Pranks of evil spirits for the New Year scenario. Scenario for a New Year tree in an elementary school “New Year’s tricks of evil spirits”

Municipal educational institution "Bryukhovskaya basic secondary school"

Perm region Elovsky district village. Bryukhovo

Scenario Christmas tree

V primary school.

Teacher primary classes:

Korotkova Tatyana Leonidovna

Scenario for a New Year tree in elementary school.

New Year's tricks evil spirits.

Characters: Baba Yaga, Leshy, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Parsley.

Progress of the holiday.

Leading: Our dear guests,

We hasten to congratulate everyone!

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you.

May it be for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries,

It won't just be new,

And happy New Year!

Leading: What a miracle our Christmas tree is!

My eyes widen.

The needles glitter with tinsel,

This is how beautiful the Christmas tree is!

Hurry up, hurry up

Stand around the tree.

Start an honest people

Round dance around the Christmas tree!

Children stand in a round dance and sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” After the song, Leshy and Baba Yaga appear in the hall in the costumes of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga:(loudly scolding Leshy) Hurry up, your legs are spruce!

After all, we’ll be late, we won’t have time, Leshy will tease you!

Goblin: How will he bully me if I myself am the Leshy? Are you crazy, Yaga?

Baba Yaga: Be quiet, bite your tongue! I’m not your yaga now, Snow Maiden! And you are not a goblin, but Grandfather Frost! Do you remember? Be careful not to mix it up, otherwise Kashcheyushka will punish you!

Goblin:(notices those present) Oh, children!... It seems they have arrived!

Baba Yaga: Attention, we are starting the operation! Behind me! (to children).

Goblin:(To the goblin) Say something!

Baba Yaga: What if I don’t know what to say!

Goblin: Then at least repeat after me!

Baba Yaga: Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Goblin: Santa Claus and I came to your holiday!

Baba Yaga: Yeah...... Santa Claus and I came.....

Goblin:(pushes Leshy in the side) Think about what you say! Tell me why we came.

Baba Yaga: We came to replace Father Frost and Snow Maiden. We can also celebrate the New Year. We'll have a little fun and that's it.

Goblin: Don't listen to him, don't listen! Santa Claus is joking. He overheated in the sun, his temperature is high! (To the goblin) Pretend that you are sick.

Baba Yaga: Oh, it hurts, it hurts! (grabs at different places.)

Goblin: You see, guys, how bad grandpa is, he’s growing up now. We urgently need to sing him a song. Stand in a circle, hold hands, walk and sing a song. Grandpa, start singing!

Baba Yaga: What about singing? I don't know the songs!

Goblin: Sing what you know! If only about winter and frost.

The goblin sings the folk song “Oh, frost, frost...” Everyone moves in a circle in a round dance, those who know the song sing along with Leshy.

Leading: Stop, stop! This is not the right song! Now the guys will show you how to sing correctly.

Round dance "Santa Claus"

Father Frost.

1 . To us under New Year knocking

Old Grandfather Frost.

It sparkles with snowflakes,

It is overgrown with icicles.

Chorus: Father Frost! Father Frost!

It's covered in icicles!

2. Our house smells like tar.

New Year is coming,

And a cheerful grandfather at the Christmas tree

He dances with us.

Chorus: New Year! New Year!

He dances with us.

3 . Grandfather has a bag behind his back.

Not a bag, but a whole cart.

It contains toys and candies

Good Santa Claus.

Chorus: That's how it is, that's how it is.

Good grandfather brought it!

Goblin: Good song, touches the soul!

Baba Yaga: Well, Santa Claus has recovered. He won't say anything stupid anymore, but will make you laugh. (To the goblin) Hey, wake up! It's time to play with the guys.

Goblin: Are you talking about playing? What to play? You made the mess, now you can play!

Baba Yaga: Yes, I only know one game: Hide and Seek. And here there is nowhere to hide.

Goblin: And I only know one game - “Confusion”. I confuse everyone in the forest.

Baba Yaga: So try to confuse the children. Try it, try it! I'll take a look.

Goblin: Well, hold on, guys! Listen carefully, answer in unison and try not to get confused in the answers. Can you handle it? Yeah, let's check it now!

In the New Year, before you overeat 2. From the blue stream

He ate sweets and jam. The river begins...

He lived on the roof, poor thing, They sang this song loudly

His name was…….. Three cheerful………

(Cheburashka - Carlson) (Piglet - Little Raccoon)

He plays a little bit 4. He was a rain cloud,

For passers-by on an accordion. I went home with Piglet,

Everyone knows a musician! And, of course, he loved honey.

His name……… This is Gena……

(Shapoklyak - Crocodile Gena) (Crocodile - Winnie - Pooh)

Baba Yaga: Oh, and I want to play with you guys! Do you like to dance?

We will dance what is fashionable

We will move freely.

Let's shake our hand first,

Belly and head

And then you need to use your ears...

Shall we try it, guys?

Let the whole hall groan,

We're going to shake things up here!

Children, together with Baba Yaga, perform the “Dance of the Little Ducklings.”

Goblin: Look, Yaga, that is, Snow Maiden, how smart and cheerful everyone here is - they can do everything: sing, dance, and solve riddles. Oh, I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with them. We won’t be able to teach them to play pranks and do mischief.

Baba Yaga: You should run less and think more.

Goblin: I would love to, but it doesn’t work! My brain is made of wood! But my hearing is good. Now I hear that someone is coming.....

Snow Maiden and Parsley enter the hall. Seeing them, Baba Yaga hides behind Leshy.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys!

If it's cold outside, all the trees are silver,

The Christmas tree is blooming with lights, which means New Year is coming!

Petrushka and I came to wish you a Happy New Year. We came specially early to prepare for the meeting with Grandfather Frost!

Parsley: Oh, look, Snow Maiden. And he turns out to be here! (points to Leshy) Hello, grandfather! How did you manage to overtake us?

Goblin: And I didn’t manage to do anything, I was always here!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, you didn’t come alone. You brought guests too! Who is that hiding behind you?

Baba Yaga:(comes out from behind Leshy) And I dropped my mitten here!

Parsley:(sits on the floor in surprise) Oh, two Snow Maidens!

Snow Maiden: I don't understand anything! Who you are?

Baba Yaga: Right now, you'll understand! The unclean one brought you! One two Three!

Baba Yaga and Leshy tear off the costumes of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost.

Parsley: This is Baba Yaga and the goblin! Save! (covers face with hands)

Baba Yaga: Grab her! Knit it! Get her!

Goblin:(points to Petrushka) Shall we take this?

Baba Yaga: What's the use of it! He's still a fool. And for the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus will give us something and give it away! Let's run!

Baba Yaga and Leshy run away and take the Snow Maiden with them.

Parsley: Ah ah ah! Do not touch me! Don't hit me! (opens his eyes) So, have they already left? Where is the Snow Maiden? Oh, what have I done? I didn’t save the Snow Maiden, the Snow Maiden was stolen. What should we do? Who should I call? We need to tell Santa Claus everything! Guys, where is Santa Claus? There is no! Not here either! (Parsley is looking for Santa Claus around the Christmas tree, around the hall)... Ah-ah-ah, he hasn’t come yet. So, we need to call him. Let's do it! To make it louder and faster we will shout like this: girls will shout “Grandfather”, and boys will shout “Frost”

Petrushka first rehearses first with girls, then with boys. After the rehearsal, he asks everyone to shout their words at the same time. The children are screaming.

Parsley: No, something is going wrong. And it’s not clear. Let's do it the other way around: boys will now shout “Grandfather”, and girls “Frost”. Got it? Oh, well, everyone shouted together!

The children all scream together.

Parsley: Again nothing is clear! And if we all shout together: “Grandfather Frost, come quickly!” Let's try. Three four!

Children call Grandfather Frost. New Year's music is playing. Santa Claus enters the hall.

Father Frost: Who is it here that is calling me so loudly? Who wants to see me?

I am a real Santa Claus from a deep, dense thicket,

Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts, where there are snowstorms and blizzards,

Where the forests are dense and the snow is loose.

