Secrets of youth and beauty of Nicole Kidman. Three rules of beauty from Nicole Kidman

A positive attitude, a job she loves, and children help Nicole overcome any difficulties.

This fragile woman with an angelic appearance has a will of steel.

Having set a goal, she goes towards it with enviable tenacity and consistency, but her determination is not striking.

Apparently, this is why most of her fans have the impression that Kidman does everything by herself.

Today we will lift the curtain on one important side of the life of a Hollywood star: how she keeps her figure in great shape.

Nicole is sure that the opportunity to realize oneself from all sides helps keep youth. In recent years, Nicole Kidman has not only devotedly served the filming, but also developed the line cosmetics for nail care.

Hawaii, sun, ocean...

Nicole spent the first years of her life in Hawaii and even then fell in love with the ocean. “When I go there now,” Kidman shares with reporters, “I swim in the ocean almost every day. By the way, my grandmother is 90, but she feels great, and all because she has been swimming every day for many years.”

Exercise for the abs, back, buttocks and arms

Nicole starts her morning with this exercise. It should be done as slowly as possible. Starting position: stand on all fours. Pull your stomach in and move your leg back. Then pull your knee towards your chest, rounding your spine and trying to touch your nose with your knee. Return to starting position. Repeat 10 times for each leg.

Slimness thanks to the cleansing program

From time to time, Kidman adheres to a diet that helps remove toxins from the body.

For three days she drinks water, herbal infusions, fruit and vegetable juices. Does not touch coffee, black tea, alcohol, carbonated drinks, frozen foods and sugar.

Beauty secrets from the film star

Have a light snack before bed.
Kidman loves grapes, honey and bran buns. About 2 hours before bedtime, she treats herself to one of these foods, and 1 hour before going to bed, she drinks an infusion of lemon balm or chamomile.

Beautiful hair

For natural ones blond hair Blonde Nicole Kidman takes care of her with cranberry juice. It gives the hair a reddish-reddish tint. If she wants her hair to shine, she rinses it with champagne.

Work keeps you on your toes

After her divorce from Tom Cruise, the actress, contrary to the expectations of many, did not fall into depression, but continued to climb the Hollywood Olympus. Kidman starred in the film Moulin Rouge. Learning the cancan helped the actress maintain her figure and take her mind off gloomy thoughts.

Three rules of beauty from Nicole Kidman

1. Drink at least seven cups of water a day.

2. Make contrasting facial baths.

3. Take a mint bath (adding mint infusion or decoction to the water).

You can't spare time for sleep

At one of the press conferences, Nicole Kidman, when asked by journalists what the secret of her youth and beauty was, answered: "Ten hours of sleep every day and... chocolate!"

0 June 26, 2018, 2:43 pm

The other day, who became a Neutrogena ambassador in February of this year, appeared at a brand event in Los Angeles and talked about how she cares for her skin. The actress admitted that she does not leave the house without sunscreen with SPF 50.

I go to a lot fresh air, I play sports and try to protect myself from the sun,

- she shared.

The star developed this habit as a child. Her family had skin cancer, so she taught herself to be extra careful. Kidman prefers sunscreens Neutrogena brand. In Russia, this cosmetics is presented very modestly (it can be found in some pharmacies, and in the Podruzhka store, for example).

Moreover, she not only does not sunbathe, but when going to the beach, she wears the most closed swimsuits with sleeves. By the way, during filming in hot weather there is always an assistant next to the celebrity, ready at any moment to hide her from the scorching sun under an umbrella. The actress is sure that this is the only way to save the skin from aging.

According to the star, she never resorted to heavy artillery (the help of surgeons), but she admitted that she did Botox injections. However, it was unsuccessful for Kidman. I really regret having Botox. Because of him, his face turned into a mask, and his facial expressions changed.

Now the actress claims that she maintains youth with the help of various creams and serums with retinol.

I love products with an instant effect - apply and you're done. But I also don’t neglect products that work for the future. I have very sensitive skin, so I choose cosmetics especially carefully to avoid flaking and dryness.

— she shared in an interview. Nicole exfoliates once a week. Another beauty rule that Kidman strictly follows is carefully removing makeup before going to bed.

