Where to store cosmetics. Original ideas for storing cosmetics that will simplify your life

  • How to store nail polish
  • How to extend the life of cosmetics

General rules for storing cosmetics

Want to guess what's on your bathroom shelf? At a minimum, cream, serum, washing gel, micellar water, toner, tube with enzyme peeling. And in the cosmetic bag there are lipstick (three), mascara (two), foundation and BB cream, as well as blush, primer, highlighter... Don’t cook the pot!

In general, there is a lot of cosmetics. And it’s good if each product is used and ends before the expiration date. It's bad when there are too many jars. In this case, you inevitably put something off for later, forget about something. And when you remember, the product may well be expired.

What's all this for? Besides, it’s time to figure out: how long can cosmetics be used and how to store it correctly so as not to shorten its service life?

Have you been checking out your makeup bag lately? © iStock

All beauty products have a certain shelf life.

  • As long as the packaging is not opened, the product retains its qualities and properties for exactly as long as the manufacturer claims.
  • After opening, when the seal of the package is already broken, the shelf life is reduced. When reacting with air, oxidation processes and bacterial proliferation begin to occur inside the cream, invisible to the eye.
  • Date of manufacture. Usually indicate the month and year.
  • Expiry date. Be careful here: if the product is good for less than 30 months, such information is indicated; if more than 30 months, manufacturers are not required to provide an end date.
  • Open jar icon and indicating the number of months, for example, 6M, 12M, 24M. The number means how long the product can be stored after opening - no more than 6, 12 or 24 months, respectively.

As a rule, organic cosmetics last no more than 6 months after you start using them, but the shelf life of other skin care products varies from 12 to 24 months.

On the packaging of the product, look for an icon with an open jar indicating the number of months. © iStock

Is it possible to store cosmetics in the bathroom?

The most convenient location for a beauty arsenal is the bathroom. There we start the day with washing, and end there with the application of night care.

But convenient does not mean correct. The “living conditions” for cosmetics there are not the most favorable:

  • high humidity;
  • frequent and sudden changes in temperature.

All this leads to the fact that creams can deteriorate ahead of time. Therefore, we suggest storing only shower gels, scrubs, shampoos and hair conditioners, as well as facial cleansers in the bathroom.

All beauty products have a certain shelf life. © iStock

Is it possible to store cosmetics in the refrigerator?

Another common misconception is about the benefits of storing creams in the refrigerator. This is unsafe for the integrity of beauty formulas, and therefore for your skin, which will interact with these formulas.

Low temperatures transform the properties of ingredients:

  • solubility;
  • structure;
  • particle sizes.

After cooling, textures may separate, change color and smell.

Creams with SPF lose their properties most quickly under the influence of cold: crystallization of filters under the influence low temperatures reduces their effectiveness.

Perhaps the only thing that can be put in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes before use are eyelid patches and a fabric mask. If you need to quickly refresh your skin and remove signs of fatigue.

Sheet mask “Comfort” with chamomile extract, Garnier

© Garnier

Mask soaked in gel with chamomile extract hyaluronic acid and moisturizing serum, instantly smoothes the skin, improves its tone and smoothes out wrinkles. After using the product, the skin looks fresh and rested.

Place eye patches or fabric mask in the refrigerator before use. © iStock © iStock

Storing Skin Care Products

Now let’s look in more detail at how to store this or that product.


The best choice for cream jars is the darkest place in the room (cosmetics organizer, box, container or cabinet with a door).

The optimal storage temperature is 15–25°C. Hypothermia does not benefit the funds. You can put the cream in the refrigerator only for a few minutes if a tonic effect is needed.

Moisturizing cream for dry skin Maxi:hydrability, Shu Uemura

© Shu Uemura

It has a light and comfortable texture, combining the effects of lotion, essence and moisturizer. Perfectly moisturizes even very dry skin, does not leave greasy shine. Quickly absorbed.

Eye cream Nera Extrema, Giorgio Armani

© Giorgio Armani

The basis of the cream is a special mineral complex Obsidian, which takes care of the delicate and sensitive eyelid area - moisturizes, nourishes, smooths out wrinkles.