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

How beautiful and elegant you all are! It's kind of quiet here. Don't you sing songs or dance?

Parsley: Oh, grandpa! There is no time for a holiday now, no time for fun! Trouble, trouble has happened, bitter grief!

Father Frost: Wait, Petrushka, don’t rush! Explain clearly what happened?

Parsley: They stole, they stole, they took away! And I didn’t see it, I didn’t save it! The Snow Maiden was stolen, your granddaughter!

Father Frost: Yes, misfortune! And who decided to do such a thing?

Parsley: Guys, tell me, who kidnapped the Snow Maiden? (children's answers). Yes, yes Baba Yaga and the goblin!

Father Frost: Ah, that's it! We have been living with them in a fairytale forest for a long time, but I never expected such treachery from them. That is OK! They still couldn't go far. Guys, let's find the villains - the conspirators? (children answer) Shall we bring back the Snow Maiden? (children answer) Then pay attention! Let's play the game. Memorize the words and repeat the movements with Parsley.

Parsley plays the game “Round Dance 1, 2, 3!”

Game "Round Dance 1, 2, 3!"

Parsley: We'll go right now!

Children: Once! Two! Three!

Parsley: Now let's go left!

Children: Once! Two! Three!

Parsley: Let's get together to the center soon!

Children: Once! Two! Three!

Parsley: We'll disperse very quickly!

Children: Once! Two! Three!

Parsley: We'll spin around a little!

Children: Once! Two! Three!

Parsley: And let's clap our hands!

Children: Once! Two! Three!

Parsley: And now we’ll repeat everything all over again, but twice as fast.

Children, together with Petrushka, complete the tasks of the game, but at greater speed.

Father Frost: And now the game is with me! The game is called “New Year's Train!

Santa Claus plays the game "New Year's Train"

Children stand behind Santa Claus in a chain - a “train”. He walks to the music “snake” around the tree, the children sneak behind him. As soon as Santa Claus turns around, the children crouch down and cover their heads with their hands. Those who didn't make it in time lost.

After the second game, Baba Yaga and the goblin enter the hall with a white flag.

Goblin: E-hey-hey! Santa Claus - red nose! We are coming to you for negotiations. Come out!

Father Frost: That's how it goes! The evil spirit itself has come to us! Where did you hide the Snow Maiden? Give me my granddaughter!

Baba Yaga: And we took her into a dense forest, the Leshy confused her. She will never come to you!

Grandfather Moreau Z: Oh, you scoundrels! Give the Snow Maiden, otherwise I’ll freeze you!

Goblin: We’ll give it away, we’ll give it away, but do the guys need it? A? (children answer) Okay, just complete our tasks.

Parsley: Look, what a find! Yes, I will give you now, yes we will give you now..... one left, and then the right..... and then...., and then.....

Father Frost: Wait, Petrushka, swing your fists! Let's try to settle everything peacefully. So what do you want for the Snow Maiden?

Baba Yaga: We want very little for the girl. We will return it to you if you complete our three tasks. Do you agree? The first task is riddles.

Baba Yaga tells riddles to children.

He is kind, he is also strict,

He's all overgrown with a beard, he's in a hurry to come to us

Now for the holiday

Who is this? (Father Frost)

Whose drawings are on the window, like the pattern on the crystal?

Pinches everyone's nose

Winter grandfather…… (Frost)

Here is Santa Claus walking through the mountains,

And he carries his bag on his shoulder.

He leans on a stick on the way.

Tell me, what is it called? (staff)

She doesn't need a hot stove,

Frost and cold - she doesn’t care about anything.

Sends greetings to everyone

Cheerful...... (Snow Maiden)

There will be a Christmas tree in the corner

At the window on the floor.

And on the tree up to the top

Multi-colored...... (crackers)

What toy shoots like a cannon? (cracker)

In January there is an important holiday,

It's raining, colored paper. (confetti)

The branches rustle faintly, the beads are bright... (glitter)

And decorating the top, it shines there, as always,

Very bright, large five-winged ..... (star)

Goblin: Well done! We completed the first task. Now play with me!

My game is called “Circle by Circle.” Stand in a circle, hold hands.

Repeat after me the words and movements.

Game - dance “Circle by circle”

Keep the circle level.

Like bunnies on the lawn

We'll jump around.

Around, around, one after another

Keep the circle level.

Like foxes, like sisters

We'll run around.

Around, around, one after another

Keep the circle level.

Like little birds

We fly around.

Around, around, one after another

Keep the circle level.

Like wolves near the Christmas tree

We'll stomp around.

Around, around, one after another

Keep the circle level.

Hush, hush like a mouse

We'll run around.

Around, around, one after another

Keep the circle level.

Near the decorated Christmas tree

We'll dance all around.

Baba Yaga: And my last task: who will dance with the goblin. Ready? Well, let's start! Maestro, music!

Baba Yaga and Leshy dance to cheerful music. Children also dance with them.

Father Frost: Have we completed all your tasks? Give us the Snow Maiden! Otherwise I'll freeze it!

Goblin: Take it if you can help her get out of the dense forest. Ha! Ha! She got lost!

Father Frost: Come on, guys, let's help the Snow Maiden get out of the forest! And so that she can come out to us, in this hall, we will now divide into two teams - the Crows and the Sparrows. At my command, each of you begins to scream in the voice of his bird. Let's start. One two Three.

At the command of Santa Claus, the children all shout at once: crow and sparrow.

The Snow Maiden comes out, and Baba Yaga and the goblin hide behind the tree.

Snow Maiden: Hello Dedushka Moroz! Grandfather, Baba Yaga and Leshiy deceived me, they took me into a dense forest and left me. Thank you all, you helped me get out of the forest. Where are Baba Yaga and Leshy?

Parsley: But they hid here! Come here!

Baba Yaga: Forgive us, Snow Maiden. Forgive us, dear children! Don't drive us away from the holiday, you have so much fun here. We promise that we will never deceive anyone again.

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's forgive the evil spirits? How about we invite them to play a game with us? Will you play a game with us? And the game is called “Leshego’s Hollow.”

Goblin: What kind of game is this? I don't know this one!

Snow Maiden: And now I’ll explain it to you and the children. Guys, stand in a circle and hold hands. You see, goblin, this circle will be a forest, and every person will be a tree. And now, goblin, leave the circle and stand behind the guys and walk along the “forest” and choose a “tree” for your home, i.e. Put your hand on one of the children's shoulders. And the one you touched must run in a circle behind the backs of those standing. And you, Leshy, run too, but in the other direction. The main thing for you is to take up empty space. If you succeed, you win, if you don’t, you lose, and you’ll have to start over.

The game "Leshy's Hollow" is being played

Snow Maiden: Very fun today, friendly song, ring!

Our Christmas tree, dear, light your lights!

Grandfather, why aren’t the lights on our Christmas tree?

Father Frost: And, indeed, a granddaughter. Well, let’s all say the magic words together: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!” Did not work out. Let's repeat it louder again.

The Christmas tree lights up.

Snow Maiden: The Christmas tree glows, sparkles,

Everyone, get up quickly,

Start your round dance!

Round dance to the song “Little Christmas Tree”

New Year's round dance

Little Christmas tree

It's cold in winter.

A Christmas tree from the forest

We took it home.

A Christmas tree from the forest

We took it home.

How many on the Christmas tree

Colored balls,

Pink gingerbread,

Golden cones!

Pink gingerbread,

Golden cones!

An elegant branch

Lower it lower

Us chocolate

Treat me to some fish!

Us chocolate

Treat me to some fish!

Let's stand under the Christmas tree

In a friendly round dance,

Fun, fun

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Fun, fun

Let's celebrate the New Year!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, are you tired, perhaps?

Father Frost: A little tired, Snow Maiden!

Parsley: Sit down and relax near the Christmas tree. And we will continue the celebration, read poetry and dance.

Children read poems to Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: Bright New Year's holiday

We meet every year.

Those in suits - come out,

Join the round dance!

