Significant dates October 28.


On this significant day, many countries celebrate various holidays. In some states, they commemorate an important event that happened and bring wreaths to the graves of heroes who fought to the last for their Motherland. Today, all countries celebrate various events on a grand scale. At this point, various shows, events and ceremonial performances are organized.

International holidays October 28, 2019

International Animation Day

Every year on October 28, the whole world celebrates “International Animation Day”. This holiday was established on the initiative of the French branch of the International Animated Film Association. A talented French inventor created the so-called “optical theater”. Thanks to the new apparatus “praxinoscope”, pictures moved in the form of various images. Today, times have changed. New cartoons based on modern technologies

. However, it was this date that marked the beginning of the era of animated films. Some countries begin to celebrate this event a few days earlier. Fans of animated films exchange various programs from all over the world.

Technological progress has amazed every person. Digital 2D animations work wonders. It is worth noting an important fact that the Russian animator was Alexander Shiryaev. Around 1925, Soviet graphic animation appeared.

Holidays in Russia October 28, 2019

Day of the creation of Russian Army Aviation

In 1948, on October 28, they decided to celebrate the “Day of the Creation of Army Aviation.” Since this date is associated with the emergence of the first aviation squadron in Serpukhov. The entire base was equipped with helicopters. To begin with, helicopter aircraft were intended to transport various heavy loads, for reconnaissance, for communications and more. Further, the situation changed dramatically and helicopters began to be used as a formidable weapon for defense.

Holidays in the rest of the world October 28, 2019

Ukraine Liberation Day

A rather significant date for Ukraine is October 28. On this day, the “Liberation Day of Ukraine” is celebrated annually. Since everyone knows that Ukraine, like many other countries, was captured by the Nazis. This national holiday celebrates the event since it was on October 28 that the troops of Nazi Germany were expelled. The Red Army liberated its country from the Nazis in 1944.

The initial idea to celebrate this state event came from Sergei Tigipko. The Minister of Economy took the initiative to celebrate this event at the state level. It is worth noting that a few days later, a decree on celebrating the Liberation Day of Ukraine was signed by President Viktor Yushchenko.

Czech Independence Day

To your main national holiday The whole Czech Republic is proud, which in turn celebrates “Independence Day” on October 28. Previously, this holiday was called Republic Day. After World War I ended, the Czech National Committee declared independence from Austria-Hungary. This happened in 1918 on October 28th. On the same day, the two states of the Czech Republic and Slovakia united.

During the celebration of this event, ceremonial events are held in various cities. Many tourists come from different parts of the country and celebrate this significant day together with the rest of the inhabitants of the Czech Republic. Traditionally, specially for this day, they are awarded state awards people who have distinguished themselves by their activities for the benefit of their country.

Ohi Day in Greece

Every year on October 28, Greece celebrates Ohi Day. Translated from Greek, “ohi” means no. In 1940, the Italian ambassador appeared in Greece in the prime minister's office and in turn brought a telegram from Mussolini. This telegram contained a proposal to surrender to the mercy of the Italian dictator without any conditions or effort. However, the answer from the Greek Prime Minister was “no”. This meant a declaration of war.

For this reason, Greece entered World War II. From Albania, the Italian military invaded Greek territory. This event occurred in 1940 on October 28th. For 5 months, Greece resisted its enemies. The Greek army showed everyone that it is strong and powerful. The Italians stopped military action and crossed the Adriatic Sea.

Ohi Day in Cyprus

The national holiday in Cyprus is Okha Day, which is celebrated annually on October 28th. On this day, the Greek Prime Minister rejected an ultimatum from Italy and entered World War II. This day is celebrated with great respect throughout Cyprus. The holiday is celebrated simultaneously in Greece. Military parades are held on this day. On this day, all government institutions are decorated with national state flags.

Day of the Goddess Mokosh

Makosh is considered the goddess of marriage and childbirth. Everyone knows that Makosh is the patroness of the feminine principle. She protects all girls and women. Previously, they prayed to Makosha that the birth would be easy. The ancient Slavs considered Friday to be the day of remembrance of Mokosh.

