How to bleach a shirt at home. How to whiten a white blouse and shirt: a review of professional products and folk experience

After numerous washes, the item may lose its attractiveness and acquire a yellow tint.

Use the means at hand to whiten your blouse

The problem can be solved by means available in every home:

  1. Laundry soap - wet the shirt in water and rub thoroughly with the product, paying special attention to heavily soiled areas. Wash after three hours.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide - dilute in water and mix thoroughly, place the blouse for thirty minutes. To improve the effect, you can add a small amount of soda.
  3. Ammonia - prepare a solution, dip it in it for three hours.
  4. Citric acid - dilute it in water, immerse the shirt in the liquid and rinse after two hours. To achieve a better effect, add soap shavings or regular washing powder to the solution.
  5. Potassium permanganate will quickly return your favorite things to their former whiteness and freshness. Dissolve a few crystals in soapy water until the water turns soft pink. Let the items sit for five hours, then wash as usual and rinse thoroughly, changing the water several times.
  6. Baking soda is another option on how to whiten your favorite hair color at home. white shirt. Add it along with the powder to the washing machine or basin.
  7. Whiteness - lower the product into it for twenty minutes, turn it over periodically. Remember that this product contains chlorine, so it does not leave other things nearby - if whiteness gets on them, an unsightly stain may appear.
  8. Powdered milk - fill the container with water and add the product, mix thoroughly, wash the item.
  9. Boiling - pour the powder into a container filled with water, place the product in the resulting solution and boil for thirty minutes. You should not carry out this procedure too often, otherwise the fabric will lose its quality.

A shirt can be bleached using various bleaches. They easily remove stains and are suitable for almost all light-colored items. Acid compounds are very popular and can be used for both white and colored clothes.


Bleaching by fabric type

Before washing light-colored items, determine the type of fabric - each has its own characteristics.

Therefore, the methods listed above are not universal.

Items made from cotton can be bleached in three ways:

  1. Boiling - pour water into a container and add washing powder. The procedure takes thirty minutes, the clothes must be constantly stirred so that the whitening occurs evenly.
  2. For those who have turned yellow products will fit laundry soap - soap the item and place it in a plastic bag, tie it to block air access. After a day, rinse well.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia can easily combat grayness. Soak the laundry for half an hour and then rinse.

A cotton shirt will turn snow-white after boiling

Everything is very simple with them. Place clothes in the vinegar solution and leave for two hours, then wash with powder. Another option that will help get rid of yellowness is soapy water mixed with ammonia.

Turpentine will return a snow-white look to a linen shirt

To return things perfectly White color, use turpentine - just soak the product in it for twelve hours. If you regularly bleach linen clothes, prepare a soda solution. Leave the mixture for 24 hours, strain, pour into jars and use as needed. To prevent graying after washing, always add salt to the powder.

Before processing silk items, you need to carefully wash them. Bleaching should be done carefully so as not to destroy the structure of the fabric. There are several methods:

  • yellow stains are easily removed by alcohol - treat problem areas repeatedly;
  • mix water, powder, ammonia, salt and hydrogen peroxide, soak the product for a couple of hours, then rinse - this composition quickly returns the lost whiteness to the fabric;
  • lemon juice - add to water, immerse things in the solution and leave for twelve hours.

A silk shirt requires careful washing

You should not use chlorine-containing bleaches for such products, as they may turn yellow and lose their attractiveness. Use other options for whitening:

  1. Mix salt with water, wet clothes and leave for a couple of hours, then wash as usual.
  2. Laundry soap will help get rid of yellow stains. Place the items in cool water, after three hours, rub the soap until foam forms. Soak for another hour in hot water without rinsing off the product. Then wash the product and carry out the procedure again.
  3. Aspirin is a great way to remove stains. Dissolve two tablets in water and apply the resulting slurry to contaminated areas two to three hours before washing.

