Pyotr Nikitin is Friske's ex-fiancé. Zhanna Friske hid him: the singer’s former lover revealed the secret of their relationship

The singer’s lover told how their relationship developed and why it broke up. He also admitted that even theoretically he cannot be the father of the five-year-old son of the star Plato.

Peter said that he met the singer when he starred in her video for the song “Summer,” but did not dare to take the first step so as not to break the chain of command. However, the star herself hinted that she wanted a relationship that was closer than business, when she asked for an impromptu party with Peter and his friend, and then agreed to go to the dancer’s home. “This cauldron was boiling for about six months, from the shooting of the video until the New Year. And then it comes New Year, and for artists this is the time to earn money, it was the same for us. And so, having worked out the last point - that’s how we put it professionally - my partner Dima and I decided to just go somewhere to celebrate the holiday. Zhanna expressed a desire to come with us. Why is this happening all of a sudden, right? It’s already 5-6 in the morning, and Zhanna says: take me to a friend. We get into the limousine, and first we had to go home. She says: I need to take something from the apartment. We go up to the 4th or 5th floor, I don’t remember. She had a clutch. This is where the fun began, it’s like a magic trick. She opens the clutch, but there is no key. At that time I was renting an apartment on Oktyabrsky Pole, an ordinary house, an ordinary apartment near the metro, and then I said: “Or maybe come to me?” In my opinion, there wasn’t even a pause, and she said: “Let’s go,” recalls Zhanna’s ex-lover.

Pyotr Nikitin, frame from the program “New Russian Sensations”

The romance between Nikitin and Friske developed rapidly. They vacationed together on the islands, where Peter was unknowingly called “Mr. Friske,” and in Moscow they met in the elite cottage village “Krasnovidovo.” The singer rented a house two steps from where Dmitry Shepelev and Plato later lived.

According to Peter, everything was fine with Zhanna: the relationship lasted five years, and relatives and friends who knew about the secret relationship followed all the rules of secrecy. Even members of the film crew who flew with the couple on vacation filmed their beloved singer only from the back and kept the footage where Peter’s face is clearly visible secret, because they respected the star. At some point, the common-law spouses even decided to get married; Nikitin proposed to Friska, but subsequently ruined the relationship with his jealousy: “She always said: I want a child for myself. Of course, perhaps with the subtext: I want our child. But I didn’t ask questions like “Do you want a child from me or do you generally want a child?” I sang a different song - I want a normal legal relationship. I was raised that way. She was ready, we did not hide our feelings. There would be marriage, children and happy life together, but at some point I literally got stuck. There were headlines about Zhanna's affair with a coach or Ovechkin, there was such a list of admirers! She was filming a sex scene in her own film. I had no complaints about the scene itself, I had complaints about the fact that I imagined how a child grows up and sees how his mother acts in such films and magazines for men. I started feeling dissonant. I immediately came up with an ultimatum and said: “either this or that.” She was shocked that I even said this, I was shocked myself, but this was the beginning of the end. She tried to reach my common sense, but it was as if a stake had been driven into me. Of course I was wrong. I wish I could do things differently now. What could happen, happened. Of course, Zhanna was not ready for this in any way: to leave her job overnight and agree to my terms.”

Pyotr Nikitin and Zhanna Friske

Friske's lover admits that he was surprised when he saw the TV presenter, who became the singer's new hobby, because Dmitry Shepelev did not meet the criteria that Zhanna liked in men. He wanted to fight for his love, because he understood that this relationship was not serious, but he soon learned that his beloved was pregnant. Having estimated the timing, the dancer realized that he could not possibly be the father: “If he were mine, he would be mine and with me, and if someone leaks some information, let it remain on his conscience.”

Peter does not hide the fact that he had a hard time with Jeanne’s illness. He was among the first to learn from Friske’s friend that his beloved was sick, but he could not do anything. The dancer was constantly waiting for the star to give him a sign that he could call and talk - Dmitry Shepelev and family members were not around, but the signal never came. All that remains for the artist’s former secret common-law husband is the song “Cry and Beg.” Hearing it, Peter immediately realized that the composition was dedicated to him and described their relationship.

