Autumn. Consultations and recommendations for parents in the autumn

Consultation for parents “Child in kindergarten”.


The kindergarten is open 5 days a week. Weekend : Saturday, Sunday, national holidays.

It is advisable to bring your child to morning exercises - 8 :00. If you are absent for any reason, you must inform the teacher, preferably the night before. Timely arrival at kindergarten- a necessary condition for the proper organization of the educational process.

If you brought your child after the start of any special moment, please undress him and wait with him in the locker room until the next break.

Give the child to the teacher and pick up the child only from the teacher and only parents . Children under 14 years of age do not have the right to pick up a child from kindergarten. If the child is taken by one of the relatives or acquaintances, the teacher must be notified, providing additional information about this person.

Group teachers, regardless of their age, must be addressed by name and patronymic.

Check with your teacher preschool education, how much and what kind of change of clothes you should bring. In a group room, children go to replacement shoes. IN summer period V preschool Children are accepted only in hats.

You must bring your child to kindergarten in a neat manner form : trimmed nails, combed hair, neat clothes. Trim your child's nails and keep them clean. By scratching while playing, children can injure themselves or others.

Think about your child's clothes nka : before taking your child to kindergarten, check whether his costume matches the season and air temperature. Make sure that the clothes are not too big and do not hinder his movements. Ties and fasteners should be located so that the child can serve himself. Shoes should be light, warm, fit the child’s feet exactly, and be easy to take off and put on. Wearing overalls is not advisable. A child needs a handkerchief, both indoors and on walks. Make convenient pockets on your clothes to store it.

In the morning, when dressing your child for kindergarten, carefully examine him. If you notice something suspicious (scratches, wounds, bruises, redness, rash, etc.), then you must inform the teacher who is receiving the child about this.

If you are concerned about something in your child’s behavior or health, do not hesitate to contact the teacher.

For physical education classes the child needs sportswear form : T-shirt, shorts, sports shoes(Czech).

We ask you to ensure that there are no sharp, cutting or cutting materials in your child’s pockets. piercing objects(scissors, knives, pins, nails, wire, mirrors, glass bottles, as well as small objects (beads, buttons, etc., tablets.

All clothes that are hung on hooks - pants, sweaters, dresses, skirts, shorts, sweaters, jackets - must have a buttonhole sewn on them. All shoes are stored in bags. Change of clothes(panties, T-shirts, socks, tights, blouses, skirts, shorts)also stored in a bag.

It is prohibited to give chewing gum to a child in kindergarten.

The teacher is not responsible for toys and things brought by a child to kindergarten.

Payment for meals in kindergarten is due until the 18th, please pay on time.

If you were unable to resolve any issue with the group teachers, contact the head of the educational institution or his deputy for main activities.

We ask you to support these demands in your family.


For those who want to be good teachers, educators and parents.

Talk to your child in a friendly, respectful tone. In order to influence a child, you must learn to restrain your criticism and see the positive side of communication with the child. The tone in which you address your child should demonstrate respect for him as an individual.

Monitor how your child matures by how he changes inside. Remember that it is very difficult for a child to understand you. It's not the words that matter, it's the personal experience, which stands behind the words.

Be both firm and kind. An adult, having chosen a method of action, should not hesitate. He should be friendly and not act as a judge.

Remove excessive control. Supervising children usually requires special attention from adults. Retaliating with anger rarely leads to success. Calm, reality-reflecting planning of a course of action is more effective.

Support your child. Adults can support the child by recognizing his efforts and contributions, as well as his achievements, and by showing that he understands his feelings when things don't go well. Unlike rewards, support is needed even when the child does not succeed.

Have courage. Changing behavior takes practice and patience. If some approach turns out to be unsuccessful, the adult should not despair, but stop and analyze his experiences and actions. As a result, next time the Adult will know what to do in a similar situation.

Remember that your child is under constant stress. Permanent. He applies the world on himself, gets used to it, and at the same time he himself also changes and grows. He will suffer, break down, do stupid things, make mistakes. And we must understand and help, and not run around with our belts at the ready. The last one is just stupid.

An adult must always demonstrate trust in the child, confidence in him and respect for him as an individual.

You have to be honest with your child.

Memo: “What is kindergarten”

Kindergarten plays one of the main roles in the formation of the personality and growth of the child. This is not just a place where the baby is looked after while he isparents are at work, is the first educational center that takes into account all the requirements for the education of psychological, social and emotional development in the early period childhood

Both in the nursery and in the kindergarten, the individual characteristics of each child and his development are taken into account, he is provided with an environment in which he can feel confident, and pedagogical techniques that promote, through various types of activities, knowledge of the world around him, independence in relationships with adults and ability to behave in a team.

Kindergartens are equipped with rich didactic material, which the child may already be familiar with, since he has it at home. But in kindergarten he have to share with other children. Friendships are fostered. Thanks to new games and activities, the child develops his intellectual abilities.

It is important that parents, when sending their child to kindergarten, are clearly aware of the responsibility of their choice, because their indecision, anxiety and anxiety can negatively affect the child, provoking his reluctance to attend kindergarten.

" Safety children are the care of adults"

Parents Along with preschool employees, they are responsible for safe children's stay in kindergarten.