Soak your shirt in saline solution

The most problematic parts of a white shirt are the cuffs and collar. To return them to their dazzling whiteness, use the following methods:

  1. Stain removers and bleaches - dilute according to instructions and be sure to follow safety precautions.
  2. Laundry soap - easily cleanses all dirt. Rub the product with it and leave it for a couple of hours, then put it in the wash.
  3. Talc – will help with small stains. Sprinkle it on a wet shirt and leave it overnight. In the morning the fabric will be perfectly white.
  4. – removes greasy areas from the collar.
  5. Vinegar – eats away stubborn stains. Soak the problem area in it and leave for thirty minutes.

Snow-white collar after bleaching

Before using any of these methods, determine the type of fabric - not all methods are universal.

Bleaching agents for shirts

Such products should be used only according to the instructions indicated on the packaging. To wash clothes, it is important to choose the right preparations. They are different:

  1. Bleach containing chlorine is an aggressive product that gives good results. They are suitable for thick fabrics, but are destructive for silk and chiffon.
  2. Oxygen compounds are an excellent option for children's things. Active substances do not affect tissue structure.
  3. Optical brighteners are a product that does not have any effect on the material. During the procedure, a thin film is formed on the shirt, which returns its former whiteness.

Features of whitening

Your favorite shirt will stay snow-white longer if you set the wash temperature to the right temperature. In addition, it is important to follow other rules:

  • Always wash light-colored fabrics separately from other items;
  • separate linen and cotton from synthetics;
  • When stored for a long time, clothes turn yellow, so do not allow this to happen - stubborn stains are more difficult to remove;
  • when washing white items with colored inserts or embroidery, add salt to the powder - it will help preserve the color;
  • Bleaching worsens the structure of the material, so the procedure should be carried out every three to four washes.

If your favorite shirt has turned grey, yellowed or has stains on it, try one of the above methods. When using aggressive substances, do not forget to use protective equipment.

A white shirt gets dirty quickly. But this problem can be solved using simple methods.

Whitening a white shirt at home

The following methods are offered for this:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Add 1 teaspoon of 3% peroxide to hot water and leave your clothes there for 20 minutes. If the stains are stubborn or yellowed, add 1 teaspoon of baking soda. To ensure even whitening, stir the item constantly. After the expiration date, take the item out and rinse in clean water, then hang it to dry.
  2. Peroxide and ammonia. Fill a bowl with 5 liters of hot water and add 1 tablespoon of peroxide and the same amount ammonia. After all, place the blouse in the solution and leave to soak for 30 minutes. Rinse the treated blouse in clean water.
  3. You can use regular bleach. To do this, add a little laundry detergent and bleach when washing. Remember that each bleach has its own proportion, which is indicated on the package.
  4. Using the “grandmother’s” method. You can add a little “whiteness” to water and boil the shirt. But note that this method is harsh, and frequent use leads to depletion of the tissue. If you don't want to boil the item, keep it in hot water, leave for a couple of minutes, then rinse well in fairly hot water. Then immerse in the solution again for 1 minute, then remove and wash as usual.

How to bleach a white shirt, ridding it of yellowness

Against yellowness, you can use sodium bicarbonate, sodium tetraborate, lemon juice and other means:

  • Soak the product in 1 liter of water. Dissolve a glass of powdered milk in it in advance. This method Perfect for whitening cuffs and collars;
  • Place the eggshells in the washing machine, first placing them in a bag with strong material;
  • To remove traces of makeup, you can wipe the stain with a detergent recommended for washing dishes. By the way, professional makeup artists wash their cosmetic tools this way.

How to quickly whiten white school shirts

Bleach white clothes Can different ways, they depend on the degree of pollution and the causes of its occurrence.

In order not to spoil the item, pay attention to the maximum permissible temperature conditions, which must be indicated on the label:

  • Pour boiling water into a bowl and add 1 cup of whiteness. Gently immerse the product in the container for a couple of minutes, then lift it up. Repeat the process of lowering and raising until you see that the spots have disappeared. Then place the blouse in a bowl of cold water, rinse and wash as usual.
  • Use regular bleach and add it to the water when washing with laundry detergent.
  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of peroxide in 2 liters of water and place the contaminated item there. To make the result even better, it is advisable to add a pinch of soda ash to the solution.
  • Dilute about 5 tablespoons of ammonia in hot water, dip the product in it for half an hour, and then rinse well.