Children dance in a circle to the song “The Fairy Tale Never Ends”

The tale never ends

On a green Christmas tree

the lanterns squeal

Friends from fairy tales

They meet at the holiday.





I invited everyone to the holiday,

The Christmas tree invited.

We have fun with friends

Dancing at the Christmas tree.

Poems and songs are heard,

No one around frowns.


Until next year,

Let the fairy tale never end

May all our wishes

And all dreams come true.

Father Frost: Ah, not a holiday - just class!

We have gifts for everyone!

And now, my boys,

Get some gifts!

Gifts are given for costumes.

Snow Maiden: It’s good for us near the Christmas tree

Happy holiday to celebrate.

It’s good for us near the Christmas tree

Sing, play and dance!

Father Frost: But it's time to say goodbye

And I have to confess to you.

I have a surprise for you!

Where? Find out now.

Turn around: one, two, three!

Take every surprise!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts to children.

Parsley: It's a pity, friends: we have to say goodbye

It's time for everyone to go home.

Happy journey to you guys.

Goodbye, kids!

Father Frost: I wish you success in the New Year,

More cheerful, good laughter,

More cheerful friends and girlfriends,

Excellent marks and knowledge chest.

Snow Maiden: New Year in all its glory

He walks around the country in front of the people.

Everyone celebrates the New Year here.


Scenario New Year's performance

"Tricks of Evil Spirits"


There is a table and a sparkling ball on the stage.

Witch . I'm called the mischievous Sorceress

Here I hold power firmly,

And everyone will be my servant

Forever and indefinitely.

I live, I do what I want,

Knowing no barriers anywhere.

I will erase, smear, trample,

After all, I am an evil witch.

All devils are true friends,

They are remembered with trembling in the heart,

That only I will order them,

They will do everything, they will fulfill it!

He casts a spell. The ball lights up and then goes out

Witch. So, I set up the astral,

Now I would like to find out what awaits me in the future.

Witch. He casts a spell. Gypsies appear

Song of the Gypsies:

Days fly, centuries fly by

New Year is on the threshold

What awaits us in the third millennium

Any person wants to know

Arriving at your place for the evening today

We will tell anyone the secret

What does the New Year's threshold hide?

And what more years to expect?

This is how people are built

want to know, want to know

want to know what will happen

We'll spread the truthful cards

We'll tell you the whole path by hand

Can't be found in any "Guarantor"

Those laws that apply here

There is a fixed fee for services

Dear, gild the handle

One hundred rubles or a few bucks

Can't you find it?

Well what can I say, what can I say

This is how people are built

They want to know, they want to know

They want to know what will happen!

Witch. Come on, come on, tell me

Yes, report the whole truth,

What's going on in the world?

C. The New Year is coming to us all.

Witch. Well, well, well, it comes, that means...

Holidays, Christmas trees, round dance...

Youth has just passed...

C. Don't worry, beauty. You need to take living water, super-hard stone, crystal ice, amber honey.

C. Mix everything and drink!

C. And you will become pretty and sweet again.

Witch. For now, you'll have some fun, tell your fortunes, have some fun.

And I’ll leaf through the book and read the spells.

Gypsies play the "Fortune Lottery". Make crackers (or hearts) filled with:

coin (wealth),

candy (sweet life),

fruit pit (rich harvest in the garden),

key (apartment),

piece of fabric ( new outfits),

ticket (travel),

vitamins (health),

small trumpet (glory),

theater program (social life)

MUSIC gypsies dancing.

C. Well, Happy New Year, happy new happiness to you! Health to everyone! Good luck! Joy!

They leave to the music.

Scene 2

The sound of a motorcycle, a whistle, a scream is heard. AppearsBaba Yaga on a broom, slows down, making a sharp circle. Considers the situation and those present.

Baba Yaga : So, are we preparing for the New Year? So there's a cool party coming up? Uh-huh... Was I invited? - No. So, are you going to celebrate without me? Well, we'll see about that later! (Rubs hands). It seems that the plank is maturing!

He sits on a broom and starts it up like a motorcycle (the roar of a motorcycle can be heard). Starts to accelerate to fly away. Glasha, a kikimora in rags, runs towards her. They collide with the broom, crash into each other and fall to the floor.

Glasha stutters.

Glasha Wow! Wow! Guard! Guard! What is it? (Stuttering)

Baba Yaga : (Coming to his senses) Fathers! Who did the evil one bring? Yes, this is Glasha the kikimora!

Glasha (lifting each other up). H-h-hello, friend! (High-five each other)

Baba Yaga: Why are you stuttering anyway?

Glasha (Stuttering) I was walking along, not touching anyone, I see a bag on the road. I looked and there was no one around, so it was no one’s bag. She grabbed it and ran. I just turned behind the pine tree when suddenly, as if from underground, Father Frost appeared. “Give me back,” he says, “the unfortunate thief, the bag!” And I told him: “There’s no point in insulting me, I didn’t steal, I found it!” It means I’m not going to give it back!” And as soon as he hit with his staff, I dropped the bag out of fear, and as soon as I ran... I began to stutter. Yagulya, help me, I’ll die stuttering.

Baba Yaga: Well, it's possible. (Conjures) Shushara-mushara, boombatz! A-well, let's check out my work!

Glasha: (Yells without stuttering) Healed! I feel healed!

Baba Yaga: This means that he insulted and offended you, the unfortunate one. And I know how to take revenge on the bearded man. Let’s do this: you take it upon yourself... (whispers in Glasha’s ear), and I first..., and then the two of us... Understood? Forward! (Sits on the broom)

Glasha: (Incredulously). Listen, what is this?

Baba Yaga: (Getting down) Ah-ah-ah, meet me. So, I saved up some money and purchased my own personal forest transport - ME-TLO-CYCLE!!!

Glasha: SHO Sho?

Baba Yaga: Metolocycle. (Glasha looks at it). I even have a remedy for you. Here you go. (Puts on a helmet.) You are my beauty!!! (Glasha gets embarrassed).

Baba Yaga: Well, let's fly! (They sit down, the sound of the engine, both are shaking on the broom). Are you ready?

Glasha: Ass? (Does not hear)

Baba Yaga: I say, are you ready?

Glasha: Yes, go ahead.

Baba Yaga twitches along with the broom.Glasha flies off and falls.

Glasha: (Scratching his butt) You know, when I said “gas,” I didn’t mean it that way.

Baba Yaga: I had it or I didn’t have it, hold on, come on! (Sit down on the broom again, sound of the engine, shaking) Let's start! Attention! Acceleration begin!

Glasha AndBaba Yaga fly out the door.

Witch comes out with a book.

Witch. Something was making noise here... Well, well, there you go. Recipe for eternal youth. Take... put... mix everything... Yes, but where will I get it all?

The sound of the engine.Baba Yaga AndGlasha landing.

Baba Yaga Hello, villain, have you started reading books? Commendable!

Witch. Got it! New Year is just around the corner, and I’m getting old! Look how many wrinkles there are! I want to be young and beautiful!

Baba Yaga I want too! What needs to be done?

Glasha Now I will call my assistants.

Glasha I know! You need to call two from the casket with identical faces. (Clap three times) Come on, show up!

Magical music. A chest appears.

They approach the chest and touch the lid. The lid flips back, revealing two identical girls - two from the casket, identical in appearance.

Two from the casket. What does the new owner need?

Glasha. We would like something to chew, we’re really hungry.

Two from the casket. Will be done! They stand opposite each other, start throwing candies to each other, the candies fly past the guys.

Baba Yaga. Hey Hey hey! You are doing something wrong, on the contrary!

Two from the casket. A-a-a-, now. They start throwing at reverse side candies.

Baba Yaga.Enough, enough! Go to your chest!

Two from the casket. Whatever you say, new owner! I'm also my master! We are our own masters, and this is just for fun! We need to buy some groceries at Magnit, some variety for the New Year.

Together: Yeah!

They turn around and sit in the chest. The ball blinks.
Witch. So, are we preparing for the New Year or what?

Baba Yaga. Let's get ready, get ready. So what can we come up with that’s so nasty? So disgusting?