Zhanna Friske and Pyotr Nikitin, frame from the program “New Russian Sensations”

Let us remind you that Zhanna Friske passed away on June 15, 2015 after a long battle with cancer. Pyotr Nikitin never married after the death of his beloved. The dancer believes that he will never have such a spiritual relationship with Zhanna with anyone else. In his personal opinion, he could become a good father, but he also does not have children.

In contact with


Zhanna Friske and Peter Nikitin

The man states that the singer wanted a child from him, and moreover, she agreed to officially legitimize the relationship

Dancer Pyotr Nikitin reported how he almost became the father of the child of the famous Russian singer Zhanna Friske, who died of brain cancer in the summer of 2015.

As the man noted, he was Friske’s common-law spouse for 5 years. At the same time, as Nikitin said, by mutual agreement he was in the shadow of his famous lover.

Peter met Zhanna during the filming of the “Summer” video. According to the star’s common-law husband, it was from him, and not from Dmitry Shepelev, whom she began dating later, that the singer wanted to have a child.

However, the man clarified that he does not claim to be the father of the artist’s son, Plato. “It’s definitely not me. I don’t meet the deadlines,” Nikitin noted.

Peter also said that he himself destroyed a happy relationship with Zhanna: one fine day he simply presented her with a choice - to continue her career in show business or to finally start life together. Friske chose the stage, although by that time she had already agreed to legitimize the relationship with the dancer. At the moment, Nikitin regrets his former categorical attitude.

Russian businessman and video blogger Peter Nikitin, known as the former lover of singer Zhanna Friske.

Biography of Peter Nikitin

Peter Nikitin began his career in show business working as a dancer, including in the dance group "Mirage". IN Germany took part in the original festival Juste Debout 2006. He taught krumping in the Model-357 studio. Since 2007, Peter and the group have worked with many Russian pop stars, among whom was the singer Zhanna Friske.

Later, Pyotr Nikitin left show business and went into construction business, because he realized that dancing would not allow him to become wealthy enough to earn an apartment and a good car. IN free time Peter and his friends perform in the group “The Brothers,” which has been posting short videos on its YouTube channel since August 2016.

Personal life of Peter Nikitin

When Peter met Zhanna Friske, the couple began a romantic relationship that lasted more than four years. Neither Zhanna nor Peter (who was 9 years younger than his companion) advertised their romance. According to Peter, the first year when he dated Friske, there was a relationship without obligations, but then the young man started talking about children. At that time, Peter was 27 years old, he was jealous of Zhanna for her profession and asked her to leave show business. The couple separated peacefully, realizing that this relationship had no prospects. According to Peter, the reason for the breakup was his demands for Friska to make a choice between work and family life.

“We talked about children and marriage. I was 27 years old then. She didn’t give me reasons to be jealous; I wasn’t jealous of anyone in particular, but of my profession. I said, "If only you were an ordinary person, it would be much better." Now I regret that I behaved this way.”

When Zhanna's son Plato was born in 2013, many rumors appeared around Peter's name, suggesting that Nikitin was the father of the child. However, Friske herself and Peter immediately denied this information.

In December 2016, Pyotr Nikitin became the hero of the “Let's Get Married” program, where he hoped to find a bride. In the finale, he left the show with blonde Alice, the director of a concert agency.

In 2018, Peter took part in the filming of the show “New Russian Sensations”, where he once again spoke about his affair with Zhanna Friske, which caused a wave of discontent from fans of the deceased singer. Friske’s fans believed that in this way Nikitin wanted to “promote” his name at the expense of Zhanna. Peter himself is ready to undergo an interview with a lie detector to prove that his relationship with Friske really took place. He also still refutes all speculation about the paternity of the boy Plato, who remained after the death of Friske with his official parent Dmitry Shepelev.

The singer and dancer managed to hide their relationship for five years. Their romance began as a work affair; only colleagues knew about the relationship of the young people.


