.

There is only one zebra, but when there are many of them, what do they do? They are standing.

Who is in this picture? Giraffe, and when there are a lot of them, they are giraffes.

Who is in this picture? A bear, and when there are a lot of them, they are bears.

There is only one crocodile, but when there are many of them, what do they do? They're lying down.

Final part

Guys, our trip to the zoo is over. Teacher: where did we go today? What animals did you see? Which animal did you like and why?

Did we have fun?

Have you played with the animals?

We fed and danced

And not at all tired.

And now kids

It's time for us to go to the group.

The monkey treats the children with bananas.

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