Creative project on the theme of quilling.


History of quilling On English language This needlework is called “quilling” - from the word “quill” or “bird feather”. Unlike origami, which originated in Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. IN medieval Europe

nuns created elegant medallions by twisting paper with gilded edges onto the tip of a bird's feather. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold strips.

Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little has survived from medieval masterpieces. However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries around the world. Paper rolling quickly spread in Europe, but because paper, especially colored and high-quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic art became an art for ladies from wealthy sections of society. Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western European countries, especially in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it “moved” to the East. The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastic arts, paper making and working with it have given rise to the art of paper sculpture.

new life In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Plastic Art Lovers, uniting followers of the most different directions

paper creativity.

In the 15th century it was considered art. At 19 - ladies' entertainment. For most of the 20th century it was forgotten. And only at the end of the last century quilling began to turn into an art again.

It should be noted that the Korean school of quilling (they call it paper rolling) is somewhat different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of parts; they are laconic, reminiscent of mosaics, and decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, so it loves fast technology. Eastern masters create works that resemble masterpieces of jewelry. The finest voluminous lace is woven from hundreds of small details.

Quilling Tools

To master the paper rolling technique, you do not need any special tool. At the initial stage, a visit to a regular department store is quite enough. Here is a short list of what you need to start learning:

Awl. It is advisable to purchase an awl with a diameter of about one millimeter. Usually the awl has a cone shape, which can be inconvenient. In this case, you can use any hardened rod of suitable diameter. An awl (rod) is used to wind a spiral from a paper strip. In this case, it is necessary to control the tension force of the paper; the handle of the tool should be comfortable for this purpose.

Tweezers. The tips should be sharp and aligned exactly. To perform high precision work. Notches at the end are undesirable because... may leave marks on paper. The squeezing force should be comfortable for your hands, providing a secure grip with the least amount of pressure.

Scissors. Like tweezers, they must have pointed ends. For maximum precision cutting of fringes.

Glue. There are no special recommendations. However, it should dry quickly enough and not leave marks. Try starting with PVA.

When marking a future composition, you will need the simplest drawing tools: a compass, a ruler, a pencil.

Ready-made cut strips of paper can be bought in special stores that sell products for cards, etc. If this is not possible, then pass sheets of colored paper through a paper shredder or cut them. The standard width of quilling strips is 3 mm, but this is not a necessary condition. Another very important point. If you make strips yourself, then the weight of the paper is important - at least 60 grams per square meter (usually the weight is indicated on paper packages), otherwise it will not curl neatly and keep its shape.

Quilling technique.

At first glance, the paper rolling technique is simple. A strip of quilling paper is rolled into a tight spiral. It will be convenient to start winding by twisting the edge of the paper quilling tape onto the tip of a sharp awl. Having formed the core of the spiral, it is advisable to continue working without using a quilling tool. This way you can feel with your fingertips whether the roll is being formed uniformly and adjust your efforts during the process. The result should be a dense spiral less than a centimeter in diameter. It will be the basis for the further diversity of all forms. After which the paper spiral unfolds to the required size, and then the required quilling figure is formed from it.
The tip of the paper is grabbed by a drop of glue. Rolls can be given the most various shapes, performing compressions and dents.
There are a total of 20 basic elements for quilling, but the principle remains the same: fold, pinch - using your imagination you can always come up with new quilling elements yourself

The choice of topic and its rationale I saw very beautiful products using the quilling technique and I wanted to do something similar. This kind of work will serve a good gift for any occasion and will bring joy to our loved ones. Such a gift cannot be bought in a store and it will decorate any interior.

“Star” of thinking Box Historical information Equipment for work Sketch of composition Advertising development Selection of a topic and its justification Calculation of the cost of the product Label development Literature Technological sequence Self-analysis of work Sanitary and hygienic - CANAL REQUIREMENTS Safety rules

Execution technology 1. For work you will need strips of multi-colored paper (2mm-3cm). 2.Take a strip of paper and insert its tip into the slot of the toothpick. 3.Start twisting it not very tightly. 4. Carefully remove the wound strip and insert it into the ruler with a round hole. 5.Shape the product.

Routing in order Carrying out the organization Tools and materials 1 Make strips of multi-colored paper (2mm-3cm). Corrugated paper, office paper. 2 Take a strip of paper and insert its tip into the slot of the toothpick. A strip of multi-colored paper, a toothpick with a slot. 3 Start to twist it not very tightly. A strip of multi-colored paper. 4 Carefully remove the strip and insert it into the ruler with a round hole. Ruler, wound strip. The product is ready

Economic calculation in order Name Price Quantity Cost 1 Corrugated cardboard 55 rub. 1 PC. 55 rub. 2Plain cardboard 16 RUR. 1 PC. 16 rub. 3Cheese box 46 rub. 1 PC. 46 rub. 4Office paper 110 rub. 1 item 110 rub. 5Glue “Titan” 19 RUR. 2 pcs. 38 rub. 6Scissors 35 rub. 1 PC. 35 rub. Total 300 rub.

Self-analysis The main difficulty is to correctly prepare the parts for the product step by step. Now I have learned how to make elements correctly. If I encountered difficulties in my work, I turned to reference literature on this topic. The best products for me were those with a natural theme: flowers, blades of grass, leaves. I really like working with paper; I do it in my leisure time. This job gives me a lot of pleasure and satisfaction.