Glasha. I have an idea. (Whispers)

Witch. Go quickly, and while I’m here I’ll take care of the potion.

Glasha AndBaba Yaga get on a broom bike. They are leaving.

Witch. He casts a spell over the ball. Devils appear. Dance of devils.

Witch. My faithful helpers! You are going on an important mission! Here's the list. May they find all this for me instantly!

Devils. Let's obey!

Scene 3

Music. The sound of bells

Father Frost: Hello guys!

(children answer)

Father Frost:

It still sounds dull...

Come on, louder again-

Hello guys!

(children answer)

Father Frost:

Now your answer is not bad,

It almost made me deaf!

How you have grown, how big you have become!

Did everyone recognize me?

(children answer: Santa Claus)

Father Frost:

Guys, I’m an old grandfather, I’m already five thousand years old!

In January and February I walk the earth,

As soon as I get out of bed, snowstorms arise!

As soon as I shake my sleeve, everything will be covered with snow!

But now I’m very kind and I’m friends with the guys,

I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t catch anyone!

Now give me the answer - who is not at the Christmas tree with me?

(children answer: Snow Maidens)

Father Frost: Now I will call the Snow Maiden, and you will all help me!

(name is Snegurochka)

Snow Maiden: This is who is calling me, who is celebrating the New Year?

Hello my friends, I'm glad to see you all,

Both big and small, nimble and remote!

I see that you were not lazy and worked hard,

They decorated the fragrant Christmas tree well, look how elegant and fluffy it is!

We came from a good fairy tale, today there will be games and dancing!

Join the round dance and let's celebrate the New Year together!

Snow Maiden : Grandfather, the guys all tried so hard, they studied well. We need to give them gifts.

Father Frost: Awho tried the hardest?

Snow Maiden: The school principal knows this better than anyone.

Father Frost: We give the floor to Olga Andreevna Poda.

Snow Maiden: Now let's dance. Dance "Scottish Polka"

Father Frost : Snow Maiden, where did the bag go?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, why are you so sad?

Father Frost: You see, granddaughter, I didn’t notice, the old stump, how Baba Yaga with her kikimora stole the New Year from me. I have no idea what to do now.

Snow Maiden: Don't be sad, grandpa. We'll come up with something. Last year I was given a magic mirror that determines where evil spirits are hiding.

Father Frost: Let's take a quick look!

Scene 4

Lock Snow Queen. Dance 7th grade.

The Snow Queen. Oh, I'm tired.

Crap. Madam Queen! The mistress sent me to your kingdom because she needs just a little of your magic ice.

The Snow Queen. Tell me, how is my dear cousin? Not sick?

Crap. She told you to bow and sends you a huge greeting.

The Snow Queen. For my ice diamond I need a ransom. Let's play some interesting game in our kingdom.

Crap. Runs the game.

The Snow Queen. Servants! Bring the ice diamond!

Crap. Very grateful!

Scene 5

Stone Age. 8th grade skit (dramatization of the song “A Scrap of Mammoth Skin”)

Crap dresses up in skin. Tries to steal a stone axe.

Stone man 1. SomethingIt smells like an unclean spirit in here! There's a stranger in our tribe! Grab him! (They grab and tie up).

Stone man 2. What do you want here?

Crap. (Falls to his knees) Save me!Dont kill! The lady sent me for the hardest stone, she really needed it.

Stone man 1. What do you mean to us? Give us something in return!

Crap. Ask for whatever you want!

Stone man 2. And teach us a new dance!

Crap. I can do this! Let's stand in a circle and dance "Letka-Enka"


Stone man 1. Here, take the stone. Bon Voyage!

Scene 6.

Masha AndBear . Dance 6th grade.

Masha. (Gives gifts). Happy New Year!

She gave it to everyone, but she didn’t have enough.

Masha. What about me? Where is my present?

Jumps outCrap.

Crap. Help me, please, my lady is sick, and New Year is coming soon. Please give me some honey for her.(winks).

Masha. And I want to play! Teach us interesting New Year's game?

Crap. Certainly!

Game "Relay Race"

Masha. Thanks for playing! And here comes the honey!

Scene 7.

Witch. He sits with his head bandaged and a thermometer under his arm. Coughs.

Crap. Here, beloved lady, for you They brought everything you asked for.

Witch. Brought! Who lied that I was sick? Now because of you I won’t go to the holiday!

Crap. I know Santa Claus can cure you. He makes wishes come true!

Witch. Oh, right there Baba Yaga and Glasha. They went to steal the New Year.

Crap. Let's go toSanta Claus. He is kind and forgives everyone.

Witch. You go, and I will catch up with you. We need to get ready for the holiday. Give us what you brought

They leave.

Scene 8.

The Snow Queen. Everything is clear with the witch and the devils. They will come to us now.

Father Frost: I seem to remember. I have a magic whistle. Now I'll whistle andBaba Yaga With GlashaThey'll be there in no time!

Whistles. The rumble of a motorcycle. Baba Yaga and a kikimora burst in on a broom bike.

Glasha: (Screams) Brake! Brake! (They crash into the opposite wall and fall)

Baba Yaga: Brake, brake. So, you have a brake pedal at the back. Why didn't you slow down? (Rising)

Glasha: (Takes a broom and twirls it) Yes, it’s better not to go into these details.

Baba Yaga: (To Santa Claus) Well, what do you want, Frost - red nose?

Father Frost: (Sarcastically) I wanted to see you!

Baba Yaga: (Also sarcastically) But I’m no longer interested in Santa Clauses for about 300 years!

Snow Maiden: Well, give it to the New Year!

Baba Yaga: Will not give it back!

Snow Maiden: Give it back, I say!

Glasha: Figurines! Figurines! (twists the gun)

Snow Maiden: Okay, Granny-Yagulechka, what do you want in exchange for the New Year?

Baba Yaga: (Thinking) I want to hold a competition with Glashka. Let me think about whether to return the New Year to you.

Father Frost: Okay, let's go!

Glasha: So, friends, today we have

Fun party New Year.

Let's all, as they say,

Play, laugh, have fun!

Baba Yaga:

And therefore, friends,

We can't live without competition!

Baba Yaga: Well, my dears (rubs his hands), I especially love boys, I like the ones with strong legs the most. Who will be the 3 chosen volunteers? (Boys come out) Now Glasha will place 3 balls in front of each of you, they will blindfold you and spin you around, placing you in front of the balls. You will need to reach the balls and crush the ball with your foot. You can help with your hands, but you must burst the ball with your foot. (The presenters and Snegurochka are blindfolded and spin)

Ready? Three four!

Baba Yaga and Glasha they give out prizes.

Baba Yaga: Okay, they respected the old lady. I'll give you back the New Year! (Approaches the door and casts a spell) Shushara-mushara, oh-ba-na! (Brings out New Year)

New Year (Primary School):

I'm New Year! I am a holiday!

And I wish you

Bloom and not get sick,

Wear new clothes

And be happy all year long,

Cheerful and beautiful!

May it be New Year

He will come into your house,

It will bring snowdrifts of laughter.

Fun, music, poetry,

Sweets and delicious pies.

Hopes, successes and victories,

And kindness for many years.

Father Frost: My nephew has been found! I've gotten better. Okay, you are forgiven, Babaka Yozhka and kikimora Glasha. I invite you to our latest competition, which I will personally conduct. We need 6 participants who know how to have fun. (Preferably 3 girls and 3 boys come out) Our last and traditional competition is called “Dance”. I will tell you what to do, and you will do it to the music.

So, task number 1. Each of you has your own dance “trick”, a signature but simple dance movement. Dance elements should not be repeated. Think for half a minute. You will now show them one by one, and the participants will repeat them. Each subsequent participant comes forward, shows his movements and repeats all the previous ones to the music. Begin. Participant 1… (Baba Yaga AndGlasha on the sides of the ranks they also repeat, the rest of the “actors” clap)

AppearWitch (An ultra-fashionable modern lady in a miniskirt, but with a bandaged throat)and Devils.