Cleansers (gel, foam, mousse, scrub, peeling) can be stored in the bathroom. Make sure to keep the lid of the product tightly closed after use. Otherwise, high humidity and contact with warm air will create a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

Refreshing cleansing gel Pureté Thermale, Vichy

Suitable for use with very hard water - softens its effect, copes well with all types of contaminants. After use there is no feeling of tight and dry skin.

Cleansing foam for dry and sensitive skin Crème Mousse Confort, Lancôme

© Lancôme

The foam is suitable for very sensitive and dry skin. Rose extract and rosehip oil promote soft and gentle cleansing.

Pineapple Papaya Facial Scrub, Kiehl’s

The scrub contains the best exfoliating ingredients - fruit acids pineapple and papaya plus apricot kernel powder. They gently break down, exfoliate and remove dead cells from the surface of the skin.

How to store decorative cosmetics

The main rule for storing decorative cosmetics is to ensure minimal contact with the skin (your fingers), as well as air and sunlight. In this case, the product will last longer.

Consider buying a special organizer or box with dividers - they are convenient for storing eye shadow, lipstick, blush and powder so that they are always at hand.

Compact makeup products

Eye shadows, blush, and powder can be stored the longest - these are the least “demanding” cosmetics, they have a fairly long lifespan. Just remember to wash your brushes, sponges and applicators with special cleansers.

Compact powder Poudre Compacte Radiance, Yves Saint Laurent

The advantages of this powder are obvious: it makes the face radiant, mattifies, and fixes makeup. Skin looks rested and fresh all day.


Be careful with him. If the product has a sharp bad smell, throw it away without regret - it is no longer suitable for use.

Long-lasting foundation Infaillible 24h “Matte finish”, L’Oréal Paris

© L'Oreal Paris

It has a mattifying effect, does not interfere with skin breathing, and thanks to the new formula allows you to create very light makeup. The thin veil is practically not felt on the skin.


Store it in a cool, dark place. Close the case well each time after use to minimize exposure to air.

An unpleasant rancid smell (even if the shelf life has not yet expired) indicates that the lipstick should be thrown away.

Each time after using lipstick, close the case well to minimize contact with oxygen. © iStock


The shortest shelf life of mascara is only 6 months. Continuing to use it longer, you risk getting conjunctivitis - inflammation of the eye mucosa caused by pathogenic bacteria.

How to store nail polish

If you are a fan of manicure and collect polishes from limited collections, then most likely new bottles are quickly pushing old ones off the shelf.

Now imagine this situation: you found in the bins the same color that blew up the catwalks two years ago, and you are going to paint your nails with it. It won't work.

Nail coatings last 1–1.5 years. Then the varnishes most often delaminate and can no longer be used.

How to extend the life of cosmetics

You are quite capable of extending the life of any cosmetic product, as long as it has not expired. To do this, you must follow several rules.

  • After using the product close tightly jar(tube, vial) to prevent air and dust microparticles from getting inside.
  • Collect face and eye creams with a special spatula or cotton swab.
  • Wash regularly spatula, brushes and makeup sponges to minimize the growth of bacteria in open jars/cases/bottles.
  • Store cosmetics in a dark place, avoiding direct contact with it sun rays, at a temperature not higher than 25°C.

How to determine if a product is spoiled

Unsuitable cosmetics are hard to miss. She changes:

  • smell;
  • color;
  • consistency.

Even if the product looks perfect, but it’s time to throw it away, get rid of the expired product if you don’t want to expose yourself and your skin to unnecessary risks.

European legislation does not have the concept of an expiration date, but the permissible storage time after opening the package must be indicated. Russian legislation does not provide for the need to indicate storage periods after opening. According to Tech. According to TR CU Regulation 009/2011, the following must be stated on the packaging:

  • date of manufacture (month, year) and expiration date (months, years);
  • or the inscription “best before” (month, year) or “use before” (month, year).

There are some products that indicate the expiration date of the product after opening the package and special storage conditions that differ from the standard ones. Standard storage conditions:

  • storage temperature for liquid products is not lower than 5°C and not higher than 25°C;
  • storage temperature for toilet solid soap is not lower than minus 5°C;
  • for other perfumery and cosmetic products - not lower than 0°C and not higher than 25°C in the absence of direct exposure to sunlight.

For all company products L'Oréal Expiration dates are indicated on the packaging (expiration date: month, year). And are 3 years from the date of production.

