Essential oils for colds for pregnant women. Aromatherapy for pregnant women requires caution when using

During pregnancy, aromatherapy excludes the use of the following essential oils: cedarwood and nutmeg, patchouli and rosemary, basil and juniper, lemon balm and fennel, cinnamon, thyme and cloves.

Aroma oils that can be used during pregnancy:

– eucalyptus,

– petitgrain,

– rosewood,

– daisies,

– lavender,

- orange,

– sandalwood,

– lemon,

– tea tree,

– neroli.

But geranium and pine oils should be handled very carefully - used in minimal doses.

One of the most convenient methods of using aroma oils for pregnant women is the aroma lamp. But, in addition, in order to know which essential oils can be used and which cannot, you need to know which aroma heals what.

Advice from aromatherapists:

– Cope with toxicosis of lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon balm. And rubbing the solar plexus area will give a “fight” to heartburn, oil mixture from mint and lemon, which can be used starting from the fifth month of pregnancy.

– Rubbing a mixture of essential oils from 1 drop of orange and 1 tsp into the skin will help get rid of constipation and abdominal pain. calendula.

– Nagging pain in the lumbar region will be relieved by a compress with mint or lavender oil (1-2 drops per 0.2 liters of water).

– A massage with orange, lemon, and patchouli oils will help to avoid stretch marks (such massages are recommended only until the 8th month of pregnancy).

Aroma oils for beauty

Often a pregnant woman is concerned about her appearance: the condition of her skin, hair and nails has worsened. But don’t despair, aromatherapy will come to your aid.

If your hair becomes brittle and begins to fall out, then add 1 – 2 drops of tea tree or ylang-ylang essential oil to a standard portion of shampoo.

To prevent the formation age spots add 1 drop of lemon oil to your night cream.

With bleeding gums, 1 drop of tea tree oil or lemon on a toothbrush along with toothpaste will help cope.

Aromatherapy using jasmine, orange or ylang-ylang essential oils will help you cope with fears, bad mood and irritability.

2 - 2.5 weeks before the expected onset of labor, start adding 1 drop of jasmine essential oil to the mixture intended for massaging the perineum and external genitalia. This procedure will help prepare for childbirth.

Wonderful aroma of birth

Aromatherapy will also come to the aid of women in labor. It can not only promote relaxation, but also relieve pain during contractions. The best helpers in the family “business” will be the aromatic oils of jasmine, lavender, and incense. And to intensify labor, use a mixture of essential oils of verbena, jasmine, myrrh, clary and medicinal sage, and marjoram to rub the sacrum. To help the placenta separate faster, massage your belly with jasmine essential oil.

Avoid the following fragrance oils:

cedar tree
Patchouli (in recent weeks)
Thyme (thyme)

What aromatic oils are recommended during pregnancy:

Pink tree
Pine (be careful!)
Geranium (in small doses)
Tea tree

Possible methods and situations for using aromatic oils:

The aroma maker will create a cozy atmosphere and improve the atmosphere in the room (remember the half dosage!).

Everyone knows that during pregnancy it is necessary to protect yourself from the flu and acute respiratory infections. But even at the height of the season of respiratory diseases, sometimes you have to be in crowded places - in a clinic, a store, on the street. Aroma medallion with oil pine, tea tree or eucalyptus will help protect yourself from colds, flu and acute respiratory infections, and cope with the attack of viruses!

Against the background of hormonal changes, the condition of the skin and hair also changes - and not always for the better. Hair requires the most attention after childbirth. Enriching your skin and hair care products with oils is a great way to support your beauty.

Aroma massage with recommended oils helps the body cope with additional stress, prevent the development of cellulite and the appearance of stretch marks. Attention: during pregnancy, massage can only be performed by an experienced specialist! At home, you should limit yourself to light self-massage of the feet, hands, and face.

During pregnancy, the lower back experiences a lot of stress. Your condition will be facilitated by rubbing with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of carrier oil and 2 drops of oils sandalwood and lavender. Bath with 6 drops can relieve pain lavender oil.

During pregnancy, the mammary glands increase in volume and require especially careful care. Use a gentle massage oil: add 3 drops geraniums And orange to a tablespoon of oil from sweet almonds. Almond oil is an excellent remedy for cracked and sore nipples that occur during breastfeeding.

IN recent months During pregnancy, women often experience discomfort, including due to sudden movements of the fetus. During this period, disturbances in night sleep are common. Take a relaxing bath with oils neroli or ylang-ylang. The total amount of oils should not exceed 8 drops. To help you fall asleep easier, apply 2 drops to the edge of your pillowcase. lavender.

A daily light massage of the abdomen and thighs with a special mixture - 1 tablespoon of almond, jojoba or wheat germ oil with 3 drops will help to avoid stretch marks, which often occur during pregnancy. petitgrain or neroli. Start this massage from the fifth month of pregnancy and continue it after childbirth until you return to your original weight.

Foot swelling can be reduced with cool oil foot baths orange, lemongrass or lemon– add 2 drops directly to a bowl of water. While resting, keep your legs elevated with a pillow or bolster under them.

During pregnancy, blood circulation in the legs is often impaired and the veins swell. Mix 2 tablespoons almond oil with 2 drops lemongrass, 2 drops cypress and 2 drops lavender. Use this tension-relieving mixture to gently massage your feet daily. If the veins protrude noticeably, the best effect can be achieved with geranium oil(note that for pregnant women it must be greatly diluted!). Add 4 drops geraniums 1 tablespoon of carrier oil and lightly massage your legs from bottom to top.