On this day, women were not supposed to wash, spin, weave, etc. It was also forbidden to bathe children. Many believed that for such actions, Makosha could severely punish those who violated any prohibitions. On the same day they took us to a two-ring round dance.

October 28, 2019 in the folk calendar

Efimy Osenniy

On this significant date, many Orthodox believers celebrate the Day of Euthymius of Autumn. His other name was Euthymius of Thessaloniki, who lived back in the ninth century, originally from Palestine. He will be born into a Christian family. Because my parents insisted on important issue, he got married in early age. However, at eighteen he left his wife and daughter. Accordingly, he took monastic vows and went to the monastery, which is located on Mount Olympus.

After a certain time, Euthymius became a schema-monk. He went to Athos and settled with the hermit Joseph. After Joseph died, Euthymius founded a monastic community near Thessaloniki. He restored the ruins of the ancient monastery of St. Andrew.

Name day October 28, 2019

Lukyan, Semyon, Afanasy, Dmitry, Denis, Ivan, Efim

Significant events of October 28 in history

  • 1571 - Tsar Ivan the Fourth the Terrible married Marfa Sobakina
  • 1886 - Held in New York official opening Statue of Liberty
  • 1922 - Italian fascists begin their march on Rome

Born on this day

  1. Julia Roberts 1967 - American film actress, Oscar winner
  2. Maria Spiridonova 1884 - Russian revolutionary, politician, one of the leaders of the Socialist Revolutionary Party
  3. Simonas Daukantas 1793 – Lithuanian historian and educational writer, folklore collector
  4. Giudita Pasta 1797 – Italian singer
  5. Henry III - Holy Roman Emperor
  6. Rosa Makagonova 1927 - Soviet film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR
  7. James Connolly 1868 - American athlete, first Olympic champion, writer
  8. Bill Gates 1955 - American entrepreneur, founder of Microsoft Corporation
  9. Roman Viktyuk 1936 - Russian and Ukrainian theater director, People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine
  10. Garrincha 1933 – Brazilian football player
  11. Ovid Gorchakov 1924 - Soviet intelligence officer, writer and screenwriter
  12. Andrey Voronikhin 1759 – Russian architect and painter
  13. Erasmus of Rotterdam 1469 - European humanist, philosopher and writer.

28.10.2017 08:00


Today in Ukraine is the Day of Remembrance of those killed on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the expulsion of the Nazis from Ukraine.

) On October 28, 1944, during the Second World War, the westernmost region of Ukraine, Transcarpathia, was liberated from German and Hungarian troops. The day was established “...for the purpose of nationwide celebration of the liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders, honoring the heroic feat and sacrifice of the Ukrainian people in World War II...” according to the Presidential Decree of October 20, 2009. The expulsion of the Nazis from Transcarpathia began on September 9, 1944 during the East Carpathian strategic military operation, the components of which were the Carpathian-Duklyan and Carpathian-Uzhgorod frontal offensive operations. During the Carpathian-Uzhgorod operation, the troops of the 4th Ukrainian Front gained Carpathian passes and advanced into Transcarpathia. On October 16, Soviet troops captured the city of Rakhiv, on October 24 they liberated Khust and Svalyava, on October 26 - Mukachevo, and on October 27 - Uzhgorod. The established date for the cleansing of Ukraine from the Nazi invaders is October 28, 1944. In fact, there was still Chop - an important railway junction on the border of Transcarpathian Ukraine, Slovakia and Hungary. On October 28, 1944, Soviet troops approached Chop. Due to a fierce battle that lasted the whole day, on October 29, troops of the 17th Guards Rifle Corps, 237, 8 and 138 rifle divisions liberated Chop. But soon the Nazi troops launched a counteroffensive. Certain areas of Chop changed hands several times. Chop was finally liberated only on November 23, 1944. On the same November 23, the Nazis were expelled from the village of Sholomon (now Solomonovo). Today it is the westernmost settlement of Transcarpathia and all of present-day Ukraine. Therefore, this particular date should have been associated with the expulsion of the Nazi occupiers from Ukraine within its current borders, because until 1945, Transcarpathian Ukraine was still considered the territory of Czechoslovakia. During the East Carpathian military offensive operation, not only Transcarpathia, but also part of Slovakia were liberated. Soviet troops inflicted a serious defeat on the 1st German Tank Army and almost completely defeated the 1st Hungarian Army. The losses on both sides were considerable. The Germans and Hungarians lost approximately 60 thousand killed, 28 thousand of their soldiers were captured. Regarding the Soviet side, more than 50 thousand military personnel died, of which more than 41 thousand were killed and wounded, almost two thousand were missing, and many were frostbitten. On this Day, fallen soldiers are remembered by laying flowers at monuments and carrying out other traditional memorial events.

