The concept of military patriotic education of youth.

State program “Patriotic education of citizens” Russian Federation for years" Continuation of the state programs "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years", "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years" and "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years", the State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years" maintains the continuity of the process on the further formation of the patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens as one of the factors of national unity based on innovative technologies for instilling patriotism in modern conditions.

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” The program involves joint activities state structures and civil society in solving a wide range of problems of developing patriotism and giving it new dynamics. The program has state status and is aimed at all social strata and age groups of citizens of the Russian Federation, while maintaining the priority of patriotic education of the younger generation - children and youth.

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” The implementation of state programs for patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation, starting in 2001, made it possible to create a system of patriotic education and ensure its sustainable functioning. The result of the implementation of government programs was the tendency to deepen the understanding of Russian patriotism in the mass consciousness of citizens as a spiritual guideline and the most important resource for the development of modern Russian society. This spiritual landmark revives and develops the heroic past of Russia, based on knowledge of military and labor traditions, historical achievements in the struggle for freedom and independence of the Fatherland, taking into account the multifaceted historical, ethnographic and cultural roots of the development of Russian society, the experience of the Great Patriotic War and post-military armed conflicts .

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” The entire resource accumulated over the heroic years of struggle and labor has the richest educational potential, and in general is actively used for the patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation. It will continue to be the basis for the development, testing and implementation of innovative technologies to form among modern generations of Russian citizens the ideals of patriotic values ​​of serving the Fatherland, and above all, readiness to defend it.

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years to come” The program is based on the understanding of patriotic education as a basic social factor in strengthening Russian statehood, consolidating Russian society, ensuring national security, achieving Russian civil identity by the country's population and transitioning to an innovative path of its development. This understanding indicates the priority of patriotism in the structure of values ​​of Russian society and state policy, which will allow overcoming some difficulties in the development of the existing structures of the system of patriotic education, creating conditions for their development, introducing modern forms and mechanisms of effective interaction between them.

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” The main goal of the Program is to introduce an innovative approach, further improve the system of patriotic education, and bring it into line with the new historical realities of the development of Russian society. The strategic goal of the Program is not so much the reproduction of the values ​​of patriotism, but, first of all, the formation of an attitude among citizens towards the need for the values ​​of patriotism.

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years to come” To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: improving the system of patriotic education based on the introduction of scientifically based innovative technologies and mechanisms for instilling patriotism in modern conditions; improving the legal, organizational, methodological and information support for the functioning of the system of patriotic education; creation of a system of patriotic education in every educational organization, labor and military collective, turning them into centers of patriotic education; create and develop a subsystem of military-patriotic education of citizens as an integral part of the system of patriotic education and carry out its operation to increase the prestige of military and law enforcement services; radically strengthen the material and technical base of patriotic education in educational, labor, creative, military and service groups and public associations; carry out the restructuring of cultural institutions and information support for the patriotic education of citizens in the conditions of information counteraction. Main directions of implementation of the Program

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” To implement these opportunities, the Program provides for the implementation of a set of measures at the federal, regional and local levels. 1. Scientific, theoretical and methodological basis of patriotic education, taking into account innovative technologies and mechanisms for instilling patriotism in modern conditions. 2. Formation of a patriotic worldview through the development of patriotically oriented historical knowledge of citizens of the Russian Federation. 3. Increasing the role of educational organizations, cultural institutions and the media in the patriotic education of citizens 4. Regulatory and legal support for patriotic education activities 5. Military-patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation, the formation of positive motivation among young people to perform military service. 6. Interaction between government bodies and civil society in the interests of patriotic education

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” Patriotism is intended to give a new impetus to the spiritual healing of the people, the formation of a unified civil society in Russia. Therefore, the development of scientifically based conceptual approaches to the organization of patriotic education of citizens and its theoretical foundations is an urgent task. The Concept formulates theoretical basis patriotic education, its purpose, objectives and principles, the role and place of government bodies, public associations and organizations for the education of patriotism in modern conditions.

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years”

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” Fundamental laws of the Russian Federation - “On the days of military glory and memorable dates Russia" - "On perpetuating the memory of those who died defending the Fatherland" - "On perpetuating the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War" - "On veterans" - "On the State Flag of the Russian Federation" - "On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation" - "On the State anthem of the Russian Federation" - "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" - "On state support for youth and children's public associations" - "On the museum fund of the Russian Federation and museums in the Russian Federation" - "On the honorary title of the Russian Federation "City of Military Glory"

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation - “On measures state support public associations working on military-patriotic education of youth" - "On improving state policy in the field of patriotic education" Resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation - "On military-patriotic youth and children's associations"

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years to come” On the preparation and conduct of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War In May 2015, the world will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory over fascism, the most Great Victory V modern history humanity. Taking into account the world-historical significance of the Victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War, President of the Russian Federation V.V. On April 25, 2013, he signed the Decree “ON PREPARATION AND CELEBRATION OF THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF VICTORY IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR”

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years to come” Main All-Russian events of the state program - Events of 2011 Forum of the gathering of winners and laureates of the All-Russian competition “Running on the Waves” Events of 2012 - All-Russian exhibition “Symbols of the Fatherland” Events of 2013 (Rosvoentsentr) anniversary of the beginning of the First World War - 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War Events 2013 (Rospechat) - Interregional competition "My Small Motherland" - All-Russian competition Media "Patriot of Russia" (Belgorod) Events 2014 - All-Russian exhibition "Symbols of the Fatherland" Photo album of the All-Russian exhibition "Symbols of the Fatherland"