Today, in the storage ideas section, I want to discuss how to conveniently place such an important thing as cosmetics in your home. The topic is not an idle one, but a very, very pressing one: after all, how well you fit tubes/boxes/jars into your everyday life will determine with what emotions you approach the issue of hygiene and beauty in the morning. Proper placement cosmetics helps save time and simplifies the procedure of self-care.

Hygiene and care products

Let's start with the products that we are used to using in the bathroom: shampoos, conditioners, conditioners, shower gels, body scrubs.

I found the idea of ​​storing tubes on a rod with clothespins or clips interesting and comfortable. He opened it, squeezed out the required amount of product, and closed it. No usual tubes falling off the side of the bathtub, no shelves stained with product residue. Clean, compact, convenient.

The next idea attracted me with the opportunity to save space in the bathroom. For those who have a very small shower or bathroom, this storage method will be very useful. An organizer made of pliable synthetic material will not take up a centimeter of extra space in the bathroom, but will only modestly be located directly on the splash curtain rod. The advantage of such an organizer is that it allows water to pass through and moisture will not be retained in the pockets. In addition, it is transparent and everything that is stored in it is immediately visible, which is very convenient.

But this decision was a complete surprise for me and made me very happy. It turns out that a beautiful fruit stand can be wonderfully adapted for cosmetics. The only thing is: this option is not for those who are short on space in the bathroom. However, you can just as successfully use fruit bowls on cosmetic tables in another room.

Decorative cosmetics

Now let's talk about the most common thing that can cover 90% of all horizontal surfaces in the house of a real fashionista. Of course, we will talk about our favorite – decorative cosmetics.

I know many examples when decorative cosmetics are stored in the bathroom. I want to warn you against this mistake! Makeup products lose their quality very quickly or can even deteriorate from moisture and high temperatures. Decorative cosmetics It is best to store in dry, well-ventilated areas where the air temperature does not fall below zero and does not rise above 25 degrees Celsius. If you live in a very hot climate, it makes sense to consider storing fatty and liquid textures in the refrigerator, where the air temperature is about 4-5 degrees above zero.

It's great if you have a separate place for applying makeup, with a large, well-lit mirror, where a cosmetic table and/or chest of drawers is conveniently located. Then cosmetics can be placed in special acrylic vertical organizers directly on the table or in horizontal organizers on the shelves of the chest of drawers.

Acrylic horizontal organizers can be easily replaced with regular cutlery dividers.

Let's say that there is no separate cosmetic table and is not expected - then you will like the following option for compact and convenient placement of makeup tools on a wall or other vertical surface (on the side of a cabinet, on a door).

This is a homemade magnetic board. Its big advantage is also that you can create a design according to your own taste and the color scheme of your room. True, making such a board will most likely require skilled male hands. But a woman can do it too, if she wants! 😉

We buy a magnetic board of the required size at a store like “Everything for the Office”, and select it at a fabric store. beautiful fabric, order a baguette or purchase a ready-made picture frame.Carefully cover the magnetic board with fabric, secure the fabric with glue, a glue gun, furniture nails, pushpins, or just a furniture stapler and staples. Then, we nail a frame to the board, and the most advanced ones can also attach cups for brushes and other accessories to the board.

In order for the boxes of cosmetics to be reliably magnetized to the board, you need to glue a regular magnet to each of them (you can purchase it at a craft store or order it in small wholesale on the Internet).That's all! A wonderful designer organizer for your tools and cosmetics is ready!

Another simple and compact way to store cosmetics is a spice rack.

It can also be done based on the color scheme of your home, if you cover the shelf with paint of the desired shade. You can even paint it with any ornaments and stick on decor - feel free to use your imagination!

Those who are embarking on a global renovation and are keen on the idea of ​​built-in furniture may like the following option for storing cosmetics. Pull-out shelves in the built-in cabinet allow you to see all the contents and reach any jar or tube. And when needed, the shelves disappear behind the cabinet door and the room is once again minimalist and clean.

The next two photos are about compactness and convenience. The hanging organizer can accommodate a huge amount of cosmetics, which will be perfectly visible and, if necessary, put away in the closet with a deft movement of the hand - an ideal solution for small spaces.

In the photo on the right, I really liked the idea of ​​one long shallow drawer under the table for storing cosmetics. All the products are located in one layer, everything is immediately visible and easy to reach, and just as easily hidden. Organizers are well placed in the drawer and all products can be sorted by color, type and purpose.