Literature Prosnyakova T.N. "Flowers". Encyclopedia of technologies of applied creativity Prosnyakova T.N. "Flowers". Encyclopedia of technologies of applied creativity Prosnyakova T.N. "Butterflies". Encyclopedia of technologies of applied creativity Prosnyakova T.N. "Butterflies". Encyclopedia of technologies of applied creativity Prosnyakova T.N. "Cats" Encyclopedia of technologies of applied creativity Prosnyakova T.N. "Cats" Encyclopedia of applied creativity technologies

Open interdistrict scientific-practical conference research and design work students "Project of the Year - 2013"
Municipal educational institution

Yakhromskaya secondary school No. 2

Technology project

Painting using quilling technique


Completed by a 5a grade student:

Gaida Danila Dmitrievich


technology teacher

Gutor Maria Ivanovna

Yakhroma 2013

2. Justification of the topic of the selected project…………………...4

3. Basic scheme of reflection…………………………………………….5

4. History of quilling…………………………………………………………..6

5. Bank of ideas and proposals…………………………………………………...8

6. Model selection……………………………………………………………..9

7. Tools, materials for quilling……………………………… 11

8. Quilling technique………………………………………………………13

9. Economic part………………………………………………………16

10. Environmental part……………………………………………………...17

11. Safety precautions at work……………………………………….18

12. Evaluation of the work done……………………………………………..19

14. Used literature…………………………………………… 21

15. Appendix……………………………………………………………………………….22


Quilling is an amazing type of needlework, which literally means “paper rolling” - an activity that is by no means for the lazy. Quilling can be simple and easy, complex, monochrome and multi-colored, touching or stylish, attractive to people of any age and gender. The versatility of quilling lies in the variety of finished products. My product, made using the quilling technique, has both social and practical significance. Quilling is an excellent decoration for a gift, a postcard, a painting that anyone can make. All these products will bring a lot of pleasure to each of us. This type of art in the interior is also interesting. There is not a person who would not give gifts to their loved ones and friends, or decorate the interior of an apartment or house with paintings and handmade crafts.

I can't talk about the novelty of my product. Of course, many people made this kind of product. However, for me there is some kind of “internal” novelty and relevance. I'm just starting to learn this art form and it's new to me. Quilling classes not only provide an opportunity to create unique crafts, but also perfectly calm the nervous system.

Justification of the topic of the selected project
Each of us has people close to us - mother, sister, grandmother, aunt, godmother. The holiday of March 8th or birthday is coming. The problem immediately arises - what to give to my dear loved one. Personally, I thought for a long time and went through all the options. I wanted something so non-repetitive and unusual that it would please the eyes of a loved one. I consulted with the teacher, the head of the school club “Artistic Embroidery”, who is also classroom teacher- Maria Ivanovna. She suggested making a painting using the quilling technique. First I completed a painting that was easy to do. I gave it to my mom for March 8th. Then I had an idea - to develop my abilities in this direction. I decided to complete the painting and give it to my grandmother for her birthday.

Having learned that competitions for student projects were being held in the area, I gladly agreed to take part. Many may be surprised why I don’t perform in the boys’ section? The fact is that I have been studying in a circle under the leadership of Maria Ivanovna for two years now. I really like studying in the circle, doing everything that it teaches us. Thus, my problem resolved itself.

Project goal and objectives

Target: Create a beautiful and original painting using the quilling technique.


    Assess your capabilities in project activities.

  • Develop and implement the project.

  • Development of such qualities as responsibility, accuracy, perseverance.

  • Evaluate the work done.

Reflection Framework

History of quilling

In English, this needlework is called “quilling” - from the word “quill” or “bird feather”. Unlike origami, which originated in Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. In medieval Europe, nuns created elegant medallions by twisting paper with gilded edges onto the tip of a bird's feather. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold strips. Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little has survived from medieval masterpieces. However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries around the world. Paper rolling quickly spread in Europe, but because paper, especially colored and high-quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic art became an art for ladies from wealthy sections of society.

Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western European countries, especially in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it “moved” to the East.

The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastic arts, papermaking and working with it have given the art of paper sculpture a new life. In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Art Lovers, uniting followers of various areas of paper art. In the 15th century it was considered art. At 19 - ladies' entertainment. For most of the 20th century it was forgotten. And only at the end of the last century quilling began to turn into an art again. In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. We associate paper with the idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree volumetric stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will be harmed. You can assemble a candy vase from paper elements and safely use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break. In general, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of ordinary paper. It should be noted that the Korean school of quilling (they call it paper rolling) is somewhat different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of parts; they are laconic, reminiscent of mosaics, and decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, so it loves fast technology. Eastern masters create works that resemble masterpieces of jewelry. The finest voluminous lace is woven from hundreds of small details

Bank of ideas and suggestions

The painting has bright paper colors. Various types of flowers. Lots of fringed daisies. Flying insect - bee. The hedge creates the impression of a natural picture of a village front garden. Great!

An unusually interesting color tone. So the painting is not complicated to execute. But to create one, I won’t be able to choose the appropriate color of paper.

The picture is simple to execute. A small range of colors, only three colors. Uniformity of created forms. I want something more original, extraordinary.

Colorful picture. Rich colors. It's easy to perform. A wide range of paper colors is required. I like it.

Selecting a painting model
After analyzing all the considered painting options, I decided to create my own. I collected a bouquet of flowers known to us. My work is done with great love and interest, in which I show myself as a designer.

It’s just that I don’t want to repeat myself and copy other people’s work. My painting is currently in progress, so I won’t be able to show its natural appearance. She will be presented at the defense of the project. For now, just a sketch.

Quilling Tools

To master the paper rolling technique, you do not need any special tool. In order to make the product, the following materials and accessories are required (Appendix 1-2).

Device for twisting ribbons(Fig. 1). Using this tool we twist paper spirals. You can make a simple tool from a round wooden stick 10cm long and a tapestry needle with a large eye. Insert the tip of the needle into the end of the stick and “bite off” the tip of the eye with pliers so that a gap remains. Awl(Fig.2). It is advisable to purchase an awl with a diameter of about one millimeter. Usually the awl has a cone shape, which can be inconvenient. In this case, you can use any hardened rod of suitable diameter. An awl (rod) is used to wind a spiral from a paper strip. In this case, it is necessary to control the tension force of the paper; the handle of the tool should be comfortable for this purpose. In shopsA special tool for twisting paper tapes is sold.

Scissors(Fig. 3). Like tweezers, they must have pointed ends. For maximum precision cutting of fringes. The blades must be sharpened evenly at a certain angle to the very tips. In this case, the scissors should work flawlessly along their entire length.

