How to prevent marble from deteriorating? How to clean marble. Useful tips What destroys marble

Marble is an extremely necessary and useful stone, and its benefits lie not only in those amazing works of art from Italy and Greece that we admire in museums. The scope of its application is much wider. So much so that it is difficult to imagine what our life would be like without marble.

Marble can be found in the operating room; after all, where all tables and walls must always be perfectly clean, marble slabs are irreplaceable; at the electric station, where control devices are located on huge distribution boards, here again along the walls there are huge boards of marble, impenetrable and non-conductive of electricity; in hospitals and sanatoriums with beautiful, clean marble baths and washbasins with marble slabs; at the tannery, where the most delicate types of leather are rolled using large marble rollers; of course in the subway, as well as theaters, public buildings, with their beautiful marble columns and balustrades, with marble cladding, marble steps and window sills, durable, always clean and not suffering from water, frost or the blows of many thousands of feet; in the beautiful cladding of buildings made of marble or marble granules mixed with cement, and so on - it is simply impossible to list to the end!

Marble is hard mineral, but at the same time it is soft enough for sawing with iron. Pure white, dazzling white; sometimes with a pleasant transparency that resembles the color of human skin; sometimes of variegated beautiful colors - yellow, pink, green, red, black: uniform and clean, non-conductive of electricity, resistant to the destructive effects of water and air, marble is a wonderful material in human hands, and man appreciated it many thousands of years ago.

Anyone who had the opportunity to admire ancient Greek temples made of snow-white marble, or who climbed the winding staircases to the roof of the marble Milan Cathedral - in the midst of fine carvings, columns and decorations carved from stone, or descended the marble steps of the Moscow metro - cannot help but admire this wonderful stone.

In Italy, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, near the famous Carrara, there are up to a thousand pieces of snow-white marble. High in the mountains, in wild gorges, white marble rocks imperceptibly merge with the snows of the Apuan Alps. From wild cliffs, with the help of harnessed oxen on rollers, blocks weighing several tons are pulled down. To prevent them from rolling down and crushing anyone, blocks of the same marble are tied to them from behind with chains, which are dragged along the slopes with a roar and slow down the rollers.

Next, the blocks are cut into marble boards in water mills. Then the stone boards are transported by rail to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea; there huge cranes lift planks and blocks and lower them into the holds of large ocean-going steamships. Thus, huge amounts of marble are sent to different parts of the planet every year.

Russia is no less rich in marble - Karelia, the Moscow region, Crimea, the Caucasus, the Urals, Altai, and the Sayan Mountains.

But marble is not eternal: if you look at the old parts of the cladding of St. Isaac's Cathedral-Museum or at the columns of the Marble Palace in St. Petersburg, you can see how much the old pieces have changed, how the corners have been smoothed out, and the size of the decorations has decreased. The air, especially in cities, contains many substances poisonous to marble, and therefore rainwater destroys this stone unusually strongly and quickly.

IN 100 years About 1 mm of marble dissolves, and in 1000 years - a whole centimeter. But this is not enough: the proximity of the sea increases the destruction of marble: salty sea spray is carried inland for many hundreds of kilometers and corrodes the stone even more. Snow has an even stronger effect than rain, as it absorbs even more toxic acids from the air. Water freezing in cracks, thin roots of plants and fungi also accelerate the destruction of marble, and the wind, carrying dust and sand, polishes and erases the soft surface of the stone.

There is nothing eternal in nature. Geological periods of thousands of years, on the one hand, accumulate entire mountains from microscopic grains of sand, and on the other, they destroy and smooth out the solid, immutable rocks of past centuries. The laws of nature are the same, and in the complex geological history of nature, human activity and the eternity of his creations are only a very small, quickly passing minute.

Article based on the book:

Alexander Evgenievich Fersman, Interesting mineralogy.

Marble is a very strong and durable stone. It has unique luxury and attractive naturalness, however, its preservation most often depends on proper care.

Despite its durability and strength, it is a fastidious porous material that reacts sensitively to many environmental factors. Therefore, when ordering the manufacture of any item for your interior from marble, you must be prepared to provide it with proper care.

Preserving the original appearance of a marble product requires compliance with the rules for using the item, as well as the use of protective equipment.

Protective means.

For marble objects, special protective agents are used that prevent moisture and fat from entering the structure of the stone and creating microcracks on the surface. Typically, these are water-oil based products.

The products are applied to the stone in a thin layer. The surface must be dry and clean. It is advisable to test its effect on the stone in an inconspicuous place before applying the protection, since marble is unpredictable and stains may still remain on it.