Nicole is sure that beauty comes from within, so she carefully monitors her diet: she eats a lot of greens and fish and prefers to avoid foods high in fat. This helps her not only keep herself in shape, but also look much younger than her age. The actress also considers it very important to maintain water balance and not forget about it throughout the day. In addition, the Hollywood star tries to eat often, but in small portions. Keith Urban's wife highlights her ideal skin tone with pink shades of blush. Choosing between saturated smoky eyes and bright lip makeup, she will prefer the latter.

When the actress was a redhead, she cared for her thick hair with cranberry juice, rinsing it with this drink once a week. According to Kidman, this product not only gives it shine, but also strengthens it, because it contains acid that “glues” damaged areas of hair. When Kidman dyed her hair blonde, champagne was used instead of cranberry juice - it makes her hair silky.

1 chosen

Today she has become even... more graceful. Beautiful actress Nicole Kidman celebrates her birthday, although she, like Courteney Cox, Angelina Jolie("face" Guerlain) or Jennifer Aniston You can’t give the age that a passport imposes. And all thanks to the beauty secrets that the actress uses. Well, let's get to know them!

Many people know that Nicole tries to eat only organic foods. The thing is that, as often happens with stars, Nicole has a mania for pesticides: she is afraid of chemically treated vegetables and fruits. That is why he prefers to choose only ecologically clean products. When Nicole goes shopping, she carefully studies the labels: the composition of the product and always checks the date of manufacture.

As for the daily diet, to maintain immunity, the actress drinks a glass of boiled water with ginger and wheat germ, and also has nothing against vitamin supplements. " Yes, I take vitamins regularly - I believe they work and keep my body in good shape", - comments Nicole Kidman. Herbal infusions and freshly squeezed juices, aimed at cleansing the body of waste and toxins, are the actress’s favorite drinks. This is what she uses throughout the day.

In our world, false rules have been established - if a girl is very thin, she is probably starving herself or is completely anorexic. Nicole Kidman By her example, she dispelled all doubts: to maintain a thin figure, you just need to stop eating large portions. The actress never promoted “overeating”, but, on the contrary, always chose the path healthy eating- breakfast, snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Each meal requires small, palm-sized portions. The actress does not exhaust her body by fasting: " I'm not as strict with my body as many people think. I eat almost everything, I just know my limits".

As for your favorite treats: " Love the fresh seafood platter with Sydney oysters, tiger prawns, crab and lobster"And her least favorite product is strawberries. The reason is very prosaic - the actress is allergic to it.

Since childhood, our heroine knows what physical training is. From four years old Nicole Kidman I studied ballet, and, as you know, training at the barre is worse than all modern cardio or strength exercises. Nicole's father instilled in her and her sister Antonia a love of an active lifestyle. The actress recalls that as a child, her father forced the girls to give up traveling to school by bus and instead walk. In an interview, Nicole admitted that she was grateful for such rigor: " My father was a psychologist, so he always reminded us that we are responsible for our own emotional health. I think it's really good advice, because emotional health seriously affects how we look and feel about the world now".

Today's Nicole cannot imagine her life without sports. The star admits: " If I can find an hour or 30 free minutes in my schedule, I will definitely devote this time to meditation, yoga or something else. Every day I try to exercise at least a little to improve my physical self." In addition to yoga, tennis and running, the actress loves to swim, and crawl: “I get incredible joy from swimming in the ocean. I don’t have access to it all year round, since my family lives far from it. But when such an opportunity arises and I’m nearby from the ocean - I don’t care about the temperature, I just dive!”

Another secret from Nicole Kidman is such that even if you are a married and working mother who does not have enough time for anything, you still do not have the right to neglect yourself. Moreover, every year you need to devote more and more time to yourself.

"I like to participate in many projects, to be active in life, but when there is a “collapse” or a bad streak in work moments, I stop, relax and have fun with my four children"- shares the actress.

What always keeps a famous actress going? A simple rule that she learned as a child. Do you also want to adopt it? Remember: “Keep smiling, no matter what happens. After all, tomorrow will be a new day.”