Glue(Fig. 4). There are no special recommendations.

However, it should dry quickly enough and not leave marks. I used PVA glue.

When marking a future composition, you will need the simplest drawing tools: a compass, a ruler, a pencil.

Tweezers(Fig. 5). The tips should be sharp and aligned exactly. To perform high precision work. Notches at the end are undesirable because... may leave marks on paper. The squeezing force should be comfortable for the hands, providing a secure grip with the least amount of pressure.

Materials(Fig.6). To work, you will need to use original Korean paper. Firstly, it has certain unique properties that manifest themselves in the process of giving it shape. Secondly, this paper comes conveniently cut into strips of various colors. The widest range of products is produced in Korea. Of course, you can try to practice with strips of plain paper, but working with it will be very problematic. The package contains strips of paper 27 centimeters long. The width varies from 2 millimeters to 3 centimeters. One package can contain either one color of paper or a whole rainbow of colors. The thickness and the material itself do not vary in any way, at least within one manufacturer. In my work I used tapes of different widths - 3, 5, 7mm.

Background. As a rule, a background is needed for quilling - thin cardboard, plywood, wood, cork, rough thick fabric, as well as any other material to which spirals can be attached.
Quilling technique

At first glance, the paper rolling technique is simple. A strip of quilling paper is rolled into a tight spiral. It will be convenient to start winding by twisting the edge of the paper quilling tape onto the tip of a sharp awl. Having formed the core of the spiral, it is advisable to continue working without using a quilling tool. This way you can feel with your fingertips whether the roll is being formed uniformly and adjust the effort as you go. The result should be a dense spiral less than a centimeter in diameter. It will be the basis for the further diversity of all forms. After which the paper spiral unfolds to the required size, and then the required quilling figure is formed from it.

The tip of the paper is grabbed by a drop of glue. Rolls can be shaped into a variety of shapes by compression and indentation.

There are a total of 20 basic elements for quilling, but the principle remains the same: roll, pinch, using your imagination. You can always come up with new quilling elements yourself.

Basic forms (Appendix 3).

Tight spiral (Fig. 1).

Twist the ribbon and glue the tip without removing the spiral from the needle so that the ribbon does not unwind.

Free spiral (Fig. 2).

Twist the ribbon, remove the spiral from the needle and let it unwind before gluing the end.

Drop (Fig. 3).

Make a loose spiral and squeeze it on one side so that it takes on the shape of a drop.

Curved drop (Fig. 4)

Make a drop and bend its corner.

Eye (Fig. 5).

Make a loose spiral and press opposite sides together to form an eye shape.

Leaf (Fig. 6)

Make a loose spiral and press opposite sides together to form an eye shape.

Diamond (Fig. 7).

Make a loose spiral, compress it into the shape of an eye and bend the corners in different directions.

Triangle (Fig. 8).

Make a loose spiral and compress it in three places to form a triangle.

Arrow (Fig. 9).

Make a loose spiral and compress it into a triangle. Press the two corners together to create an arrow.

Semicircle (Fig. 10).

Make a free spiral, squeeze two corners so that one side of the workpiece is flat and the other is rounded.

Crescent (Fig. 11).

Make a loose spiral, squeeze two corners and bend the workpiece into a crescent shape.

Cone (Fig. 12).

Twist a tight spiral into a cone, glue the tip of the tape, then remove the workpiece from the needle.

Bird's foot (Fig. 13).

Make a free spiral, compress the triangle. Fold two corners towards the third and press firmly.

Star (Fig. 14).

Make a loose spiral, pinch five corners at equal intervals to make a star.

How to fold a rose.

Step 1 (Fig. 15). Cut a paper strip 10mm wide, 20cm long, insert it into the slot of the needle.

Step 2 (Fig. 16). Wrap the ribbon around the needle three times and secure the wraps with a drop of glue.

Step 3 (Fig. 17). Bend the tape at a right angle towards you, make a turn, laying the tape with a socket, so that its lower edge fits tightly to the needle.

Step 4 (Fig. 18). Secure the turn with glue and continue bending and twisting, thus gluing each turn, until you have laid the entire tape.

Step 5 (Fig. 19). Tuck the end of the ribbon under the rose and glue it in place. Leave the workpiece on the needle until the shape of the rose is fixed enough that the flower can be removed without damaging it. The rose is ready.

Economic part

Product cost calculation

Name of material

Price, rub.)



Quilling paper (3mm)




Quilling paper (6mm)




Quilling paper (9mm)




Quilling tool (




Quilling paper (4mm)




Background (colored cardboard)




PVC glue




Quilling paper in sheets (A4)






Considering that I had the frame and did the work myself during the day, the total cost of the product will be 578 rubles.

Ecological part
All materials used are environmentally friendly. PVA glue is non-toxic and dries quickly. After drying, it does not emit harmful and chemical substances. In addition, it is fire and explosion proof. The paper is made from environmentally friendly wood. So they will not cause harm to human health and the environment.

Safety precautions at work
with scissors:

  • store scissors in a specific place

  • place them with their sharp ends closed away from you

  • don't leave them open

  • pass the scissors to each other rings first
when working with PVA glue:

  • If glue gets into your eyes, rinse with plenty of running water.
with a stationery knife:

  • Store your knife with the blade closed

  • Do not work with a dull or defective knife

  • Don't hold the knife with the blade up

  • Hand the knife to your friend with the handle forward or closed

  • When working, place a board under it to avoid damaging the surface of the desk.
With an awl:

  • Do not leave the awl unattended, always put it in the tool box

  • Pass the awl with the handle forward

  • When working with an awl, be careful not to injure your hand.

Evaluation of the work done

Quilling – interesting activity. The versatility of quilling lies in the fact that traditional ideas and techniques change and develop.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Gymnasium No. 10

Creative project

by technology

on the topic« Painting using quilling technique"

Lukhovitsy 2014


Quilling stories

Project idea

Quilling technique

Materials, tools for quilling

Safety regulations

Product cost calculation

Environmental assessment




Annex 1

Appendix 2


Everyone of us has made a paper craft at least once in our lives.

