Pattern of a large Little Red Riding Hood doll. Little Red Riding Hood: DIY doll for beginners

At school I went to a puppet club and played Little Red Riding Hood. This image is dear to me, like a memory, and I decided to make my own Little Red Riding Hood doll from felt, which I am sharing with you, friends.
During our fine arts lessons, we made glove puppets with the children based on the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”. The process of making dolls itself consisted of sculpting a head on the basis of a plastic jar and then painting and sewing a dress. The dolls turned out interesting, but hard on the fingers. We staged a play with them in front of the kids. A very interesting type of creativity for children.

To make a doll you need:

  1. pink felt - 1 sheet, a little red for the cap and black for the vest. Brown felt for shoes.
  2. Sintepon.
  3. Wire for legs.
  4. A small piece of knitwear, preferably striped. Fabric for clothing: white, red. Narrow lace white for finishing skirts and blouses.
  5. For hair, yellow yarn.
  6. Glue second gel Moment. PVA
  7. Sewing threads according to the color of the materials.
  8. The braid is narrow.
  9. Pastel, acrylic paints.
  10. Plastic cap for the basket and braided wire. Any paper for pasting a basket.
  11. Floss threads for embroidering towels.
  12. Cardboard for the sole.
  13. Nippers and pliers.
  14. Needles.
  15. Centimeter tape.
  16. Felt or foamiran for a bouquet (trimming).
  17. Thin wire for flowers.

The doll's height is 25 cm.

First we make patterns for the head, arms and torso from pink felt. Look at the photo.

We sew two parts for the back of the head and connect them to the front part, leaving a hole at the bottom. Fill with padding polyester.

Let's draw a face. I used pink pastel for the cheeks and acrylic for the eyes, lips and eyebrows.

We make hair from yarn. For bangs we sew small strands. We measure the strands according to the size of the head and sew them in parts in the center. Special pomp is not needed, since we will put a cap on top.

We sew the body. We do not sew at the bottom. Fill with padding polyester.

We make a frame for the legs from wire. We wrap it with padding polyester and wrap it with thread on top so that it holds on when pulling the stocking.

We sew stockings from striped knitwear and pull them over the legs.

We measure the foot and cut out a boat sole from cardboard. Glue it to the legs with glue. We cut the shoes from brown felt. Carefully lubricate the ends of the sole and glue the side parts of the shoes one by one. We glue the middle after filling the shoe with padding polyester in a small amount. Then we glue the heels of the shoe. We glue a felt sole on the bottom.

The work is small and requires fitting and adjustment to fit the leg.

We attach the legs to the body, inserting them inside, in the middle, and sew them up along the leg.

We sew hands from pink felt, highlighting one big finger. We sew the parts along the inner fold and move on to the elbow seam. After sewing up only part, we turn it inside out and fill it with padding polyester. If it is difficult to turn out, then use a needle to pull it out. Sew the remaining part over the edge.

We sew the arms with a double stitch in a circle, stitching right through the body so that they move.
We collect the doll. We insert the neck into the hole of the head. Sew the head with small stitches over the edge.

We sew clothes for the doll.

The clothing consists of a blouse, skirt, vest and hat.

We select white or light tone and do the cutting of the blouse. We sew by hand with a backstitch using a needle, making small stitches.

First we sew the shoulder seams. We process the neckline with narrow lace, turning it in 3-4 mm. edge of the product.

We process the sleeve with lace and sew it to the armhole of the sleeve.

Sew up the side line along with the sleeve. We fold the bottom of the blouse and sew the needle down with the seam forward. We put the blouse on the doll. At the back, connecting the two halves, we sew them together. The blouse will not come off.

We sew a skirt. Sew the side seams. We collect the lace with a flounce and baste it to the bottom of the hem. Hemming.

The top of the skirt has elastic. We bend it and stitch it. Insert the elastic band and put it on the doll.
We sew an apron from a white flap and trim it with braid and lace along the bottom. We make ties from braid.

Vest. We cut it from black felt (you can use fabric that doesn’t fray). Glue the shoulder seams with second glue, then the back seams. We draw a braided line with acrylic.

We make the hat from red felt according to the pattern in the photo. We glue the seams. If necessary, you can always adjust it a little according to the shape of your head.

The doll is ready! All that remains is to make the accessories.

I made the basket from a cosmetics cap. I twisted two wires for the handle with a rope. I stripped the ends of the braid. Using a nail heated on gas, I made holes in the lid and inserted a wire, twisting it in the inside. I glued the joints with foamiran. From paper straw twisted the headband onto the basket. The cap was covered with paper and painted Brown color. I put foam rubber in the basket. I sewed a towel and made a simple trim with floss threads. She covered the basket with a towel, hiding one end under the foam.

Little Red Riding Hood went to her grandmother and brought pies and a pot of butter. On the way, she picked flowers and sang a song.

That’s why she needs a bouquet, which I made from foamiran and glued with instant glue. Well, you can make pies from flour and salt if you so desire.