Protection of specific marble products

Certain marble items require additional measures to protect the stone.

A natural stone countertop for a kitchen is constantly exposed to grease, liquids, drinks, etc. In such conditions it is very difficult to protect the stone. Cook only using cutting boards and other protective coverings. Under no circumstances should you place hot items on marble; you need to make sure that glasses with wine or other liquids are on stands.

It is better to leave a marble window sill empty or place on it only those objects that cannot stain it. It should also be treated with products that neutralize the effects of sunlight.

Marble floors also require special care. Before front door You should definitely lay down a rug that absorbs most of the dirt from the street. It is advisable not to walk on the marble floor with shoes, and constantly wipe it to remove dirt particles.

Marble in the bathroom quickly becomes dull and loses its attractiveness due to soap marks remaining on its surface. To preserve the appearance of the natural material, it is necessary to avoid soap products made from processed petroleum products and wipe the marble with a rubber scraper after each water treatment. Never clean marble folk remedies or abrasives. To remove light stains, you can use non-concentrated soap solution or warm water. For serious cleaning, use special marble cleaning products, after testing it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the stone product.

Today we will continue to deal with marble and touch on its properties and defects that sometimes arise during operation. It can be classified as a medium-hard rock; it can be different, it depends on the density and composition, the hardness on the MOO scale can be 2-3 or 3-4. One of the properties of marble is porosity, like all natural materials. That's why natural stones classified as vapor-permeable materials. Oddly enough, it combines two properties that may seem contradictory to themselves: permeability to gases and steam and low water absorption, this is due to the size and geometry of the pores. The porosity of limestones is more extensive than that of marble, its fluctuations reach 27%, while for marble a maximum of 1%

A more porous type of marble can be called travertine, because... its origin occurs in sources of water; it contains a considerable amount of gas bubbles.

As already mentioned in the article “”, the properties of marble are inherent in the qualities necessary for finishing materials. Once again I will emphasize wear resistance, strength, density, easy processing, decorativeness and excellent polishing retention. But among the varieties there are also stones that have low wear resistance, so it is not recommended to use them for flooring.

Now let's talk about defects that may arise during the use of polished stone. It is not exposed to aggressive environments and moisture if the treatment is carried out in a factory environment. Over time, the structure still undergoes changes, because the internal connections between the crystals are destroyed, i.e. in professional language this sounds like surface weathering. The depth of the weakened layer sometimes reaches several cm. The most severe changes occur in places of mechanical damage - these can be impacts, scratches, if strong pressure is applied to the stone. Due to the disruption of the internal bonds of the crystals of the stone, the surface becomes spongy, pits and recesses begin to appear in it due to the loss of surface crystals. If areas are subject to strong mechanical stress, streaks and spots may form. white, they already consist of crystals that have been destroyed, but have not yet lost their connections with each other.

When the surface is weakened, it perfectly begins to absorb various contaminants, i.e. absorbs liquids, incl. and cleansing, and they pull particles of contaminants with them. It turns out that water and solutions transport dirt inside the material.

One cannot help but mention the defects that sometimes arise over time. They can be divided into 2 parts:

1) Surface damage, i.e. What can happen is the destruction of parts or parts, the occurrence of cracks, chips on the edges and corners, abrasion of the surface, and as mentioned above, surface weathering.

2) Change in texture, this is characterized by surface contamination, stains and changes in the color of the stone, and efflorescence.

Now, in more detail, as for the destruction of individual parts or details made of marble, this usually occurs during external cladding, and is associated with moisture getting into the cavities between the cladding and the wall; in winter, it freezes and defrosts. Plus, don’t forget about factors such as acid rain and shrinkage deformations, i.e. both collectively and individually there is a possibility of destruction of marble.

As a result of building settlement and impacts on marble, cracks and chips may appear at the corners and edges of marble parts.

Abrasion may occur on floors and steps of stairs; its formation depends on the number of visitors to the premises (large), and the lack of normal care of the surface, i.e. the abrasive load increases. Surface weathering manifests itself in the form of loss of polish, this is possible due to the lack of compatibility of different species used in the cladding; powdery crusts can also form.

On floors, this may appear in the form of flaking particles and flakes of marble. Anti-icing reagents that are brought in from the street with visitors’ shoes can also cause surface weathering. This result can also be caused by using a considerable amount of water during cleaning and poor waterproofing.