Paper is an unusually expressive and malleable material. You can create a whole world out of it.

There are many types of paper plastic. The most famous in our country is the Japanese art of folding figures from a sheet of paper - origami. Today I will introduce you to another technique that is still little known among us - the art of paper rolling or, as it is called in the West, quilling.

Quilling - the art of twisting long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modifying their shape and composing the resulting parts into three-dimensional or planar compositions.

Quilling - the name of this needlework originates from the English word “quill”, i.e. "bird feather"

Quilling is sometimes also called paper filigree. All you have to do is start twisting paper figures and you will not be able to tear yourself away from this exciting activity. And all because making crafts using the quilling method is very simple.

All you need to acquire such beautiful figurines is a minimum of consumables and a little patience.

By constructing various paper figures made from multi-colored paper, you can decorate cards, baskets, and boxes. Quilling earrings have become especially popular recently.

In Russia, this type of creativity was not particularly popular. However, in recent years, housewives, needlewomen and creative people have united and revived the ancient art of crafts and gifts.

The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastic arts, papermaking and working with it have given the art of paper sculpture a new life.

History of the art of quilling.

The art of paper rolling arose in Europe at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century.

In medieval Europe, nuns created elegant medallions by twisting paper with gilded edges onto the tip of a bird's feather. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold strips.

Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little has survived from medieval masterpieces. However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries around the world.

Paper rolling quickly spread in Europe, but due to the fact that paper, especially colored and high-quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic art became an art only for ladies from the upper classes.

So, in the 15th century it was considered art. In the 19th century - ladies' entertainment. For most of the 20th century it was forgotten. And only at the end of the last century quilling began to turn into an art again. In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

We associate paper with the idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree volumetric stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will be harmed. You can assemble a candy vase from paper elements and safely use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break. In a word, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of ordinary paper.

Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western European countries, especially in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it was adopted in the East. The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastic arts, papermaking and working with it have given the art of paper sculpture a new life. IN

In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Art Lovers, uniting followers of a wide variety of areas of paper art.

It should be noted that the Korean school of quilling is somewhat different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of parts; they are laconic, reminiscent of mosaics, and decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, so it loves fast technology. Eastern masters create works that resemble masterpieces of jewelry. The finest voluminous lace is woven from hundreds of small details.

Project idea.

During the technology lesson we tried many techniques for making products. I decided to try a new technique - quilling. Thin strips of paper are rolled into rolls, which are then used to make elements of various shapes using simple manipulations.

Quilling is a technique of twisting paper, a new, very popular and fashionable type of needlework today. Despite its unusualness and apparent complexity, it is quite accessible to any beginning craftswoman.

What should I choose? Using this technique, you can decorate an album, a photo frame, a postcard, make a Christmas tree decoration, a hot stand, decorative dishes, a picture.

I also wanted to try this simple technique, and after I reviewed in detail the sequence of execution of this product and chose such a wonderful picture, I was inspired by the idea of ​​completing this project.

My task is to make an interesting, original product using the quilling technique, which would immediately catch the eye with its bright, unusual appearance, attracting a lot of attention in its direction.

What requirements do I have for my future product:

    My product must be beautiful, neat and meet the requirements of modern fashion.

    The design of the product must correspond to a pre-thought-out sketch.

    Any defects that arise must be eliminated during work.

    The cost of purchasing materials should be minimal.

Quilling technique.

Quilling is a very “live”, colorful and creative process, so it is very important to choose not only visually beautiful, but also high-quality materials to create its elements. The main material in quilling is strips of paper of different colors, with a width of 3 mm. Most often, strips with typical sizes are used in work - 3mm, 7mm, 9mm wide.

There are quite a large number of basic elements in quilling, and each element takes a few seconds to produce. And then you can start experimenting. Pinch on one side and you get a drop, pinch on the other side and you get the shape of an eye.

You can give paper various two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes: squares, ovals, stars, cones, hemispheres. Acting as elements of the composition, these figures can represent tree leaves, flowers, candlesticks and much more.

    We mark the short sides of a sheet of colored paper in 3 mm divisions.

    We always start measuring from one edge, in case the last division turns out to be smaller than the others.

    Using a utility knife, cut the strips to fit the ruler. To save time and effort, you can cut several sheets at once, fastening them with paper clips or clothespins. The ruler must be pressed very carefully, the knife must be sharp.

    Cut with one long movement, pressing well on the knife and not cutting your fingers (or the table). We get multi-colored strips of paper 3 mm wide and approximately 30 cm long.

    To make a petal, take a strip of the desired color and wrap it tightly around a toothpick. The tip of the toothpick can be split to make it easier to fix the end of the strip.

    Carefully remove the roll from the toothpick and place it in the hole of the officer’s ruler with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm. Let go, the paper unfolds to the size of the hole. Do not hold the removed roll in your hands for a long time, otherwise it will then be difficult to unroll.

    Glue the outer end of the strip and let the glue dry.

    We take out the resulting spiral and pinch it tightly with our fingers on one side. So we made one of the basic elements of quilling - a “drop” (or “tear”). There are about 20 basic elements, but the principle remains the same: roll and pinch.

    For variety, we use one more element for the second leaf.

    That's what it's called - "leaf". To do this, we do everything as for the “eye”, but after pinching, without letting go of the ends, we move them in different directions in relation to each other.

Now making the middle is quite easy: just leave the spiral as is, without pinching it. Make the middle of a smaller diameter - use the smaller hole in the officer's ruler (about 1 cm). By the way, we will call this element a “free spiral”.

(Annex 1) .

    fringed flowers

    Cut a strip of colored paper 1 cm wide and as long as an A4 sheet. We make transverse cuts on it along the entire length with a depth of approximately 8 mm every 1-1.5 mm. The result is a fringe with a base approximately 2 mm wide. You need to cut carefully so as not to cut the strip into pieces. You can clamp the edge of the strip into an office clothespin or something similar: it will serve as a limiter, the scissors will rest against it. For some it will be easier to cut this way.