The best remedy for morning sickness is essential oil. Japanese mint. You can inhale it from a bottle, carry an aroma locket with you, or add small quantities to your bath. Bath with essential oil Japanese mint will have a refreshing effect in the summer heat.

Essential oil during pregnancy. Aromatherapy for pregnant women. Contraindications during pregnancy. Benefits of Aromatherapy during pregnancy. What essential oils should not be used by pregnant women?

The question of the possibility of using essential oils during pregnancy is very logical.

  • Can essential oils be used by pregnant women?
  • Will essential oil harm the baby?
  • Will the oil cause a miscarriage?

It's good that these questions arise. You can find the answer within yourself. It all depends on your responsibility, awareness and the correct approach to the methods and rules of Aromatherapy. And we will try to give you all the useful information.

  • The first thing you should do is study the properties of the essential oil.
  • The second is to find out contraindications for use.
  • And third, carefully choose the oil that is right for you.

Benefits of Fragrances for Pregnant Women.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes serious transformations. Most often, this affects your well-being. A woman may experience stress, both physiological and emotional.

The aromas of essential oils create comfort, thanks to which a pregnant woman can more easily endure psychological and physiological stress.

Children, even in the womb, react sensitively to everything that disturbs the normal state of the master.

Some gynecologists and therapists believe that aromatherapy is contraindicated in the first trimester. And it can harm both mother and child. Others are convinced that, despite the warnings, aromatherapy has a positive effect on both the body of the expectant mother and the body of the baby.

After birth, these babies differ from other babies in their calm and balanced character. They sleep better and gain weight. Their immunity is much stronger, which means they are less susceptible to infections.

The joy of pregnancy and anticipation of the birth of a child, in most cases, is accompanied by negative physiological manifestations.

Taking medications during pregnancy is not advisable, and aromatherapy comes in handy here.

Fragrant elevator.

In other articles about Aromatherapy on Green Sasha there is a lot of data on how and why Aromas affect our condition. Therefore, we will not delve into this topic here. And in short, the principle of Aromatherapy is that Fragrances affect our sense of smell, as a result of which the emotional state changes.

Fragrances are a high-speed elevator that can quickly pull you out of a negative emotion and quickly raise you to another, higher level. We know that each emotion corresponds to a certain spectrum of illnesses. Leaving a low state, we leave our illnesses below. And this is the essence of Aromatherapy.

It's clear?

Rules for using essential oils for pregnant women.

  • Consult your healthcare provider and do not use essential oil if you or your child has a medical condition. Remember that now there are two of you.
  • Always do an individual tolerance test.
  • Use only proven essential oils for Aromatherapy. Avoid substitutes and fragrances.
  • Use the “Divide by three” principle. That is, the dosages that you used before pregnancy should be significantly reduced.
  • Do not use pure essential oil on your skin. They may cause irritation. Use transport base oils as a base.
  • For a bath, dilute the oil in the emulsion. Cream, sour cream, full-fat yogurt, fermented baked milk, egg yolk, honey, can be used as an emulsion. sea ​​salt. To take one bath, the number of drops should be slightly reduced. (5-6 drops per 1/3 cup of emulsion).
  • Find out contraindications to the use of essential oils. Some of them are strictly contraindicated at the beginning of pregnancy and are safe in the second or third trimester.The use of many essential oils in the first trimester is undesirable, especially orally! Internal intake of oils should be avoided! This is very dangerous for the child.
  • You can only use essential oil once per day. That is, either a bath, or a massage, or a compress. Aromatization of the room (sanitization) can be carried out daily.
  • Change the essential oil from time to time. With prolonged use of the same aroma, addiction occurs and the body stops responding to it. You can return to it again in a couple of weeks.
  • Drink more clean water. It removes decay products well.

Essential oils contraindicated during pregnancy

Do not use!marjoram, parsley seeds, clary sage, lemon balm, patchouli, myrrh, cloves, thyme, thyme, cinnamon, wormwood, juniper pine needles, basil, nutmeg, rosemary, cypress, cedar, hyssop, camphor, copai balsam, myrrh, tarragon,...

  • All ketone essential oils(containing ketones): sage, dill seed, rosemary, verbena, hyssop.
  • Avoid hormonotropic essential oils in the 1st trimester: geranium, clary sage, fennel.
  • In the first trimester, be careful:ylang-ylang, jasmine, k ajaput, petitgrain, tea tree, lemon balm, palmarosa, celery, citronella, tea tree, eucalyptus.
  • In the first two trimesters, be careful: geranium, rose, fennel, galbanum.
  • In the third trimester exclude pregnancy: patchouli.
  • Do not use in the third and second trimester: niauli (naioli)
  • Use essential oil sparingly. That is, the aromatic mixture may contain 1-2 drops:pine, fir, geranium, neroli, cypress.

How can essential oils harm you at the beginning of pregnancy?

  • Essential oil that can destroy the embryo (oils with embryotropic effect):thuja, sage, wormwood and common wormwood, hyssop, camphor, rue, pennyroyal, lavender (spike), dill. (Note: half of these oils are not used in aromatherapy)
  • Essential oils that increase the tone of the uterus, causing miscarriage: thuja, myrtle, juniper, myrrh, common thyme, thyme, rosemary, basil, oregano, wormwood, cloves, cinnamon.
  • Increases estrogen and threatens the normal course of pregnancy: anise, yarrow, basil, fennel, hops, wormwood, clary sage (causes dizziness)
  • They have a strong irritant effect: rosemary, fennel, nutmeg, cedar,
  • Causes dizziness: anise, clary and medicinal sage,
  • Diuretic: lemon balm, verbena,

As it grows... can be used

In the 1st trimester you can use:grapefruit, lemon, lavender, chamomile, cardamom, bergamot in small doses.