Child safetyis the main link in the complex of education child.

Precautions must be taken against receiving child injury , because children under 7 years of age show great interest in the objects around them.

What not to bring to the nursery garden :

Any medications

Brought baby medicine, may cause poisoning to other children.

Food(fruits, cheeses, chips, juices, yoghurts, chewing gum, etc.)

Please check carefully what exactly is yours.child carries to kindergarten! Remember that children tend to treat each other with secretly brought sweets - this can cause allergic reaction, food poisoning, infectious disease, and candies - lollipops - are also very dangerous, as they are easy to choke on, especially if a child chews and plays or runs at the same time.

Dangerous items

Often children are secretly parents brought to the nursery garden : nails, pieces of wire, lighters, matches, mirrors, scissors, glass bottles, ropes, etc. These may cause injury child.

Cosmetic preparations

It is prohibited to bring various items of cosmetics - children's toilet water, nail polish, etc.

Small items(buttons, buttons, beads, beads, etc.)

To avoid incidents of injury, parents it is necessary to check the contents of pockets in clothes baby

Before you leadchild to kindergarten, check whether his costume matches the season and air temperature. Make sure that the clothes are not too big and do not hinder his movements. Ties and fasteners should be positioned so that child could take care of himself. Shoes should be light, warm, and fit the foot exactly. baby , easy to take off and put on. Handkerchief requiredchild like indoors, and on a walk.

To avoid injury, it is imperative to check the contents of the pockets in your clothing. baby for the presence of dangerous objects.

Dear parents!

Conduct preventive conversations with children, explain which of the objects around them can cause injury to them, and which objects are strictly prohibited for them to use.

Remember that the quality of your compliance with preventive and protective measures dependsyour child's safety!

We work for the family and with the family!

Autumn consultations for educators and educators in publications on MAAM

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All sections | Autumn. Consultations and recommendations for parents in the autumn

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Dear parents!

Continuing the conversation about the prevention of children's road traffic injuries, let's talk about flickers.

Flickers are products for children and adults in the form of stripes, chevrons or pendants to be worn at night to reduce the incidence of collisions with pedestrians. A small pendant on a cord or a badge on a pin is attached to clothing, stickers - on a bicycle, scooter, backpack, bag. At first glance, the flicker looks like a toy. But its use, according to security experts traffic, reduces child injuries on the road by six and a half times!

This element will allow you to better notice the child if it is dark outside, which is important for the winter season and simply in cloudy or rainy weather. It is very good if reflective elements are already present on the clothes, but if they are not, then such elements can be purchased and sewn on yourself. Their colors and designs are very diverse, which will not spoil the appearance of the clothes. Funny pictures will surely please your child. As an option, you can purchase reflective tape. Such braid is sewn in the necessary places and also does not spoil the overall appearance of the clothing, but even complements it.

Even in summer, children may need flickers, where there is no lighting on the roadway in the evening. Buy reflectors for your children! Wearing clothing and personal items with reflective elements is one of the simplest, but effective ways, with the help of which pedestrians (as well as other road users) can be more visible on the road at night. In this case, being noticed in time means being safer in poor visibility conditions (in the dark, during rain or snow). Reflective elements- these are elements made of special materials that have the ability to return a beam of light back to the source.

A driver driving a car at a speed of about 40 km/h using low beam headlights can notice a pedestrian at a distance of about 25 meters, which will not give him the opportunity to brake and avoid a collision. If a pedestrian uses reflective elements, the driver has the opportunity to notice him from a distance exceeding

150 m.

Where should reflective elements be used?

On outerwear, shoes, hats

On backpacks, bags, folders and other items

On strollers, bicycles, scooters, rollerblades, sleds, etc.

On a helmet and special protective equipment.

Features of the use of reflective elements

Reflective elements on clothing must be placed at a height of 80 cm to one meter from the surface of the roadway. The most noticeable is a straight reflective strip at least seven centimeters long, placed on clothing or a bag. It is better to use several items with reflective elements at the same time various shapes and sizes.

What should a parent know?

When purchasing clothes for a child, you need to pay attention to the presence of reflective elements on them.

Reflective elements for a child up to 140 cm tall are placed on the backpack, upper part of the sleeve, and headdress.

The more reflective elements on a child’s clothing, the more visible he is to the driver of a vehicle at night.

In the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, it is recommended to use objects with reflective elements, and their use is mandatory outside populated areas.

What should a child know?

Reflective elements are beautiful, fashionable and bright.

The presence of reflective elements does not provide an advantage in movement! You definitely need to make sure that the driver really saw you.

Reflective elements should be placed on clothing, backpacks, strollers, personal belongings, bicycles, roller skates and other items.

Can be used different kinds reflective elements - badges, bracelets, stickers, key rings, ribbons, thermal decals, reflectors, sleeves for clothes, etc.

Dear parents!

Protecting yourself and your children on the road costs very little compared to the cost of life and health. Road safety is sold in clothing stores, departments for cyclists, children's clothing sections, and at gas stations.

I really want to believe that with the help of flickers, the situation on the roads will change for the better - the number of pedestrians injured in road accidents will decrease. But for this it is necessary that every person realizes that it is necessary to take care of his life.

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