    We wrap the finished fringe on a special tool or toothpick, as in regular quilling.

    Carefully glue the tip and let the glue dry. It turns out to be a paper cylinder.

    Carefully bend the fringe outward. So we got a fluffy flower. But this is only one option.

    In the second option, we also cut the fringe, and then glue a regular narrow strip for quilling (3 mm) to it, where the base of the “hairs” of the fringe is. We select the color of the narrow strip the same way we want to make the middle of the flower.

    We wind, starting from the end of the narrow strip.

    A narrow strip makes a flat center, and a fringe makes petals. Glue the tip and let it dry.

All that remains is to bend the petals.

(Appendix 2)

Materials, tools for quilling.

Quilling is a simple type of needlework that does not require large expenses. You don't need expensive tools or a specially equipped workplace. In order to make any of the compositions, prepare the following materials and accessories:

1.Paper tapes of different widths.

The most commonly used tapes are 3.4, 6 and 10 mm wide. They are sold in craft stores.

With this tool you will twist paper spirals. If desired, you can make a simple tool from a round wooden stick 10 cm long and a tapestry needle with a large eye. Insert the tip of the needle into the end of the stick and “bite off” the tip of the eye with pliers so that a gap remains. Ribbon twisting machines are sold at craft stores.


Buy tweezers at a supermarket or pharmacy. It would be better if it had flat ends. The paper blank is held with tweezers while glue is applied to it and glued to the cardboard.

4. Scissors.

It is most convenient to work with small scissors with sharp tips. They must be well sharpened.

5. Centimeter and ruler.

Used to measure tape length.


Used to apply glue to the workpiece.

7.White PVA glue.

This glue is sold at craft stores, hardware stores, and printing kiosks. The glue should not leave stains when drying. Apply a minimal amount.

8. Cardboard.

White and colored plain cardboard is sold in craft and stationery stores.

9. Device for cutting fringe.

Many models have parts with fringe, which is much easier to cut using special device. Cutting many identical thin strips with scissors is an extremely tedious task! Try to find such a device at a craft store.

Safety regulations.

Rules for working with glue:

    When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

    Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the job at this stage.

    Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

    Wash your brush and hands well with soap after use.

Rules for working with scissors:

    Store your knife in a designated place.

    Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

    Place the scissors with the rings towards you.

    Pass the scissors rings first.

    Don't play with scissors, don't bring it to your face.

    Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

    Don't leave scissors open.

    Scissors should have rounded ends.

Calculation of product cost.

Let's summarize the money spent. The cost of scissors and needles, forceps are not taken into account, because they were found at my home. We do not take into account energy costs, because work was carried out during the daytime.

Used materials

20 RUR (1 pack)

18 rubles (1 piece)

90 rub. (1 piece)

WITH P = M 2 + R oh, Where

WITH P - full cost;

M - material costs ;

R op - the cost of the work itself.

WITHn = 128 +100=228 (rub.)

Environmental assessment.

Quilling does not have a harmful (negative) effect on the environment. Only environmentally friendly materials were used in the manufacture of the product.

Paper does not have a negative impact on human health.

The quilling technique is complex, but only at the beginning. And yet, quilling is a fascinating and beautiful work that helps a person develop culturally.

Quilling is also a great way to overcome psychological problems that already exist; it is a common form of “occupational psychotherapy” that is used for certain neurotic disorders.


So I finished working on a creative project. I put a lot of effort and effort into it.

My product produces a positive emotional effect. If all quality requirements are met, you can get a competitive product on the market.

I enjoyed it immensely. I really like my job. While doing the work, I learned a lot about quilling, read and watched a lot of books, magazines, and materials on the Internet.

I showed my work to my mother, my friends and my technology teacher. They said the work was great and I was just great.

The world of creative imagination is limitless, and the paper rolling technique allows you to bring even the most original fantasies to life. Touch the magic!


There is no special charm in my work. Surprisingly calm, she unexpectedly catches your eye and envelops you with warmth. True, not everyone can call the technique easy and uncomplicated. This exciting activity attracts everyone from young to old.

I succeeded in my goal of surprising and revealing the secrets of this art. So I don’t know about you, dear commission, but I have interested ordinary people who are not passionate about this science, and this is what I consider my great achievement and pride!

I wouldn’t exchange my job for any other, because... My work has its own unique style that you won’t find anywhere else.


    Alexandra Bystritskaya. Paper filigree - 2nd ed. – M.: Iris-press, 2008. – 128 p.

    Anna Zaitseva. The art of quilling.

    The magic of paper tapes. – M.: Eksmo, 2009. – 64 p.

  1. /quilling/9-tehnika/6-tehnika-kvillinga



Annex 1

Appendix 2 (paper rolling), ... on water "Center for Fine Arts" Post illustrations, paintings , photos By ...

  • topics

    Working programm course

    Added clock (paper rolling), ... topic: « Technology drawings and graphics... , photos technologies quilling, fulfill water "Center for Fine Arts" Post illustrations, V technology"iso", perform water "Center for Fine Arts" Post illustrations, V technologies"Kirigami". Technology... Chernyakova V.N. Creative project , photos technologies fabric processing. Education...

  • Additional educational program for studying the basics of visual literacy and decorative and applied arts of the creative association “Magic Palette”

    Educational program

    ... , photos technologies sculpting from salt dough. Technology modeling three-dimensional crafts from salt dough (paper rolling), ...... V technology quilling , photos selected topic. Execution of mobile postcards , photos samples, , photos own sketches. Performing creative projects V technology modular...

  • Educational program for additional education for children “quilling”

    Educational program

    ... water "Center for Fine Arts" Post illustrations, ... (paper rolling), ... educational literature, teacher experience, time-tested methods and technologies... 2 1 1 6.5 Protection project 2 1 1 Final lesson... quilling: Tight Coil, Basic Elements quilling: a drop. Openwork elements quilling. Instructions , photos technology ...