At 4 months of pregnancy you can use:Cypress, geranium, neroli, petitgrain, tea tree, rosewood, ylang-ylang.

At month 5 you can use:rosewood, incense, peppermint, rose.

  • Orange - a sunny aroma that can lift you out of prenatal depression. Use as an aroma lamp and aromatic perfume. Used for stretch marks.
  • Bergamot– a strengthening agent, creates mood, gives faith in one’s own strength. In winter it will help cope with rhinitis. As intimate hygiene- Helps against vaginal herpes.
  • Grapefruit– has a cleansing effect, stabilizes blood circulation, promotes the removal of toxins. Eliminates emotions of anger, calms, instills joy. It will help relieve fever (wiping with water) and morning sickness.
  • Geranium– (in small quantities) gives harmony with the world, very quickly relieves depression, relaxes, calms, improves communication and understanding. Causes euphoria.
  • Ylang-ylang– used for insomnia and anxiety. Removes fear, fills the relationship between spouses with love and tenderness. Gently reduces high blood pressure and eliminates headache.
  • Ginger -(carefully, in homeopathic doses). Use for immunity. For cosmetic purposes, can be added to the aroma mixture to prevent stretch marks on the hips
  • Lavender– cools, refreshes, soothes, harmonizes. Eliminates nausea and dizziness. It is an excellent pain reliever, so it can be used for local pain. An excellent remedy for insomnia. In intimate hygiene - helps with thrush. It has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antiseptic, antispasmodic, sedative, antitoxic, deodorizing, antioxidant properties. Lavender can be fully used in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  • Lime– refreshes well, has a calming effect, relieves irritation, eliminates fever. An excellent antiseptic for the mouth (rinse).
  • Lemongrass– promotes relaxation, rest, normalizes the emotional background, gives peace. Helps remove toxins and waste from the body, improves blood circulation and immunity.
  • Lemon– oil gives energy, perfectly replaces a morning cup of coffee, eliminates nausea, improves appetite, regulates blood pressure.
  • Mandarin- the aroma of joy. Very quickly takes you out of depression, directs your thoughts towards positivity and a bright future.
  • Japanese mint (curly) - milder in effect than Peppermint and nevertheless should be used with caution and in small quantities. Mint is probably wonderful the best remedy for morning sickness. Recommended for mouth rinsing, aromatherapy pendants, and therapeutic perfumes. An excellent antiseptic, immunostimulant, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. After childbirth, the use of mint should be stopped - it stops lactation.
  • Neroli– turns attention towards aesthetics, improves mood, relieves sad thoughts and fears. Instills confidence. has a great effect on overall hormonal levels.
  • Petitgrain - Eliminates the effects of stress. Relieves attacks of nausea, helps with back pain. An excellent remedy for the prevention of varicose veins. Used to prevent stretch marks on the body.
  • Rose– very strong aromatic lift. Quickly removes a negative attitude. An excellent oil for intimate hygiene. Rose scented soap shapes flora. Excellent prevention of vaginal herpes.
  • Pink tree - (carefully!strong diuretic - use in moderation). Also it has antidepressant, antibacterial, fungicidal, antiviral, antiseptic, regenerating, analgesic properties. Useful for bronchopulmonary infections. Relieves cough. Excellent, perhaps the best immunomodulator. Used to prevent varicose veins and rosacea. Helps with headaches and migraines. In intimate hygiene - can be added to soap (leucorrhoea, vaginitis).
  • Rosemary -very carefully and in microdoses to normalize blood pressure during hypotension and drowsiness.
  • Chamomile– Used after 4 months of pregnancy. Soothes headaches, helps with insomnia, improves digestion, relieves swelling, eliminates attacks of nausea, and extinguishes toxicosis. Used in intimate hygiene to eliminate inflammation.
  • Pine(in moderate doses in the aroma pendant). Warms in winter. saves from infection, boosts immunity.
  • Tea tree - has antiviral, bactericidal, antiseptic, antifungal properties. Improves immunity.Useful as a mouth rinse in moderate doses. An excellent tool for sanitizing a room. Synergy - Manuka essential oil will enhance the properties of the tea tree manifold. It is possible to treat skin problems in their pure form without base oil, for example, herpes, nail fungus.
  • Eucalyptus - has antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties. Used for headaches and migraines. An excellent and inexpensive means for sanitizing a room during an epidemic (without the presence of a pregnant woman in the room).Synergy with eucalyptus oil - lemon, lavender, Japanese mint - will improve digestion and eliminate signs of morning sickness.

A few quotes and recommendations from famous Authors of books on Aromatherapy:

Svetlana Mirgorodskaya, “Aromalogy: Quantum Satis”

...Pregnant women: the issue of using essential oils in this case is a very delicate topic. The easiest way is to slam the door leading to aromatic joys in front of the noses of women awaiting the birth of babies. But if we take a less formal approach, we can say that the careful use of some essential oils is not only acceptable, but also desirable during pregnancy...

Denis Vicello Brown, Aromatherapy.

...Aromatherapy can be beneficial during all 40 weeks of pregnancy and overcome a large number of ailments...