Witch. Grandfather Frost, fulfill my wish, cure me, otherwise my sore throat is stuck. I want to be beautiful and cheerful at the holiday.

Father Frost: Oh, so you taught your devils to steal and deceive. For this she received punishment. Now everything they say becomes true. After all, you deceived Masha and said that the witch was sick?

Crap. Said! But I won't lie anymore! Forgive us!

The Witch and the Devil. Forgive us!

Father Frost: Ok, I forgive you! (Hits with staff)

Witch. Oh, my throat is completely gone!

Baba Yaga . Wow how you have transformed! I also want to be beautiful!

Witch. Here, drink a rejuvenating potion with Glashka!

Baba Yaga . You are my bad girl, my beautiful girl! (They hug) Oh, I’ll be there now, I’ll be there in a flash! (Takes Glasha and runs away)

Father Frost:

Let the beautiful Christmas tree sparkle with lights,

Let your songs and laughter sound without stopping,

May this whole year be joyful,

You are all very nice people!

Snow Maiden:

So that no one frowns,

Start playing and dancing.

Join the round dance

Let's celebrate the New Year together!


    Excerpts used

    Poems of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost

Compiled by:

primary school teacher

Frolova Svetlana Vladimirovna

New Year's tricks of evil spirits








Children sing the song "Little Christmas Tree"

BABA YAGA: (loudly scolding Leshy). Hurry up, your legs are spruce! After all, we’re late, we won’t make it in time, Leshy will tease you!

Goblin: It’s like this, but will it bother me if I myself am a Wolf? Are you crazy Yaga?

BABA YAGA: Be quiet, bite your tongue! I’m not Yaga to you now, but Snow Maiden! And you are not Leshy, but Grandfather Frost. Do you remember? Be careful not to mix it up, otherwise Kashcheyushka will punish you!

Goblin: (Notices the children). Oh, children!... Looks like they've arrived?!

BABA YAGA: Attention, we are starting the operation! Follow me (addresses the children). Hello kids, girls and boys! (addresses Leshem). Yes, say something.

Goblin: What if I don’t know what to say?

BABA YAGA: What if I don’t know what to say!

Goblin: Hello kids, girls and boys!

BABA YAGA: Santa Claus and I came to your holiday .

Goblin: Santa Claus and I came...

BABA YAGA: (Pushes Leshy in the side). Think what you say! Tell me why we came!

Goblin: We came to take away Santa Claus's staff, because it is magical and will fulfill all our wishes.

BABA YAGA: Don't listen to him, don't listen! Santa Claus is joking! He overheated in the sun, his temperature is high! (addresses Leshem). Pretend that you are sick.

Goblin: Oh, it hurts me! Oh, it hurts! (Grabs at different places).

BABA YAGA: You guys see how bad grandpa is, he’s about to melt. We urgently need to sing him a song about winter. Stand in a circle, hold hands, walk and sing a song. Grandpa, start singing!

Goblin: What about singing? I don't know the songs!

BABA YAGA: Sing what you know! If only about winter, about frost!

Goblin: Sing what you know! If only about winter and frost.

The goblin begins to sing the folk song “Oh Frost, Frost...”.

Goblin: What a good song, it really touches the soul!...

BABA YAGA: Well, Santa Claus has recovered, he won’t say any more nonsense, but will amuse you! (addresses Leshem). Hey, wake up! It's time to light the tree!

Goblin: Christmas tree? For what?

BABA YAGA: It's supposed to be like that! To New Year's holiday the tree was on fire!

Goblin: Well, it’s supposed to be so. What do I care? (Takes out matches). Set it on fire, set it on fire! What a pity, it was a beautiful Christmas tree!

BABA YAGA: ( Takes matches from Leshy). What are you doing? Guys, at least explain to him how to light a Christmas tree!... You see! In words! “Christmas tree, burn!”... Come on, let’s all try it together! Three or four!... Oh, what if it’s not friendly? I’m alone and I can shout louder than you! One more time!

Baba Yaga organizes children to chant. After several attempts, the Christmas tree can be “lit.”

BABA YAGA: Oh, I saw it, Grandpa! And without any matches! Well, come on, keep playing!

Goblin: What am I going to play? You started this mess, now you can play!

BABA YAGA: Yes, I only know one game - hide and seek. And here there is nowhere to hide.

Goblin: And I only know one game - confusion. I confuse everyone in the forest.

BABA YAGA : So try to confuse the children. Try it, try it! I'll take a look .

Goblin: Well, hold on, guys! Listen carefully, answer in chorus and try not to get confused in the answers!

Happy New Year

He ate sweets and jam.

He lived on the roof, poor thing,

His name was ……… (Cheburashka, Carloson)

From the blue stream

The river begins.

This song was sung loudly

Three funny ……… (Little Pig, Little Raccoon)

He plays a little bit

For passers-by on an accordion.

Everyone knows a musician

His name…………… (Shapoklyak, Crocodile - Gena)

He was a rain cloud

I went home to the heel.

And of course he loved honey,

This is Gena…….. (Crocodile, Winnie the Pooh)

Goblin: Look Yaga, oh. Look, Snow Maiden, how smart the children are here! Oh, I'm afraid we won't see the staff again. Everyone here is so smart and attentive...

BABA YAGA: You should talk less and think more!

Goblin: I would love to, but it doesn’t work! The brains in my head are WOODEN! But my hearing is good. Now I hear that someone is coming...

Snow Maiden and Parsley enter the hall. Seeing them, Baba Yaga hides behind Leshy.

SNOW MAIDEN: Hello guys.

If it's cold outside,

All the trees are silver

The Christmas tree is blooming with lights,

So, New Year is coming soon!

Petrushka and I came to wish you a Happy New Year. We came specially early to prepare for the meeting with Grandfather Frost.

PARSLEY: Oh, look, Snow Maiden, and it turns out he’s already here... (Points to Leshy). Hello Grandfather! But how did you manage to overtake us?

Goblin: And I didn’t manage to do anything, I’ve always been here.

PARSLEY: Grandfather, you didn’t come alone, you brought guests too! Who is that hiding behind you?

BABA YAGA: ( It comes out because of Leshy) I dropped my mitten!

PARSLEY: (Sits down on the floor in surprise) Oh, two Snow Maidens!

SNOW MAIDEN: I don't understand anything! Who you are?

BABA YAGA: Now you will understand! One two Three!

Baba Yaga and the goblin tear off the costumes of the Snow Maiden and Father Frost.

PARSLEY: This is Baba Yaga and Leshy! Save!!! (Covers his face with his hands.)

BABA YAGA: Grab her! Knit it! Get her!

GOBBLE: (Points to PETRUSHKA). Shall we take this?

BABA YAGA: What's the use of it! He's still a fool. And for the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus will give us his staff! Let's run!

Baba Yaga, Goblin they run away, taking the Snow Maiden with them.

PARSLEY: Ah ah ah! Do not touch me! Don't hit me! (Opens eyes). What, have they already left? Where is the Snow Maiden?... What have I done? I didn’t save it, I didn’t notice, the Snow Maiden was stolen! What to do? Who should I call? We need to tell Santa Claus everything! Guys, where is Santa Claus? There is no? And here?... And he hasn’t arrived yet! So, we need to call him. Let's do it! To make it louder, the girls will shout “Grandfather”!, and the boys will shout “Frost”!

Petrushka rehearses first with the girls, then with the boys. After the rehearsal, he asks everyone to shout their words at the same time. The children are screaming.

PARSLEY: No, something is going wrong. And it’s unclear! Let's do it the other way around: the boys shout “Grandfather!” , and the girl shouts “Frost!” Well, all together!

The children comply with the request.

PARSLEY: Again it’s not clear! What if we shout not individually, but all together? “Grandfather Frost come quickly!” Let's try! Together! Three four!

The children call Santa Claus. Solemn music sounds. Santa Claus enters the hall.

FATHER FROST: Who is it that is calling me so loudly? Who wants to see me? Oh, it's you guys! Hello! Happy holiday to you!

PARSLEY: Oh, Grandpa! No time for holidays now, no time for fun! Trouble, trouble happened, woe, bitter!