  • Calendar and thematic planning. Total number of hours per discipline according to the curriculum: Number of hours: 34

    Calendar and thematic planning

    Hours (paper rolling), ... discipline , photos educational... in technology quilling; Reproduction of individual ideas in design projects. Educational... Technology creation paintings from paper tapes. Possible options lesson and extracurricular activities in this technology ...

  • State Institution "Aidarlinskaya Secondary School" of the Education Department of the Akimat of the Karasu District


    (decorative and applied arts)

    Executor: Kolominskaya Daria Sergeevna,

    7th grade student at Aydarlinsky secondary school

    Kostanay region, Karasu district

    Supervisor: Lukiyanova Svetlana Stepanovna

    technology teacher at Aydarlinsky secondary school




    Project goals and objectives



    History of quilling


    Sketches of alternative models. Design analysis


    The grafical part

    Organizational plan for the production of the project being designed

    List of technological documentation attached to the product


    Characteristics of the materials, tools and devices used for quilling


    Safety regulations

    Making basic elements for a painting

    Product design and assembly.

    Drawing up an instruction sheet for product manufacturing


    Economic part

    Product cost calculation


    Ecological part .

    Environmental assessment



    Results of the research work





    For many centuries, people decorated their lives, clothes, folk craftsmen created utensils, painted them, and came up with toys for children. We, modern schoolchildren, despite our workload, still remain children, dreamers, inventors and creators. I have been doing creativity, both in technology lessons and in arts and crafts clubs, for 4 years now. We study many different quilting techniques: embroidery, applique, beading, origami, but I especially liked quilling. When I first saw paintings using the quilling technique, I was surprised that such beauty was made of paper.

    Paper is the first material from which we children begin to craft, create, and create unique products. Our children's persistent interest in crafts made from paper is also determined by the fact that this material gives great scope for creativity. A sheet of paper helps you feel like an artist, designer, constructor, and most importantly, an infinitely creative person. In modern times, paper comes in a wide variety. Colored and white, velvet and glossy, corrugated and smooth - it is accessible to all segments of society. Using paper you can decorate a Christmas tree, put together a puzzle, make funny toy or a gift box and much, much more. The usual material - paper - is taking on a new modern direction; it can be used in different techniques. My choice is the art form “Quilling”.

    Quilling is a technique of twisting paper, a new, very popular and fashionable type of needlework today. Despite its unusualness and apparent complexity, it is quite accessible to any beginning craftswoman.As a result of painstaking work, a real work of art is obtained from ordinary strips of paper.Thin strips of paper are rolled into rolls, which are then used to make elements of various shapes using simple manipulations.Quilling is a very beautiful type of needlework that does not require much investment, and it is quite suitable for my project.

    Project idea.

    In technology lessons, we tried many techniques for making products, andEvery year we complete a creative project.The theme of my project this year is I

    I chose to make the product using the quilling technique. I was interested in this technique. What should I choose? Using this technique you can decorate an album, photo frame, postcard, make Christmas tree toy, a hot stand, decorative dishes, a painting. Working with paper is a pleasure in itself. I learned how to do various crafts in the quilling technique, and now I want to try my hand at more daring projects, such as “Pictures using the quilling technique.”

    Justification of the topic of the selected project.

    For my grandmother's birthday, I wanted to make a gift with my own hands. I wanted to do something original, but at the same time not very difficult to implement. I decided to give a gift to my grandmother, and this gift will be the painting “Horse”. The horse is a very beautiful, graceful animal, and I think that my grandmother will really like this picture.

    Handicrafts are now becoming an increasingly fashionable hobby. A hand-made postcard or painting is valued much higher than one bought in a store. After all, not only skill, but also a piece of the soul is invested in making such gifts.

    I chose a creative project on the topic “Paintings using Quilling technique “, since making the most beautiful panel is an unusual, interesting and exciting activity.

    I decided to learn more about this technique and master its basics as best as possible.

    Purpose of the creative project: Learn to create original paintings with your own hands using the quilling technique; Vexecution of a product that most fully represented my knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired during the learning process in technology lessons.

    To achieve my goals I have to decide the followingtasks:

    Project objectives:

      Study the history of the emergence and development of the decorative and applied art technique “Quilling”;expand your horizons;

      Improve the abilities, knowledge, skills and work techniques acquired in technology lessons and in club classes;

      Make a gift for my grandmother;

      Evaluate the work done.

    Relevance: Recently, interest in folk crafts and decorative and applied arts has been revived, and quilling, as one of its types, is very interesting, easy to make, but not well known in Kazakhstan.
    Hypothesis: in my opinion, if schoolchildren learn the history of quilling and master this technique, their interest in decorative and applied arts will increase, therefore, more creative children will appear.

    Experimental base: State Institution "Aidarlinskaya Secondary School" of the education department of the akimat of the Karasu region.

    Research stages: the first stage is theoretical (December 2016)
    second stage – practical (January 9 – February 9, 2016-2017 school year)
    third stage – analytical (February 2016-2017 academic year)

    Significance - During the research, I studied the history of the emergence and development of one of the types of decorative and applied art “Quilling”, carried out practical work, created a panel using the Quilling technique. Introduced students in grades 3 and 7 to the basic elements of the quilling technique.



      What is "quilling"? This is the art of creating flat or three-dimensional compositions from long narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals. The name comes from the English word “quill” - “bird feather”. And not even so much because the works of quilling masters are so graceful and airy that they resemble bird feathers. It’s just that in ancient times, products using this technique were made by winding thin strips of paper around the tips of bird feathers. I don’t know about you, but I like this word better than the Russian version - “paper rolling”.

      How and when did quilling originate? Version – East.

    The history of quilling is quite unusual. This art passed from West to East and back, enriched by the national characteristics of different cultures. It is also possible that the appearance of quilling dates back to different cultures. Although the origins of quilling are not recorded anywhere, some believe that the art form began right after the invention of paper in China in 105 AD. Other sources believe that this art form existed in ancient Egypt. One thing is clear - quilling has a rich history.
    It is believed that in the 300s and 400s, silver and gold stripes were used to decorate columns and vases, and using this technique to create beautiful Jewelry. By the 1200s this art form was very popular.