Penetrating between the seams of the slabs, excess moisture gradually accumulates under them and begins to rise to the surface. When migrating through marble, it interacts with carbon dioxide air and combines with calcite, thereby converting it into soluble calcium bicarbonate. At the surface, moisture evaporates and calcium turns into insoluble salts. Gradually, the volume of salts begins to prevail over the volume of calcite and, as a consequence of this process, the destruction of the surface material. Efflorescence is formed during a similar process, but more on that in the next article. Now you know the properties of marble and the defects that sometimes arise during operation.

During the polishing process, it is possible to repair chips and damage on the marble floor with two-component glue. The glue is selected according to color and transparency and can be indistinguishable from natural inclusions in marble.

Lately, marble with a very complex structure, travertine, or even a stone of unknown composition with many inclusions of varying hardness and with numerous pores and veins is often used. Such stone is usually strengthened with liquid two-component glue before polishing marble in production. The work is carried out in special ovens at a temperature of about 60 degrees. When grinding such a stone, the top, factory layer is removed. In such cases, sometimes it is not possible to achieve an acceptable result when repolishing without first strengthening the stone with liquid glue.

1. Restoration and processing of marble, in many cases allows them to return to their original appearance and is often the best way out of various situations that arise during the operation and transportation of products from.
2. Removing various stains on marble. It is often possible to eliminate stains using special gels, and stains of organic origin from light stone can be removed with hydrogen peroxide. It is important to remember that when processing marble it is very easy to spoil it with any acids: sour berries and fruits, detergents for bathrooms. If acid gets on marble, it is important to immediately wash it thoroughly with plenty of water. Granite, on the contrary, is resistant to most acids and can be used, for example, during the removal of construction waste. Deeply ingrained stains are removed by repolishing and crystallizing the marble.
3. Removing scratches on marble. Usually, sanding a small layer of marble is enough to remove scratches.
4. Repairing chips on marble and granite. If a fragment breaks off from a marble or granite product, it is better to save it and glue it back. After this, the parts adjacent to this fragment will need to be repolished. It is possible to imitate fragments of marble or granite using polymer glue and painting compounds. These polymer compounds are highly polished and look like natural stone.

How to prevent marble from deteriorating and preventing stains from forming

  • If you have marble floors near your front door, place a rug in front of it. Grains of sand and particles of dirt stuck to your shoes will constantly scratch the floor, so that very soon it will come to a deplorable state.
  • If you have it in your house, don't walk around it with shoes on. Whether you like to walk barefoot or not, this is the most reliable way to keep marble intact. The thing is. that some kind of dirt will definitely stick to your shoes, grains of sand will get into the sole, all this will systematically destroy the marble surface.
  • If you have marble countertops in your kitchen, try using cutting boards for cutting food. Place glass glasses only on coasters, especially wine glasses. Place hot dishes only on trivets; do not remove them from the heat and place them on a stone countertop.
  • If you have a bathtub or shower, wipe the surface with a rubber scraper after each water procedure so that dull soapy marks are not deposited on the stone.
  • Try to wipe down your marble daily. The longer dirt remains on it, the sooner it will become embedded in the stone. Avoid using soaps and detergents made from refined petroleum products. They will make the stone dull and dull.
  • You can coat the marble with wax, this will help preserve it. Use only clear wax and never apply it to white marble - the marble may turn yellow.
  • Many stains can be removed with a solution of ammonia, but try not to use it too often, as this will also harm the stone.

Marble processing - daily care

All you need is water soft fabric and a piece of suede. Wipe the marble with a cloth soaked in warm water and polish it until shiny with suede (or another dry cloth or towel). Once or twice a year, wash the marble with a warm detergent - a solution of mild dishwashing detergent will do. After this, rinse the marble again with warm water and polish it dry.

If you spill or drop something on the marble, try to clean it up immediately with a sponge or rag soaked in warm water. Do not leave the stain on overnight. If you just spilled wine, wipe it up paper napkin, being careful not to rub, otherwise the stain may become embedded. Rinse several times with warm water and wipe with a dry cloth.

Removing stains from marble

The most important thing in removing stains from marble is to understand the reason for their formation. Be a detective, understand what most often happens in the place where you found the stain, and what its origin may be.
Make a cleaning mass from some white (colored ones will leave marks) absorbent material (blotter, napkin, paper towel). Soak it thoroughly in the cleaning solution described below (depending on the type of stain). Distribute the cleaning paste over the entire surface of the marble in a layer 6-7 mm thick. Leave it on the surface for a period of 1 to 48 hours, depending on the age and brightness of the stain. Cover the top with a damp cloth and plastic or film to prevent the mixture from drying out. Attach the film to the surface. (Theoretically, you don’t have to cover the stone with film, then you will have to wet the paste as it dries).