There are many different opinions about which oil should be avoided at different stages of pregnancy, especially during the first three months. As long as essential oils are used correctly and doses are maintained, the risk is low.

In practice, I had the opportunity to treat many pregnant women - the result was excellent, and harmful side effects did not have. Both times when I was pregnant, I was lucky enough to use aromatherapy on myself before having children. Every week on average I had to use twenty to thirty different mixtures on patients. Both of my pregnancies went without problems, the birth was easy, without traditional pain relief, and the children were born very healthy. I am sure that without my expensive essential oils I would not have been able to do this.

Of course, you should be aware that some oils may pose risks, but don't despair. Instead of giving you a long list of so-called oils with possible risks - some are listed among them without evidence - I recommend using the oils that I provide for each case (see the book).

It goes without saying that if the symptoms are dangerous or persistent, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The popularity of essential oils among midwives is growing; some maternity hospitals even have their own supplies. Giving life is a very difficult job, but the joy of being involved in the birth of new life is worth the cost.

Essential oils can stimulate uterine contractions, making labor easier, and encourage the woman in labor to relax, and then the pain will be bearable. Essential oils for childbirth– these are oils of bergamot, clary sage, frankincense, geranium, jasmine, lavender, mandarin, marjoram, neroli, bitter beard, peppermint, common wheat, rose and ylang-ylang.

Aromatic formula to increase lactation: 3 drops of sweet dill oil + 2 drops of lemon beard oil + 1 drop of clary sage oil + 20 ml of carrier oil. I assure you that essential oils can increase the production breast milk. I breastfed my daughter until she was fifteen months old, and my son until she was two years old.

If you do not want to breastfeed or want to stop breastfeeding, the following essential oils stop lactation: essential oils of cypress, geranium, lavender, peppermint and sage. Peppermint and sage oils work especially well.

Aromatic formula to reduce breast milk production: 2 drops of cypress oil + 3 drops of peppermint oil + 2 drops of sage oil + 20 ml of fatty oil. Compresses with peppermint, sage and geranium oil also work well.”…

“Aromatherapy: The art of being healthy. Practical guide." Ripol Classic

...Aromatherapy can play a very important role in helping the expectant mother cope with the demands that pregnancy places on the body. Massage and relaxation will help a tired and stressed woman take care of both herself and the baby in her womb. Aromatherapy also has beneficial effects during childbirth, helping to ease the inevitable pain and fear...

It should, however, be remembered that during pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes serious changes and, in addition, treating a pregnant woman means treating two people. There are a number of oils whose use is contraindicated during pregnancy because they can cause miscarriage. Other oils are not as dangerous, but doctors also recommend avoiding them. When using essential oils for massages and baths during pregnancy, dissolve half the dose of essential oil in the base oil...

N.S. Leonova, “Aromatherapy for Beginners”«

…Although many non-fiction books on essential oils and aromatherapy recommend the use of essential oils by pregnant women, this should not be done. Many essential oils can cause miscarriage or adversely affect the fetus. Pregnancy is a contraindication to the independent use of essential oils.

Wanda Sellar. "Encyclopedia of Essential Oils".

...The function of the uterus is stimulated by:clove, jasmine, frankincense, lemon balm, myrrh, rose, clary sage.

Resolution of the burden is facilitated by: anise seed, cloves, jasmine, lavender, bay laurel, juniper, nutmeg, spearmint, parsley, rose, dill, clary sage.

Increases lactation (increases milk secretion): anise seed, jasmine, litsea cubeba, lemongrass, cumin, dill, fennel.

Reduces lactation (reduces milk secretion): peppermint, sage.

Stimulates and normalizes menstruation: basil, angelica officinalis, oregano, jasmine, hyssop, cumin, Ceylon cinnamon, lavender, bay laurel, marjoram, myrrh, juniper, wild carrot, nutmeg, peppermint, parsley, rose, rosemary, chamomile, santolina, thyme, cumin , fennel, ferula, clary sage, clary sage, tarragon..

The conclusion and decision is yours, dear women!

I decided to publish it, in case it would be interesting for someone to read, lately the autumn depression has become stressful and I decided to find a way out by doing such a pleasant thing as aromatherapy))

Oils safe for expectant mothers
If your pregnancy proceeds without complications, you can use the following essential oils:

  • citrus plant oils, such as tangerine oil or neroli (bitter orange) oil
  • German chamomile oil
  • lavender oil
  • incense oil
  • black pepper oil
  • peppermint oil
  • ylang-ylang oil
  • bergamot oil
  • cypress oil
  • rose oil
Oils that are not recommended for use during pregnancy Avoid the following oils during pregnancy:
  • nutmeg oil – it can have a hallucinogenic effect and interact with pain medications used during childbirth
  • rosemary oil – thought to increase blood pressure and cause contractions
  • basil oil – according to researchers, this oil can lead to pathological changes in cells
  • jasmine and clary sage oils - they can trigger premature labor
  • sage oil – this oil can cause uterine bleeding
  • Juniper berry oil – it can negatively affect the kidneys
In some cases, it is worth completely abandoning the use of essential oils. Do not use essential oils if
  • you had a miscarriage
  • you have had vaginal bleeding during your current pregnancy you suffer from epilepsy
  • you have heart problems
  • you suffer from diabetes, thrombosis, liver, kidney or thyroid disease
In any case, it is best to consult your doctor before using essential oils.