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON THE PREPARATION AND CELEBRATION OF THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF VICTORY IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR Considering the world-historical significance of the victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War and in order to coordinate the activities of federal bodies executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and public associations for the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, I decree: 1. Entrust the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory" with coordinating the activities of federal executive authorities , executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and public associations for the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (hereinafter referred to as festive events). 2. To the Government of the Russian Federation: a) develop, with the participation of the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory", a plan for the preparation and holding of the main festive events; b) approve the plan for the preparation and holding of the main festive events, including ceremonial events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the decisive battles and other major events of the Great Patriotic War; c) take measures to improve the socio-economic situation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. 3. The Russian organizing committee "Victory" together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: a) contact the governments of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, states of the former anti-Hitler coalition, other states, as well as international and national non-governmental organizations with an offer to take part in the preparation and holding festive events; b) take measures to coordinate joint actions with member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in preparing and holding festive events. 4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation will provide the necessary political and diplomatic assistance in holding festive events. 5. Federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: a) take part in the preparation and holding of festive events, including celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the decisive battles and other major events of the Great Patriotic War; b) provide all possible assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War in resolving issues of their social protection; c) provide assistance to local governments in putting in order military graves and memorial complexes, monuments and obelisks, graves of partisans, underground fighters and prisoners of Nazi concentration camps and prisons, as well as in searching for and burying the remains of soldiers who died defending the Fatherland. 6. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing. President of the Russian Federation V. PUTIN Moscow, Kremlin April 25, 2013 N 417 “Editions of the state program of patriotic education” Publications of the Rosvoentsentr 2011 - Reference data - Book “The Patriotic War of 1812. Biographical Dictionary" year: Military-patriotic book - calendar Publications of the Rosvoentsentr 2013 - Book "Hero-cities and cities of military glory" Publications of the Rosvoentsentr 2014 - Reference book about the First World War

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years to come” Organization of presentation of awards for patriotism In accordance with the implementation of the state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011–2015”, the presentation of awards for patriotism is annually organized. The Badge of Honor “For active work for the patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation" Commemorative medal "PATRIOT OF RUSSIA"

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON THE PREPARATION AND CELEBRATION OF THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF VICTORY IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR Considering the world-historical significance of the victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War and in order to coordinate the activities of federal bodies executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and public associations for the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, I decree: 1. Entrust the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory" with coordinating the activities of federal executive authorities , executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and public associations for the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (hereinafter referred to as festive events). 2. To the Government of the Russian Federation: a) develop, with the participation of the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory", a plan for the preparation and holding of the main festive events; b) approve the plan for the preparation and holding of the main festive events, including ceremonial events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the decisive battles and other major events of the Great Patriotic War; c) take measures to improve the socio-economic situation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. 3. The Russian organizing committee "Victory" together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: a) contact the governments of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, states of the former anti-Hitler coalition, other states, as well as international and national non-governmental organizations with an offer to take part in the preparation and holding festive events; b) take measures to coordinate joint actions with member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in preparing and holding festive events. 4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation will provide the necessary political and diplomatic assistance in holding festive events. 5. Federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: a) take part in the preparation and holding of festive events, including celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the decisive battles and other major events of the Great Patriotic War; b) provide all possible assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War in resolving issues of their social protection; c) provide assistance to local governments in putting in order military graves and memorial complexes, monuments and obelisks, graves of partisans, underground fighters and prisoners of Nazi concentration camps and prisons, as well as in searching for and burying the remains of soldiers who died defending the Fatherland. 6. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing. President of the Russian Federation V. PUTIN Moscow, Kremlin April 25, 2013 N 417 Patriotism and patriotic education Patriotism is love for the Motherland, devotion to one’s Fatherland, the desire to serve its interests and readiness, even to the point of self-sacrifice, to defend it. At the personal level, patriotism acts as the most important stable characteristic of a person, expressed in his worldview, moral ideals, and norms of behavior. At the macro level, patriotism is a significant part of public consciousness, manifested in collective moods, feelings, assessments, in relation to one’s people, their way of life, history, culture, state, and system of fundamental values.