How to bleach a white synthetic shirt

You can return your clothes to their former whiteness using oxygen bleach. Place hot water, add bleach in the required proportion and soak the clothes overnight. In the morning, rinse the item well in cold water. Place the shirt in the drum of the machine, set the mode required for your type of fabric.

To maintain whiteness, choose a specific powder for white items. If the shirt is heavily soiled, make the following solution:

  • pour hot water into the basin;
  • add 2 tablespoons of ammonia and 3 tablespoons of peroxide, a handful of washing powder and 5 tablespoons of salt;
  • mix everything well and soak the shirt in it for 1 hour.

Don't know how to bleach the collar of a white shirt? Peroxide has wonderful whitening properties. Dilute 3 tablespoons of peroxide and 1 teaspoon of soda in three liters of water, dip the shirt in it for 40 minutes, then rinse and wash in a warm solution with soap. The product will perfectly whiten the collar.

Add 100 grams of powder and a couple of drops of potassium permanganate to boiling water to get a light pink tint. Place the shirt there and cover it cling film. When the liquid has cooled completely, remove the product and rinse in large quantities water.

In addition, there is a simple folk remedy for how to bleach a white shirt - boiling. To do this, pour water into a large saucepan and pour a handful of hand washing powder into it. Place the blouse in the solution. Place the container on the fire, then bring the liquid to a boil. After half an hour, take out the clothes and rinse them in water. Remember that frequent boiling leads to rapid depletion of tissue.

Hello, reader! A white shirt can be found in the wardrobe of each of us, regardless of status and age. This universal item, unfortunately, quickly gets dirty. But this can be easily eliminated if you know how to bleach a white shirt.

Home remedies for white hair

A white blouse never goes out of style. Unfortunately, this thing also constantly becomes gray, losing its former snowy whiteness. Is it possible to return them to their previous appearance and at the same time preserve the integrity of the fibers and their structure.

Bleaching a shirt at home

At home, you can use the following tips:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide, one teaspoon, is poured into a small basin. Add boiling water. The shirt is placed in the resulting mixture and left for 15-20 minutes. Sometimes a person sweats a lot, causing the tissue in the collar and chest area to turn yellow. In this case, the solution is supplemented with soda. A teaspoon per three liters of boiling water will be enough. The item is left for 20 minutes, after which it is rinsed with running warm water.
  2. Peroxide and ammonia (1 tablespoon each) are dissolved in 5 liters of boiling water. Place the shirt in the resulting solution for half an hour. Then rinse thoroughly - ammonia can cause irritation if it comes into contact with the skin.
  3. If you need to remove sweat stains from certain areas of a shirt, you can use the collar, cuffs or armpits. laundry soap(grate) mixed with hydrogen peroxide (50 ml). Apply a thin layer of product to stains. Leave for 20 minutes, after which the item is thoroughly washed.
  4. Potatoes help with yellowness. Rub the contaminated area with a root vegetable cut in half until it becomes wet. Leave until completely dry and remove any starch that has formed. Then wash.
  5. You can also use aspirin. Several tablets are diluted in water to form a paste, which should be applied to problem areas. If your shirt has turned yellow from sweat, talc, familiar to many, will help. The product is poured in a dense layer onto the problem areas and left for at least 10 hours, after which it is sent to the washing machine.

How to bleach a schoolboy's white shirt

School shirts are especially difficult to bleach. Paint stains, pen marks, food marks - this is not a complete list of contaminants that the reader has probably found on the clothes of his son or daughter.

From constant washing, the cuffs, collar and front panels become gray.

Agree, you don’t want to wear such a product. What to do?

Of course, make attempts to return to its former whiteness:

  1. Dissolve 5 tablespoons of ammonia in boiling water. Immerse the product in the resulting solution and leave for half an hour. After this, rinse thoroughly and wash.
  2. Soaking the cuffs and collar in a mixture of 1 liter of water and 50 g of milk powder will make them snow-white again. Washing with laundry soap has the same effect.
  3. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of peroxide, ammonia, washing powder, 5 tbsp. l salt in very boiling water. To stir thoroughly. Soak the soiled items in the resulting mixture for 60 minutes.
  4. The most common method that our grandmothers used was boiling. They can save a faded shirt or blouse. Boiling time - 30 minutes.