That's all! I spent two days on this doll. I didn’t like her face, and I redid it, so you can see the difference in the design of the doll’s face. It doesn’t always work out the way you want, everything comes with experience! I wish you success!

First, prepare the material and padding. You can sew from other materials and choose other colors. I used plush. Here are some sample patterns.

Patterns can be printed on a printer on A4 sheet ( original size). Next, we cut everything out according to the instructions and lay it out on the table.

1. Head.

The head is the most difficult part here, since you have to tinker with the hair. I made the hair from wool threads. You can choose any length. To keep the bangs in place, glue them on with a hot gun. Before sewing the head pieces together, don't forget to make the eyes, mouth and nose. Prepare your ears. Now you can sew the parts together. This is what should happen.

2. Clothes.

You can sew either by hand or by machine. This is what a dress with an apron should look like.

Wrong Front

3. Torso and limbs.

We start sewing with feet and shoes. We assemble the parts as in the photo.

There shouldn't be any problems with the rest of the parts. We sew the arms and legs to the body, put on the dress and sew on the head.

4. Hat.

Cut out two rectangles and two triangles. Sew it together and get a Hat.

OK it's all over Now. In order for the toy to acquire individuality, you can add or change clothing items or simply make a unique hairstyle.

Little Red Riding Hood, beloved by everyone since childhood, can decorate your home too! She has a cute lace apron, a pretty face and pretty shoes. Why not sew such a doll with your own hands?

The process of making it is not very difficult. Even a novice craftsman can make our Little Red Riding Hood. Of course, you will need to sew a lot of different parts - the body, clothes, boots and even a hat. But even more interesting! Moreover, each individual part is not difficult to manufacture.

In order to sew a doll with your own hands, you will need:

  • flesh-colored felt for the girl’s head and body;
  • some brown felt for the vest and shoes
  • yarn for hair, a piece of white fabric for an apron
  • some colored fabric for the dress, lace for trim
  • thick bright red fabric for a hat.

You can't do without scissors, pins, threads and needles. Also stock up on a small amount of padding polyester and fabric markers.

So let's begin! We do everything step by step, trying to make even, neat stitches. But don’t be discouraged if everything doesn’t work out right away! A little practice - and your dolls will be amazing.

First, download and print the patterns of all the parts of the doll and its clothes. Pin the patterns onto the fabric, draw lines with chalk, taking into account the indentations for the seams. After that, cut out all the parts and stack them so that they are already at hand.


The head is the most important part of the doll! Take two pieces of the pink felt head and carefully sew them together.

Turn the head inside out and sew the ears.

Stuff the head with fiberfill and close the hole with a seam over the edge.

Now is the most crucial moment: we need to make Little Red Riding Hood’s eyes. If you feel strong enough, you can draw them yourself, using special markers, on white cotton fabric, cut them out and then glue them on your face. You can also buy eyes from craft stores or use black buttons lined with white felt.

Embroider the mouth with thick red thread. The face is ready!


Sew the body along the side lines. Turn it inside out, fill it with padding polyester and insert a small wooden or plastic stick inside for stability.

After this, sew the leg pieces along the front line.

Turn them inside out. Now you can sew on the soles. Don’t worry if it doesn’t turn out very neatly: the doll will also wear shoes! If you put thick paper in the soles, the doll will stand more stable. After this, sew the handles. If you want the handles to bend, then insert wire into them.

Twist the ends of the wire with duct tape (for safety).

Mark the middle at the bottom of the body using a thick thread.

Sew the legs to the bottom of the body.

Attach the handles with wire. After that, sew along the shoulder line.

Insert the end of the stick into the head, sew the neck using a fairly thick thread. Take some light brown or tan colored yarn. Divide into two bundles as shown in the picture.

One bun will be used to form bangs, so it will be a little shorter on one side. Sew the hair to the top of the head.

Make a straight seam in the middle. You can simply glue the hair at the back.

Petticoat and pantaloons

Now it would be nice to sew our Little Red Riding Hood a beautiful petticoat and pantaloons. Knickers are sewn very simply: they consist of two rectangles. Sew lace to the bottom of the rectangles. Fold the rectangles and make two seams from point A to point B (as in the picture).

Place the future panties so that the seam is at the top, in the middle. Now we will make two seams from point B to points C.

Insert an elastic band or elastic thread at the top and bottom. Now the doll has lace pants!

The underskirt is very easy to sew, the main thing is not to forget about the seam allowance and sew on the lace. The length of the skirt is approximately 8-10 centimeters.

To sew an elegant dress, you will have to work hard.

First we will sew the shoulder and side lines.

Let's cut the fabric a little in the armpit area so that the dress fits better.

Now gather the skirt and sew it to the waistband. Turn inside out, finish the seams and add lace to the collar. You can make buttons on the back.


To make boots, cut out the sole and the main part of the shoe from thick felt. Punch holes for the laces.

Sew the sole to the shoe. Here you will have to try to ensure that the seams are extremely even! Insert the laces (about 20 centimeters).

We put our boots on the doll!

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