Removing organic stains(tobacco, tea, coffee, other drinks (excluding juices and wine), leaves, bark, urine and animal droppings).

Such spots leave pinkish marks. On the street they can gradually pass on their own, washed out by the rain and brightened by the sun. Indoors, they are best removed by bleaching. A mixture of a 20 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of ammonia is suitable. Soak your white mixture in this solution and let it sit for 24 hours. After finishing the treatment, rinse the marble thoroughly with warm water and wipe dry.

Removing greasy oil stains(oil, fat, cream, lotions, cosmetics, resin, etc.)

Such stains leave dark marks on the stone. As soon as possible, apply some absorbent powder - chalk chips or even starch - to the stain. After some time (as it absorbs), remove the dirty powder and apply a new one. Leave for 24 hours. Remove the powder with a stiff brush dipped in a hot solution of household detergent. Wipe dry and polish. (Alternatively, you can wipe the powder with a rag soaked in ammonia). If, nevertheless, this alkaline option turns out to be not strong enough, you will have to use a solvent. Moisten the white mass (as described above) with acetone or amyl acetate (sold in pharmacies), open the windows, ensure good ventilation, and never use near fire or sparks. Try not to leave it for long.

Removing rust.

Rust (brown stains from iron, greenish from bronze and copper) usually forms where marble comes into contact with metal lamps, bolts, nails, iron flower pots, etc. Use a commercial marble rust remover. Follow the instructions carefully and do not leave it on for long as it is a chemical and may break down the stone. Curly metal stains are incredibly difficult to remove and can remain on the stone forever.

Removing plant stains in showers and swimming pools(algae, fungi, mold, moss, lichen)

Wipe with a solution of ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. Do not even think about mixing them together; a chemical reaction will occur, resulting in the formation of a deadly poisonous gas!

Removing ink stains(pens, ink, etc.)

Such stains can be removed with hydrogen peroxide, nail polish remover or acetone. Be careful, peroxide is suitable for light-colored stones; light stains may remain on dark ones! Acetone, on the contrary, is suitable for dark stone.

Rain stains and curly deposits from hard water.

Removed with a dry, thin metal web (the kind used for cleaning pots, just choose the most delicate and thin one)

Juice and soda stains.

Such strong irritants destroy marble (break the shine), so if you spill liquid on marble, clean it up immediately. Rinse the surface and wipe dry. If it is already damaged and the shine has disappeared, you will have to start polishing.

Cleaning dull marble.

Treat the surface special means for cleaning marble. It is usually either sold in stores or distributed by companies that produce and sell marble.

Marble is an excellent material for creating beautiful tabletops and decorative elements with a mirror surface. When properly stored, it is durable and easy to process. Marble has the following properties: strength, decorative layering, massiveness.

Marble comes in various color shades:

  • White – used to create sculptures, has a uniform structure
  • Gray - easy to process and polish for sculptors
  • Colored - popular when processing external work. Very rare and expensive colors are blue, pink, black and yellow.

The characteristics of marble can be deteriorated if various organic compounds are added. Marble is softer than other materials, making it susceptible to oxidation and staining. To prevent negative phenomena on the material, it is necessary to pay attention to the marble product and carry out certain care.

To maintain the perfect appearance of the product, follow these tips:

  • Simply using a soft cloth with plain water will get rid of any dust and dirt that has appeared.
  • Special detergents without adding acids allow you to clean the surface well. The appearance of stains can be removed with a certain substance; only the correct selection of liquid will remove the stain without consequences. After cleaning, you need to polish the material with warm water.
  • Manji Makia paste from the famous Italian manufacturer works great for getting rid of organic stains. Can be used as a substitute ammonia mixed with hydrogen peroxide. The use of soft tissues and warm white water is mandatory
  • The contact of marble with metal objects inevitably leads to rust. Fresh stains must be removed immediately using a specialized rust remover. For maximum effect, you should contact imported manufacturers of rust removers. The solution must be removed from the surface in time, otherwise it may deform the stone.

All troubles with marble can be easily removed with timely care. For comprehensive care of marble products, protective agents are used to cover the marble and ensure its safety from external influences.

We organize the supply of natural marble directly from rocks. This material meets all the requirements for quality and durable service. The stone is resistant to climate change: it is moisture-resistant, frost-resistant and heat-resistant. With proper care, marble will last more than 100 years and will still look as attractive as when purchased.

With us, you will receive a guarantee of high-quality services and a high level of product. We supply large volumes of stone, and depending on your tasks, the necessary elements will be selected for you. For our clients, we provide detailed consultations related to the operation and care of marble.

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