It is important to remember that this method is only suitable for cotton products. Synthetic material will simply deteriorate.

We return the whiteness to a men's shirt

It has already been said that a man’s shirt most often loses its whiteness due to sweat.

You can deal with this problem using one of the following methods or use the following: folk remedies:

  1. Laundry soap 72%. They rub it on pre-moistened areas where traces of sweat and deodorant are visible. Leave for half an hour and then wash with bleach powder.
  2. A bleaching composition of a teaspoon, salt and 2 liters of water, the temperature of which is not higher than 40°C, will save a silk shirt from yellow spots and return it to its original color. The product is soaked for 20 minutes, after which it is thoroughly rinsed.
  3. Today, linen shirts are becoming more common in men's wardrobes. Perhaps you still have the same shirt that your father or grandfather wore. Of course, over the years it has lost its former whiteness. How to improve the situation? Simple enough. To do this, you will need to soak the product for 3 hours in vinegar. You can also use ammonia by adding it to water.
  4. Sweat leaves nasty yellow stains on your shirt. You can deal with them with white. The substance is added to water when boiling. The second option is to dissolve a cup of bleach in boiling water and lower the product for two to three minutes. Rinse and soak the shirt again in the solution for one minute. Then wash by hand.
  5. If you have a white shirt with black inserts in your wardrobe, bleaching should be done with great care. It is best if you wash the product in water with the addition of citric acid and vinegar.

Important. No soaking.

Let's keep embroidered blouses white

Blouses with embroidery occupy worthy place in the wardrobe of more and more fashionistas. Of course, they look very beautiful, but at the same time they require delicate care.

  1. The first wash is carried out exclusively by hand. Water should be no more than 30°C. To fix the color of the embroidery, add 100 g of vinegar and soak the product in the prepared solution for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse the blouse in running water.
  2. To eliminate the possibility that the embroidery will fade, you should soak the blouse for 15-20 minutes in a saline solution. To do this, dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water.
  3. Sometimes it happens that something has faded on an embroidered blouse. It is impossible to cope with this without bleach. Just choose a product that does not contain chlorine and strictly follow the instructions.

These are the methods that will allow you to both whiten a white shirt and give the product the new kind. If you liked the article, recommend it to your friends at in social networks. Also, subscribe to blog updates and you will regularly receive new interesting materials.

To bleach a white shirt at home means to get rid of yellowness, gray tint, and various stains. You can clean your shirt using home methods and household bleaches.

Boiling and adding bleach will help to bleach quickly. Stain removers effectively clean marks on white fabric. Useful material for bleaching cotton - ammonia and peroxide. Vinegar and turpentine are suitable for flax.

At home, you can quickly give a snow-white look to your blouse:

  1. Bleach. Add the product to the washing machine compartment along with the powder. The dosage is set by the manufacturer on the packaging. The blouse tag determines the temperature setting for washing.
  2. White. Boil the shirt with the addition of the product according to the manufacturer's dosage. An effective but aggressive way. With prolonged exposure to whiteness, the fabric becomes thinner. You can not boil the clothes, but keep them in the solution for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and wash.
  3. Ammonia. Dissolve 5 tbsp. l. along with hot water. Put the blouse down. Wait 30 minutes, rinse.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide. 1 tsp dissolve the substances in 2 liters of water, add 0.5 tsp. soda Clothes should sit for 20 minutes. Machine washable.
  5. "Bleaching" in the sun. A simple, delicate method. Place the washed shirt on the balcony on the sunny side. The product should dry for a maximum of 2 days. The method is suitable for recent yellowness.
  6. Boiling. Immerse the dirty item in a bucket of water. Add 50-100 ml of powder. Boil for half an hour. Use tongs to turn the product over. The method is suitable for cotton fabric.