    In Korea, paper rolling acquired characteristic qualities inherent in the art of the East. Every job eastern master can require enormous time to manufacture, be distinguished by the greatest care, subtlety and consist of hundreds of tiny details combined into one perfect composition.
    In Korea, quilling is even included in the school curriculum, and is also considered a form of national art.

    3. How and when did quilling originate? Version – West.

    In Europe, the art of paper rolling arose during the Renaissance, at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 16th centuries. Nuns in Catholic Italian and French monasteries learned to create miniature jewelry from gilded paper, which was often cut out from the gilded margins of books. Quite possible! After all, the mysterious and unhurried world of medieval monasteries was quite conducive to leisurely work. Nuns used quilling to decorate book covers and religious objects. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold strips.Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little has survived from medieval masterpieces. However, in England, the Victoria and Albert Museum in London houses many of the creations of Princess Elizabeth, who was seriously interested in the art of quilling.

    In the 18th century, filigree paper lace became popular in Europe; at that time, girls studied needlework in special schools; this was one of the few activities allowed to women from the upper classes. Why - precisely from the “highest”? – It is quite clear that the quality varies colored paper was once a very expensive material, which only the privileged class could freely use.

    In the 19th century, this was already a favorite entertainment for ladies. Quilling decorations were used everywhere: on cabinets and counters, purses, ladies' accessories, pictures and frames, baskets, coats of arms and wine barrels. Quilling was also very actively used in decorating furniture; some furniture was made with special recesses in the front panels to look like paper lace. Quilling was also used in combination with embroidery, painting and other forms of art. But for most of the 20th century it was forgotten. And only at the end of the last century quilling began to turn into an art again.

    Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western European countries, especially in England and Germany. In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Art Lovers, uniting followers of various areas of paper art.

    The basics of quilling are included in the curriculum for primary classes. In modern times, quilling is included in the curriculum of arts and crafts clubs.

    Sketches of models made using the quilling technique. Bank of ideas and proposals.

    Vases and boxes using quilling technique

    Quilling toys Baskets and photo frames


      1. After exploring all possible ideas, I decided to complete the “Quilling Paintings” project. This will be a gift for my grandmother, the painting “Horse”.

    2.I compiledplan for organizing work on the manufacture of the designed product.

      I compiled a list of technological documentation attached to the product.

      Ready product.

      A completed creative project.

      Presentation for a creative project.



    Quilling is a simple type of needlework that does not require large expenses. I don't need expensive tools or a specially equipped workplace. In order to make my painting, I prepared the following materials and supplies:

    1. Paper ribbons cut from colored paper A 4.

    The most commonly used tapes are 3.4, 6 and 10 mm wide. They are sold in craft stores. But I myself cut strips 5 mm wide from colored sheets office paper And 4, it turns out much cheaper (42 stripes from one sheet).

    Corrugated cardboard. Used to work on eyes, nostrils and ears (1 sheet)

    2. Device for twisting ribbons.

    Using this tool, paper spirals are twisted. Ribbon twisting machines are sold at craft stores. You can use an awl. If desired, you can make a simple tool from a round wooden stick 10 cm long and a tapestry needle with a large eye.

    I will use a regular toothpick.


    The paper blank is held with tweezers while glue is applied to it and glued to the cardboard. Tweezers can be purchased at a supermarket or pharmacy. It would be better if it had flat ends. I took the tweezers from my mother.

    4. Scissors.

    It is most convenient to work with small scissors with sharp tips. They must be well sharpened. I already had scissors for crafts and cutting paper.

    5. Quilling ruler.

    This is a ruler with circles of different diameters. Used to make spirals of the same diameter. The technology teacher gave it to me.

    6. Centimeter ruler and a simple pencil.

    I use them to mark lines on a sheet of paper.

    7.Toothpicks or small brushes.

    Used to apply glue to the workpiece.

    8. White PVA glue.

    This glue is sold in office supply stores. The glue should not leave stains when drying. A minimum amount must be applied.

    8. Cardboard.

    Colored plain cardboard is sold in craft and stationery stores.

    9. Device for cutting fringe.

    Many models have parts with fringe, which is much easier to cut using a special tool. Cutting many identical thin strips with scissors is an extremely tedious task!

    Justification for the choice of colors

    I used various color shades blue – cold and warm blue colors. Why did I choose these colors? In my mind, they are the personification of freshness, like the freshness of the morning. Such a variety of tones will remind me of the warm season.



    Before starting to manufacture the product, it is necessary to repeat the safety rules when performing technological operations.

    Safety regulations.

    Rules for working with glue:

      When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

      Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage.

      Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

      Wash your brush and hands thoroughly with soap after use.

      Rules for working with scissors:

      Store scissors in a designated place.

      Use well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

      Place the scissors with the rings facing you.

      Pass the scissors rings first.

    10.Do not play with scissors, do not bring them to your face.

    11.Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

    12.Do not leave scissors open.

    13.Scissors must have rounded ends.


    1. I used material from the Internet. Found it beautiful picture"horse"

    2. Copied the picture. In the XL program I increased it to the required size. I saved the painting template.

    3.I printed out the template.

      For my work, I needed double-sided colored paper (white, pale blue, bright blue, blue and green). Corrugated cardboard (dark blue)

      I prepared the paper and cut strips of the same width (5 mm).

      Prepared tweezers and PVA glue.

    Manufacturing of basic elements.

    The main element in quilling is the roll.

    You can give the roll various two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes: squares, ovals, stars, cones, hemispheres. Acting as elements of a composition, these figures can represent tree leaves, flowers, animals and much more.

      I mark the short sides of a sheet of colored paper in 5 mm divisions.

      I cut strips with a utility knife to fit the ruler. I get colored strips of paper 5 mm wide and about 30 cm long. I glue two strips together.

      To make a roll, I take a strip of the desired color and wrap it tightly around a toothpick.