At the same time, on this day, on the initiative of the International Animated Film Association (ASIFA; International Animated Film Association), since 2002, it has traditionally been celebrated International Animation Day . On October 28, 1892, in Paris, at the Grevin Theater, the French inventor Emile Reynaud for the first time publicly demonstrated his apparatus - a praxinoscope, which showed moving pictures. Since then, animation has come a long way: from simple black and white silent cartoons to the mind-blowing developments of 3D - 4D animation. However, no matter what computer programs are and no matter how quickly technology develops, nothing can replace the artist in this matter, because the character, as well as his adventures, must be invented. We should also not forget that animated films are created not only using a computer, but also from materials such as sand, plasticine, clay, paper, paint, etc. Cartoon characters can be created using a pencil, but they can also be dolls or ordinary household items. Making cartoons is not cheap - one minute of animation costs up to 10 thousand dollars. International Animation Day is celebrated in more than 40 countries around the world and, of course, more significantly in France. But other countries, such as Canada, USA, Brazil, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, India, and Japan are actively participating in the celebrations. There is an Animation Day even in countries such as Burkina Faso and Cameroon. Every year on International Animation Day, at the request of ASIFA, one of the world's famous animators creates a poster - a visual symbol of the holiday. International Animation Day is a good opportunity to recall the animation masterpieces created in the past, as well as to show new experimental works of young artists, and to exchange their own experience among specialists at seminars. Sometimes world animation premieres are scheduled for this day. Although Ukraine is not a member of the International Animated Film Association, we have something to be proud of, because Ukrainian animation during its existence, which is 90 years (the first cartoons in Ukraine were made in 1927), has created many worthy examples of animation art. Ukrainian directors, screenwriters, and animators brought prizes from festivals in the USA, Japan, France, Switzerland, Poland, and other countries. Today, it is difficult to imagine Ukrainian animation art without such names as Evgeniy Sivokon (“Careful - nerves!”, “Snow will cover the roads...”, Irina Gurvich (“How wives sold their husbands”), Vladimir Dakhno and Eduard Kirych (authors of the animated series “ Like the Cossacks..."), Vladimir Goncharov ("Stone on the Road", "My Years"), David Cherkassky ("The Adventures of Captain Vrungel", "Treasure Island"), Stepan Koval ("There was a tram number nine"), Oleg Pedan (“Iron Wolf”, “Bright Personality”), Alexander Bubnov (“Bluebeard’s Last Wife”, cartoons about Sherlock Holmes), Ekaterina Chepik (“Fiction”).

Events of the day:

400 years ago (1617) In the Old Olshanka tract near Tarashcha (now Kiev region), the Olshansky Agreement was concluded between Hetman Petro Sagaidachny and the commander of the Polish army Stanislav Zholkiewski. The terms of this agreement reflected the search for a compromise between the Cossacks and the Polish government. According to the Olsha Agreement, the Cossack register was set at 1 thousand people, however, at the request of the foreman, the final number of registered Cossacks was to be determined by the Polish Sejm; the Cossacks were given the right to elect a hetman, who was approved by the Polish king; the Polish government was obliged to pay a salary for the service of registered Cossacks; registrars had the right to live only in Zaporozhye; they were forbidden to make trips to the Crimea and Turkey; those townspeople who had joined the Cossacks in the last 5 years were excluded from the Cossack army, and the unregistered Cossacks returned to the authority of the elders and gentry. The Olsha Agreement caused great discontent among wide circles of registered Cossacks, and therefore the Polish government failed to implement it.