Nausea and vomiting

Spearmint, lavender, ginger, cardamom, eucalyptus, lemon. For morning sickness, to alleviate discomfort and avoid depression, try this method: pour hot water into a bowl or small bowl, add 3-5 drops of mint oil into it and place it on the floor in the bedroom in the evening. If necessary, place just one drop of oil on a handkerchief and place it on your pillow before going to bed. The healing aroma of mint will spread throughout the room, doing its job while you sleep. This will also have a beneficial effect on the condition of your stomach and, naturally, your mood. After using this method for three nights, the nausea usually goes away. To relieve nausea and stomach discomfort, you can also successfully use lavender oil (3 drops) - the choice is yours.

You can use an aroma lamp to scent your room or simply spray the room with the following mixture of oils: 3 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop each of mint and eucalyptus oils. Do not forget that you must pour hot water into the aroma lamp bowl. Even a spray bottle for indoor plants is suitable for spraying a room (only a clean one!). Add the same mixture of oils, emulsifier to 100 ml of water, mix well, spray the room. Peppermint and lavender oils are also recommended for use as cool compresses on the forehead or warm compresses on the chest (2-3 drops of essential oil or a mixture of oils, emulsifier per 200 g of water).


Lavender and spearmint oils relieves headaches too. Place a cool compress (2-3 drops of oil, emulsifier per 200 g of water) on your forehead or massage your temples - the pain will go away.


Patchouli, ylang-ylang, bergamot, sandalwood, rose. Use any of these oils or their composition to scent a room; you can apply a few drops to the corner of your pillow before bed.


Lemon, tangerine, mint. Use these oils to scent a room or massage the solar plexus area (light, gentle stroking).


Anise, orange, tangerine, eucalyptus. Massage your abdomen with soft stroking strokes in a circular motion clockwise.

Phlebeurysm,cramps, swelling

If your varicose veins progress during pregnancy, try using essential oils of lavender, lemon, geranium, calendula and cypress. Use them individually or in a mixture for alternating warm and cool compresses on damaged areas (however, do not apply the oil directly to damaged vessels). Add 1-2 drops of oil or a combination of oils, emulsifier to a container of water, mix well and immerse a compress cloth in water.

It can help with these problems warm bath(temperature not higher than 37°C) with 2 – 3 drops of cypress or lemon essential oils. Don't forget to pre-mix the oils with the emulsifier. In these cases, a very light foot massage is also useful: for 50 ml of carrier oil, use 7 drops of lemon and cypress oil. Begin the massage with light pats, gently moving upward from the feet.


If you suffer from hemorrhoids and feel that they are clearly progressing, then you will benefit from sitz baths. Prepare a cool bath with 3-5 drops of lemon oil and 1-2 lavender (pre-mix the oils with an emulsifier), then we recommend doing a light massage with a mixture used for varicose veins.

Stretch marks (striae)

To preserve the structure of your skin, it is necessary to consume vitamins C and E. Aromatherapy massage will help you nourish your skin with them and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Prepare the following mixture of oils for massage: 30 ml almond oil, 15 ml wheat germ oil (this oil is a champion in vitamin E content), 15 ml avocado oil, 2 drops each of lavender, carrot seed, geranium and calendula oils, 4 drops neroli oil . Mix the oils thoroughly and massage the resulting mixture twice a day on the areas where stretch marks may appear. It is best to do this massage after taking a bath or shower on still damp skin. Do not forget to do this massage after the birth of your baby to quickly restore the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Pain in the back, lumbar region

Ginger, lavender, sandalwood. Use these oils for massage (necessarily in a mixture with the base oil), rubbing and compresses.

High blood pressure

Lavender, lemon, cardamom, ylang-ylang. The most effective and safest way to use it is to scent the room.

Low blood pressure

Orange, verbena, grapefruit, cypress. Use these oils to scent the air.

Defence from viral infections

Lemon, tea tree, bergamot, ginger, pine, eucalyptus, cypress. These oils are used to aromatize the room using an aroma lamp.

Fungal infection of the vagina

Tea tree, bergamot. Oils are used for topical baths, tampons, and intimate hygiene. It is important during pregnancy not only physical, but also mental state. And here oils also come to the rescue.

Apathy, depression, depressed state

Orange, ginger, eucalyptus, grapefruit, bergamot, rose, sandalwood, geranium, ylang-ylang. Typically, these oils are used to scent a room using an aroma lamp.

Irritability, touchiness

Geranium, ylang-ylang, incense, sandalwood, mint, lemon, rose, lavender. In these cases, you can use any method that is most pleasant for you: aromatizing the room, massage or bath.

Essential oils have always been and will be popular as excellent means for self-care, as a means of preventing all kinds of diseases and pain, as a means of relieving tension and stress. Can women use essential oils during pregnancy, or are there any restrictions?

Among medical specialists, there is a rather negative opinion regarding the use of essential oils during pregnancy, since the effect of their components on the expectant mother and her baby has not been sufficiently studied.

However, expectant mothers continue to use them quite actively. The main thing is to do any business wisely, then there will be no negative consequences.

The first thing you should know is that during pregnancy, the usual dosage of oils should be divided into two - absolutely any oil can be harmful.

Further, essential oils are used by pregnant women only in diluted form, externally in the form of applications, to combat stretch marks as an addition to a base oil or a cosmetic product, as fillers for aroma lamps.