      Carefully remove the roll from the toothpick and place it in the hole of the quilling ruler with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm. I release it and the paper unfolds to the size of the hole.

      I glue the outer end of the strip and let the glue dry.

      I take out the resulting spiral and pinch it tightly with my fingers on both sides. So I made one of the basic elements of quilling - the “eye”.

      In the same way I make the required number of basic elements of various shades of blue.[cm Appendix 1.]

      Having prepared the required number of elements for the painting, I begin assembly. I begin to paste the resulting forms onto the drawing template. I connect the parts together with PVA glue. I'm waiting for the glue to dry.

    After I have worked out in detail the sequence of execution of this product, I draw up an instruction sheet for manufacturing the product.[c m Appendix 2.]

    Requirements for finished product

      The design of the product must correspond to a pre-thought-out sketch.

      Any defects that arise must be eliminated during work.

      The cost of purchasing materials should be minimal.

      My product must be beautiful, neat and meet the requirements of modern fashion.



    For me, the quilling technique was difficult only at the beginning. Quilling is a fascinating and beautiful work that helps a person develop culturally. I had great pleasure working on the painting, and my grandmother really liked my gift. The work turned out just as I planned.

    My work turned out to be the following size:

    Work width – 29 cm

    Work along the length - 40 cm

    The size of the finished work is 30 x 41

    Calculation of product cost.

    Let me summarize the money spent. The cost of scissors and toothpicks, I don’t take into account the cost of tongs, because I found them at home. I don’t take into account the cost of a special ruler for quilling, since my technology teacher gave it to me. I don’t take into account energy costs, because... work was carried out during the daytime. I make the base of the picture and the frame from waste material (costs are 0)

    My costs for manufacturing the product wereone hundred ninety-five tenge (195 t)

    Environmental assessment.

    Quilling does not have a harmful (negative) effect on the environment. Only environmentally friendly materials were used in the manufacture of the product.

    Paper is not provided negative influence on human health.


    So I finished working on my painting. I put a lot of effort and effort into it. My product produces a positive emotional effect.

    I enjoyed it immensely. While doing the work, I learned a lot about quilling, read and watched a lot of materials on the Internet.

    I showed my work to my mother, my friends and my technology teacher. They said the work was great and I was just great.

    I really like the gift I gave to my grandmother. It is unusual, inexpensive and meets the intended requirements.When I look at my painting “Horse”, I see in front of me a beautiful, noble horse running through a flower meadow. This picture gives me wonderful feelings, I see a wonderful world in front of me. It seems to me that the pictures turned out even better than I had planned for myself. In addition, its low cost will bring savings to my family’s budget.It seems to me that the quilling skills I acquired will definitely be useful to me in life. If all quality requirements are met, you can get a competitive product on the market.


    Working on a creative project helped me learn more about quilling and analyze my research work on this topic.

    The implementation of the project contributed to the development and improvement of my capabilities in the field of paper plastics (quilling) and project activities; mastery of technical skills, development of artistic taste and creative attitude to the work performed.

    New skills and knowledge acquired during the production of the project.

    While doing this job I learned various paper techniques; create compositions with products made using the quilling technique; developed attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, Creative skills and fantasy.

    While preparing the project, I learned how to do the work carefully, developed my aesthetic taste, and acquired the skill of designing a project

    I really liked it the new kind art. I continued working in this technique. My paintings can serve as wonderful gifts to delight people and decorate the interior of any home.

    On your own personal experience(I’m 13 years old and I’m interested in quilling) I became convinced of the importance of quilling for a child’s development:

      Development fine motor skills hands.

      Development of concentration, memory, perseverance.

      Developing accuracy when working with small and fragile parts.

      Development of spatial imagination, the ability to combine colors and shapes.

      Development of the eye and the ability to form a whole from small parts.

      Development of creative abilities.

    Having introduced my classmates to this wonderful type of decorative and applied art, I realized that I had not done it in vain, many of them wanted to try their hand at quilling, and some even made cards using basic elements. And my younger sister, under my strict guidance, takes the first steps to learn the basics of quilling.

    I do not intend to stop there, and I want to continue my research, study in detail loop quilling, corrugated cardboard quilling, volumetric quilling and more.

    I succeeded in my goal of surprising and revealing the secrets of this art. So I don’t know about you, dear commission, but I have interested ordinary people who are not passionate about this science, and this is what I consider my great achievement and pride!

    I wouldn’t exchange my job for any other, because... My work has its own unique style that you won’t find anywhere else.

    The project I had in mind has been completed.

    The world of creative imagination is limitless, and the paper rolling technique allows you to bring even the most original fantasies to life. Touch the magic!


      A. Bystritskaya. Paper filigree.-M.: Eksmo-Press, 2013.

      A. Zaitseva. The art of quilling. The magic of paper tapes. – M.: Eksmo, 2009.

      D. Ciotti. “ Original crafts made of paper.” Eksmo-Press, 2011

      Yu. Chudina. Quilling for the whole family. From simple to complex. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2013.

    Internet resources:

    Annex 1

    Base element manufacturing process

    Basic Basic Elements

    Original roll

    Basic module form




    Curved Eye



    Hare's ear

    twisted heart



    Appendix 2

    Technological map for the production of the painting “Horse”.

    3. I glue the end of a strip of loose roll (spiral).

    4. I give the spirals the shape of “eye”, “wave”, etc.

    5. I start assembling. I take the finished elements, spread them with glue and glue them to the design template. The location can be whatever I want. It depends on your imagination. The main thing is not to go beyond the boundaries of the drawing.

    6. I start assembling with the parts in the center (the horse's eye). I design the eye. Then I design the animal’s nostrils and ears.

    7. I lay out the contours of the horse’s muzzle and neck

    8. I cut strips of corrugated cardboard 8 mm wide so that the horse’s mane is slightly higher than the muzzle. Shaping my mane.

    9. I draw white highlights on the animal’s face.

    10. Filling the empty parts of the horse figure with elements

    11. I make grass preparations.

    12. I paste all the details onto the prepared background. Making a frame

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