Anniversaries of the day:

13 6 years since birth Dmitry Yakovlevich Makogon (1881-1961), Ukrainian writer, cultural and educational figure. Father of Irina Vilde. He taught in rural and private schools in Bukovina and Galicia. He made his debut with a collection of poems “A peasant idyll” (1907), in which he wrote with bitter irony about the hopeless life of a peasant. The poetry “Two Letters” - about the sad fate of an emigrant and his family - spread in Bukovina and Pokuttya as a folk song. His poem “To the Fight” became the anthem of the radical party of Bukovina. However, the main place in the writer’s legacy is occupied by prose works - collections of stories “School Pictures” and “Teacher’s Benefits”, “Through Our Villages”, “Against the Wave”. Distinctive feature Dmitry Makogon's creativity is the widespread use of folk humor. In the post-war period he published humoresques in newspapers and almanacs. Irina Vilde (Daria Dmitrievna Makogon (married Plotnyuk)) - Ukrainian writer, author of the famous novel “The Richinsky Sisters” recalls the atmosphere that reigned in the Makogon family: “I can proudly say that I grew up in an ideal family... In our family a cult reigned (let’s not let ourselves discredit this good words!) mother. Mom was the highest and final authority in all controversial issues. Now I only realize what a colossal significance for the formation of my worldview, my perception of the world, was the fact that I never heard my parents not only quarreling, but speaking among themselves in a hostile tone... My father was for me a model of social virtues..." The grandson of Dmitry Makogon - Yarema Evgenievich Plotnyuk (1935-2012) was an orientalist, translator, and taught at the department of oriental studies (created, by the way, on his initiative in 1997) at Lviv National University.

Born on this day Bill Gates (1955), American entrepreneur and social activist, philanthropist. Programmer, one of the founders (together with Paul Allen) of Microsoft Corporation (until June 2008 he was the head of the company), Knight of the British Empire (2005), one of richest people planet - the American's fortune as of September 2017 is estimated at more than $84 billion. In his entire life, Bill Gates never attended business training or read books like “How to Make a Million,” and he himself wrote “The Road to the Future” and “Business at the Speed ​​of Thought.” The latter, published in 1999, became a worldwide bestseller and has now been translated into more than 25 languages. It's hard to surprise Gates, but he still marvels at how his wife Melinda managed to convince him, an ardent rationalist and pragmatist, to get married. Today the couple are raising three children; Gates’s marriage is quite happy. “Spending money wisely is just as difficult as earning it. In the future, I plan to give away money in a meaningful way, if, of course, I have something to give away... What is a business? This is a great game: a minimum of rules and a maximum of drive, and the score in this game is in money” (Bill Gates).

Celebrating his birthday today Julia Roberts (1967), American film actress and producer. Now she is the highest paid actress in the world, winner of the Oscar and Golden Globe awards. Julia Roberts was born in a small town in Georgia, and she had a difficult childhood. She worked as a waitress as a teenager, while her older brother Eric was already successful in his acting career. Impressed by this, Julia began to take her first steps in acting, participating in amateur productions. After graduation, she moved to New York, where she attended courses acting and signed a contract with the Click modeling agency. Her first role was a cameo appearance in the film “Fire Brigade”. Her first film success was her role in the film Steel Magnolias (1989), for which Julia Roberts received a Golden Globe Award and an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress in 1990. A year later, she received the status of a “Hollywood star” after playing the leading role in the melodrama Pretty Woman (1990), which brought her a second Golden Globe Award, a second Oscar nomination and a BAFTA nomination in the Best Actress category. "1991. Having played the lead role in Erin Brockovich (2000), Roberts won numerous awards, including an Oscar, a Golden Globe, a BAFTA and a Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actress. In 2014, Julia Roberts was nominated for an Oscar, a Golden Globe, a BAFTA and a Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Supporting Actress in August: Osage County (2013). Among the most famous films of Julia Roberts is “The Wedding best friend", "Notting Hill", "Mexican", "Ocean's Eleven", "Mona Lisa Smile", "Eat, Pray, Love". Overall, Roberts' films have grossed more than $2 billion, placing her at the top of the world's box office grosses. In addition, the actress has repeatedly, including this year, been recognized as the most beautiful woman of the year.