“Here, of course, it came from Zhanna,” recalls Peter. “She always told journalists: “Friends, my happiness, my personal life, please don’t touch it.” She repeated this all the time. And at that moment I had some kind of glory I didn’t need it. At that time I was a successful popular dance artist. To become famous at her expense, to have something to do with her – that wasn’t in my thoughts.”

Nikitin admits that at first he was very jealous of Friske. At the very beginning of the relationship, Zhanna’s wild popularity among members of the opposite sex worried him very much: Peter even checked her phone once. However, over time, he came to terms with the state of things and simply enjoyed the company of the woman he loved. “A huge number of men wrote and called her, but at that moment - after all, I’m a young guy, I didn’t have enough wisdom - I told myself that whatever happens, I’m here now, I’m with her, she’s with me. This is how I brought myself to my senses,” said Peter.

He said that he hesitated for a long time to propose and unconsciously slowed down. He was afraid that he would not be able to support Zhanna and the child, to provide them with the standard of living to which the star was accustomed. Although conversations about a joint future sometimes arose.

The dancer understood that he wanted to spend his whole life with Jeanne and have children from her, but he did not want to live next to a celebrity. Pavel dreamed of an ordinary, inconspicuous life. Nikitin delivered an ultimatum to his beloved: either he or the stage: “I had such a period - this dancing, show business, I was sick of all this. All this duplicity, this hypocrisy. And I told her: “Let's finish this thing.” Let this show business be a thing of the past." Friske chose a career. Over time, Peter realized that he was too categorical. Now he regrets the breakup.

Less than a year later, Nikitin learned from mutual friends that Zhanna was dating TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev. “At the time of our relationship, Dima was not on the horizon. We broke up. It was the end of the 10th year. Another six months passed, or even maybe a little more. I didn’t find out from her that she was having an affair with Dima,” said common-law spouse of the star.

Having learned who became Zhanna's new chosen one, Peter was very surprised. “I don’t want to offend anyone,” the dancer said with a smile, “but for some reason I always thought that the type of man for Zhanna was still different. (...) She always dreamed of a man who would take everything on his shoulders so that she I could relax."

When information about Jeanne’s terrible illness became public, he began to look for a meeting with the artist, but to no avail. Friske moved from city to city and was often unavailable even for a call. “She was either in America or in Germany. There were always people around, and she didn’t even always have a phone. She contacted me. She could write, call. I was waiting for the call,” Nikitin said. During rare conversations, they tried not to talk about the disease, shared impressions, memories, and joked.

Peter did not immediately believe the report of Zhanna’s death, but upon realizing what had happened, it took him a very long time to come to his senses. In three years, he only once decided to come to the cemetery to see his ex-lover. According to the dancer, he can mentally talk to the artist at any time.

Nikitin is very glad that Friske managed to become a mother. The man assures that the boy is very similar to Zhanna. In the depths of his soul, he envies Dmitry Shepelev: “I scold myself, why was I so categorical, now it would be my son.”

According to the dancer, in the dispute over Zhanna’s heir, the Friske family must come to an agreement with the boy’s father, because the child should have the opportunity to see all his relatives.

Nikitin passed a polygraph test. A lie detector confirmed the veracity of the dancer's story, with the exception of some details. It is noteworthy that the study revealed that Peter had a vested interest in communicating with Friske. The star's ex-lover categorically rejects this assumption.

The dancer, who was in a relationship with the star for five years, believes that the song “Cry and Beg” is dedicated to him and describes their relationship. This composition did not become a hit, but he considers it the “swan song” of their romance.


According to him, there was a period when Zhanna began to recover. The singer’s team has already begun rehearsing the production for the new track. It was assumed that Friske would soon join them. But this did not happen - her condition worsened again and she died.

Previously, Nikitin said that he met Zhanna on the set of the “Summer” video more than 10 years ago, after which their romance began. At first it developed according to all the rules of conspiracy. They continued to work together, calling each other by their first and patronymic names in front of strangers, but they dreamed of a common future.

Subsequently, they vacationed together on the islands, and in Moscow they met in the elite cottage village "Krasnovidovo". The singer rented a house two steps from where Dmitry Shepelev and Plato later lived.

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