To quickly clean the material, special powders and bleaches are suitable.

Efficiency of popular bleaches

There are 3 main types of bleaches. These tables and recommendations will help determine best option whitening

Type of bleach pros Minuses
  • liquid form;
  • budget;
  • available for sale;
  • used with cold water;
  • high level of whitening;
  • disinfectant effect.
  • strong aroma;
  • sometimes allergic reactions occur;
  • harms fabric fibers;
  • not suitable for colored items and delicate fabrics;
  • Suitable for hand wash only.
  • often powder form;
  • suitable for any fabric and colored clothing;
  • does not affect the structure of the fabric, gently whitens;
  • no pungent aroma;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • can be used for a typewriter.
  • expensive;
  • interaction with fabric only in warm water;
  • inferior to chlorine bleaches.
  • there is a camouflage result;
  • fluorescent particles settle on the material, reflecting, creating a whitening effect;
  • present in powders.
  • It is rare to find a pure composition.

Important condition! Follow the dosage strictly when using bleach to avoid damage to fabric fibers.

  1. The best bleach according to user reviews is “Ace” Oxi Magic.
  2. A budget choice for a large family is “Udalix” Oxi Ultra.
  3. For expensive items, “Astonish” Oxi Plus is suitable for removing stains. Removes stains and yellowness without a trace.
  4. The Sarma stain remover quickly and effectively removes stains and yellow stains. Works in cold water.
  5. Perfectly removes stains and yellowness from white Bos Plus fabric. Budget choice.
  6. Eared Nanny laundry soap will help remove yellowness, stains, and stains from pens and markers from children's white blouses. Excellent for removing traces of chocolate and juice from white shirts.

When choosing a bleach, you should take into account the type of fabric, composition consumption in relation to price.

  1. To save fresh look blouses cannot be mixed colored clothes with white things. This method will avoid painting the product. Synthetics and natural materials should not be combined.
  2. Salt will keep the color embroidered elements white blouse. It needs to be added 2-3 tbsp. when washing.
  3. White material should not be bleached more often than after 3-4 washes.
  4. Follow the instructions on the shirt tag. Strictly observe the dosage of the composition.

Compliance with the rules will help to obtain a high bleaching result and preserve the structure of the fibers.

Review of popular home recipes

Sometimes the user cannot use chemical compounds due to allergic reactions.

Folk remedies will help whiten your shirt.