FATHER FROST: Wait, Parsley, don’t rush! Explain clearly what happened?

PARSLEY: Stolen, Dragged, Took Away! And I didn’t see it, I didn’t save it! The Snow Maiden was stolen, your granddaughter!

FATHER FROST: Yes, it’s a misfortune, and who decided to do such a thing?

PARSLEY: Guys, tell me who kidnapped the Snow Maiden! Baba Yaga and Leshy!

FATHER FROST: Ah, that's it! We have been living with them in the same fairy-tale forest for a long time, but I never expected such treachery from them. No other way than Koschey the Immortal persuaded the forest evil spirits... Well, nothing! They couldn't go far. Guys, let's find the intruders? (Children answer). Let's bring back the Snow Maiden (Children answer). Then attention! Remember the words and repeat the movements after me and parsley .

Game “If we hold hands”

At the last replay of the game, Koschey the Immortal and the goblin enter the hall with a white flag in his hand.

GOBBLE: E-hey-hey! Santa Claus - red nose! Koschey the Immortal himself wants to see you! Come out to negotiate!

FATHER FROST: That's how it goes! The evil spirit itself has come to us! Well, let's listen to what Koschey has to say, we'll find out what he's up to!

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Listen everyone! I Koschey the Immortal, the most cunning and insidious of all fairy-tale villains, have kidnapped your granddaughter, Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden! Do you want her to come back to you for the holiday?

FATHER FROST: Guys, do we want to see the Snow Maiden among us again? (Children answer).

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Well, I agree to return it. But not just like that, but for ransom!

PARSLEY: Look, what a find you are! Yes, I will give you now, and we will give you now... one left, and then a right,... and then...

FATHER FROST: Wait, Petrushka, swing your fists! Let's try to settle everything peacefully. So what do you, Koschey, want for the Snow Maiden?

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: I want very little for the girl. I will return her if you give me your magic staff!

PARSLEY: Father Frost! Don't give it away! They will do such a thing with a staff!

FATHER FROST: But what about the Snow Maiden, do you think she’s languishing sweetly there in Koschey’s captivity? What do you think, guys?... The main thing is that everyone is alive and well, and we’ll figure out the magic later!... I agree with Koschey! Here's my staff! But first, give us back the Snow Maiden!

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: This business! Leshy, remember our agreement, bring them the Snow Maiden .

GOBBLE: I remember everything, ha-ha-ha, I’ll do everything, ha-ha-ha! Oh, let’s deceive the simpletons now! (He leaves and soon returns with Baba Yaga dressed as the Snow Maiden) Here she is, Your granddaughter, give me the staff!

PARSLEY: Santa Claus, it seems to me that this is not our Snow Maiden, not real!

FATHER FROST: I agree with you, let's check it out! Snow Maiden is that you?

BABA YAGA: I am Grandfather, I am my dear. Your granddaughter Snegurochka!

FATHER FROST: Since you are my granddaughter, show me how you can work with the guys funny Games play!

BABA YAGA: Yes, easily, grandpa, easily red-nosed! (Tenderly addresses the children) Children, stand in a circle, let's dance in a circle! (Rude) Come on, quickly, who did you tell! (Affectionately) Don’t you want me to come back to you? Do you think I'm not real?... Nothing works! Children are not like that!

FATHER FROST: Not good, it turns out Koschey! If we agreed to conduct an honest exchange, then we must honestly fulfill the condition!

BABA YAGA: Well, okay! Well, take your Snow Maiden! But she won’t be able to play with these children either.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Leshy, bring her! Let him show his skills!

The goblin leaves and soon returns with the real Snow Maiden.

SNOW MAIDEN: Oh, how glad I am, friends,

New meeting with you!

Everything I feel now

Can't express it in words!

FATHER FROST: What can't be said in words?

You can tell it in poetry!

SNOW MAIDEN: That's right Grandpa, let's call the kids and tell them some rhymes

(Schoolchildren recite poems)

PARSLEY: Well, is everything clear to you now? The Snow Maiden showed herself.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Hey, don’t forget, the Snow Maiden is for you, the staff is for us!

FATHER FROST: Well Koschey, an agreement is worth more than money! Hold my staff! Just watch carefully, there is enormous power hidden in him, whether you will be able to cope with it - I don’t know.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Finally! My dream has come true! Now I am omnipotent! Now my every wish will come true!

BABA YAGA: No, mine, mine first! It was I, one might say, who risked my life, dressed up in all sorts of costumes, cheated and deceived! I deserve to be the first to fulfill my wish!

GOBBLE: Have you forgotten about me? Yes, without me you wouldn’t have succeeded at all! You would get lost in the forest and the Snow Maiden would run away from you. Give me the staff!

BABA YAGA: No to me! I'm supposed to be the oldest, I'm the oldest!

GOBBLE: And I am the most wooden, the most unhappy.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Tsits, unclean! You'll have time for everything! Tell me, Yaga, what do you want?

BABA YAGA: I want to look 300 years younger and become a real beauty.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: (Hits the staff on the floor) Well, be it your way, Baba Yaga is younger!

BABA YAGA: Oh, yes, I’ll do that in a minute! Come on, blindfold me! goblin, Koschey, help!

Baba Yaga begins to catch children and does not catch anyone.

BABA YAGA: Ugh, your staff is not real, Santa Claus! He can't do anything!

FATHER FROST: Did you hear the condition? You couldn’t handle it yourself, and now you blame someone!

GOBBLE: Now my wish is mine! I can fulfill any condition!

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Well, tell me, what do you want?

GOBBLE: I want a new home!

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Let's make the Leshy's wish come true!

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Oh, and it’s also called evil spirits, look at what wishes you need to make. Hey staff, I want all the people in the world to forget all the good and good words. Do it.

(Staff: “I won’t set any conditions for you. Just see for yourself what happened)

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Yeah, we saw it! He submits to my will. Come on, children, listen to me and answer loudly, in unison. If I sneeze, what will you say (Children answer: Be healthy!)

What if Parsley gives you candy?

What do you say when you meet an old friend?

When will you say goodbye?

Well, thank you kids for the answers?

Ah, nothing works! Take your staff, Santa Claus! It's not magical!

FATHER FROST: You see how to make bad and insidious wishes. And now my wish! Please, evil spirits, become kind and dance in a round dance with us.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: (In a changed voice) Oh, yes, please. I really like to be kind .

BABA YAGA AND THE GOBLEY: And we have become kinder, can we celebrate the New Year in a round dance?

FATHER FROST: That's great, let's sing!

(Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden give gifts.

Ekaterina Akmalova
New Year's scenario "Tricks of the forest evil spirits." Script for adult performers


1. Santa Claus - adult

2. Snow Maiden- adult

3. Herringbone- adult

4. Kikimora- adult

In the thicket of forests among the mountains

Once upon a time there were two girlfriends

Two evil girlfriends

Two sisters as a match

The leader of that family is an old brother

A real adversary

There is no evil person in the world

And his name is Koschey

Music sounds, Baba Yaga comes out

Song by B. Ya.

Yago scares children

Like, he will eat it and leave no bones

Too much imagination is visible

You, timid people

Etc: And I used to have a bath

And I used to be porridge

I'll feed you

And I'll give you a ball of thread

On the track

Why don't they like Grandma Hedgehog?

I'm the only one suffering by the stove

Turning the hall with a poker

And my bone leg aches

And most importantly the soul aches

There's a knock on the door.

B.Ya.: Who else was brought there?

The guests are welcome

And who came to us?

Song of Kikimora

I'm Kikimora forest

Mischievous, naughty

I walk through the swamps

I'm friends with mermen

My lovely girlfriends

Leeches, spiders, frogs

I came to visit you

And she brought gifts

Kikimora: Hello, sister!

B.Y.: Hello, hello

(looks out the door)

Did you come alone?

Where is our brother Koshcheyushka?

Kikimora: Come on! I stole a ticket from a tour agency and went to the Canary Islands to warm my bones. I brought you a gift. (puts beads on her)

And I understand that in your old age you are drawn to good deeds?