1893 The premiere of Pyotr Tchaikovsky's Sixth (Pathetique) Symphony took place in St. Petersburg
Always extremely strict with himself, the composer this time was pleased with his creation. “Into this symphony,” he wrote, “I put, without exaggeration, my whole soul... I positively consider it the best and especially the most sincere of all my works.” The audience received Tchaikovsky's brilliant work with very moderate success, which amazed and discouraged the author. 5 days after the premiere, Pyotr Ilyich, after drinking a glass of raw water, contracted cholera. On November 6 he passed away.

Born on this day

1759 Birth of Andrei Voronikhin, Russian architect, author of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg
Voronikhin Andrey Nikiforovich (1759-1814), Russian architect, representative of the Empire style. Works in St. Petersburg, the Kazan Cathedral (1801-11), which laid the foundation for a large city ensemble on Nevsky Prospekt, and the Mining Institute (1806-1811), are marked by monumental and strict solemnity. Participated in the creation of architectural ensembles of Pavlovsk and Peterhof.

Events, facts, incidents

1939 Announcement of the entry of Western Ukraine into the USSR and the Ukrainian SSR
In November 1939, as a result of the division of spheres of influence between the USSR and Germany, the territory of Western Ukraine became part of the Ukrainian SSR.

1974 Olga Rubleva (1974), Russian athlete, three-time Russian champion in long jump

1971 Leonidas Sabanis (1971), Greek weightlifter, vice-champion of the 2000 Olympics

1970 Anatoly Lavryukov (1970), Belarusian judoka, bronze medalist of the 2000 Olympics

1968 Mikhail Nestruev (1968), Russian athlete, world champion in bullet shooting

1963 Vika Tsyganova (1963), Russian singer (“Russian Vodka”, “Drunk Summer”, “Walk Anarchy”, “My Angel”)

1963 Eros Ramazzotti (1963), Italian singer

1955 Bill Gates is born (1955)

1953 Konstantin Grishchenko (1953), current Ambassador of Ukraine to the USA (since 2000)

1949 Vladimir Onishchenko (1949), football coach of Dynamo Kyiv and the Ukrainian youth team

1932 Vladimir Ivashko (1932), first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine

1932 Born Roman Viktyuk (1936), Russian theater director, theater director (A Clockwork Orange, Salome)

1930 Svatopluk Pluskal (1930), Czech footballer, two-time world vice-champion

1914 Jonas Salk (1914), American microbiologist, inventor of the polio vaccine

1884 Maria Spiridonova (1884), Russian revolutionary, leader of the Left Socialist Revolutionary Party, terrorist, organizer of the anti-Soviet rebellion in 1918.

1869 Konstantin Mamontov (1869), Russian general, White Cossack chieftain, organizer of a horse raid behind the Red Army

1855 Alexandros Zaimis (1855), President of Greece

1696 Moritz of Saxony (1696), French marshal, count, commander-in-chief of the French army (1745-50)

2002 British tank blown away by the wind

2002 90 athletes “lost” in South Korea

1999 A closed auction was held on the Internet for the sale of the domain, registered by unknown entrepreneurial figures

1996 The Ministry of Emergency Situations was created in Ukraine

1995 Residents of the Japanese district of Gunuma folded paper into the world's largest crane, 16 meters high and with a wingspan of 25.7 meters

1995 Due to an explosion and fire in the Baku metro, up to 300 people died (the worst disaster in the world metro history)

1994 For the first time, forward Andriy Shevchenko appeared in Dynamo Kyiv (in a game against Shakhtar Donetsk)

1989 Ukrainian environmental association “Green Suite” was created

1989 Ukrainian language declared state on the territory of Ukraine

1983 In Budapest, Soviet gymnast Dmitry Bilozerchev became the youngest absolute world champion in history (he was 16 years 315 days old) (1983)

1944 Soviet troops completely liberated the territory of Ukraine from the Nazis

1941 By order of L. Beria, former revolutionary, one of the organizers of the execution of the royal family, F. Goloshchekin, was executed