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON THE PREPARATION AND CELEBRATION OF THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF VICTORY IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR Considering the world-historical significance of the victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War and in order to coordinate the activities of federal bodies executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and public associations for the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, I decree: 1. Entrust the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory" with coordinating the activities of federal executive authorities , executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and public associations for the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (hereinafter referred to as festive events). 2. To the Government of the Russian Federation: a) develop, with the participation of the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory", a plan for the preparation and holding of the main festive events; b) approve the plan for the preparation and holding of the main festive events, including ceremonial events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the decisive battles and other major events of the Great Patriotic War; c) take measures to improve the socio-economic situation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. 3. The Russian organizing committee "Victory" together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: a) contact the governments of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, states of the former anti-Hitler coalition, other states, as well as international and national non-governmental organizations with an offer to take part in the preparation and holding festive events; b) take measures to coordinate joint actions with member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in preparing and holding festive events. 4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation will provide the necessary political and diplomatic assistance in holding festive events. 5. Federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: a) take part in the preparation and holding of festive events, including celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the decisive battles and other major events of the Great Patriotic War; b) provide all possible assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War in resolving issues of their social protection; c) provide assistance to local governments in putting in order military graves and memorial complexes, monuments and obelisks, graves of partisans, underground fighters and prisoners of Nazi concentration camps and prisons, as well as in searching for and burying the remains of soldiers who died defending the Fatherland. 6. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing. President of the Russian Federation V. PUTIN Moscow, Kremlin April 25, 2013 N 417 Patriotism is manifested in human actions and activities. Originating from love for one’s “small Motherland,” patriotic feelings, having passed through a number of stages on the way to maturity, rise to a nationwide patriotic self-awareness, to a conscious love for one’s Fatherland. Patriotism is always specific, aimed at real objects. The active side of patriotism is decisive; it is it that is capable of transforming the sensual principle into deeds and actions that are specific to the Fatherland and the state. Patriotism is the moral basis of the viability of the state and acts as an important internal mobilizing resource for the development of society, the active civic position of the individual, and his readiness to selflessly serve his Fatherland. Patriotism as a social phenomenon is the cementing basis for the existence and development of any nation and statehood.

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON THE PREPARATION AND CELEBRATION OF THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF VICTORY IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR Considering the world-historical significance of the victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War and in order to coordinate the activities of federal bodies executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and public associations for the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, I decree: 1. Entrust the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory" with coordinating the activities of federal executive authorities , executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and public associations for the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (hereinafter referred to as festive events). 2. To the Government of the Russian Federation: a) develop, with the participation of the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory", a plan for the preparation and holding of the main festive events; b) approve the plan for the preparation and holding of the main festive events, including ceremonial events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the decisive battles and other major events of the Great Patriotic War; c) take measures to improve the socio-economic situation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. 3. The Russian organizing committee "Victory" together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: a) contact the governments of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, states of the former anti-Hitler coalition, other states, as well as international and national non-governmental organizations with an offer to take part in the preparation and holding festive events; b) take measures to coordinate joint actions with member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in preparing and holding festive events. 4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation will provide the necessary political and diplomatic assistance in holding festive events. 5. Federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: a) take part in the preparation and holding of festive events, including celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the decisive battles and other major events of the Great Patriotic War; b) provide all possible assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War in resolving issues of their social protection; c) provide assistance to local governments in putting in order military graves and memorial complexes, monuments and obelisks, graves of partisans, underground fighters and prisoners of Nazi concentration camps and prisons, as well as in searching for and burying the remains of soldiers who died defending the Fatherland. 6. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing. President of the Russian Federation V. PUTIN Moscow, Kremlin April 25, 2013 N 417 Russian patriotism has its own characteristics. First of all, this is the high humanistic orientation of the Russian patriotic idea; religious tolerance; conciliarity and law-abiding; community as a stable inclination and need of Russians for collective life; special love for native nature. Underestimation of patriotism as the most important component of public consciousness leads to a weakening of the socio-economic, spiritual and cultural foundations for the development of society and the state. This determines the priority of patriotic education in the general system of education of Russian citizens.

State program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years” DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ON THE PREPARATION AND CELEBRATION OF THE 70TH ANNIVERSARY OF VICTORY IN THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR Considering the world-historical significance of the victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War and in order to coordinate the activities of federal bodies executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and public associations for the preparation and holding of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, I decree: 1. Entrust the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory" with coordinating the activities of federal executive authorities , executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and public associations for the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War (hereinafter referred to as festive events). 2. To the Government of the Russian Federation: a) develop, with the participation of the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory", a plan for the preparation and holding of the main festive events; b) approve the plan for the preparation and holding of the main festive events, including ceremonial events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the decisive battles and other major events of the Great Patriotic War; c) take measures to improve the socio-economic situation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. 3. The Russian organizing committee "Victory" together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: a) contact the governments of member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, states of the former anti-Hitler coalition, other states, as well as international and national non-governmental organizations with an offer to take part in the preparation and holding festive events; b) take measures to coordinate joint actions with member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in preparing and holding festive events. 4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation will provide the necessary political and diplomatic assistance in holding festive events. 5. Federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: a) take part in the preparation and holding of festive events, including celebrations dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the decisive battles and other major events of the Great Patriotic War; b) provide all possible assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War in resolving issues of their social protection; c) provide assistance to local governments in putting in order military graves and memorial complexes, monuments and obelisks, graves of partisans, underground fighters and prisoners of Nazi concentration camps and prisons, as well as in searching for and burying the remains of soldiers who died defending the Fatherland. 6. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing. President of the Russian Federation V. PUTIN Moscow, Kremlin April 25, 2013 N 417 Touching the three great oceans, She lies, spreading out the cities, Covered with a grid of meridians, Invincible, wide, proud. But at the hour when the last grenade is already in your hand And in a short moment you need to remember at once Everything that we have left in the distance, You remember not a great country, Which you have traveled and learned, You remember your homeland - the way you saw it as a child I saw... Yes. You can survive in the heat, in thunderstorms, in frosts, Yes, you can starve and get cold, Go to death... But these three birches cannot be given to anyone during life. (K. Simonov, 1941)

Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011 - 2015” (hereinafter referred to as the Program).