B. Ya.: (hesitating, blushing, muttering something indistinctly)

Kikimora: Have you forgotten? Did your daughter call you? What did she ask you and me for?

B. Ya.: (puts on glasses, looks at phone)

Exactly, sclerosis has completely tormented me

(looks at Kikimora)

Sister, where are you taking our family pride?

Kikimora: Which one?

B.Ya.: Which one, which one? Nose! (pokes himself in the nose)

Kikimora: Ty! Found value! I did plastic surgery for myself! Circular. I tightened it here, lengthened it there, hemmed it there. And this is what happened


B.Y.: Beauty!

Kikimora: Okay, let’s think about how we can ruin the holiday for the children and their parents in Lebedushka.

(the kikimora walks back and forth, B. I sits and turns his head behind her)

Kikimora: Something needs to be done

Enchant everything in a circle

So that neither Grandfather nor the sleigh

No lights on the Christmas tree

No gift, no bag

B.Ya.: Oh, and a cunning head!

Kikimora: It's your head (knocks her on the head)

B.Y.: Oh, oh, oh

Kikimora: And I have a head. Okay, combed, stylishly combed. So instead of turning your head, think and sit.

B.Ya.: Oh! I'll take my broom.

I'll do some magic, litter. (walks around doing magic)

Kikimora: So what about your broom?

It just raised dust!

And even then, in Lebedushka, you won’t find dust and fire during the day.

Think think

B.Ya.: Well then you need to deceive them

Kikimora: And How?

B.Ya.: Call the kindergarten and say that Santa Claus has a toothache, the Snow Maiden has a runny nose and a sore throat.

Kikimora: How ancient you are! Internet in the yard. And you pound everything in a mortar with your broom. Chufir, Chufir. You don't have any information.

I was on their website, their Medical office is equipped with last word technology. Doctor, nurse, various devices. Even if Father Frost and the Snow Maiden really get sick, they will cure them in no time.

No good! We think, we think.

Kikimora: I figured it out! What year is it now?

B.Y.: Year of the horse!

Kikimora: What's the next one?

B.Y.: Year of the Goat!

Kikimora: Right!

One year old blue goat

Natural fidget

So here it is: Exactly at midnight

Old year

Gives up powers

Santa Claus's staff is magical

He hands it to the goat

We need to steal both the goat and the staff

B.Y.: Exactly! Without a magic staff and New Year's There will be no holiday for the goats. New Year will not come.

And where old year, the year of the Horse meets New Year's goat?

Kikimora: (sarcastically) And look in your mortar!

B. Ya.: (looks in)

Kikimora: You're stupid! And when will you learn sense?

(knocks her on the back)

Internet, that's what the Internet is for. They will have a meeting at forest clearing where is the magic compass "Seasons".

B.Ya.: Well then, we’ll set off, only suddenly someone gets ahead of us and steals the staff and goat first.

Kikimora: Don't worry, I've thought of everything, we forest Let's turn the pointer in the other direction from the clearing.

He approaches the sign and begins to turn it, saying (points it at the viewer-parents)

Kikimora: This is a suitable thicket, cedars, pines, only a small hazel tree in front, well, that’s nothing.

All! Ready! Now let's go

Song of Baba Yaga and Kikimora

B. I: We weren’t invited anywhere again

They say that we devilry

But nowhere on the planet

You won't see us more often

Even the beads are natural soap

Kikimora: And I’m already smarter than everyone on the planet

And why do I need someone’s advice?

I am a beauty myself, I am a lapotula myself

And I don’t believe in any signs

Together: We will steal the staff into our hut

Let's have fun and rock

Let's wave the staff

There will be no holiday

We'll laugh

All the gifts will cost us, the children will

We would like a staff if only we could get it

We are the best, the best in the world

You can't cope with us

Kikimora: You come in from behind, and I’ll come in from the front.

They go in different directions

Magical music plays and children appear dressed as the Year of the Horse and the Year of the Goat. The horse has Santa Claus' staff. The horse hands the staff to the Goat and goes back to her place, the Goat waves her hand.

On both sides on all fours (out of the door) B. Me and Kikimora crawl, grab the staff and the goat and run away

1 Presenter: Guys, do you hear? The ringing of bells is the sleigh of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. We'll have them soon

Let's call Santa Claus

Children: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden and Father Frost come out

Santa Claus song:

I'm a cheerful old man, even though I'm a thousand years old

On my shoulder is a bag, fantastic size

I walk through cities at night New Year's

I’m giving you gifts suitable for fun

Etc: My beard is white, and my nose is red from the cold

And my friends call me Grandfather Frost

In the coming year, with a thousand gifts

I’ll bring happiness to your home on a magic sleigh

Father Frost: Hello guys!

It still sounds dull

Well, let's try again

Hello guys!

Now the answer is not bad

It almost made me deaf

Hello parents!

Head and deputies

(puts hand to ear)

That's the answer

And hello to you all from me

I didn't come to you alone

I brought my granddaughter

Well, what's her name?

Children: Snow Maiden

Snow Maiden: Hello my friends

I'm glad to see you all

It's so beautiful here today

At this holiday New Year

Grandfather, look how many kids, how many parents are in the hall, you need to get to know them.

D.M.: Okay, okay granddaughter

He goes to the audience, offers his hand and says Santa Claus

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, it will take so much time, but it’s time to light the Christmas tree and start the holiday. Let's get to know our better "Introduction"

Snow Maiden: Well, what about Nastya and Alyosha

Clap your hands loudly

Ksyusha, Sonya, Vanya, Tanya

You stomp your feet

D.M.: Raise your hands higher

Lisa, Daniil, Misha

Help me quickly

Those whose name is Andrey

Snow Maiden: Get up quickly

Nikita, Themes, Ani

Shout it loud "Hooray"

Who was Semyon in the morning

D.M.: Well, don’t spoil Sveta

Blow a kiss

Lena, Zina and Marina

Hide your hands behind your backs

D.M.: Guys, I have prepared a surprise for you. But first guess riddle:

What a beauty, she dresses up once a year

Children: Christmas tree!

Magic sounds and the Christmas tree comes to life

The Christmas tree comes out and dances arr. Orbakaite K. "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Herringbone: Hello guys! Hello Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

D.M.: Hello Christmas tree!

Resinous needle!

Well, it’s time to start the holiday and decorate our Christmas tree with lights.

Herringbone: Grandfather, you won’t succeed, you don’t have a magic staff.

D.M.: The goat should bring me the staff any minute, for some reason she’s late.

Herringbone: No, Grandfather, the goat will not bring the magic staff, Baba Yaga and Kikimora stole it, I saw everything from the top of my head

Snow Maiden: Oh, oh, oh, what should I do? Grandfather, so there won’t be a holiday, New Year won’t come?

Christmas tree and Snow Maiden stand with their heads down

D.M.: Well, why are you hanging your noses? Am I a wizard or not?

Winds are strong, winds are northerly

Come on, blow as hard as you can

And bring these scoundrels to us

Herringbone: Guys, parents, let's help the winds

The sounds of the wind, from behind the screen Kikimora and Baba Yaga and Yagochka fly out head over heels with a staff and a goat

B. Me and Kikimora: Oh, oh, we won't be there anymore (spinning)

All keep blowing on them(wind howl)

The goat is hugged by the Christmas tree and the Snow Maiden

B.Y.: We will be good, just stop this hurricane

The hurricane subsides

D.M.: Guys, let's forgive them?

B. Me and Kikimora: Well, please, please, we won't do it anymore.

Presenter: Guys, shall we forgive them?

Children: Sorry!

D.M.: Well, for them to become good, you need to give them a magic drink. And in this you tell me now will you help:

Snow Maiden, granddaughter, bring our magic vessel

We fill it with your kindness, your smiles, your laughter and your friendship.

D.M. gives B. me and Kikimore a drink in turn.

The goat approaches Santa Claus and hands over the staff

Goat: Take the staff from me

Start the holiday for the guys

D.M.: Now, be honest people

Round dance near the Christmas tree

To make the tree more beautiful

We'll all say one, two, three

Our Christmas tree is Burning!