1939 Himmler urged single German women to abandon bourgeois prejudices and give birth to Aryans out of wedlock

1939 The first German plane is shot down over Britain

1937 Ukrainian writer G. Kovalenko was shot

1936 At the Mariupol plant named after Ilyich, Mazai’s team set a record for steel production

1919 The command of the Ukrainian Galician Army refused to carry out Petliura’s order to fight against Denikin

1914 Belgian troops opened the floodgates, flooding the Iser River basin with seawater to destroy the German army

International Grandparents Day

On October 28, according to the ancient Slavic tradition, a family holiday was celebrated; representatives of the Flower Bureau of Holland decided to correct the shortcoming of their contemporaries, who forgot about important date, and recommended dedicating this day to grandparents, because they are the old-timers of the family. For the first time, International Grandparents Day was celebrated in Russia in 2009. October 28 is the time when every grandchild, no matter what his age, can thank his beloved “educators” for their care and warmth. On International Grandparents Day, it is customary to present loved ones with a houseplant or flower. A living gift is symbolic, it reminds of the care and tenderness that grandparents give to their grandchildren.

International Animation Day

On October 28, 1892, the first “optical theater” was organized in the French capital, which became the prototype of modern animation. The artist and inventor Emile Reynaud showed the Parisians a funny spectacle. Thanks to a constructed device called a praxinoscope, the French were able to see moving pictures and witness the birth of animation. The first International Animation Day took place in 2002, it was organized on the centenary of the first public performance. The celebration of the important event turned out to be so interesting and entertaining that it was decided to celebrate International Animation Day annually. On October 28, cartoon shows and demonstrations of modern achievements in the field of animation (two-dimensional and three-dimensional Flash animation, Stop Motion and VFX) are held in more than a hundred countries around the world.

Day of the creation of Russian Army Aviation

On October 28, 1948, army aviation was created, a squadron appeared in Serpukhov, which became a base on the basis of which, decades later, a separate branch of the military was formed. At first, the tasks of army aviation included cargo transportation and reconnaissance, but after a short time its functions became much broader. Currently, helicopters are quite serious weapons that can quickly destroy the enemy. Pilots of the Russian Army Aviation constantly participate in important events, being in “hot spots”, operating effectively in the territory of the North Caucasus, allowing them to find and destroy gangs. Currently, army aviation is part of the Russian Air Force.

Motorist Day

IN last sunday October in Russia it is customary to celebrate Motorist Day; in 2012 this holiday falls on October 28. It is difficult to imagine modern life without transport: even if a Russian does not have a car, he uses buses, trolleybuses or taxis. Year after year, the number of car owners in Russia is increasing, thanks to which people have the opportunity to feel more comfortable and free, significantly simplifying their lives and reducing travel time. The increase in the number of cars leads to an increase in the number of people employed in transport maintenance. Engineers and designers, workers of automobile factories and service centers, bus and taxi drivers, teachers of driving schools and employees of technical service centers - for all these people, Motorist Day is a professional holiday.

October 28 in the folk calendar

Orthodox Christians honor on October 28 the memory of Euthymius of Thessalonica, who founded a monastic community near Thessaloniki (Greece) and, with the help of his associates, restored the ancient monastery of St. Andrew. Today by folk calendar Efimy Autumn, during this period, all living things on earth were preparing for winter. It was believed that the kikimora woke up on Euphemia, who dozed all summer, and by winter she showed herself to people, doing nasty things: tangling the women’s yarn, breaking pottery. To keep you away from home evil spirits, you should have asked Efimy for help.

Name day October 28

Afanasy Since childhood, he strives to be aware of everything: the boy examines the cabinets and drawers in his own apartment, knows what is outside his yard, since he often, contrary to his parents’ instructions, goes on small trips. Afanasy’s passion for learning new things continues throughout his life. adult life, he loves tourism and spends a lot of time hiking. The ideal job for Afanasy is the tourism business.

Denis- an incredibly kind and sociable person, and among his loyal friends are not only the people around him, but also numerous animals for whom he has great love. A boy with this name in childhood is distinguished by his hard work and cares for his parents, however, his behavior at school cannot be called exemplary, since Denis’s irrepressible energy does not allow Denis to sit in one place for a long time. In adulthood, Denis can become interested in collecting; he knows the value of money and knows how to manage it.