Essential oils during pregnancy: contraindications

Firstly, if you previously had an intolerance to any essential oil, then during pregnancy it is strictly prohibited to use it! Yes, and previously used oils may be perceived differently by the body, because during pregnancy it is under enormous stress, and even previously loved food may be rejected by a picky sense of smell. Therefore, any new oil should be used with caution at first, starting small and gradually increasing the dosage or duration of aromatherapy. It’s also not worth experimenting with new oils that you haven’t tried before pregnancy.

Secondly, you cannot exceed the above norm for pregnant women. Let us remember that any dosage for ordinary person A pregnant woman should divide it in half.

Thirdly, taking any essential oil internally is strictly prohibited!

Fourthly, any innovation must be clearly agreed with the doctor. This is the golden rule for pregnant women, and it necessarily applies to all pregnant women!

Fifthly, you should refrain from using any essential oils for at least the first three weeks of pregnancy! After all, it is the early stages that are the most alarming and dangerous, when you should not interfere in the secret course of things.

You should also refrain from taking any essential oils if:

  1. I had a miscarriage in the past.
  2. I have epilepsy.
  3. There are heart problems.
  4. There are diseases of the liver, kidneys, and thyroid gland.
  5. There is diabetes, thrombosis.
  6. During the current pregnancy, vaginal bleeding occurs.

There are also essential oils that cannot be used in any form during pregnancy.

Essential oils prohibited during pregnancy

If it was customary to use essential oils for certain purposes, each to the expectant mother you need to know the list of oils that are strictly prohibited throughout pregnancy:

  • nutmeg;
  • myrrh;
  • fennel;
  • juniper;
  • patchouli;
  • cinnamon;
  • Melissa;
  • cypress;
  • marjoram;
  • sage;
  • basil;
  • cedar;
  • thyme;
  • chamomile;
  • rosemary;
  • hyssop;
  • jasmine;
  • carnation;
  • tansy;
  • laurel;
  • Thyme;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • tarragon;
  • oregano;
  • lavender until the 16th week of pregnancy.

The use of these essential oils, even in small quantities, can lead to such undesirable consequences as premature contractions or even miscarriages and much more.

For example, rosemary oil can lead to increased blood pressure and the onset of contractions. Nutmeg oil may cause hallucinations. The use of basil oil can lead to pathological changes in cells. Jasmine oil provokes premature birth. Sage oil may cause uterine bleeding. And so on - the list goes on and on. As you can see, the use of oils prohibited during pregnancy can really lead to tragic consequences. This means that you should take this issue seriously and use only approved oils and with the utmost caution.

Moreover, the list of permitted essential oils during pregnancy is really wide. Let's take a closer look at when and how to use this or that oil.

Why are essential oils needed during pregnancy?

Essential oils for headaches during pregnancy

It is no secret that during pregnancy you cannot use most conventional medications. And attacks of headaches in position can be unbearable. And then they come to the rescue folk remedies in the form of essential oils of eucalyptus, mint or lavender. It is necessary to dilute 3 drops of any of the above oils in a glass of water, moisten a piece of cloth in the solution and apply the resulting compress to the forehead and temples.

Essential oils for nausea and vomiting

The “miracles” of toxicosis are quite typical for expectant mothers in the first trimester. This phenomenon is temporary and will definitely pass soon, but how can one survive this terrible state?

In this case, essential oils are used as aromatherapy. Mint, lemon, lavender and eucalyptus oils are perfect for this purpose. Just a few drops can be added to your pillow. But, most importantly, do not overdo it, otherwise the opposite effect may be caused.

There is also an option - add a few drops of mint essential oil to a bowl of hot water and leave the resulting solution on the floor overnight. Three days of regular use is enough this method so that the nausea subsides.

You can use an aroma lamp to scent the room, or spray it with water and a mixture of essential oils. Add 3 drops of lavender oil and 1 drop each of eucalyptus and mint oils to an aroma lamp, or to 100 ml of water in a regular spray bottle.

Essential oils against infections

Essential oils do not have an independent therapeutic effect, but in complex treatment or as a preventive measure colds their effect is undeniable.

As in the previous example, you can pour water into a spray bottle and add a few drops of essential oil to irrigate the room with it. Eucalyptus, pine and tea tree oils are suitable.

Using an aroma lamp, you can also use essential oils of lemon, ginger, and cypress.

In pregnant women, immunity is slightly reduced so that essentially foreign (by 50%) DNA is not rejected. This means that resistance to various types of viruses is noticeably reduced. Most medications are strictly prohibited for use by expectant mothers! Therefore, prevention of such diseases comes first! In addition to the wonders of aromatherapy, do not forget about fresh air, ventilate the premises more often and go outside yourself.

Essential oils as a remedy for insomnia

Some pregnant women sleep like a baby, others are not so lucky. And the longer the period, the harder it can be to fall asleep. You can no longer sleep on your stomach; doctors also prohibit sleeping on your back. The belly is big, how can you settle down here to fall into a sweet sleep? In this case, essential oils of ylang-ylang, rose, and bergamot are suitable for aromatizing the room. You can also scent the room or drop a few drops of any oil on the corner of the pillow.

Essential oils for stress and anxiety

An excellent cure for this type of disorder is to scent the room with chamomile, rosewood or bergamot essential oil. During pregnancy, you should carefully protect yourself and your baby from negative emotional shocks. Aromatherapy is an excellent weapon against such surges, and ideally it can be combined with pregnancy yoga and meditation.