And here's something else about drawers... Look how simply and elegantly you can decorate a small drawer with just the help of beautiful lace and upholstery nails. A decision worthy of a Queen! Now your bottles and any vertical containers will not roll around inside the space and irritate you with eternal ringing and confusion.

It seemed to me that storing palettes with cosmetics in a vertical position was a non-standard solution. It is noteworthy that a mesh basket is used for this purpose. paper napkins, in which all the names of the palettes are easily visible, which is undoubtedly very convenient!

And the idea of ​​using a dish drying rack as a stand for cosmetic palettes seems like a masterpiece to me! 🙂 Although, of course, not as compact as in the previous case.

Brushes and other tools for applying makeup

The question of where and how best to store makeup brushes arises for many of us. We have already decided that we do not store cosmetics in a typical bathroom, where it can be very humid and hot. This means that the tools we use to apply these cosmetics have no place in the bathroom. And, as I already said, it is ideal if it is a separate cosmetic table near a well-lit mirror. or a magnetic board with a cup for brushes and accessories.

It is very convenient to store brushes in cups. In the photo above you can also see stands for flower pots from Ikea – I think it’s also very cute!

It will be even more convenient and beautiful if you place the brushes in glasses made of transparent glass, pouring beautiful colored pebbles, small strong shells into them, glass balls or even just cereal. Then the brushes will not fall into a heap, each will stand separately from the other, which will save time searching for the right assistant. You can also use small aquariums for these purposes, as in the photo above.

The idea of ​​storing brushes and accessories in large glass candlesticks seemed brilliant to me - very beautiful and convenient!

If you cover the vessel with a lid, the brushes will remain clean for a long time, since dust will not settle on them.

Important note! Suitable for vertical storagedry brushes only!

It is under no circumstances recommended to store wet brushes in this way, since the tool will quickly deteriorate if the base of the brush comes into contact with water for a long time.

Here's how you can use magnetic tape if you mount it on a wall or on a cabinet door. If you decide to make a magnetic organizing board for cosmetics, then invisible pins, pins, tweezers and pins will simply be held on its surface without additional devices.

And finally, two more brilliant ideas - a spice shelf as a multi-tiered stand for perfume and a wine stand as a container for various large bottles and bottles - varnishes, mousses, sprays.

As you can see, there are many ways to conveniently and beautifully organize space for storing any amount of cosmetics, even in the smallest apartment.

Often, a regular cosmetic bag is not enough to store beauty products. Some women have so many personal care products that they can barely fit on one shelf. To ensure that lipsticks, brushes, shadows and other girls’ friends are always in order and fit perfectly into the interior, it is necessary to properly organize their storage.
I found 17 cool ways to do this.
Vertical storage
1. Vertical storage of cosmetics
If the room area is limited, then you should pay attention to vertical storage. To organize it, a plywood board is suitable, which, if desired, can be covered with fabric and equipped with magnets, hooks or pockets. There doesn't have to be an organizer big size. The format of a standard photographic frame is also suitable. Here everything depends on the amount of cosmetics.

2. Stylish solution for a small room

3. Beautiful and functional

4. Carefully storing cosmetics
Carton boxes

5. You can also store cosmetics in a cardboard box
Sometimes after shopping there is a lot left cardboard boxes different sizes and forms. You can make quite spacious organizers from them. It is advisable to make cells in them using glue and cardboard paper. This makes it more convenient to store cosmetics and each product is in its place. The external color of the box can be changed using decorative tape, colored paper and even leftover wallpaper.

6. Everything is in its place

7. It’s not difficult to make such an organizer
Office organizers

8. Not just an office organizer
Even ordinary office organizers can become creative storage systems for beauty products. The file holder can hold a curling iron, hair straightener and comb. A transparent plastic box, where small notepads and pens are usually stored, is useful for storing lipsticks, eye shadows, blush and varnishes.

9. Stand for curling irons and irons

10. Convenient plastic organizer
Storing brushes

11. Textile organizer for brushes
One of the most important places in every beauty's makeup bag is occupied by makeup brushes. They must always be in perfect condition. Therefore, it is recommended to store them in an upright position with the tassels facing up. Glasses, cups, vases and textile organizers are suitable for these purposes. But in order for the brushes to always be clean, they must be washed in warm soap solution after each use (soap should be cosmetic or baby soap).