Efim– a sensitive and artistic person, very kind by nature. In life, Efim often faces difficulties, because he strives to be fair in all matters and support the weak if they need help. Efim appreciates good cuisine, so he will decide to marry only a woman who has some success in the field of cooking. It’s always fun to be in company with Efim, despite the fact that he rarely drinks alcoholic beverages.

Ivan- a multifaceted person, he can prove himself in different roles, people with this name make good pilots, doctors and loaders. It is important for Ivan to feel the support of his loved ones; he communicates with almost all his relatives; his parents, brothers, sisters and his wife’s friends will quickly become his friends. Ivan’s wife should not often bring girlfriends to the house, because, even with great affection for his wife, the husband can get carried away with other women, such is Ivan’s reckless character.

Lukyan- a person who is open and easy to communicate with, he is not inclined to fear difficulties, he is used to achieving his goal, no matter how incredible and unattainable it may seem. Lukyan cannot be called a homebody; he would prefer going to a museum, theater or cafe to spending time watching TV.

Born on October 28

Erasmus of Rotterdam(1459) - writer and publisher who became popular thanks to the parody “Praise of Stupidity”, where stupidity praised itself. The author's tone was unique; there was no anger or harsh sarcasm in it; people's shortcomings were ridiculed complacently, humorously and condescendingly. Many rulers of that time dreamed of getting Rotterdamsky as an adviser; he was awarded the rank of “royal adviser.”

Roman Viktyuk(1936) – director of the State Theater of Roman Viktyuk, which opened in 1990 with the play “Madama Butterfly”. Viktyuk worked at the Russian Drama Theater of Lithuania, at the Satyricon Theater (the famous work “The Maids” brought the director worldwide fame), and teaches at GITIS as a professor. Roman Viktyuk is called a classic of provocations, his performances are unique, which is noted not only by Russian but also foreign critics: the director was awarded international awards and included in 50 people in the world who influenced world art in the second half of the 20th century (according to theatergoers in the United States of America).

Bill Gates(1955) - founder of Microsoft Corporation, one of the richest people in the world, whose fortune amounts to tens of billions of dollars. Thanks to his outstanding achievements and great charitable activities, Bill Gates became the owner of the title of Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire. The books “The Road to the Future” and “Business at the Speed ​​of Thought,” authored by an outstanding programmer, have been translated into many languages ​​of the world and have become a global bestseller.

Julia Roberts(1967) - American actress, winner of several Oscars, the first actress in film history to receive $25 million for her role in a film. She is known for her roles in the films “Pretty Woman”, “Runaway Bride”, “Stepmom”.

Historical events of October 28

October 28, 1492– Christopher Columbus and his fellow seafarers landed in Cuba, thinking they had reached China. The Spaniards, who dreamed of the untold riches of the eastern country, were surprised to find poor reed huts, corn, tobacco and potato plantations. Christopher suggested that his team sailed to a distant, poor Chinese region and, not knowing that he had discovered America, went in search of richer Chinese and Japanese lands.

October 28, 1886– the official opening of the main symbol of the United States of America – the Statue of Liberty – took place. The famous landmark is located at the mouth of the Hudson, in New York Harbor. The symbol of America was presented as a gift to the United States of America by France, and it was here that the famous monument designed by Eiffel was constructed. The statue is a symbol of friendship between the United States and France and was created to commemorate the 100th anniversary of American independence.

October 28, 1908- in history Russian Empire happened significant event, the first short feature film called “Ponizovaya Volnitsa” was released, and it was with this that the Russian cinema began.

October 28, 1918– Day of the formation of Czechoslovakia. Prague gained independence from Austria-Hungary, the Czech Republic was united with neighboring Slovakia.

We bring to your attention a calendar of significant and memorable dates October 2017, which contains not only historical, cultural, patriotic and international holidays, but also anniversary dates, Andsignificant events.