2. The federal executive authorities - executing measures for the implementation of the Program approved by this Resolution, when drawing up draft federal budgets (draft federal budgets and federal medium-term financial plans) shall provide in the prescribed manner, starting from 2011, funds for the implementation of the Program.

Government of the Russian Federation
V. Putin

Note ed: the text of the resolution was published in the "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation", 10/11/2010, N 41, art. 5250.

State program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015"

The state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011 - 2015" (hereinafter - the Program) is a continuation of the state programs "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001 - 2005" and "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006 - 2010", preserves continuity of the process for the further formation of the patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens as one of the factors of the unity of the nation.

The program includes a set of legal, regulatory, organizational, methodological, research and informational all-Russian and interregional activities for the further development and improvement of the system of patriotic education of citizens, aimed at establishing patriotism as the moral basis for the formation of their active life position.

Carrying out a unified state policy in the field of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation ensures the achievement of the goals of patriotic education through planned, continuous and coordinated activities of state authorities, local governments and public organizations.

The country has basically created a system of patriotic education of citizens.

In most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional coordination councils and centers for patriotic education have been formed and operate. Long-term departmental and regional programs of patriotic education, regulatory legal acts in the field of patriotic education have been adopted and are being implemented, and conditions have been created for organizational, informational, scientific and methodological support of patriotic education.

The organization of patriotic education is being improved. The level and efficiency of festivals have increased artistic creativity, competitions, exhibitions and competitions. To hold patriotic events, the potential of traditional folk culture centers, theaters, libraries and museums is used.

Military sports games and other events aimed at military-patriotic education of young people have resumed. Traditional forms of educational work that have worked well in the past are being revived. In the activities of public authorities, innovations are widely introduced in educational work. In the system of patriotic education of citizens, the role of work collectives is increasing. Work with student youth is improving. Young people actively work in public associations whose activities are aimed at the patriotic education of citizens.

Training and retraining of organizers and specialists of patriotic education have been organized.

As a result of the work carried out, the level of patriotic consciousness of citizens of the Russian Federation is increasing.

However, for the further development of the system of patriotic education, it is necessary to improve the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area, modernize the material and technical base of patriotic education, increase the level of its organizational and methodological support, increase the level vocational training organizers and specialists of patriotic education, development of the system of patriotic education in labor collectives, more active and wider involvement of the media, culture in this work and wider use of the capabilities of the Internet to solve the problems of patriotic education.

These and other problems are expected to be resolved within the framework of the Program.

II. Goal and objectives of the Program

The main goal of the Program is further development and improving the system of patriotic education of citizens.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Increasing the role of state and public structures in the formation of high patriotic consciousness among citizens of the Russian Federation;

Improving the legal, methodological and information support for the functioning of the system of patriotic education of citizens;

Formation positive attitude society to military service and positive motivation among young people regarding military service under contract and conscription;

Introduction into the activities of organizers and specialists of patriotic education of modern forms, methods and means of educational work;

Increasing the professionalism of organizers and specialists of patriotic education;

Development of the material and technical base of patriotic education in educational, labor, creative and military groups and public associations.

The solution to these tasks is expected to be carried out through the implementation of Program activities in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

III. Mechanism for the implementation of the Program

The mechanism for implementing the Program is based on further improvement of the forms and methods of work of government institutions, local governments, public organizations for the implementation of state policy in the field of patriotic education of citizens, propaganda of patriotism in the media and consolidation of the activities of all structures of civil society.

Organizational support of the Program is provided by the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main implementers of the Program are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, which perform the following functions:

Develop departmental programs for patriotic education (indicating specific work to implement the Program, the necessary costs for each event and sources of their financing);

Organize and conduct a competitive selection of performers of specific works for the implementation of departmental programs of patriotic education in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

Ensure the implementation of departmental programs of patriotic education.

Federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - co-executors of measures to implement the Program - develop their departmental (regional) programs (plans) for patriotic education and organize their implementation.

Federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government authorities manage the process of patriotic education within the limits of their powers and combine their efforts to ensure the effective functioning of the patriotic education system as a whole.

IV. Resource support for the Program

The total amount of funding for the Program in 2011 - 2015 will be 777.2 million rubles, including 596.75 million rubles from the federal budget and 180.45 million rubles from extra-budgetary sources allocated from the funds of creative unions, cultural organizations, sports and other organizations involved in patriotic education, as well as funds from legal entities and individuals received through gratuitous assistance, patronage and sponsorship.

The federal executive authorities and organizations listed first in the “Executor” column of Appendix No. 1 to the Program are the executors of measures to implement the Program and ensure the implementation of these activities within the limits of budgetary allocations in accordance with the specified Appendix.

Financial support for measures to implement the Program is carried out within the budget allocations provided for the current activities of the federal executive authorities - executors of measures to implement the Program, for the corresponding financial year in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

V. Expected results of the Program implementation

The most important condition for the effectiveness of work on patriotic education is a constant analysis of its condition based on generalized assessment indicators in accordance with Appendix No. 3.

These indicators make it possible to determine not only the state of patriotic education in general, but also individual aspects of this work.