A positive attitude is the key to success

So, a truly positive attitude and a job she loves, as well as her children, help Nicole overcome any difficulties at all. A woman with an angelic appearance has an iron will. So, having set a goal, she consistently, with enviable tenacity, goes towards it. At the same time, her sense of purpose is not striking; it is not so easy to notice from the outside. As a result, others think that Nicole is simply driven by luck, and everything works out for her by itself.

Let us now try to pull back the curtain on one aspect of the life of a Hollywood star that is extremely important for most readers - how does Kidman manage to keep her figure in great shape?

The actress is confident that the opportunity to realize herself from all aspects of life helps her maintain her youth. Therefore, it is not surprising that in recent years Nicole has not only starred in many films, but has also been developing cosmetics under her own brand.

The path to becoming Nicole Kidman

Let's start from afar. Early years own life Nicole Kidman lived in the Hawaiian Islands and fell in love with the ocean throughout her life. In her own interview, the actress noted that when she comes to the islands now, she devotes almost every day to swimming in the ocean. So much for fitness! However, consider an exercise from Nicole, designed to be performed in the morning.

First of all, it is worth noting that it must be performed as slowly as possible. We get on all fours, pull in our stomach and slowly, slowly move our leg back. After this, we pull the knee to the chest and, gradually rounding the spine, try to touch the nose with the knee. We return to the starting position... No, this is not the end yet. For each leg we repeat such manipulations 10 times.

Exercise with exercise, but you can’t go without a diet. However, it can be called differently as a program for cleansing the body. It is with her help that Kidman removes toxins from his body.

So, it consists in the fact that for three days the actress drinks herbal infusions and water, vegetable and fruit juices. He doesn’t even look at frozen foods, sugar, alcohol, black tea and coffee.

However, such a diet is temporary, only for three days. But what actions to follow in everyday life? Nicole herself simply cannot live without buns with bran, honey and grapes. A couple of hours before bedtime, the actress chooses one of these products, eating it with pleasure. But an hour before going to bed, Kinman drinks an infusion of chamomile or lemon balm.

Nicole also practices various salon treatments, seaweed and mud wrap, massage.

Kidman's luxurious appearance

Let's touch the hair. No, not in the literal sense - we’ll just say a few words about them. Nicole is a natural blonde, but she takes care of her blonde hair with cranberry juice, which gives her hair a reddish-reddish tint. In cases where the actress wants to achieve shine in her own hair, she rinses it in sparkling wine. In champagne.

It was expected that after her divorce from Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman would fall into a deep depression. This, however, did not happen, and the actress continued to keep herself in good shape with the help of work. Continuing her ascent to Hollywood Olympus, Kidman, while filming one of the films, learned the cancan, which helped her not only take her mind off sad thoughts, but also maintain her figure.

Finally, I would like to give three tips... no, it would be more correct to put it, three rules of beauty from Nicole Kidman. So, you will need to do special contrast baths for your face every day. Drink at least seven cups of water a day. Also treat yourself to a real mint bath by adding a decoction or infusion of mint to the water.

Never waste time on sleep. The popular actress, when asked by journalists about the secret of her beauty and youth, answered that she got it all thanks to ten hours of sleep every day, as well as chocolate.

All about how women who always look flawless take care of themselves

Today they are the main divas of modern Hollywood: talented actresses, role models for several generations and women with a capital “W”. But all this does not stop them from making sparkling jokes, fooling around at the press walls during the big premiere and looking great in everyday life. InStyle shares the beauty secrets of the most talked-about actresses of our time.

Nicole Kidman

“My appearance is completely natural. I always wear sun protection, don't smoke and take care of myself. I'm proud of it. Everyone can do whatever they want with their appearance, I don’t judge anyone, but I myself believe in sports. That's how I was raised. Do you want to know the main beauty secret? Fall in love - it really works!”

Divided meals help Kidman maintain her chiseled figure: the actress eats several times a day in small portions, and her diet includes mainly fish and greens. Nicole prefers swimming: every day she spends half an hour in the pool. To maintain her aristocratic paleness, she avoids prolonged exposure to the sun and always uses products with SPF. Nicole Kidman's skin color is highlighted with pink shades of blush. When choosing between shadows and bright lipstick, she usually relies on the latter - her bright Blue eyes do not require unnecessary accents.