  • 525 years ago, the expedition of H. Columbus discovered the island of San Salvador (the official date of the discovery of America) (1492);
  • 145 years ago, Russian electrical engineer A.N. Lodygin filed an application for the invention of an electric incandescent lamp (1872);
  • 130 years ago the premiere of P.I.’s opera took place. Tchaikovsky's "The Enchantress" at the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg (1887);
  • 120 years since the first football match was held in Russia (October 24, 1897);
  • 95 years ago, the book and magazine publishing house “Young Guard” was created in Moscow (1922);
  • 60 years ago, the film “The Cranes Are Flying” (1957) directed by M. Kalatozov was released on the screens of the country. At the Cannes Film Festival in 1958, the film was awarded the Palme d'Or;
  • 60 years ago, the world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched in our country (October 4, 1957);

October 1, 2017 is International Music Day. Established in 1975 by decision of UNESCO. One of the initiators of the establishment International Day The music is composed by Dmitry Shostakovich.

October 1, 2017 is International Day of Older Persons. It was proclaimed at the 45th session of the UN General Assembly on December 14, 1990, celebrated since October 1, 1991.

October 1, 2017 - 105 years since the birth of L.N. Gumilev (1912-1992), Russian historian-ethnologist, geographer, writer;

October 2, 2017 - International Day of Non-Violence. Established by a resolution of the UN General Assembly of June 15, 2007. The date was not chosen by chance: on October 2, 1869, Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement and the founder of the philosophy of non-violence, was born. According to the UN resolution, the International Day serves as an additional occasion to “promote non-violence, including through educational and public awareness activities.”

October 2, 2017 - World Architecture Day (first Monday in October). This holiday was established by the International Union of Architects.

October 3-9, 2017 – International Writing Week. Held annually during the week on which World Post Day falls.

October 4, 2017 - 170 years since the birth of Louis Henri Boussenard (1847-1911), French writer;

October 4, 2017 - Day of the beginning of the space age of mankind (since 1967 by decision of the International Astronautical Federation).

October 7, 2017 - 65 years old Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (1952), President of the Russian Federation, statesman;

October 8, 2017 - Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers (second Sunday of October, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 1999 No. 679).

October 12, 2017 - 105 years since the birth of L.N. Koshkin (1912-1992), Soviet engineer-inventor;

October 14, 2017 - 275 years since the birth of Ya.B. Knyazhnin (1742-1791), Russian playwright, poet;

October 14, 2017 is World Egg Day. In 1996, at a conference in Vienna, the International Egg Commission announced that the world egg holiday would be celebrated on the second Friday of October.

October 15, 2017 is World Handwashing Day. Celebrated at the initiative of the UN Children's Fund.

October 19, 2017 - Day of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. All-Russian Lyceum Student Day. This holiday owes its appearance to an educational institution - on October 19, 1811, the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum opened, where Alexander Pushkin and many other people who glorified Russia were educated.

October 21, 2017 - Apple Day (or the weekend closest to this date). In the UK, this event was first organized in 1990, on the initiative of one of the charitable organizations. Although the holiday is called “Apple Day,” it is dedicated not only to apples, but also to all orchards, as well as local island attractions.

October 22, 2017 - White Crane Festival. A holiday of poetry and memory of those who fell on the battlefields in all wars. Appeared on the initiative of the poet Rasul Gamzatov.

October 23, 2017 is International School Library Day (fourth Monday in October).

October 24, 2017 - 385 years since the birth of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723), Dutch naturalist;

October 24, 2017 - 135 years since the birth of Imre Kalman (1882-1953), Hungarian composer;

October 25, 2017 - International Women's Day for Peace (since 1980 by decision of the International Democratic Federation of Women).

October 26, 2017 - 175 years since the birth of V.V. Vereshchagin (1842-1904), Russian painter, writer;

October 27, 2017 - 235 years since the birth of Niccolo Paganini (1782-1840), Italian composer, violinist;

October 28, 2017 is International Animation Day. Established on the initiative of the French branch of the International Animated Film Association in 2002 in honor of the 110th anniversary of the public presentation of the first animation technology.

October 31, 2017 - 385 years since the birth of John Vermeer (Vermeer) of Delphi (1632-1675), Dutch artist;

October 31, 2017 is the 180th anniversary of the birth of Louis Jacolliot (1837-1890), French writer and traveler.


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