The end result of the implementation of the Program is expected to be a positive dynamics of the growth of patriotism in the country, an increase in the social and labor activity of citizens, especially young people, their contribution to the development of the main spheres of life and activity of society and the state, overcoming extremist manifestations of certain groups of citizens and other negative phenomena, the revival of spirituality, social -economic and political stability and strengthening of national security.

The program is aimed at all social strata and age groups of citizens, but priority is given to the patriotic education of children and youth.

The program is aimed at all social strata and age groups of citizens, but priority is given to the patriotic education of children and youth. It includes the following areas of activities:

  • research and scientific-methodological support of patriotic education of citizens (in particular, the development and publication of methodological manuals on the organization of patriotic education in educational organizations and constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
  • improving the forms and methods of work on patriotic education of citizens (carrying out all-Russian actions“We are citizens of Russia!”, organization of traveling photo exhibitions in federal districts on the theme “In Russia is my destiny”, formation of a state order for the creation of museum exhibitions on relevant topics, etc.);
  • military-patriotic education of children and youth, development of the practice of patronage of military units over educational organizations;
  • development of the volunteer movement;
  • information support for the patriotic education of citizens (promoting the development and expansion of patriotic themes of television programs, periodicals, literature, creating conditions for familiarization of wide sections of citizens with the content of the works of journalists, writers, scientists and cultural figures in the field of patriotic education, the achievements of Russians in the field of science, technology and culture, etc.).

There are also plans to intensify expert activities to counter attempts to falsify history.

It is expected that as a result of the implementation of the Program, Russians will be more actively interested in the history of our country and know more about the events that became the basis for public holidays and memorable dates.

Particular attention is paid to military-patriotic education. According to the Cabinet of Ministers, about 2 thousand defense sports camps have already been established in the country. And in 78 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, centers for military-patriotic education and training of youth for military service have been created.

The government notes that the share of young people participating in patriotic education activities carried out as part of the implementation of regional programs is currently about 21.6% of the total number of young citizens in the country.

I. Introduction

The state program “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015” (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is a continuation of the state programs “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005” and “Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010”, preserves continuity of the process for the further formation of the patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens as one of the factors of the unity of the nation.

The program includes a set of legal, regulatory, organizational, methodological, research and informational all-Russian and interregional activities for the further development and improvement of the system of patriotic education of citizens, aimed at establishing patriotism as the moral basis for the formation of their active life position.

Carrying out a unified state policy in the field of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation ensures the achievement of the goals of patriotic education through planned, continuous and coordinated activities of state authorities, local governments and public organizations.

The country has basically created a system of patriotic education of citizens.

In most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional coordination councils and centers for patriotic education have been formed and operate. Long-term departmental and regional programs of patriotic education, regulatory legal acts in the field of patriotic education have been adopted and are being implemented, and conditions have been created for organizational, informational, scientific and methodological support of patriotic education.

The organization of patriotic education is being improved. The level and effectiveness of artistic festivals, competitions, exhibitions and competitions have increased. To hold patriotic events, the potential of traditional folk culture centers, theaters, libraries and museums is used.

Military sports games and other events aimed at military-patriotic education of young people have resumed. Traditional forms of educational work that have worked well in the past are being revived. Innovations in educational work are being widely introduced in the activities of government bodies. In the system of patriotic education of citizens, the role of work collectives is increasing. Work with student youth is improving. Young people actively work in public associations whose activities are aimed at the patriotic education of citizens.

Training and retraining of organizers and specialists of patriotic education have been organized.

As a result of the work carried out, the level of patriotic consciousness of citizens of the Russian Federation is increasing.

However, for the further development of the system of patriotic education, it is necessary to improve the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area, modernize the material and technical base of patriotic education, increase the level of its organizational and methodological support, increase the level of professional training of organizers and specialists of patriotic education, develop a system of patriotic education in work collectives, more active and wider involvement of the media, culture in this work and wider use of the capabilities of the Internet to solve the problems of patriotic education.

These and other problems are expected to be resolved within the framework of the Program.

II. Goal and objectives of the Program

The main goal of the Program is to further develop and improve the system of patriotic education of citizens.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    increasing the role of state and public structures in the formation of high patriotic consciousness among citizens of the Russian Federation;

    improving the legal, methodological and information support for the functioning of the system of patriotic education of citizens;

    formation of a positive attitude of society towards military service and positive motivation among young people regarding military service under contract and conscription;

    introduction of modern forms, methods and means of educational work into the activities of organizers and specialists of patriotic education;

    increasing the professionalism of organizers and specialists of patriotic education;

    development of the material and technical base of patriotic education in educational, labor, creative and military groups and public associations.

The solution to these tasks is expected to be carried out through the implementation of Program activities in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

III. Mechanism for the implementation of the Program

The mechanism for implementing the Program is based on further improvement of the forms and methods of work of government institutions, local governments, public organizations for the implementation of state policy in the field of patriotic education of citizens, propaganda of patriotism in the media and consolidation of the activities of all structures of civil society.

Organizational support of the Program is provided by the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The main implementers of the Program are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Russian State Military Historical and Cultural Center under the Government of the Russian Federation, which perform the following functions:

    develop departmental programs for patriotic education (indicating specific work to implement the Program, the necessary costs for each event and sources of their financing);

    organize and conduct a competitive selection of performers of specific works for the implementation of departmental programs of patriotic education in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    ensure the implementation of departmental programs of patriotic education.

Federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - co-executors of measures to implement the Program - develop their departmental (regional) programs (plans) for patriotic education and organize their implementation.

Federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government authorities manage the process of patriotic education within the limits of their powers and combine their efforts to ensure the effective functioning of the patriotic education system as a whole.

IV. Resource support for the Program

The total amount of funding for the Program in 2011-2015 will be 777.2 million rubles, including 596.75 million rubles from the federal budget and 180.45 million rubles from extra-budgetary sources allocated from the funds of creative unions, cultural organizations, sports and other organizations involved in patriotic education, as well as funds from legal entities and individuals received through gratuitous assistance, patronage and sponsorship.

The federal executive authorities and organizations listed first in the “Executor” column of Appendix No. 1 to the Program are the executors of activities for the implementation of the Program and ensure the implementation of these activities within the budget allocations in accordance with the specified Appendix.

Financial support for measures to implement the Program is carried out within the limits of budget allocations provided for the current activities of the federal executive authorities - executors of measures to implement the Program, for the corresponding financial year in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

V. Expected results of the Program implementation

The most important condition for the effectiveness of work on patriotic education is a constant analysis of its condition based on generalized assessment indicators according to Appendix No. 3.

These indicators make it possible to determine not only the state of patriotic education in general, but also individual aspects of this work.

The end result of the implementation of the Program is expected to be a positive dynamics of the growth of patriotism in the country, an increase in the social and labor activity of citizens, especially young people, their contribution to the development of the main spheres of life and activity of society and the state, overcoming extremist manifestations of certain groups of citizens and other negative phenomena, the revival of spirituality, social -economic and political stability and strengthening of national security.





Director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 6"

_______________I.E. Golubeva

Patriotic education program for students

“I am a citizen of Russia”

for 2016-2020


Explanatory note

to the Program “I am a citizen of Russia” for 2016–2020.


The program “I am a citizen of Russia” for 2016–2020 was developed in accordance withDecree of the Government of the Russian Federation datedDecember 30, 2015 No. 1493 « On the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016 - 2020", in accordance with the Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", and taking into account the proposals of municipal executive authorities: administration city, education department, committee for youth and tourism, department of physical culture and sports, Veterans Council.

The program determines the main directions of patriotic education of students of MBOU “Secondary School No. 6”.

The relevance of the problem of patriotic education of children and youth:

In the last decade, economic and political changes have occurred in Russia, which have led to significant social differentiation of the population and the loss of spiritual values ​​common to all citizens of the country. These changes have reduced the educational impact of Russian culture and education as the most important factors in the formation of a sense of patriotism. The gradual loss by our society of traditional Russian patriotic consciousness has become increasingly noticeable.

In recent years, work on patriotic education of citizens has been significantly weakened in Russia. This is largely facilitated by the following recent phenomena: economic disintegration, social differentiation of society, devaluation of spiritual values, reduction in the educational impact of culture, art and education; propagation of the cult of permissiveness, violence and cruelty in the media and the press; worsening ethnic hatred. The destruction of the system of patriotic education has led to a gradual loss of patriotic consciousness, moral and ethical guidelines by society. The true meaning and understanding of internationalism is being lost; are becoming widespread in public consciousness indifference, selfishness, cynicism, unmotivated aggressiveness, disrespect for the state and social institutions; There is a steady downward trend in the prestige of military and public service. Under these conditions, the formation of a system of patriotic education must be considered as a unifying principle, a factor in the interaction of the children's and youth movement, executive authorities, public associations, as the basis for the development of ideological and patriotic education of citizens.

In order to unite the efforts of schools, families, the public, institutions located in the city, city residents in the patriotic education of children, as well as to develop unified approaches to military-patriotic education, this Program was developed.

Goal and objectives of the Program:

The goal of the Program is the patriotic education of students of MBOU “Secondary School No. 6”.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved:

formation in the younger generation of loyalty to the Motherland, readiness to serve the Fatherland and its armed defense;

studying the history and culture of the Fatherland and native land;

physical development students, developing their needs for healthy life;

methodological support for the functioning of the system of patriotic education;

consolidation and coordination of the activities of the school, family, public, city residents in the patriotic education of children.

The program is designed for the period from 2016 to 2020. In the process of implementing the Program, it is expected to interact with: the NGO Union "Chernobyl", the NGO "Combat Brotherhood", the Council of Veterans, cultural and sports institutions and other public associations.

Stages of the Program implementation

Stage I: project – 2016-2017 academic year.

Target : preparation of conditions for creating a system of patriotic education.


1. Study the regulatory framework, by-laws.

2. Develop, discuss and approve a program for patriotic education.

3. Analyze the material, technical and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program.

4. Pick up diagnostic techniques in the main areas of the program.

Stage II: practical – 2017-2018, 2018-2019 academic years .

Target : implementation of a program for patriotic education of school students.


1. Work out the content of the activity, the most effective forms and methods of educational influence.

2. Enrich the content of military-patriotic education.

3. Develop student self-government.

5. Expand and strengthen the connections and relationships of the school with institutions of additional education, culture, and sports institutions of the city.

6. Involve representatives of all subjects of educational activities in the system of patriotic education.

7. Monitor the implementation of the program.

8. Take part in competitions on patriotic education.

Stage III: analytical – 2019-2020 academic year.