Essential oils against swelling and varicose veins

These problems are rarely ignored by expectant mothers. For varicose veins, a warm bath is a good solution (remember, hot baths are prohibited, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy). You need to add 2-3 drops of essential oil (lavender, lemon, geranium...) to the water after mixing with an emulsifier (for example, 1-2 tablespoons of sea salt).

Foot baths or foot massages with a carrier oil will help relieve swelling. You can add essential oils of lemon, lavender, neroli.

Essential oils for heartburn

Heartburn is a common problem that expectant mothers face already at later. Lemon, tangerine or mint oils are perfect for aromatizing a room or for a light massage in the solar plexus area.

Essential oils for constipation

Constipation is a delicate problem that many face during pregnancy. In this case, of course, it is better to consult a doctor, since urgent diet correction is necessary, and it may also be impossible to do without special medications.

But you can ease your situation on your own before visiting a doctor. Essential oils of anise, tangerine or orange will help with this. You need to dilute a few drops of oil in a carrier oil (for example, olive) and massage the abdomen clockwise, avoiding strong pressure.

Essential oils against hemorrhoids

It may be an unpleasant consequence of prolonged constipation or due to hormonal changes. After pregnancy, hemorrhoids will most likely go away on their own. But you can relieve pain symptoms and keep hemorrhoids to a minimum.

A cool sitz bath with 3-5 drops of oil and 2 drops of lavender oil, pre-mixed with an emulsifier, is suitable.

Essential oils for stretch marks during pregnancy

The worst nightmare of every expectant mother is, of course, the appearance of stretch marks (striae). And here essential oils will come to the rescue again. To begin with, you should decide on a base oil (olive, jojoba, wheat germ oil), which will be used to massage areas of the skin that are potentially prone to stretch marks (abdomen, thighs, chest). Next, you should remember that the massage course must be regular! It should be done every day on clean skin, after a shower. Only in this way will the skin receive enough hydration, become elastic and be able to stretch as much as necessary without any problems.

As additional oils, you can use essential oils of geranium, lavender, calendula, and orange. For example, there is this option. Take 4 tablespoons olive oil, add 2 drops of lavender, geranium and orange to it. Thoroughly massage problem areas with the resulting mixture.

It is better to prepare the mixture immediately before use, as it tends to spoil quickly. If this does not work, then you need to store it in the refrigerator in a special container that does not allow light to pass through. But if there is the slightest suspicion, for example, the mixture has changed its smell or color, then it is better not to use it.

Learn more about some essential oils during pregnancy

The problems listed above that essential oils can alleviate or even cure are not all. There are many other reasons why you should keep a tube of one or another essential oil. Let's take a closer look at the most famous and popular oils that are used during pregnancy today.

Eucalyptus essential oil during pregnancy

Eucalyptus is indispensable when it comes to the first signs of a cold. It is used as dry and wet inhalations, as aromatherapy or lubricant of the nasal mucosa. Dry inhalation - rub a few drops between your palms and inhale the resulting aroma. Wet - add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to a liter of boiling water and breathe in the vapors. Aromatherapy - aroma lamp or spraying the room with water and essential oil. Lubricate the nasal mucosa with a base oil (1 tsp), which is mixed with eucalyptus (1-2 drops).

If you have symptoms of nausea and vomiting, you can significantly improve your well-being with the help of eucalyptus using an aroma lamp.

Peppermint essential oil during pregnancy

It is no less popular today, but you should once again make sure with your doctor that it is not contraindicated. Can be used by adding 4 drops to the aroma lamp. When used correctly, mint oil will relieve fatigue and irritability, relieve vomiting and nausea, and significantly improve the overall emotional state.

Lavender essential oil during pregnancy

Use of this essential oil on early stages strictly prohibited! Only a doctor can give the go-ahead to use it, each at its own time.

The oil is used quite widely due to its wide range of properties. Thus, lavender calms, relaxes, improves psycho-emotional state, and solves problems with insomnia. This is an excellent prevention of edema and varicose veins.

Orange essential oil during pregnancy

Orange oil perfectly relieves swelling, relieves abdominal pain due to constipation, and is also an excellent body care product to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. In the first case we are talking about foot baths, in the second about abdominal massage with a carrier oil. In the third - about rubbing the necessary areas of the body regularly with a carrier oil.

Lemon essential oil during pregnancy

Excellent cosmetic product, which strengthens hair and nails, smoothes out fine wrinkles, restoring elasticity to the skin. A bath with lemon essential oil relaxes, improves immunity and helps create a good, peaceful mood. 3-5 drops are enough for a large bath.

Let's sum it up

Essential oils are a great way to put yourself in order both externally and internally, tuning into a light and calm wave thanks to the wonders of aromatherapy. They improve health, relieve swelling, eliminate the delicate problem of constipation and hemorrhoids... Not on their own, of course, but in combination with the treatment prescribed by the doctor. The list can be enumerated endlessly. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it and not harm either yourself or your baby. Therefore, you should know the exact list of prohibited essential oils, as well as how to properly use the permitted ones. We have written only the basic properties of well-known essential oils, but only a doctor will select the oils that are right for you. After all, every person is individual, especially a pregnant woman!

Video “Essential oils during pregnancy”

Aroma oils are considered a traditional cosmetic and medicinal product, but essential oils are used with caution during pregnancy. Knowledge of the intricacies of choice, dosage and specific cases of use make them indispensable on the dressing table of the expectant mother.

The volatile substances of plants have a strong aroma, which is especially felt by pregnant women.