12. Original solution

13. Brushes can be placed in a regular glass

14. Or in a vase

15. Such an organizer will be a worthy interior decoration

16. Retro style

There are things that remain beyond the understanding of men. Well, for example, how can you explain to them that to get a natural complexion, you first need to use foam for washing, then tonic and cream, then apply a makeup base, hide defects with a corrector and foundation, even out the tone with powder, highlight facial features with bronzer and blush?..

But seriously, cosmetics have really become as integral a part of our image as clothes or accessories. Some people have a minimum of it. There are also truly beauty-addicted young ladies who buy tons of cosmetics. But even if you belong to the golden mean, sooner or later you will have to face the problem of organizing your accumulated wealth. Already encountered? Then this article is for you.

Basic principles of organizing cosmetics

To formulate general rules cosmetics organization, we reviewed a huge number of posts and videos of famous beauty bloggers, and then brought this practice to a single denominator. We came up with a few basic recommendations.

    To begin, divide your cosmetics into care and decorative– it is not necessary, and often even inconvenient, to keep it in one place. For the first, a bathroom is more suitable, for the second, a boudoir area with a dressing table.

    Decorative cosmetics convenient to sort by purpose - lipsticks and everything related to lip care, mascaras, eyeliners, eye makeup pencils, eye shadow palettes, powders and blushes, brushes, etc. more collection, the more detailed the sorting.

    Make the most of it transparent, especially if there is a lot of cosmetics. Otherwise, you will simply forget about many products, and they will spoil before they are needed.

    The best way storage – in a horizontal plane – small boxes with , flat boxes. The goal is the same as in point 3 – for everything to be visible. Vertical storage is preferable for brushes and pencils.

    Start tray (or any other container) for express makeup. On hand should be the most popular pencils and mascara, a couple of lipsticks in your favorite tones, a popular eyeshadow palette, tone, and powder. In general, everything that will allow you to do makeup in five minutes.

    Don't forget from time to time declutter strategic stocks of cosmetics. Ruthlessly part with expired, irrelevant products, or those that for some reason did not suit you.

Having decided on common approaches, let's move on to practical actions.

Where should all this wealth be stored?

Let's start with determining the place of "registration" of cosmetics - you must admit, it is difficult to organize something if it does not have a permanent address. So, where do cosmetics like to live?

Dressing table

It is placed in the boudoir area, usually in the bedroom. A minimum set of cosmetic products is stored on the countertop - everything that should be at hand. For the rest, the dressing tables have many drawers of different depths. There are models with one, two cabinets, and an additional drawer in the middle. There is enough space here to accommodate decent supplies of beauty products.

Wardrobe or chest of drawers

This is a more spacious alternative to a dressing table. You can put a mirror on the chest of drawers and equip numerous drawers. If necessary, the chest of drawers can be used in conjunction with a dressing table.

The cabinet can be either floor-mounted or wall-mounted. The last option is appropriate if the “arsenal of beauty” is small. In this case, a small cabinet can be hung not only in the bedroom, but also in the bathroom and hallway.

Console table

A small console with two or three drawers is suitable for ladies who do not make a cult of cosmetics and prefer to keep only their favorite and proven products. If it is supplemented with one or more stands and placed on the tabletop, there will be plenty of storage space.


This simple piece of furniture can be perfectly adapted for cosmetics. Light, open models designed for storing shoes are suitable. Plastic shelves with shallow wicker baskets are convenient. There are models on wheels that are easy to move around the apartment.

Plus option

If one of the proposed storage methods is not enough, they can be combined. No place to put extra furniture? Feel free to master the walls.

As an option, creative fashionistas offer unusual places for organizing cosmetics.

    Magnetic boards. To attach cosmetic products, small magnets are stuck on them.

    Organizers with Velcro. The principle of operation is the same as with a magnetic board.

    Items adapted for storing cosmetics.

    What can you buy to organize cosmetics?

    The line of organizers for cosmetics is represented by a large and varied assortment. They can be transparent (acrylic, plexiglass) or not (wood, plastic, fabric); big and small; open and closed; desktop and working as dividers. Here are examples of the most popular designs:

      desktop organizers-chests;

      demonstration barquettes;

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