Target : analysis of the program implementation results.


1. Summarize the results of the school’s work.

2. Correct difficulties in program implementation.

3. Plan work for the next period.

Assessing the effectiveness of program implementation.

The assessment of the effectiveness of the Program implementation is carried out based on the use of a system of objective criteria represented by moral, spiritual and quantitative parameters.

Program implementation mechanism:

The coordination of activities for the implementation of the Program is carried out by the school’s pedagogical council. The Pedagogical Council determines the content of specific activities for the implementation of the Program, organizes their implementation, and discusses proposals aimed at increasing efficiency in work.

The main implementers of the Program's activities are teachers, students and their parents, and employees of relevant city institutions.

This Program corresponds to the curriculum for the course of studying life safety and physical culture. The program “I am a citizen of Russia” can be used by school life safety and physical education teachers, class teachers, and heads of social and humanitarian clubs.

Effectiveness of the Program implementation.

The effectiveness of the Program is measured by the degree of readiness and desire of school students to fulfill their civic and patriotic duty in all the variety of forms of its manifestation, their ability and desire to combine public and personal interests, and the real contribution they make to the prosperity of the Fatherland.

The implementation of the Program in close connection with the city’s executive authorities, the city’s military commissariat, the education system, and law enforcement agencies should contribute to the patriotic education of schoolchildren and ensure the safety of students.

The end result of the implementation of the Program should be the positive dynamics of the growth of patriotism and internationalism in school, providing on its basis favorable conditions for spiritual and cultural education the personality of the student, citizen and patriot of the Motherland, increasing the authority of the school.

Main directions of program implementation

“I am a citizen of Russia”

for 2016–2020.

1. Improving the process of patriotic education of schoolchildren.

The system of measures to improve the process of patriotic education provides for:

    determination of priority areas of work on patriotic education at the present stage;

    enriching the content of patriotic education;

    development of forms and methods of patriotic education based on new information technologies;

    strengthening the patriotic orientation in courses in social and humanitarian disciplines;

    instilling pride in the Russian state and its achievements;

    nurturing readiness for worthy and selfless service to society and the state, to fulfill duties to protect the Fatherland;

    improving the quality of functioning of both individual elements of the patriotic education system and the entire system as a whole;

2. Development of scientific, theoretical and methodological foundations

patriotic education of students.

The system of measures for the development of scientific, theoretical and methodological foundations of patriotic education provides for:

    continuation of research in the field of patriotic education and use of their results in practical activities;

    development of a set of educational and special programs and methods in the field of patriotic education;

    development of forms, methods and means of patriotic education of various categories of students;

    studying and generalizing best practices in the field of patriotic education for its implementation in the practice of patriotic work.

3. Coordination of the activities of public organizations

(associations) in the interests of patriotic education of students.

The system of measures to coordinate the activities of public organizations (associations) in the interests of patriotic education provides for:

    creating conditions for the participation of public organizations (associations) and creative unions in the work on patriotic education of school students;

    development active forms public educational influence on the formation of patriotic consciousness of school students.

4. Information support in the field of patriotic education of students.

The system of measures for information support in the field of patriotic education of students provides for:

    support and assistance in expanding patriotic themes in school newspapers, promoting the development creative potential students in the field of patriotic education.

5. The use of state symbols of Russia in the patriotic education of students.

In order to study the state symbols of Russia, patriotic education provides for:

    Participation in various competitions at the school, municipal and federal levels for knowledge of state symbols of Russia and symbols of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    holding school competitions, seminars, conferences, exhibitions and expositions on issues of patriotic education using state symbols of Russia;

    organization of learning in lessons and extracurricular activities state symbols of Russia, the procedure for the official use of the state flag, coat of arms and anthem of the Russian Federation;

    information support and training of organizers of patriotic education on the use of state symbols of Russia in educational work.

List of used literature.

1. "G" state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016 - 2020" -Decree of the Government of the Russian Federationdated December 30, 2015 No. 1493;

    “On approval of the Instruction on the organization of training of citizens of the Russian Federation in basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service” - Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 3, 2006 N 203/1936;

    The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation;

    Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”;

    Symbols of Russia and the Armed Forces: 13 posters. - M.: Armpress, 2009.

6. Federal laws of the Russian Federation “On Defense”, “On the Status of Military Personnel”, “On Military Duty and Military Service”, “On Civil Defense”, “On the Protection of the Population and Territories from Natural and Technogenic Emergencies” // Collection of Legislation Russian Federation: Official publication. - M., 2001-2004

Activities to implement the Program


Chairman of the Governing Council,

school administration

Meetings of the school’s pedagogical council on the implementation of the Program on planning work and organizing various events

1 time
in half a year


Involving parents of students and employees of relevant institutions and organizations in organizing and conducting events to instill a sense of patriotism in children ( parent meetings, conferences, meetings, concerts, competitions, etc.)


School director, deputy director for educational work, class teachers

Development of a system of techniques, methods and activities aimed at patriotic education of students through academic subjects

Heads of methodological associations, subject teachers

Holding a competition methodological developments for better organization of the work of class teachers and subject teachers on the patriotic education of students “Our children are the future of Russia”, “Veterans live nearby”, “I am a Citizen of Russia”, etc.