Name Recipe What whitens
Boric acid Stir 2 tbsp and 3 liters of boiling water. Put the shirt down. Wait 3 hours. Rinse under running cold water. Machine wash. Any white fabrics.
Aspirin Dissolve 2 tablets in water until a homogeneous mixture is formed. Apply to the stain and wait 120 minutes. Wash mechanically. Grayness, yellowness from synthetics.
Hydrogen peroxide Take 2.2 liters of filtered water. Synthetics require a temperature of 35-40°C. Cotton - 65°C. Dilute 35 ml of 6% peroxide and 40 g of salt in a basin. Place the item and wait 15 minutes. Stir the product in water. Then wash by hand, then in a machine with air conditioning. Rinse without squeezing. Dry without exposing the fabric to the sun. Collar, cuffs from any white fabric.
Soda Mix with the powder, ratio 1:1 and pour into the machine compartment. The mode is selected according to the type of matter. Baking soda will help remove stains by pouring it along the contour of the mark and waiting 60 minutes. Then wash. Cotton fabric.
Hydrogen peroxide Dissolve 3 tbsp in 4 liters of boiling water. l. peroxide, 3 tbsp. l. salt. Soak by hand for 60 minutes. Rinse and wash with powder. Cotton fabric.
Laundry soap 72% Fill a large container with water. Soak and rub soap over the entire area of ​​the blouse. Wait 60 minutes. Wash mechanically. Yellowness from cotton.
Ammonia Mix 3 liters of water and 50 ml of ammonia. Soak the shirt, wait 120 minutes. Rinse and wash with powder. If the fabric is stained during washing.
Turpentine Take 3 liters of warm water, pour 2 tbsp. l. substances. Soak the fabric and wait 12 hours. Rinse well. Wash mechanically. The disadvantage is that it is difficult to remove the smell from turpentine. Effective for removing stains and heavy traces of dirt.
Vinegar Take 3 liters of water and 50 ml of 9% vinegar. Soak the shirt. She should lie down for 2-3 hours. Rinse, machine wash with powder and conditioner. Removes old stains.
Powdered milk Dissolve 200 grams of powdered milk in 3 liters of water. Soak the already washed item for 120 minutes. Rinse the item and dry it. Quickly covers up blemishes.
Salt Dilute 4 tbsp. salt in 2 liters of warm water. Soak the clothes and wait half an hour. Wash with powder. Delicate fabrics.
Citric acid Combine 2 tsp. acids and powder. For acid stains, sprinkle on wet area. Wash off after 30 minutes. Yellow stains from school blouses and shirts.
Potassium permangantsovka Dissolve 3 grains of manganese in 5 liters of boiling water. The color of the water is pink. Pour 0.2 kg of powder and wash the item by hand. Then put the clothes in and cover the container with a lid. The matter should lie down until the solution cools. Rinse and wash if necessary. Yellowness from cotton.
Glycerin, vodka Take 300 ml of glycerin and 1 liter of vodka, mix. Add 400 ml of water. Soak the item and wait 30 minutes. Handwash only. Rub with tar soap. Place in the machine, add Vanish powder and conditioner. Wash for 30 minutes. Removes fresh and old stains.
Bicarbonate of soda Heat 2 liters of water. Add pharmaceutical substance 150 ml. Soak clothes, wait 15 minutes. Handwash only. Rinse mechanically with the addition of conditioner. Whitens at peroxide level.
Lemon juice Soak a medium-sized shirt in a solution of 500 ml of water and 400 ml of juice from freshly squeezed 3-4 lemons. Then cover the basin with film and wait 5 hours. Rub with laundry soap and wait 60 minutes. Place in the machine and wash with powder. Yellow stains from cotton, satin.

Dissolve 3 tablets in 3 liters of water. Pour 50-100 ml of powder. Rub the cloth and soak for 20 minutes. Then rinse and throw into the machine, add conditioner. Yellow stains from cotton, satin, synthetics.

When washing by hand with aggressive ingredients, be sure to use gloves. They will help protect your skin from damage.

Removing stains from different types of fabric

The following remedies will help whiten a shirt from various stains.

Means Recipe What stains, material
Ethanol Soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply to the mark for 25 minutes. Wash with laundry soap. Fat, oil.
Dishwashing gel Pour onto the trail and wait 120 minutes. Rub and rinse with soap. Pen, felt-tip pen.
Ammonia 10% Soak a cotton swab in a solution of water. Follow the trail from the edge to the center. Wash off the contamination with water. Traces of food, fat.
Flour+soap Cover the stain with flour and rub with laundry soap. Wait 5-10 minutes. Handwash only. Chocolate, coffee, tea.
Salt, soap, aspirin
  1. Soak the blouse for 2 hours in saline solution.
  2. Rub with laundry soap.
  3. Dissolve 3 aspirin tablets in water and apply for 3 hours.
Ammonia, lemon juice
  1. Rub the areas with alcohol.
  2. Soak in lemon juice shirt for 12 hours.
Vinegar, soap, alcohol
  1. Soak in a solution of vinegar and water for 2 hours.
  2. Wash with laundry soap.
  3. Soak a cotton swab in ammonia and rub the stain.
Boiling, peroxide, soda
  1. Boil in a bucket with powder and bleach.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in peroxide and rub the mark.
  3. Mix water with baking soda and apply the product to the mark, rinse after 10-15 minutes.
Talc, ammonia
  1. Apply talc to fresh marks. Wet the fabric. Leave for 12 hours. Wash mechanically.
  2. Remove fat from the collar using this method: dilute 1 tbsp alcohol with ⅓ glass of water. and 1 tbsp. salt. Lubricate the trace. Rinse with water.
Greasy marks on the collar and cuffs.
Vodka, lemon juice
  1. Vodka will help. Moisten the cotton wool and rub the armpits 3 times, changing the tampon.
  2. Soak the item for 12 hours in lemon juice.
Yellow stains on silk from armpit sweat.