Children dance around the Christmas tree and repeat the words of Santa Claus.

The Christmas tree lights up.

Round dance "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Children remain in a circle. Game with Santa Claus "Tease"

1 child: Father Frost, Father Frost

It has grown to our eyebrows

He climbed into our felt boots

They say he is Santa Claus

And he plays pranks like a little boy (shakes a finger)

D.M.: Who says this about me?

2 child: He ruined the water tap

In our washbasin

They say he has a beard

And he plays pranks like a little boy

D.M.: Who said that?

3 child: He draws on the window

Stars, palm trees, balls

They say he is 100 years old

And he plays pranks like a little boy

D.M.: Oh, pranksters, now I’ll freeze you.

A game "I'll freeze it"

D.M. holds the mitten over his head, the children squat, under their feet, everyone jumps.

D.M.: What clever guys, they didn’t freeze anyone. Just tired. I'll go and rest.

Child: No, grandpa, we won’t let you out

You and I have fun

Here you are in our circle

Stay here and stay

You won't get away from the cold

How not to break out

A game "Gotcha"

D.M.: The children killed their grandfather!

Snow Maiden: Sit down, grandfather, sit down, relax. And the guys will sing for you now song:

Song "Hares and Foxes" folk auto. unknown

From behind the fir trees at the edge of the forest, someone's ears peeked out

How many little bunnies are sitting here under the Christmas tree?

We will jump at the Christmas tree, evil wolves are not afraid of us

Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, little white animal

We will warm our paws, we will stroke them as soon as possible

It's very cold outside, you could freeze your nose

Bunny, bunny, be careful and don't get caught by the fox

You little bunny, don’t yawn, but quickly run away

B. Ya. and Kikimora are recruiting a team

A game "Accurate shooter" Each child is given a snowball, and B. Ya. and Kikimora each hold a basket and the one with the most snowballs in the basket wins.

D.M.: Well done guys. If they are so clever, then what kind of parents do they have? Let's check.

Game with parents

Herringbone: And now guys, I suggest taking an express photo as a souvenir

The children take the photo. Herringbone photographs children with Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

The children sit down.

Herringbone: And now a souvenir photo with my parents

D.M.: Well done children, well done parents!

And now it's time to distribute gifts. Well, what about Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, forest evil spirits, help me.

D. M distributes gifts

D.M.: That's all, it's time to say goodbye

Our holiday is coming to an end

Snow Maiden: We were glad to see you

Celebrate the New Year together

D.M.: We will be back, don’t be sad

Together: Expect us in exactly one year

Goodbye, guys

To the music, Santa Claus and all the heroes leave

Congratulatory words from the presenter-educator.


1. Soap necklace

2. Frog necklace

4. Magic compass

5. Snowball baskets (2 large, 2 small)

0 New Year's tricks of the “evil spirit”.

Russia, Samara region, Elkhovsky district, village. Elkhovka

Before. "Fairy Tale" GBOU Secondary School


Fakhertdinova Oksana Nikolaevna

New Year's tricks of the “evil spirit”.


Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Koschei the Deathless


Leading:I invite everyone today

for the New Year tree holiday

And let the songs sound today -

Our Christmas tree is no more wonderful!

Let only laughter be heard here

I invite everyone, everyone, everyone!

Hey guys, hurry up, run to the hall quickly.

Let's start, let's start the New Year's carnival!

Dance "White Snow".

Child: Opens the New Year

Fairy doors,

Let him come into this hall

The one who believes in fairy tales.

Let him come into this house

The one who is friends with the song.

Let's start the winter holiday

There is no one more wonderful!

Child:Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

With new joy for everyone!

Let them ring under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!

Child:Everything is ready for the holiday:

There's a lot of dancing and jokes.

Turn up the music louder

During these holidays!

Leading:Friends, let's do it today

Let's welcome the New Year with a smile

And we are under the New Year's tree

Let's start a fun round dance!

Round dance "Winter fun"


Child: Beautiful hall shines today

Sparkles with many lights.

And our New Year's round dance

Calls the children warmly.

Child:How beautiful the New Year tree is,

Look how she dressed up.

Dress by the Christmas tree of green silk,

Bright beads sparkle on the chest.

SONG “How good!”

Leading:How good it is for us to have fun now,

Sing and spin around the decorated Christmas tree.

What surprises await us today?

Perhaps guests from a fairy tale will come to us?

No one knows what will happen to us,

But how interesting! Oh, how interesting!

(At this time, the lights in the hall go out. The music is mysterious, fairy-tale, first increases in volume, and then goes into the background. The first character of the fairy tale comes out - the Snow Maiden).

The phone on the tree stump rings. The Snow Maiden picks up the phone):

(Phonogram “Phone Ringing”)
- Hello!
The voice of Santa Claus on the phone (voice from behind the stage):
- Hello granddaughter!

Snow Maiden:
- Hello Dedushka Moroz! I’ve already been waiting for you in the fairytale forest. Have you forgotten that today we need to go to the children’s holiday?!

Father Frost:
- What are you granddaughter of! How can you forget this! After all, such a holiday happens only once a year. I’ll definitely come to the guys, I’ll just be a little late, and you go, I’ll catch up with you.

Snow Maiden:
- Okay, grandpa. (hangs up the phone)
- I’ll hurry to the children’s holiday.

The Snow Maiden goes backstage.

Screams and hooting can be heard behind the scenes.

Baba Yaga:
- Yeah! Gotcha!!! Come in from the left!
- Surround!
Baba Yaga:

- Knit it!

- Grab the bag!

They go out into the hall.

Baba Yaga (wiping sweat from her forehead):
- Phew, we did it! The cat will be happy! Br-r-r-r-…
Kikimora (rubbing his hands):
- We kidnapped Santa Claus and a bag of gifts! Now we will have a holiday, but the guys will not! Hee-hee-hee... And there Koschey himself is thundering!

The music “our Koschey” sounds

The evil spirits watch with their right hands raised to their foreheads for the appearance of K. the Immortal.

K. Immortal: Okay, everyone, attention! New Year is just around the corner!

Baba Yaga (surprised):
- What's on our nose?

K. Bessmertny (laughs):
- You have a wart on your nose, and normal people New Year is around the corner!

Kikimora (surprised):
- But they (points to the guys in the hall) what’s on their noses, huh?
(runs into the hall at a distance of 2-3 m to young spectators).

Baba Yaga and Kikimora begin to touch themselves and each other’s noses, as if looking for where the New Year is. The search turns into a game with the guys in the hall (they are looking for the New Year on the noses of young spectators).

K. Immortal:

Darkness! The same expression goes like this: New Year is just around the corner! So the holiday is coming soon!

Kikimora (pleased):
- What do you mean it's a holiday? A holiday is very good, I love holidays...

K. Immortal:
- Yes, but children love the holiday too! But I can’t let them rejoice and have fun! Report!

Baba Yaga:
- I'm reporting. Thanks to my skillful leadership, the operation was successful. Santa Claus was neutralized and captured, we hid the bag of gifts in a safe place.

K. Immortal:
- And where is Santa Claus?

Kikimora: he, my dear, sits in a tower where even mice are afraid to enter, and not like Santa Claus’s assistants.

K. Bessmertny: You are faced with the task of ruining the children’s holiday and ruining their mood.

Baba Yaga: We will arrive at the holiday first to the guys, I have a jet mortar with a broom! We'll get there faster than the wind!

K. Immortal: Let's go to the Christmas tree! Let's go to the holiday!

Joyful robbers, led by Koshchei the Immortal, run off stage.

The Snow Maiden appears on the stage.

Snow Maiden:
Hello! My friends!
Everyone calls me Snegurochka
And on the New Year's tree
Everyone is looking forward to it!
The children all came to the Christmas tree
Guests are here, but here's a question:
Where does our merry wander?
Good Grandfather Freezing?
It's time for him to come,
He was delayed on the way
Santa Claus, oh, oh!
Do you hear me calling you!

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