Deputy Director for Educational Work, Cl. managers

Ensuring organized participation of high school students in field training camps

    Fire training


    Tactical training

    Physical training

    Civil defense

    Study of the Charters


deputy on safety


deputy on safety

Participation in competitions for the best organization of physical education and recreational work with students


Physical education teacher, life safety

Organization of the work of the “Young Firefighters Team”



Life safety teacher, pedagogical organizer

2 times per year

School administration, deputy on safety

Organization of the work of “Young Traffic Inspectors”-YuID


Life safety teacher, pedagogical organizer, traffic police officers

Organization and holding of events dedicated to the Days of Military Glory

Life safety teacher, class teachers, pedagogue. add. arr.

Conducting competitions among students for the best essay, essay, story, poem on patriotic topics


Deputy Director for Educational Work, teacher-organizer, head of the Ministry of Education

Preparation and conduct of educational activities and games:

- Lesson of Courage. GTO lesson

Competition among pre-conscripts “Ready to defend the Motherland!”;

Military-patriotic game on the ground, the game “Zarnitsa”;

Competitions “Come on, guys!”, “Come on, boys!”;

Review of formations and songs;

Competitions in military applied sports;

Holiday, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland;

Children Protection Day.


Life safety, physical education teachers, class teachers, pedagogical organizer

Preparation and participation in city competitions



deputy in VR, life safety teachers and physics teachers

Holding sports events and competitions dedicated to historical anniversaries


Physical education and life safety teachers, pedagogical organizer

Conducting a military-patriotic dramatized song competition


Organizing teacher, class leaders

Concerts dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and historical anniversaries, reading competitions “I love you, Russia”


Deputy Director for Reproduction

work, music director, additional pedagogical education, literature teachers

Conducting drawing competitions on the following topics:

“Dear homeland to my heart.”

"My house and yard";

"My family"


Art teacher

art, pedagogical org.

Organization of screening and discussion of popular science, documentaries and feature films on military-historical topics


Life safety teacher, class teachers

Conducting meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, with veterans of local wars - Chechnya, Afghanistan


Class teachers, life safety teacher, pedagogical org.

Conducting quizzes and round tables “We are faithful to this memory”


Deputy in educational work, history teacher, senior lecturer.

Conducting reading conferences on books about the Great Patriotic War


Library Manager

Cool watch, conversations, lectures, matinees, holidays on military-patriotic topics


Class teachers

Coverage of the school's experience in military-patriotic education in the media


Deputy Director for Educational Work

Exchange of experience with educational institutions cities working on the problem of patriotic education of schoolchildren, as well as military-patriotic clubs


School director, deputy directors for educational and educational work


military-patriotic and sporting events

MBOU "Secondary School No. 5" for the 2016-2020 academic year.




Providing reports on conscripts

During a year

deputy on safety

Preparation and conduct of tactical exercises for the evacuation of students and school employees from the school building


Intraschool l/a cross


Physical education teachers. Kl.manager.

City athletics cross-country competition for schoolchildren


Physical education teachers

Determining the level of physical fitness of schoolchildren

During a year

physical education teachers,

Intra-school table tennis competitions

Physical education teachers

City tabletop tournament for schoolchildren's Spartakiad competition

Physical education teachers

Friendly volleyball competition

Physical education teachers

Conscript Day

deputy for safety, senior manager

Competition of essays on the basics of medical knowledge

Life Safety Teacher

"Fun Starts"

During a year

deputy in VR, physical education teacher, elementary school

School Pioneerball Championship

During a year

Physical education teachers

Organization of medical examination of young men and initial military registration

deputy on safety

Key manager

Preparation and holding of the defense sports month dedicated to “Defender of the Fatherland Day”

(according to plan)

deputy for safety, physical education teachers. Pedagogical organization

Key manager

Primary school teacher

Preparation and holding of the intra-school competition “Safe Wheel”

deputy safety, physical education teacher

Key manager

Cross-country skiing "Fast track"

physical education teachers

Key manager

City cross-country skiing competition

Sat. school students

physical education teachers

Competition "Formation and Song Review"

dedicated to Victory Day

9th grade

deputy according to BP

life safety teacher

Military-patriotic dramatized song competition dedicated to Victory Day

deputy by VR Muz.rukov,

Organization and holding of a rally dedicated to Victory Day

deputy according to BP


City athletics cross-country dedicated to Victory Day

school students

physical education teachers

"Presidential Competition"

physical education teachers primary school teachers

II . Cool watch

"Battle of Moscow"


"Battle of Stalingrad"


"Defender of the Fatherland Day"


"Leningrad blockade"


"Battle of Kursk"


"The Capture of Berlin"


Lessons of Courage


III . Meetings

With internationalist soldiers, participants in hostilities.

NGO "Combat Brotherhood"

During school year

deputy according to VR Cl.supervisor, pedagogical organ.

With WWII veterans and representatives of the city Veterans Council

During the school year

deputy according to VR Kl.manager., pedagogical organ.

With representatives of the NGO Chernobyl Union.

During the school year

deputy according to BP



IV . Educational and material base

Manufacturing and updating of stands

    "The best athletes of the school"

    "School Civil Defense"

    "Fire safety"

    "Safety Corner"

    "First aid"

During the school year

deputy for VR, deputy on safety,

Teacher of technical labor.

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