By using proven home remedies, you can easily deal with dullness and yellowness on your shirt. For severe stains, aggressive bleaches will help. The main condition is to take into account the instructions on the product tag and use the exact dosage of the product.

After several washes, snow-white linen loses its original appearance. There are various substances that have a whitening effect. Every housewife has many of them in her arsenal: soda, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, citric acid. In shops household chemicals also presented different types bleaches. When choosing a product, you need to focus on the fabric composition of the item. You need to remember that you can bleach things no more than once every 5 washes.

Whitening clothes

Often, after repeated washing, white items lose their snow-white appearance and acquire a grayish or yellowish tint. Over the course of several months, various spots appear on them. Many housewives do not know how to return a yellowed shirt to its original color or what product to use for the fabric.

Products from the store are often expensive and are used up quickly. Along with them, to bleach shirts, you can use substances that every housewife has.

Folk recipes

At home, you can restore the lost whiteness of a shirt using household chemicals or folk recipes.People have been using whitening methods for a long time, so they are all reliable, proven and effective:

  • The most difficult places where yellowness appears most often and quickly are the collars, cuffs and armpits of a white shirt. To return them to their former whiteness, you can use hydrogen peroxide. Prepare a solution for soaking. For 10 liters take 10-15 g of hydrogen peroxide. Mix and soak white linen. It should float freely in the liquid for uniform whitening. You can add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. baking soda. After half an hour, wash clothes with laundry soap.
  • If the yellowing area is small, you can wash it separately with laundry soap and cover it with regular salt. Rub into the stain and leave for 3 hours. Then you need to wash the stain again with laundry soap and rinse with clean water.
  • Ammonia has long been a well-known means for bleaching things to make them snow-white. Water (10 liters) is poured into a basin and 8 tbsp is added to it. l. ammonia. white thing soak for 3 hours, then rinse in running water.
  • To bleach a shirt, you can use potassium permanganate. This is hard to believe, because potassium permanganate is bright pink. When used correctly, it can restore the snow-white appearance of things. Several crystals are dissolved in 0.5 cups of water. Then the water from above is poured into the basin so that undissolved crystals from the bottom do not get in. The water should turn a soft pink color. Add a glass there soap solution. Yellowed and gray items are soaked for 5 hours. Then rinse or wash the items as usual.
  • Citric acid is used to bleach white school shirts. Things are soaked in a solution of water with citric acid. 1 tsp. crystals per 10 liters of water. To enhance the effect, add soap shavings or soap solution to the water.
  • Vinegar is great for bleaching holiday shirts. Dilute 2 tbsp in water. l.vinegar, soak for 40 minutes. Then rinse in running cold water.
  • Soda is not used separately to bleach things. Most often, it is simply added to the container for washing powder in washing machine in an amount equal to the powder. Soda does not spoil fabric and is suitable for bleaching silk blouses.
  • To enhance the whitening effect, milk powder is used. It is diluted in water, the laundry is soaked for 30 minutes, then rinsed with running water.

Boiling and chlorination

The most effective method bleaching laundry is still boiling. Add washing powder to a bucket or large pan of water and boil for half an hour. Such an aggressive procedure for linen can be carried out no more than after five washes. Otherwise, the fiber structure will quickly collapse and the item will become unusable. It must be remembered that Items made from natural fabrics such as cotton and linen are subject to boiling.

Another effective method bleaching - the use of Whiteness. The product is soaked in a solution of 5 liters of water and 2 tbsp. l. white for 20 minutes.

You cannot keep the item in the solution for longer than the prescribed time. Chlorine destroys fabric and there is a risk of ruining your outfit. Whiteness can only be used for white items made from natural fabrics. Colored labels and stripes will fade and fade in the solution.

You can only work with Whiteness while wearing gloves.

Household chemicals for whitening

Household chemical stores offer a wide selection of products for bleaching all types of fabrics.

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