Jennifer Lopez

“Modest and quiet joys sometimes tone us up much better than any overseas beaches. Beauty is only skin deep. I think it is very important to find a balance between mind, body and spirit."

To look 35 at 48, the singer has to follow a strict beauty routine. There is no sweet or fried food on her menu; all dishes are steamed using the freshest seasonal ingredients: broccoli, asparagus, quinoa. In addition, she does not drink alcohol or smoke. At the same time, Lopez never goes on a diet - she coordinates her diet with a nutritionist: it contains both proteins (lots of fish and chicken) and carbohydrates (brown rice). Every day, the celebrity finds at least an hour of time to exercise, and her fitness diet consists of regular cardio and strength training in combination with morning yoga, 20 minutes of meditation and massage with sculpting agents.

Halle Berry

“Appearance largely depends on lifestyle. I have never smoked or abused alcohol or drugs. All this is reflected on the face over the years.”

In her youth, Holly was diagnosed with diabetes, since then she has been fighting sugar, and so far she has emerged victorious. So for many years, the actress’s favorite food has been cereals, grilled tuna and garlic puree. The menu contains only foods low in fat, sugar and a minimum of simple carbohydrates. When it comes to sports, the actress prefers cardio. “I didn’t lift really heavy weights unless the role required it. For myself, I do a lot of cardio because I don't want to be too muscular. But I’ve always been involved in sports - it’s part of my illness, the key to controlling blood sugar levels,” shares Berry. Holly only trains her abs, spending 30 minutes on them three times a week. The actress doesn't have many favorite skin care products, but she prefers serums.

Natalie Portman

“Beauty is a huge advantage. It’s more profitable to be beautiful than to be ugly.”

Portman is a well-known vegetarian; in addition, she tries to drink a lot of water and sleep at least eight hours. She learned from the French women to use pharmaceutical rose water instead of tonic, and also to look a little casual. Golden Rule Portman - Always remove your makeup before going to bed. To do this, she uses the legendary Bioderma micellar water. And the cleansing gel Joëlle Ciocco completes the cleansing procedure. The final touch is a moisturizer or nourishing mask.

Sensibio H2O micellar water from Bioderma, RUB 790. (bioderm.rf)

Charlize Theron

“Many people don’t understand that it doesn’t matter what others think about you, you yourself are the only person with whom you live your whole life. I love me. I'm comfortable in my body. Of course, there are days when I look in the mirror and think: “Something is not very good.” And sometimes - with hair and makeup - I will admire how good I am. I think this happens to every woman."

The main beauty trick of one of the sexiest actresses in Hollywood is natural makeup, which Charlize promoted even before it became a trend. Ideal tone, glowing skin, neat eyebrows and eyelashes, warm blush and nude lipstick. Charlize does not use makeup removers because she believes they can damage the structure of the skin. As a replacement she uses wet wipes. Also, the actress does not leave the house without sunscreen, even in rainy weather, and also loves light BB creams. In addition, she often changes her care products so as not to become addictive.

Ann Hataway

“I think I have strange facial features. I have rather large facial features and a small head. But, you know, I'm not going to be self-flagellation about this. This is my face. I'm not particularly beautiful. But I feel okay because I know that I look like myself and, in the end, personality is much more important. If I don't take care of my appearance, my hair is too frizzy and my complexion has no tone, and this is not normal. But I'm trying to find a balance with my appearance."

One of Ocean's friends takes two tablespoons before bed olive oil: This, according to her, helps remove toxins from the body and improves skin condition. Cosmetologist Hathaway advises her to make a scrub from oatmeal And lemon juice, which promotes skin renewal and radiance. And actress Gina Brooke's makeup artist recommends devoting 15-20 minutes to preparing for makeup. For skin care, Ann Gina uses a mask with hyaluronic acid, followed by a moisturizer with vitamin C. This not only helps protect your skin from external stress, but also leaves it feeling fresh and radiant.

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