The smell sometimes causes headaches, nausea, and with individual sensitivity it is also possible allergic reaction applied essential oil; during pregnancy, doctors rarely recommend these remedies. But there are exceptions.

Pregnancy and aroma oils

Expectant mothers rarely refuse a natural and fast-acting remedy for neuroses, cosmetic defects, insomnia and even pain. Essential oils during pregnancy will be beneficial if the rules of use are followed.

  • They are used only externally and with a base product. Refined vegetable oil, flaxseed oil, pumpkin oil, and baby cream are suitable. They should have no aroma.
  • Also, essential oils during pregnancy are used only if the expectant mother and child are in full health.
  • Adhere to the principle of moderation. For cosmetic purposes, use only once a day, either as a face mask, or when added to a cream. It is better to avoid deodorizing products on this day.
  • If burning, itching or redness of the skin occurs, essential oils will have to be discontinued during pregnancy.

At the same time, they have a gentle effect on the body during. It should be remembered that pregnant women take only a third of the indicated dosage of aromatic oils.

Do's and Don'ts

When asked whether essential oils can be used in cosmetology during pregnancy, gynecologists answer in the affirmative if the patient does not complain about her health. But there is a list of aromatic oils that are strictly prohibited.

Important! You should not use aromatic oils with a strong and intrusive odor. Some of them can tone the uterus and aggravate hypertension. There are also toxic essential substances.

Forbidden ones include marjoram, patchouli and myrrh. The spruce notes of juniper and pine are dangerous. Strong smelling spices like nutmeg and sage, parsley seeds, thyme, thyme and cloves were also on the list of potential “enemies.”

Essential oils during pregnancy such as camphor and hyssop derivatives are also vetoed.

But there is also a list of useful aromatic oils. These are the usual citrus aromas of lemon and orange, and eucalyptus, chamomile and. Inhaling properly diluted notes is useful; they have no serious contraindications. The main guideline is the well-being of the expectant mother.

Why do pregnant women use essences?

It would be correct to ask your doctor whether essential oils can be used in cosmetics or cosmetics during pregnancy. medicinal purposes. This issue is delicate and requires an individual solution. But the list of relatively safe ones included:

  1. Chamomile and lavender. Allowed in the third semester. They improve sleep, soothe, and fight toxicosis and headaches.
  1. Lemon and... Despite its high allergenicity, it is often included in anti-stretch mark products in minimal doses. They tone the skin, prevent the appearance of cellulite, improve mood, and invigorate. They remain useful in the prevention of colds and stimulate the body's protective properties.
  1. Rosemary. It will cope with nervous exhaustion and restore healthy sleep to the expectant mother.
  1. Popular essential oils during pregnancy are ginger, eucalyptus, bergamot and geranium. This aromatherapy is effective for toxicosis and overexertion. But in individual cases, the products are irritating.
  1. To combat skin diseases in the facial area, tea tree and almond oil are used, but in small quantities. They relieve inflammation, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and prevent the formation of acne.
  1. Eucalyptus is a recognized antiseptic, suppresses pain when inhaled, eliminates the manifestations of morning sickness, and helps get rid of a runny nose.

The base oils needed in medicinal and cosmetic recipes are also undeservedly forgotten. This is vegetable oil of sunflower, corn, olive oil, flaxseed oil, and wheat germ oil. They are saturated with omega fatty acids, moisturize the skin, and prevent the appearance of stretch marks. The main component of such products remains vitamin E, known as tocopherol.

Important! In addition to exquisite aromas, essential oils during pregnancy can surprise you with unusual notes.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman is not always allowed to eat garlic. But its aroma oil enhances concentration, dilates blood vessels, and has antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. It is enough to leave a cut slice of root vegetable in the room for half an hour to activate the body’s protective functions.

Dosage and methods of application

Essential oils for stretch marks during pregnancy are rarely used. In such products, it is preferable that there is no strong odor. Aroma oils are allowed in the amount of 2 - 4 drops per tube of cream or baby lotion, in most cases - only after 4 months.

Aromatherapy is allowed using any aroma oil if it does not cause discomfort in the woman.

Methods of using the products:

  • We combine essential oils for stretch marks during pregnancy with basic oils. For 3 - 4 tbsp. Olive, sunflower or flaxseed take 1 drop each of geranium, orange, almond, peach aromatic oils. Stir and apply to the abdomen, chest and thighs 2 times a day. Preferably after a shower. It is better to start this kind of prevention of stretch marks from the first months, preparing the skin for further changes.
  • During pregnancy, these same essential oils are used together with a base for swelling of the legs. Sometimes 1-2 drops of aromatic oils are added to a bath or bath with warm water, the session lasts about 10 minutes. Important! Hot water cannot be used in these procedures; it can cause uterine bleeding.
  • Women in this position take particular care of their appearance and want to remain beautiful. Decorative products to enhance eyelash and hair growth will support natural beauty. For a medicine bottle burdock oil take 1 - 2 drops of almond, bergamot or. Apply it to your hair half an hour before washing it off or treat your eyelashes with it before going to bed - and in a month women will see the result. Fluffy long eyelashes and glossy strong strands will become the best decoration for the expectant mother.
  • During pregnancy, tea tree essential oil can be used to treat nail fungus. Read more about dosages and methods. Attention! Dosages need to be reduced by a third!

But, no matter how attractive all these remedies may seem, their use is regulated by a doctor: essential oils during pregnancy require a careful and competent approach. Pregnancy is a time of caring for your health, not testing it.

And finally, be sure to watch the video to remember the information even better:

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